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Chapter 416 Robbery and being robbed

Date Harumune was born in the 16th year of Eisho (1519), Iwaki Kubohime was born in the first year of Daiei (1521), and another unlucky supporting character, the lord of Shirakawa Castle, Yuki Haretsuna, was born in the 17th year of Eisho (1520).

year), this unlucky guy was a member of the Shimotsu Yuki Haruto clan. He was a kin to the Oyama clan of Shimono Province. He accepted the favor of the Ashikaga Haru clan and obtained the post of Sakyo doctor from the shogunate. He was considered a minister in Minamimutsu.

A well-known figure.

Iwaki Kubohime's father, Iwaki Shigetaka, was also a powerful national in Minami Mutsu. The Iwaki family's territory was still south of the Soma family. It happened to be door-to-door neighbors with the Shirakawa Yuki clan in the southernmost part of Minami Mutsu. It was to the south of the Iwaki family.

It is the Hitachi Satake family, directly to the north is the Soma clan, to the northwest is the Nikaido clan, and to the north of the Nikaido clan are the Ishibashi clan, the Tamura clan and the Futatsumoto Hatakeyama clan, and then the territory of the Date family.

The distance between the two is more than one word can describe.

At the time, Date Harumune's father-in-law, Iwaki Shigetaka, valued the Shirakawa Yuki clan's family governor, Yuki Haretsuna. He felt that the young man was of good character and had good abilities, and that he had a good future in joining the Ashikaga Haru clan of the Kanto clan. The Iwaki clan also aspired to pursue the same goal.

The development of Kanto happens to be of the same mind as Shirakawa Yuki, so it would be a good idea to get married and keep an eye on each other.

It was between the eighth and tenth year of Tenbun, which happened to be the time when Hojo Utsuna was about to die. Ever since Hojo Utsuna was stabbed in the back by Takeda Nobutora and Imagawa Yoshimoto together, at that time, the Hojo family was obviously

It fell into a period of decline. During that period, the Kanto Duke Ashikaga Haruji and the Kanto governor Uesugi Kensei were extremely prosperous. The two formed an alliance with Imagawa Yoshimoto and Takeda Nobutora to pull up a powerful siege net against Sagami that was even more powerful than the Echigo siege net.

Hojo clan.

Therefore, Iwaki Shigetaka's judgment cannot be said to be wrong. At least at that time, the Kanto Lord Ashikaga Haru was a thick-legged person that everyone wanted to hug. Moreover, the people of Mutsu and Dewa had always respected the orders of the Kanto Lord.

Fang made the eight-house shape to specifically praise the eight most powerful national lords in Kanto and even the Yuao region. Yuuki Harutsuna of the Shirakawa Yuki clan happened to be one of the people who embraced it.

The Shirakawa Yuki clan was once a powerful general in the Southern Dynasties during the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Emperor Go-Daigo used the title "Yuki Ueno Dojo" in the imperial edict issued by Emperor Go-Daigo to Yuki Munehiro, the second-generation family governor of the Shirakawa Yuki clan in Mutsu Kingdom.

When the Southern Dynasties began to send petitions to the lords of the Eastern Kingdom, they had the habit of using the name "Yakatakan".

This family can be said to be the earliest user of the Yakata. When the Southern Dynasties lost power and became a bereaved dog, they were quickly attracted by the ulterior ministers of Kanto and became their confidants. Among them, the Yuuki clan, the Satomi clan of Anfang, etc.

All the Wu families in the Southern Dynasties were preserved in this way, and of course the Date family was one of them.

Ever since Date Harumune fell in love with Iwaki Kubohime, he has been asking around, and finally found out that this beautiful girl is actually Iwaki Shigetaka's daughter, and Iwaki Shigetaka is looking for a son-in-law for himself, and soon Iwaki Kubohime will marry Shirakawa Yui

Shiro was the wife of Yuuki Harutsuna. Date Harumune was anxious when he heard that. He hurriedly ran home to beg his father, Date Inamune, for a favor, and then went to Iwaki's house to discuss the matter of marrying Iwaki Kubohime.


Of course, Iwaki Shigetaka looks down on this wild boy who came out halfway. No matter how powerful the Date family is, it has little to do with Iwaki Shigetaka. Moreover, the Iwaki family has always had a bad relationship with the Soma family in the north. Although there is no large-scale war, there is always some friction.

It is indispensable, and Iwaki Shigetaka himself and the Shirakawa Yuuki clan are good neighbors and good allies. In terms of partial gangs, Yuki Harutsuna, who knows the ins and outs, is definitely better. But the problem is that Date Harumune does not play his cards according to common sense.

At that time, signs of the outbreak of the Tenbun Rebellion were already looming. The Date Aizong clan intended to send his son Date Mikimoto to Echigo as the governor of the family, so that his large network of relatives would start from Yonezawa as the center, the Ashina clan of Aizu in the south, and the Ashina clan in Aizu in the east.

The Watari clan, the Kokubu clan, the Ryugo clan, the Mogami clan in the north, the Osaki clan in the northeast, and the Echigo Uesugi clan in the west form a super network of relatives, and a lot of sons and sons-in-law have to listen to his greetings. Isn't this right?

Very cool.

The disagreement between Date Harumune and Date Inamune became more and more acute, because Date Harumune knew better than anyone that the previous adoptions were nothing to worry about, and Echigo's territory was so vast and there was a large group of people who could completely destroy Mutsu.

There were a lot of powerful people from the Wu family, and Nagao Weijing was not dead at all at that time, so provoking that family was a sure way to die.

Even if he is lucky enough to make his younger brother stronger in the future, it will be a strong branch and a weak trunk. His younger brother, Date Mimoto, is a powerful daimyo with a fortune of 400,000 koku. He can be invincible when sitting down. Even though he, the elder brother who is the governor, is related to the same family.

There are quite a few, but the direct military strength is only five or six thousand, and most of them are at the level of miscellaneous soldiers. The total territory directly under the jurisdiction is only a little more than 100,000 dan. How can he be the governor of the family? He could just be appointed as the governor of the family by his younger brother.

In the 9th year of Tianwen's Echigo period, the head of the Honjo village who raised the North Public Army raised an army to resist the adoption of the adopted son of the Date family. Date Harumune saw the right opportunity to find his father to marry a woman. Naturally, Date Harumune would not stop him. His eldest son

At this time, he was still thinking about the love between his son and his daughter, which was going his way. He felt that he could still be the governor of the family for another twenty years and let his son indulge in the land of beauty.

So Date Harumune went to Iwaki Shigetaka to discuss marrying his daughter, but of course he was rejected without hesitation. How could Date Harumune be willing to swallow this breath? He then ran to his father, Date Inamune, hoping that he would come forward.

To exert some strength, Date Aizong summoned his good son-in-law Soma Yongyin and told him that your brother-in-law has taken a liking to Kubohime of Iwaki Shigetaka's family, and you can act as a middleman to negotiate peace.

At that time, the Tianbun Rebellion had not yet broken out, and the relationship between Soma Yongyin and Date Harumune was quite good. As the eldest son-in-law of Date Harumune, he was naturally very concerned about his brother-in-law's marriage, so he happily went to Iwaki Shigetaka to propose marriage, blah blah blah

He said a lot of things about how it would be great to join the Date family, but Iwaki Shigetaka ignored him at all and served tea to see off the guests without saying a word.

Souma Yongyin was kicked out with his nose and eyes, not to mention the anger and frustration. At the same time, he also hated the old guy Shigetaka Iwajo. He felt that he had lost face and was a bit sorry for his father-in-law and brother-in-law, so he

Go back and gather all your troops and run over to fight Iwaki Shigetaka, no matter what, you must get this face back.

Date Harumune had long known that his eldest brother-in-law's departure would be in vain, so he led a hundred people on horseback to follow him and stare at their movements. He knew very well that Iwaki Shigetaka would never agree to the so-called marriage proposal.

It's not because Iwaki Shigetaka is stubborn and has no wink, but because his daughter Kubohime has already said that the next Shirakawa Yuki clan will be married off and become the Yuki clan's woman. You can't split your daughter in half and have one side.


Moreover, Iwaki Shigetaka also felt that Souma Yuin was looking for trouble. It was well known that his own daughter was praised as the most beautiful woman in Mutsu. It was also known that Iwaki Shugetaka valued his ally Yuki Haretsuna. The two parties negotiated the engagement without hiding it from anyone.

, he would have known if Xiangma Rouyin hadn't been so arrogant and just made inquiries that the discord between the two families was not going on for a day or two, which made him very suspicious that Xiangma Rouyin was deliberately trying to disgust him, so he drove him away without hesitation.

Sure enough, the grumpy Soma Yongyin took his sons and ran to fight with Iwaki Shigetaka. Odate Castle, the residence of the Iwaki clan, did not have many troops to guard it. So Date Harumune swaggered into the Iwaki territory under the banner of a banner and came to Odate Castle knocked on the door and entered in a grand manner. He told the Iwaki genealogy representative at the door that he was the son-in-law of Iwaki Shigetaka who came to meet his wife Iwaki Kubohime.

The family retainer couldn't figure out his details, but he just wanted to see if his flag was the family crest of the Shirakawa Yuki family, so he asked a few questions, and it turned out that Date Harumune was so brave that he dared to tell lies. , said that Iwaki Shigetaka felt that Yuki Haretsuna was too young and lacked experience, and that the Mutsu Date family was more suitable as a son-in-law, so he fell in love with him. When he saw Iwaki Shigetaka on the street just now, he asked him to come over and see Kubo Hime Yunyun.

It just so happened that the defender of Odate Castle was not an elder of the Katayo family but a less useful retainer of the clan. The elders of the Katayo clan had gone to fight with Shigetaka Iwajo. Naturally, the defenders were some of the clan who were not taken seriously or who were suppressed. He forced the retainer to stop him, opened the Otate Gate, and let more than a hundred warriors on horseback enter the city.

Date Harumune sneaked into the city and did not dare to delay, so he went straight to Hime Kurun to see Iwaki Kubohime, and then without saying a word, he dragged Kubohime, who was still a young girl, onto a horse, and then blatantly abducted Iwaki Shigetaka. His precious daughter, by the time Ji Qulun's maid yelled for the warriors, they had already left. The stupid Pudai retainer didn't know how the lord's "good son-in-law" came in and out, and didn't pay attention at all. The horse that arrived at Date Harumune was carrying a girl with her mouth gagged.

When Shigetaka Iwaki defeated Sōma Yōin and returned in triumph, he found that his precious daughter had been kidnapped by his "good son-in-law". At that time, he flew into a rage and without saying a word, cut off the head of that idiot retainer and hung it outside Otemon's door. , what can I do if I look back at my wife who is crying in a daze? If this scandal is revealed, Iwaki Shigetaka will not live anymore, he will just commit suicide.

As a result, just a few days later, Date Harumune dared to send an envoy to invite Iwaki Shigetaka to his wedding. He kept calling him his father-in-law in the letter, leaving Iwashiro Shigetaka with no choice but to tell him in a tactful way. I can't marry my die-hard allies Shirakawa Yuuki and Kubo Hime, otherwise I, Iwaki Shigaru, have a little niece who was born this year at the age of 13. My daughter is too beautiful to be matched with Harutsuna. So much.

Because this incident was so ugly, the Shirakawa Yuki clan soon learned the inside story. Yuki Yoshitsuna was almost angered to death and vowed to fight against the Date family. Then he led his army to go to war with the Date family. As a result, I never thought that there were so many relatives in the Date family. Ashina Mori, Ishikawa Harumi, Nikaido Teruyuki, Souma Gouin, and a whole bunch of relatives and sons-in-law came to the house.

The Shirakawa Yuuki clan has never seen such an unreasonable battle. It is not too bullying for a group of people to fight against each other. In this battle called the Kawaii Battle, Yuki Yoshitsuna fought hard for many days and was finally defeated. Not only His marriage to the Iwaki clan was completely ruined, he also lost part of his territory and his power declined. It was more difficult than a baby cabbage. He was shot to death for no reason and was bullied to death by a bunch of bully relatives. This was simply unjust.

From then on, although the Shirakawa Yuki clan did not completely break up with Iwaki Shigetaka, serious cracks appeared in the relationship between the two parties' allies. The Shirakawa Yuki clan knew that he could not defeat the Date family with a large group of relatives in Mutsu, so he concentrated on

Heading towards Shimono and Hitachi, I had a great time bumping into and fighting with the Satake family from time to time.

And Date Harumune just grabbed a beautiful wife and had a bunch of relatives to take care of it for him. Although the relationship with his father-in-law Shigetaka Iwaki was not very harmonious, the couple happily raised five sons and six daughters, and

Date Harumune never had a side wife from the beginning to the end, and this blessing was beyond the reach of the unlucky Yuuki Harutsuna.

Ever since Yuuki Harutsuna's wife was robbed, she has been unlucky all the way. First she was defeated in the Kawaii battle, and then she was at a disadvantage in the fight with the Satake clan. Fortunately, Date Harumune felt that she had gone too far and sent an envoy.

Convince his father-in-law, Iwaki Shigetaka, to adopt his little niece as an adopted daughter and marry Yuuki Harutsuna, and then support this unlucky guy to stabilize the situation.

At least the Shirakawa Yuuki clan did not fall into decline, so Yuuki Harutsuna was slightly more biased towards Date Harumune in terms of stance. In fact, Yuuki Harutsuna couldn't do anything about it. His wife had already flown into the arms of others, and he and

His father ran for his life and was almost killed by a group of bully relatives. There were only two ways in front of him, either to give in or to fight to the death. When he was hesitating, Date Harumune offered him an olive branch, which was the best way for him to step down.

So I just accepted my fate and kept my family name.

Moreover, the marriage contract between Yuki Yoshitsuna and Iwaki Shigetaka was only circulated in the Minamimutsu generation. After Date Harumune's interference, it changed the flavor. Many people thought that Iwaki Shigetaka really planned to marry his daughter to the Date family.

Moreover, Date Harumune clearly told him that this matter could barely be covered up, and traces of it could be covered up by revising the documents of the various Mutsu families involved in it a few years in advance using the Spring and Autumn style of writing.

Since there is no need to lose face, there is no need for Yuuki Harutsuna to keep fighting. Preserving the family name and passing on the family business is more important than anything else. The so-called face will only be considered when there is no danger in one's own territory and the family business is not hindered.

Several participants have sworn to cover up this matter, so he has nothing to worry about.

Yuki Yoshitsuna was not as open-minded as his son, and soon retired completely to become a monk because of his anger. However, Yuuki Harutsuna did closely follow Date Harumune's footsteps in the ensuing Tenbun Rebellion, and worked with his "father-in-law" Iwaki Shigetaka.

Together with Date Haru Munakata, he was asked to involve Tamura Takashi behind the scenes without having to fight naked in person. Yuki Harutsuna welcomed the request, so he remained "neutral" behind the scenes.

Make a stumbling block to Tamura Takashi.

If it weren't for this incident, his father might never have told such a tortuous past in his life. His old-fashioned and serious father was also a bold and careful man who dared to think and do. This dark history was really full of ups and downs, which made Yi

Hearing this, Tatsuki's blood boiled all over, and he wished he could rush out immediately and lead his troops to perform the same act, and kidnap Mogami Yoshihime out of Yamagata Castle.

But Date Harumune poured cold water on him without hesitation: "My father told you these past things, not to ask you to imitate my family and go to Yamagata Castle to snatch Princess Yoshihime. Then you are by no means the only one who is so powerful in the Kira family.

All I can do is tell you this story to cheer you up and not be intimidated by the current crisis. Things in this world are not static."


Kubohime frowned slightly and stared at the strange expressions of the father and son, and asked with confusion: "What happened to Tsujiro and Princess Yoshihime? What are you two father and son talking about? Tsujiro and Princess Yoshihime are engaged,

Why do you want to take back Princess Yiji again?"

"This... is more complicated. I will explain it to you later." Date Harumune didn't want his son to be embarrassed again in front of his mother, so he quickly concluded: "In short, this shame must be

Once you find it, we will notify all allies to take quick action and rush to Yonezawa City to find an effective way to properly solve this problem. Go ahead! Don't think too much, rest well and recuperate, and don't be discouraged."

Date Terumune nodded silently, bowed and left in a hurry. Kubohime turned around and grabbed Date Harumune's sleeve. The always simple and serious hometown governor was trying hard to change his sitting posture, using his hands and feet together to silently face the other person.

Climbing through the door on one side, it was a pity that Date Harumune's efforts were easily broken by Kubohime. He was grabbed by the sleeve and couldn't break free, so he had no choice but to sit down and look at his wife dejectedly.


Kubohime smiled at him and complained softly: "Your Highness, now it's time to tell you why you have to tell all these old things, right? I was just worried that Your Highness would not pay attention and leave those old things.

He said everything he needed to say! Fortunately, His Highness still had some sense of control and was allowed to be heard by the children..."

"Ahem! My husband is neither stupid nor stupid, so I can't tell Tsujiro that I took you to the rice fields in the wilderness back then, and then held you in my arms for the first time in my life, right?

Then what dignity do I have as a father?" Date Harumune's poker face that had never changed for thousands of years showed an awkward expression again. An old couple is always most familiar with each other's habits and habits. Date, who has always been deep and sophisticated,

Qing Zong was still helpless in front of his wife.

"Okay, let's not talk about that! Are you embarrassed?" Even though Kubo-hime was a dignified and generous lady, she couldn't stand her man's shameless talk, so she slapped away the hand that he quietly stretched out, and then

Asked: "What on earth was going on when Your Highness was talking about Sujiro and Princess Yoshihime just now? I listened for a long time but I didn't understand at all!"

Date Harumune hesitated for a moment, and then slowly said: "Actually, it was Sujiro who encountered it, just like what my husband and Kubohime experienced..." (To be continued.)

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