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Chapter 411

Akagawa is the main trunk stream between Tagawa and Murayama counties. It originates from Etodake near Echigo Province. The upper reaches of Akagawa is another huge Tsukiyama Lake near Nishikawa in Murayama Gun. This Tsukiyama Lake is also

It is also known as Hanhejiang, and the Hanhejiang Dajiang clan originated on the east bank of this lake.

There are many peaks on both sides of the Hanhe River, and one of them, Bazhen Mountain, is very famous. The name of the top Bazhen Mountain probably originated from here. Near the Wuse marsh on the west bank of Bazhen Mountain, a group of troops marched slowly along the mountain road. Their flags

Their clothes were scattered and disheveled, and many of them had blood-soaked gauze wrapped around their heads and arms. They were the defeated Date army.

Date Huizong was riding at the front of the team. His armor was neat and without any scratches. However, the stains on his armor that were stained by smoke and fire could not be covered for a moment. The overall image was that of a depressed person.

The remaining soldiers were defeated, and behind him were more than 2,400 troops, all wounded and demoralized.

Speaking of which, the impact on the Date Army was relatively small, because the location of the main camp was relatively remote, so when the Kira Army launched a night attack, Date Terumune had enough time to respond, and when Takigawa arrived

Yi rushed to Date's army camp with his red cavalry, and he would have escaped with his troops long ago. If it weren't for Takigawa Tokimasu, a guy who goes against common sense, relying on the speed of the cavalry to bite Date.

If the army doesn't let go, maybe he can escape unscathed.

Just being bitten by Takigawa Tokimasu's red cavalry almost caused the Date army to be dumped by more cavalry who came later. If Date Terumune hadn't made the decision to cut off its tail to survive at the critical moment, let alone let it go.

At the cost of 600 lives in exchange for 2,040 people escaping, even he himself would have to be held accountable outside Weipu City.

Seeing that the sky was getting brighter, the troops who had struggled to escape from death in the middle of the night were all extremely exhausted. Date Huizong ordered the troops to rest in the five-colored marsh. He rode his horse to the hillside to look at the beauty created by nature.

In the lake and swamp, the blue waves are rippling movingly in the morning breeze.

Goshironuma is also known as Zoou Kamazu. Near Goshironuma are the 1,840-meter-high Kumano Dake and the 1,758-meter-high Karitadake, a volcanic lake surrounded by mountains. Because of this lake

It is nicknamed because it looks like a cauldron. The reason why it is called Gosekinuma is because the lake water has different colors at different times. There are several Gosekinuma like this in Uao, and they are all dead.

A lake formed by volcanic accumulation.

Date Mimoto came over holding two rice balls wrapped in lotus leaves. He said: "My lord, you are tired after running around all day. Let's eat something before we go on our way!"

"I'm not tired, not at all." Date Huizong pursed his lips and forced his tired body to stop shaking. How could he not be tired or hungry after running around all night? But he is now the head of the family and needs to maintain his posture at all times.

Because of the majesty of being the governor, no matter how tired or hungry he is, he has to ride here to blow the cool breeze. This is the only way that the young governor can do after a tragic defeat. At least it can make him look stronger.


His childish actions had little effect, but his stomach growled unsatisfactorily. Date Mimoto looked at Date Terumune's embarrassed expression, smiled and said: "Master, you'd better eat something! There will be more to come later.

We have to travel a long way and try to get back to Yonezawa as early as possible. We will still be safe until the Kira army takes care of Tagawa County."

Date Huizong jumped off his horse obediently, holding a rice ball and started to wolf it down. The dignified Date family governor only had two rice balls for breakfast, which seemed too shabby anyway. Unfortunately, they fled in a hurry and took away the large amount of baggage and small packs.

The Dutch troops and their food and supplies were all abandoned in the camp, and they had to squeeze out the little rice balls they had through their teeth.

The night attack came so quickly and urgently that no one had more time to react. Date Terumune could remember that it was not easy to retreat with the army in one piece. As for the baggage, food and grass, etc., it was really powerless. Many Ashigaru companies

The ashigaru escaped without even wearing their gear, and the bento they carried with them was also forgotten in the rush. Therefore, most of the ashigaru could only go hungry to the mountains to pick wild fruits and vegetables, and some people went to Goseki Marsh to catch fish.

Make a fire with the fish and make some hot food to eat.

Eating two rice balls in two or three bites was only the first step to suppress his hunger. For a half-year-old child of his age, he could eat two more rice balls in two or three mouthfuls. However, he did not ask for any more rice balls.

Eat, because he knows that the current rations must be very tight, and if he makes a request, he will definitely be satisfied, but in that case, Date Mimoto may give him his share of rice balls to eat. A full meal instead of starvation is the death of the house governor.

Oh, he won't do such stupid things just because of evil desires.

Date Terumune forcibly moved his eyes away from the lotus leaf package, took a deep breath and forgot about the hunger in his stomach, and said: "I don't understand why there are so many Kira troops. Didn't my father-in-law say that the Kira family will definitely not

Would you know? Our raid plan was flawless. We followed the defeated army at Daihoji Temple to ambush the Kira Army, and then quickly blocked the port and cut off the Kira Army's communication with Echigo. The one and a half month siege also proved that our strategy was sound, otherwise the Kira family's

The reinforcements have come here a long time ago, so I don’t understand why there is a problem even though there is clearly no problem?”

Date Mimoto sat cross-legged on the cold and wet hillside. He didn't mind how his embarrassed image would be seen by outsiders. He tugged on his goatee and muttered: "I think there must be a problem with the blockade! Just as the lord said

As he said, there is no problem with the blockade for a month and a half. Just when everyone thought that Miura Castle would be captured soon, a large number of reinforcements from the Kira family suddenly arrived. Then the blockade must not have been done well, maybe somewhere.

Hide some fish that slipped through the net, sneak out of Dewa Country while we are relaxing, and then inform Echigo of the information!"

Date Terumune was also sitting on the hillside without any image like Date Mimoto, complaining angrily: "Damn it! Give me another half month and I will definitely succeed! It's a pity that at the most critical time, all the previous efforts were wasted!"

We waste so much effort and end up losing our troops and generals, so why are we planning so hard?"

"To be honest, I don't agree with such a hasty action. We have experienced the power of the Kira family before, so we should not get involved rashly. It would be better to just provide material support like the Anton family. This time we are so involved.

In the end, it was a failure. I don’t know if my family will be adversely affected.”

Now that things have happened, Date Mimoto will inevitably have to say some hindsight remarks. In the past, it was not that he could not question the strategy jointly formulated by the two generations of family governors, but now that everyone has lost, he cannot be blamed for thinking after the fact. The power of the Kira family can

Extending to Hokuriku, Koshinobu, Kanto and even Deyu, such a powerful daimyo must try to avoid hostility even if they cannot form alliances.

Date Terumune was very dissatisfied with what his uncle said. He lowered his head with a groan and said: "Who knew that Kira's army would come so soon? It's meaningless to talk about it now! I can only hope for my future.

My father-in-law can get out of danger as soon as possible! At worst, if he pinches his nose and admits his mistake to the Kira family, he will be treated as if he stepped on a piece of horse manure."

"I hope so! It's just..." Date Mimoto hesitated for a moment before deciding to speak directly: "When we escaped, the camp of Mogami Dewa Wardian seemed to be surrounded. It's hard to say whether we can escape.


Date Huizong was also a little hesitant. He said with an uncertain tone: "It should be possible! It's okay to escape with a smaller army. After all, it's not the first time I have experienced a battle. You should know... it's best to

No problem, otherwise my unmarried wife, Princess Yiji, wouldn’t she have to be in mourning?”

This night battle at Miura completely destroyed the situation of the Dewa Japanese army. Only about 600 of the 13,000 soldiers were killed on the spot. Most of the Japanese people turned around and fled when they found that they could not resist Kira's army. They were later killed by Kira.

The army's red cavalry chased and killed about a thousand people one after another. Only about seven thousand defeated soldiers escaped successfully, including the fastest runner Date Terumune, Onodera Kagemichi and the Tendo family in the top eight columns.

The Nobuza family, Yuri Twelve and others had been fighting outside, and the people of the country also took advantage of the chaos to escape.

The largest number of prisoners this time were the Mogami clan and six other clansmen from the Mogami Eight Clan. Among them, the Kagooka clan had a more famous name, and many other clan lords such as the Hangae clan and the Shiratori clan were also caught.

After being captured, with the exception of a few Chinese people who escaped, most of the Chinese lords from Murayama County and Mogami County were taken over.

In fact, the chance to capture the Mogami clan was related to the location of the Mogami family's camp. Mogami Yoshimori claimed to be the general of the Dewa people's army, so the location of the camp would inevitably become the center of many people's admiration, and

Onodera Kagemichi and Date Terumune are like the two wings of the Crane Wing Formation, protecting the "main formation" in the center.

It was his unintentional move that made the Kira Army's red cavalry focus more on the area near the center, and instead put Onodera Kagemichi and Date Terumune on the two wings in a secondary position, which seemed like a great achievement.

The captured generals will naturally not care about the small fish and shrimps, so they can successfully escape. When Kira Chibei discovers that there are only so many big fish in the formation, he will no longer be able to keep the two main groups in pursuit.

Compared with those Japanese daimyo who were not taken seriously and managed to escape, Tendo Yorisada and Nouzawa Mitsushige escaped because of their talent for alertness. Mogami Yatsura's camp was camped next to Mogami Yoshimori.

A little closer to the east, Tendo Yasada was woken up before he fell asleep during the night attack. Then he packed his bags and ran away without saying a word. Nozawa Mitsushige was even more cunning than him. When he saw a fire in a nearby military camp, he

He escaped slightly faster than Tendo Yori-sada.

The so-called monarch and his ministers are originally birds of the same forest, and when disaster strikes, they fly separately. The sentences used to describe husband and wife are similar when used between monarchs and ministers. People from all over the country say that they are passive in fighting and dying, but when it comes to running away, they are passive.

It was true that the eight immortals showed their magical powers across the sea. When Kira's army couldn't catch up with the big head and turned around to chase these small fish and shrimps, these Dewa people just relied on their familiarity with the terrain and ran away without paying attention, leaving the Akabei cavalry with no chance to catch up.

Chasing everywhere.

Fortunately, Kira Yoshi did not plan to annihilate so many people. It was a very bold act to go to an unfamiliar territory and launch a night attack. Although he looked calm and calm, he seemed to have everything in mind.

But in fact, the responsibility on his shoulders as a decision-maker is far greater than imagined.

This is his first time coming to Dewa Country, and it is also the first time this mixed army has joined forces. Less than half of the soldiers followed Masatora Uesugi to Shouchi Plains last year, but they did not go out to Shouchi Plains last year.

I have never taken this waterway, nor have I stayed near Mipo Castle, so I am at a disadvantage in terms of familiarity with the environment. This is a disadvantage due to the geographical advantage.

This is the first time that this legion has been mixed and it is also the first time to go into battle. However, this is the first time to fight a night attack battle, which is really bold. Moreover, the location chosen for the night attack battle is Deyu Country, which has never been before, rather than a relatively familiar place.

In the Hokurikudo and Kanto areas, the only strong support that can be relied on is the garrison in Miura Castle. However, this garrison has been half exhausted in the nearly two months of fighting, and does not even have the ability to provide more help.

, this is the disadvantage of human beings.

Fortunately, no one has an advantage in the weather. Night raids rely on correct judgment and good timing. The battle process relies more on the personal adjustments of the reserve generals. How to raid the camp to defeat favorable resistance, and how to block the camp.

Issues such as intimidating the defenders into surrendering and how to set fire to the camp without losing food and supplies were all for these generals to figure out on the spot. Kira Yoshi would not interfere with them at the time, nor did he think he could do better than them in that situation.


Mogami Yoshimori was in a coma for a whole day, and did not wake up until the evening. When he found out that he was a prisoner, he went crazy for a while, until Takigawa Tokimasu, who was more than a head taller than him, stood in front of him. This guy

He seemed to have just woken up, and he crawled back into his room without daring to come out. It was Mogami Yoshimitsu who went in alone and sighed with his father all night before he persuaded him to stop.

When Mochizuki Yoshinaga quietly told Kira Yoshi, Mogami Yoshimori actually woke up much earlier than expected. It was just that he had been pretending to be asleep to deceive the guards outside the house. It must be said that Mogami Yoshimori was very smart. He knew very well that he

The place where he woke up was not the wilderness as he imagined, let alone the mountain-shaped city he was familiar with, so there was only one possibility: he was captured.

In the turbulent era of the Warring States Period, almost every samurai was mentally prepared to become a prisoner one day. Even the steadfast and unyielding samurai could not help but think of that day. Death at this time was precisely the easiest and most irresponsible choice.

Compared with the heavy choice of being captured but not being able to die, those who commit suicide are cowards.

Yoshitoki Kira hates the life and death theory of the Warring States Period in Japan. There is no shortage of ancient and modern geniuses at home and abroad who regard life and death as lighter than a feather. However, vigorously advocating this life and death theory is a very wrong behavior, which will breed a lot of irresponsibility.

Samurai, anyway, death is like a light extinguishing, I committed suicide, so it doesn’t matter no matter how serious the mistake I make, I just kick off my legs and throw away all the burden of the family business. This is just like those irresponsible people often say

: "After I die, I won't care about the floods."

It's not that Mogami Yoshimori wants to take this responsibility, but that he is still unwilling to fail like this. If he were a realist, he would not go crazy and go crazy. Instead, he would take his defeated soldiers and embark on a journey home, and then go further.

Extending in the far direction, perhaps they would not form this anti-Echigo alliance, nor would they want to be the so-called general of the Dewa National People's Army, let alone fall into the pitiful situation of becoming a prisoner.

It is unknown what the two father and son were talking about that night. Kira Yoshiki was not interested in letting ninjas secretly inquire about it. He could just guess that it was nothing more than persuading Mogami Yoshimori to recognize the facts and correct his mentality. The failure of the Mogami family was not

What a shame. The great names of the samurai family who serve under the Kira family are so powerful that their Mogami clan is not even the largest and most famous.

The proposal made by Namioka Tōfō the day before was not an accidental move. In fact, long before Kira Yoshitoki took action, he had already prepared to completely suppress the Dewa Mogami clan. The so-called No. 1 samurai family in Hazen was the Mogami clan who was hereditary in Dewa Tentai. He had taken action against Shimogoshi twice.

It is also the Dewa Mogami clan. If this samurai family is not surrendered as soon as possible, he may come back in a few years and harass the stable order of Shimotsu again and again.

The significance of capturing Mogami Yoshimori in this night attack battle is indeed very important. It allows the Kira Army to save Noda's energy. Otherwise, he would have to quickly lead the army of Dewa Montenegro to attack Mogami County after defeating the allied forces of the Dewa people.

After regaining the Shimizu Territory, they would go south along the Mogami River to raid Murayama County, and capture all the so-called Mogami Hachijo, Hangae Clan, Shiratori Clan, Oshu Hosukawa Clan and the Mogami Clan's residences.

This step is not as easy as imagined. Even if he is sure to conquer these families in the end, it will always be time-consuming and labor-intensive. If Mogami Yoshimori is determined to go against the Kira army and recruit Date with huge profit offers,

The reinforcements of Harumune and Osaki Yoshinao relied on the geographical advantages to form a stalemate in the local area. At that time, Onodera Kagemichi in the three counties of Senhoku, Hango Anton further away, and even Mutsu Junior High School and Osaki Yoshihiro

, all the countrymen related to Date Harumune were involved, and the Kira Army was in an awkward situation.

The so-called quagmire means that you are stuck in a dilemma and it is difficult to extricate yourself. Dewa Country seems to be profitable, but it is actually hidden in danger. If you accidentally fall into it just for the sake of small profits and then want to get out, it will be extremely difficult. If you retreat then, you will not only suffer losses.

Fame, so much hard work has all gone to waste. If we don't retreat and struggle desperately in the quagmire of Dewa Country, we may have to invest more troops and resources. The more we invest, the harder it will be to give up, and it will take five or even ten years.

Years spent appeasing the local people and straightening out the circles of influence between Yu and Austria.

It's like he doesn't want to fall into Kai. Kai is a quagmire with a greater crisis than Dewa. After all, the people of Dewa are still scattered and have deep conflicts with each other. He only needs to capture one Mogami to suppress it with force, and use emotion to suppress it.

If you tie them up and lure them with benefits, you can safely survive the crisis.

However, the Kai Takeda clan has been running the country for more than three hundred years. From top to bottom, it is almost composed of relatives and friends of the Takeda family. Compared with the scattered sand of the Dewa clan, it is simply a monolith. Takeda Shingen's personal ability

He is better than all the heroes of the Dewa Kingdom tied together. The people of the Shinano Kingdom who were so powerful back then were beaten by him without any ability to fight back. These people of the Dewa Kingdom cannot be compared with the powerful Kai Takeda clan. (To be continued, please search.

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