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Chapter 328 Sandalwood punished

After four years of living in Echigo, the Kira retainers gradually adapted to the climate of Echigo. What followed was a new wave of baby boomers, Naito Masashige, Watanabe Takatsuna, Shitara Sadachi, Suzuki Shige.

At this time, people such as Okouchi Tsunado gave birth to new children one after another, such as Matsui Yukan, senior executive officer Mitsui Tora also had children.

The most surprising thing is the Numata family. Numata Hikarukane's family has many children, especially the daughter who is pregnant. He has been as busy as a hard-working bee in his life, breeding many offspring in the flowers, and now he is busy again.

In order to find a home for his daughter, this time he focused on Yamaoka Tokichō, Honda Tokimasa and Namioka Toutou.

In Kasugayama Castle's former Kiragi residence hall, now known as the Kasuga Imperial Palace Guest House, Kiragi and Numata Mitsukane are sitting opposite each other. Numata Sandalwood, wearing a beautiful gown, also attended this event as the daughter of the Numata family.

During the meeting, she didn't say anything, she just sat quietly next to Kira Yoshiki like an obedient little woman.

Looking at this father-in-law, his body and bones are stronger than a few years ago, and his face is red and full of energy. He is like a rooster who can sing at any time. It can be seen that he has lived a good life in these years. It is said that he even became a monk from Wakasa.

Soganin, who was a nun, received Echigo. Although he could not persuade Soganin to return to secular life, he was able to set up a small nunnery in his home so that Soganin could reunite with his daughters.

Seeing Numata Mitsukane excitedly introducing his family and telling these three names, Kira Yoshi said with a smile but not a smile: "Mitsukanedou is really good at selecting candidates. One of these three people has been serving as a companion of our family since he was a child.

The other two are our family's advisers, they must be candidates who have been thinking hard for a long time, right?"

"The master of the museum is so complimentary. These are all well-known figures among the younger generation of my Kira family. Which daughter of the samurai family doesn't want to marry these people! I'm just one step ahead. The master of the museum also

I know that I, the daughter of the Numata family, is outstanding in appearance and moral character, so I am bold enough to ask the owner for your permission!"

"Well..." Kira Yoshi seemed to be thinking, and suddenly raised his head and said, "Sanxiang, come and give me a squeeze on my shoulders."

"Yes!" Numata Sandalwood stood up with a red face, took small steps to walk behind him, knelt down and gently rubbed his shoulders. This kind of small gesture between husband and wife happened every day in the imperial palace, but in front of outsiders, especially him

This was the first time for his father, and Tanxiang didn't know why His Highness suddenly made this request. He just lowered his head shyly and didn't dare to look up.

Seeing this scene, Numata Mitsukane was extremely happy. He hurriedly made a flattering photo to praise Kira Yoshi for his bravery and martial prowess. His daughter was as beautiful as a goddess and they were a match made in heaven. It wasn't until Kira Yoshi coughed that he was so happy.

The old man who was improvising was told to stop talking, because Mitsukane Numata had unknowingly compared the young couple to Minamoto Yoritomo and Hojo Masako. The old man also realized that he had said something wrong, and hurriedly shut his mouth and leaned over in fear.


"It's me, Mitsukane, who was too abrupt, I'm so sorry!" Numata Mitsukane wished he could smash this bad mouth in front of his son-in-law. Saying that his son-in-law and daughter are Minamoto Yoritomo and Hojo Masako is not implying that he

It's the Hojo Tokisei. Then isn't Numata Yumitsu not the Hojo Yoshitoki? The Numata family is the Hojo family. They simply committed a good death.

"Forget it, Mitsukaneden didn't do it on purpose..." Kira Yoshishi shook the bat fan as if he didn't care and said, "As for the marriage contract request of those three people, my family also agreed."

"Ah! Thank you for your grace, Master! I don't dare to disturb the rest of the Master. I will resign now, resign!" Hikaru Numata staggered out of the inner room. He almost jumped out of excitement as soon as he went out. Fortunately, he remembered Kira.

Yishi was still indoors, hurriedly closed the paper door and left in a hurry.

The departure of Numata Mitsukane caused the silence in the inner room to return, but Kira Yoshi did not get up, and Numata Sandalwood did not dare to move. She still squeezed his shoulders gently. After a while, he turned his face and asked: "

Is your father over sixty years old now?"

Numata Sandalwood lowered her eyebrows and said, "Yes, Your Highness! My father is now sixty-one years old."

"Don't push me to sit down yet! Sit next to me."

"Yes!" The girl stood up and walked over to him. As soon as she knelt down and sat down, she was pulled over by Kira Yoshitoki.

He dragged a little girl with brute force as if to play with him, and pulled Sandalwood directly into his arms. He rested his head on his thigh and looked at Kiragi. This sudden pull almost made Sandalwood scream. See

The unhappy expression on Kiragi's face when he was beaten made him swallow his screams again.

"Tell me what your Numata family wants to do!"

Numata Sandalwood replied in panic: "I don't understand what Your Highness means..."

Kira Yoshi gently stroked the girl's jade-like face, along the snow-white neck all the way down to the two towering mountains, and said coldly: "Don't hide it in front of me, I know every move of the inner court like the back of my hand.

Where did that strange maid come from? How did Numata Mitsukane's aunt sneak into our inner court? Why are you unwilling to tell me? My family gives you opportunities time and time again, but you fail to live up to our expectations again and again. What on earth are you going to do? Really?

Do you want to be Hojo Masako and build a Hojo family?"

"So His Highness already knows everything?" At that moment, Numata Sandalwood's face showed a trace of pain and relief, and he said calmly: "In that case, please tell me! That is my father's plan. He has it."

An ambitious plan to establish the Numata family's most powerful territory.

After His Highness picked Sandalwood, his father had been teaching him many things that he had never heard before, including pleasing and flattering, as well as ways to win people's hearts, intrigues, etc. Therefore, His Highness saw Sandalwood in a different way than he had a few years ago.

Likewise, Sandalwood has long since realized that His Highness was very disappointed when he looked at her for the first time..."

Pulling off the bow on the coat, he opened the shirt to reveal his snow-white skin. The two convex peaks were changing shapes at will in his hands. It wasn't until the girl's breathing gradually became heavier and her face turned as red as a red apple that she sighed and turned her clothes around.

He tied it up again, "If it weren't for my family's health and Hu Ji's promise, I would have executed you on the spot today, little girl, forget it! Go back while I'm in a good mood, otherwise you will do something that you will regret.

It’s too late.”

"Eh? Shouldn't His Highness be angry and punish his concubine?" Sandalwood looked at Kira Yoshi's movements with a confused expression. She could already feel a big, hot thing pressing against her back.

She closed her eyes in shame and waited for His Highness's "last favor". Then she would be punished with abandonment or even worse.

"Remember, don't be clever in the future. The tricks played by your stupid father are not worth mentioning in my eyes. Do you want to get married? I let him do it! Then remember it for me! All this is not allowed.

Tell him, I want to see how far he can jump, do you understand?"

"Yes!" Sandalwood lowered her head to her chest, not daring to raise her head to look at her husband's terrifying face.

"Remember, you are a woman of this family, and then the daughter of the Numata family. Being a woman of this family is the most important thing for you at the moment. Any attempt to interfere with your duties is your enemy, even if he is your father.

Do you understand?"

"Yes!" Sandalwood nodded mechanically. It all happened so fast that she didn't have any chance to react or think.

"Okay, pack your clothes and go back as if nothing happened. Do you understand?"

"But... His Highness hasn't punished Sandalwood yet!" Sandalwood stared at the bulge on his lower body, covering his face that was as hot as a small stove, and said shyly: "Although this will make Sandalwood

It’s very embarrassing, but it’s my duty to help His Highness solve your sexual problems!”

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Kira Yoshi looked at her with a strange expression. Like a hungry wolf staring at its prey, Sandalwood couldn't help but shrink back.

Sandalwood was afraid of this kind of green eyes. But she still mustered up the courage to nod vigorously: "OK!"

"Then you're welcome!" Kira Yoshichi stepped forward and took the girl's cold little hand, leading her to the inner room with a strange smile on his face: "I'm here to teach you a very interesting exercise, right?

It’s very good for your health! Your sister Hu Ji has also practiced it!”

"Okay! Sandalwood will definitely try her best to catch up with Sister Huji!" The silly Sandalwood followed him happily to the inner room.

The first month of the new year is the month for the Echigo samurai to rest and relax. It is not until the end of the first month that the warriors start the work of the new year. They are resting in name. In fact, they are still working during the vacation. They have been preparing for the development of the new year since the second half of last year.

The plan was summarized and sorted out during the first month break.

Two new polders were built in the Niigata area, adding a total of 17,000 steps to the new land. It took 20,000 people to work hard and work for most of the winter to basically complete it. The completion of these two large polders also marks the initial success of the development of Niigata Town.

, the jealous Chinese people expressed their intention to reclaim wasteland and build new fields.

However, the development of new fields requires the permission of the Kira family. Without Kira Yoshitoki's consent, they have no reason to occupy it. Who told them to agree without thinking clearly at the beginning? If they want to go back on the strong robbery, they must also consider the Kira family and the Nagao family.

As a result of the suppression by the army, they could only act like a frustrated little daughter-in-law, complaining around the followers of the Kira family and not listening.

Kira Yoshitoki did not stop this. If you want to open a new field, go ahead! The premise is that the Echigo people must follow the rules of the Kira family. Where development is allowed and where development is not allowed, there are clear regulations, such as the area in Niigata Town.

We must not touch it, because it is the core area of ​​the Kira family, and all the Chinese living nearby have been transferred to other areas in Echigo early, making the Niigata area a piece of land dominated by the Kira family.

However, he does not intend to eat alone. It is impossible for him to eat the 200,000 machibu with Niigata as the core. In fact, he only needs to capture the core 150, 60,000 machibu. Those branches are in

The Chuetsu Shinano River and the Shimotsu Agano River are too far apart and not very concentrated. The development results are relatively low, so it is better to leave it to the people of the country.

As the guardian of Echigo, Nagao Kagetora was also strongly recommended by Kira Yoshitoki for a piece of land, which is located in the large riverside wasteland southwest of Sanjo Castle in the Shinano River Basin. Nakaetsu was originally the place where the Nagao family started, and Sanjo Nagao

, Zaoudo, Qiyoshi Nagao, Ueda Nagao, and Shimoda Nagao all come from here. The possession of such a large area of ​​land by Nagao Kagetora will also help strengthen the control of China and Vietnam, thereby tying down a less honest clan.


It took the Nagao family more than a year to expand their military service, and it was interrupted by the war. A military service of 15,000 was simply a fantasy for Echigo in the past. It was not just population pressure, but mainly the lack of enough food to support such a large number of military personnel.

, and the military service account can only reflect part or most of the country's armed forces, and does not equal the country's hidden war potential. It is even less clear whether the country's lords are fully deployed.

However, the Nagao family doesn’t care. After the expansion of military service, the number of military services directly borne by the Nagao family is as high as 5,000 people. For each family, the national lords jointly bear the burden of 10,000 people. For example, the Ueda clan of Nagao Masakei bears more than 2,000 military services.

Among them, Nagao Masakei directly supports more than 700 people, Nagao Kagenobu supports more than 700 people, Saito Asanobu supports more than 600 people, Honjo Minoru supports more than 600 people, etc.

Basically, the military service of the main ministers of the national lords was doubled or tripled. After a winter of deliberation, the new military service account was announced and soon received strong support from all walks of life in Echigo. The most eye-catching one was

The military service account is not signed by the Nagao family military service account. Instead, it is called "Echigo Military Service Account in the Third Year of Koji", or "Echigo Military Service Account" for short.

Many people have noticed that in this "Echigo Military Service Account", the first line of military service when looking up is Nagao Kagetora, with Nagao Kagetora in the same shape. There are 5,250 military personnel, including 1,500 mounted samurai and iron warriors.

The cannon weighs 500 ding, the bow and arrow weigh 500 ding, the spear weighs more than 3100 ding, and there are several large and small flags.

This change greatly exceeded everyone's expectations. You must know that the military service account is a concentrated expression of the complete control of the territory by the lords of each country. Citizens with the privilege of being a guardian will not appear on the military service account. Therefore, having a military service account

The national law on the division of labor accounts and the sound enforcement system have become important symbols of the Warring States Daimyo.

Another point that is most important is that the military service of the king will not be marked on the military service account. Whether or not the successor of the family governor will be marked is a matter of choice, and most will not be marked on it. The main body of the military service account is a genealogy.

The term "lord of the countrymen" means that the king of the country has established the power to control a clan, the clan, foreigners and even the people of other countries. Therefore, the king of the country will not write down the amount of his own military service.

But this time the "Echigo Military Service Account" is marked with Nagao Kagetora's military service. Doesn't this mean that he is not the lord of Echigo? Is there someone else who is the real master of the country? Let's think of the name of the military service account again.

It's not "The Nagao Family Military Service Tent". People quietly looked at the young man sitting in the highest position.

People were surprised to find that at some time in Kasugayama Castle, there were many Ashikaga two-hundred flags, and even the main wall of the Ohiro room was replaced by the Maruji-hunryo flag representing the Ashikaga Shogun's family. Since the restoration of the shogunate, all the common people in the world have

I know that there is a branch that can use the royal crest of the Ashikaga Shogun family.

The Ashikaga clan mentioned it more and more often. Relatively unpopular history books such as "Azuma Mirror", "The Rise and Fall of Genpei", "Taipei Chronicles", and "Non-Taipei Chronicles" suddenly became popular, and the samurai in Echigo were re-acquainting themselves with that story.

A passing era, an era that represents glory.

Kira Yoshitoki also knew the reaction of the Echigo samurai well. The "Echigo Military Service Account" was produced by him and Nagao Kagetora because he single-handedly rejected the post of guardian of Echigo and accepted the appointment of the general of the garrison to the post of Echigo.

Long clearly understood his brother-in-law's ambition, so he proposed to take the opportunity of establishing the military service account to establish the distinction between master and slave.

As Echigo's economic and agricultural development both enter the path of rapid development, the people of Echigo are increasingly eager to make contributions. The basic attribute of a samurai is to show off his martial name, expand his family territory and inherit his family business. The simple explanation is to make a name for himself.

, for profit and for descendants, now that Echigo has strong soldiers and strong horses, successive victories in wars have made Echigo samurai more and more eager to perform meritorious service on the battlefield.

The internal political and economic construction no longer tolerates the intervention of the Echigo people. The strong religious strength shown by the followers of the Kira family convinced the Echigo people. There is a hidden need for external expansion, and restless hearts need to be appeased.

At this juncture, it became inevitable to establish a new military service account.

As for the system of divided national laws, the Kira family has been working on it since they came to Echigo. During the rebellions of Hojo, Honjo, and Kurokawa, they easily dispersed the people of Central Vietnam and the people of Lower Vietnam. Under the operation of the powerful executive officers of the Kira family, they protected the envoys.

The inaccessible privileges of Chinese people are like ice and snow meeting the scorching sun, melting away in the blink of an eye.

The privilege of non-entry to the guardianship that the people of the country relied on was abolished, and the privilege of non-entry to taxes and labor for the temple community was also abolished. The Kira family monks came up with a way. The temple leaders, who have a large team, can give you as many monks as there are in the temple.

The amount of land given is based on one person's three transgressions, but the premise is that from now on, if a monk wants to become a monk, he must be entrusted by the temple community to manage the monk's membership.

Monks who are traveling from other places passing by Echigo and want to stay in a temple for a few years or simply stay permanently must register their monk status at the temple office, including their common name, title, monastic temple, mentor's title, and sect to which they belong.

, good at recording Buddhist classics, etc. Just come and log out when you leave Echigo.

Kira Yoshitoki's attitude is very clear. He is not afraid of them making trouble. If he wants more land, he can give it to them. Even if they ask for ten machibu steps per monk, he can give it to them. The premise is that the monks have to work on the cultivated land themselves and there is local land.

The Su Lao underground people will monitor on their behalf, and the followers will conduct random inspections every month. If it is found that these temples cannot plant so much land, and the land is barren and food production is reduced on a large scale, they will immediately be punished by confiscating the excess land.

In this way, the initiative of the Echigo temples to recruit new monks will be seized, and the true strength of the temple community will be seized. If they want to support the monks, they will have to bow to the Kira family. The three anti-monks of each monk will force the temple to be unable to hide its hidden family.

, because the cultivated land area has been registered separately, and the amount of land each temple has is fixed. If someone suddenly gets dozens of more lands in a certain year through tricks, it must be the land of farmers invested under the temple. Kira follows the principle

People are not vegetarians, they can be punished to the point where they can’t live without death. (To be continued, please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

This chapter has been completed!
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