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Chapter 353

Just after the heavy rains in summer stopped, the armies of Dewa and Mutsu also took advantage of the opportunity to invade Echigo. Before I heard about it, which castle in Central Vietnam was captured, various gossips spread throughout the spring as if they had wings.

In the lower town of the mountain city, there are all kinds of rumors. Some say that all the Yangbei people in Xia Yue have rebelled, and some say that the village was actually ambushed and seriously injured.

At first, the townspeople never believed it. After repeating a lie a thousand times, some people would hesitate, so the castle town was more or less shaken. The recent situation was particularly bad, and for some reason, there was news of the Kira family's Shinano war.

Unfortunately, there are rumors that the Nagao family Ueno country was beaten by the Hojo army and was unable to fight back.

Nagao Kagenobu was so disturbed by these rumors that he lost a lot of weight in just half a month. At the last evaluation meeting, he scolded the city police for their incompetence and ordered them to immediately arrest the villains who spread rumors and deceive people.

The garrison in Kung Fu City carried out a wolf-like arrest operation and arrested hundreds of gangsters from all walks of life. More than 30 of them were interrogated and found to be the first culprits in creating rumors. However, the mastermind behind the scenes was never found, and in the end they could only be found on the spot.

The case was concluded by executing the first criminal and banishing all the accomplices to Sado Island for mining.

Kasugayama Castle then posted a notice to inform the townspeople that the current war is progressing smoothly. Chuetsu and Shimotsu castles have not been broken and no one has rebelled. Mimasaki Honjo is in good health and is guarding Tochio Castle. The townspeople must not believe the rumors or spread them, otherwise they will be dealt with according to the law.

At the bottom is Nagao Kagenobu's personal signature. The townspeople all recognized Nagao Toyomae Mori Kagenobu and felt relieved after seeing the announcement.

The people who stayed behind knew very well that the invading troops in Dewa and Mutsu chose the entry point of the autumn harvest, and they wanted nothing more than to carry out war robbery under the banner of war. This kind of naked banditry was criticized by the Central and Vietnamese

There is strong resistance from the Chinese people. Based on the intelligence feedback so far, there is still no problem for the time being.

The annexation of new villages has brought the population of each village together. Each village has a population ranging from three to four thousand to seven or eight thousand. Larger cities and towns have a population of tens of thousands. Since experiencing the impact of the constant riots last year, every village is now

Like a small fortress, there are wooden fences, earthen fences and even arrows and oars inside. The center of the village is home to Chinese lords. In the event of an invasion, thousands of civilians can easily be gathered to protect the village.

These villages are like hedgehogs covered with long thorns. With Deyu, Mutsu's invading army has no way to attack them. It is not impossible to attack them by force. But if Echigo cannot be defeated in two or three days, the various Japanese troops will immediately surround them.

Their escape route was sealed, and after several attempts and the experience of almost being dumped by the Echigo Nationalist Army, they all learned to be very obedient and not touch the village.

At this time, there was still some time before the autumn harvest. The two armies came for profit but were forced to act as bandits and robbers. They looted the temporary settlements near the villages. These temporary settlements had complete supplies of firewood, rice, oil, salt and even clothes and bedding. Every time they looted

A lot of money can be made in either place, and the generals guarding the two places are busy mobilizing troops and generals, making the lives of these two groups of armed bandits quite comfortable.

In Kasugayama Castle Ohiro, Nagao Torahime is still wearing a military uniform and arguing with Nagao Kagenobu. When the niece wants to go out, her uncle is determined not to let her go. The old-fashioned argument continues for more than a month without any result, and the routine is held once a day.

Even the maids' nicknames are used to arguments.

Just when I thought that a fruitless normal was coming to an end, Nagao Fujikage, who had always been pretending to be stupid, suddenly opened his mouth: "Actually, Torago's concerns are reasonable. Zhenfudian and the lord took away the main army, which made Mimasakumo and Mimasaku

Echizen Mamoru's defense is stretched thin in Central Echishita Etsu, so if Toragozen is willing to rescue him, then he will go to rescue him. Is it possible that Toyozen Mamoru still can't trust Mimasaku Mamoru? There must be no problem if Mimasaku looks after Toragozen!"

Torahime's eyes lit up, and she continued while the iron was hot: "Yes! Uncle, doesn't he still believe in Mimasaku? Torahime grew up in Tochio Castle! Mimasaku is also very familiar with Torahime! And let's say

The two thousand elites guarding the extremely safe Kasugayama Castle will not help solve any problems. The sharp knife can only be effective if it pierces the enemy's chest!"

Nagao Kagenobu glanced at Nagao Fujikage in confusion, and secretly wondered why the old man was so abnormal today. After thinking for a long time, he reluctantly responded: "If it's a beautiful work... there will be no problem. Two thousand elites are going to fight together."

, I can’t stay by Hu Ji’s side and guard her all the time, so I’m still a little worried about Hu Ji’s safety!”

Nagao Fujikage continued to say: "Hey! Toyozen Shou is overly worried. There is no doubt about the strength of Watanabe Saheiden. These two thousand people are enough to withstand the combat power of 10,000 troops. The Central and Vietnamese Tochio Castle Mountain High Castle is strong.

And with Mimasaku of Honjo standing guard, there will definitely be no danger for Tora Yu to go there."

"If we just send out reinforcements, then let Watanabe Saheibeiden personally lead the troops to support Tochio Castle. Why let Tora Gozen risk his own life? This is very inappropriate!" Nagao Kagenobu still shook his head in disapproval.

"That's true, but Tora Gozen is the princess of the Nagao family and the heir to the kingdom that my lord has cultivated for many years. If you personally take charge of Tochio Castle, it will definitely boost morale!"

Nagao Kagenobu retorted disapprovingly: "What's wrong! If a son of a rich man can't sit down in court, it's okay to have such morale!"

From the dispute between Torahime and Nagao Kagenobu and Nagao Fujikage on the battlefield, Torahime didn't feel good about it. He knew that her uncle was selfless to her, but she had a reason to go. The belief she had received from childhood was to

After becoming a strong warrior Hime like Tomoe Gozen, she has become a big girl compared to the weak, stupid little girl she was during the night battle on the sea river a few years ago.

He is a bit taller than his brother Nagao Kagetora, and his strength is not inferior to that of an elite samurai who is skilled in bow and horse. In addition to Kira's pistol skills, several spear skills of the Nagao family are passed down from generation to generation, and his skills in bow and horse are also

There has been some decline in recent years, but it is still impressive. Kira Yoshi didn't like women riding horses and shooting all day long. He said that if you ride too much, your legs will become clunky and unsightly. He was so frightened that Torahime only dared to practice equestrian for a while every day.

"Uncle! Hu Ji knows that you have good intentions, but as a woman of the Kira family, it is justice for Hu Ji to help His Highness solve his problems. In ancient times, there were heroes of the generation of Ba Yuqian and Ban'e Yuqian. Hu Ji has been determined to do that since she was a child.

Warrior Ji, please ask my uncle to let Hu Ji do something for His Highness! Otherwise, Hu Ji will be unhappy!"

He was shocked by the girl's sincere affection for Kira Yoshi. Thinking about the ups and downs the young couple had gone through, the girl had undergone transformation again and again over the years. She was no longer the straightforward and willful little girl she used to be. Nagao Kagenobu

The determination began to waver.

"I seem to understand what Hu Ji means. She wants to do something for the Zhenfu Palace and doesn't want to be a girl with a psychological burden. Maybe the incident in Kawanaka Island last time left a big psychological burden on her! If not

If you let her do it, maybe she will really be unhappy...for the rest of her life."

Nagao Kagenobu was persuaded after hesitation, but he proposed to personally lead the rescue force and accompany Torahime to Vietnam for protection. This was strongly opposed by Torahime. She put forward an irresistible reason: Kasugayama Castle must stay with the family elders.

Who will handle government affairs when all the family members are gone? Nagao Fujikage obviously cannot be promoted to this task. When he said this, neither of them noticed a hint of gloom flashing in Nagao Fujikage's eyes.

"Furthermore, Kasugayama City needs a loyal, reliable, and battle-hardened general. It is very important for my uncle to control the position of the remaining two thousand garrison troops in the city. They must not leave their posts without permission! Besides, Torahime is not an ordinary Hime warrior!"

Torahime has been trained by the heir of the family governor since she was a child. She is good in military strategy and martial arts. She is protected by one hundred and fifty Hime warriors inside and followed by two thousand elites outside. In the middle, she has Honjō Sano, and in the lower part, she has Nakajo Fujishi.

And the home field advantage is that the location is right and the people are on their side, so there is nothing to worry about.

Torahime said this. Nagao Kagenobu thought about it for a long time before reluctantly agreeing, but he was still worried that this little girl would go crazy, so he sent Nagao Kagenobu's 300 elite horseback warriors to protect her safety, and they argued for more than a month.

The problem was finally resolved satisfactorily.

Nagao Fujikei had just returned to Shikiya and had not yet sat down when he saw Nagao Keiji leaning over and saying with a playful smile: "Father, has Toyozen Mamoru agreed to let Toramae go to Tochio Castle? According to uncle's plan, there should be no problem.

Can we make the next step? Speaking of which, when will we become..."

"You bastard, why don't you shut up! Do you want to make me angry to death before you can feel at ease?" Nagao Fujikei suddenly became angry and roared so loudly that Nagao Keiji fell over in fright. The old man was still angry.

She glared at him bitterly: "I'm really out of my mind. I was actually implicated by you, a treacherous son, and that thief. My Shimoda Nagao family is finished this time, it's finished!"

Nagao Kouri did not feel dissatisfied with the title of "thief", he laughed and said: "Brother, why should we be sad? Didn't we do nothing? Only when Princess Torahime leaves Kasugayama Castle with two thousand elites, will we consider the next step.

Action, I think my brother being so angry must have contributed to this, right?"

Nagao Fujikage turned his head in disgust and waved his long sleeves impatiently: "Let's go! We'll leave tomorrow, and we'll also take away Nagao Toyomae's three hundred elite horse-riding warriors. Now you can be proud, right? I'll go to the fields.

Sooner or later, the Nagao family will die at the hands of you two traitors!"

Nagao Torahime was very satisfied with today's harvest. When she returned to the palace, she immediately announced the news of the upcoming battle at Tochio Castle, which caused a burst of exclamation and envy from the maids in the palace. Numata Sandalwood held her cypress fan and was about to speak, every time she spoke

She swallowed it when it came to her mouth. She didn't know how to ride a horse or shoot an arrow, nor did she know anything about swords, guns or sticks. The only good sport she could do was to win first place in pot throwing.

"Zhihu is also going to the battle."

Hu Ji panicked when she saw the serious expression on her face: "Ah? Sister Nao Hu is going too? No! This is absolutely not possible!"

"Nao Hu can do it! Sister Hu Ji knows Nao Hu, so it's okay!" Nao Hu stared at her stubbornly, comparing their spear skills and swordsmanship, the level of the two seemed to be very different. In comparison, Hu Ji was slightly better, and compared with the bow

The level of horse archery of Hu Ji is only above the average level, and it is far behind Nao Hu, a natural archer.

The two sisters have the same interests and are the same age. One is outgoing and cheerful, the other is introverted and gentle. They fit in well with each other. What’s even more interesting is that both of them have the word "tiger" in their names. Even their looks are similar. I imagine walking together and saying they are...

Some people would believe the two sisters. What a coincidence.

So Naotora proposed that she also join the battle, but Torahime was very unsure if she disagreed. In terms of their abilities with bows, sabers, swords and guns, the two of them were very different, and their military skills were both above average. They had led Samurai Princess many times.

They practice cavalry tactics and are equally good at commanding cavalry. However, Torahime prefers to rush forward with fierce winds and fierce fire. Similar to Nagao Kagetora's character, Naotora's cavalry is more flexible and unpredictable, gathering and dispersing.

So facing Naohu's stubborn look, Hu Ji was speechless. She was embarrassed to say that Naohu would hold her back, and she had no reason to forcibly refuse her request. If she could go into battle, why couldn't Naohu? If

If she really chooses to do this, the relationship between the two sisters will definitely be doomed from now on.

After thinking for a long time, she couldn't find a better reason. Hu Ji had to agree to her request, but she still repeatedly told her to follow her and not run around. If something went wrong, she would have to face Kiragi.

Angry, she said it as if she herself was the guardian, which made Naohu grin.

"Chiyome is going too! Chiyome is very powerful! She can protect my sister!" The idiot Loli jumped so high that her two long twin tails dangled. She thought that she would definitely be able to fight in the joint battle, but she was killed by Tiger.

Ji refused mercilessly, no matter how coquettish or cute it was, it was useless.

Mochizuki Chiyome pitifully turned to Naotora for help. As a result, the tiger sister didn't seem to buy her account, and just kept shaking her head. Seeing that the stupid Loli still didn't understand, Tora sister gave her a light slap on the forehead.

Knock: "What if Sandalwood is left in the palace without anyone to take care of her? If anything goes wrong, it will be troublesome! So Chiyome stays here with Sandalwood and takes care of everyone, remember?"

"Wow! Chiyome remembers it!" Chiyome Mochizuki nodded obediently with tears in her eyes, like a pitiful kitten, turned to look at the equally pitiful Sister Sandalwood, and then looked at the other two energetic Tiger Sisters.

, I had no choice but to stay with my little mouth pouted.

"But Sandalwood also wants to contribute to His Highness's foundation! So Sandalwood must be a warrior Ji with both civil and military skills... So should Sandalwood learn horse riding first? Or archery?" Another smart girl was confused.


Two thousand three hundred troops came out in great force. Hu Ji and Nao Hu were wearing white armor, holding large guns, and carrying square bamboo bows on their backs. They were handsome and heroic. Two thousand new troops, one hundred and fifty Ji warriors, and three

Hundreds of horse-riding samurai and fifty Kira ninjas accompanied the army. The central army left Kasugayama Castle majestically with two flags, Ashikaga Nibikiryo and Nagao Jiuyouba.

Two days later, the army arrived at Tochio Castle and joined Honjo Minoru's two thousand defenders. Honjo Minoru, who was mature and prudent, was shocked when he saw two Hime samurai. One was the principal wife of the Ashikaga family and a member of the Nagao family.

The other concubine was the princess of the Imagawa family. They had such noble status but came to such a dangerous place on the front line, which almost made him faint from anger.

Especially when he learned that Nagao Kagenobu agreed to their participation in the battle and sent 300 cavalry to protect them, Honjo Minoru almost couldn't help but yell. He wanted to scold Nagao Kagenobu for being such a fool and not being able to watch the two princesses, just in case something went wrong.

Who can bear this responsibility and who can bear the anger of those two people.

But I'm already here, and I can't lower my face and scold them casually like a junior. I can only persuade the two eldest ladies to go back quickly. This place is full of stinky people. How can I let the delicate and noble princess?

They came to the front line to fight, but the two of them were determined and insisted on winning the battle beautifully for their husbands. Then they repeated the rhetoric they used to persuade Nagao Kagenobu.

It's a pity that Honjo Mino is not Nagao Kagenobu. He doesn't believe the two girls at all. He tried to persuade them to go back quickly, but Torahime was very angry. Naotora curled her lips and said nothing, and Torahime was very angry.

They got furious and finally took the stand of the Lord of Echigo. They must fight and they must fight. If Honjo Minoru is worried, let the two of them command one hundred and fifty Hime samurai to have a fair competition with the best horse-riding samurai under Honjo army.

Cavalry tactics.

Honjo Mino knows how powerful this little princess is, but for the safety of the Nagao family, they must be sent back to Kasugayama Castle. As long as they can be convinced of their defeat, Honjo Mino can only accompany the two of them.

The little girl went crazy together.

Two days later, in an empty grassland outside Tochio Castle, an unprecedented cavalry competition began. The two participating parties were one hundred and fifty warriors led by Nagao Torahime, and Honjo Seishichiro Hidetsuna.

One hundred and fifty elite knights on horseback, the morale of both sides was high and full of energy. The thousands of soldiers who were watching almost stared at the heroic appearance of the one hundred and fifty Ji warriors.

Nagao Torahime and Ii Naotora were wearing large armors, their flower-like faces were obscured by their faces and throat chakras. The two girls were extremely tall, even a bit taller than ordinary samurai, which amazed the audience outside the venue.

They mistakenly thought that two men were leading one hundred and fifty Ji warriors to participate in the competition. For a moment, there were countless people who envied the good fortune of the two men.

No weapons were used in this competition. The blades of all swords, guns, bows and arrows were removed, and the front ends were replaced with lime bags. At the beginning of the competition, one hundred and fifty Hime warriors showed off their powerful combat capabilities. Just like the superb skills of the Kira family's horse warriors

Archery. Whether it is standing still or shooting from a moving horse, the archery is far beyond the expectations of our cavalry.

No one would have thought that the Hime Samurai in front of the Tiger Emperor was not a simple vase, but a group of murderous weapons who were proficient in Yabusame archery. Especially the change in the command style of the two made Honjo Keijiro's charge at a loss. Facing the charge of Honjo's army, they

They turned into a group of dexterous deer and ran around. Just when you thought they were killed and scattered, a dozen of them formed a small group and wandered around shooting, pulling the cavalry in the pursuit direction. Before long, there were more than 150 people each.

of regrouped.

While gathering and dispersing, they circled around the 150 cavalry of the village. Headless arrows stained with lime fell on the bodies of the mounted warriors, leaving white spots all over them. After a while, they were sentenced to death one after another and had to leave the field to rest. Finally,

One hundred and fifty knights on horseback were wiped out without even touching a single hair of a Ji warrior. The average number of hits per person was ten arrows, which made them unable to think of cheating.

Then two female generals in helmets and armor held big guns and picked off several generals of the house. They won the trust of all the samurai with their outstanding performance. The ashigaru watching the battle outside the field admired the abundance of talents in Echigo and kept silent.

Two young generals have emerged, and maybe a few more top-notch generals like Kakizaki Keie and Saito Asanobu will emerge in Echigo.

The samurai knew more. Some knew that the two people were the two royal ministers of the Kira family. Some knew that there were two princesses in the Kira army who came to support them, but they knew that there were two princesses in the Kira army who came to support them. They could somewhat imagine this possibility. But

It is undeniable that soldiers are elite soldiers and generals are strong generals, especially when the powerful samurai of Echigo are in the field. These two girls have really become the most powerful samurai.

Honjo Sano was also shocked by their performance. After much deliberation, he decided to compromise. He put forward a lot of prerequisites, including various requirements for food, clothing, housing, and transportation. He must abide by the rules of the Kira family. He also specially placed the Hime Curon in Tochio Castle.

They were assigned to live with the Ji Warriors. The most important one of the conditions he put forward was that the Chinese army must sit there honestly and cannot go anywhere, let alone the possibility of going into battle to kill the enemy in person. However, the two of them were already very satisfied.

I sent Honjo Sano away with a smile.

More than twenty days had passed. During this period, Tochio Castle sent out large forces several times to encircle and suppress the Date Ashina coalition forces, driving the unscrupulous Mutsu bandits back to the mountains and not daring to come down. The Chinese and Vietnamese people were not fools and could not keep letting them go.

They raided the temporary settlements. The autumn wind hit the temporary settlements a few times before they were targeted. Then they didn't catch anything for more than half a month. On one occasion, they were almost held back by the local Chinese and were forced to leave two hundred people behind.

After the break, he narrowly escaped the pursuit of our army.

Not to mention how uncomfortable it is for the Date Ashina Alliance to stay on Hakamaya Mountain every day. Seeing the autumn harvest coming, the Ashina Date Alliance Army can't help but go down the mountain because the harvested grains on both sides of the Igarashi River have just been harvested and are being dried to dry, presumably soon.

It will be packed into the barn for storage. They only have an army of 6,000 people and 2,000 ladies. The cost of eating horse chews is not small.

They traveled so far across mountains and rivers, and walked all the rugged mountain roads to reach Echigo. It was not because of some alliance or ambition. When they found that they could not capture any of the castles, they knew that this invasion was probably a break, but

No matter what, they can't return without success, especially before the other three groups have decided the winner. If the front foot just goes back and the back foot attacks Echigo with all three groups, then their intestines will be filled with regrets, so they learn to

Bandits go to fight the autumn wind, earn some rations and lose a lot of lives, but they still lose money every time.

Summing up the experience and lessons learned from the last battle, Date Terumune reviewed that he was wrong in choosing to attack in a hurry for quick success. The most important thing was that the timing of the battle was wrong. He attacked before the rice was ripe and was caught off guard. He retreated to Hakamaya Mountain to set up camp in embarrassment.

, now is the right time.

The autumn harvest is approaching, and there is still no news that Echigo has been conquered. The hearts of Date Mimoto and Matsumoto Jisuke, the general appointed by the Ashina family, suddenly froze, knowing that this year's war will not yield any gains anyway.

, so if you can get some money back as compensation before leaving, you can barely maintain your capital without losing money.

Date Mimoto and Matsumoto Jisuke couldn't find a better solution after discussing it, so they made a decision: "Immediately go down the mountain and rush into the Igarashi River to plunder food and grass, and then immediately return to the mountain to continue to hold on, and then wait for the opportunity. If half

After a month, there is still no news that Echigo has been breached along the way, so we will retreat immediately! If one of the steps is breached, we will consider whether to continue to hold on."

The influence of agriculture on the Eastern Kingdom is far greater than that of the Western Kingdom and Kinki, because the Eastern Kingdom lacks developed commerce to support the lord's conquests. In the Eastern Kingdom, you can not fight but you must collect food. If you do not collect food, you will not survive the second year.

Summer is doomed. The mountain road from Mutsu to Echigo is rugged and difficult to navigate. Moreover, the mountain is high and the road is far away, and the logistics pressure is very high. If we can't get food and grass supplies in Echigo, we have already lost half the battle.

If they didn't give up and stayed in Echigo until the first heavy snow fell in Echigo, the continuous heavy snow blocked all the mountain roads. Half a meter of snow in the deep mountains was enough to kill them. They would have no food supplies hiding in Hakamaya Mountain.

You won't be able to survive for long if you just bring your own.

The Nagao family didn't need to care about them at all. In less than two months, they would be so hungry that they couldn't stand it anymore and jumped out to surrender. If they didn't surrender, they would either freeze to death or starve to death in the mountains. In that case, even if Echigo was really defeated by three routes.

, it was also a complete defeat for the Date and Ashina families.

Their actions were quickly detected by the Kira ninjas. In fact, their decision was not difficult to guess. The area near Mount Hakamashi was closest to the Igarashi River and was surrounded by heavy troops from the Nagao Army in several directions. Date,

The Ashina Allied Forces could only choose a few attack points near Hakamaya Mountain. Combined with their banditry style of fighting against the autumn wind, going down the mountain to grab food was the most likely option.

Knowing the target's actions, the girls decided to formulate an ambush plan and informed Honjo Sano. He did not expect that the two little girls could come up with a plan. After careful consideration, they found it quite feasible. He immediately ordered the entire army to move around.

Thousands and five hundred troops rushed to Shimoda Castle near the Igarashi River to wait.

Early the next morning, the Date and Ashina coalition forces indeed led an attack. More than 5,000 bandits were divided into three groups and plundered several villages on the north bank. Seeing that the situation was not going well, the villagers abandoned their food and hid in the village.

The defense, Date, and Ashina coalition forces didn't care about their reactions. They were like real bandits who robbed the packhorses and flatbed carriages in the village, and then frantically carried the food to the carriages until the packhorses were almost unable to pull.

Reluctantly, he changed to another carriage.

Just when the bandits were having fun robbing them, 4,500 troops suddenly came out from the side and attacked the bandits head-on. For a moment, the Date and Ashina coalition forces were caught off guard, and Date Mikimoto was in emergency

They mobilized their elite to withstand the attack, but were defeated by two white-armored warriors who suddenly came to kill them. One of the two warriors wielded a big gun and killed many people, while the other held a bow and mopped up the enemy troops who threatened the big-gun warriors from a distance.

Their main army was originally divided into three unrelated parts in order to speed up the speed and create a time difference. However, they did not want to be ambushed. This division would become the most fatal flaw. The separation of the main army also meant that among them

The first one had to face the siege of more than 4,000 people from Echigo, not to mention that the samurai and ashigaru were collecting grain and there was no formation at all.

The sudden attack disturbed the morale of the army. At this moment, a voice suddenly came out from the Date and Ashina coalition forces: "Takigawa Tokimasu, Shima Tokikatsu is coming! Kira Yoshitoki's army has set a trap to harm us! Everyone

Run away quickly!"

The chaotic formation and low morale dealt a heavy blow to the coalition soldiers. The formation that was originally barely holding on almost collapsed as the number of deserters increased. The ashigaru turned around and fled, carrying their spears. The military commander killed several people in succession.

They couldn't stop their retreat, and were scattered by the crazy surging defeated army the next moment.

"Bitter! Why is this so painful!" Date Mimoto closed his eyes in pain. He really couldn't bear to see the suffering of the entire army's collapse. The bodyguard warriors surrounding him hurriedly pulled him and fled backwards, seeing what was happening. The commanders of the two armies unanimously issued a withdrawal order, and the entire army abandoned their food, grass and baggage and fled to the Hakayaoshan camp.

But the two white-armored generals rushed over without mercy, and killed the unprepared Ida horse. They went straight to the stunned Ida Huizong and stabbed several of the Ida family's horses. The warrior blocked the fatal blow with his body, and at the same time, Date Huizong woke up and turned around to run away. The next moment, a strong wind blew, and Date Huizhong felt that his head sank and almost hit the mount's neck. He looked up and found that his head was A large piece of the crescent moon pocket worn on her waist was shot off, and her hair was scattered by the powerful bow and arrow.

He only had time to look back and glance at the figure of the white-armored archery general with his bow drawn and standing solemnly. His face was blocked by his throat chakra but his appearance could not be seen, but the tall figure was imprinted in his mind: "This is the island of the Kira family. Sakon? He is indeed a powerful general who is powerful in Gyeonggi Province!" (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

This chapter has been completed!
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