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Chapter 409

Mount Takaguan is 273 meters high and is surrounded by lush trees. There are only two mountain roads leading to the top of the mountain. Above the city is another small city named Oguan. This city belongs to a branch of the Dabaoji clan. Within the Dabaoji clan

His status is not high, so this city is extremely small. There are less than fifty people including the city lord, his family and the defenders. They are a typical small wealthy family that no one cares about and has no deterrent effect.

The entire family was captured while they were sleeping, and became prisoners of the Kira Army without realizing it.

Kira Yoshitoki had no intention of embarrassing the two families. Instead, he climbed to the top of the city and looked at the hazy night view at the bottom of the mountain. He sneered: "What a bold and courageous people from Dewa country, Mogami Yoshimori, Date Terumune, Onodera Kagemichi."

, and there are also other miscellaneous fish such as the eight most powerful fishes, the twelve Yuli fishes, the Han River river, the white birds, and the catfish dare to join in the fun. Is it really too long-lived?"

The cool night wind took away his words. In the camp outside Weipu City at the foot of the mountain, a group of warriors on vigil were dozing off. After the two attacks during the day were repulsed, the general ordered a break. Compared with a month ago,

They started attacking at dawn and didn't stop until the sun went down. However, the attack was several levels worse.

The samurai were exhausted by the endless attacks, and the daily attacks were more like a routine. Even the most naive Deng Touqing, who had gone through a long siege battle, could not bring himself to dare to shout that he would fight to the end.

Urajo captured Naito Masashige alive, and the 13,000-strong army had already gathered most of the essence of Hazen. To add more, they would have to use all their wealth to fight.

Several large camps were quiet. The warriors who had been running around all day went to bed early. The warriors who were patrolling at night cursed the dry weather in a low voice. The last precipitation was the heavy snow at the beginning of the year. It has been four months since the ice and snow melted.

It hasn't rained yet. If the terrain of Deyu hadn't been too remote and it took a long time until spring for the ice and snow to begin to melt, the drought might have been more serious.

Date Terumune had dinner at Mogami Yoshimori's camp before leaving. His camp was located in the southeast corner nearly a mile away from Mogami Camp in the northeast corner, but he worked tirelessly to get there every day.

Mogami Yoshimitsu is here to watch the morning and dusk, and this pair of prospective husband-in-laws perform the trick of being a loving father and a filial son in the camp every day, making Mogami Yoshimitsu, the eldest son, seem superfluous.

In fact, this is the effect of Mogami Gishu Kaname. The more he appears in front of many Dewa daimyo people, the more he has to show how much he values ​​his son-in-law. Let them always realize that they have a close relationship with a powerful quasi-sect.

Only with support can he, the leader of the alliance, be able to sit firmly. Even the powerful Onodera Kagemichi of the three counties of Senboku must respect him.

He knew very well that after seeing the play performed by Date Terumune and him, Tendo Yorisada's attitude gradually changed from arrogance and disdain to fear and resentment. Mogami Hachio and a group of Mogami and Murayama people also

His expression changed, and when he saw his eyes again, there was a bit of envy and caution. This was the power of power, and he loved this feeling.

Mogami Yishou went to bed very early in recent days. At his age, his body began to decline gradually, and his energy was not as strong as it was ten years ago. After the second watch, he went to bed early because he was tired. There was always something in his heart these days.

.Whether the Kira family will notice the change in the situation in Dewa Country, and how long it will take for them to capture Miura Castle, are all questions.

In fact, the layout of the Dewa country's coalition forces to jointly deal with the Kira family was not created by him alone, but came from his idea in the exchange of letters with Date Harumune. After the winter of last year, he noticed that the stable situation in Dewa country was changing.

The Kira family's intervention has become more subtle and complicated, and he has been thinking about how to deal with the Kira family.

Although the Mogami clan is a descendant of the Oshu Shiba clan and respects the Osaki clan as a clan, they can also be regarded as a powerful clan of the Shiba clan. For generations, they have received the title of shogun as a sign of honor.

They were awarded the title of Deyu Tentai by the shogunate, and the position of Deyu Shou applied for by the shogunate. Legally speaking, their family is the veritable supreme ruler of Deyu Country, and the entire Deyu country should obey him.

But the ideal is very full and the reality is very skinny. The influence of the Dewa Mogami clan has always been concentrated in Mogami County, and its influence on other counties can only be described as inferior. Because of the bad debts in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, a number of bastards were divided to protect them.

The territory of Dewa Province was controlled by the direct bureau of Yamagata Castle. This was also an important feature of the establishment of a lordship system based on blood relations at that time.

The key point is that later on, the governor of the Mogami family began to act out of the routine, and all the marriages, including his own, the Hangae Oe clan, also became related by marriage. Later, he adopted the concubine and inherited the position of the governor, making the originally stable concubine follow the direct line.

A fatal flaw appeared, and the system of lordship based on blood relations became increasingly unsustainable and gradually transformed into a system based on geographical connections and party affiliation.

Ever since the Mogami family descended, the Mogami clan's pedigree has been very confusing. Although there were two younger brothers, Mogami Yoshitsune, Mogami Yoshitoshi was kicked out by him and named Narazawa and Sugiyama clans, and then gave up the title of direct descendant to the Nakano clan.

The legitimate son, Mitsuru Nakano, came to inherit the family. As a result, a group of concubines were dissatisfied and felt that the governor of the family, Nakano, was unclean and unfair, so disputes within the family arose.

Before Mogami Yoshinori, the family lineage was already the blood of the common Nakano clan. After Mogami Yoshinori's adoptive father, Mogami Yoshisada, died, as the second son of Nakano Yoshikiyo, he was adopted as the family governor. After a few decades,

When I saw the Nakano clan's adoptive governor again in 2011, it was definitely hard to remember the days when members of the Mogami clan looked at me day and night with ridiculing and mocking eyes.

Without prestige, there is no guarantee to maintain the status of the family governor. You, the family governor, will not even listen to a line of genealogy, and you still expect ordinary retainers to be obedient and obedient. Mogami Yoshimori is holding his breath in his heart to prove that he is worthy of being the family governor, so

When he tentatively put forward the proposal to deal with the Kira family, and quickly received a positive response from Date Masamune, he immediately started to perfect the plan.

He needs military exploits to expand his territory to increase his personal prestige, and he needs a larger territory to support the Mogami family business. As long as the Mogami family is revived in his hands, those strange eyes and weird remarks will disappear, just like Takeda Harunobu in

What he did after his father was exiled was to use his military exploits and territory to silence his family members.

As the proposer of the plan, he gained the undisputed leadership position in this war. Only Date Harumune had enough prestige and strength to compete with Mogami Yoshimomo. But he had already lived in seclusion in Yonezawa Castle to concentrate on appeasement.

His younger brother Genri Yuanzong, his father-in-law Iwaki Shigetaka, and the left-behind Yongzong sect.

Onodera Kagemichi is still a young boy in his twenties. In the eyes of Mogami Yoshimori, he is a good person but his prestige and strength are still a bit lacking. If he is given another ten years, he might be able to compete with him, but it is absolutely impossible now.

The one who competes with him for power, and the biggest dissident within the Mogami family, is Tendo Yorisada, but he is also young and has no prestige similar to Onodera Kagemichi, and his methods and knowledge are even worse than Onodera Kagemichi without more than ten years of training.

It can't be a climate at all.

As for his future son-in-law, Date Terumune, he is even younger. The play that was staged at the military conference a few days ago can only be described as immature. Compared to his professional acting skills, it is still far behind. Date Minomoto is so alert.

Lao La Nai He couldn't make the decision, and there were many things he didn't dare to say. No one in the entire Deyu Kingdom people's army competed with him for power. He could hold the supreme command of this army of more than 10,000 people without any worries.

In his sleep, he dreamed that he was standing on the Miura Castle and looking at the Ichimahira River in the Shonai plains with high spirits. Behind him were the people of Dewa country kneeling on the ground praising his wise and decisiveness.

Zhen slapped himself remorsefully and admitted his arrogance and stupidity. Onodera Kagemichi bowed down and admitted his mistake without saying a word. Date Terumune was willing to be the sharp knife in his hand.

Later, he captured the entire Deyu and half of Mutsu. He led tens of thousands of troops south to Echigo to compete with Kira Yoshitoki for supremacy. Even his old rival Date Harumune had to praise his inferior skills. He conquered an area that his ancestors had never imagined.

The huge foundation he had built, and those generations who had once ridiculed him were obediently waiting for orders. When he dreamed of this, even though he knew it was impossible, he still couldn't help but feel proud in his heart.

In the last dream, Mogami Yoshimori dreamed that he was standing in Kyoto and shouted: "I want to achieve an unparalleled legacy, I want..."

The beautiful dream was suddenly shattered, and screams for help were faintly heard. The next moment, Mogami Yoshimoru kicked off the quilt and suddenly jumped up, pulled out his sword and shouted: "What happened? Why is there such a movement outside..."


Mogami Yoshimori was stunned when he walked out of the tent and saw the scene in front of him. This was still the camp he was familiar with. Neat and clean rows of tents were bursting with flames. The scattered warriors were all disheveled.

As he did, he pulled out his tachi and katana spear to resist the onslaught of troops. Suddenly a loud noise exploded in his ears, but he saw dozens of ashigaru in the distance carrying a fire stick-like weapon spraying out gold.

There were yellow flames, and the Supreme Samurai who was desperately resisting in the distance fell straight into a pool of blood.

"This must be an iron cannon! I have heard that its power can kill a tiger, so this army must be the Kira Army! The reinforcements from Kira Yoshitoki are here! How did he get here? Did he come by boat?

?Where did we disembark, why was it a night raid, and why were the surrounding armies not aware of it? Why exactly?"

Mogami Yoshimori couldn't figure it out. He couldn't understand what was going on. According to his plan, Kira Yoshi should have noticed something was wrong at this time, but he should always send an envoy to Miura Castle to contact him and ask what Dewa Country was.

Did the Mogami Army attack the Qingshui Territory, or was contact cut off due to other reasons.

It's not like Uzen is so big that he doesn't fight everywhere. As long as the envoy of the Kira family comes to Sakata Port by boat, he will be captured by the highest samurai disguised as Kira Army. At that time, he will be able to accurately know Kira Yoshiki's movements, and Echigo

It's not a big problem to wait for half a month without a reply before sending more envoys, or tentatively sending two to three thousand reinforcements. They can buy an extra month to one and a half months.

This time is definitely enough to capture Weipu City. After all, this city is not huge and strong. The defenders in the city have a lot of food but not much preparation. They have to endure three consecutive months of siege battles, and they have to fight at night.

Strictly guard against night attacks. In this case, the food consumed must be more than three times that of the usual garrison. As the weather gets warmer and the number of wounded increases, the city will also be in shortage of medicine.

After repeated calculations, he was very confident that this long-lasting battle would be over within a month. As long as Miura Castle was captured by him, Kamezaki Castle, which was even more lacking in food and grass, would be unable to sustain itself, and would be left with no support or reinforcements if it was not timely.

After Kaicheng surrenders, it will inevitably be captured by Deyu's army within half a month. By then, even if the Kira Army sends a large army to rescue, it will have little meaning.

There are captives and hostages in hand. Tagawa County was jointly captured by the Dewa people. Najiryoshi had to swallow this breath even if his hands and eyes were clear. At that time, all he had to do was stand up and act as a peacemaker to release the captives and hostages in exchange for an agreement between the two parties.

On the condition of no war and peace, all this will be solved smoothly. By then, it will have nothing to do with the Kira family whether they go to Kanto or Kashin, and he himself can establish excellent personal prestige in this war and complete the war.

The complete suppression of the Mogami Hakka is just around the corner.

"But... what is going on! My beautiful vision! My lifelong ambition! How could my struggle lead to this result! Why!" Mogami Yoshimori shouted hysterically, but attracted several Kira family members.

Fortunately, the Hatamoto samurai came to the rescue in time and prevented the few red cavalry from getting closer.

Mogami Yoshimitsu emerged from nowhere, with a few stains on his pink face particularly conspicuous, and several cuts in his gorgeous robe. He quickly came over with a sword in his hand and said anxiously: "Father

Sir, Kira's army is coming! All the nearby camps have been set on fire. Tendo Noraisada and Nozawa Mitsushige have already retreated. Let's retreat quickly too!"

Mogami Yoshimori breathed heavily, his red eyes widened, and his spirit was muddled as if he had been possessed by a demon. He leaned on his sword and shouted: "Retreat? You must not retreat! My dream is here. I am here."

Our ambition, if we leave, our dream will be gone! We cannot retreat!”

"Father! Please leave as soon as possible! This place is really too dangerous..." Mogami Yoshimitsu wanted to go up and help him. But Mogami Yoshimori, who was in a state of confusion, thought that he was holding the sword to his disadvantage, so he kicked him.

On Mogami Yoshimitsu's belly, Mogami Yoshimitsu was caught off guard and was kicked by his father. He was knocked down and couldn't get up for a long time.

The most beloved tachi was thrown to someone unknown, and his head seemed to be knocked on a stone, with a trace of blood oozing out. Mogami Yoshimitsu covered his groggy head and climbed up with difficulty, and heard him in his ears.

The father yelled angrily: "What do you want to do, you bastard and traitor? Are you using the sword to harm my family? I have long known that you, this traitor, have ideas about the Kira family. This time, you must want to hold my family hostage and claim credit for Kira Yoshiki."

Pamper me! Don’t even think about it! Hum!”

Mogami Yoshimitsu was helped up by several people. He stretched out his hand and saw the bright red blood between his fingers. He finally couldn't help crying. He never expected that his father would be so heartless, even if he resented him for being harsh to him.

He was strict and never showed any affection towards himself, but he never thought about being detrimental to his father! Why did he treat himself like this, just because he said everything in his heart during a night attack?

Xiao Xing hurriedly helped him into the tent and washed the wound on his forehead with warm boiling water. The wound was not big at all. After cleaning it, he applied the best wound medicine and tied it with clean linen cloth until it was no big deal.

However, Mogami Yoshimori chased him in for some reason and cursed: "I know that you, a rebellious son, have always wanted to seek the position of family governor, but I can tell you! This position of family governor is not necessarily yours! If our family is at its peak, you can

If you want to seek the position of family governor, you, the rebellious son of this family, will never..."

Mogami Yoshimitsu felt the pain on his forehead still tinged with pain. He raised his head and looked at Mogami Yoshimori, who was almost crazy. He said in a cold voice: "Father, are you going to dethrone me?"

"Abandon the direct descendant? Yes! This family just wants to..."

Lao Shijia Dingzhi of the Pudai family rushed over at this time and hurriedly shouted: "My lord! You must not do this!"

"Iyomaru! Why is it you? You're here just in time! I'm about to..." Mogami Yoshimori, who fell into madness, felt his eyes go dark and collapsed.

Ujie Mamoru supported the fainted Mogami Yoshimitsu, and said to Mogami Yoshimitsu: "Young master, don't listen to the nonsense of the master. Judging from his condition, he must have fallen into a demonic disorder. I have also heard of this kind of disease, great joy, great sadness, or other

Stimulation can make people go crazy, and it usually only takes a few months to recover. Please don’t take the Lord’s words of being possessed into your heart.”

"Don't take it to heart...can I not take it to heart?" Mogami Yoshimitsu looked at Mogami Yoshimori with only indifference and indifference in his eyes. He would not regard Mogami Yoshimori's words as crazy. The darkness on his lower abdomen

The footprints and pain on his forehead reminded him all the time that what just happened was real.

Mogami Yoshimitsu was completely heartbroken and said coldly: "I really wish that nothing happened just now. I didn't appear here just now. I didn't get this kick and I didn't fall out and break my forehead. I didn't hear that it was worse than falling."

It's painful words to say... But what happened cannot be changed. The governor of his highest family only has power and ambition in his eyes but no family affection. He still treats me, the eldest son, and Ayi, the legitimate daughter, in this way.

What can others do?”

"Young Master..." Ujia Sada hesitated and waited for further persuasion.

At this moment, Mogami Yoshimitsu's junior name, Sadaoka Kamenomaru, ran in holding his lost sword and said anxiously: "Your Highness is not well! The cavalry of the Kira Army are coming towards our tent! There are many of them.

Where are the people!"

"Are there many people? Got it! Everyone come out with me." Mogami Yoshimitsu stood up with the help of a few people. His head hurt so much after being hit that he was dizzy when he walked. He passed by his father's house guarding the building.

When he arrived, he said calmly: "Owari Shoden will help him to the bed to rest, and then follow me to surrender in front of the camp."

Ujie Sadaugao advised: "Are you going to surrender? I think you can escape with your highness!"

Mogami Yoshimitsu also frowned. He knew better than anyone else that the situation was actually irreversible. He was not optimistic about his father's anti-Etsuchi alliance from the beginning to the end. He said this several times at home and in the military tent.

Expressing his own opinion, he believed that Yoshitoki Kira was a famous general and would definitely not make such a stupid mistake and let Mogami take advantage of it.

However, his father, Mogami Yoshimori, would not listen to his persuasion. Instead, he felt that his legitimate son was deliberately pouring cold water on him, deliberately using his tone and making shocking remarks to attract his attention, so his dissatisfaction and contempt in his heart increased even more. Gradually,

He has lost his right to speak in the army and has become his father's follower, responsible only for seeing with his eyes and listening with his ears.

In Mogami Yoshimitsu's view, the defeat of this war was a matter of time. The fault was that his father chose the wrong opponent. He thought he could suppress the situation, but he never thought about Echigo's amazing achievements in these years.

There must be a thrilling iron-blooded war behind it, as well as a plan that they can't understand. Even Takeda Shingen, whom his father always admired, was so defeated that Kai didn't dare to come out. How could his father have the courage to stop the powerful Kira?

Where is the army?

As long as the Kira Army marches into Dewa Province, there is no need to expect the Dewa people to stop the Kira Army at any time. How can a remote area without even iron cannons withstand the defeat of the Kai Takeda clan, the Sagami Hojo clan, and the Etsu clan?

What about the huge power that has always been in the middle? Not to mention the town government official who helped the shogunate and formed the samurai family to establish order, which is exactly in line with their development path of the Mogami clan. To master Deyu, he must subdue the disobedient clan and rebuild the clan.

Xu Ling has the right to control the common people of the branch family.

From the bottom of his heart, he very much agreed with Kira Yoshitoki's strategy, and he was full of respect for the famous Genji family who had made extraordinary achievements at a young age. He had long ago determined that neither the Mogami nor the Dewa people could fight against the Kira family.

The situation just confirmed his argument. The people of Dewa were indeed no match for the Kira army. They had already lost and even lost their pants.

Thinking of this, Mogami Yoshimitsu snorted coldly and said: "What can I do even if I go back? Seventy percent of my Mogami family's elite are here. I have no chance to stand up if I escape alone. The army of the Lord of the Town is coming to kill this Dewa countryman.

Most of them will be killed, abandoning their armor and bleeding into rivers, and those who escape will eventually be trampled by the iron hoofs of Kira's army. Since escaping back is just a stubborn resistance, it is better to surrender in exchange for a favor."

Ujie Shouto settled Mogami Yoshimori, and then walked out of the tent and sighed: "That's right! With the power of my subordinates, they can only escape with two or three hundred riders at most. This number of people is different from my Mogami family's three

Compared to the thousands of elites, there are only 10%, which is too small! Even if you escape, you won’t have the strength to withstand the Kira army’s attack... No! I’m afraid even Tendou Yorisada’s attack will not be able to withstand it!”

"Stop talking! It's time for us to go out and meet the elite soldiers of the Kira Army!" Mogami Yoshimitsu glanced at Mogami Yoshimori, who was lying alone on the bed alone in the tent, with pity and sorrow in his eyes.

The favored Date Terumune did not think of coming to see this good father-in-law at the critical moment, and finally asked his son to clean up the mess, but I don't know if it was for this reason that he lost his mind and committed such a disgusting behavior.

Thinking of this, Mogami Yoshimitsu quickened his pace and walked out. He had nothing to say to his biological father. (To be continued...)

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