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Chapter 388

On July 12, the first year of Eiroku, on this unbearably hot day in midsummer, Imagawa Yoshimoto led an army of 25,000 people on his journey to Shangluo. In his eyes, Owari Kingdom was as easy as picking out things from a bag, and weaving

Tian Nobuhide, the Owari upstart, was beaten by him and had no power to fight back and had to die in depression. His Owari fool's son was even more of an unworthy descendant. How could he be so stupid as to lead the Owari country? Imagawa Yoshimoto sighed.

, the world is really chaotic and people’s hearts are not ancient.

If you want to say that he is proud, you can tell by looking at his expression. He hums music and depicts Minamoto Yoritomo's demeanor when he went to Luo. He feels that he is still worse than that distant ancestor, but in terms of confidence and morale, he is not at all.

It's true that the samurai of the Imagawa family are so proud and proud. The name Suruga Lord represents great charm. Perhaps in the near future, their lord will become the new leader and rule the world on behalf of His Highness.

Wearing a large armor that is entirely light blue, with an image of Moonlight Bodhisattva engraved on the front of the breastplate. This is a high-end imitation of the moon armor. The eight dragons and five pieces of armor on the head are also imitations of the eight dragons armor of the Ashikaga Shogun family. You can get the authentic armor.

It is not easy to wear and is not easy to wear. The greater significance of ancient clothes and armor is to show the glory of ancestors.

Wearing a red brocade formation haori, wearing a clan of three left letters on the waist, and riding a saddle with tassels and gold carvings, Qing Cong flaunted the Imagawa family's centuries-old prestige, looking at it with the utmost arrogance of a hegemon, nothing more than that.

No wonder he would be so proud, he indeed deserves the reputation of being the overlord of Tokaido.

Now Takeda and Hojo are suppressed by Echigo and cannot hold their heads up. News from Echigo shows that Kiragi has no preparations to go south within this year. This is a golden opportunity. It also coincides with the Imagawa family reorganizing government affairs and establishing the Separation of Nations Act.

Along the Yuanjiang River, the people of the Mikawa Kingdom are in a strong period when they are confident and ready to exert their strength. At this time, it will be difficult to wait for the Kira family to deal with the enemies behind them.

Imagawa Yoshimoto's decision to go to Luoyang is very simple. The so-called going to Luoyang to the capital is false, only the capture of Owari is true. He can't remember how long ago he has been coveting the wealth of Owari country. Perhaps it was Oda Nobuhide's illegal outburst.

The impression left on him was so profound that a local tycoon actually rose to become the overlord of Owari in more than ten years, leading an army of 15,000 to show off his power. In the first battle of Azozaka, Imagawa impressed

The family suffered a heavy loss. Even Suruga's wealth would probably not be as rich as Owari's. It would be a lie to say that he was not moved at all.

Ever since he captured Mikawa nine years ago, what he has been thinking about day and night is destroying the city and seizing Owari. In recent years, his attacks have indeed achieved certain results. Owari including the Lord of Narumi Castle Yamaguchi Ketsugu

The people on the border changed their banners and joined the Imagawa family. With the strong strength of the Imagawa family, they gradually eroded Owari's vitality and began to bear fruit.

However, the sudden death of Master Taiyuan Xuezai disrupted the plan, so the invasion that was supposed to be launched two years ago has been delayed until today. Now is a good time to go to Luo, and try to sweep Owari as quickly as possible, and win

Complete the initial annexation of Owari before the autumn harvest, and at least the four lower counties must be captured. The two main financial sources of Atsuta Town and Tsushima must be obtained. Having seen the Kira family's methods in Kyoto, Imagawa Yoshimoto

It has also become more focused on the accumulation of economic strength.

This time he mobilized 25,000 troops to attack Owari, and promulgated many laws and regulations before sending out the troops. First of all, it was forbidden to make noise, and it was strictly prohibited to hunt people indiscriminately. He also ordered the Oi sweeping department to be responsible for the transportation of the small load-carrying team. After everything was arranged,

It was boring and boring for the 25,000-strong army to march from Sunfu. It was already July 16th when the long-drawn-out queue arrived at Okazaki Castle from Sunfu, and it took another two days to arrive at the Mikawa border.


Tadashi Kuno, the leader of the flag warriors, came on horseback and reported loudly: "My lord, right in front of you is Takake Castle! There are no signs of Oda army activities nearby. Please inform me!"

"Han Nei! You deserve your share of the credit in defending our formation for our family. Leave the errands to the retainers!"

Imagawa Yoshimoto's words of concern and effort made Kunoji Tadashi excited. He is the direct son of Kuno Hanuchi Munehira, the lord of Suruga Ejiri Castle, and his mother is Imagawa Yoshimoto's eldest concubine. At a young age, he replaced his father Kuno clan.

Hiroshi serves as the lord of Ejiri Castle, and as one of the trusted royal officials of Imagawa Yoshimoto, he serves as the front guard of the formation this time to guard the safety of Imagawa Yoshimoto.

In the evening of the same day, they entered the main formation of the Imagawa Army and entered the Owari Castle. A military meeting was convened that night. Imagawa Yoshimoto stared at the familiar battle map and laughed: "This Oda Danzheng is really a smart man.

He actually knew how to build a separate walled city to isolate the communication between Minghai City and Dagao City and Taguai City, so he could eat away at Minghai City bit by bit and then seize Dagao City and Tagao City in one fell swoop. The strategy is very good! It’s not like a big fool can think of it.


Imagawa Yoshimoto's uncle, the lord of Kamahara Castle, and the young assistant Ujimasa in the Kamahara Palace said: "Perhaps it is the strategy planned by his ancestors. The Oda family still has some veterans from the Azozaka War. It seems that there are Katsuie Shibata and

Lin Xiuzhen, this strategy must be the work of these two people!"

As early as after the Battle of Muramuzhai, Oda Nobunaga built five castles near Narumi Castle, Zenshoji Castle, Nakajima Castle, Marunane Castle, and Washitsu Castle near Yamaguchi Nobutsugi's Narumi Castle, and also sent generals

Sakuma University Nobunaga, Oda Gento Yoshinpei, Iio Omi Morisada, Iio Nobumune, Mizuno Tatami Tadamitsu, Sakuma Nobumori, and Onikawa Kazuhide each led hundreds of soldiers to guard five castles, among which Tange Castle

, Zenzhao Temple Village, and Nakashima Village were responsible for besieging Okabe Motobu, the pioneer in Narumi Castle, making the Imagawa family unable to advance or retreat.

Yuhime Sakumomori Masanobu praised: "What a good plan. If our Imagawa army detours north and then turns to Qingzhou, it will not only be very difficult to move and turn, but also very detrimental to the army's supply. If we advance westward, we will have to face the obstacles laid down by the Oda family."

For a group of walled cities, it takes time and effort to attack the city and it may not be until the autumn harvest. At that time, if our army cannot attack for a long time and the soldiers want to return, they will retreat without fighting. The crisis of this attack will naturally be resolved! What a strategy!"

Asahina Nobuyuki reminded: "If we ignore the five villages and attack forward, the supply in the rear will be really worrying. We must also be careful that the Oda family uses a strategy similar to the Battle of Demuramu Village, and cross the sea through Mikawa Bay to raid our army's back line.

Dagao City and Tagua City have fallen, and we have almost no room to retreat! This strategy is to force us to settle down and fight with him in the siege. This shows that the person who set up this strategist is terrifyingly thoughtful. The lord must not help but

Be on guard!"

Asahina Nobuyuki's reminder impressed the Imagawa retainers. Although they looked down on the Owari upstart Oda family, they could not underestimate the strategies they used. No one in this world is stupider than anyone else. If the Oda family adopts the strategy of surprise attack on the village

If we use the tactic of attacking Dagao City, then landing on the city and taking the opportunity to attack the city, thus cutting off Imagawa's supply and retreat route, then it really seems like there is no place to die.

"Do you think they can hold on for two months?" Imagawa Yoshimoto smiled noncommittally, and many ministers also laughed loudly. After a while, he said again: "But Suruga Mamoru is right. Stay stable first. If we continue to attack slowly from the rear, all five disturbing cities must be eradicated within a few days!"

Qingzhou City, which is dozens of kilometers away from Takua City, is worried about Imagawa Yoshimoto's massive invasion. This massive invasion by Imagawa Yoshimoto was completely beyond his expectation. According to his plan, he used Wuzhai to siege the city. It is only right to eradicate all the Imagawa family's influence in Owari and try to reach peace with the Imagawa family. However, he did not expect that this move would lead to a large-scale attack by the Imagawa army. He thought this was a mistake in his strategy and constantly reviewed his radicalism. You should be so careless.

This spring, he swaggered to Kyoto with 500 elite troops. On the way, he was sniped by unknown iron gunners. The power and sight of iron cannons in this era were simply very poor. A shot fired fifty meters away not only failed to hit anyone. Even though the lead bullet didn't fly that far, it was unknown where it landed. After the Oda family's samurai captured this man, they found out that it was Saito Yoshiryu's close samurai who had done it, and their annoyance was palpable.

After going through all kinds of hardships, he finally met the shogun Ashikaga Yoshiteru, and offered him gifts and money in the hope of seeking a decent official position in the court and the position of guardian of Owari. Unfortunately, the shogun didn't like him. The Owari rich man glanced coldly at this country samurai crown spring describing the faults of Shiba Yoshigan, and expressed how he complied with the wishes of the people by taking the role of Owari's guardian in Shiba's place.

You can imagine what he could get. After spending two thousand Yongle money, he could only bring back one of the five subordinates, Zheng Shaozhong, and then planned to send him away. But Oda Nobunaga was not willing to leave just like that, and he lingered for a few days. Himata suppressed the anger in his chest and proposed that he intended to attack Mino. When he hoped to get the support of the shogunate, he was ridiculed by the shogunate ministers, saying that he, a country tycoon, dared to boast of his ability to win Owari and defeat the beauty. He was so shameless and lawless that he drove him back to Owari in just a few words.

Oda Nobunaga, who was greatly humiliated, no longer believed in the so-called famous families. It was not his fault that he was a member of the Jibe clan. His father called himself the Fujiwara clan, and he called himself the Taira clan. They were all trying to cater to the shogunate and the entire family. Is this the trend of the world? Why are you still mocking him so coldly and meanly?

After being humiliated by the shogunate, he returned home and faced a massive attack by Imagawa Yoshimoto. This bad breath in his heart made him feel more angry than ever before. There were only a few options before him: the first was to donate all his family's property. He completely surrendered to the Imagawa family in exchange for a chance to live quietly, but it is hard to say whether his face is as attractive as the Kira family. It is impossible to say that he died under house arrest in Sunfu. By now, the family was ruined and Owari became the Imagawa family's meal. .

Article 2: Abandoning Wuzhai and expressing his intention to have no enemy against the Imagawa family, and then hiding in Qingzhou City to survive, hoping for one ten thousandth of the good fortune from heaven. Suddenly, Imagawa Yoshimoto had a headache, and brought 25,000 troops with him. Go home for the autumn harvest, but the reputation he has worked so hard to accumulate will be destroyed in one day. People like Oda Nobukiyo of Inuyama Castle will definitely jump out to challenge him as the family governor. By then, the Imagawa family will have no way out if the army comes to kill them. It was chosen for him.

The third article is to hold on to the city walls until the autumn harvest and wait for the Imagawa army to retreat. But he himself is very unsure whether he can hold on for that long. There are only nearly 2,000 troops guarding the five cities. Evenly distributed, there are only a few hundred people in each stronghold, but they are facing the attack of the Imagawa family's 25,000 troops. If there is a problem in one link, everything will be lost.

The last and most dangerous one is to strictly order the Wuzhai to defend the city and lead all the troops to the rear to attack the Imagawa army. As long as they defeat them for a while, there may be a chance for a comeback. However, since his father fought in the battle of Kanakou, Since the defeat of the generals in the Battle of Shozuzaka, most of the elite divisions of Owari Province have been lost, and the remaining essence has withered in disgrace during the subsequent unification of Owari. The total number of troops he can use is less than 5,000. people, half of whom are scattered in the northern part of Owari to guard the north gate of Qingzhou, and among the five villages in the southern part.

"Should I fight for my life and fight for luck, or should I persevere and fight for luck?" Oda Nobunaga walked around anxiously, not knowing how to make a decision.

After Imagawa Yoshimoto made his decision, the Imagawa Family Genealogy Retainer Corps quickly came up with a detailed and appropriate attack plan, and issued orders to Narumi Castle Okabe Motonobu and Odaka Castle Dai Uden Nagateru to hold on to the wall. And when the main force attacked the Wuzhai, they properly cooperated with the raid on the Wuzhai to ensure that the city was captured as soon as possible. Matsudaira Motoyasu was assigned the task of transporting troops and supplies to Odaka Castle. Jinzhai, and was responsible for quickly establishing a direct access to Dagao City.

Perhaps Imagawa Yoshimoto felt that victory was in hand, so he sent several troops to various places to monitor the movements of the Oda Army. He took five thousand troops to guard Takake Castle and entered the mountain without moving. His choice was indeed right, twenty thousand It was as easy as squeezing mud to defeat the defenders who were less than 2,000 strong and scattered among the five cities.

After Matsudaira Motoyasu successfully completed the task of transporting grain, he led an army of 1,200 troops to attack Marunezhai from three directions at the same time. In the small fort, there were only Sakuma Morishige and 300 guards, facing four times the number of guards. The strong enemy on our side barely resisted Otemon's attack, but exposed the flanking wall and Katemon Gate. In the end, the entire army was unfortunately wiped out after holding on for two hours. At the same time, Asahina Taitomo, who had a large army, also captured Washizu Castle. Guardsman Oda Gento Yuno Nobuhei and Iio Sadamune both died in battle.

At the same time, Suruga's navy also launched another attack on Kanie Castle in Owari Kaisei County, and captured the Kanie Castle next to Ise Bay without any defense. This was the first step of Yoshimoto Imagawa's plan to seize Owari. The seaport ensures the safety of the flanks and forms an effective deterrent to Tsushima.

Two or three bad news in a row continued to undermine the confidence of the Oda family ministers. In the evening of the same day, Sakuma Morishige sent an envoy to ask for help. The Oda family tree group could no longer bear to stand up and request a military meeting. At the meeting, Shibata Katsuie, Mori Katsunari and Ikeda Tsuneki were determined to live up to their reputation as samurai by fighting to the death. Niwa Nagahide, Murai Sadakatsu and others insisted on holding on to the cage city. Hayashi Hideaki and Arao Zenji suggested surrendering to the Imagawa family first in order to slow down the plan.

Some of the retainers advocated war, and some advocated surrender. No matter which suggestion they held, they could not make up their mind in the face of the so-called 40,000-strong Imagawa family. The quarrel ended late at night. Many samurai left the meeting for various reasons. Oda Nobunaga looked at them calmly and sighed: "It's all gone! When the martial arts is exhausted, the mirror of wisdom will also be covered with dust!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian to recommend it. Tickets, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please go to m. to read.)

ps: I heard today that some friends are worried that Guo Xin wears too many clothes because A Guo appears too early. Wu Mei can tell you that he will never wear more clothes. The so-called "A Guo" is not necessarily a person, just like Guo Xin is not a person.

, Hozoin Inei is not the same person, and Hattori Hanzo is not the same person. They share the same name for several generations, so you can rest assured that there is no need to say more.

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