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Chapter 393 Bloody Edict

After watching on the west bank of Ivy Pond for several days, the army thought they had seen through the Kira family's bluff, and marched out with a swaggering force of 40,000 troops, confidently and boldly challenging the Vietnam-Chinese Army, which had been waiting for a long time. However, as soon as they collided, they realized that something was not right.

Satisfied, it was obviously the Chinese army, but it had a combat power that far exceeded that of the Yi Kui Army. After half an hour of fighting, the first three formations of the Yi Kui Army were completely defeated.

Sensing that the situation was not good, Shengxing Temple Yun Cheng immediately sent out the most advantageous official, Ishida Inaba, who was the younger brother of Ishida An Yun Mamoru who was killed by the Kira family. He learned that his brother died tragically in front of hundreds of thousands of people.

In Echigo Kasugayama Castle, the hatred for the Kira family was strong in my heart. When I saw Yamamoto Tokiyuki's 15,000-strong army, my enemies were naturally jealous of each other.

With Shengxing Temple's main force of 5,000, he launched a fierce attack on the Yikui Army. It has to be said that the so-called main force of Shengxing Temple still has extraordinary strength. Most of it is composed of Chinese soldiers who were Yuezhongfang officials, and a small number came from the Yikui Army.

The brave and strong men in the crowd have been honed for many years to have the strength that is no less than the main force of the Warring States Daimyo. This is also an important basis for Shengxing Temple Yuncheng to dominate Yuezhong.

Ishida defended Yinban and was not afraid of death. The five thousand tiger and wolf troops pushed forward without hesitation, and actually pulled back the situation that was gradually retreating. It was already difficult to attack from the bottom of the mountain to the top. After the three formations were broken, the layman was still able to be pulled back.

Even if they are evenly matched, this ability is enough to prove that Yun Cheng of Shengxing Temple, who has been in the field for more than 20 years, is not a person who has lived up to his reputation.

Yamamoto Tokiyuki, who served as the general, sat on the top of Tateyama Mountain more than 100 meters high and smiled without saying a word. He did not say a word throughout this war, but handed over the command to his apprentice, Numata Yumitsu, who served as military commander.

To take charge. This is a great trust in him, but it also puts great pressure on him. If the general cannot bear the heavy pressure of the battle, how can he keep tens of thousands of soldiers safe?

To give him the opportunity is to let him work hard to seize it, from the cage battles of Matsukura Castle and Uozu Castle, to the siege battles of Gongzhuo Castle, Kode Castle, Toyama Castle, and to today's field battles at the foot of Tateyama Mountain.

It was a test for him again and again. Fortunately, he performed very well and successfully completed the tasks assigned to him.

Numata Yumitsu adjusted the military formation very patiently, and put some of the Chinese people who were scheduled to be sent to the front as cannon fodder on the two wings. Shiina Yasuin's military posture was as a special force, ready to rescue the collapse of the two wings at any time. In his opinion, this war

It was a given war fought at a given time and at a given place. This kind of mechanical command had no sense of achievement, because before the war, his master had already planned it to his core.

However, it was also his first time commanding an army of tens of thousands. The complicated military affairs and the various decisions he made when commanding in the face of the enemy still made him very excited. As the saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning, and the first time he will always face various thorny problems that need to be solved.

, what was done easily in his master's hands, seemed particularly clumsy and powerless in his hands. After trying hard to endure this feeling of powerlessness and going through the initial hectic changes, he gradually felt a little more comfortable with it.

This war is an established defensive posture. Using mountains as defense and formations as walls will squeeze out the remaining strength of the army. Since we want to win in one go, we have to let the other side weaken again and again. Numata Yumitsu's response strategy is very good.

Protect the left and right wings that are under frontal attack. Whenever the Chinese troops on both wings face the crisis of collapse, the Rangers will always rush over to support in time. Appropriate reinforcements can just resist the crazy attack of the Yikui army and still leave some remaining strength.

It's like playing with a dog with a wicker stick. Every time the puppy realizes it and is about to bite the target, the wicker stick gently turns to another direction. In this way, the attacks are in vain.

Seeing the dawn of victory for the first time, reinforcements came from the mountain, as if a bucket of cold snow water kept them chilled from beginning to end.

For four whole days, Vietnam and China continued to sacrifice nearly 4,000 lives but made no progress. In the end, they succeeded in killing more than 3,000 lives of the Vietnam and China Corps, and also reduced the 5,000 troops inherited from Shengxing Temple.

The Divine Protection Army, which was crippled and responsible for the left-wing attack, also lost more than a thousand lives, but they probably didn't even touch the edge of the main formation on the mountain.

Seeing that they had been fighting for several days without counting the casualties but without any effect, not only the chief priest was angry, but Yun Cheng of Shengxing Temple and Yongxiu of Zuiquan Temple were also anxious like ants on a hot pot. After several discussions before the battle, they still couldn't do it.

It was decided to retreat to Tonami County for the time being. The flat plain near Fusaki Castle was really not suitable for a main battle.

Just when the troops who had always been ordered to retreat were slowly retreating, the woods on the slopes on both sides of Tateyama suddenly broke out with 5,000 troops. The generals on the left and right were Saito Nobunobu and Kakizaki Keie. As the current seven counties of Echigo

The first man once again joined forces with the former No. 1 man from the seven counties of Echigo to give Ichiki the first blow.

The two thousand black dragon cavalry of the Saito Army on the left wing rushed like wolves and tigers into Shengxingji Yuncheng's main formation and massacred them. However, the Shengxingji Army, which had been half disabled by the whole day's fighting, was beaten to the point where it was unable to fight back.

Seeing that the morale of the army was wavering, Yun Cheng of Shengxing Temple gave a loud shout and galloped forward with a cast iron Zen staff. He took out a secret weapon that had been hidden for many years from his sleeves. It was a Feilao specially customized by Kyoto craftsmen. He aimed at the leader.

The unparalleled general threw it violently.

This throw was so sudden that an ordinary samurai would surely have died. However, Saito Asanobu didn't expect to see the fat monk with a sinewy face rushing towards him. On the surface, he was massacring the Shengxingji army indiscriminately, but in his heart he was...

With a bit of vigilance, when I caught a glimpse of the monk throwing something I had never seen before, I subconsciously turned sideways to avoid this dangerous throw.

The flying man passed by and fell into the Shoxing Temple Ikui army behind him. Unfortunately, he hit Ishida Inabamori, who was coming here, and smashed the general's head into pieces like a broken watermelon.

Half of Mikazuki Kabuto was lifted off, revealing his head with red and white splashes everywhere. This fierce general did not die in the hands of the black dragon cavalry, but accidentally fell under the hidden weapon of his lord. It was really harmful to others and ultimately to yourself.


The only opportunity was lost, but Shengxingji Yun Cheng's courage also dissipated along with the flying iron lao. When he saw the angry Saito riding his horse towards Nobu, the timidity in his heart couldn't help but increase threefold.

However, the self-esteem he had accumulated over the past 20 to 30 years did not allow him to run away like a coward. He had the courage to rush forward with a loud shout, and with his strength, he swung the cast iron Zen staff and smashed it at him.

The collision between the cast-iron Zen staff and the gun sparked a chain of sparks. Saito Asanobu blocked his life-threatening blow with just one move of the gun. His blocking was quite skillful, but he was not a tough horse on an iron bridge.

He had to raise his big gun and take a hit. Even if he was not afraid at all, he would suffer disaster if he sat down on his horse, but it would be totally worthless to be shaken with internal injuries by the huge force.

He just held the big gun with both hands and moved the cast iron Zen staff to one side with a slanted movement, and was able to easily dodge the blow. Yun Cheng of Shengxing Temple never expected this blast of wind and fire.

The fierce attack can be easily blocked. I threw the cast iron Zen staff into the ground with a strong "wow" sound and almost fell off the horse due to the uncontrollable sway of my body.

Shengxing Temple Yuncheng screamed inwardly. He only had time to raise his fat head, and saw a dazzling white light flashing in front of his eyes. He raised his gun and shot the huge head into the sky. Until that moment, Shengxing

Only then did Te Yun Cheng clearly see the bright light facing the afterglow of the evening sun. It was the flash of Saito Asanobu's gun blade as it passed by.

"Enemy general! Shengxingji Yuncheng was begged by me, Saito Nobu!"

The situation on the battlefield changed, and Shengxingji's army immediately collapsed. In a panic, Shengxingji Yongei drove his mount and accidentally hit the muzzle of Saito Asanobu's gun. The two horses met each other, and a white light flashed.

A young head soared into the sky, and a burst of hot blood shot out from the high-pressure water cannon. Saito raised his gun and picked up the corpse of Shengxingji Temple, hissing and laughing like a big demon king.


The terrifying laughter always scares the army to pieces. Shengxingji Yuncheng, who is the most brave in Vietnam, and the death of Ishida Inabamori have dealt a major blow to the morale of this army. Shengxingji's glory suddenly

Their deaths made it meaningless for them to stay and fight. When they saw this black-armored general who looked like a terrifying demon king, his demon-like face seemed to be his ferocious face.

"Evil ghost! Evil ghost Yasha crawling out of hell! Everyone run away!" The defeated soldiers of Shengxing Temple's first army collapsed completely. They cried and struggled and fled desperately. Many people present firmly believed that this must be the legend.

The demons crawling out of the underworld, they actually provoked such a group of monsters, and even the brave and invincible general was killed. Who else in the world can resist such existence?

At the same time, at the other end of the battlefield, Kakizaki Kageie broke up the main force of the Jinbo Army. Seeing that the situation was not good, the slippery Jinbo Nagaji threw down one of his Jinbo Ujiharu. After that, the unlucky guy managed to escape.

He passed the fate of being a prisoner of Toyama Castle, only to be coaxed into seizing Toyama Castle again by his own clan. This is called remembering to eat but not to fight.

The chief priest of the gods ran away with more than 2,000 remnants of his troops. He retreated without even saying hello. He was worried that the Kakizaki Kei family was targeting him, so he deliberately dropped the flag and ordered a few of his confidants to split up with a few troops.

Withdrawing to Masuyama Castle, the Jimbo family's ancestral talent for running away exploded at this moment, and this swimming fish really escaped again.

Kakizaki Keike used all his strength to attack but missed. Haru Jimbo, who was fighting from behind, was frightened by Kakizaki Keike. His legs became weak and his mouth became bitter. He was trembling for a long time and was about to shout surrender. However, he was interrupted by the annoyed Kakizaki Keike.

A shot stabbed him to the core, and with a "pop" sound, he struggled unwillingly and took his last breath.

The more than 1,000 remaining troops from the Jinbo Army were killed by the Kakizaki Kei family in just a moment, and then the Ashigaru were replaced for war harvesting. The clever Ashigaru of the Jinbo Army knelt down and surrendered, and the stupid ones all went to hell. This

The strength of the flanking army was broken, and the Zuiquan Temple Yikui army who was stationed in the central army was exposed. He had gathered nearly 30,000 main troops in his hands, of which the total number of people with war horses was less than 500, and most of them were running on two legs.

The ashigaru and the armed civilians carrying their own rake are regarded as "soldiers".

The level of military strategy of Ruiquan Temple's Yongxiu is really appalling. At most, it is similar to that of Shengxing Temple's Yun Cheng's recently deceased son, Shengxing Temple's Yongrong. He is the kind of person who talks so eloquently that I really wonder how he should arrange his troops.

He started to catch chickens. Shengxingji Yuncheng refused to let him serve as the main attacker on the two wings because he was worried that his level would trap him. In this case, it would be better to stay in the central army to stabilize the morale of the army. As long as the two wings open up the situation and let him lead the army to follow.

This arrangement makes sense. In this way, even if the main force of Shengxing Temple is crippled, they will not be afraid. As long as they retreat to the central army and take over the command, they can still stabilize the formation, and maybe they can also hold on to the Vietnam Central Army.

Pursuit and fierce attack at key points in front of the enemy can still open up the situation. Unfortunately, although the military strategy is good, who will take command once the general dies? Zuiquanji Yongxiu obviously cannot do it.

He knew that he was not good at it, and his son Ruiquansi Zhunxuan was even more incapable of military affairs. Apart from competing with Shengxingsi Zongrong for strength and causing trouble, he spent the whole day thinking about how to get a few pretty girls from the countryside to sleep with him.

It's useless to hang out in the army with several concubines disguised as men. If you can't rely on others, you have to rely on yourself. But can you rely on yourself?

Zuisenji Yonghide's reaction was very slow, and he didn't react until the Jinbao Army withdrew from the battlefield. His first reaction was "Why did the Jinbao Chief run away?" He had no idea that he had missed the best opportunity to retreat. What happened next?

It was only after a quarter of an hour that all the troops of Shengxingji Temple were defeated and a large group of Ashigaru fled crying for their fathers and mothers, did he realize that he was defeated.

The defeated troops on both sides broke up the tight formation of the main formation at the foot of the mountain. You can't kill your own defeated troops. If you don't kill them and squeeze them into the formation, can you let them go? Each one is stained with blood.

Do you feel frightened by the frightened faces? Are you worried when you hear their incoherent cries and shouts? It is inevitable that military morale will be shaken.

The worst thing is that Zuiquanji Yongxiu didn't take any countermeasures. He just watched a group of defeated troops attack his formation. He neither allowed the formation to open a gap to let people in, nor ordered to kill and attack the formation.

The defeated troops just explained to a group of anxious officials: "The main formation of the Chinese army at the foot of the mountain could not see clearly the changes in the battle formation on the slope. They could only hear a burst of fierce fighting and screams. This cannot be blamed.

Poor monk!"

The head of Shengxingsi Yuncheng, one of the "Hengha two generals", is missing. It is an ironclad fact that the entire Shengxingsi army collapsed. Without the deterrent of Shengxingsi Yuncheng, his partner for many years, where would the officials be?

Afraid of this frail old monk, the hatred and anger that had been accumulated for many years suddenly burst out.

In an instant, the crowd was agitated. Dozens of warriors shouted and surrounded Ruiquan Temple. On the spot, the official pointed at his nose and cursed angrily: "If you don't blame you, who should you blame? Do you blame us warriors for being colorless?"

I can't help but remind you! You, a general, are not as good as my youngest son! You, an old man, have done so many bad things with your bastard son over the years. You have enslaved our officials like cattle and horses, and many of our relatives have lost their lives.

Quan Temple, how many wives and daughters have been ruined in the hands of you, father and son! I really want to eat your flesh and drink your blood to satisfy the hatred in my heart!"

The old monk was so frightened by a group of angry officials that he trembled all over. The humiliation of being pointed at his nose and spat on his face made him angry and anxious. He pointed at them and said "you" several times in a row but could not continue.

His precious son Zuiquanji Junxuan was squeezed out of the circle and could not even be surrounded. Of course he was angry and anxious when he saw his old father being scolded so hard that he couldn't hold his head up, but this guy didn't dare to do anything.

Nothing can be done.

Their Ruiquan Temple army only has 3,000 people, and its military strength only accounts for one-tenth of the 30,000 troops. Moreover, Ruiquan Temple is not famous for its strong military strength. The overall level is that of the average Chinese army.

Facing the military strength of the officials at the front, rear and left, even if he was given ten courages, he would not dare to take action against these agitated officials. If he really had the guts to attack here, he might kill the two father and son on the spot.

Go to hell together.

"Hey! Saburo Hachiro, don't be angry about this old guy. This old guy is going to be finished soon. It's only serious that we run away as soon as possible! How about leaving Zuisenji Ikkui behind here?"

"Okay! I support!" "I agree too!" "I agree!"

In just a short moment, a group of officials made a decision in a flurry, and then left Ruiquan Temple Yongxiu who staggered and fell. It was only then that Ruiquan Temple Junxuan came over to help his father.

He cursed at the backs of the officials who were gradually dispersing: "A bunch of ungrateful bastards. Without our protection, they would have died in the hands of Dai Yikui!"

Ruiquanji Yongxiu looked at his incompetent son who was still cursing, and couldn't help but feel a little angry. He pushed his arm away and yelled: "What are you still doing here? You heard their plan just now, didn't you?

Do you want to go to hell to accompany Yun Cheng, Rong Rong and his son? Why don’t you stop your troops and retreat as soon as possible!"

"Yes, yes! Let's go now, kid!" Ruiquan Temple's Zhun Xuan ran out on hands and knees to deliver the order.

Facing the attack of two sharp knives from Saito Asanobu and Kakizaki Keijie, the more than 30,000-strong army had only one thought of escaping. The situation that had been slightly dominant for four days suddenly turned into a one-sided situation. 30,000 people

Retreating together, each village official wanted to run faster than the others.

An army from Zuisen Temple also wanted to squeeze down the mountain and retreat. Suddenly, the mountain road leading to Tonami County was crowded with tens of thousands of troops, and the situation became out of control in just a short time of tea. Seeing this situation, Saito Nobunobu

, Kakizaki Keijie also laughed. The Vietnamese and Chinese regiments on the mountain were not in a hurry. The two cavalry groups directly circled back from the mountain road on the side in an attempt to make dumplings.

Numata Yumitsu, who was sitting on the top of the mountain, saw all these changes clearly. He looked back at his master, Yamamoto Tokiyuki, and showed no expression at all, so he frowned and ordered: "Send the order to Izumi Mamoru, and Shimono Mamoru should outflank him appropriately so as not to annihilate all the prisoners."

, don’t damage your foundation because of greed for merit! Warn the generals of each team to pay attention to the formation when the whole army attacks. Don’t underestimate the enemy and rush forward, and don’t pursue them too hard. If the enemy pursues too quickly, he will be trapped in a fight! They will die no matter how many times they die.

It's a pity that the two lines of elite cavalry must not be missed."

After the order was passed down, Saito Asanobu and Kakizaki Keie had to restrain their military strength and did not dare to charge recklessly. In fact, their status in the Kira family was far higher than that of Numata Yumitsu, who was still a young boy. A military follower could not explain it at all.

What, it’s just that this general order was issued in the name of General-in-Chief Yamamoto Tokiyuki, and this is why military orders are like mountains.

The two of them also understood that outflanking and annihilating was a very high risk, just as a siege must be fought. When the defeated army found that their retreat was blocked and their remaining strength was not exhausted, they would most likely choose to take a desperate risk and fight to the death.

In the eyes of the Kira family, these soldiers, who have always been loyal to the enemy, are just a bunch of rubbish. It is barely worthwhile to use them to kill the unstable Vietnamese army. It is not worth it to waste their own sharp knives.

The slowdown of the attack speed of the two cavalry groups does not mean that the attack of the main force on the mountain has slowed down. The main force of 12,000 people on the mountain chased the retreating Xiang Yi Kui army down the mountain, biting the Ruiquan Temple Yi Kui army that fell behind along the way.

Saito Asanobu and Kakizaki Keie also changed their strategies at this moment, giving up their attempt to outflank the front and annihilate them, and instead intercepted them from the middle.

Thirty thousand defeated troops crowded together are simply stupider than thirty thousand pigs. To kill pigs, they have to catch and kill them one by one. These idiots are crowded together and become a piece of greedy fat. Two cavalrymen can cut it easily like two sharp knives.

Opening a thick but simple defense line, the 30,000-strong army was easily divided into two parts. The troops who were separated outside rushed forward desperately, without caring about the former friends from the same hometown behind them. The husband and wife were compared to birds in the same forest and friends in the same direction.

Not counting the forest birds, they wanted to hold up a sign to tell the Kira family's cavalry that I was just an innocent passerby.

The Xiang Yi Kui army who was intercepted in the encirclement fell into despair and collapse. Some brave farmers tried their best to break through this gap, but a few lucky ones were rushed out by him, and more were like a wave of

The waves crashed on the solid embankment and disappeared without a trace. In front of Echigo's most elite cavalry, they did not even have a chance to resist and became dead souls under the sword.

The orderly massacre, a classic encirclement and siege, began, and all the ashigaru who did not give up their weapons were turned into corpses. Yoshitoki Kira issued a brutal "bloody edict" to the participants who had always been intimidated, and would rather kill the wrong person than the one who killed him.

Let them go, but those who resist will be killed regardless of age or age, and believers of the Xiangzong who are unwilling to give up their resistance will be given a chance to "rebirth in bliss."

The ruler of Echigo was absolutely disgusted with the Ichikai clan. He was disgusted with their greed and greed, and they were disgusted with the fact that they regarded the laws of the shogunate as if they were nothing. He was even more disgusted with the fact that a group of religious lunatics dared to get involved in the world of the samurai family.

He was so angry that if he couldn't spare any time to deal with it, he would be afraid of them.

The massacre lasted until the evening, because these desperate Ichiki troops were really difficult to deal with. In order to prevent the cavalry from further losses in this unskilled fight, Saito Nobunobu and Kakizaki Keie withdrew from the formation early.

, leaving the follow-up massacre work to the 12,000 main force of the Central Vietnam Army. They were landless people from all over Central Vietnam. They already had a blood feud with these consistent troops, so they were naturally not merciless in the massacre.

In the end, there were only 5,000 Xiang Yikui troops who were willing to surrender, which was barely one-third of the total number of troops. The remaining 10,000 people were all buried at the foot of Tateshan Mountain. In an open area on the north bank of Ivy Pond, the bright red blood covered this small area.

The open land was dyed red, and the clear and quiet lake was also dyed mixed red by the blood flowing over it.

After fighting for a whole day and slaughtering for half a night, many warriors were tired and uncomfortable. They had to endure repeated mechanical massacres and resist the resistance of the prisoners. This process was difficult and disgusting. In the silent night, the bloody air rose into the sky, attracting hordes of people.

The team of crows came here to eat, and until the next day, they simply counted more than a thousand sets of suitable armor and equipment, gathered all the corpses, lit a mountain fire and incinerated them into a pile of bones.

The news of the disastrous defeat of the army in Yuezhong spread quickly across the land of Yuezhong like wings. Shengxing Temple was in charge, Rongrong and his son died in Huangquan, Ruiquan Temple was in ruins, and Zhunxuan also went to hell to reunite with his good brothers.

The Chief Divine Protector made a decisive decision and abandoned a thousand of his main troops to escape. In this war, 40,000 troops went out, but less than 18,000 people came back alive. The outcome of this battle was truly miserable.

Following the news brought by the defeated army, the samurai of Echigo were described as evil ghosts crawling out of hell. Soon after the nickname of the Black Dragoon, this cavalry added the title of "Echigo Ghost Army".

The name "Echigo Zhongkui" spread by Saito Asanobu was exposed, and soon his name was processed into folklore as the Echigo Ghost King, who brought an army of ghosts crawling out of hell to Echuchu to punish the Ichigo clan.

Kakizaki Keie, who had been watching jokes, was unfortunately shot and became the "number one ghost general" guarded by the "Echigo Ghost King". Hearing this title, Kakizaki Keie almost burst into anger. He grabbed Saito and faced him.

Nobu asked him fiercely, why should I be your number one ghost general, and you can't be my number one ghost general? Saito was in the wrong, and could only show his innocence with a grimace, who

Why call him Zhong Kui?

This defeat directly affected the resistance of the Echu Ichikai clan. The lord of Kagami Castle, Genshichiro Jimbo, died in the battle, the lord of Castle Saito Riki, the lord of Kankaiji Castle, Terasaki Morinaga, and the lord of Kojima Castle, Kojima.

Zhizhen Kaicheng surrendered, and then Gaowei City and Gaoling City also surrendered their cities. The Vietnamese and Chinese regiments invaded more than a dozen important branch cities one after another. Looking around, all the people in Fufu County surrendered, and the army entered non-stop.

Sheshui County.

The lord of Moriyama Castle, Jimbo Cho, did not want to follow in the footsteps of his kinsman, Haru Jinbo, and chose to take the initiative to open the castle and surrender. Once the castle was lost, Fangshoujin Castle was isolated. The lord of Fangshoujin Castle, Jinbo Nagashige, was forced to surrender, and the long post of Jinbo could only be reduced to Masuyama Castle.

Shivering, he desperately found that the backup he could rely on had completely disappeared. Etchu's always timid backbone had been broken and his escape route was cut off. Now he was alone and had to face the invasion of Kira's army at any time.

The Chief Divine Protector has been hiding in the castle tower of Zengshan Castle in fear for more than ten days. Every news about Kira's army breaking the city and seizing the stronghold will make him nervous and unable to sleep at night. Every news of surrender will make him nervous.

Unable to eat, it took only half a month for the originally strong divine protector to become so skinny that he completely lost his human form.

"What should I do? Do you really want me to surrender to the Kira family? Will the hegemony that my Jinbo family has longed for for generations end in my hands? But I am not willing to accept it!"

The face of the chief priest kept changing, and his heart was still hesitating and struggling. Suddenly, there was a noise outside the castle tower. The person outside the door whispered a greeting, and then pushed the paper door open to see clearly.

The Chief Divine Protector opened the door and reported softly: "The latest information from Sheshui County, Kira's army once again massacred the Yixiong Yikui people who tried to resist. They drove the Yixiang Yikui people into the valley and set fire to it. The entire valley, together with thousands of Yixiang Yikui people, was

All the temples were burned, and then General Tokiyuki Yamamoto of the Kira Army promulgated a prohibition order on the unobstructed light of the Etsuchu sect, prohibiting the practice of the Yixiang sect in the territory of Vietnam, prohibiting overseas monks of the Ixiang sect from walking in the country, and prohibiting anyone from going to the monastery of the Ilxiang sect.

Violators will be punished with banishment! We also ordered the demolition of all Yixiang Zonggaran in the territory of Yuezhong, and the capture of Yixiang Zong monks and their exile in Echigo."

"I didn't expect them to be so ruthless! The followers of the Ichigo clan are human beings too! Their killing like this is simply inhumane. It's not an exaggeration to say that they are the Echigo ghost army... Wait a minute!" Jinbo Nagasaki cursed and suddenly stopped.

, jumped up and chanted repeatedly: "Slaughter the monks, ban the Yixiang sect, demolish the Jialan..."

"Yes! We are going to Kaga, and we are going to defect to the great monk Masaru of Chaosheng Temple! We are going to take revenge! We are going to avenge Ichikizong's wrongful death!" The Chief Divine Protector roared hysterically with a ferocious look on his face, his eyes were red as if he were crazy and frightened.

The young man was trembling all over, until he turned around and said: "Get ready immediately, we are going to Kaga! We are going to see the great monk Zheng!" (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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