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Chapter 325 New Year's New Weather

This summer, when Echigo went out to field one after another and Shinano, Nagao Kagenobu, who stayed at Kasugayama Castle, gave birth to a son, and named him Hojimaru. This is also the infant name passed down from generation to generation in the Nagao family of Suyoshi, including the child born at the beginning of this year.

Kunimatsu, Suyoshi Nagao and Ueda Nagao all gave birth to legitimate sons, which was also regarded as a sign of great prosperity for the Nagao family.

A major event also happened in Mino Province, not far from Shinano. In April this year, a serious military conflict broke out at the Saito family in Mino Province. Saito Yoshiryu turned against his father, Saito Michizan, and killed him in the battle of Nagara River.

His father and son-in-law, Oda Nobunaga, tried to rescue him but failed, and he turned against his brother-in-law, Saito Yoshiryu.

When this happened, the Kira family was in the midst of a massacre that had always been a public spectacle, followed by a summer of war. It didn't matter, after all, it had nothing to do with Kira Yoshitomo, but the letter from Oda Nobunaga at the end of autumn still surprised him,

Saburo Oda seemed to regard him as his pen pal. He always wrote two or three letters every spring and autumn. He talked about everything from exchanging personal interests and hobbies to thinking about the future, as well as about his own family. This time it was about his father-in-law.

Death of Saito Dozo.

The death of Saito Douzan is a representative of the wise man in his prime and the old age. The eldest son, Saito Yoshiryu, was born to his concubine Fuka Yoshino and was made the legitimate son. His talents and skills were quite similar to Saito Douzan, but he was not as vicious as his father.

He is ruthless, so he is loved by the Saito family and the conquered Mino people.

Saito Michizan was an unjust thief of Mino. In his early years, he did everything possible to seize the Toki family's property. After ascending to the throne, he fought with the persistent Toki Yorigi for more than ten years. Mino

The Toki clan in the country was either won over or completely wiped out. In the past few years, they had made peace with Asakura Takakage of Echizen and Oda Nobuhide of Owari. Only then did Toki Yorigi, who had lost his backing, be completely driven out.

But he also paid a heavy price for this. In order to frighten the Mino people who resisted him, Saito Dozo used many brutal tortures, tied up all the samurai and family members who resisted him, and executed them according to his personal preferences.

, the torture of executions varied.

For example, cattle splitting is the punishment of being ripped apart in a chariot, where the resisting criminal warriors and their family members are bound with ropes by their feet, and then tied to the cattle and driven with fire and whips to tear the criminal warriors into pieces alive, with internal organs and blood splattering everywhere.

Forcing those he believed to have evil intentions to watch in order to shock and show off.

Kettle frying is the punishment of cooking in oil. The criminal samurai and their family members were thrown into the oil pan and fried to death. Especially when he heard the shrill screams and the fearful expressions of the people of Mino, he felt very accomplished. Ishikawa

Goemon was also subjected to this kind of torture and execution, which was inspired by Saito Dozo.

The last and most famous one is the coir raincoat. Thick coir raincoats are tied with ropes to the bodies of criminal warriors and family members. Then they are poured with grease and set on fire. The coir raincoats are wrapped in the raging fire and cannot move. They can only jump or fall to the ground.

Rolling around and wailing. Saito Michizan called this struggling movement the coir raincoat dance. He liked watching the coir raincoat dance very much because it was a dance that only the dead could dance.

Because his cruelty and bloodthirsty made the people of Mino fear and hate them, they did not dare to resist the cruel Saito Dozo, so they gradually united under the banner of Saito Yoshiryu for warmth. Saito Yoshiryu was more willing to treat these Mino people favorably.

Chinese people, gradually amidst brutal torture and bloody terror, a major force gathered in Mino, and that was Saito Yoshiryu.

In 1554, Saito Douzan found that there were fewer and fewer cronies around him, and Saito Yoshitsune's prestige was getting higher and higher. He was so smart that he immediately realized the seriousness of the situation, immediately gave up his position as a monk, lived in seclusion, and became a monk. The Dharma name Three was supposed to develop like this to successfully complete the transfer of power, but something went wrong.

Perhaps he was really old and comatose. Saito Douzan, who retired, began to dote on his two younger sons, Kiheiji and Sonshiro. The old man tried his best to meet all the needs of these two younger sons. For example, he gave his second son Kiheiji "Isshiki" The title of "Youbei Daisuke".

Because he is the younger brother of Saito Yoshiryu, and their brother's mother Fuka Yoshino is the daughter of Isshiki Yoshikiyo, so he decorated his family with a high-ranking name to show Dosan's love for Kiheiji.

But in this way, it is very unfair to Saito Yoshiryu. As the leader of Mino country, Saito Yoshiryu feels that he is very insulted. His second son is Isshiki Uhei Daisuke, but he is still Saito Yoshiryu. It's just a nice name. His reclusive father always talked about how good Kiheiji and Sonshiro were when he met everyone, and also mentioned the keyword "waste".

He could tolerate it just because of pampering and giving him a name, but it was Saito Yoshiryu who could not tolerate the dethronement of his direct descendants. As Saito Dōsan fell in love with Kiheiji in the past two years, Sonshiro's preference became stronger and stronger. The signs of his dethronement were becoming more and more obvious, so Saito Yoshiryu decided to do something.

One day in early November last year, Saito Yoshitsune suddenly fell ill in Inabayama Castle. According to the doctor, Saito Yoshitsune was about to die soon. Knowing that he was dying, Saito Yoshitsune wanted to see him. His two younger brothers, Nagai Michuri, who was deeply trusted by Saito Michizan, personally acted as envoys to let the two brothers Kiheiji and Sonshiro relax their vigilance. As soon as they heard that such a good thing was possible, they hurried to Inabayama Castle Visiting his seriously ill brother.

The two brothers were a little afraid and worried when they first met their sturdy elder brother Saito Yoshiryu. However, when they heard that the terminally ill Saito Yoshiryu was making arrangements for his funeral and expressed his intention to pass on the position of family governor to Kiheiji, the two brothers were immediately overjoyed. Forgetting the vigilance and persuasion of their accompanying samurai, under the active persuasion of Saito Yoshiryu's favored minister Hineno Hiroyuki, the two brothers put down their guard and sent the attendants away to drink and have fun. The two brothers happily drank until midnight.

Hinano Hiro, who accompanied Kiheiji and Sonshiro until midnight while drinking, was not drunk. After confirming that the two brothers and their entourage had relaxed their vigilance, he held the sword and killed Kiheiji and Sonshiro on the spot. The two of them continued to do so. The sweet dream of the Lord went to hell.

Saito Yoshitsune, who was originally seriously ill and bedridden, appeared outside the door at this time. He watched coldly as Hinano Hiroshi executed the two brothers. At the urging of his uncle Nagai Michuri, he waved his hand and killed the two brothers. The attendants, as well as his father's spies buried in the city, were all executed, which also meant that the father and son had turned against each other.

Judging from the technique, Saito Yoshitsuru's execution of his two younger brothers was almost the same as Oda Nobunaga's execution of Oda Nobuyuki. The same method of pretending to be ill attracted a hostile clan. Moreover, they were both from the houses of neighboring countries. The same conflict occurred, and it must be said that greed blinded their eyes and cost them their lives.

After murdering the two brothers, Saito Yoshitsune sent an envoy to deliver the bodies of the two brothers to Saito Dosan. After learning the whole story, Saito Douzan looked up to the sky and sighed. Facing the gathering of Saito Yoshitsune's army, he immediately He sent an envoy to his relatives, Akechiya, and his son-in-law, Oda Nobunaga, for help.

Saito Michizan did not expect to spend his whole life playing conspiracy and conspiracy. In the end, he was tricked by the person he trusted most. Nagai Michio was his one-of-a-kind younger brother. He had always been responsible for delivering information about Inabayama Castle to him, but he could not

I never would have thought that this younger brother had already defected to Saito Yoshiryu.

In other words, the entire Mino people basically took refuge in Saito Yoshiryu. They hated the cruel and sinister Saito Douzan, hated his beef cracking, kama frying, and coir raincoat. Every time they watched their old friends be tortured to death.

As time goes by, the rage and fury in their hearts become more and more uncontrollable.

The root of the disaster had been laid long ago, and Saito Douzan's defeat was a foregone conclusion, because the heavy snow in late winter made marching difficult. Saito Douzan did not dare to continue to carry him at Sagiyama Castle, so he burned the castle and fled to Daimulus Castle near the Nagara River.

The patient Yoshiryu Saito was determined to stand still and unify the internal front first, and then deal with Saito Michizan, the turtle in the urn.

During this period, a rumor spread in Mino. It was said that Fuka Yoshino, who was the concubine of Toki Raiun at that time, was pregnant with Toki Raiun's child and married Saito Michizan as his concubine. That child was Saito Yoshiryu.

, in fact, the relevant legendary prototypes have long been around. Saito Yoshiryu is tall and powerful. The big man of 1.75 meters dominates the audience wherever he goes. Saito Dozo is only 1.6 meters tall. This

No matter how you look at father and son, they don't match each other. It is said that Saito Douzan doesn't like Saito Yoshiryu for this reason.

Saito Yoshiryu has not come forward to confirm this rumor, because his big man has been suppressed and feared by his father for many years, but now it is a blessing in disguise that he has become his talisman, so he is also happy that someone is fanning the flames for him. After all, killing

It is a major crime of disobedience and unfilial piety to one's father. It would be different if his biological father was Toki Raiun, and he could also use this method to strengthen the legal dominance of the Lord of Mino.

In April this year, the ice and snow melted and spring planting was over. Saito Yoshiryu led an army of 17,500 and marched out to Daisan City. On April 18, Saito Dozo and Tsukikakuyama formed a formation. The Akechi family did not dare to send troops because the situation was unclear.

On the other side, because the winter snow on the Hida Mountains melted, the river water surged. As a guest soldier, Oda Nobunaga did not dare to go deep alone. He could only go to the relatively distant Kiso River, Tojima near the Hida River, and near Higashizobo.

Set up the formation.

Saito Douzan did not expect Saito Yoshiryu to gather so many troops. Seeing that he only had 2,700 loyal troops, he felt so bitter and desolate in his heart. This unsuspicious war started along the Nagara River.

As soon as the vanguard general of Saito's army, Takeyao Michizhen, took the lead, Saito Michizan had to send his own team to repel the Takeyao team.

Saito Yoshiryu Army Lieutenant General Nagaya Jinemon issued a challenge to the Ikkichao. Saito's three armies, Shibata Kakuuchi, responded. At the same time, both sides chose to launch a surprise attack during the Ikkichao. Two thousand seven hundred people fought against 17,500.

Even the elites of the Kira family did not dare to do this, not to mention that the opposite side was led by Saito Yoshiryu, with a group of angry Mino people as the main force. The result of the Saito army was already doomed before the war even started.

Soon, Saito's three armies were outnumbered and retreated to the bank of the Nagara River. Looking at the surging river behind them, Saito knew that he had no way to escape. The hundreds of defeated soldiers who were outnumbered and exhausted were desperately resisting. Sixty-three

The 20-year-old Saito Michizan was still fighting bravely. He roared loudly and scolded Saito Yoshiryu for being ungrateful, and tried hard to resist the attack of Saito Yoshiryu's army. He knew very well that there was no escape from this battle.

At this moment, Komaki Genta came out from the side. This old acquaintance of Saito Yoshiryu shouted and stabbed Saito Douzan in the calf. Taking advantage of the old man staggering and falling, he raised his knife and chopped it off.

With his head, the fate of a generation of heroes came to an end. Oda Nobunaga, who stood aside and watched, could only return to Qingzhou City with a livid face and a force of three thousand troops, vowing in his heart to wash away this shame.

In Oda Nobunaga's letter, he vowed that he must capture Mino to avenge his father-in-law. Yoshitoki Kira could understand his thoughts. A proud young daimyo saw his father-in-law beheaded by his brother-in-law in front of his eyes.

However, he is too weak to be eaten by others, so he can only run away in despair, which is really useless.

As for whether avenging his father-in-law is because his father-in-law was very kind to him, there is no need to think about it. How can such a famous name have such deep feelings? It would be very kind of Saito Michizan not to cheat on this young son-in-law. No need to think about it.

He must have coveted Meinong's territory to avenge his father-in-law.

Kira Yoshitsune just answered some letters casually, and did not write anything about his assassination until the day of the assassination. He especially emphasized the dangers of the day, and the incident of trouble caused by the monks of the Ichigo sect in Tsushima, which made him careful about Owari's Nagashima.

The Yi Xiang Zong, and the Yi Xiang Zong of Mikawa are like this.

"I'm reminding you, it's up to you whether you can understand it thoroughly or not." Kira Yoshishi folded the letter and gave it to Xiao, affixed it with a lacquer seal, and sent it to Owari.

In addition to serving as a mouthpiece for Oda Nobunaga to vent his personal emotions, there is also news from Kyoto. At the beginning of this year, the shogun Ashikaga Yoshiteru suddenly came up with a plan to rebuild Kyoto, mainly to repair the entire Kyoto.

The towns, streets and some public facilities, as well as his Nijo Imperial Palace and the imperial palace.

This plan was warmly welcomed by people from all walks of life in Kyoto as soon as it was put forward. Within two months, 30,000 guan of Yongle money was raised to start construction smoothly. The Sanheya received this large order worth 30,000 guan.

More than a thousand skilled craftsmen from Omi and the idle population of Kyoto worked together to complete this project.

During the construction process, many new towns were also expanded, especially some dilapidated and abandoned old towns near Ukyo that were demolished and rebuilt. However, this small amount of money did not allow for such an ambitious goal of "reconstruction", because the prices in Kyoto were too expensive. The Sanhe soil used by the Kira family also

It’s not free, the cost of labor and materials alone is not cheap.

The comprehensive expansion and reinforcement of the Nijo Imperial Palace requires 8,000 guan. The main purpose is to expand several sets of supporting buildings and add new buildings such as the Western Imperial Palace, Diaoshu Pavilion, and Nanhuayuan. The requirements of the shogunate are very high. The three-layered city wall of stone walls, three-layer earth, and lime must be built.

With two and a half rooms high, the three-story main castle ensures that Ashikaga Yoshiteru can overlook the entire Kyoto city while standing on the terrace.

Repairing the dilapidated palaces in Ouchi requires 12,000 kusen. Ouchi, where the emperor lived, has been dilapidated for hundreds of years. Many palaces are worse than ruined temples. In some palaces, weeds can grow up to the thighs. There is nothing to do about the high cost of repairs.

Ashikaga Yoshiki gritted his teeth and just did it to the end, spending more money and treating it as a good deal.

But in this way, only 10,000 guan were left out of the 30,000 guan. Even if the castle town was renovated, it would not cost much money. He could only slow down the construction speed while thinking of ways. So in the summer, Ashikaga Yoshiteru wrote letters to various places.

The daimyo asked for a share of royal materials to build Kyoto.

It happened to be during the war at that time, and after receiving the news from Shinano, Kira Yoshitoki just issued a handwriting order, ordering Sakamoto's family to allocate 10,000 kanfu of Yongle money to pay for the shogunate, and to spend more money for this kind of reputation-increasing undertaking. There will only be advantages and no disadvantages.

Everyone knows that the Kira family is very rich. If they were not concerned about the shogun's displeasure, it would be no problem to let the Kira family bear all the expenses. Anyway, it was Sangeya who took over the construction project, and the Kira family donated 10,000 gon Yongle money. Three thousand kusen of which went directly back to the Kira family's pockets as pure profits.

The project was initially estimated to take about a year and a half. Construction started in March and was basically completed at the end of winter after day and night construction. The Ouchi of the imperial court and the Nijo Imperial Palace of the shogunate were the first to be completed. The rest of the renovation and expansion were completed. Hui also won praise from the emperor for this performance.

Time flies and one year has passed, and the first month of the third year of Hongzhi (1557) has arrived. At the beginning of this year, the imperial court conveyed the list of ministers to be promoted to ministers for the new year. First, Kuga Harumichi resigned from the two inner ministers and was promoted to a right minister. According to the practice of ministers, Ministers who rise to the top of the hierarchy have other names, so they are respectfully called Minister Kuzeyou. This honorific is the same as that of his ancestor Kuga Gutong, which is also a unique honor.

As the second son of the Konoe family, he was adopted as the heir to the Kuga family when he was just one year old. He witnessed the successive decline of the imperial court and the shogunate. When the emperor was reduced to selling paintings for a living, and the ministers went to the streets to sell vegetables to make ends meet, Ben Just when I thought that the troubled times would continue and that I would always stay in the position of the two great ministers, fate made another joke.

The shogunate was filled with new vitality, and the imperial court followed the changing times. However, within a few years, he rocketed up to the position of a right minister. His improved status made him more confident about the future, and his decision to escape into Buddhism when he was living in hardship a few years ago gradually faded away. idea.

His son Kuga Tsuken was the same age as Kira Yoshitoki. This winter he was promoted to the third rank of Nagon, and succeeded his father as the elder of the Genji family. This son of the family fully embodies the nobility of the family.

The Kuaga family are the main ministers who are close to the Kira family. But this is far from the best news. What surprises Kira Yoshiki the most is that his uncle Nakainichi has finally passed the threshold that has not been moved for a long time and has been promoted to the second position of Shosho. It is not easy for a minister who comes from a minister's family to reach this level.

As Kira Yoshitomo's uncle, Nakayuan Tongwei was not a minister in the ordinary sense. Reciting poems, painting and lamenting the Spring and Autumn Period was not his main job. As a minister with great ambitions. In the fifth year of Tianwen (1536), he was promoted to three senators and left ministers. From the beginning, he has been doing what he can for the shogunate.

In March of the sixth year of Tenmon (1537), the shogunate acted as the acting official at the Kagaga Estate. The local Asahi clan defaulted on taxes from the shogunate's imperial court and had a land lawsuit. He handled the lawsuit and stayed in the harsh environment of Kaga Country for three years, working hard to help the shogunate regain the power of the Ngaga Estate.

Later, because he was ostracized by the local people, repeatedly disturbed by the local Ichibashi believers, and the Asahi family refused to cooperate, the Central Court Tongwei resigned from his official position in anger and returned to Kyoto to stay in seclusion. It was not until the next year that the court and the shogunate were helpless and reinstated him. Activated. Re-assumed the position of Lieutenant General Zuo among the three senators.

As the only minister in the entire imperial court who had fought against the Kaga clan for three years, he became the absolute authority in handling land disputes. The imperial court and the shogunate would consult him every time they encountered land disputes. During this period, he also had great influence on the land disputes. Yamashiro Kingdom, Omi's domestic court, and the Shogunate's imperial court assisted and successfully recovered part of the arrears of tribute.

Based on this achievement, in the leap month of the eleventh year of Astronomy (1542), he was promoted to the third position in the imperial examination, and in March of the twelfth year of Astronomy (1543), he also served as a servant. The Japanese lord Izumi Yajiro confronted him, and in the summer of that year he congratulated him again.

At that time, Chu Yun Tongwei's tough strategy of confiscating the fields that had been owed annual tribute for decades was immediately met with strong retaliation from the Kaga people. Kasho, who had always attacked him, forced him to flee Kaga, but Chu Yun Tongwei persisted. He refused to leave and just suppressed the people of Xiangzong.

In May of the 15th year of Tenmon (1546), the shogunate finally couldn't hold on any longer and issued a decree to seize the land of Kagaga Farm. As a last resort, Nakain Michihi had no choice but to pack up and return to Kyoto. With his merits, he returned to Kyoto two years ago. Later, he was promoted to chief minister, and the three ministers asked him to accept the request, and then Kira Yoshitsugu went to Luo to persuade him to give up his intention to continue to entangle himself in Kaga.

Another piece of news is about the death of my cousin, Zhongyuan Tonghui, who relayed the story to three people, Lieutenant General Zukonoe Rugen, and his younger brother Goyuan, Zhongyuan Tonghui, died of illness two years ago, which brought great sorrow to the Zhongyuan family. There is a shadow. The second brother, who is only two years old, is adopted as an adopted son by the Shirakawa family. The current family governor is Shirakawa Masaye, who is nearly seventy years old, also known as the Yaye King.

This clan belongs to the lineage of Prince Kiyohito, the son of Emperor Hanayama. His legitimate son, Prince Ennobu, was the founder of the lineage and served as the official minister of the ancient gods. As a royal priest, he founded the Haku family Shinto family, also known as Shirakawa-ryu Shinto. The Zhongyuan family is also considered a prominent one.

Last summer, Kira Yoshitsune's aunt Yoshi Odai gave birth to another son, and it was decided that he would be adopted by the Rokujo family. This family was originally a descendant of the Kuaga family and was also from the Habayashi family. It would not be wrong to inherit this family. 's children.

In addition, the imperial court also promoted five subordinate attendants to the Namioka Tower House. These were the official positions that Kira Yoshinori wrote personally and were obtained through the operation of Kuga Harumichi and Nakain Tongwei. As a minister from the Murakami Genji clan, The success of Langang Toutou's official career was also the beginning of his journey to becoming a public official.

With the emperor's praise, Ashikaga Yoshiteru caught up with the last train for promotion at the beginning of this year. He was promoted to the two highest ranking officers, General Ukonoe, and he is working hard to move towards the direction of the elder Genji. However, judging from the current situation, Murakami Genji has not been around for a long time. My family, the Nakain family, has been fully revived with the support of Kira Yoshitoki, and there is no hope for the elder Genji in the short term.

This year, in addition to the people from Echigo, people from Shinano and Ueno presented congratulatory gifts. People from Northern Shinano took the initiative to come to Kasugayama Castle to congratulate the New Year. Nagao, Shirai and Ashikaga from Ueno Province The governors or clans of the first-class relatives, the Nagano clan, the Obata clan, the Numata clan, the Yuryo clan and other powerful people also came to the city in person to congratulate them.

Kasugayama Castle, which used to be quiet and peaceful, suddenly became crowded with thousands of people. The accompanying envoys curiously looked at the neat streets and pedestrians coming and going in Echigo. They were surprised to find that although they were in a world of white snow and ice , the pedestrians on the road were happily clearing the snow on the road.

The young children held up the pocket-sized Ashikaga Futai and Ryō flags, swished through the crowd and disappeared on the street corner. Only when they heard them shouting slogans about samurai destroying bad guys did they realize that Echigo had turned into something else.

The accompanying envoys were either in small groups or swarmed into the castle towns, and Naoetsu went on a shopping spree. For samurai who seldom went out, this mission was a good opportunity to benefit from the public good, and to wipe out their family's old debts.

I came to Echigo with a huge foreign debt, just to buy more goods here, so that I can make a big fortune when I return to my hometown after the holiday.

Different from the samurai who rushed to the store in a swarm, Nagano Yegu and Onata Nobuzada were walking around with a dozen Chinese envoys from Ueno and Shinano. They had not decided what they wanted to buy yet. They looked around like a country man.

Peasant warriors, but they don't care about the strange looks from pedestrians.

"We haven't seen each other for more than a year, and Echigo has changed a lot. People seem to be getting richer and richer. How can we do all this? Zhenfudian is really a mysterious man." Nagano Yoshiguchi said.

He looked thoughtfully at the Bell and Drum Tower standing in the middle of the vertical street.

He could be sure that it was built in recent years, because there was no such bell and drum tower before he left. The nine-meter-high bell and drum tower is like an enhanced version of the civil engineering scull. There is a small and exquisite arrow hanging in the bell and drum tower.

A bronze bell hangs from the top of the tower with a huge Ashikaga two-letter flag, which rings the bell on the first hour after the sun rises to tell the time.

When the bell rings at dawn, people get up and leave their homes to start the day's work. Until the last bell rings before the sun sets, people finish the day's work and go home. Echigo has limited working hours to the sound of the bell.

In China, the rule of working at sunrise and resting at sunset is quantified by the sound of bells, and the number of hours worked in a day gradually entered people's lives.

"There is a break every six days, and working time must not exceed five hours. Children over five years old in the town must receive more than three years of basic education. It is said that Shinmura is also doing this. It is really a big deal!" Kobata Nobuzada sighed in admiration.

A Shinano samurai who was traveling with him came over and said: "I heard that the annexation of new villages throughout Echigo has been completed. More than 400 walled cities and 35 branch cities have been demolished. None of the new villages after the annexation is less than 3,000.

People, it will be much easier to collect taxes and levies from now on."

"It's definitely not just that!" Although he didn't know what Kira Yoshitoki was thinking, Nagano Yegu still felt that it was not that simple: "It is said that the plan is to establish a house number system, a household registration system and determine occupational categories! I just don't know what Zhenfudian will do.


Another samurai heard the discussion and came over to interject: "Hey! Have you heard? Echigo will reform the tax system, abolish the previous miscellaneous taxes, change land money into business tax, and set it at 20%.

The tax money is turned into a tariff, and the trade goods entering and exiting the port are levied from 1 cent to 50 percent. The specific tax on trade goods will be publicly announced by the Kira family!"

"One cent of tariff? What else can you get? A 50% tariff is too much anyway!" The group of warriors gradually gathered around the street corner, exchanging what they had seen along the way.

"That's right! Who knows what tricks the Kira family is up to."

"Shh! Keep your voice down, you don't want to live anymore!"

Nagano Yegu and Kobata Nobuzada looked at each other, tacitly avoided the crowd, and squeezed into the stream of people, but disappeared after a while. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

This chapter has been completed!
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