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Chapter 316 Ueno's Action

Although the Takeda family's Tohoku ninjas tried their best to clarify that this was a false accusation and counter-sued that the Kira family concocted the assassination of Ikaku in order to frame the Takeda family, their defense was feeble in the face of mountains of ironclad evidence. Kira Yoshiki deliberately

A public trial is specially prepared for them.

Through word of mouth among merchants traveling in Gyeonggi, Hokuriku, and Yuao, the entire Kanto and even the world knew the news of Echigo's execution. Hundreds of thousands of people witnessed the horrific burning, and hundreds of people were hanged on the spot. People

His eyes are sharp, and the hanging mummy will never be fake.

It is not false that Echigo banned the Ichikou clan for thirty-five years, nor is it true that thousands of Ichikou were burned, killed, and looted. Kai's assassination of the ninjas was also witnessed by Uesugi Kenmasa and Ogasawara Nagaki.

Including the allusion that Honjo Shigenaga sacrificed his life to save the savior and was given a sword, spread throughout Kanto. It is absolutely unreasonable to say that the Takeda family did not collude in this.

Takeda Harunobu, who was far away in Kai, kept a rare silence about all this. He could not break through the propaganda of the ninjas, but the Kira ninjas could not defeat it. Even such a big news as the assassination of Ichiku could not be hidden from the samurai from all over the world. The dead Echigo samurai and civilians were all real.

The Takeda family made a mistake in this operation.

After this battle, the members of the Takeda retainers group have clearly realized how big the threat to the Kira family is. It does not lie in the siege of many armies or the use of strategies, but in the naked force to suppress the Takeda army. Takeda Harunobu placed his trust in

The highly hopeful Akabi samurai suffered over a hundred losses and over two hundred wounded as soon as they came face to face with them. It would not have been surprising if the entire army had not been wiped out if Iitomi Komasa hadn't run so fast.

What is even more worrying is the blow to morale, especially the confidence of the powerful people of Beishin and CITIC has been shaken. Many people have begun to resent the Takeda family's evil deeds and incompetence. They have never seen the Takeda family so restrained despite superior military strength.

They feel like they are paying for "punishment for being mean".

The Takeda family's evil deeds were blamed on the people of the Shinano country. They lost money, food and population, and still had thousands of sons and daughters to help them. When the people of the Shinano country found that they could not defeat the Kira family, it is not surprising that they turned to resent the Takeda family. Takeda Harunobu worked hard for more than ten years to shape the people of Shinano.

The image of being invincible in battle collapsed overnight, and the invisible loss of prestige far exceeded the loss of money, food, population, and deaths in battle.

"But my family is not ready yet!" In front of nearly a hundred retainers, Takeda Harunobu's eyes gradually became cold and stern: "Give me another year of the Takeda family, and after one year, everything will be paid back! Just one year!"

With the peaceful retreat of the Kira Army, the clouds of war that hung over Shinano were cleared. The people of Shinano were busy licking their wounds. The festive harvest season became boring. Kofu put the long-prepared autumn harvest

All the celebrations were cancelled, and Takeda Harunobu simply took a long vacation in Yuya Onsen and invited his family members to share the family happiness.

A few days after the retreat of the Kira Army, Iitomi Masakage led three thousand troops back in triumph. This time the attack on Hida was particularly successful. Iitomi Masakage, together with the local snake of Minami Shinano, Kiso Yoshiyasu, easily invaded Hida.

Yamachi caught Miki Yoshiyori, Ema Tokimori and other Hida people by surprise.

For the past two hundred years, Hida has been living behind closed doors with his own family. Whether it is the Kōji family of the Southern Dynasty's sister, or the guardian of the Northern Dynasty, the Gao clan's entry into the Taoist order, and the guardian of the Daitaga clan, they will inevitably be punished.

The wealthy people in Hida have assimilated. This time the Takeda family breaks through the country that Hida has been closed for hundreds of years.

The people of Hida State tacitly put aside their differences and hurriedly organized two thousand troops to unite and try to fight against the invaders. As a result, this ragtag group was defeated by Iitomi Masakei as soon as they met, and they had no choice but to flee to the city. The city is defended.

The Takeda Army, which had won the first battle, did not relax its attack. In the next month and a half, it pressed forward step by step, forcing Hirose Munejo Castle with powerful force. Shioya Akisada surrendered. The balance of the war gradually increased with the fierce attack of Iitomi Masakage. Deflecting, after Uchijima Uri, known as Hida's best general, surrendered, Miki Yoshiyori and Ema Tokimori, who had run out of ammunition and reinforcements, had no choice but to bow their heads and admit defeat.

The great glory of suppressing the Hida nation gave a shot in the arm to the depressed Takeda family. The cheered-up Takeda Harunobu decided to reward this trusted general. At a simple evaluation meeting held in Yutani Hot Spring, Takeda Harunobu announced the promotion of Iitomasa. Kage served as a general and commanded 300 cavalry in Chushinano-Chikuma County. From then on, Iitomi Masakage became a popular member of the Takeda family.

The record of suppressing Hida was a good boost to the family's decline, but it was not enough to solve the problem of the deepening crisis of CITICNO. Takeda Harunobu has been working hard to prepare his so-called "back-up move". The Kira Legion, who knew nothing about anything, only He stayed in Northern Shinano for a while and returned to Echigo on September 10th.

As the partial division of this military operation, the Shinano reserve team responsible for supporting, Murakami, Kakizaki and other samurai families received a total reward of 10,000 koku of grain. All members of the Kira Corps shared another 25,000 koku reward. The disabled will be considered injured. Disabled people will receive a one-time financial pension ranging from twenty to one hundred Guan Wen Yongle money, while the standard for those who died in war is two hundred Guan Wen.

The conditions given by Kira Yoshitoki are very good. As long as they are the main front-line force of the Kira Legion, they will receive subsidies whether they are killed in battle or disabled. Depending on the degree of disability, they can also be arranged to retire on the spot and go to the farms and ranches run by the Kira family to serve as priests. He can be an official, or he can be arranged on the spot in the town or village to serve as an elder with the same heart.

This subsidy standard is not entirely measured in money, and samurai do not need that much money. It is generally implemented according to the standard given by the salary, which is about six cents of grain and four cents of grain, unless the samurai or widow receiving the subsidy has special requirements. If we make further adjustments and give all the money to Yongle, the Kira family will not be able to bear it no matter how rich they are.

When returning to Kasugayama Castle, the war in Ueno also entered its final stage. The Nagao Legion led by Nagao Kagetora rushed to the Ueno front line in early July. The army was stationed in Nagano Kenchu's Umon Bridge Castle and used it as an offensive point to attack The Hojo family launched a comprehensive military suppression.

Unlike the invasion of Shinano, where the Kira family always took the initiative to suppress the Takeda army at will, the situation in Ueno was much worse than that of Shinano. After the 20,000-strong army led by Hojo Ujiyasu entered Hirai Castle, they were immediately attacked. Nagano Yasumasa's 15,000-strong army resolutely resisted.

The core of the Hinougi Isshinzo is the sons-in-law of the Nagano family all over Ueno. Nagano Yasumasa's dozen sons-in-law plus several generations of relatives who have maintained related relationships form a huge network of relationships. Nagano Yasumasa can be compared to a smaller I. The Daxi Sect used married daughters to maintain a huge network of relationships to establish dominance.

Therefore, Nagano Yasumasa was able to mobilize 15,000 people in one go without Uesugi Kensei being stationed at the border, and almost all the major Japanese forces mobilized by Ueno Kunisei were brought in. The strong organization and efficient command are still very good. Not easy.

Hojo Ujiyasu, who was in charge of Hirai Castle, did not panic at all. With his outstanding skills, he quickly calmed down the Ueno people who had taken refuge in Hojo. For example, Naha, Akai, Tomioka and other Japanese people who were the first to surrender had no way out.

But if you withdraw, your legitimate son will be handed over to the Hojo family. How much choice do you have?

Once he disobeys, Hojo Ujiyasu can bribe his family's family retainers to collude and force the governor into seclusion. If he appoints his own son as the governor, the drama will go on as usual, and he won't even get a supporting role.

With the support of Ueno Kingdom's leading party, Nagano Yasumasa's Minawa people immediately retracted as soon as they were fierce, and united with Nagao Kagetora of Ubashi Castle to make a fierce fight with the intruder Hojo's family. On the other side, Hojo

Ujiyasu also realized that there was something wrong with his 20,000 troops against Nagano and Nagao's 25,000 allied troops, and hurriedly ordered more troops to the rear.

Many people from the country, including the newly surrendered Chiba clan of Shimonasu, joined the formation, and within half a month they raised another 15,000 troops. This time, the Shimojo family had 35,000 against 25,000, changing from a military disadvantage.

Due to the advantage of military strength, the Hojo family is now much more at ease.

In order to add more chips to the Hojo family, Hojo Ujiyasu also brought his son-in-law Ashikaga Fujimasa as a trump card. The two flags of Ashikaga were raised in the Hojo military formation, which happened to correspond to the Uesugi Sasa of Amabashi Castle.

We are talking about whether you are concerned about Dong Guanling or I am concerned about Dong Gong Fang, who is afraid of whom?

Both sides stood their ground and launched various military tests. Military conflicts involving thousands of people occurred from time to time. Today, the Nagao army captured a castle belonging to the Hojo family, and tomorrow the Hojo family responded in kind and captured a castle belonging to the Ueno people.

, the marathon-style confrontation between the two sides was a bitter experience for the people of Ueno.

Kuragano Bizen Mamohiro, who was closest to Hirai Castle and was under the greatest pressure, could not hold on to his position. After ten days of tenacious resistance, he finally surrendered to the Hojo family at the end of July. As one of the eight Shangzhou families, Kuragano

The surrender of the Kano clan was nothing short of shocking news. Behind him were Minawa Castle and Umbashi Castle. This rebellion completely disrupted Nagao Kagetora's military deployment.

If the Hojo family continued to mobilize little by little, this war would really not be able to continue. So when the Hojo family was mainly attacking Shimaina Castle, Nagao Kagetora personally led an army of 10,000 people and rushed to Shimaina Castle.

Hojo Ujiyasu's Fuma ninjas have been concentrating on monitoring the Nagao family's every move. When something unusual happened in Amabashi Castle, Hojo Ujiyasu received the news immediately and decisively gave up the attack on Shimana Castle and turned towards the direction of Amabashi Castle.

The two sides met on the west bank of the Tone River, and at this time the Hojo Army had an absolute advantage in strength with 30,000 to 10,000 troops.

Nagao Kagetora stood under the screen of the formation and looked at the Sanlin Flag in the distance. To the east of the Nagao Army's main formation is the rapid Tone River. Not far to the west is Tori River, a branch of the Tone River water system. Shimana Castle happens to be out of Tori River.

In the middle of the delta before converging with the Tone River, the straight line distance between the two rivers is less than half a mile. The land here is fertile and rich in products, making it the richest area in Ueno Country.

Nagano Yasumasa also led the army over at this time. When he saw the Nagao Army forming a formation on the bank of the Tone River, he wanted to move closer. This was a natural move. The main forces of both sides gathered together to fight against the Hojo Army, but Hojo Ujiyasu did not

Wanting to see this situation, the Hojo Army immediately launched an attack on the Nagano Army, trying to use its strength advantage to push back the Nagano Army in one go, and then turn around to attack the Nagano Army's strategic purpose.

"Divide, encircle and defeat each one! He must have been waiting for this moment for a long time!" Nagao Kagetora's fierce tiger-like eyes swept over the Echigo generals and ordered: "Everyone, listen to the order! Follow my family and defeat the Hojo army.

Retake Hirai Castle for the Guanling Palace!"


The Nagao Army attacked without hesitation, with Nagahide Yasuda and Ayukawa Kiyocho as the vanguard, and rushed directly to the flank of the Hojo Army. The Edo Army Issei was responsible for guarding the right wing of the Hojo Army.

Tsunakage did not dare to be careless in the slightest, and hurriedly ordered his subordinates to form a formation to resist the attack of the long-tailed army.

The Hojo family's foster care system is based on the specific characteristics of each territory. Each territory is divided into several major national groups. Their names are named after "people". For example, the Edo people in southern Kanto are the forces.

The largest group of Chinese people, the military leader was the descendant of the Hojo family, and this leader was also called the "Issaku".

The lord of the country is the city lord of the branch city. During the war, he obeys the leader's orders and recruits soldiers to go out with the army. The retainers of the lord of the country serve as foster relatives and are powerful local nobles, land servants, and further down, that is, at the bottom, specifically on horseback.

Samurai, ashigaru, bow ashigaru, iron cannon ashigaru and other types of arms are Yoshiko.

This system of fostering relatives and fostering children subdivides the Chinese people into every link. When they go into battle during peacetime, they need to bear a certain amount of military training every year. When they are busy in farming or after the military service of the year, they go out again, and the lord must provide

Parents and children receive certain tax exemptions in exchange for following them on the battlefield.

This strict system is not original to the Hojo family. Kinuchi Miyoshi and Kai Takeda also implemented a similar system in Shinano. Imagawa Yoshimoto seems to be interested in trying this system in Toe. The only question is whether he can do it without Taiyuan Sekssai.

The complete implementation of this system is still a question.

As the area with the most fertile land and the highest knowledge and practice in southern Kanto, the Edo clan is responsible for the military service of more than 5,000 people. They are also the largest national group under the Hojo family. In comparison, the Matsuyama clan only has 1,200 people, and the Miura clan has only 1,200 people.

There are only 1,100 people in the army. As a powerful member of the Hojo family, they bear the heavy responsibility of resisting the main force of the Nagao Army, which is why Hojo Ujiyasu trusts and values ​​them.

The vanguard of the Nagao Army came from the Yangbei Army. Yasuda Nagahide and Ayukawa Kiyonaga were both capable of conquering and fighting. They realized that the Hojo Army opposite was an armed force with the national flag, and they immediately felt annoyed that they were being looked down upon.

, the two of them noticed that there was a slight flaw in the slowly moving formation of the Edo people, and they tacitly commanded a thousand troops to accelerate and charge forward.

The first wave of impact came from the Ashigaru team armed with three guns. Although they could not learn the luxurious weapons and equipment of the Kira family and various special tactics with new weapons, there was still no problem in learning the gun quilts. The Nagao army

All the major armies in the army have mastered the use of rifle quilts proficiently. When they were about to take over the formation, the Ashigaru troops suddenly dispersed in a scattered formation and collided with the Hojo Army's spear formation, which immediately caused a huge response. (

To be continued, please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

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