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Chapter 331 Amazing words

In the blink of an eye, at the turn of spring and summer, the Kira family's 2,000 new troops and 300 horseback troops were trained and formally incorporated into the main army. Counting the Shinano reserve and the Etsu reserve, the Kira family's main army had 10,500 people.

, out of the two thousand new troops, Takikawa Masushige took away 500 people to train the iron cannon Ashigaru, and the remaining 1,500 were all incorporated into the gun and shield corps. Watanabe Takatsuna served as the reserve general, and Naito Masashige's Juto bow

The training requirements for the team are too high, so I can only give in temporarily.

The basic training of the five hundred newly installed flintlock iron cannons has been completed, and the feedback from one after another is very good. The characteristics of the new guns are that they have a faster rate of fire and are easier to operate. The muzzle velocity and power of the iron cannon's projectiles have been greatly increased, making it the best weapon.

The killing distance has been increased from 50 meters to 70 meters, eliminating the instability caused by the ignition of the match rope.

A skillfully controlled iron cannon ashigaru can complete a round of firing within ten seconds. This loading speed can support the effect of three shots in a short time as long as the rhythm is controlled well. However, the barrel has been cooled by high temperature and the gun scale has not been completely cleaned.

Big trouble, after several rounds of high-intensity shooting, you must allow a certain amount of time to slow down.

The newly joined five hundred iron cannon ashigaru have no problem with training. After more than two years of professional training, in addition to the basic training of gun and shield ashigaru, the iron cannon and bow and arrow have also received corresponding basic training. This is

The Kira family has basic requirements for off-the-job supplies. Being proficient in several weapons will help improve the overall combat effectiveness.

In late May, at the training ground at the foot of Kasuga Mountain, Kira Yoshitoki inspected the training of the new army. The 7,000 new army from Echigo and the 5,000 standing army from Omi will receive professional training here from Yamamoto Tokiyuki. According to the training of their respective armies,

Due to the requirements of the situation, the Echigo New Army required one and a half years of high-intensity basic training.

This one-and-a-half-year training method has matured day by day, greatly improving Ashigaru's physical strength and flexibility. On the other hand, it has cultivated basic tactical literacy, including the use of standard Swiss gun formations and various variations, and improved gun quilts.

Various professional training such as assault tactics and cavalry anti-assault tactics, etc., in order to reach the professional level of standing shogun.

From a professional quality point of view, this new army of 7,000 has the excellent qualities to be a standing army. What it lacks is nothing more than combat experience or long-term professional training. Normal training that takes three years to become a standing army has been reduced to one and a half years. The effect is definitely

Some discounts have to be given. The training period of this new army will expire in early June, and it will soon be handed over to the Nagao family for military service.

Omi's standing requirements are higher. The five thousand standing army will undergo two years of high-intensity and in-depth training. The training period has just completed one year. The overall level is not much different from that of the seven thousand long-tailed new army who are about to serve. They all have

A common feature is that they are all very young children.

The average age of the Seven Thousand Echigo New Army is sixteen years old, and the average age of the Five Thousand Omi Standing Army is slightly younger. Their role is to gradually replace the Nagao family's original military service system and replace the traditional military service conscription system.

to the standing conscription system, and then gradually transitioned to the process of giving up conscription for military service.

The equipment they are equipped with comes from the ordnance and armor captured by the Kira family during many years of war. Seven thousand sets of well-maintained and sophisticated equipment were found in Kinai. They only need to be repainted as required, which is enough for the Nagao family's seven thousand new troops.

Of the 5,000 men in Omi's reserve force, the Kira family provided 2,000 complete sets of equipment captured in recent years, and the Biwaya manufactured 3,000 new equipment.

It is certain that Nagao Kagetora will become the largest lord of Echigo with the five thousand military service he is responsible for. The population directly under the Nagao family has exceeded 150,000, and the land exceeds 15,000 towns, including Naoetsu and Kasugayama.

The population of the castle town, plus the direct leadership of the Kira family not included, the two families directly control nearly half of Echigo's population and land.

Faced with the absolute disparity in political, economic, military, and agricultural strength, the people of Echigo country obeyed these two companies and did not dare to have second thoughts. This advantage gradually increased with the successive victories in the Northern Shinano and Ueno regions. After last year's assassination,

Influenced by the influence, the Iga people, the Kaga people, and the Xuanzu people reshuffled the internal intelligence layout of Echigo. The internal military and political control was so dense that it was terrifying. Anyone who dared to accept the transfer at this juncture would be like eating arsenic and seeking death.


The teaching ground behind Kasuga Imperial Palace was originally a piece of wild land on the back mountain. It was included when Kasugayama Castle was rebuilt a few years ago. Now the entire Kasugayama is surrounded by high walls from the bottom of the mountain, except for the nearest one in the northwest.

In addition to the copper house and the iron cannon house, there are Naoetsu Town and Castle Town in the east and southeast.

The back mountain was assigned to the Kasuga Imperial Palace by Nagao Kagetora. In addition to being used as the garden of the Kira family, there is also a Hime Yashiki complex where one hundred and fifty Hime warriors lived. They were the former Nagao Family Hime warriors.

Based on the expansion, since the accident four years ago, Kira Yoshitoki ordered the wealthy families of Echigo to incorporate their daughters of appropriate age into the Hime Samurai Order.

In the teaching field in the back mountain, one hundred and fifty heroines were dressed in men's hunting uniforms, with their long hair tied up high in bows. They were running back and forth on horseback holding bows and bows. Every time they raised their bows, they

There is an indescribable beauty in the movement of the arrows, and there are quite a few outstanding-looking women among them who would occasionally smile sweetly when looking at Kiragi outside the court.

"Ahem! That's really good!" Ji Liangyoshi scratched his forehead and pointed out in a serious manner: "Looking at the movements of bow and arrow, it seems that he is an expert at first sight. By the way... eh! Where are the people?"

Looking around, he realized that Hu Ji and Nao Hu, who were supposed to be standing next to him, were missing. The little maids standing by covered their mouths and chuckled. After a while, they saw Hu Ji and Nao Hu wearing turban hats with curly heads.

Kabuto, holding an unedged plain spear in his right hand, and a fan-shaped shield in his left hand, drove his mount slowly onto the stage. The two of them were dressed exactly the same, and if you didn't look carefully, you could have mistaken them.

The two girls were holding plain guns and galloping on horseback, fighting ping-pong-pong. If you look closely, their skills are really good. They are not just posing for a show as you imagined. The two girls sometimes hit each other while riding their horses.

However, sometimes they get entangled in each other and exchange offense and defense, and it's a joy to fight.

"Torahime, move to the left! That's right, you can just dodge it now! Don't get entangled with Naohime, be careful of the danger! This reaction is really praiseworthy!" Kira Yoshishi crossed his arms and watched with gusto, admiring the battle between the two soft girls.

It was a very interesting thing. I spent the whole morning watching the girls practicing and didn’t stop until the bell struck eleven.

"I'm so tired!" The two Ji warriors who took off their armor came over and took the cold towels to wipe their sweat. The high-intensity training made the girls sweat. In this medieval era that lacked entertainment, the nobles either worked hard to become a generation of heroes.

Or they become incompetent because of their greed for enjoyment.

The samurai had few choices, and the famous saying that incompetence means being replaced has always been deeply engraved in the souls of the descendants of the samurai family. In this patriarchal society, the women of the samurai family in the Warring States Period were destined to follow the universal values ​​​​of the samurai family, or to run away from home.

Become a man's assistant like Tomoe Gozen, Itagame Gozen, Jugini, or be a traditional woman like Yamato Nadeshiko, such as Kira Yoshitoki's mother Ai Gozen, his aunt Yoshitoshi Gozen, Ashikaga Yoshiteru's mother Keijuin

Etc. are all examples.

"Your Highness! Have you seen the practice of sister Naohu and I? Comment on it!" Hu Ji held Naohu's arm and walked towards him with a smile, as close as a team of sisters. Naohu's cheeks were as red as a big

Red Apple, I don’t know if it’s because the weather is too hot or because I’m shy.

Kira Yoshishi quickly praised: "From a distance, you look like a pair of sisters, and from a close look, your appearance is also very imaginary. Torahime's nose is high and beautiful, Naotora's eyebrows are like distant mountains with daisies, Torahime's eyes are brighter, and Naotora's

Your eyes are clearer, even your martial arts skills are not much different, and your names also have the character "tiger" in them, you are really destined!"

Kira Yoshishi praised the two girls so much that they blushed. He caught a glimpse of the Ji warriors looking at the three of them curiously. He stamped his feet shyly and angrily and urged: "Why are you still standing? Aren't you shouting that you are hungry?"

Come on! Go eat quickly!"

"Yes, Your Highness Princess!" The Ji warriors stuck out their tongues and immediately dispersed.

At noon, I stayed in the imperial palace and had lunch with several concubines. Hu Ji's cooking was still not satisfactory, but her spirit of hard study was still worthy of praise. Every three days, Aju would come over to teach them cooking skills. As a member of a family of public ministers,

Born Aju, she has tasted all kinds of delicacies from all over the world with her mother Yoshitoki Kira since she was a child, as well as some exotic delicacies. She has learned a lot and has a strong memory, and she has summed up her own cooking skills through many years of practice.

, it’s okay to be a teacher for a few girls who are not yet considered women.

In recent months, Aku's body has become heavier and heavier, and the cooking education can only be temporarily postponed. As early as the beginning of the year, Saito Asanobu found Kira Yoshi and hoped to invite the best midwife to deliver Aku's baby. Saito Asanobu

Nobu is the only child of the Saito family, and Aku's status is extremely noble. Not only is she the daughter of a noble family, she is also Kira Yoshitoki's sworn sister, so this request is not too much.

He could also understand Zhong Kui's worries. Giving birth was a very dangerous thing in ancient times. It was very easy for the fetus to be born with its legs first, which required the most skilled doctors and midwives. There were the most skilled doctors in Echigo.

, Nagata Tokumoto is a very kind and serious doctor. From his nickname, Mr. Shikibumi, we can understand that there is absolutely no problem with this doctor's professionalism and professional ethics.

As for midwives, there are some well-known midwives in Echigo, but this kind of delivery is the experience passed down by midwives word of mouth. It is difficult to distinguish between exquisite skills and low level. It can only be judged from years of word of mouth. Kira Yoshitoki

I think this phenomenon is very bad, especially when these midwives are faced with delivering babies of noble women. If something goes wrong, it will be a serious matter, and even if the midwife's whole family is killed afterwards, it will be irreversible.

The measures he took were ordered at the evaluation meeting at the beginning of the year. The midwifery women from various prefectures in Echigo went to Kasugayama Castle in three batches to receive the guidance of Nagata Tokumoto. Although Mr. Shijubumi was not a master in the midwifery world, he

With his superb medical knowledge, rich experience in handling various emergencies, and years of experience in medicine, it is no problem to teach these midwives basic common sense.

The second step is to sort out and summarize the midwifery experience accumulated by experienced midwives, and then make various versions of the preview version of the midwifery manual to solicit opinions, and then make additions, deletions and modifications based on the feedback, and finally form the first version in early June.

A set of regulations governing the training of midwifery nurses.

Midwives over fifty-five years old will select the best among them to come to Kasugayama Castle for medical treatment at any time. Another job of theirs is to regularly train young women on midwifery knowledge. The next step is to open a medical school in Kasugayama Castle, and eventually

The goal was to establish a higher education institution similar to Ashikaga School.

Nagata Tokumoto serves as the first generation head of the village, and Qunaose Morizuma serves as the lecturer. At the same time, basic medical education is established for the townspeople with a certain cultural foundation. The current five-year education is established, and the long-term vocational education is destined for those adult townspeople.

Unable to accept it, I can only reluctantly give up the opportunity to my underage children.

Nowadays, the number of illiterate people in Kasugayama Castle Town and Naoetsu Town is gradually decreasing. Underage children will receive one to two years of cultural education, including simple writing of Kanji and kana, basic education on the explanation and explanation of laws, the social system of the samurai family, etc.

There were several earthquakes just after entering the Rokuki region. There were rumors that a major earthquake would occur. Many ministers packed their bags and traveled to distant countries. Unfortunately, Echigo also became one of the places of choice for some ministers.

The priest of Tokudaiji Temple was sitting in the guest room with a sad face. Now he is twenty years old and has three non-consultants in his official residence. As the youngest son of the former head of the Tokudaiji family, Mitsuichi Tokudaiji, who was left in Hokuriku, he was unable to survive due to the sudden death of his father.

He rushed back to Kyoto in time but unfortunately lost his inheritance rights. All he could rely on was his pitiful status and an official position to survive.

The reason why he chose to go to Echigo is almost the same as that of his dead father, and may even be more tragic. If it were not for the fact that the nominal sworn brother Tokudaiji Kōwei thought that he was the child left behind by his adoptive father, would Tokudaiji Kōji be able to

Living to adulthood is still a problem.

Hearing the sound of footsteps in the corridor outside the door, the priest of Tokudai Temple hurriedly sat upright and looked up. The strong sunlight outside the door dispersed the darkness in the room. His eyes were suddenly illuminated by the light and he could not clearly see the face of the man.

, but his calm and natural demeanor still made his eyes shine.

"Prince of Dedai Temple, I have met the Lord of the Town!" Priest of Dedai Temple nodded lightly as a salute. As a high-ranking minister, he has the right to have this etiquette standard.

"During Kiragi's reign, I met the General of the House of Lords."

The two of them exchanged meaningless politeness for a long time, and then chatted about some recent news in Kyoto, which was nothing more than which master had released a new masterpiece, and a certain minister performed such and such a Japanese song at a concert in a certain year and month and attracted the audience.

There are other chores such as going on a boat trip to Lake Biwa during the Moon Festival, reciting poems and writing poems, tasting Omi delicacies, etc.

The paper door was pushed open a gap, Kawada Iwatsurumaru reminded the time softly, Kira Yoshihi smiled and closed the folding fan and said: "General Nakamura is tired from traveling and traveling, and it is inconvenient for me to bother you for too long, so I take my leave!"

"Hold on!" The priest of Dedai Temple suddenly stood up and blocked his way: "Master Zhenfu, please wait a moment! I, the priest, have something to say."

"Oh! Please tell me, I'm listening." Faced with the powerless minister blocking the way, Kira Yoshitoki's choice was to wave his hand to repel Kawada Iwazurumaru who was about to break in, take two steps back and sit down again.

The priest of Tokudaiji Temple gave a bitter smile; "It is still very embarrassing to talk about, but it involves the safety of the prince and the entire Echigo. Please give me a moment to talk about it. Speaking of which, it is related to the death of my father.

It must be related. Except for the two ancestors and my father who died young, my Tokudaiji family has held the position of minister for generations, and my father’s death was caused by the chief priest of Zengshan Castle in Ezhong!"

The Tokudaiji family, one of the Seven Seikas, comes from the Kanin-ryu branch of the Fujiwara Kita family. It belongs to the same branch of the Saionji family as the Sanjo family, the Saionji family, and the Imadegawa family of Saionji, except for two.

For the family governor who died young, the lowest achievement was the position of internal minister.

His father, Tokudaiji Mitsuichi, was born in the 10th year of Eisho (1513). In his early years, he lost most of his old estates due to frequent wars. He was impoverished and there were turmoil in the Kinnei area at that time, such as the Uchibashi Ikei and the Hokke Ikei. So he decided to go to

Going down from Hokuriku, the place he chose was similar to Ashikaga Yoshimoto's idea. When he went to China, he could rely on his mother's status as the legitimate daughter of Hatakeyama Naojun, so that he could live without worries about food and clothing.

In the fifth year of Tianbun, the Tenbun Lotus Rebellion was basically over, and the Yamashina Honganji Temple was also burned down. Tokudaiji Mitsuichi felt that he could return to Kyoto safely, so he left the warm embrace of Etchu and returned to his big home in Kyoto. However, the good times never passed.

Soon, Kyoto ushered in a new war, and Tokudaiji Mimichi fled to Vietnam to seek refuge.

Unfortunately, the newly appointed Admiral Ukonoe, relying on his status as the son-in-law of Arihatakeyama Yoshitsune, did not pay much attention to the position of the chief priest who was born as a local tycoon. He repeatedly offended this big-hearted man with his neglectful words.

In the narrow Etsuchu guardianship era, in September of the 14th year of Tenmon (1545), Hatakeyama Yoshitsune had just died of illness less than a month before he was assassinated by the chief priest.

"It's really a sad story to tell..." Kira Yoshitsune expressed his grief for the deceased, "But does it have anything to do with my Kira family? It doesn't seem to have anything to do with Echigo, right?"

"It does matter, it does matter a lot!" The priest of Tokudai Temple waved his arms excitedly: "The chief priest of the town is a narrow-minded villain who is determined to take revenge. Because my father offended him with words, he was ruthlessly assassinated. The town government official offended this villain.

He is more ruthless than my father, so of course his revenge will be stronger!"

"Because I killed the invading army of the Jimbo family, as well as a samurai of the Jinbo family, so I want to take revenge on my family and threaten the Kira family and Echigo? I will seriously consider it, please Nakaro Shogun to rest!"

Kira Yoshishi used a bat fan to cover the flash of contempt at the corner of his mouth. He was too lazy to chat with the frustrated minister who was mentally unstable. He stood up and walked out the door.

"Wait a minute, please listen to me!" The priest of Tokudaiji Temple suddenly became anxious. He ran forward and grabbed his sleeve. When he couldn't hold back Kiragi, who was as strong as a bull, even after pulling hard,

He gritted his teeth and pulled hard with all his strength. With a "squeak", Kira Yoshitoki's sleeve was torn into two pieces.

The priest of Tokudaiji Temple staggered a few steps and almost fell over. He finally managed to steady his steps. When he looked at Kira Yoshitsune, his expression changed from sunny to cloudy and then to heavy rain: "Why do you want to prevent me from leaving? What is the meaning of the Nakarang Shogun?"


"Because the Echigo army is quietly gathering!" Tokudaiji Temple anxiously said: "Their goal is to attack Echigo!" (To be continued.)

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