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Chapter 407: The Fateful Rival

Shoushan Castle is built on the mountain with a unique style. It is one of the few famous cities in Vietnam. The most famous one is its majestic three-story castle tower that can be seen clearly from several miles away. Compared with Kajia

Congratulations, Etsuchu is a mess of various specifications. This three-city castle is a very impressive and majestic building in Hokuriku.

Genjin Sugiura was a reckless man with a strong body and a body that could easily spar with the dead Shengxingji Yuncheng. He had strong arms and a muscular face with a fierce look on his face. He could tell at a glance that his face was covered with oil.

It is absolutely necessary to be nourished by wine and meat. The Yixiang sect has never been an authentic ascetic sect, and Kaga Yixiang Ikui is a group of warriors who can only chant "Amitabha".

This man is the number one general in Kaga. He is only twenty-five years old and has very good martial arts skills. Especially in unarmed combat, he is said to be unrivaled in Hokuriku. His spear and stick riding skills are also top notch.

Even the twin bodyguards Choshoji Miteru and the combined forces of Choshoji Katsuji and Choshoji Katsuji couldn't capture him.

With this extraordinary martial arts and proficiency in military strategy, even in Kaga, the Echizen army became very popular. In several battles with the Asakura family, they performed very bravely but failed to achieve success.

His great achievements coincided with the death of their mortal enemy Asakura Sotetsu from illness, and Choshoji Miteru couldn't wait to promote him to Kaga's number one general.

This time he was arranged to join the battle with Guangtokuji Chengxian, and there was no distinction between who was in charge and who was the deputy. Instead, they each led an army to check and balance each other. It can be seen that Chaoshengji Miteru was still against Guangtokuji Xian

He was so angry at his poor performance last time that he sent the popular general Genjin Sugiura over just to tell him that in this war, we should still use monks. Instead of using nepotism, we should only use monks.

Genjin Sugiura did indeed live up to the heavy trust and completed the task perfectly. When Kotokuji Norihiro was still nesting on the Tonami Plains, unable to do anything about Masuyama Castle on the top of the mountain, he was already standing on the castle tower of Moriyama Castle admiring the natural beauty.

At the turn of spring and summer, the weather was sultry, and most of the summer's dryness was blown away by the humid sea breeze on Fushan Bay. Genjin Sugiura stood on the castle tower and leaned on the railing to look at the sparkling waves of Toyama Bay in the distance. It took him a long time to choke out a sentence.

: "The sea water is really blue and the sky is even bluer, and a brave and mysterious person makes you braver."

The corners of Jimboji's open mouth twitched, and he suppressed the nausea in his heart, pretending to be excited and flattering: "Okay! The Japanese poems composed by the Eki Shoden are so powerful! At first glance, they look plain and simple, but in fact, every word is sonorous, powerful and powerful.

It’s beautiful, and the words fit closely together, and the upper and lower parts correspond just right. When combined together, it’s like a witty line! If you taste it carefully, you’ll be amazed at the details. Sure enough, it’s a heart-stirring and soul-stirring classic Japanese song!”

"Hahaha... Is this a waka? In my opinion, it's nothing special! After I think about it for a while, maybe I can add a few more verses..." Sugiura Gennin stared at the blue bay and was stunned.

After being motionless for half an hour, the group of officials from the Kaga Ichibuki clan got bored waiting, so they turned around and ran to the castle tower, lay down on the tatami and fell asleep.

They were a group of wealthy servants from the countryside of Kaga. They had neither seen the world nor understood the decency of samurai. Because of the widespread use of weapons, the country's leader, the Togashi clan, was turned into a puppet. It turned out that a line of samurai families loyal to the shogunate were exterminated one after another.

, they were transformed into Yishang Yikui, so the entire Kaga Kingdom has not entered Kyoto to see the shogun in nearly eighty years. This group of local servants do not even have the qualifications of samurai, and at most they can be regarded as wealthy small landowners.


There are no rules and no one dares to teach them the rules. This group of officials who are full of violence are not afraid of heaven and earth. They only obey the gods and Buddhas of the Pure Land of Paradise and the human spokesperson of the gods and Buddhas, Honganji Temple.

The general of the sect, Chaoshouji Miteru, and Sugiura Gennin and they are all brothers.

Everyone drinks, eats, kills, and robs land for the no-profit business of the Nobushi bandits. However, they are much better than those incompetent Nobushi bandits. They dare to kill and protect the clan, and dare to openly declare that Kaga Country has always been "knocked out".

"Co-governance", the courage of these reckless people is really boundless.

Not only are they courageous, but they are also lawless. They dare to fight against the Buddhist master Honganji family even if their wings are not strong. A few decades ago, Daiichi Kui was the spokesman for the gods and Buddhas of the Kaga Ichiko sect in the world. Honganji Temple is like

, which proves that the two generations launched a perseverance attack. If the master of Honganji Temple had not been able to support the situation to some extent, and there were also a group of Obos from Mikawa, Nagashima, Kii, and Omi who supported them, they might have been able to really seize the name of the master.


No one dared to offend Kaga's official, so naturally Jinbo clan Zhang didn't dare to offend him either. He could only watch with distress as his castle tower was occupied by these bastards. It happened to be that in the past six months from the beginning of this year to the beginning of summer,

It hasn't rained yet, so even if you sit for a while in the dry and hot season, you will be covered in sweat. These Kagabo officials are a bunch of lazy people who don't like to take a bath. It doesn't take long for the castle tower to be filled with a strong smell of sweat and

Foot odor.

"It's simply unreasonable! These thieves from the Xiangzong sect actually regard our castle tower as their pig's nest! A bunch of stinky guys don't even take a bath, and the castle tower can't stay any longer!" Jimbo clan's head was almost dizzy due to the smoke.

Unable to stand still, looking at these Kagabo officials again, he was so angry that he was filled with anger and hatred. He lightly took a step forward and kicked the head of a Kagabo official who was sleeping with his mouth open, and then hurriedly hid aside and made a dumbfounded expression.


The official was sleeping happily when he suddenly felt a pain on his face and jumped up with a "ouch" sound. When he saw the official lying next to him stretching his feet in front of his face, he jumped on the official and fell down with his head covered.

With his fist, the official who was beaten screamed "Ouch". He didn't know how he got such a beating. He immediately became angry and grabbed the guy and started fighting.

Then it somehow turned into a big melee in the entire castle tower. The tatami was trampled, the paper door was smashed, and the precious Omi porcelain was smashed to pieces.

Sorry, he really wanted to slap himself in the mouth, but why did he think of going up and kicking him? The damage this time was not just a stink all over the house.

"Oops! There's actually a fight! It's good to fight! We Kaga warriors just like to fight. Every day we have a full meal and either sleep or fight. This place is just too small. If we can use wooden sticks to fight in the open space, how can we fight?

It's intense when it's up! A bloody head is a trivial matter. Being beaten to death accidentally is normal!" Sugiura Gento also didn't think about his waka creation, and instead watched these reckless men fighting in the castle tower.

He not only wanted to appreciate it, but also commented on the fighting officials, who landed a good uppercut, whose vaginal kick was standard, and whose wrestling was good. From time to time, a few of them got knocked out of the fight.

The officials in the circle rolled to his feet and were kicked once or twice by him. The kicked officials rolled back and crawled back, their faces bruised and swollen, but they didn't take it seriously.

"This is simply too scary! Is this the Ichikoku clan of Kaga? Did I make a mistake in choosing to dedicate the city? It would have been better to abandon the city and escape! At least the Kira family are real samurai and will never be like this

These bastards humiliated me so unruly!" Jimbo Zhang felt regretful and wanted to hit the wall. This Kaga's consistent behavior was really terrible.

"An Yunshou! What are you thinking about?"

"Ah! No!" Jimboji Zhang heard the ghost-like voice coming from behind, and he was frightened and said hurriedly: "I was just thinking about how the Eki Shouden will go out and how to regain Yuezhong."

Genjin Sugiura said proudly: "Oh! That's the problem! Actually, it doesn't matter. It's just to capture Kokokufu Castle, then capture Fangshengjin Castle, then go south to capture Toyama Castle, and then capture Uozu Castle. That's probably it!

The army has almost rested and recuperated, and in a few days we will officially go out to seize the ancient capital city."

Jinboji Zhang had never heard of such a crude and crude strategy. He resisted the urge to curse and bowed and said: "Uh, yes! I understand, I have important things to do, so I will leave now!"

Sugiura Genren waved his hand and said: "Hmm! An Yunshou, go quickly! Remember to order more meat and some medicinal wine for bruises. When you are tired from beating later, you should eat more to make up for the beatings you have received."

"Yes!" Jimboji Zhang retreated full of annoyance.

Compared to Sugiura Gento's ease and ease, Kotokuji Noriken was extremely annoyed. The defense line from Masuyama Castle to Inami Castle was like a row of hedgehogs that he couldn't eat. Ever since the last battle at Suiweishan, it had been a mess.

Since he left behind a lot of bad debts, Kotokuji Noriken's status in the Kaga Ichiko sect has been declining. He was originally a hot star of tomorrow, a powerful man who controlled the military and political power of a party, but now he is reduced to the same level as that person who doesn't even have a monk's membership.

Genjin Sugiura shared the power of the army, which was enough to make him annoyed and unable to sleep for days and nights.

What made him even more annoyed was that this time he ran into Yamamoto Tokiyuki again. The Matsukura Castle he was guarding had resisted wave after wave of attacks in the last invasion. In the end, he was forced to do nothing but despair.

And retreated because the blame for this failure was on his own shoulders, which was why he suffered so miserably.

Naturally, when he met Yamamoto Tokiyuki this time, he was depressed, annoyed and fearful. Knowing that Yamamoto Tokiyuki was good at guarding the castle, he avoided Masuyama Castle and attacked Inami Castle instead. This place was originally the weak point of Zuisenji Temple, and there is also a Honganji Temple such as

As a key point with a very strong foundation of the Ichibashi Sect, I thought it was perfect to choose this city as a breakthrough point.

At the same time that Sugiura Gento launched the attack on Kokokufu Castle, Kotokuji Noriken led an army of 30,000 men to surround Inami Castle. They attacked for seven days but could not break through the 500 defenders in the city. This level was almost the same as that of Hojo in the late Kamakura period.

The family's 100,000-strong crusade was unable to attack the 500-strong garrison led by Kusunoki Masashige. Upon closer inspection, it was discovered that the garrison in the castle was Numata Yumitsu, Yamamoto Tokiyuki's apprentice. He was guarding Uozu Castle with 4,000 men and resisted the 40,000-year-old Ichikui.

young general.

After hearing the news, most of Kotokuji Noriken's energy immediately dissipated. Just when he was considering whether to retreat and wait for an opportunity to move again, he was caught off guard by the sudden Kira army and saw the banners of Saito Nobunobu and Kakizaki Keie.

Only then did he realize that he was on the wrong track. Thirty thousand people were divided and surrounded by five thousand cavalry and divided into two parts, performing the tactics used on Tateyama last year.

Yamamoto Tokiyuki led an eight-thousand-strong army to reinforce in time, and forcibly killed the 30,000 Kaga Ichiki troops from Kotokuji Temple, and fled on their backs. Nearly 6,000 Ichiki troops were killed on the spot, and more than 5,000 were captured.

, if we were not worried that we could still push back the troops, we might be able to further expand the results of the battle even if we stopped the pursuing troops.

This defeat caused Kotokuji Norihiro to lose most of the Tonami Plains. The remaining 18,000 defeated troops retreated back to Kuwayama Castle and could not defend themselves. He did not care about the embarrassment while sending a signal for help to Sugiura Gennin, and on the other hand

He wrote a letter to Kaga's hometown asking for help. In the letter, he emphatically described the difficult situation he was facing and asked for more reinforcements. Otherwise, let alone defeating the Kira army and annexing Vietnam. Given the low morale of his unit, if he did not try to save it, not only would he want to

It would be very difficult to retreat safely. It would also impede Sugiura Gennin's attacks all the way.

There is a huge military camp stationed outside Dewa Province's Miura Castle, in which fifteen thousand troops from Uzen are gathered. The structure of this operation is very special. It is not a large camp in the traditional sense. It is a gathering of more than a dozen camps, large and small.

The settlements maintain a certain distance from each other, forming a walled city network that surrounds most of Weipu City.

On a sunny morning on April 8th, several daimyo from Dewa Kingdom gathered together to hold a military meeting. Mogami Yoshimori, Date Terumune, and Onodera Kagemichi sat in a row, with Mogami on their left and right.

Yatsura, Yuri Twelve and other national army leaders, these people are the main force besieging Kira's army. They represent almost all the elites of the samurai family in Yuqian. These elites of the samurai family who could not gather together in the first place, are sitting together today to discuss carve-up.

Tagawa County's plan.

Mogami Yoshimori was in a very good mood, and naturally he was beaming when he spoke: "The current situation is very good. Most of the people in Tagawa County have surrendered. It is not feasible for a few Taihoji clan's remnants to defend the city. We only need to capture the city in front of us.

Once Miura Castle captures the Kira Army generals and Daihoji Yoshitsune, we will be able to use hostages as threats to force the Kira Army to completely withdraw from our Dewa territory."

"What my father-in-law said is true. We only need to capture Mipo Castle and seize Xinchuan County within two or three months. By then, even if the Kira family discovers the troops, it will be too late. This is what the town master is best at."

A person's way is a way to heal his body. Let him also taste the bitter pill of being attacked and defeated! Hum!" Date Terumune seemed to be remembering the battle at the Igarashi River a few years ago.

After losing the battle, the anger in his heart burst out uncontrollably.

In that battle, they were confused and divided into several sections by the surprise attack. It was Date from beginning to end, and Ashina's army was beaten wildly. They were beaten and fled in embarrassment without even being able to fight back. Especially those two

The white-armored general turned out to be not Takigawa Tokimasu and Shima Tokikatsu, but a samurai he had never heard of and never seen again. It would have been fine to be defeated by a long-established samurai, but he was defeated by two lonely warriors.

The unknown people were beaten to the point of losing their armor. This shame cannot be swallowed no matter what.

Onodera Kagemichi saw a group of Dewa people being blindly optimistic, frowned and reminded: "It's just that Oura Castle doesn't seem to be that easy to attack! According to the information we have, the defender of the city is Naito Masashige, the general of the Kira Army, Fukakusa who shocked the world back then.

During the battle, he was the one who shot to death the general Shihe Yicun of the Sanhao family with one arrow. However, this man has been keeping a low profile in these years and has very little information, but we must not underestimate his ability!"

Date Mimoto echoed quite empathically: "What Onodera-don said is true. The Kira army is still very scary. The archery skills of Naito-don's commander are very good! He withstood dozens of attacks by our army and allowed

It is not easy for us to lose so many soldiers."

Hearing Date Mimoto talk about Naito Masashige's archery skills, many of the people here couldn't help showing expressions of fear and pain. Don't look at it. It was as simple as repelling dozens of attacks. They had tens of thousands of troops surrounding three thousand people in the city.

The defenders attacked one after another like a sea wave, and the Kira army in the city was like a huge rock, which remained motionless despite being beaten by wind and rain.

The Dewa people lost more than 3,000 soldiers before and after, and the Kira defenders in the city also lost nearly hundreds of lives. However, after months of fighting, they still could not defeat it, and the broken Otemon still stood in front of the people of Dewa as if

In mocking their incompetence, the dilapidated earthen walls and simple city walls were broken down again and again and reinforced again and again. The bloodstains on the city head were like dark red oil paint smeared layer by layer, and the broken wooden ladders outside the city were

and burned battering rams piled in ruins, they still had no choice.

Miura Castle is not a fortified castle in the traditional sense. It is built on the northwest corner of the Shonai Plains and overlooks the entire Shonai Plains. It is a flat castle rather than a mountain castle for military purposes. There is no more terrain to rely on around it. If you want to defend this place, you can only

Being able to fill holes with human lives, when the entire Tagawa County fell into the hands of the Dewa people, Naito Masashige could only rely on Miura Castle to make the final resistance. This was inevitable given the inferior military strength and lack of favorable location and people.

The Kira family had acquired Tagawa County only half a year ago. Masatora Uesugi only arranged for two generals to guard the new area. Besides, this territory was still the old territory of the Daihoji clan, so the local people had to adapt and become familiar with it, so they didn't even have time to implement it.

Of course, if you send them here, not to mention accumulating prestige in the local area and calming people's hearts.

The disadvantage of lacking local prestige and popular support is that when a war suddenly breaks out, the local lords of the country will not resist resolutely, but hurriedly surrender in Kaicheng in exchange for their ability to secure the country. Anyway, the Kira army came over and issued them the certificate of security. The lords of the country of Dewa

When the coalition forces come over, they still have to give them a sign of security. Whoever comes over has to placate them in a routine manner, which is far from a question of loyalty.

Without active resistance from the surrounding countrymen, Shouchi Plains in Tagawa County fell into the hands of the Dewa people's army in minutes. Even Dabaoji Yoshizog could only look back and sigh. The people's lords who were truly loyal to him had already fallen into the Qingshui Territory and were forced to surrender. How could they survive?

Will they continue to defend the castle for him in the plains of Shouchi? In a sense, this is the result of the Kira family's own consequences. They were too greedy and never gave the Dabaoji clan a chance. In the end, the Dabaoji family used this method to destroy this family.

The bad consequences come back.

What happened to the sudden rise of the anti-Echigo alliance in Dewa Province? Why did Daihoji Yoshimasu retreat in confusion? Why did Watanabe Takatsuna suddenly get ambushed while covering the retreat of Daihoji army? Naito Masashige has to answer these questions.

It’s not that he doesn’t understand the problem, but what’s the point of saying it?

Naito Masashige is only the defender of Dewa Kingdom and has no authority to hold Daihoji Yoshizou accountable. Moreover, it is indeed not easy to hold him accountable during this war period. There is already a shortage of major generals and he has to pursue this and that. He will definitely have to withdraw one thousand Taihoji troops.

With the strength of five hundred troops, the morale of the army was completely lost. If he wanted to defend Mipo City, it was not enough to rely only on his fifteen hundred elites. Therefore, he needed to appease Dabaoji Yoshizog and actively persuade him not to think too hard. The right way is to defeat the enemy.

Fortunately, Daihoji Yoshizo's move was not really about treason. He wanted to take advantage of the defeat to avoid the fate of being the cannon fodder of the Kira family alone. In a sense, his plan was indeed successful, hiding the news of the movements of the Dewa people.

Gather the Dabaosi Army in advance, and leave a small half of the main force hidden in the Qingshui Territory to temporarily surrender in order to wait for the opportunity.

Then he calculated the time to be the opening where the army of Dewa people gathered, and sent a request for help to Tagawa County on the grounds that the Mogami Army was invading. He retreated just when Watanabe Takatsuna's army was about to arrive. When Watanabe Takatsuna saw a large number of Mogami Army

After chasing the Daihoji Army, they naturally took on the responsibility of covering the retreat, and then naturally trapped Watanabe Takatsuna. Even if they found out there was a problem, could they still blame Daihoji Yoshizo? He could argue that he didn't know the Mogami Army would recruit him.

This is how the Yuguo People's Army came out.

Naito Masashige knew that he could not catch the cunning guy Dabaoji Yoshizou, and he really had no intention of holding anyone responsible. He only wanted to defend Miura Castle and ask for help from outside. Fortunately, Dabaoji Yoshizou did not intend to commit suicide.

Immediately, he joined forces with his family members to put on a big show to lure out Saragoshi and Raiji Hide, and then joined forces with Naito Masashige to capture them, finally stabilizing the internal military morale.

The ability to block the attack of the Dewa Nationalist Army was simply due to the lack of advanced siege technology in this era. Part of the reason was that the road traffic conditions were really poor. Large items such as catapults had appeared before, but they were simply because transportation was too difficult.

Being gradually eliminated and discarded is like the process of bad money driving out good money. In more severe environments, the most inefficient means must be used to defend the city.

On the other hand, he relies on Naito Masashige's excellent command ability. Among the 1,500 soldiers under his command, there are 500 heavy vine archers who he has trained for nearly ten years. He relies on his superb command level and superb archery skills.

, defeated the Dewa people who attempted to attack again and again. In several of the most critical moments of the siege stage, Naito Masashige personally climbed to the city and inserted cast-iron arrows into the city wall. He sniped arrow after arrow, and almost captured one with every arrow.

The life of a famous samurai.

Ten pots and two hundred cast-iron arrows were all shot by him in one day. He stood at the top of the city like a god of war who would never fall. He raised the square bamboo bow in his hand to kill the Dewa army who besieged Otemon again and again.

, after several days of continuous killing, in the end, no Ideha samurai dared to approach Otemon, samurai who were not afraid of death did not dare to rush over, and the Ashigaru warriors from various countries naturally did not dare to approach.

As a last resort, they used the Saragoshi clan, who had long had inside knowledge, and the Raiji clan tried to deceive the city gate but was discovered. For this reason, they also trapped a group of vanguards in the trap designed by Naito Masashige and Dabaoji Yoshizuma. That night, six more people were killed.

One hundred lives were wasted, and four hundred remaining soldiers surrendered in isolation. This was a huge loss.

In terms of strategic planning, the cooperation between Mogami Yoshimori, Date Terumune, and Onodera Kagemichi was perfect, but the tactical cooperation was repeatedly frustrated. The entire Tagawa County was surrendered, but the vicinity of Miura Castle, which was close to Sakata Port, could not be conquered. This delay was a delay.

For just one and a half months, 15,000 troops were trapped here unable to move.

Mogami Yoshimori nodded and said: "What the Hyobu-den said is right. We must conquer Miura Castle and seize Sakata Port as soon as possible. Then we can stop the Kira family's reinforcements. If this city is not broken for a day, it will be a great threat to us, but

As long as we seal the four gates of Miura Castle and surround Sakata Port and cut off the communication between the two places, then Watanabe Takatsuna stationed outside Sakata Port will also be surrounded by our army. This news must be that Sakata Port has been captured by our army.

It’s impossible to send it out!”

Date Terumune said knowingly: "Yes! I will lead the army to blockade the inside and outside of Sakata Port. My father-in-law and the princes will not go wrong if they surround Miura Castle. The army of Onodera Temple will be able to block Watanabe Takazuna."

There will be problems. I think the Echigo side must still be unaware of it. By the time they discover something is wrong a few months later, Tagawa County has already fallen into our hands."

Mogami Yoshimori praised sincerely: "Well, Kyozoden said it very well!"

"Father-in-law, you are so complimentary!" Date Terumune politely thanked him, and the two of them started acting in such a grand manner. They were unaware that the eyes of Mogami Yoshimitsu became very cold, and he always looked at Mogami with a respectful and humble expression.

Yoshimori seems to still have a little childish admiration for his father on his face.

"Hmm!" Date Mimoto felt that his acting was a bit too dramatic, so he kindly reminded him: "My lord, please be careful, as the engagement has not been completed at this time. Dewa Morden is not my lord's father-in-law yet."

Date Huizong slapped his thigh, as if he had just remembered such a thing. He seemed to be embarrassed and said: "Oh! This was just a joke at the next moment. I'm sorry! Please be patient!"

"Haha, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter..." The people of Deyu Country hurriedly smiled and waved their hands.

Date Terumune can shamelessly say something like "it's easy to say for a moment", what else can people like them from the Dewa country say? You can't jump up and spit on him and scold him for being hypocritical. All you need to do is turn your face and see

Mogami Yoshimori's very satisfied expression showed that the play was well performed and they were the audience and all they needed to do was applaud and cheer.

Onodera Kagemichi was not happy to accompany the prospective father-in-law and prospective son-in-law to play the trick of loving father and son. He frowned and retorted: "Even if we block the movements of Tagawa County for a while, we cannot always prevent the Kira family from obtaining relevant information. In this world,

There is no airtight wall. Judging from the Kira family’s intelligence collection, they will notice something is wrong if they do not receive relevant information for a month or two. If you calculate carefully, you should have noticed the problem by about this time!"

In fact, Date Terumune is far from being as calm as he appears. No matter how you say it, you can't hide that he is still a sixteen-year-old boy who has emerged for the first time in the world of a group of adults. Even if he behaves quite well, he can't help but be extremely excited, and this is

It was his first time to lead an army since he became the governor of the family, and he participated in the great changes that affected the entire Deyu Country. This operation was regarded by him as a valuable attempt to fully intervene in the affairs of Deyu Country.

He had different ideas from his father Terumune Date. He believed that the Date family should not only be satisfied with being the leader of the Southern Mutsu people and the mediators of the war for the Southern Mutsu people, but should further expand their own territory.

With the influence of the family leader, the first step is to help his father-in-law Mogami Yoshimori capture Tagawa County. Tagawa County is actually not far from Yonezawa. The next step is to assist Mogami Yoshimori in capturing the Hangae family territory, and then he can open up new connections with Tagawa County.

The passage to gain territory.

"Father, I still want stability too much! According to my family's plan, Deyu and Mutsu will use their two wings to surround my father-in-law's territory. I believe that in twenty years the Mogami clan and the Date clan will become a family! After absorbing my father-in-law,

If the Mogami clan surrenders to the Osaki clan, I can use the names of Dewa Tankai and Mutsu Mamoru to control both Utsu and Oku, and become the true king of the Northeast!"

Thinking of this, Date Terumune gave a friendly smile to Mogami Yoshimitsu, his future brother-in-law in the Gogen version, but Mogami Yoshimitsu ignored his kindness with a cold face, which made him very angry. Looking at Mogami Yoshimitsu again

With a face that looked like everyone owed him a lot of money, Date Huizong had a faint smile on his face.

"After all, he is still a thirteen-year-old child, so it is understandable to act childish. My family seemed to be like this when he was this old. Not only should I not be angry, but I should be more kind. My brother-in-law asked my uncle to

My little temper will definitely make my father-in-law have a better impression of me! Hahaha..." Date Huizong's smile was a bit weird.

"This bastard smiles so weirdly, he must have no good intentions, right?" Mogami Yoshimitsu immediately noticed that Date Terumune's expression was wrong, and frowned tightly and said to himself: "Is this Ayi's husband? He is not tall.

He looks ordinary, rustic and has a sense of hypocrisy. Judging from the weird smile on this guy's face, he must not be a loyal and reliable person!"

Mogami Yoshimitsu's intuition is very sharp. He can always quickly distinguish whether each samurai is kind and sincere, or whether he is malicious and hypocritical. For example, Mogami Yoshimitsu has long been treated as a villain by him, and his father Mogami

Yoshimori is also a samurai who is true to his words and extremely hypocritical. The servants around him are loyal and reliable, but their abilities and talents can only be considered average. No one has the talent to go out of town.

"There is still a lack of manpower! I must train loyal and reliable warriors as soon as possible to help. However, the problem of talents cannot be urgent for a while. I hope to form a team of my own within ten years, and then take over the position of family governor from my father.

, and then slowly dealt with Mogami Yatsura, and this bastard!" A cold light flashed in Mogami Yoshimitsu's eyes, obviously considering this disgusting and hypocritical Date Terumune as his opponent. (To be continued.


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