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Chapter 344

Seeing that he still didn't leave, Toyama Naokage cursed angrily: "Fujikuro! You don't leave yet! Don't leave yet! If you don't leave, it will be too late! Are you going to die here with me?"

"It's too late!" The servants of the Yuanshan family trembled: "The long-tailed army is already chasing..."

Not far away, dozens of black-armored cavalry were running on the ground like hammers beating drums. A few timid young men were so frightened that their legs were limp and sweaty. The black-armored knights seemed to have noticed the Hojo army next to the grove, and raised their big guns.

The gun rushed toward the grove. Toyama Tsunakage sat down on the ground, holding his head and lamenting: "It is the Senkiri pattern of the Saito family. The Saito family of Echigo is Saito Shimono Mori Asanobu. Now we

I really can’t escape…”

In fact, only the cavalry attached to the Nagao Corps were responsible for the pursuit. The Ashigaru Corps stayed on the battlefield to put pressure on the main force of the Hojo Army. Nearly 4,000 cavalrymen chased 20,000 Hojo troops to flee without their lives. Nagao Kagetora knew that he would continue to pursue them one after another.

There will be good results, but his goal is not to simply harvest these remaining defeated generals. What he wants to harvest is the general, Hojo Ujiyasu.

Nagao Kagetora drew his sword and shouted: "The entire army will turn around immediately upon command, targeting the main force of the Hojo Army!"

The news that Nagao Kagetora had left and returned spread like wildfire. No one had the intention to investigate the source of the news. The Hojo Army was as nervous as a bow string. It was not enough to defeat an army of 20,000 people. They insisted on pursuing him.

Fighting a frontal battle with the main force of the Hojo family, what a fierce momentum this must have!

The morale of the Hojo Army was suddenly pushed to the bottom. The samurai hurried on without even thinking about talking. Many people were thinking that the faster they ran, the safer they would be. If they had time to chat, they would run two more steps. Or maybe they would have the rest.

It is good to have enough physical strength to cope with possible battles.

Hojo Ujiyasu knew very well that it was not appropriate to fight again at this time. Even from the collapse of the main force on the east road to now, the total losses have not exceeded 4,000. The Hojo family still has a chance. As long as he is given time, he will have the confidence to fight back. He thought silently in his heart: "The premise is

We need to withdraw from this battlefield first. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. We have to retreat first. Didn’t Kiragi always say to endure the calm for a while, and take a step back to open up the sea and the sky? I must endure the anger in my heart for a while, and take a step back to avoid the sharp edge."

The senior warriors all rode their horses and walked relatively calmly. The auxiliary writer, Matsuda Morihide, rode his horse closer and said: "My lord, the retreating soldiers are approaching the main formation. Currently, ten thousand defeated troops have been gathered, and the Ueno army only has seven thousand.

The remaining people are still clinging to the rear group, can we drive them away first and then continue the march?"

"No, the Nagao Army's Ashigaru Team is following behind the Ueno Kunito. Apparently they are waiting for me to stop and take care of the Ueno Army. Once they stop, it will be difficult to leave. The general at the back will be replaced by Tsunade and leading the five colors.

I will take charge here." Hojo Ujiyasu looked back at the north and murmured to himself tiredly: "Tsunagi can do things with peace of mind. The family is more worried about Zenkuro than the family. It is his first time to lead the Six Thousand Rangers. I hope he won't be too impulsive!"

Nagao Kagetora came very quickly, or the Hojo army retreated too slowly. The tens of thousands of troops included both ashigaru running on two legs and cavalry running on four legs. The archery team and the iron artillery team were all treasures.

Not only unwilling to lose them, but also unable to let them drag them back, the Ueno Japanese army who was behind them fought very fiercely, which affected the speed of their march.

After procrastinating for half an hour, he was blocked by the Nagao family's cavalry after he walked out of the Ueno border. Hojo Ujiyasu's original intention was not to fight, but war is not a question of whether he wants to fight or not. The Hojo army did not ask the Ueno people whether they wanted to fight or not. Nagao Kagetora won't ask him if he wants to fight Hojo.

Seeing the black long-tailed cavalry running from the south from a distance, the army of more than 20,000 people became nervous. Except for the Rangers who were wandering somewhere, Hojo Ujiyasu only had more than 2,000 cavalry left in his hands. One of them More than a thousand riders were in the Goshiki Beri who were responsible for cutting off the rear. The remaining more than a thousand riders were Odawara horse warriors. These were the treasures that they were reluctant to send as cannon fodder. The more than 20,000 ashigaru in the entire army could only stand still and move away. Resisted by a forest of guns.

The four thousand cavalry were very cunning. They did not choose to charge the front of the Hojo Army. Instead, they circled behind the Hojo Army. One of Hojo Ujiyasu's strategists, Ogasawara Yasuhiro, was shocked and said: "No! Nagao Kagetora. He wants to eat Goseki and then turn around and chase us!"

"If the five colors are lost, we will have no place to stand. Please turn around and fight again, my lord. No matter what, we must keep the five colors!" Ise Sadun anxiously grabbed his beard, and this elegant nobleman fell into extreme panic. , as a member of the Hojo family, I know very well the importance of Goseki.

Ogasawara Yasuhiro's face turned green and white for a while, and he said in a trembling voice: "The Goseki Bei is the pride of our Hojo family. All samurai are proud to enter the Goseki Bei. Losing the Goseki Bei means losing nearly half of our army's combat strength. No! It should be. It’s 90% of the combat power! The Goshiki Bei is the symbol of the force of our Hojo family. If the Goshoku Bei destroys the Edo people, the Koji people, the Matsuyama people, the Izu people, etc., they will definitely be frightened. Therefore, the Goshiki people must not be thrown away! "

At this critical moment, knowing that there must be no hesitation for a moment, Hojo Ujiyasu immediately showed the courage of a family governor and ordered: "The entire army turns to the front team and changes to the rear team, and immediately supports Goshiki Bei! Then inform Hojo Tsunagi to fight and retreat, and my family Will come to the rescue!"

Nagao Kagetora led four thousand cavalry on a long journey to rejoin the main force. The Ashigaru reserve force that served as the main force had strong physical strength. How affected were the soldiers and guards? Since the cavalry assault was successful in the afternoon, in addition to retreating for a while following the cover-up, they have been slowly following the Ueno Japanese army. Putting pressure on was a deliberate move by Nagao Kagetora. Regardless of the success or failure of the cavalry assault, the main reserve force would still be able to fight if the combat effectiveness of the main reserve force was guaranteed.

The four shadow dancers, Nagao Koheiji Keiren, Nagao Kaishiro Kageaki, Nagao Kanshiro Keichika, and Arakawa Izu Shōchō Miko, faithfully performed their tasks, constantly harassing the main force of Goshiki Bei, and Tokijin Shi Hui stirred up the troops in Wusebei, who were uneasy. They wanted to drive the knights on horseback to pursue, but they were worried about getting into the trap. If they didn't chase, they would be constantly disturbed.

The consequences of his distraction were clearly revealed. The front was gradually unable to withstand the oppressive attack of the main force of the Nagatail Army Ashigaru, forcing Hojo Tsunari to use his cavalry to drive away the harassing Nagatail Cavalry. When Hachiman comes out of the battle, he immediately retreats. It's okay if he doesn't pursue him. After chasing him, Saito Nobubu, Amanza Keagemochi and other powerful generals can make dumplings for him at any time.

The flanks were harassed, the front was suppressed, and Goshiki's casualties suddenly increased. Hojo Tsunari was also in a dilemma. Fortunately, the main force of the Hojo Army provided massive support and stabilized the shaken situation. The generals on both sides were unwilling. The consequences of failure will bring the battle back to a dull and bloody fight.

To the north of the big battlefield from the Ueno border, the people in the high mountain camp had long been deserted. The samurai led the ashigaru out to pursue the Hojo army, leaving only the civilians guarding the camp gates. The 10,000 civilians recruited by the Ueno people have since

After the battle, most of them fled, and there were only more than 2,000 people in the two camps. At the foot of the mountain, Hojo Shigeki spat bitterly and led his army southward.

He had very bad luck. When he hurriedly arrived at Hirai Castle, he was caught up by the Hojo family's envoy and received a personal letter from Hojo Ujiyasu. The ruler of Sagami was afraid that the Hojo family would not listen because of their prosperity and youth.

He was ordered to do something that was against the general, so he took advantage of his busy schedule and wrote dozens of words to urge him to come back.

"No matter where you are, lead your troops back immediately. Don't get hung up on temporary gains, otherwise our formation will be in catastrophe! The survival of our Hojo family depends on you. Don't make your own decisions. Remember, remember!"

Just a few dozen words weighed as much as ten thousand words. Hojo Ujishige didn't know whether he should be excited and excited, or resentful and lamented. After hastily collecting his emotions, he left Hirai Castle far behind. At this time, passing by the high mountain camp, he could only

I took a look full of regret and saw that the watermelon had been thrown away, so there was no point in picking up the sesame seeds.

"Hiirai Castle is useless and there is no point in beating it. If we lose this formation, everything will stop. But what can I do if I rush back like this?" Hojo Ushige thought hard for half an hour. What lies ahead?

Tan Ma came to his senses after being told to enter the battlefield.

What he saw was the Nagao Army and the Ueno National Army fiercely attacking the Hojo Army. The number of soldiers on both sides was around 22,000, but the situation was one-sided in favor of the Nagao and Ueno coalition forces. Hojo

Ushifan was suddenly covered, and his head was buzzing with the sound of thousands of bees. For some reason, an idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

"A flanking attack! Only a flanking attack can turn the tide. The only way to attack the Naga-tailed Army is by them!" Hojo Ujishige made a bold decision in an instant. Six thousand people attacked behind the Naga-tailed Army and gave them a shocking gift.

Six thousand men and horses are rushing towards the back of the long-tailed army. The goal is very clear to cut off your retreat. There is no cover on the battlefield. Six thousand men and horses move together like a rolling roar, and they are far apart.

Hearing this clearly, this time the long-tailed army began to panic.

How could they not be worried or afraid of being captured from behind? The samurai tried their best to suppress the commotion in Ashigaru and urgently changed their direction to target the surprise attack behind them. Nagao Kagetora also noticed the movement behind him, but now he was leading his cavalry into a five-color preparation.

In the entanglement, I will be unable to move away and fight back for a while.

As the distance got closer and closer, the main force of the Hojo Army also noticed that Hojo Ujishige was coming quickly. No matter how stupid the samurai was, he could see that Hojo Ujishige was running towards the Nagatail Army and stabbed him in the back. This greatly boosted the morale of the Hojo Army.

, Nagao, the morale of the Ueno coalition forces dropped, and the Hojo army suddenly had the confidence to start an offensive battle. They used the brutal tactic of one life for one life to reverse the situation, and became evenly matched and even moved closer to Hojo.


The 6,000-strong army rushed into the rear formation of the Long Tail Army, compressing the movement space of the Long Tail Army by more than half. The rear area was originally used as a place for reserve troops, bows and arrows, iron artillery and other long-range troops to stand by, but now it has become a large

On the battlefield, the samurai at the rear had to protect the long-range troops from harm, and they also had to guard against the Hojo clan's roundabout flanks, and it was difficult for them to block attacks from the left and right.

Hojo Ujishige, who was patiently waiting for the opportunity, quickly spotted the flaw in the ashigaru array, and rushed in with his cavalry. Following the impact of the horse, he slashed the large spear in his hand continuously, and slashed through the heads of several ashigaru.

, the fragile formations could not guarantee that they would avoid the fatal killing. When the war horses passed by, the red blood suddenly bloomed.

Even the long-tailed samurai, who are famous for their bravery and proficiency in battle, can't help but change their expressions. The young ashigaru are immersed in endless fear. This is the first time they have encountered a battle of life and death. They recall that Yamamoto Tokiyuki once tried his best to describe the battle between life and death on the battlefield.

It was terrifying, and they had laughed at it in private, but now they realized it was real after actually experiencing it.

The snow-white tachi shone brightly in the sunlight, which was a light that symbolized death and killing. Every ashigaru who saw this beam of light became a trophy of this tachi. Genshiro Shida, who was guarding the rear formation, took a deep breath.

Staring at the rampaging Hojo general, he shouted: "Evil thief! I, Genshiro Shida, am here to take your life!"

Genshiro Shida jumped up and slashed at the cavalry general with a heavy chop. However, he stabbed him in the chest and abdomen with a backhand spear, and a blood-red spear tip pierced through the back. The severe pain made him unable to use any strength in the hands holding the knife, and he fought with all his strength.

He struggled and seemed to want to return to slash at the enemy, but the cavalry general shook him off his spear with a contemptuous smile, and shouted loudly: "The enemy general Shida Genshiro was begged by me, Hojo Shige!"

"Twenty-six samurai including Okawa Tadahide, Shoda Seizi and others died in battle!"

After receiving the information, Nagao Kagetora's face turned as black as the bottom of a pot. The casualties in the Nagao Army's rear line suddenly increased sharply and they gradually became unsustainable. However, the Hojo Army fought harder and harder and was desperate to retain the Nagao Army.

In a posture, Nagao Kagetora weighed the pros and cons and sighed: "The only solution for now is to wait. The Hojo army is almost exhausted from running back and forth. Our side is obviously more physically advantageous, so wait a little longer."

Nagano Ye was slaying a Kurobei samurai with his sword. Surrounded by more than a dozen servants, he retreated into the formation. He deliberately killed several samurai at his own risk to test how much strength the Hojo army had left. He returned to his simple base.

The formation asked: "Have you asked the Nagao-den, Numata-den, and those seven highnesses to have a rest? Let them come over as soon as they have rested. If they come half an hour later, they will eat regardless of victory or defeat.

A big loss."

"Yes!" The envoy of the Nagano family stood up and left. The more than 3,000 people making soy sauce had been "resting". It was no wonder that Nagano Yasumasa's face was not good-looking.

"Uncle, do you mean that victory or defeat will be decided within half an hour?" Nagano Yoshiko looked at the sky. He asked and answered: "That's true. The sun will set in another hour. The Hojo Army fought all day.

I'm sure I won't be able to lift my tired hands, and it will collapse in half an hour at most."

"That's right! I can confirm that the Hojo Army has almost reached its limit. At the end of a strong crossbow, the arrow cannot penetrate the silk." Nagano Yasumasa nodded approvingly.

Hojo Ujiyasu also understood that the current situation was very unfavorable to them. The reason that supported him to continue fighting was the continuous gathering of defeated troops. It was located on the small plain at the junction of Ueno and Musashi. The defeated Hojo troops who fled back to Musashi all came from here.

After passing by, more than 13,000 defeated soldiers have been gathered since the war began.

Some people, including Furukawa Lord Ashikaga Fujimasa, also reunited under the banner of the Hojo Army. Even though the total military strength was reduced due to a major defeat, the main force of the Hojo Army still reached more than 25,000 people in the front, and there were still more troops in the rear.

There are nearly 6,000 Rangers, and they have gained an absolute advantage in terms of numbers.

And he knew very well what was the reason for maintaining high morale now. All the Hojo samurai were holding a breath in their hearts. This will to win or survive supported them to continue fighting. Everyone was already tired, but no matter how tired they were,

He couldn't stop either. Whoever stopped at this time would die. There was no luck. Hojo Ujiyasu didn't dare to say the word "retreat". He was afraid that once he said it, he would be defeated like a mountain. Can the samurai who are fighting desperately now come back alive?

I'm afraid not many people come to Odawara.

Just as new cavalry was preparing to support the rear, new changes occurred on the battlefield. Behind the special forces led by Hojo Ushige, a rumble of horse hoofbeats suddenly sounded. This not only shocked the Nagao family, but also Hojo.

Ujishige was also panicked. Everyone on the battlefield turned their attention to the north to see where another army was coming from. Both sides were silently thinking that they were their own friendly troops.

A short half-quarter of an hour seemed as long as half a century. The noisy battlefield suddenly became quiet, as if everything had become very slow. It was not until the messy and variegated flags came into people's eyes that both sides showed expressions of relief at the same time.

, and at the same time made an expression: "It turns out it's just Chinese people."

The Nagao Army took a closer look and found out that it was Kiryu Suketsuna who had already escaped, Teruhisa Yamayama, Yuryoshi Shigeru and other people from the Higashino-Ueno Country. They suddenly came back and it was obvious that they were not here to make trouble, and they rushed straight behind Hojo Ushigeki.

, another front and rear pincer attack is about to form.

"Wait! This is wrong! Why are they people from the country? Why are they here! Why...their target is us!" The blood on Hojo Ujiyasu's face instantly faded away, he clenched his fists and shouted: "

Order Hojo Tsunari to launch an all-out assault! Capture Nagao Kagetora... No! People of Ueno Country! It's best to capture more hostages. Remember that I want the hostages alive, and I have to trade his life for the life of my Hojo army thirty thousand sons.


"Yes!" Shifan's whole body was shocked and he hurriedly galloped away.

The most feared thing in war is unplanned changes, but unplanned changes are also most likely to occur in war. Every change will torture the commander to physical and mental exhaustion or even mental breakdown. For example, Hojo Ujiyasu was tortured to the point of almost fainting. His family

High blood pressure has been inherited from generation to generation. The eating habits of medieval Japan were also very salty, and they thought and worried a lot every day. It was a blessing among misfortunes that they did not fall ill on the spot after this sudden attack.

The Hojo family members were helpless. For the first time, they felt that they were so powerless. They lamented in their hearts: "Please God and Buddha bless my Hojo family to tide over the difficulties, and bless the lord to lead us out of danger!"

After receiving this order, Hojo Tsunari thought about the strategy for a while. He had already noticed the lack of physical strength of his soldiers half an hour ago, and deliberately gathered the main force and called for more friendly troops to support him. He used the five-color equipment to resist Nagao.

It is unwise to use the main force of the army. Good steel should be used on the blade.

Without any further hesitation, Hojo Tsunari immediately issued a mobilization order, and all the Goshiki soldiers withdrew from the battlefield and targeted the Nagano Army and pounced on them crazily. The target he chose was very clever. It was not the other main forces of the Ueno National Army but only the Nagano Army, that is,

Ignoring the Ueno people, they went straight to attack the Nagano army. So when the Ueno people found Goshiki passing by them in a menacing manner, their first reaction was to be thankful that they had escaped.

The second reaction is to worry about the safety of Nagano Yasumasa, and the third reaction is to weigh whether to rescue or not. Take a closer look at the more than 9,000 people in Goseki Bei, each of them looks like a mad tiger, and they rush towards the Nagano army regardless of everything. Even the people behind them

The Long Tail Army didn't care. In the end, they wisely chose to sit on the sidelines and watch. Anyway, I didn't die, so I didn't care whether he died or not.

Nagano Yasumasa never expected that the situation would suddenly reverse. The situation was so good that it suddenly collapsed. None of the allies of the Ueno people came to the rescue. Most of the twelve sons-in-law were isolated outside the encirclement. Their first

His first reaction was to rescue him, but when he encountered the crazy Goshiki, he quickly retreated back.

Before he could scold his sons-in-law for being too cowardly, Nagano Yezheng got on his horse and led the army to fight again. He soon found that he was surrounded. Hojo Goshiki seemed to be deliberately suppressing his own space and forcibly isolating the main force of the Nagano army from himself. Nagano

Yasumasa was unable to break out of the encirclement because he was fighting left and right. In the end, he and more than a hundred cavalry were trapped by the ashigaru coming from all directions. Surrounded by heavy troops, Nagano Yasumasa saw Hojo Tsunari.

"Asshole! Even if I die today, I won't let you capture me!" Nagano Yasuo drew his sword and rushed towards Hojo Tsunari, but he was tied up with several nooses.

Hojo Tsunari said calmly: "Thanks to Shinano Mamoru for your cooperation, we captured Shinano Mamoru to save our lives. As long as Nagao bombs the main hall camp and lets us escape, Shinano Mamoru will be free immediately!"

Therefore, Shinano Mamoru had better not seek death. You must know that the Nagano Army without Shinano Mamoru is of no value. Shinano Mamoru gave up his life for a moment of humiliation and pushed my Hojo family into trouble. No one can survive!"

Hojo Tsunari's voice was not loud, but when it fell into the ears of the Nagano clan warriors, it was as cold as the north wind in the twelfth lunar month of winter. They couldn't help but shudder. Nagano Ye was stunned for a long time after hearing the words, and suddenly laughed and said

: "That's it! Why did the Hojo family go crazy and come to catch me? It turns out it's for this reason... Whatever! I admit defeat this time!"

It is very difficult to kill three thousand people, but it is very easy to capture three thousand people alive. This is the same as when a city is besieged and a poor enemy must not be pursued. It is always harder to kill than to catch people. It is even more difficult if the target is a warrior. It is better to die than to die.

Since the Genpei era, things like samurai integrity have been for sale. Nagano Yasumasa fully understood Hojo Tsunari's intentions and made the decision to capture him without mercy.

The Nagano army quickly gave up resistance after the general was captured. At this time, the Ueno army woke up from a dream and realized that the general had been captured and rushed to rescue them. Naturally, the results ended in failure again and again.

Numata Goyasu and Ueno Shichimoto also realized that the situation was not good and hurriedly led their troops to rescue them. However, Hojo Tsunari coerced the surrendered more than 3,000 people and retreated easily.

At this moment, Hojo Tsunari showed extraordinary on-the-spot command ability. The success of this raid was firstly because the timing was very accurate. If the Ueno army's vigilance had not dissipated earlier, it would definitely fail. Secondly,

Because the surprise attack came so suddenly that no one could react. Thirdly, they had to sacrifice a thousand lives in exchange for more than 3,000 prisoners at all costs. If you didn't have the guts to take a gamble, you would definitely miss this opportunity.

He won the bet, and the Hojo family also won the bet. When the Higashi Ueno army stabbed Hojo Ujishige in the back, Hojo Tsunari sacrificed the lives of a thousand people to leave a precious escape route for more than 30,000 people. (

To be continued, please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

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