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Chapter 386

Within half a month after the crusade order was issued, 20,000 troops gathered under Kasugayama Castle. This mobilization speed far exceeded all the daimyo in the Eastern Kingdom. The 20,000 troops were divided into two batches, of which 5,000 were led by Saito Nobubu. As a general, he rushed to Vietnam, where he would gather with 15,000 troops led by Yamamoto Tokiyuki, Numata Yumitsu, Kakizaki Keie and others to implement Kira Yoshitoki's conquest strategy.

On the other side, Nagao Kagetora was the general, leading 15,000 men and the main force of the Kira Army to Dewa to rescue the Ohoji clan, a powerful Chinese in the Tokai County. In addition, Shitara Sadachi, Miyabe Tsurun and Shinano's Yukitaka Sanada's department is responsible for clearing out the remnants of Shinano Junior High School and has issued a reward order. However, those who report the remnants of the crime can receive a reward ranging from fifty mon to ten kusen once verified.

With the cooperation of the villagers who were greedy for profit, they quickly captured more than a thousand remnants of the gang. Although they failed to capture Takeda Ryuuyoshi in the end, they still followed the clues and found several secret gathering points. It turns out that the gold and silver treasures hidden in it are worth tens of thousands of gold, and the resources involved in the case are astonishingly large, including six thousand koku of food, six thousand koku, and more than a thousand sets of weapons. This shows that this power has been deeply rooted in Shinano by Takeda Shingen for a long time.

As for the captured remnant gangsters, they were escorted to Kasugayama Castle and went through layers of interrogations to determine their identities and levels of involvement. The principal criminals were all hanged as a warning, and the followers were exiled to various mines in Echigo according to the level of crimes they committed. What awaits them will be an eternal life as a miner. This is a new method that Kira Yoshiki has learned. It is more appropriate to kill only the culprits and the remaining culprits than to exterminate them.

Such a large-scale purge of the Ichibuki sect in Shinano soon spread to Ueno country, and soon the Ueno people also attacked the few monasteries of the Ikbuki sect in the country with the permission of Kira Yoshitoki, captured all the monks of the Ikbuki sect and exiled them to Sado. When he occupied the island, occupied the property of the Ichikouji Temple and paid half of the loot to Kiragi in proportion, he almost instantly plunged the innocent Ichikouji Temple in Ueno Province into the abyss of destruction.

At the same time, the Kira Hōgōzu began to exert their efforts. Mitsui Tora was appointed as Ueno Hōdaka to preside over the work related to the inspection of the Ueno Junior High School, the removal of villages and the demolition of castles. In response to the dissatisfaction and complaints of the Ueno people, Mitsui Tora explained: "I will give you a new one. Isn't it good enough for a village and a safer place to live? What good does it do for the country to build a village full of earthen buildings on the mountains and rivers? If the world is peaceful one day, will you continue to live in the mountains?"

There are also people who are worried that if the walled city is demolished and encounters the Hojo Army from the Musashi direction, or an attack from the Shimono direction, they will not know how to resist it. Regarding such in-depth questions, Mitsui Torakanori kindly told them not to worry, as long as the master takes action. The enemy will be invincible and the enemy will be invincible. The Lord believes that taking advantage of the danger and defending is no match for those who take the lead. As long as someone dares to invade Echigo, they must be prepared to suffer a violent counterattack.

The first thing Mitsui Toraka did when he took office was to implement the Rakuchi Order to completely abolish the privileges of zashou, and obtain a sky-high fine from the temple's head priest, Toraya Sect Yi, to confiscate all the illicit properties of zasho associated with the Ichigo clan, thus fundamentally cutting off the With all the activities of the Ichiko sect in Ueno country, the Ina Tadashi family of Shinano used the same method to loot all the properties of the Ichiko sect. For a time, only Ina County and Suwa County in the entire Shinano had a few Ichiko sect temples that survived. The remaining temples and All the monks were deprived.

Taking this opportunity, the temple's leader Toraya Sōgai began to implement the monk registration system, bringing the panicked Shinano and Ueno Ryogoku temple communities into the Kira family's temple system, and using a soft knife to cut off the surplus land in the hands of the temple community little by little.

came out, and combined with measures such as banning the burial system and building public cemeteries, they used carrots and sticks to forcefully tear down the little resistance of the temple community.

It has to be said that Kurita Kanyasu of Zenkoji Temple is very smart. He only retains one temple property and a small amount of land in Zenkoji Temple on Kawanakajima Island. All the remaining temple properties are donated. He has decided to become a qualified monk rather than a samurai. The samurai also

Kowtowing and saluting in front of others and risking beheading to gain military merit is far less comfortable than living a life of an iron rice bowl.

Kira Yoshitoki valued this kind of talented person who knew current affairs very much, and soon issued a new edict. All temples that were willing to actively cooperate with the edict would be given a certain amount of tax exemption and tribute, and the exemption amount would be three-thirds of the overall tax and annual tribute.

It ranges from one to half, and states that monks will never be subject to additional service, ensuring that the monks' extraordinary status will not be oppressed, and allows wealthy temples to use money to hire nearby townspeople or farmers living in the town to farm for the temple. Some completely give up farming rights.

Naturally, the temple will not charge any taxes.

As long as you don't cultivate the land, occupy the land, and don't accept the affiliated land, you won't charge any taxes. As long as you want to retain the land and farming rights, you can collect annual tribute and taxes as much as you have land. If you farm with hired workers, you will probably get rid of the annual tribute.

After taxes and employment expenses, there is little income left, and you may even suffer a loss in a disaster year.

If things go on like this, the temple community will naturally give up the extravagant hope of owning land. At that time, it is better to study how to hold religious ceremonies to make money from sesame oil, prohibit collusion between temples and merchants, ensure that the Kira family's house number is in Shinano, and the interests of Ueno country are not harmed, and

Absorb the participation of bankrupt small businessmen and gradually expand their influence.

At the same time, the number and growth of monks are controlled through monk registration, each temple is allowed to have a certain number of temple clans, which are the descendants of the temple abbot or the head of the temple. At the same time, it is stipulated that a certain number of new monks must be recruited to enrich the temple's fresh blood. These various methods

Suppression and restraint suppressed the power of the temple community within the controllable range of the lord.

Thanks to the limited influence of the temple communities of Echigo, Shinano, and Ueno, if it were placed in areas with strong temple communities such as Kinai or Saikuni, it might cause earth-shaking events. Kira Yoshitoki was going to use this

This method was used to subtly weaken this religious group that dominated the development of medieval Japan, and they could not be allowed to exert their influence unscrupulously. This world is ultimately the world of the samurai family.

On July 27, Saito Nobunobu led 5,000 elite troops to Uojin City in Yuezhong. Among these 5,000 troops, there were 2,000 elite "Black Dragoons". However, the flag seal of this iron cavalry was changed from the familiar Jiuyaoba.

The flag was changed to the two flags of the Ashikaga Clan. Since Masatora Uesugi changed his name and announced that his vassal was from the Ashikaga Clan, he could no longer be counted as a retainer of the Uesugi family.

It took a lot of effort to travel all the way without knowing where to go. It was not easy, not to mention how difficult it was for five thousand people to come here without stopping. Even a strong man would be very tired.

Knowing that the natural dangers that one does not know and one's children do not know are no joke. If one is not careful and is swept away by a bad wave, even if he wants to save him, there is no way to save him. Saito Asanobu led five thousand soldiers and horses day and night to rush over without losing a single person.

This soldier's quality alone is enough to crush most of the daimyo's main elites.

At this time, the sun was setting in the west and the sky was getting late. Ueno Iashiro cursed unhappily while holding the empty water bag, then rode forward and said: "General! We are all very tired. Can we stop and rest for a while before proceeding?


Seeing the expectant looks of the samurai beside him, Saito shook his head and objected: "Don't rest and continue moving forward! The speed continues to increase, and there is still a long way to go! The Lord said that it takes half a mile to travel a hundred miles.

10. If you walk too fast in front and are lagging behind in the end, you are unqualified. The purpose of our march is to test the legion’s combat strength. If you can’t even bear this little hardship, how can you follow the Lord to conquer all directions in the future?”

"Yes!" The samurai responded in unison. Everyone knew the truth, but few could do it. The reason why the Kira family's elites were called elites was not just because they were full-time soldiers.

Because they are well-fed, well-trained, well-equipped, and more importantly, they have a strong tenacity from the generals to ordinary ashigaru. This tenacity can also be seen in the elites of the Echigo-Nagao family, the Kai-Takeda family, or the Sagami-Hojo family in the past.

can be found.

Kira Yoshinori once told Saito Nobunobu about the deeds of many famous generals in the Central Plains Dynasty. To build a lion that can fight a hundred battles, it is necessary to shape the soul of the army, just like people use benevolence, justice, etiquette, wisdom, trust, loyalty, filial piety, temperance, forgiveness, and bravery as moral templates.

Just as the norms strongly advocate, if one's excellent behavioral qualities are brought to the extreme, they can be believed in as a lifelong belief. The same is true for the establishment of a strong army.

Loyal, brave and law-abiding, persevering and persevering, respecting the righteousness of the martial arts. With absolute execution ability and a high spirit of sacrifice, this is the elite teacher in Kira Yoshitoki's mind. These candid words deeply shocked Sai

Fuji Tonobu, for a traditional martial artist from the Warring States Period, speaking out such small words and great meanings was so shocking that it was like Hong Zhong Da Lu's enlightenment.

It turns out that his more than ten years on the battlefield were wasted in vain. Such complex and profound concepts have never occurred to him. In his eyes, good weapons, brave generals and the whole army working together can make a strong army. In the past,

In the battle with the Japanese army, it is also a matter of struggle. Who is braver and can overwhelm the other side? If you have the upper hand in morale, you can defeat the enemy. This time after receiving Kira Yoshiki's far-sighted analysis, he quickly made clear his goal.

Full of energy.

The setting sun is magnificent and colorful, as if embedded with a layer of bright and dazzling golden halo. The beautiful fire clouds are colorful and colorful, just like hundreds of flowers in bloom. The thrilling natural beauty makes people linger, and the miraculous craftsmanship of nature once again impresses us.

Show the world this beautiful and colorful wonder.

Outside Uozu City, thousands of people stood in high spirits outside the city gate and waited quietly. After a long time, a familiar white flag on the hill in the distance appeared at the end of the field of vision. The familiar Ashikaga two flags let the samurai

They breathed a sigh of relief. They knew clearly that only their own troops were coming at this time, but they had to confirm it with their own eyes before they could relax.

Two thousand elite cavalry arrived at the head. The Echigo elite cavalry, all in black armor, galloped over with uniform steps. Suddenly, the roar of iron hoofs on the ground made Shiina Yasuin change his face, and he turned back to glance at

The Chinese people including Toi Masashige and others opened their eyes wide as if they were trying to remember this moment in their minds. Shiina Yasuyin couldn't help but feel a little discouraged.

The charge accelerated, slowed down, and finally came to a standstill. Two thousand cavalrymen completed a standard formation assault exercise at a distance of five kilometres. At the same time, they accelerated to maximum speed, then slowed down to move at a constant speed, and finally decelerated to a stop at the same moment.

From the beginning to the end, not a single knight made a mistake, and the largest error between lines was only half a horse's length. This level of training was so terrifying that even Yamamoto Tokiyuki was amazed by it.

"Why did Echigo organize such a big battle? These are two thousand black dragoons! These two thousand black dragoons will kill us Yue Chinese people as easily as they kill chickens and dogs! In the future, we Yue Chinese people will still be there.

Is there any way to survive? Is this going to force our Shiina family to death and my own family to death?"

Shiina Yasuyin had a bitter taste in his mouth. Although he knew in advance that such an elite force was coming, when he saw the powerful execution ability of the Black Dragoons with his own eyes, the frustration and discouragement in his heart were self-evident. The Vietnamese people beside him could

Without this kind of psychological burden, he wholeheartedly admired this invincible army. The proud Black Dragoons accepted the applause and praise of thousands of people calmly. Their pride did not lie in underestimating the enemy but in their absolute confidence in themselves.

Yamamoto Tokiyuki and Saito Asanobu greeted each other, then patted him on the shoulder very happily and said: "Shimono Mamoru, these two thousand black dragoons have been trained very well! The Lord is right, complete and rigorous training can only be achieved early.

Produce a bunch of outstanding soldiers. Only those who have experienced raw silk fighting can become elites! These two thousand black dragon cavalry are the real elites, an elite division that can sweep across the Hokuriku!"

"The Lord's request is to sweep Etchu Ichiki back to Tonami County! Does Sado Shoden have other ideas?" Saito Asanobu asked suspiciously.

Yamamoto Tokiyuki said with a smile: "The Lord's order is indeed true. We only need to drive away the Echichu Ichikui, but we must continue to push forward in the future, annihilate the Ichikui in Tonami County, invade Kaga Country and sweep away

I have always been admonished. We, the ministers, should prepare for a rainy day. When the Lord needs our actions, we do not need to spend time redoing plans and flight preparations. We only need to attack with the entire army and defeat the enemy with the power of thunder, and reduce losses.

Strive for complete victory under the premise of ensuring victory, this is the military strategy of a great general."

"Thank you, Sado-don, for your timely reminder. I understand!" Saito nodded his thanks to Nobubu with an understanding. He knew very well that the one-eyed, lame old man in front of him was the one who trained several generals, including Kira Yoshitoki.

The Master of Military Strategy, this old man is not only proficient in military strategy but also has very rich experience in strategy. Many unexplained principles can often be solved with just a few words from him. He is definitely a warrior worthy of respect.

The army entered the city and held a reception banquet. That night, Tokiyuki Yamamoto took his land, Yumitsu Numata, and discussed with Kakizaki Keie, Saito Asanobu, Yasuda Keimoto, Yoshie Keizi and others about sending troops to Echu.

He has 20,000 troops in hand, and after he has led 3,000 Chinese coalition troops from various counties in central Vietnam as a reserve, there is no shortage of generals, fierce generals, and wise generals among the warriors present, and all of them are veterans who have experienced countless battles and have great experience.

They are rich and each has their own military and strategic specialties. They can provide good cooperation whether it is a field battle or a critical battle.

Yamamoto Tokiyuki served as the leader of the Vietnam-China strategy, the general-general of the Vietnam-China Army, his deputy Kakizaki Keie, and the vanguard general Saito Asanobu. The left-wing general Yasuda Keigen, the right-wing general Yoshie Keizi, and Shiina Yasuin got what they wanted.

As the rear formation, Numata Yumitsu serves as the army and coordinates military affairs. Yamamoto Tokiyuki is very satisfied with this combination and bluntly stated that he is confident of regaining the three counties within the year. All the generals expressed that they have strong morale and can fight with them.

Ten days later, on a clear morning, the 20,000-strong Yuezhong Army swore out to fight. Officials from the Yuezhong clan gathered to defend the city and asked for help from the main land of Tonami County. Shengxing Temple Yun Cheng and Zuiquan Temple Yongxiu did not expect it at all.

They would rush over so quickly, and they were already so late in recruiting troops in a panic.

It is said that at the usual speed of dispatching troops, it will take a month or two to reach Yuezhong. If we send troops from Eozhong, it will be after the autumn harvest. Therefore, the two old monks are not worried about Echigo at all, and they still

I thought they wanted to start a public opinion war or something like that. As for Shinano, what did the disciples of Ueno Province's Ichikai Sect have to do with them? If there was a problem, it would be a headache for Choshoji Mikaru, and it was not their turn to worry about it.

The two old monks really didn't understand the speed of Echigo's troop dispatch. They thought that Nagao was the king of Kage to defeat the god Ho Keizong, but they didn't send troops from June until August to the battlefield in central Vietnam. Could it be that Echigo's military force had wings?

Is it possible to fly over the natural danger that one does not know oneself and one does not know oneself? It is understandable that they cannot figure it out. Even if they try hard, they still do not know what kind of army is on the other side.

On August 12, Horie Castle deceived the city gates to open to attract the army. Later, Gongzhuang Castle, Xiaochu Castle, and Buddha Temple Castle broke away one after another. One after another, they surrendered to Kaicheng. Onino Castle Kamho Keisaburo's cage failed and committed suicide in the castle tower.

, Omura Castle was captured by Ueno Ienari, Shinjo Castle was captured by Konizaka Nagami, half of Shinkawa County was captured by the Vietchu Army in the blink of an eye, and Tonami County even watched the army push to the east bank of the Jintsu River without any reaction at all.

Seeing that the enemy army had arrived in front of his house, the lord of Toyama City, Jinbao Yunshou, was furious, but the rescue from Jinbao Choji was still delayed. He knew that his elder brother was probably afraid of the Kira army, and he probably wanted to

The discarded chess pieces made me feel so bitter.

"I originally thought that this Toyama Castle is the place with the best terrain and the most convenient transportation in the middle of Vietnam, but I didn't expect that this is also the highest priority achievement goal. I regret that I didn't let Toyama Castle in the first place! If I let him take this city, this time

Then it won’t be my family facing the Kira family’s army!”

Jinbo Uharu was scared, but Jinbo Nagasaki was busy recruiting military personnel in a panic. He had heard that Echigo was coming to attack Echichu. He had always been worried about whether he could withstand Echigo's fierce revenge and find Katsuki.

Tera Yuncheng and Zuisenji Yonghide hoped that they would quickly recruit an army and build defense facilities to resist Echigo's invasion.

As a result, Shengxing Temple Yun Cheng almost spat at him as soon as he finished speaking. She ridiculed him for being timid and fearful, which made him so angry that he wanted to kill this hateful old monk, but he looked smaller than him.

A large piece of Zen staff as thick as a baby's arm was really beyond the power of his samurai sword. Finally, he rationally gave up the idea of ​​using force and walked away in dismay.

Nowadays, the consequences of not recruiting military service in advance have become apparent. Normal recruitment for military service would take at least two or three months. For inefficient lords, it may take half a year. For example, the Hojo family, which has a higher degree of daimyoization during the Warring States Period, can be recruited in the second year of the war.

The emergency mobilization was completed within ten days, giving him one and a half months to prepare for the war. This speed was almost twice as fast as that of all daimyo in the modern era.

Seeing that the military recruitment was insufficient at the moment, Jinbo Nagasaki sent his own troops as prisoners, so he simply wrote a letter to his younger brother Jinbo Ujiharu, telling him that if he could abide by the rules and not, he should come to Masuyama Castle and seek refuge with him.

At least my brother will not shorten his food and clothing expenses. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please go to


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