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Chapter 333 Unpredictable People

Matsuda Morihide of Sagami Odawara Castle praised: "Awesome! It's really awesome! What a murderous letter! This town official is not a simple person!"

"Show off your words! Let's see how he can resist when our army arrives." Toyama Tsunakage's scar healed and he forgot about the pain. Thinking of the past, a sea of ​​hatred filled his heart: "We must let them know about my status as a samurai of the Hojo family.


"Last year we were not prepared enough. This year with the help of our allies, we will definitely be able to seize Ueno Country!" Hojo Tsunari said with a slight smile on his face: "There is also Echigo! I heard that the land there is as rich as any country in the world. If we can

If we get three points, why should our Hojo family be unhappy?"

Hojo Ujiyasu took a deep breath and ordered: "Tear down all these announcements and destroy them. It is forbidden to talk about the announcements and other matters, Kotaro! If you don't do things well, your knowledge and actions will be reduced by one hundred kan!"

"Yes! I will go and receive my punishment now!" Fuma Kotaro accepted the order with a grimace. The entire Kanto area was covered with notices overnight, including Izu, Sagami, Musashi and other areas actually controlled by the Hojo family. Because of the Fuma ninjas,

Relatively speaking, these three countries posted the least number of notices, but no one can tell this truth. Posting a hundred or a thousand notices has almost the same meaning.

A trace of anger flashed in Hojo Ujiyasu's eyes: "I, Ujiyasu, must avenge the hatred that ruined my reputation! Let me, the Hojo family, come to settle this siege with you!"

"Ahem! My lord!" Hojo Gen'an called the stunned Hojo Ujiyasu back to his senses: "You can put the announcement first. The military service has been summoned, and the food and grass reserves have been prepared since the beginning of the year. I wonder when my lord is going to go into battle?"

"Well, the three military advisors said that the day after tomorrow is a good day to go into battle, so let's make a decision to go out into battle the day after tomorrow!" Hojo Ujiyasu said seriously: "This battle is related to the life and death of our Hojo family. Please be vigilant. Don't underestimate Yue.

A powerful enemy! After my Hojo family captures Ueno, I will definitely reward the three armies greatly!"

The Hojo retainers all bowed in unison: "I am willing to serve my lord!"

Only four days had passed since Echigo's action, the Sagami Hojo family announced the order to go out. Hojo Ujiyasu personally served as the general, and the deputy general was Hojo Nagatsuna. Now the governor of the old family has resigned as the lord of Xiaoji Castle, and his son Hojo is the general.

Nobu inherited the family business of the small machine Hojo and served as the heirloom elder of the Hojo family.

This time Hojo Ujiyasu led an army of 38,000, including almost all the main forces of Izu, Sagami, and Musashi. This move shocked the entire Kanto. It made people realize that a great event was about to happen in Echigo. People who were originally watching the excitement

The Chinese people were a little overwhelmed, and many Kanto people subconsciously wanted to stop the Hojo Army.

The stronger the enemy, the more dangerous he is. Satake, Utsunomiya, Satomi and other powerful people reacted quickly, but they were all held back by their own problems and unable to exert their strength. The Utsunomiya family had just captured Mibu, the traitor who had stolen Utsunomiya Castle.

Tsunafusa assassinated and had no time to send troops. On the other hand, Satake was attacking each other with the powerful Edo clan in Hitachi.

As an ally of the Hojo clan, the Oda clan has also had a difficult life. In recent years, they have had enemies with the Yuuki clan and the Satake clan. The two families took advantage of the opportunity for the Hojo clan to send troops to join forces to attack Oda Castle. After leaving the shroud of the Hojo clan,

Oda Castle was in danger, and if he had the time to send troops, he might as well save himself. Satomi Yoshihiro was busy destroying the disobedient Mariya Takeda clan and had no time to deal with Echigo's affairs.

As for some people who wanted to complain, they quickly shut up because Hojo Ujiyasu's son-in-law, Ashikaga Fujimasa, as the general of the Kwantung Allied Forces, was the one who reacted calmly to this, and the one who responded calmly was Utsuomi Yoshihiro. He knew that he had offended Furukawa a few years ago. Koga knew that he couldn't get close to this family, especially after he had offended Kada Harusuke so badly. What's more, now that Furukawa has fallen into the arms of his old enemy, the Hojo clan, he can't get any closer.

The Koga Koga family held high his own banner and announced the crusade against Echigo. The Koga Koga family tree of the Shimonosu Kingdom was based on the Kada clan, as well as the Chiba clan, the Shimono Sano clan, the Musashi clan, the Ueno Shirakura clan, and the Kuraga clan, one of the eight famous clans in the Eight Houses. The Ye clan and the Nabo clan went out as soldiers from other countries, and the entire army exceeded 42,000 soldiers.

Before the Hojo family's army left Sagami Country, the Shirakura and Kuragano clans near Ontake Castle took the lead in changing their banners as the vanguard and took the initiative to take on the heavy task of attacking Ontake Castle. The eight dignified Shangshu families were driven out of Ueno Country. The two families are simply an indelible shame. As early as half a year ago when the Hojo envoy arrived, the two families expressed their surrender without hesitation.

Fortunately, Nagano Kentada had already taken precautions. He was appointed as the castle lord last year with the intention of defending against the rebels. As soon as the Hojo family announced their march, Nagano Kentada made corresponding countermeasures. The castle was high and fortress deep, and the structure of Mitake Castle was modeled on the structure of Kaizu Castle. For a whole year, it can easily accommodate a large army to garrison and store three months of food. There are enough wells near the river in the city. It only takes a thousand defenders to guard the city wall to withstand the sudden attack of the two armies.

At Ontake Castle, Nagano Kentada's snow-white beard was ruffled by the disturbing wind. As the elder brother of Nagano Yasumasa, he was already quite old, and he still had to work tirelessly on the front line to withstand the pressure of the Hojo family. It was hard work, looking at the dark sky with lightning flashes from time to time, and the chaotic Shirakawa under the city, and the Kuragano coalition forces were retreating in an orderly manner.

"The war started so soon, which was beyond Danshoden's expectation!" The worry on Nagano Kentada's brow could not be dispelled. It was true that Nagao Kagetora had led his army out into battle, but when he would come to Ueno was another question. Said, streaks of white light flashed through the dark clouds, illuminating the gloomy battlefield.


Rays of thunder illuminated the sky one after another, and pattering raindrops fell on Nagano Kentada's face. The next moment, the drizzle turned into a downpour. The cold rain poured into his sleeves along the gaps in the armor. Standing at the top of the city The Nagano samurai frowned and stared at the dark crowd below the city as they walked away.

The people on the top of the city flashed a sentence in their hearts: "The heavy rain is coming..."

On June 20, Echigo's army was assembled and the last military meeting before dispatching troops was held.

Kira Yoshishi was at the top of the table. He glanced at the two rows of retainers and said, "Everyone understands that we must go out into battle! But how to go out into battle requires brainstorming."

"My lord, let's use this as a guide!" Honda Toki was coughing and said, "Defend the enemy from outside the country! You must have heard this sentence too! The strategic goal of this battle is to lift the so-called Echigo encirclement, so first Let’s count our enemies! The first is the Etchu clan from the west, whose military strength is very likely to exceed 50,000! The second is the Sagami Hojo clan, whose military strength is not less than 35,000! The third is the Kai Takeda clan. The military strength is more than 15,000! Finally, there are the Mogami clan of Dewa and the Ashina clan of Mutsu. The number of troops is unknown, but the number of people sent out will not be very large."

"It's abominable that Etsuchu and Ichijo come to mix in randomly! There are also Deha Mogami and Mutsu Ashina. They bypassed them last time, but they didn't expect to solidify. It's simply unforgivable!" Reserve General Miyabe Tsurujun mentioned Mogami.

, the two cunning daimyo in Ashina were filled with hatred. A few years ago, they crusaded against the Honjo clan and barely managed to retain the Mogami clan. This regret lingered in his mind for a long time.

"If you ask me, let's focus on attacking all the way!"

"No! Who should I attack along the way? Kai and Sagami are both difficult to deal with. Don't forget there is Echu Ichikui."

"This..." At the meeting, the ministers debated fiercely on how to send troops to lift the siege. The commotion was quickly suppressed by Tokiyuki Yamamoto and Minoru Honjo together.

Namioka Tobo saw the opportunity and suggested: "From my perspective, let go of Izuku and Mutsu and leave it to the people of Echigo for defense. As for Kai Takeda and Sagami Hojo, who have always been mainly defensive and mainly attack the south!"

"I have always said that how to resist is the most important issue. Without a general in charge, it is difficult for a party to withstand those madmen. In the case of Shinobu and Ueno, we must ask the lord and the town hall to take command. It is not easy to handle!" The name was changed at the beginning of the year!

Naoe Keetsuna has officially joined the ranks of the clan, so he is particularly active in the evaluation meetings, and this military meeting is no exception.

"Yes! Who should be the general? And how many troops should be sent?"

Everyone knows how much military strength Dewa and Mutsu have. The Dewa Mogami family cannot even suppress their own retainers. The nominal Dewa question is not to be feared at all. The Ashina Mori clan of Aizu is famous for being cunning, and has done so several times.

Most of those who attempted to interfere with Echigo ended up stealing the chicken but losing the rice.

The samurai of Echigo had experienced hundreds of years of wars to hone their tough folk customs, and they looked down upon the daimyo of Uō at all. If Echigo was a wealthy family from a distant land, the samurai of Uō were even more rustic and petty. After so many years,

The people of Deyu did not get any advantage from the Echigo samurai, and Mutsu was not much better, so the ministers did not put much pressure on the two sides.

Hundreds of retainers in the hall were deep in thought. Nagao Kagetora didn't say anything and just looked at Kiragi thoughtfully. With his sense of war developed over many years, he had already discovered that his brother-in-law was not nervous or worried at all, which was a bit strange.

I wanted to turn around and ask, but I heard Yamamoto Tokiyuki say loudly: "Let me share this matter with the master of the museum!"


"...How could it be!" All the samurai in the field showed surprised expressions. In their impression, Yamamoto Tokiyuki has always been famous for training soldiers and building forts. As colleagues, they naturally knew that this one-eyed old samurai had rich experience and

He has a superb level of strategy, and many important ministers, including Kira Yoshitoki, were his apprentices, but the one who left the town was still too surprising.

"Master, has the decision been made...forget it! I agree!" In fact, Kira Yoshitoki was not happy at all. He knew the temperament of his mentor, just like Yamamoto Kansuke knew himself.

He has always planned to make this teacher a general of the legion, and it seems that this time he finally got his wish.

The old samurai's gray hair was neatly combed. He took a deep breath, knelt down and bowed down, and responded vigorously: "Master, please rest assured! I have been willing to go through life and death for the Kira family!"

"Well! Master, please feel free to prepare! I will give you 10,000 main troops..."

"Thank you for your kindness, Lord Master. Fortunately, I only need the five thousand Omi warriors!"

"Five thousand is enough?" Kira Yoshihide repeated in surprise, his voice suddenly rose a little higher, and he earnestly advised: "Master, are you sure this is not a joke? It is a major military and national matter related to my life and death after Echigo. Master, I am serious about it."

Don’t take it lightly!”

Yamamoto Tokiyuki raised his head and replied with a calm but firm look: "I am extremely sure! Master, please rest assured that I still have a sense of proportion!"

Kira Yoshi sighed: "...I'm sure! Master, please take care!"

The originally heavy military discussion became slightly tragic when the old samurai Yamamoto Tokiyuki bravely shouldered the greatest pressure. Immediately, more than a dozen samurai jumped out to follow Yamamoto Tokiyuki to defend Echu. They were all laughed at by the old man.

He declined politely and said that the other routes were under greater pressure and needed more outstanding warriors to support him, so he could just leave the central area to him to guard it.

The solution to Etchu Ichiku was the issue of Shinano and Ueno's deployment. After some discussion, a decision was quickly made. Nagao Kagetora will lead an army of 15,000 troops to Ueno Country, while Yoshitoki Kira will lead an army of 4,000 troops.

Echigo's 2,000 reserve troops totaling 6,000 troops went to Shinano to join the 2,000 Shinano reserve troops. This was all the main force he could use.

As soon as we made the decision to go into battle, we were unfortunately hit by violent storms and bad weather. The typhoon carried huge rain clouds and swept across half of Japan. The flood-like scene just like a few years ago struck again, but this time the situation was relatively better.

In some cases, the typhoon quickly weakened and became an ordinary low pressure. It only brought a wave of not serious floods. Even this brought great pressure to the flood season in previous years. The surging river water washed away many wooden bridges and collapsed mountains.

Destroying roads brings great pressure to marching in this season.

The Hojo family and the Nagao family encountered the same problem. The Nagao army that had just left Kasugayama was trapped in front of the fork of a tributary of the Shinano River. The Uono River in front was close at hand, but the surging river water created a problem for the waterway transportation.

Great difficulties arose, and the floods in the tributaries brought great inconvenience to the transportation of the 15,000-strong army. In desperation, they had no choice but to abandon the boats and move forward on foot. Most of the baggage was replaced by horse-drawn carriages and dragged forward little by little.

On the other side, the Hojo family was also affected by the flooding of the Tone River and the Arakawa. The army raised from all over was blocked by several rivers that ran through Musashi. Fortunately, there were some ferries that could be bypassed in Musashi, but the unfavorable weather forced the march to slow down.

Two days after the Hojo family announced their intention to go into battle, Takeda Harunobu in the Tsuzakikan also made the decision to go out and send troops to Shinano to recapture the lost Kawanaka Island.

They all were taken out, and the army set off for Shinano Country that day.

The main forces guarding Shinano took the lead in taking action, forming several lines of troops to attack the defenders of Xiaozhen County. They had the momentum of not turning back until they hit the south wall. However, the Takeda family's army was caught in a storm as soon as they arrived at Saku County.

During the attack, it was difficult to move even for nearly half a month.

What was worse than him was that the Kira family's army was unable to march as soon as they left the Sekikawa River Basin. They had to send flying pigeon messengers from the Kira Ninja Army to immediately convey Echigo's order. More than 5,000 people from the Northern Shinano Country immediately organized their troops and headed south in an emergency.

Chiyuan and Murakami Yoshikiyo joined forces to form an army of 6,500.

The 2,000 Shinano reserve troops guarding Northern Shinano also immediately guarded Arato Castle. They wanted to support the Kakizaki Keie and more than 1,000 Echigo people's troops, and coordinate with the people of Northern Shinano to defend the branch cities of Kozun County and strictly prevent the entry and exit of the Takeda army.

The racecourse pass was caught off guard from behind.

The mobilization of both sides was disrupted by a sudden heavy rain. It improved after the heavy rain subsided in July. Kira Yoshitoki's arrangement was to clear the Yuao Road and let the local people hold on to the place. At the same time, in order to protect the safety of Kasugayama Castle.

, two thousand new troops were handed over to the leadership of Takatsuna Watanabe to guard Kasugayama Castle. Yamamoto Tokiyuki was ordered to lead the five thousand Omi soldiers who had not yet been trained to go to central Vietnam to support Shiina, Doi, Yokota and other pro-Echigo people. Kira Yoshitoki personally

He led more than 6,000 people from his headquarters to Shinano Country.

At the beginning of July, in the Nijo Imperial Palace in Kyoto, Ashikaga Yoshiteru listened to the letter asking for help from Echigo. He was silent for a long time and sighed: "I have long advised him not to be impatient. The high mountains and high roads in Kanto Far Country are so dangerous that people are uncertain, and now they have ended up like this."

The end result is that even if I try my best, I can’t save him!"

"His Highness Gongfang is very worried! Wuwei Palace is too worried. He consciously made some achievements after Na Echigo and went out to attack everywhere. Now the local people have counterattacked. It is said that there are enough 200,000 troops to besiege. I am afraid that this matter is

It’s hard to be merciful! It’s a small thing for Wu Weiden to lose face. If he is buried in Echigo, then...” Rokkaku Yoshimi stopped mid-sentence, making many ministers look at him.

Life has been going smoothly in the past few years since he came to serve as the shogunate. The only thing Yoshihide Rokkaku told him was to put some eye drops on Yoshiki Kira in front of Ashikaga Yoshiteru. Although most of these simple tricks were

Ashikaga Yoshiteru ignored him disapprovingly, but a drop of water can still penetrate a stone, let alone applying eye drops.

"Takayori-dono is serious!" Mibuchi Fujihide disliked Rokkaku Giumi very much. He usually called him by his other name Rokkaku Takayori to remind him that he was just a branch of the Rokkaku family. He smiled and closed his mouth when he saw him.

, then turned around and sighed: "From what I can see, Wuweidian's previous efforts will probably be wasted this time! It's a pity that the great foundation has been destroyed by this battle!"

Now Ashikaga Yoshiteru has become one of the two great generals, General Ukonoe. After many years of pampering and living a comfortable life, most of his reliance on Kira Yoshiki has quietly dissipated. The most common thing he does now is to take advantage of himself.

Ashikaga Yoshimitsu was better than Rokuenin. He loved to travel around a lot as a minister of the imperial court. He occasionally arbitrated territorial disputes with daimyo from far away countries and earned a lot of money. His reputation was much higher than that of his father and grandfather.

He was very disapproving of Echigo's letter asking for help, and just smiled silently and said: "That's fine. If Yoshitoshi suffers this defeat, he will definitely have to return to Kyoto. By then, the shogunate will come back with a big helping hand. Wouldn't it be a blessing in disguise?"

Regardless of what they were planning in their hearts, all the ministers followed suit and said: "His Royal Highness, what a wonderful plan! We expressly congratulate the shogunate for their generous help, and they will surely prosper in the future!"

"Then first issue a royal letter, reprimanding all the illegal actions of the people from all walks of life in besieging Echigo, and ordering them to withdraw all troops within a month. If there is any violation, the shogunate will not be lenient!"

Mibuchi Fujihide opened his mouth to speak, but was pulled back by Odate Qingguang, so he had to follow the ministers and bend down: "I'll understand later!"

After many ministers retreated one by one, Ashikaga Yoshiki put down his proud expression. He naturally knew that a royal letter would be of no use, not to mention that a simple royal letter with only a few dozen words was so stingy.

With his pen and ink, anyone with a discerning eye will definitely be able to tell that his favor towards Kira Yoshitoki is not as good as before. This is his way of forcing Kira Yoshitoki to come back.

Ashikaga Yoshiteru was skeptical of Kira Yoshitoki's "Echigo Miracle" and suspicious of his "crazy" expansion. He didn't trust Kira Yoshitoki, not least because he didn't believe him in Ishimizu Hachimangu Shrine.

He swore an oath of allegiance to himself, but he didn't dare to believe in his scheming skills and abilities, especially his ability to turn his hands into clouds and rain, which often made him toss and turn in sleep.

Especially the cracks left by the smash a few years ago made him realize that there is no unreasonable loyalty between a monarch and his retainers. The more loyal a capable minister is, the more things he asks for. He thought of his father.

Ashikaga Yoshiharu once told him some words before his death.

"Events and everything are always unpredictable, but what people want remains unchanged! What they want is nothing more than the three words 'fame, fortune, and power'..." Ashikaga Yoshiki's brows jumped slightly,

What did he want when he thought of Kira Yoshi? He already had the reputation of the Ashikaga family, and there was always enough land benefit from the Omi and Echigo counties, so what did he need?

"Hmph! No matter what you ask for, I always have to beware of one-handedness!" Ashikaga Yoshiki sneered: "No matter how capable you are, once you are out of my majesty, the Echigo country will be in deep trouble.

, If you can repent in time after this incident, it will be best to return to the shogunate as a confidant general. If not...just live there until you die!" (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster.


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