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Chapter 403 Ending the hidden danger

Mochizuki Yoshinaga quickly realized the advantages of the flag system, but he felt something was wrong in his heart. After thinking about it carefully for a while, he realized that his salary would disappear out of thin air. He couldn't help but feel very disappointed and anxious.

Although the land is good, a high salary is even more coveted.

If you have food, you can eat enough without worrying about starving to death. If you have money, you can buy the goods you like. In times of war, food is more valuable than money, but whenever you go to a large commercial town or travel far away, it is worthless without money.

Of course, you can't go out with a few kilograms of rice dumplings made by your wife.

The dormitory where you stay will not accept his rice dumplings. They only want golden copper coins instead of food for your mother-in-law. Go to the merchant house to buy fabrics to make some clothes. If you don't have money, they will not sell them to you, but they will not accept the rice dumplings.

, rice is not required, and souvenirs are not worth much.

Just like the imperial family members of the Kamakura period, because they had to serve the Kyoto Daiban Service and the Kamakura Daiban Service, they couldn't live in the wilderness without having to travel around, chewing cold and hard rice dumplings.

The river fished all the way to Kyoto and Kamakura. If any samurai dared to act so shamelessly, they might have their territory confiscated and be exiled.

But what should the imperial family do if they have no money and only food? They are forced to sell the grain in exchange for copper coins. This exchange will be somewhat lossy. The local imperial family caught up with Feng Gong's emergency and exchanged copper coins wildly, which made the business

The reserve of copper coins was greatly reduced, and the price of grain would naturally fall accordingly. As a result, the price became more and more expensive. Many members of the imperial family were so miserable that they could not survive. The money was usually only enough to travel to Kyoto or Kamakura. As for the

It's hard to say how long we can last there.

Some imperial family members may be deceived when they encounter unscrupulous merchants. The profiteers will argue that the copper coins are insufficient and cannot be exchanged. The imperial family members are forced to exchange the copper coins at a price that is several times or even more than the market price. These poor imperial family members

As soon as his family arrived in Kyoto, Kamakura found that he had no money, so he had to borrow money from local merchants to live on, and then converted the rice grain into the debt when he returned to his hometown.

But the consequence of this is that some unscrupulous traders find business opportunities. If you have money, you have to buy food and cook it yourself. But Kyoto and Kamakura are two central areas, one public and one military, where many townspeople and merchants who do not do agricultural work gather.

The price of food will inevitably be several percent or even several times more expensive than in the countryside. As the cost of living increases, the imperial family finds that they don't have enough money and have to continue to borrow money to eat.

When I returned to my hometown, I had to borrow some money to go home. When I returned to the countryside, the food became worthless, and it cost more food to pay back the copper coins. This time and again, many imperial family members went bankrupt. Later, Kamakura

The virtuous decree issued by the shogunate exempted the imperial family from their debts, but it was self-defeating and forced the businessmen who had lost all their money to dare not borrow any more. This further forced the imperial family to have deep resentment against the shogunate. At the same time, evil parties who did not follow the king's rule were rampant.

This laid the foundation for the demise of the Kamakura shogunate.

Kira Yoshitoki was very clear about this reason. Not only did he know that the Kamakura shogunate fell because of the failure to properly handle the relationship between the imperial family and the shogunate, the extensive enfeoffment was also hampered by the constraints of the daifu, and the local food prices for the imperial family were excessively reduced compared with those in Kyoto.

The depreciation of money caused the imperial family's only wealth to be consumed by the merchants.

He also knew that the Tokugawa shogunate founded by Oogway used similar arrangements to restrain the local feudal lords. However, the overly strict accountability arrangements also faced the same chronic problems encountered by the Kamakura shogunate, that is, the feudal lords had no money to go to the shogunate.

Food and derogation at both ends drained their financial resources.

The Tokugawa shogunate's forced construction of river fortifications or the deployment of general levies made the feudal administration even worse. If the territory encountered a disaster and had no assets to deal with it, it could only borrow money from big businessmen, and then the profits would be compounded.

With such a big snowball, in the end the feudal lord had no choice but to cut off some of the lower-level samurai’s salaries. In the end, each clan became increasingly poor and nearly bankrupt, and the feudal warriors were reduced to abject poverty and struggling on the verge of death. It would be really unreasonable for such a shogunate not to collapse.


"The promotion of flag skills is only one of them, and then I will further implement the supporting decrees. There is a strategy of combining family salary and job salary. Although the gene generation members are descendants, they may not necessarily become gene generation family elders. Those who lack ability

Make way for those with outstanding abilities. Although there are differences in family income among the family members, the status of the children of each family in the family is the same."

"Family salary? Job salary?" Mochizuki Yoshinaga was a little dizzy. He had never heard of such a complicated system. It was hard to accept it when he heard it at first. He took a deep breath and bowed and asked: "Your Majesty, please."

Explicitly, what is family salary? What is job salary? Looking back, I seem to have heard something similar to family salary at home, but I just can’t remember it for a while.”

Kira Yoshishi waved his hands and said, "Let the dining room answer this question! I'll take a sip of tea first to moisten my throat."

Upon hearing this, Nangang Toutofang bowed to Kira Yoshi, then sat up straight, shook his head and chanted: "The wealth of the family is the wealth of the ancestors who opened up the territory for the descendants one after another! Such as the Mochizuki Territory that Shaodian of An Yunshoudian family will inherit.

This is the case for the eight villages with more than 40,000 stones! The position held by a person with a salary in the family, whether as a family elder, a minister, or a general in the army, is also a salary! For example, An Yun received an annual salary of 600 guan for guarding the palace.

Wen is the official salary, just like the money received by Sado Shoden, one thousand two hundred guan Wen is also the official salary."

"That's it! The income we received at home has turned into a monetary gift, and there is also a food gift in the banner. In this way, as long as the successors of each family have outstanding abilities and are promoted, my dog ​​may also hope to be promoted one day.

As an elder of the family, will you receive a thousand posts and a salary? This is really a great thing!" Mochizuki Yoshichang's breathing became rapid with excitement. How could he not be excited by such good news?

They ninjas do not need to scheming with the ministers, nor do they have the pressure of war achievements, nor do they need to worry about the benefits of local governance. They only need to collect and summarize intelligence and submit it to their lord, and then protect the targets that need to be protected. All other issues are taken care of.

It has nothing to do with them. The ninjas within the Monomishou Sect play in their own circle and have almost no connection with other generations. Although they have a responsible expression, the pressure is relatively small. The few jounin who serve as leaders only need to work hard. If they can become a branch

That's perfect.

"Theoretically, it's possible! It just requires qualifications or merit. Those with high merit will be reduced in grinding. If there is no special merit, they will be gradually promoted according to the family method for several years. Some people with no merit or demerit will need to increase the grinding or even increase in grinding."

The punishment is transfer or demotion, and if the fault is serious, punishment may be imposed."

The speaker of Namioka Sobo was unintentional, but Mochizuki Yoshinaga was intentional on the part of the listener. Hattori Yauchou made one mistake and lost everything. Thinking of his situation, he was punished by transfer and demotion. The mistakes he committed at that time were enough to

The person who apologized was the kind master who didn't do that. He just scolded him and sent him to Omi Sakamoto for retirement. This kind master who had never been seen in a century was one of the reasons why everyone in the Kira family remained loyal for generations.

Kira Yoshishi folded his folding fan and tapped the desk to make a concluding speech: "The family wealth is the result of the hard work of all the kings. From now on, I will lead the Ashikaga family's lineage and lead the samurai family only to lead troops to defend the four directions, or sit in the center.

Take good care of the family business for me, and there is no need to worry about the flag skills of Pu Daizhong. At least there are professional followers to take care of the family business. Even if there is a natural disaster, the family income and rations of Pu Daizhong will always be guaranteed.

One cent.

Not only does the job salary include the copper money salary, but there will also be support for vegetables, meat, eggs, and fabrics that should have been provided before, but it will be reduced to less than 20%. After all, the relevant support given by the family salary will also be reduced, and the rest will be reduced.

It is not easy to take care of such a large family business. I believe you can understand that as for today's salary and position are always limited, there are only so many generals regardless of generations of family elders or followers.

In the future, it is impossible for everyone to have a share of job and salary like a family salary. There will always be some people who can get job and salary and others who will not. This is what it means that the capable are at the top and the weak are at the bottom. Therefore, as a rest,

Members of the public must work harder to study military strategy and government affairs. Only by performing more meritorious deeds can one obtain a higher position and salary."

"Your Majesty, I completely understand! Thank you for Your Majesty's kindness and kindness. As ministers, we really have nothing to repay. We can only repay Your Majesty's kindness by serving the Lord faithfully from generation to generation!" Mochizuki Yoshichou knelt down and bowed to the ground. At this moment,

He was truly completely convinced by this young governor. Such methods were unheard of and unseen in thousands of years. He could be sure that this was setting a precedent and that his master would be an extraordinary figure.

Kira Yoshishi accepted his sincere thanks with a smile on his face. In fact, he was very proud of the family salary and job salary system he had figured out. This was completely different from the family salary, job salary, and support rice system of the Tokugawa Shogunate.

Different, it can only be regarded as a sheep's head of the Tokugawa shogunate, selling a pot of dog meat feast that Kiragi cooked during his time.

It doesn't matter if you allocate part of the land from your direct territory to your retainers. How many families like Mochizuki Yoshimitsu can have a wealthy and extinct clan to inherit it? In fact, the land that can be divided up is only a few hundred thousand koku.

It's just 60% of the food, so what can I do if I give it to them? Anyway, I can't live and die without it, either it will be left in the barn to mold, or it will be cashed into copper coins and used back.

His life can only be considered exquisite, but it is far from being as luxurious as the chief ministers of the Ming Empire or the famous wealthy businessmen in Shanxi, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Huizhou. On weekdays, he only has four meals a day, including meat, vegetables, and meat.

, if you have a big banquet, you may add a few more dishes. In addition, you can usually add more pastries, fine silk from the Ming Dynasty, and local specialty fur sweaters. This level can completely overwhelm everyone in Japan, including the emperor, the general, and the lowest.

Li people.

But this level is really not as good as that of the famous families along the coast of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. They have a family with several top scholars and several Jinshi. They enjoy the rich products of the Ming Empire. There is nothing he can compare with. Even some royal families in Europe in this era.

It is not necessarily comparable to the luxury of the big families of the Ming Empire. The Ming Dynasty in this era is a well-deserved wealthy country in the world. It may not be the first in military strength, but its cultural development and wealth are definitely not comparable to small countries. Of course,

The Spanish Empire, which dominated the Seven Seas, was not included.

A few days later, the Kasugayama Castle appraisal meeting was held again. Yoshimitsu Kira announced on the spot that Mochizuki Yoshimitsu would inherit the 42,800 koku of the Mochizuki clan in Shinano. He also announced the status of the flag's title amidst the astonishment of the clan members.

According to the plan, Mochizuki Yoshimitsu would use the inherited territory as the banner of the Ashikaga family, which seemed to be a change of direction to take advantage of the family members, but the actual specific provisions were a huge profit transfer.

The general meaning is that the family members who have been loyal to the public for these years can have the opportunity to benefit from the war dividends of the Ashikaga family. The original salary will be turned into a salary and will continue to be paid, and the original welfare will be reduced to support and reduced to the original 20%.

Originally, the gift of food became a gift of knowledge and deeds. Although the banner commander could not establish military service in the farm and had no power to supervise his own territory, the governor would be really stupid if he did not take what he gave for free.

The family salary of the ashigaru-gumi leader of each reserve team is between 200 and 300 shi, and the family salary of the ashigaru-ban leader is between 500 and 800 shi. The family salary of the ashigaru general is between 200 shi and 300 shi.

A general with an army of 1,000 to 3,000 dan will receive a salary of between 5,000 to 7,000 dan. A general with an army of 2,000 will receive a salary of between 10,000 to 15,000 dan.

, the newly added generals commanding 3,000 to 5,000 troops will receive a family salary ranging from 25,000 dan to 35,000 dan, and the highest family members will receive a family salary of 40,000 to 50,000 dan.


In the administrative department, the junior administrative officer corresponds to the ashigaru group leader, and the higher level corresponds to the intermediate administrative officer, the senior administrative officer, the administrative assistant, the administrative chief, the administrative deputy officer, and the administrative chief corresponds to the samurai of their respective levels, and below them there are assistant ministers and trainee administrative officers.

The two levels of human beings are basically the same as the treatment of elite ashigaru and recruits in the reserve team. They only receive corresponding support and support.

For example, Yamamoto Tokiyuki received a 50,000-koku territory near Uozu Castle in Echu Shinkawa County. Currently, there are only three clan elders of the Ashikaga clan, including Uesugi Masatora, Yamamoto Tokiyuki, and Sanada Yukitaka, so many people are assigned to this level.


Another example is that Hosokawa Fujitaka, as the chief designated officer, implemented the rank equivalent to the newly added general. He obtained the territory of 30,000 koku in Mishima County, Chuetsu. Matsui Yukan was also at this level, and Takikawa Tokimasu was a young reserve general. What he could do

Obtained a territory of 7,000 koku in the Nakagotsu Kariwa County. Honjo Nobanaga, Kurokawa Kiyomizu, Hojo Takahiro, Watanabe Takatsuna, Naito Masashige, Shitara Sadachi, Miyabe Tsurujun and others are all at this level.

Kira Yoshitoki also knew that this temptation was huge. So he openly told the family members that as long as they were willing to change their territory into a flag territory, they could still enjoy the relevant benefits, including the military service of their respective families.

Bearing the burden, the descendants of their respective families are allowed to retain the relationship between monarch and minister, which basically means releasing military power over a glass of wine.

This benefit made Echigo's family members covetous, and Uesugi Masatora didn't think much of it. His own territory in Echigo Kingdom alone had a stone height of one million koku, although it was declared that these properties would belong to Kira Yoshitoki in the future.

The eldest son, but his weight and influence do not care about the profit sharing of these tens of thousands of stones. However, the eyes of Echigo's old ministers all turned red, and they wanted to rub against him.

In Etchu, Izuku was unable to attend the meeting, including Tokiyuki Yamamoto, Asanobu Saito, Keie Kakizaki, Masashige Naito, Takatsuna Watanabe, Keimoto Yasuda, Keizi Yoshie and others, even if they agreed tacitly.

As for the decree to change the flag's capabilities, many people among the Echigo people eagerly followed it.

Irobe Katsunaga was so jealous that he decided to switch on the spot. Usami Sadamitsu was the second one to jump out to support, Honjo Mino, and Nagao Kagenobu were still a little hesitant, but then many people agreed and gradually swayed their decision.

Judgment, including Nagao Keiaki in the Nagao family system represents the Ikami clan, Yamayoshi Toyomori represents the Hodai clan, Nagao Keinao represents the side clan. Ueno Ienari represents the Taishen wealthy clan clan, Nagao Masakei

Representatives from the Ueda clan and Nakajo Fujishi from the Yangbei clan came closer one after another. In the end, the two of them had no choice but to smile bitterly and bow their heads in resignation when they saw that the situation was over.

As for Ueno, needless to say the people of Shinano, Sanada Yukitaka was the first to express his willingness to turn his family's territory into a banner. Since then, he has become the second patriarch of the clan with fifty thousand koku, Murakami Yoshikiyo,

Takanashi Masayori, Ogasawara Nagatoki and other Shinano people all expressed their willingness to donate their territory. None of them had more than 30,000 stones, and they happened to enjoy the rank of general without much problem.

There is a reason why the people of Shinano are so united. They are all the new generation of Isui with no foundation or background. They are not the people who lost their families after being defeated and fled to Echigo.

, they are the new members who have just been surrendered and vigorously promoted. They are not qualified to compete with the native Echigo family members and the more powerful Mikawa Kyoto family members.

They all came to this big tree because they were optimistic about the bright future of the Ashikaga clan. Not to mention the plan of the Hatato, which was to surrender the territory to the left without losing a single cent. It was to offer the territory to get a share similar to that of the Mikawa clan generation.

They are also willing to receive opportunities for treatment. Shinano's territory was recovered following the family governor's ass. If the family governor had extended his hand to their territory, they would have been unable to refuse, so they have always carried on this kindness.

Nagano Ye was hesitant and undecided. According to the previous record, his family's territory was more than 20,000 dan, which was still a little short of 25,000 dan. If the land area was re-converted, it would be almost 30,000 dan, but it was only in Ueno country.

He was reluctant to bring all those who were capable of recruiting and good at fighting under the direct control of the Kira family. At the moment when he was hesitating, Nagano Yamasa, Obata Nobusada, Wada Yasushige, Anaka Tadanari, Numata Goyasu, Kiryu Suketsuna and other rich people

People expressed their willingness to cooperate and offered their respective territories.

Later, the Joshu Swordsman who had just abandoned the name of Dahu Hidetsuna and changed his name to Kamiizumi Hidetsuna to express his break with the past also offered his territory. The other six people of the Joshu Seven Guns looked at each other and acted accordingly. Nagano Yamei

As soon as he saw this posture, he knew that he had no choice. Even the Takadome Nagano clan, the son-in-law Obata clan, the Wada clan, the Anaka clan, and the Numata clan all volunteered, and the main body of the Minawa clan was drained of most of their strength.

Since the alliance was in pieces, it didn’t make much sense for him to insist on being an empty leader. So he agreed.

In addition to the fact that all the people in the Echichu region were absent from this meeting because they had always been silent, the main people in the three countries of Echigo, Shinano, and Ueno have changed their territories into flags, but there are still some people who are hesitant.

, Yura Shige was not very happy with this kind of forceful instigation, as if they would be isolated if they did not choose this way. Fortunately, the three families of Suisha Nagao, Shirai Nagao, and Ashikaga Nagao did not express their stance.

He was happy to hide behind and act stupid.

Nagao glanced at the increasingly prosperous face of his old master Uesugi Kenmasa. Apart from the dazed expression on his face, he only had a wandering expression. He secretly sighed that the Yamauchi Uesugi family was completely finished. Ever since the old master experienced that war,

After a huge change, he watched the Ueno people conspire with their mortal enemies, the Hojo family, to deal with him, so that after his legitimate son was killed and his family business was destroyed, his spirit was completely broken.

Even the news of defeating Hojo Ujiyasu and regaining Ueno Country only made him excited to drink a few drinks, and he did not do anything else at all. He would only hide in the residence all day long, hugging his wife and having children. In the past few years, he had not

He really gave birth to another boy, and it is said that Mrs. Uesugi was still pregnant with a child. She really turned her grief and anger into passion and worked hard to manage the rest of her life.

Looking at Uesugi Kenmasa's white sideburns and deep bags under his eyes, Nagao Tocho felt that it was pointless to think about it any more, so he sighed secretly and said, "My lord, I second the proposal!"

The Nagao Nokage of the Shirai Nagao family glanced at the Nagao Nokage of the Nagao family sitting next to him. The latter understood that the trend was irreversible. This must be a strategy that the young master had planned long ago, aiming to strengthen the attack on Echigo.

The control of many Japanese people in the Three Kingdoms of Ueno and Shinano, the Japanese people were replaced by official genealogy, the territory of Tomoyo was transformed into a banner, and the local samurai were centralized.

Although there are many stupid people in this world, none of them can sit in the vast room of Kasugayama Castle. The two of them can see clearly and transparently, so other samurai must also understand the secrets, because all

The samurai all understand the inner meaning and are more respectful. If they don't force or force them to make their own decisions, they are actually digging a hole to bury people. Anyone who is stupid at this time is digging his own grave.

The Ueno Nagao family could still maintain a transcendent status during the Nagao Kagetora era of Echigo Nagao. Once the dual-headed politics came to an end, this aura gradually faded and became the target of public criticism. The two of them could read each other's eyes when they looked at each other.

Understanding this layer of helplessness, knowing that his good days have come to an end, he took a deep breath and bowed and said: "I second my opinion!"

Yura Chengshige finally lost his cover and was exposed in public. He quickly agreed with a grimace, but secretly cursed these three guys in his heart for always ignoring the military deployment and government arrangements of the Ashikaga family. What kind of arrogance did they suddenly do today?

When he obeyed, he also gave in to his misfortune. It was like being slapped with a sap by someone, but when he woke up he didn't know why he got hit. It was really depressing.

Hosokawa Fujitaka sat on the right hand side of the front row. He had been carefully observing the movements in the large room. When he saw that all the samurai were united whether they were sincere or not, he coughed and made a new suggestion: "Let Hatamoto Ge completely

It is also inappropriate to separate generations from military service. After all, it is a bit unkind to divide the soldiers of one's own family at the request of the soldiers, otherwise it would be like this! The standard for the production of soldiers in each family's territory is ten thousand stones.

Ten thousand stones can produce two hundred soldiers, and if there are less than ten thousand, the number will be reduced according to this standard. The food for the soldiers will be provided by each lord himself.

After becoming a permanent member, the training will be under the unified deployment of the Ashikaga family. As for the command of the army, it will be appointed by the Lord and handed over to each generation to serve as generals. However, the generals who send troops to their respective families cannot command their own soldiers, such as relatives or sworn brothers.

Overlapping relationships should also be avoided as much as possible. After the death of each family's soldiers, the head family is responsible for providing pensions, and the remaining soldiers are left to each family member to replenish the missing soldiers. In this way, the soldiers are still the family's soldiers, and the food is maintained by the family's own.

It’s the only bond in our original territory!”

After hearing this proposal, many samurai could not turn around for a while, but Nagano Yamasa was the first to react. He immediately stood up excitedly and shouted: "This is good! I support it with both hands! Isn't it just ten thousand shiliang?"

Hundreds of soldiers? We can afford to give you this little food! I just hope that we and other gangsters can still do their best for the Lord!"

Usami Sadamitsu was the second one to jump up and advocate loudly and excitedly: "That's right! If it's not just this little ration, what are you afraid of? The daily rations for two hundred soldiers are not much. Calculating carefully, it's just two stones for one stone."

Dou of rice grain, one dou of two liters of salt, and two dou of four liters of miso. In a year, it is only 438 shi of rice grain, 43 shi of eight dou of salt, and 87 shi of six dou of miso. Even one

Half of the year was during the war period when the army rations were doubled, which meant that the amount was doubled again, to 876 shi of rice grain, 87 shi and 6 dou of salt, and 175 shi and 2 dou of salt.


Our Echigo seaside produces refined salt. It’s cheap and costs only three munmon per kilo. The lower salt only costs 500 mun per kilo, and homemade miso costs about three kimun and one koku. If you follow the new recipe of Ashikaga family, I

It is stipulated that the supply of salt and miso is reduced to 25%. Each person can eat one fish, two baked potatoes, and a bowl of pumpkin soup every day. These things are basically very cheap items, and if they are all converted into rice, they will not be enough.

A little over a thousand stones.

Gentlemen, please don’t forget that we can get six thousand stones of annual tribute from these ten thousand stones, which can be converted into about 5,300 stones of food even if taxes are removed. In addition, we have also received hundreds of talents from the Lord.

The salary, plus all kinds of support, is far more than the income of 10,000 dan. This is truly one out of ten! If you can't even part with this little money, you will really be ashamed of the warrior status that our ancestors gave us!


Hundreds of samurai in the evaluation room were shocked by his dazzling series of numbers. Many of them couldn't help but nodded in agreement. Not only did he report a series of numbers so quickly, but he also understood the military regulations of the Ashikaga family in detail.

Including understanding the new food regulations and related standards, this hard work is definitely not what ordinary people can imagine.

The senior ministers sitting in the front rows all looked sideways and cast admiring glances at Usami Suruga Mamoru. Gradually, the room returned to normal. The samurai who had recovered from the shock smiled and clapped their hands.

I highly praise this gray-haired warrior. What he said is very right and very good, and deserves unanimous praise from everyone.

Everyone clapped, and the warriors sitting slightly behind also clapped along with the trend. Hidden behind, Anzhong Tadashi glanced at the old warrior with an excited expression, turned to his side and asked his companions in a low voice: "Still?"

I have never discovered that this Suruga Wardian is so good at planning, and he can calculate an account in a moment. Probably only those few disciples have such ability!"

Obata Nobuzada and Anaka Tadanari are both sons-in-law of the Nagano family, and the two families are also related by some relatives. They are close in age and close to each other. The young people talk very casually when they get together. They look around first before pulling him.

He lowered his head with his arms, motioning to look at where Usami Sadamitsu was sitting, who was slowly returning to his seat.

When An Zhong Tadanari looked back at him with a blank look on his face, he pursed his lips and said, "You just don't understand! Suruga Shoden had expected this a long time ago, or else he would have settled the debt long ago. Anyway,

It is absolutely impossible to calculate it so quickly, otherwise Suruga Mamoru should be one of these people instead of jumping out and making impassioned speeches at this moment. If you take a closer look at Suruga Mamoru's current seat, you will know that his status is higher than ours.

It’s worse!”

Wada Yeshi, who was sitting on the other side, also came over and said with a smile: "It's true when you say it like this! It's not like I've never done things like calculating military rations, but it's just two hundred cents for a thousand stones.

The standards have never been calculated carefully, this Suruga Mamoru must have calculated it once before he could report the accurate number so quickly!"

"Hush! Look outside, there is an urgent report coming from outside the palace!" Nagano Yegu stared at the edge of the large open space outside Ohiroma. A messenger with two white, two black and four miniature flags on his back quickly approached Honmaru.

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