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Chapter 303

Torazai Souyi continues to write his diary. The best way to deal with Asayama Richiro is to ignore him and let him do whatever he wants. He will always explain what needs to be said clearly. This is also a summary after several years of practice.

Ways to deal with it.

Asayama Richeng suddenly stood up, opened the door and window, checked around, and confirmed that the courtyard outside the window was quiet. The cold night wind took away the heat in the bedroom. He closed the door and window and walked back. Asayama Richeng showed an unprecedented serious expression: "Ignorant monk

After entering, I discovered that these Yuezhong farmers were actually secretly organizing the Yi Kui. Several houses were filled with dark crowds who seemed to be discussing the Yi Kui affairs. The poor monk did not know how many of them there were because of the passing people.

There were so many believers in the Xiangzong sect that the poor monk, fearing that he might be exposed, hurriedly turned around and came out."

"Issei Yikui?" Torazai Zongyi opened his eyes wide, carefully placed the brush on the inkstone, turned around and asked: "How come there is Yishang Issui? Didn't anyone notice their abnormality?"

Chaoshan Richeng shook his head and said: "I don't know much about this poor monk. I just happened to bump into the monk when the followers were leaving and didn't have time to talk to him."

"Tomorrow, the poor monk will go to Kasugayama Castle to report this matter."

Three days later, several temporary resettlement sites were suddenly surrounded by large armies. The Vietnamese and Chinese farmers who were caught off guard were placed under strict guard. Several Vietnamese and Chinese leaders who were hiding among them were caught and charged with violating Echigo's prohibition on religious preaching.

They were executed on the spot on the grounds of the ban. Although all the Vietnamese and Chinese farmers were dispersed to several villages in the Guanchuan River Basin, an instigation that had not yet begun came to an abrupt end.

In a whale house in a town in Naoetsu Port, two monkey musicians were performing the kyogen drama "Two Daimyos". Each of them wore an exaggerated mask. They were playing taiko drums and playing flutes beside them, and the story was full of interesting stories.

The wonderful repertoire and vivid performances attracted waves of cheers.

When the song of monkey music ended, it was already evening. The monkey musicians also packed up their things and went to a dormitory near the whale house. The two monkey musicians who took off their clothes revealed two similar but ordinary faces.

It was the old man and the middle-aged man who played the music in the pub that day. Today, the one playing the taiko drum was the little granddaughter, and the one playing the flute was her mother.

When the four people approached the room, it became very quiet. After a long time, a strong man wearing a bamboo hat walked into the room and sat down. If Kobata Nobuzada saw him, he would definitely reveal his identity. He was one of the few who were following him that day.

The leader of the travelers in Ming Yue.

"Why did the news leak out? Can you afford the big deal?" The old man's expression remained unchanged. His voice was weird, like the sharp sound of cutting foam, and a pair of turbid eyes burst out with strong murderous intent.

"The people below made a big mistake. They thought that the best results would be achieved by working together as a group. They refused to obey my command, and even threatened the army brought by that person's executive officer. But please don't worry, we are fully prepared.

, the other believers have already broken into pieces and integrated into the villages, so even if something happens at one point in the middle of the country, it will not affect the great cause."

The old man stared at him expressionlessly, and after a long time he groaned: "Don't underestimate the power of Hattori Ninja! Last time, you were followed and almost ruined the big thing. Fortunately, my people reacted quickly and noticed something moving outside, so

Use some means to scare the Hattori ninja away."

"Yes! We have learned our lesson! We were very careful when we came here this time. We used five stand-ins to drive all the way from the castle town to here. No one will follow us again." The strong man had only sat down for half a quarter of an hour and was already full.

Sweating profusely: "We will adjust as soon as possible. It will be easier for farmers in Vietnam and China to spread out and connect in series. Please trust us."

"Our time is very tight and we can't wait for you to adjust calmly. If you can't cooperate as required, you know the consequences!"

"Don't worry! We will definitely live up to that person's expectations! As for the payment of fees..." The strong man deliberately emphasized the word "expenses" in his tone, which attracted a piercing glance from the expressionless middle-aged man.

"Give it to them!" As soon as the old man said, the middle-aged woman took out two huge boxes and cages from behind and pushed them in front of the strong man.

"The five hundred taels of gold are exactly the same. Please click on it!"

"No, no! We believe that you and that person will not lie to us. Please rest assured that we will definitely make preparations before the date! So, I will leave first!" The strong man picked up the burden and left slowly.

The busy spring sowing has come to an end. This year, the first trial of diversified planting was successful. Grapes, tea, fruit trees and a small amount of peppers and sugar beets were planted on the mountains. Rice, potatoes, corn, pumpkins and a small amount of wheat and soybeans were planted on the plains to form a large-scale agricultural combination.


Grapes, tea and all kinds of fruits are all purchased by Bipa House. They still follow the reservation model. When the fruit trees start to bear fruit, they start to reserve these fruits. There are many ways to trade. With Bipa House's logistics channels, we can provide

Yongle money, rice, cloth and other means of trading.

The introduction of new planting techniques and their great success in growing new grains greatly encouraged Echigo farmers. The inspired local agricultural experts began to study rice planting techniques day and night. Under the step-by-step guidance of Omi farmers, they soon

Master the intensive farming methods from the Ming Dynasty.

At the same time, due to the maturity of irrigation technology and the widespread use of fertilizers, the rice yield per unit area of ​​cultivated land has increased from one stone to two stone. This amount alone is enough to double the rice output of Echigo, although it is not as high as that of the new grain.

The dazzling results also meet domestic demand for rice.

After calculating the grain output last autumn alone, after deducting the rice reserves, there was a surplus of nearly 270,000 koku, which was enough for Echigo, which was originally short of grain, to become a major grain-producing country.

It was sold to Kinai through Biwaya's logistics channel and became a huge sensation. Kira Yoshitoki's deeds as a first-class civil servant in Echigo were also widely circulated.

The reputation of Koshihikari rice also spread throughout the Kinei. This sweet and soft rice was extremely popular. Five thousand koku each were given to the shogunate, the imperial court, the Five Mountains of Kyoto, and Miaounji Temple. It subsequently received a great response.

The intellectuals in Kyoto are full of praise for such delicious rice, and some intellectuals once wrote several Japanese songs with the theme of Koshihikari rice.

Rice, which was originally unknown in Hokuriku, could only be grown one season a year due to its special growing environment, long winters, coldness and snow. It was not favored by Echigo farmers. The local wealthy families

I have been eating this kind of rice for generations, but I can't taste it, so Koshihikari rice has never been famous.

Now everything is different. The brand effect is fermenting rapidly. Soon the supply of orders for Koshihikari rice exceeds the demand. Some gourmets personally set several grades for Koshihikari rice. The Koshihikari rice from China and Vietnam is the best, and the Koshihikari rice from China and Vietnam is the best.

The light meter is above average and the light meter is above average.

The price trend of Koshihikari rice has also been soaring, from the low price of 500 Yongle gold per stone, to the high price of 500 Yongle gold per stone. Some Koshihikari rice from Uonuma County in China and Vietnam even cost 2 thousand dollars.

At such a sky-high price, more than 200,000 shi of Koshihikari rice were sold out in just two months, and the revenue alone was as high as 180,000 gu Yongle gold.

As a personal participant, every Echigo citizen shared in the corresponding rewards. Among them, Kira and Nagao, who planted the least rice and had the most land, received 20,000 gu and 30,000 gu each, and the remaining 130,000 gu.

The people of Echigo shared the profits in proportion. Nagao Masaki ranked third with a profit of 17,500 ken, which shocked many people.

The locust plague the year before last had a great impact on Echigo. It was not just a locust plague caused by drought. In the eyes of the Kira family followers, it was because the construction of water conservancy facilities was not in place and the prevention and control of the plague was not done well.

This was caused by a variety of reasons including insufficient decisiveness in responding to the disaster and the lack of willingness of local people to cooperate.

It seemed nonsense to support their efforts in meeting and discussing for a whole year. Soon, an executive discovered that chickens and ducks eating locusts could effectively reduce the rate of locust plagues. So last year, they consciously increased the breeding of chickens and ducks and put them in a test field.

Injecting a large amount of locust eggs and locust ** has indeed achieved good results.

Since the autumn of last year, it has become a new requirement to increase the number of chickens and ducks. The manure produced by chickens and ducks has been warmly welcomed as a raw material for composting. The reason is that raising chickens and ducks does not cost anything, and they will eat insects when they are raised all over the mountains and plains.

On the other hand, the new fertilizer planting method greatly increases food production and ensures that the fertility of cultivated land will not be reduced. Planting pumpkins and corns requires a lot of fertilizers. Growing alfalfa also requires a lot of fertilizers. Rice requires a lot of fertilizers.

There are many, even if they are not many, they will not be able to withstand the consumption of large-scale planting.

The lack of effective animal manure has put agricultural development into a bottleneck period. In the past few years, many agricultural experts have visited the countryside countless times to conduct inspections. Kira Yoshitoki is often pulled over to act as an audience, but he really can't talk much about agriculture.

If you are proficient, it would be good to know nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. More advanced agricultural theories will only make you blind.

Today happens to be the once-a-month spring sowing ceremony. The venue of the meeting was randomly chosen in front of a grain drying field in a new village near Kashiwazaki Port. The participating officials came from Mikawa, Omi, Echigo, Shinano and other areas.

It was a pleasure to come and go in various dialects.

As the initiator of the topic, the project leader and the host of today's meeting, Tadaka Ina was responsible for the important speech part: "There are some pests every year, and pest control has become the biggest problem. According to the introduction of agronomy expert Li Ding, we found that some plants

It has a universal insecticidal effect. For example, the poisonous and harmful castor has been ignored. Pounding the castor leaves into juice and adding double the water to spray can effectively kill the insecticides..."

"My question!" Lord Kashiwazaki who was listening raised his hand and asked: "What is spray?"

"I happen to have a few spray bottles here, you can take a look! The lid has a bayonet that can be opened, the bottle can hold water, and the cap controls the water spray. This wooden handle is connected to a bamboo tube that leads to the bottom of the bottle.

By pressing the wooden handle, you can push and pull the lever, inhale and compress air, and spray out the water mist."

"What does that mean?" Dozens of people were stunned and had no idea what he was talking about.

Ina Tadashi was not good at talking to begin with. His words were honed over years of hard work in government affairs. An embarrassed expression flashed across his face: "Actually... I don't really understand either. This is a small stir-fry I wrote down. According to Ke

Mr. Kronberg’s terminology explains that this spray bottle is also a product invented by Mr. Kronberg. We are authorized to produce it, but we must pay him twenty Yongle coins for each bottle.”

"Can it really kill insects? Is it useful to spray it out?" Many people expressed doubts.

"So this year we are going to try it out, and we need your cooperation. Please be assured that if there are any losses caused by pesticides harming rice fields in the villages participating in the trial, we will pay full compensation, so please cooperate with us!" Tadaie Ina bowed hard.

Kira Yoshi had been wandering in his thoughts for a long time. Out of nowhere, he came up with a sentence: "Can the locusts be used? For example, grind them into powder for chickens and ducks. Or eat the loaches in the rice fields and small fishes? Let the children catch the locusts, every kilogram.

Locust will give some compensation, such as giving some Sanhe grain as a reward..."

Ina Tadaka thought for a while and felt that it was feasible: "Should we encourage catching locusts when they are inundated? I don't know how much the locusts can increase production by raising chickens, ducks, and fish. It is a good idea. The standard of compensation needs to be further confirmed."


"By the way, there is also the cage culture concept that the owner mentioned last time. We can also try it. Isn't it just laying four wooden piles and surrounding them with two layers of fishing nets? It's not that difficult!" Honda Tokimasa suddenly said

I remembered a concept mentioned at an evaluation meeting a few months ago.

A large number of freshwater fish are cultivated in living water areas such as rivers and lakes. The grown fry can be transferred from relatively quiet fish ponds to cages. The growth of fish can be ensured by relying on the rich plankton in the living water and regular feeding.

A short devotional meeting ended with Ina Tadie's concluding speech, and Kira Yoshitoki made the final summary: "In ancient times, people lived in poverty without enough food to eat and slept in the open, so the gods and Buddhas forbade us from eating meat and fish, for fear that we would fall into

Insatiable greed eventually destroyed this land. Now Echigo has rich products, and the breeding of chickens, ducks and fish has been gradually accepted by local farmers. All of this is made possible by your hard work! On behalf of the Kira family, I

Thank you for all your hard work!”

With the current state of civilization, the breeding and consumption of chickens, ducks and fish can be gradually opened up. The problem of flying in the sky and swimming in the water is not big. The most difficult problem is the game that runs on the ground, whether it is wild boars, rabbits or wild deer.

It cannot be touched at all, and even if it is touched, it will be covered up with a weird name.

For example, the series of mountain whale meat, mountain carp meat, mountain crucian carp meat, etc. sold privately by Semicolon Noodle House, which is wholly owned by Kira family Biwaya, are substitutes for pork, beef, and mutton. They have been quietly on the market for a long time, no matter what the occasion calls them.

They all start with the standard word "山", and they will not admit it even if they are coerced or induced.

The supply channel of Noodle House comes from Bipa House, and the thinly sliced ​​meat comes directly. It has been open for so long and no one has caught it. Customers of cooked food like Asayama Richen know the secrets without even mentioning the order.


In early March, Kiragi went to the horse farm to inspect the condition of the horses. It happened to be the estrus season for the horses. Several majestic horses were mixed with a few fixed mares to prepare for breeding. Male horses were born at the age of two and a half.

It can be bred. The female horse reaches adulthood and establishes its shape at the age of five, while the male horse does not stop growing and fully matures until the age of six.

The stubborn John, who has the same temperament as Carl, insisted on letting these horses be familiar with each other for three years in Echigo. By this year, these stallions were just six years old and entered the breeding period. However, he was right to do so. The females matured first and the stallions matured first.

Not too young yet, breeding offspring too early will consume the stallion’s lifespan.

"It's really slow to give birth to the next generation after one year! Fortunately, we can breed again every six months... No! It's still too slow. We need to find some female Kiso horses to try to reproduce."

In the remote horse breeding base in Kariwa County, Kira Yoshitoki was determined to train more war horses as soon as possible. At the current speed, it would take unknown how many years to reach a large scale, so he called Xiao Xing to make a memorandum so that it could be mentioned at the next evaluation meeting.

After leaving Kashiwazaki Port on the Anzha boat, this brief inspection of the countryside came to an end. As a summary of the work, Kira Yoshihi sighed with emotion: "The mission of human beings is to reproduce, but reproduction is not the most important. Survival and dignity

Equally important! Getting married and having children too early will cause premature aging, so young couples should not start a married life too early. Health preservation lies in being abstinent and eating more meals less. For the sake of a beautiful life, I also have to take care of myself!"

"Original insights and incisive expositions! You are indeed a knowledgeable and talented master!" Hosokawa Fujitaka followed and said with a smile.

Looking sideways at the graceful Hosokawa Fujitaka, Kira Yoshishi calmly asked: "By the way, there are already three people in my family. Is there still nothing going on over there?"

Facing the inquiry from his master and relative, Hosokawa Fujitaka wiped the cold sweat from his head and replied: "Well...the wedding date will have to be postponed for a while, and it will probably take a few years."

"Are you still waiting? You are already twenty-three, aren't you? That one of yours is also thirteen. If you wait any longer, he will be twenty-six! He is already twenty-six!" He deliberately reminded that twenty-six came from farmers who were only two years old.

You are not allowed to get married until you are sixteen.

The Gongqing Wu family originally did not have this problem of late marriage. However, due to the influence of the Yingren Rebellion, the Gongqing Wu family was generally poor. There were many people who could not afford to marry a wife and support the family. It was not the case for Kutiao Jitong, who went bankrupt and lived in seclusion for the rest of his life without a wife.


Hosokawa Fujitaka was endowed with extraordinary talents and good looks. He was young and rich, and his position was solid. Other families would have urged their daughters to hold a wedding party, but Numata Mitsukane uncharacteristically insisted on his own opinion, saying that it was agreed upon at the beginning.

They can only get married after their daughter reaches the age of fifteen and has hair extensions.

"I really don't understand what Uenosuke is thinking." Although he has such a relationship with the Numata family, Kira Yoshitoki would not call Numata Mitsukane his father-in-law. His father-in-law was only the late Nagao Mikage.

Counting Torahime's adoptive father, the Konoe family, there are only two honorary adoptive fathers.

Seeing this, Fujitaka Hosokawa quickly changed the subject: "I wonder how Kasugayama Castle's preparations are going. Honjo Echizenmomo's wedding must be extra grand! It's really enviable!"

"Don't be envious, it will be your turn sooner or later!"

"Then let me borrow the good advice from the owner!"

On March 12th, the Kasugayama Castle was decorated with lights and decorations. The person getting married today was the legitimate daughter of the Sanjo Nagao family, Nagao Ohime. The groom was a former Nagao family minister and the current Kira family general, Honjo Shibunaga. Both parties were Etsuki.

Later, they came from a big family with their own surnames, and they all had their own relatives and connections, which made the three scenes more lively than those of the Kira family.

As the instigator of the destruction of the three Nagao clans with his own hands, Nagao Kagetora felt somewhat guilty towards Nagao Ohime. Nagao Kagetora's lineage was called Fuuchi Nagao, because Nagao Takakage served as the guardian of Echigo for generations to come.

.So the castle was moved from Sanjo Castle to Echigo Prefecture and the name was changed.

After that, Sanjo Castle was handed over to the branch families of the same clan, and they became the new Sanjo Nagao family. Twelve years ago, in 1544, when Nagao Weike died of illness, Kasugayama Castle was captured by Kuroda Hidetada.

At a critical moment, Nagao Kagetora, who was only fourteen years old, returned to secular life to serve his brother Nagao Harukage.

His first battle after coming out of the mountain was a tough one. Nagao Toshikage of the Sanjo Nagao family raised his flag to rebel. The young Nagao Kagetora was ordered by Nagao Harukei to attack the Sanjo Nagao family. He only had more than a hundred cavalry in his hands.

Samurai, and the Sanjo family opposite had more than 200 knights and 400 ashigaru.

Moreover, many Chinese people in China and Vietnam clearly wanted to respond to Nagao Toshikage's rebels. Once this force was gathered, the Nagao family would be unable to resist. Therefore, in an extremely dangerous situation, Nagao Kagetora calmly judged the gap between the two sides.

He decided to take advantage of the enemy's coming out of the city to attack, and made a decisive frontal assault. He broke through Nagao Shunkei's cavalry in one fell swoop and killed Nagao Shunkei with his own hands.

During this war, his ankle was injured. After the war, he worked non-stop to deal with the rebels in the city. He had no time or conditions for medical treatment, and the root cause of the disease was found.

The order given to him by Nagao Harukage is to completely eliminate the three Nagao clan and regain the power of Sanjo Castle. During the execution, he discovered Nagao Ao, who was just under one year old, so the Nagao family's idiot little boy was born.

There is a legend that maids are never punished.

Out of repentance for the tragic fratricide he encountered during the first battle, Nagao Kagetora was extra generous to this "adopted daughter" and gave her a standard slightly inferior to that of Nagao Kagetora. Several women from the Nagao family personally made the bride.

His female companion, Nagao Aya, who had just given birth to her second son, Uamatsu, also attended the disclosure banquet with the careful support of her maid.

Nagao Masakage loved his wife very much, especially since he had just given birth to a baby son to the Ueda Nagao family. He quickly asked Nagao Kagetora for amnesty to let her go back to rest. As an important female guest of the wife, Torahime was unable to accompany her. During the initial disclosure ceremony

After it was over, he and the bride, Nagao Ohime, hid in the quiet room at the back to talk.

Honjo Nobunaga did not have the special treatment he received when Kiragi was there. He had to stay here to accompany the banquet. As the current master of Honshu Nobunaga, as well as the special relationship between Ao and Torahime, he must be given a qualified wedding gift.


"Last time I received dozens of knives, a dozen horses, gold, silver, jade trays, tea sets, iron cannons, books, and a lot of other random things... It's not easy to pass on the gifts given to me by relatives and friends, so I'd better give him one.

Get the knife!"

After calling Iwakurumaru to tell him a few words and send him away, he noticed two people who attracted special attention. These two people attracted attention not because of their special appearance or disheveled clothes, but because they looked sad and depressed.

The forced smile on his face was totally incompatible with today's festive and lively atmosphere.

These two people are Uesugi Kenmasa, the commander of Kantō, and Nagatoki Ogasawara, the former guard of Shinano. Both of them come from famous samurai families and are equally down-to-earth. They are not welcome here. When they met today, they felt like they were in the same boat. The two incompatible people gave each other a drink.

You drink a cup and sigh, I drink a cup and sigh.

"It's almost time to close the net after these two people have been hanging out for so long. I'm afraid my brother will be dissatisfied if it continues to hang out." Kira Yoshishi caught a glimpse of Nagao Kagetora's eyes and knew that he was probably seeing all this.

If we put the current situation three years ago, 80% of us would have to throw a cup as a signal and call for an army to fight against rebellion. Now, after a serious illness, I have been cultivating myself for two and a half years, focusing my body and mind on landscapes, poetry, Buddhism, and cultural attainments.

His attainments have advanced by leaps and bounds, and he can even stupefy Ji Liangyi when he inadvertently utters a Buddhist verse. His spiritual cultivation is much higher than that of a few years ago, and the irritability in his body has been completely washed away.

The banquet lasted from afternoon to evening. Nagao Kagetora couldn't drink, and he couldn't help but feel tired of the smoky wine shop after years of self-cultivation. He only showed up at noon and evening before getting up and leaving. At the same time, Torahime, Ao and others also left.

There are many female guests. They will not accompany the big men to drink and have fistfights. They will hide in the back and play new military chess. Checkers is more interesting.

As soon as the Dragon of Echigo left the banquet, the banquet in detention became lively. There were many people who exchanged glasses, exchanged drinks, played guessing games, and even made blind gestures to fight for drinks. After only half an hour of drinking, some people staggered around and fell unconscious.

The moon is rising higher and higher, and the sky is very good today. The bright moonlight fills the Kasuga Mountain Castle, and at this time the banquet enters its real climax. It is still the shrine maidens from the many shrines, wearing white small sleeves and scarlet hakama.

Wearing white socks and a beautiful gilt pendant on their head, they danced, while the drunken Echigo samurai shook his head and beat the time.

Just after the shrine music and dance ended, a group of monkey musicians came onto the stage playing taiko drums and flutes. This time they did not spoil the groom's interest by performing "Night Run", which was a slap in the face, but replaced it with the more orthodox "Night Run".

Funabenkei" tells the story of Minamoto Yoshitsune leading an army out to sea from Settsu Amagasaki Omoroura to pursue the Taira family.

This Sarugaku play is divided into three parts: the first, middle and last parts. The first part is Shizugozen bidding farewell to Minamoto Yoshitsune. The person who plays Shizugozen is a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl. She dances gracefully in beautiful white and elegant clothes. She sings and laughs with a sense of saying no.

The beauty brought out made the samurai attending the banquet eyes widen without realizing it.

The nearest Echigo samurai, Katsutetsu, exclaimed: "This dance is truly exquisite!"

The little girl who played Shizugamae seemed to have heard the samurai's praise and smiled shyly but sweetly at the audience. In the middle was the arrogant part. There were many characters on the stage, such as Omoura Fisherman, Musashibo Benkei, and Minamoto no Yoshi.

Sutra and the other three of the Four Heavenly Kings, Yoshitsune.

In the second half, the fisherman of Omoura was replaced by Taira Chimori. In one of the fierce sword-drawing dance performances, the Samurai Minamoto Yoshitsune first took out a wooden bow and made an archery motion, and then Taira Chimori fled backwards.

At this moment, the dance fight entered its most intense moment. Minamoto Yoshitsune drew out his sword and defeated Chimori. Many people only felt a flash of white light in front of their eyes. Only then did some people notice that the monkey musician who played Minamoto Yoshitsune was actually holding a sharp blade.

Tai Sword.

The monkey musician who played Minamoto Yoshitsune seemed to have stumbled and stumbled towards Kira Yoshitoki. The audience in the hall was too drunk to react. The next moment, the monkey musician suddenly jumped up and raised his hand in the air.

The sword was cut down hard.

"Be careful of assassins!" Several voices came out at the same time, and the bright white light was like lightning flashing across his eyes. Kira Yoshi suddenly jumped up in surprise, subconsciously raised his foot and kicked the table away, and rolled and crawled back.

"Come here, capture the assassin!" A loud roar woke up all the drunken samurai, and even the groom's officer, Honjo Shigenaga, jumped up, raised his sword and threw it at the assassin.

"Crack!" The assassin's swordsmanship was very outstanding. He turned around and swung his sword dexterously to break all the thrown objects. He rushed up with three steps and two steps and slashed down again. Kiragi made a dexterous move.

He rolled and dodged, leaving only a strand of hair and half a piece of clothing on the sharp sword.

From the beginning of the banquet to now, the advantage of staying awake after just a few symbolic sips of sake has been shown. The instinct of survival has constantly discovered his potential. He rolled back and dodged desperately. The assassin also persevered in slashing one after another, sharply.

Every time the sword fell, it cut a gap in the tatami. Seeing that it was about to roll to the end, Kira Yoshishi yelled crazily: "I can't die! Someone will protect me!"

"I'm here, Fanchang!" Benzhuang Fanchang swooped and knocked the assassin away, holding on to his arms and yelling: "Lord! Get rid of this person quickly!"

"Okay!" Kira Yoshi stood up in embarrassment, not caring that his black hat rolled down and scattered his long hair. He just happened to see Iwakurumaru standing in the corner holding a sword, so he grabbed the sword.

Push it in hard.

"Pfft!" The knife was inserted into the neck and then violently twisted, and a fresh human head was severed from the neck. Blood spurted out all over his body, dyeing the white hunting clothes red.

"Be careful!" came an urgent cry from behind, and then a loud "Bang!" came from behind. Kiragi was shocked and stood still. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, and the novel will be updated.

Good update faster!

This chapter has been completed!
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