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Chapter 401 Left to Right?

Dabaoji Yoshizou is, after all, one of the best martial arts masters in Deha. Over the years, he has conquered the rebellion of the Saragoshi clan in the east and west. With the assistance of the veteran Tosa Hayashi Chandong, he has revived the family business that had begun to decline in the previous family governor Dabaoji Harutoki. They Dabaoji

The Muto family's family business reached its maximum extent in his hands.

In the entire Dewa Kingdom, there is probably only one person who is more knowledgeable and skillful than him, Date Harumune, who has retired. Whether it is Mogami Yoshimori, Onodera Keimichi or Tendou Yoromichi who has also retired, they can only

Calculated to be on par with Daihoji Yoshimasu, Mogami Yoshimori may be slightly stronger among the four of them, but it is not enough to firmly suppress the others.

He may not be good at strategy and military strategy, but his vision and precise judgment are not lacking at all. He knows better than anyone that the Dabaoji clan cannot do without the support of Echigo. Their family

As early as twenty years ago, he had established inextricable ties with Echigo, otherwise Daihoji Yoshimasu would not have become Honjo Shigenaga's uncle.

Makai County is one of the richest places in Dewa Country, even more powerful than the area near Yamagata Castle. Without the support of Echigo, the Daihoji clan would not be able to occupy the essence of Makai County. He knows this better than anyone else.

Before his death, his brother Daihoji Harutoki held his hand and told him to hug Echigo's thigh tightly. He must not destroy the long-term future of the Daihoji clan because of greed for profit. That's why Uesugi Masatora proposed to transfer the title of Daihoji clan to

Although he was very dissatisfied, he still accepted the order.

Generally speaking, the identity and status of the Daihoji clan in Dewa is just like the identity and status of the Kai-Oyamada clan in Kai. The only difference is that they have "I am a Nagao retainer" posted on their heads to advertise it widely. In order to ensure that they are not in the system of Dewa country,

Being ostracized by other Chinese people, Dabaoji Yoshimasu married his younger sister to Onodera Kagemichi, a native of Dewa Riki.

The Onodera clan is descended from the common lineage of the Fujiwara Hidego Yamauchi clan, and was divided into three prefectures: Senhoku, Hiraka, and Katsuo in Dewa Province. Since these three prefectures have been called Yamahoku or Senhoku since the Heian period, these three prefectures are also called the Senhoku San.

After the Onodera clan entered the three prefectures in the Kamakura period, they gradually became known as the Senboku Onodera clan.

With the help of this local snake that has been rooted for more than 300 years, the Dabaoji family not only managed to get out of the shadow of decline, but also took this opportunity to expand and subjugate the Saragoshi and Laiji clans one by one. For nearly 20 years, it can be said that they have walked on thin ice. The righteousness of Dabaoji Temple

How could Masuru be willing to become a puppet of this so-called anti-Echigo alliance?

When Tosa Hayashi Chantō saw this, he knew that the persuasion of the retainers who were leaning towards the anti-Echigo alliance had failed. He was very worried that these guys would take the risk and kidnap Daihoji Yoshimasu, so he hurriedly glanced at the attendant and smoothed over the situation with a smile: "Actually, this problem is also

It's not complicated. My lord's consideration is very reasonable. We, as Kira's retainers, can't act here and there. Otherwise, even if we rebel, we probably won't get any benefits from the Mogami family. For example, the Date family is as far away as Yonezawa.

Isn’t it just profit that we came here for? If there is no profit to be gained, why get involved? All you need to do is follow the example of the Anton family."

"But the anti-Echigo alliance is imminent. What if we don't join? No matter whether they are anti-Echigo or not, they will eventually deal with us!" Saragoshivi complained dissatisfied: "If we still have Shouchi in hand, then

Okay, even if we can't fight, we can retreat to the village and continue to hold on. I understand that they don't dare to cross Mount Haguro, but do we still have a way out now? Do we have to retreat to Mount Haguro to ask for help?"

"No! I think this Onodera family's strategy can be used, but it must be changed before it can be used. Otherwise, it will really become the tragedy described by the lord. We only need to..." Tosabayashi Chandong's voice became increasingly louder.

The younger he was, the more mysterious and unpredictable his expression became. It didn’t take long before a burst of tacit laughter erupted in the evaluation room.

On February 16, the second year of Eiroku, the Kasugayama Castle Assessment was held as scheduled. In addition to the daily follow-up of the agricultural policy, Kira Yoshitoki also made further adjustments to Shinano and Ueno's policies. The changes were due to the departure from Etsu.

Later, some political decrees were issued that were not suitable for the acclimatization and soil conditions of the two countries, ensuring that in the new year, farmers everywhere will quickly convert the newly cultivated fields into productive areas.

Just when he was having a meeting to discuss marching into Kanto and heading to Kamakura Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine to prepare for Masatora Uesugi to be crowned the governor of Kanto, a letter from Mikawa Kingdom was placed on his desk. Upon closer inspection, it was his brother Kira Yoshi.

A letter written by An. The general meaning of the letter is that he hopes that he can order the family retainers of Saijo Castle to provide financial and food support, and it is best to send troops to help at the appropriate time. He and Matsudaira Motoyasu are about to break up. He is determined to help his uncle

Brother Imagawa Shima.

"Brother, you are really being coaxed by Imagawa Harubu! Let him do whatever he wants! Anyway, Mikawa is too far away from my family and I can't control it. It's quite interesting that Matsudaira Motoyasu can't control himself so quickly... Something seems to be wrong.

! If you are just asking for help, you can just go to Okouchi Tajima Mamoru, why bother sending a letter to Echigo?" Kira Yoshiki did not expect that his brother Kira Yoshiyasu was also playing tricks on him, and he was filled with doubts.

I read the thoughts several times and frowned even more.

"Based on the distance, it has been at least more than a month since this letter was sent. Does the reason why my brother went to so much trouble to send this letter is to tell Yu not to attack the Three Rivers Kingdom? It is selfish to think in this direction to be sure.

It is possible that the Imagawa clan may have promised him some benefits, such as controlling the Three Rivers and a Half Kingdom to stabilize the family fortune that is about to collapse. It seems that this handwriting should have come from the guidance of Imagawa Jugini! Let a monk live in seclusion.

It’s no wonder that a nun who has been a nun for many years has returned to the priesthood because it belongs to the Imagawa family.”

Mikawa is the homeland of the Kira family, and the forces that have been operating here for more than three hundred years are intertwined. Although it was once suppressed by the Ashikaga Shogun family in the Muromachi period, the protection of Mikawa Kingdom was also controlled by the Hosokawa and Isshiki clans. The junior high school was once controlled by Ise, the deacon of the political office.

The clan was controlled by officials, such as Nobumitsu Matsudaira and Munemitsu Toda, who were both samurai from Kyoto who migrated to Mikawa to crusade against Kazuki Natsuda. However, it was precisely because of this that the Kira family was able to avoid being involved in the Onin Rebellion early and the great coup of Meiton.

Falling apart in the whirlpool.

It is understandable that his brother Kira Yoshihiro intends to stand in the Imagawa family's true camp. After all, the Imagawa family has been operating in Mikawa Kingdom for nearly ten years. Kira Yoshihiro married Imagawa Yoshimoto's legitimate daughter, Princess Tsuruhime, and gave birth to his own daughter last year.

His legitimate son, Kira Manzhumaru, was living a very comfortable life. Suddenly his father-in-law died in the barrel room. He felt so angry and angry.

It is inevitable to seek revenge against Oda Nobunaga, but Kira Yoshian, who has studied Sinology, also knows very well the principle that "to deal with foreign forces, one must first settle the domestic affairs." Over the years, he has been on a quarrel with Matsudaira Motoyasu in Sunfu. On the other hand, the Matsudaira family

Because of his connection with Tojo Kira's family, Kira Yoshian has always felt that it was disgusting that this person was not very respectful to his old master. Over the years, he has maintained harmony in front of Imagawa Yoshimoto, but in fact the two sides have fought countless times in private.

.I have long hated the other party to the core.

Kira Yoshian has always believed that Matsudaira Motoyasu is a representative of a treacherous person, so Kira Yoshian has been paying close attention to Matsudaira Motoyasu's every move, trying to find traces of rebellion in his behavior. After searching for several years, he has not found anything strange.

He was a little discouraged, but his poor performance in the Okehazama battle still allowed Kira Yoshi to covet the opportunity.

So Kira Yoshihiro wrote a complaint and presented it to Imagawa Uzuma for Matsudaira Motoyasu's inaction in Okehazama. In his words, he probably compared him to the culprit of Imagawa Yoshimoto's death in Okehazama, including in Okehazama.

It was indeed abnormal to not hold on or support Narumi Castle after the Hazama incident.

In addition, he also has an ironclad evidence of "befriending the enemy". That is, on the night after the Tongzhajian incident, without a large number of pursuing troops, he took the initiative to abandon Dagao City with a thousand troops. Not only did he not set fire to the city and destroy the city,

Instead of taking the small pack team to transport the grain and grass back, he chose to abandon it directly to the Oda army, including a full set of small pack team supplies and pack horses to Oda Nobunaga.

To prove that what he said was true, he also mentioned that Matsudaira Motoyasu was a close friend of Oda Nobunaga when he was captured and lived in Owari Kingdom. Therefore, he has reason to believe that Matsudaira Motoyasu deliberately aided the enemy in this war.

As for Matsudaira Motoyasu's mention of running to Dashuji Temple with a thousand troops and attempting to commit seppuku, it must be fabricated.

The Dashu Temple is outside Okazaki Castle in Nwada County. Even if the Oda army dared to fight again, they would not dare to cross Bihai County and pursue him at the Dashu Temple outside Okazaki Castle in Nwada County. What's more, he still has a thousand troops.

Protected by the force, there is a large group of Matsudaira family members in Okazaki City not far away who cannot be hunted down at all. Moreover, based on the information obtained, it can be determined that the Oda army did not go deep into the territory of Mikawa Kingdom, but only pursued Owari.

We retreated near the border village of Muzhai.

The above words and deeds really made the Imagawa clan jealous. Compared with Kira Yoshian, who was a cultural figure with similar interests and was also born in the clan, the short and fat Mikawa native Matsudaira Motoyasu could not get into the eyes of the Imagawa clan.

, Kira Yoshian and he both communicated in Kyoto accent, which was Suruga's accent at all. Only Matsudaira Motoyasu's authentic Mikawa dialect was really hard to hear. He didn't understand what his father valued about him, just because of him.

Does growing fat make you more honest?

Look at the beautiful regular script written by Kira Yoshian, and then look at Matsudaira Motoyasu's bad calligraphy like ants crawling. Moreover, he uses pseudonyms throughout the self-defense book. Imagawa shook his head and believed Kira Yoshian's words more.

, at least what they wrote is well-founded, with suspicions and inferences. Matsudaira Motoyasu kept showing his loyalty and saying that he was innocent. If he was innocent, why didn't he explain clearly that he abandoned Dagao Castle and a pile of food and grass with a thousand troops?

, and what does it mean to go to Dashu Temple and commit seppuku? Act for him?

Matsudaira Motoyasu couldn't explain it clearly. He couldn't say that he had a fever recently and was going to take ribs to cut his stomach when he saw his Bodhi Temple, right? He did regret it when he returned to Okazaki Castle, but after it was done, could he still deny it? A retainer who has done good deeds.

They couldn't wait to make this matter known to everyone. He had no choice but to retreat.

The Imagawa family really did not order the punishment of Matsudaira Motoyasu, but told him not to have evil thoughts, but to rest and recuperate and reorganize the army to prepare for war. When the Imagawa family's strength was exhausted, they would go to Oda Nobunaga to avenge his father's murder. Matsudaira Motoyasu quickly made a grateful expression.

, thanked the family governor for his extrajudicial kindness, and repeatedly expressed his true loyalty to the Imagawa family.

Of course, this kind of order was not Imagawa's true intention, but was taught by his grandmother Sugini Kanagawa step by step. His father had no time to teach him and had to ask his grandmother to teach him on his behalf. However, Imagawa really felt that he was Jun Enzo after all.

The king of the country felt awkward being criticized by his elderly grandmother all day long. He felt that his grandmother should stay in the Buddhist hall to pray for his grandfather and father or simply enjoy happiness, and there was no need to participate in major national affairs.

After all, it was not the guidance of his wise and martial father. It was inevitable that the Imagawa family would have a change of mentality. Moreover, samurai were always born to despise women. Although his grandmother was a legendary figure who assisted two generations of family governors, this had something to do with him.

How much does it have to do with it? When he was born, his grandmother Shouguini had already become a nun and lived in seclusion. When he grew up, he only saw his grandmother once during festivals or when his grandfather made annual donations.

So Imagawa wrote a letter privately and sent it to Kira Yoshian, telling his brother-in-law that this was actually not his original intention, and that everything was arranged by his grandmother Jugini Imagawa, and he still preferred him in his heart.

There is indeed something wrong with this Matsudaira Motoyasu, and I hope he will treat it with caution. Once he finds out that he has different intentions, he can do it boldly and confidently. The Imagawa family will really support him behind his back. With the promise of a personal letter from the governor, Kira Yoshian is also completely defeated.

The depressed and excited reply stated that he would do his best to fulfill the supervisor's instructions.

On the other hand, Matsudaira Motoyasu is also extremely resentful of Kira Yoshian, thinking that I have always been very respectful to you. Although many of my retainers have offended me, why don't I take the initiative to apologize every time? How much hatred do you have to let the three of you do?

He went against me twice, and even tried to kill himself by filing a lawsuit. If he hadn't been so lucky, he would have really fallen into the hands of Kira Yi'an, and the confrontation between the two parties changed from a small move in the dark to an open one.

The confrontation is getting bigger and bigger, and signs of armed conflict are gradually emerging.

Hattori Masaki's intelligence is very powerful, especially when he can always investigate some secret things about Mikawa. It's really hard for Kira Yoshi to complain when he sees this inside story. This top brother of his is really not an ordinary idiot, and he can also act stupidly.

It's very easy to form your own logic system. What's even more interesting is that it's really interesting to stare at this little turtle.

Kira Yoshishi curled his lips and said contemptuously: "If my brother wants money or food, give it to him. If he wants to beat Songping, let him beat him. Who calls him Yu's brother-in-law who shares the same father with me? If he makes this request, I still have to give it to him.

I have no power to expand the territory of Sanhe, and I have no interest in playing a trick of dividing the world between East and West."

The passage of ten years is enough to change a person, especially from the impulsive boyhood to the graceful youth. Kira Yi'an is no longer the reckless kid of thirteen or fourteen. He has a family and a bright career prospect.

, what he saw, heard, and thought about in the past ten years was the wise guidance of his father-in-law Yoshimoto Imagawa and the bright future of the Imagawa family.

People are realistic creatures, and their mentality will always change as the world changes. For example, Kira Yoshian is now a die-hard supporter of the Imagawa family. Looking back on his firm stance against Imagawa ten years ago is really embarrassing.

Regardless of the death of Kira Gigo or Kira Mochihiro, it is not as good as the ten years of wealth and splendor that his father-in-law gave him, and not as good as the beauty of the mortal world with his loving wife and beautiful family.

After not seeing each other for ten years, the two brothers embarked on two completely different paths. When they saw Kira Yoshi's letters and the gorgeous and unfamiliar handwriting, Kira Yoshi didn't feel the warmth of family affection at all. Everyone has his own ambitions and cannot force it.

, since his brother has chosen to take a path that he is not optimistic about, Kira Yoshi will not push too hard, so as not to cause greater cracks in the already weak family relationship.

Kira Yoshi was not surprised at all. He had not had much contact with his elder brother Kira Yoshian since he was a child. His mother and birth status were destined to make Kira Yoshian transform from a direct descendant to a commoner. He could become the Imagawa family's heir apparent.

The son-in-law also played a part in his efforts, and he didn’t feel that he owed him much by allowing him to act so freely. Ten years of wealth and glory is a blessing that many people can’t hope for. Ji Liangyi’an should also be content. As for the future path, it depends on him.

He took charge of it himself.

"Besides, Mikawa Country is far away from Echigo on the Tokaido Road and is separated by Shinano, Kai, Suruga, and Toe. There are so many neighboring countries. No matter how long my hand is, I can't reach that far. My goal is to go south to Kanto to take control of the country.

The lion of Sagami has no time to play with the people of Mikawa, and besides, it will be troublesome for the old members of the family to really absorb them!"

He may not care about Kira Yi'an's attitude, but he cannot help but consider the two or three hundred-year-old families on the side of Sanhe. If it weren't for the fear that these generations would suddenly come over and affect the group of family members he had built, he would not have repeatedly emphasized that he should let

Nobuzada Ohuchi and others should protect their Mikawa home, and there is no need to be aggressive, nor should they make too many statements about the affairs of the Imagawa family.

When he learned that Imagawa Yoshimoto was about to join Owari, he ordered all the Nishi Mikawa samurai to be silent. Since he had not received the order, he would not take the initiative. If he received the order, he would try to slow down his actions and not rush to the front. When he met Imagawa,

The retainer's accusations were pushed back and forth without refutation or quarrel. In short, it was just a tactic to make Imagawa Yoshimoto's actions slightly out of touch.

During the entire Okehazama War, the Nishi Mikawa people in Hatzu County and Bihai County who were in the rear of Mikawa Province did not move a single soldier. The Nishi Mikawa army in the Imagawa Army was also very slack and lacked a high fighting spirit. For this reason, they suffered

Many Imagawa family samurai ridiculed him wildly. Ohuchi Nobuzada regarded this as farting and was not even in the mood to pay attention.

Strictly speaking, they are only a samurai family under the control of the Imagawa family. When their lord was Kira Yoshi in Echigo, Echigo's order came down and asked him to delay. How could he care whether Imagawa Yoshimoto's general order was urgent or not?

He would find excuses to refuse, and if he couldn't refuse, he would just follow the main force. He would just stay up until it rained.

After the storm fell, it was obvious that more sentries could be deployed to control the information on Atsuta streets. Even if Oda Nobunaga's surprise attack army could not be intercepted, they could still provide timely warnings to nearby military forces, but Ohuchi Nobuzada did not have any at all.

Instead of taking any action, they camped on the spot to hide from the rain on the grounds that the heavy rain was not conducive to marching. After the news of Imagawa Yoshimoto's death came, they immediately led their own troops to retreat. The Oda army saw Ashikaga and the two leading two

The flag also decisively gave up the pursuit. This was the greatest tacit understanding established by both parties.

The blatant undermining of the Imagawa family will inevitably affect Nishi Mikawa's home base, so he has not taken any more actions for this reason. After all, Nishi Mikawa is close to Owari and under the support of the Imagawa family, he is counting on Oda Nobunaga's conscience to cause trouble.

I found that it was unrealistic to help the Kira family, and maybe helping Nishi Mikawa would become his family's territory again. Oda Nobuhide had a history of briefly ruling Nishi Mikawa.

"Since they want to fight life and death, let them do it! Just make sure that Yu's old territory in Nishi Mikawa is not lost. I don't care what tricks they play! Oda Nobunaga can't even think of attacking Nishi Mikawa. It's time for Yu to give up

He wrote a letter to advise him!" He folded and kept Kira Yi'an's letter. He felt that this letter was quite memorable.

In fact, there were still some things he didn't say. Before Imagawa Yoshimoto's death, he was even more worried that the Suruga lord would grow into a serious problem for him. He allowed the Three Kingdoms Alliance to develop unrestrictedly, and waited for the feedback to come back.

It would make the Kira family feel particularly uncomfortable. Maybe Imagawa Yoshimoto would wantonly interfere in things in Shinano and even Kanto after becoming stronger. This feeling can easily remind him of the days when he was bullied by the Imagawa family in Mikawa many years ago, so

He was determined to let Imagawa Yoshimoto die in peace.

But after the death of Kawakawa Yoshimoto, a new question arose. How should he face the gradually growing Oda Nobunaga? This man is simply a legend of the Warring States Period, regardless of his unlucky luck or amazing means.

All of them have left a profound mark on the history of Japan and even East Asia.

Historically, his successor Monkey brazenly launched a war of aggression against Korea, which can be regarded as the beginning of the challenge to the Central Plains Dynasty. He hated the ambitious and unscrupulous villain like Monkey very much, and Oda Nobunaga himself was a better person than Monkey.

An even more rebellious villain, his ideals, aspirations and actions were simply more disgusting than Masashige Kusunoki's in the eyes of Kira Yoshiki.

Although Oda Nobunaga is called the Owari Fool, he is not really stupid. On the contrary, he is still an extremely smart person. Since Oda Nobunaga stopped doing the thing of killing the leader of Matt, he has returned to normal in the past few years.

Ri worked hard to rectify the military and prepare for war, and achieved victory after victory in Owari. Not only did he establish the authority of the family governor for himself, but he also gradually honed the political skills he had lacked for many years.

In fact, Oda Nobunaga has already vaguely regarded Kira Yoshitoki as his competitor. Of course, this kind of ulterior motives are only hidden in his subconscious. He does not have the capital to compete with Kira Yoshitoki yet, but he still feels that

As a boy, he had more friends than rivals, and perhaps his memory still lingers on that kid who was knocked off his back by the recoil when he first used an iron cannon.

Kira Yoshitoki also has a very complicated attitude towards him. He admires his intelligence, keen judgment, accurate judgment and decisive temper, but he is also worried that his future achievements will become a major problem for him. Today, the Oda family is not as strong as he thought.

, should he support this friend from his youth, or should he support his opponent and completely break with him?

The complex problem gave him a headache. Just when he was about to give up, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration. A look of understanding appeared on Kira Yoshi's face, and he chuckled and said: "Although I know that sooner or later, I will break up, but I still have to break up before breaking up."

Try to use him as much as possible, maybe if you use him well, you can save me a lot of trouble!"

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