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Chapter 362 The Alliance is Broken

Surrounded by the samurai, Takeda Harunobu secretly retreated without any sign. Takeda Nobuyan took off his Suwa Hosei Kabuto and stood in the main formation to break up with Takeda Nobutanobu. The arrow silently took Takeda Noburen's life.

A stream of blood spurted out and sprayed on Takeda Nobushige's body. On his face, Takeda Nobushige was stunned.

In order to act more like Takeda Harunobu and buy more time for his brother to retreat, he took off the Suwa Hosho Kabuto and used it as a throat chakra and could not carry bullets with him. This brought the greatest danger to his death.

Because, Shima Sakon's arrow came so fast that no one could react. It passed through the gap between several horseback warriors at a tricky angle and penetrated into Takeda Noburen's neck.

The cast-iron arrow penetrated the neck from one side and came out from the other side. Blood spurted out from both sides at the same time and just sprayed on his face. The tragic death of his brother caused huge damage to Takeda Nobushige. Takeda Nobushige valued brotherhood but watched helplessly.

Watching his brother die tragically under the enemy's deadly arrows, and holding Takeda Nobuyan's blood-covered body, Takeda Nobushige remained silent for a long time.

Takeda Harunobu still retreated, but Takeda Nobushige did not move from beginning to end. It was not until his nephew Takeda Yoshinobu was escorted to the front of the formation that he made any move. Takeda Nobushige's more than a thousand elite soldiers formed a circle to protect the main general.

, Opposite them is a larger circle of the Kira Legion, with no less than 5,000 men and horses surrounding this circle.

"Hurry up and surrender Takeda Norimu! Your lord has escaped. How long will it take if you don't surrender now?"

"Takeda Norimu, look at your nephew, look at the son next to you, are you still not surrendering?"

The shouts one after another made the Takeda family's samurai hang their heads in shame. They were not responsible for the defeat in this battle, but they had to taste the bitter pill of being captured. How could the samurai swallow this breath? They did not hate Takeda Nobushige.

He had already done his best to sideline the enemy, but he still could not undo the defeat of the war.

But after a while, a gap opened in the formation. Kira Yoshishi came to the front of the formation surrounded by the army, and loudly advised: "Takeda Norigu has tried his best, and all the samurai present have also tried their best. You should have a clear conscience. Failure is not for the prisoners."

It's your fault, surrender! I will give you fair treatment."

After a long silence, a long sigh came from the formation: "I, Takeda Nobunaga, surrender!"

In this battle, the Takeda clan was able to reach seven out of ten battles. Among the samurai who died in the battle were Takeda Noburen, Takeda Nobutumo, Ichiryu Noburyu and other close relatives. The Shodai clan members Kanemaru Toragi, Tsuchiya Masaji and his son died in the battle.

Oda Toramori, Kudo Masasuke, Hinata Masatoki, Saegashi Moritsuna, Hara Torahoyin, Hara Masayin died in battle, Ichimonai Kurihara Nobuyu, Asato Torazai, Kato Nobuthou, Iwate Nohide, Iitomi Toramasa, Iitomi

Chang Jing and other warriors were killed one after another.

This was an out-and-out total defeat, which not only severely damaged the vitality and injured the muscles and bones, but also completely destroyed the martial arts with no chance of recovery.

A total of 9,000 people were killed on the frontal battlefield, and nearly 3,000 prisoners were unable to escape in time. Only more than 3,000 people actually escaped. For example, Minami Shinanogiso Yoshiyasu, Hida's Ema Tokimori and other people from other countries had early

Apply oil on the soles of your feet and run away. On the side battlefield, only Takeda Nobushige's team rushed over. More than 3,000 people rushed over and a thousand were captured. Seven or eight hundred people were killed on the river beach. More than a thousand people did not rush out and were captured on the river beach.


Yukitaka Sanada's team of more than 5,000 people on the south bank of the Chikuma River was trapped by Murakami Yoshikiyo's attack. In the end, they cleverly cut off their tails to survive. They voluntarily abandoned the more than 2,000 cutoff troops and took the main force of 3,000 Japanese soldiers along with them.

He escaped from death on the mountain road of Tsumugi Mountain. This was another narrow escape from death through the fingers of the Kira family.

There were a total of 23,000 people fighting on both sides, and only 6,000 escaped. The others were either captured or killed. After the first actual inspection, it was calculated that a total of 10,000 Takeda troops were killed. Most of them were due to the collapse of the array during the assault.

When killing for the Kira Legion, almost everyone killed an enemy on average. Such a high death rate far exceeded the trauma Hojo suffered.

In order to kill Takeda Harunobu, the Kira Legion also paid a heavy price. Four thousand people of the 14,000-strong army were killed in the battle, and 2,300 people were killed in the Kira Legion's direct subordinates. Among them, the loss of more than 500 Chibei riders ranked among the losses.

Ranked first, the training cost of each red cavalry can easily produce ten elite mounted warriors and one hundred elite ashigaru.

In addition, Murakami Yoshikiyo's team who was holding on to Kaijin Castle died in the battle, and only 1,200 remnants persisted until the end. If the Takeda Army on the main battlefield had not been defeated, and the morale of the Shinano National Army had collapsed, Sanada Yukitaka would definitely

He would turn back and leave behind this pile of remnant soldiers of Murakami Yoshikiyo, not to mention why he had to use 1,200 men to capture 2,000 prisoners alive.

The loss of 500 men was mainly due to Kira Yoshitoki's eagerness to fight. In order to kill Takeda Harunobu, he lost the lives of more than 200 horsemen. However, if there is a loss, there must be a gain. The lives of these 200 horsemen were exchanged for killing Iito Homasa.

The glorious results of Tomashi Kei, Takeda Nobuyan, the capture of Takeda Yoshinobu alive, and the capture of Takeda Nobushige, overall, it was a profit.

After this battle, the main force of the Takeda family in the Shinano area was completely destroyed. Kira's army pursued the victory non-stop, and drove all the way back to Kozun County. At the same time, Kira Yoshitoki fulfilled his promise, and anyone who was forced to surrender within the time limit of the enemy's order would be forgotten.

The countrymen who resisted were granted privileges and exemptions for a corresponding period of time. For a while, the people in Xiaozhen County surrendered. The Takeda Army samurai guarding the city were either assassinated by the Kira Ninja Army or captured by the people.

The prefecture was restored.

Sanada Yukitaka once again hunkered down in Toishi Castle with his remaining defeated soldiers and fought to the death. He had bet his life and fortune on the Takeda family and now there was no way out. If he chose to surrender, Kai's three sons would surely die, and he would not

He is willing to surrender like this. He has the dignity of a warrior and the glory of a wise general. Even if he stands and dies, he is not willing to live in humiliation. He strives to motivate the remaining eight hundred sons to prepare for the cage city, as if they are going to fight to the death with the stone city.


It's a pity that Kira Yoshitoki didn't seem to have much interest in the group of defeated soldiers. He left the injured Murakami Yoshikiyo team to pin the Toishi Castle and went straight to Saku County. At this time, Saito Nobunobu had already defeated Saku County.

The inside and outside were cleared up, and the unreasonable Nezumi Masanao of the Shino family, Mochizuki was begged by Saito Asanobu early in Odaihara when he was still in his prime.

Magistrate Oyamada Masatatsu and the remnants of the Takeda Army wanted to defend Uchiyama Castle, but they happened to encounter Saito Asanobu who came to pick it up and was taken away without hesitation. The people of Saku County who were still holding on saw Kira's army coming to kill them.

It became clear that the situation was over, and Saku County was decided.

Ichikiyo Murakami’s credit goes to Yoshikiyo Murakami. Without him defending Kaijin Castle for three months, the Kira Army would not have had such a brilliant record of painstakingly arranging a decisive victory. Just saying that he defended a flat castle under huge pressure is a very remarkable achievement. Give him merit. It is also as it should be.

For the second time, Daxiong Chaohide, Cheng Zhengzi made a great contribution at the critical moment. If he gritted his teeth and blocked it for a moment, the Takeda troops who could not be used from all sides would entangle Kira Yoshitoki, and then Takeda Nobushige came to rescue him. At that time, they really couldn't get anything, let alone who they killed and who they captured alive. Moreover, these two people stared at the huge pressure and did not betray for several years. They passed valuable information to the Kira family and gave him this credit. It is also well deserved.

Miyabe Jijun, the third-level force, achieved four first-level achievements at the same time. He captured three castles in Hachimangahara in one night. He lay in ambush outside the Takeda Army's camp all night long and resisted the Takeda Army's bait without showing up. At the most critical moment, he flew to the camp to capture and kill a Shinryu, igniting a raging fire and dealing a fatal blow to the Takeda army.

However, asking for death at such a high level is an important matter worthy of bragging, and the loss of more people can be understood by the samurai. The last battle in which tens of thousands of people were killed was the Daimonoban, Hosokawa Takakuni, and Urakami Village decades ago. Mun's army of more than 20,000 was completely destroyed. Urakami Muramune was killed on the spot, and the indigo dye vat of Hosokawa Takakuni Amagasaki Kyoya was caught and killed. The war was so outrageous and bizarre that it was almost comparable to the Genpei era and the Southern and Northern Dynasties. Rivaled by some of the outrageous wars of the era.

The outstanding performance of all the soldiers boosted the momentum and made up for the lost morale. Among them, the silent Miyabe Tsugujun performed very eye-catchingly in the night battle of Yawatahara and the decisive battle. Another very eye-catching person was Shitara. Sadachi, he led the Shinano reserve force to withstand the fierce attacks of Oda Toramori, Sone Masayo, and Hara Masain, and forcibly took the head of Oda Toramori, resulting in the collapse of the Takeda army, which is a very impressive achievement worthy of boasting.

After the war, when the losses and gains were counted, Yoshitoki Kira immediately fulfilled the promise he made before going into battle. As long as the Takeda army was defeated, 50,000 gold coins would be released on the spot as a reward to the three armies. The rest of the merits, such as heads, pensions, merit evaluation, etc., would be calculated separately. The first thing I did when I arrived at Asahiyama Castle was to offer 50,000 gu copper coins as cash. The 50,000 gu coins were distributed to all soldiers on the spot. Among them, a total of more than 5,800 war dead would be collected by the widows and family members of the deceased.

It is said that there must be brave men under heavy rewards, meritorious deeds must be rewarded, and mistakes must be punished. Keeping promises is the way to be a king. Kirara Yoshitoki knows that trust and prestige are the basis of good reputation, so he announces the reward before every war. He was not stingy with money afterward. Dozens of carriages pulled heavy money boxes in front of Kasugayama Castle. This was not the first time he opened the gold coins. He was using his actions to tell all his followers that there is no need to worry about following the Kira family. Merit and wealth.

After taking down Kozhin County and Saku County, the entire Northern Shinano was completely swallowed up. Miyabe Tsurujun led two thousand troops and was ordered to go to Saku County. He tentatively crossed the Shinshu Pass and launched an attack on Kai. He was quickly resisted resolutely. The Kai people were forced to retreat. Considering that Saku County had just been captured and people's hearts were still unsettled, Kira Yoshi agreed with Namioka's proposal and ordered Miyabe Tsurun to lead 2,000 troops to guard Hainokuchi Castle.

On the other side, Honjo Shigeru, Kakizaki Keie and other Echigo people led more than 3,000 people across the Baba Pass to attack Nakashinano. Honjo Shigenaga's performance in the joint battle was not conspicuous, probably because he was not used to night battles and was slow to react, so he only had time. After catching Asari Tiger's head, the unknown countryman who killed him was too embarrassed to show off.

The Kakizaki Kei family didn't make it to the third rank, and they were holding their breath to find them back in Chongshinano. However, they were stubbornly blocked in Aoyagi Castle in the first battle. The people of Chongshinano hated the Kira family.

In the battle that ended, more than half of Shinano's people were lost, but even this could not change their hatred for the Kira family.

Five hundred defenders stubbornly blocked the main village of Nogecho and the Kakizaki Keike team in the newly renovated Aoyagi Castle. The Etsui reserve team, which lacked the support of iron cannons and roasters, could only stare at the city anxiously, and the local servants came from time to time.

The Kira army was annoyed by harassing grain roads and attacking military camps. As the wind and snow became increasingly severe in late October, they saw that the offensive was completely out of the question, so they were recalled by Kira Yoshitoki to end Nakashinano's unsuccessful invasion.

When Kira Yoshi learned about this situation, he was also very worried. Thinking about last year, he was too eager for quick success and offended the people of Zhongshinano too hard. He couldn't win it in a short time. At this time, the snow was getting heavier and heavier. Seeing that the new year was approaching.

During the visit, good news came one after another from Echigo. When Kiragi relaxed, he considered returning to Echigo and made corresponding arrangements before leaving.

Murakami Yoshikiyo was ordered to lead the troops of his headquarters and the 3,000 people from Northern Shinano. A total of 3,000 people guarded Katsurao Castle. They were responsible for attacking Yukitaka Sanada, the only one in Northern Shinano who had not surrendered. Miyabe Tsurujun had 2,000 people to monitor the castle.

Regarding the movements of Shinshu Pass, Ogasawara served as the leader of the Naka-Shinano Raiders for a long time, responsible for recruiting and conquering the Naka-Shinano territory. He was allowed to restore the old territory after the success of the Raiders.

Kakizaki Keie, Yasuda Keimoto, Yoshie Keizi and other Chinese people were transferred to Etchu Shinkawa County. Kakizaki Keie was transferred to Tenjin Mountain to build a new city as the city lord. The land knowledge increased to 550 towns. Yasuda Keimoto, Yoshie

Jingzi also arranged for them to be located in the nearby territory. Since there was no ready-made stronghold, they were allowed to move to nearby small villages and merge them into a town, and then built corresponding buildings, city walls and castle oars.

As for the large number of captured prisoners, there was no plan to deal with them for the time being. Takeda Harunobu ran back to Kai from Chushinano with the remaining defeated soldiers. He had no time to care about his brother or the life and death of his son. For a while, Kira Yoshiki did not think about what to do.

Using these trump cards, they had no choice but to escort them back to Echigo with the army.

At the end of September, the Mogami Army wandered around Shimogoshi for a long time and quickly retreated. They had to return to Dewa Country before it started to snow, otherwise they would not be able to leave even if it snowed in the high mountains. The Mogami Army wandered around Shimogoshi Country for a long time and basically didn't catch anything.

, on the contrary, he was so frightened by the actions of the Xiayue people that he couldn't eat or sleep. He was on guard day and night for being taken away from his lair, just like a bandit who wanted to change his place after being shot.

I wanted to make a fortune during the autumn harvest and go home to celebrate the New Year, but I was frightened by the defeat of the Date and Ashina coalition forces. The main force of the Mogami Army was the common people, not the so-called direct standing troops. They listened to the words of the king.

The purpose of running to Echichi was to grab money, food, and women. Faced with the siege, interception and attacks by the Shimotsu people, their treatment was basically the same as that of the Shinano soldiers under the Takeda family, and they were even more unlucky than them.

Echigo had the flexibility of the Kira Navy to appear in the Arakawa at any time. The vicinity of the Agano River frightened them so much that their legs weakened. With the helpless Date and the Ashina coalition forces, they fled in defeat, and the Chinese and Vietnamese troops rushed to the Echigo.

, Fortunately, the most terrifying "Takigawa Tokimasu" and "Shima Tokikatsu" returned to Kasugayama Castle obediently, otherwise Mogami Army would really be scared out of his wits.

Even so, the Mogami Army was still frightened when they saw Echigo's large-scale siege. Seeing that the situation was not good, the Mogami Hachijo leaders discussed it and ran away without saying a word. In any case, it was not a loss for them, so they treated Takeda

Jueai spending five hundred taels of gold to let them march in arms is worthy of Takeda Harunobu's heavy gold reward.

The war of the Echigo siege network showed signs of beginning and ending as the two horns of the Takeda Army and the Hojo Army collapsed one after another. Echigo had always gathered an army of 40,000 under the Yun Cheng organization of Shengxing Temple, and organized another group after the autumn harvest.

The new attack was probably because Kotokuji Nobuhiro, who felt it was in the way, withdrew to Kaga so that he could have the opportunity to seize the fruits of victory. The greedy Echichu had been trying to attack fiercely for more than a month and found nothing but corpses all over the ground.

As the heavy snow fell, Xiang Yikui's final hope of ending the Vietnam-China War within the year was dashed. The disadvantages of Xiang Yikui, who were essentially a peasant-soldier group, became apparent. The battles that were not going smoothly became weaker and weaker, and morale dropped from high to extremely low in more than a month.

To such an extent, a heavy snow extinguished the fanaticism of the Yixiang sect believers, and our side lost thousands of lives but gained nothing. How should this war continue?

"How to fight this war?" The clan officials were also hesitant, but they soon stopped doing this unnecessary entanglement, because the news of the Takeda family and the Hojo family's successive defeats came, and the Echu family

The officials were immediately panicked.

The total collapse of the Takeda family, the big financier, was like a bolt from the blue. The news of the defeat of the Hojo family further dampened the fighting will of the Echichubo officials. The morale of the Echichu army, which had always been strong, became even lower. The defenders in the city seemed to have also received the news.

The morale of the soldiers in the city has improved. There are more and more cases where the warriors in the city are clamoring and provoking the Yiyi Kui army outside the city. There are even signs of instability in the military morale within the Yiyi Kui army.

Under such circumstances, Jinbaozhangzhi reflected their fine tradition of cheating teammates. He left a few words that night and led the army to leave early the next morning.

The temple minister was very angry, but he was a Chinese lord and not a local official, so the two great monks couldn't stop him.

The Chinese officials in Vietnam also expressed their intention to go home to celebrate the New Year and enjoy the hard-won fruits of victory. A group of great monks such as Shengxing Temple Yuncheng and Ruiquan Temple Yongxiu knew that they could not do anything, so they simply disbanded their armed forces during the winter.

We each went back to our homes, each looking for our mother. Tens of thousands of people arrived happily and went away safely, driving the chickens and ducks and pushing the flatbed trucks filled with food back to their hometowns to celebrate the New Year.

As for the territory of Shinkawa County, the officials each occupied a piece of their own territory. The Jimbo family arrogantly assigned a large piece of territory near Toyama Castle to themselves. The two old monks were disgusted by this. They were unwilling to fight for the territory.

It was a first-class initiative. Fortunately, the big idiot Kotokuji Temple Chengxian in Kaga left early. Only the locals were able to divide the base. It was not bad. How can I say that Eshui County was completely swallowed up by several large temples in Echu?

It's still very profitable.

Yamamoto Tokiyuki relied on his tenacious defense to fight 8,000 against 100,000 and 4,000 against 40,000 until the moment of victory. Although they paid a heavy price for this, they almost fought one for two for three.

Yes, the defenders had strong fire support, tenacious will, and several months of rich experience in defending the city. They were able to survive. In more than a month, they repulsed the army countless times, leaving them with a victory.


At the end of the war, Yamamoto Tokiyuki did not lead his troops to evacuate Etsuchu. Instead, he led his troops to leave Matsukura Castle on the high mountain and come to the relatively wide and flat Uojin Castle to spend the winter. The five thousand troops paid the price of nearly half of their casualties. This loss was indescribable.

It's not a big deal, and if you pay a painful price, you will naturally get rich rewards. The more than two thousand people who survived experienced a rare baptism of war and completely transformed into a powerful force.

They learn how to fight, how to cooperate with their comrades, how to survive the war as much as possible, kill as many enemies as possible, kill the enemy and see blood, and experience the horror of life and death on the battlefield. This is the transformation process from new recruits to elite soldiers.

, Saijo prepared for five years of training, and was carefully covered by Kira Yoshitoki for one year. After the Fukakusa battle, they were able to complete this transformation process. Now they only need less than two years of training and a few months of war to succeed.

I don't know whether it's luck or misfortune.

In the blink of an eye, the end of the year came. Due to the influence of heavy snow, the Kira Army and the Nagao Army returned to Echigo to celebrate the New Year. When they were in the Kasuga Mountain Castle Kiragi, they learned the specific situation of the civil war since the summer. Regarding his wife Nagao Torahime,

Ii Naotora's sudden attack was still highly appreciated and praised.

Of course, their nonsensical behavior was also strongly criticized by Nagao Kagetora, who said that "their feelings are permissible but their actions must be severely punished." As a punishment for the two former princesses and current wives, Princess Aya disciplined them even more strictly, wielding a knife.

The act of handling guns is strictly prohibited, and only basic exercises with wooden knives and bamboo swords are allowed. All their collections of armor, swords and guns and other weapons have been taken away, and the number of times they can ride horses is strictly limited to three times a month. It seems that they will never be able to do so.

Say goodbye to these murderous weapons. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

This chapter has been completed!
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