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Chapter 424

Jinbo Choji led an army of 20,000 people to attack from the Oyabe River in the west. He forced Kaga's army of more than 10,000 people to retreat and fled to the east, where more than 3,000 people under Saito Nobubu's command were pressing down.

After more than 8,000 people were cut off, Xiang Yikui couldn't raise his head. When the post official saw the Chaosheng Temple's ruins and returned, he thought there was a large army to support him and had no time to think about the situation, so he mustered up his morale and used all his strength to try to take advantage of the situation.

Counterattack back.

Inspired by the false reinforcements, he always showed his life-threatening nature, shouted the Buddha's name and rushed into the forest of guns against the rain of arrows. He was not afraid at all when he saw the broken corpses hanging on the blades of the guns, but for a moment

Broken limbs and broken arms, as well as internal organs and intestines dyed in various colors, were all picked out by the sharp sword. When it comes to killing skills, these Kaga soldiers are far inferior to the elite samurai. With the protection of the array, there are only twenty of them.

You can't even think of taking a samurai's life.

Chaoshengji Mitaru didn't expect that he would be chased up so quickly after leaving two thousand pieces behind. He wanted to shout in a hurry, but his dignity as a general did not allow him to lose his dignity, so he had to desperately rush the army to fight with that

After the eight thousand troops were cut off, Yi Kui's army gathered together. When the two armies converged and gathered nearly 20,000 troops, there might be a chance for a battle.

When Saito Chonobu saw the tens of thousands of troops rushing in from a distance, all of them looked panicked and in disorganized formations, he immediately mobilized a thousand cavalry and personally led them to bypass the Danhou army and rush towards Chaoshengji Temple. All the monks in the military were watching.

Seeing the murderous Saito Chaobu, three of his souls flew out of his body with fright. Some monks were so frightened that their whole body was shaking and their legs were as soft as noodles. They fell off their horses and were trampled by the mounts behind them that could not dodge. They were killed.

Soon he was trampled into a pulp.

Chaoshengji Miteru hurriedly shouted: "Quick! Detach a cavalry unit to resist Saito's army, and the rest of the army will join the main force of the Rangers with the poor monk!"

But at this juncture, almost no one is willing to die. The brave officials are all staying behind to cut off the rear. The remaining officials are either greedy for life or afraid of death or too old to walk. As for the monks who are not good at military strategy, there is no need to think too much about it.

Katsudera Mikaru called him three times but no one came forward to answer him. He was so anxious that he called the two monastery officials to die.

These two officials did not dare to disobey the order but how could they be willing to be killed, so they reluctantly led the army and rushed over, but were scattered by a wave of assault by Saito Asanobu's cavalry. This time was lost.

No less than two hundred lives were lost, which was a one-sided massacre, and the time they had fought for was less than half a quarter of an hour.

Chaoshengji Mitaru was no longer in the mood to scold him. He hugged the trembling Hannyain Zhenru and gritted his teeth and rushed towards the special forces. When he finally led the remnant army to get together, Chaoshengji Shengzhi was nowhere to be found. Chaoshengji was nowhere to be found.

The two Si Shengli brothers and the district official carefully pointed to the two tall and strong corpses lying vaguely in the pile of corpses in the distance.

The two brothers were unfortunate enough to meet Saito Asanobu. The two brothers, who were average in fighting on horseback, dared to use their cast-iron Zen staffs to attack Saito Asanobu from both sides. As a result, they were easily blocked and killed with two convenient shots, surpassing Terami.

Before Teru could cry bitterly for the death of his two capable men, the chief minister of the gods had already come from the west. Choshoji Miteruichi gritted his teeth and was determined to flee north, where he forced himself across the Yamada River and fled to the center of the Tonami Plains.

At this moment, a burst of military drumming came from the bank of the Yamada River. The rhythmic drum beats caused the battlefield to fall into a brief silence. Tens of thousands of eyes stared at the shadows under the misty clouds on the bank of the Yamada River.

Figures, gradually the drum beats of the military drum became heavier and more powerful, each drum beat seemed to make the pulse jump, and many people were alerted by the cold wind in the morning.

I don’t know when the cold morning breeze blew on my face, and it was as cold and wet as Chaoshengji Mitaru’s hands were cold and not warm at all, and I don’t know when the Hannyain Zhenru he was holding was frightened by leaning against him.

Shivering. Chaoshengji Mitaru swallowed his saliva and prayed secretly: "Gods and Buddhas bless you! It must be Sugiura Gennin, and preferably the five thousand elites from the poor monks. With their support, it will be much easier!"

But he will soon be disappointed and quickly turn into despair. The strong morning wind blows away the mist in the field, revealing a dark mass on the bank of Yamada River. There are no less than ten thousand elites. They are all dressed in black and wearing black armor and fighting with Ashikaga Fuyinryo and Bamboo

The one carrying the five sasa flags and standing in front of him with the authority of Iizuna is Uesugi Masatora, the Dragon of Echigo.

The military taiko suddenly stopped. Masatora Uesugi gently rode out of the formation. He pressed his left hand, wrapped with a long string of beads, on the scabbard at his waist. With his right hand, he gently pulled out his beloved tachi, Azuki Azuki.

The fog cleared and it was a clear morning. This sharp sword light was so dazzling, and there was a shuddering cruelty in its coldness.

He raised the adzuki bean in his hand high, pointed at the stunned Kaga and shouted to Ichijun: "Namo Hachiman Bodhisattva! Namo Hachiman Bodhisattva!"

"Namo Hachiman the Great Bodhisattva! Namo Hachiman the Great Bodhisattva..." The ten thousand black-armored warriors roared in a frenzy, like some kind of call that they recalled over and over again, evoking the long-lasting memories accumulated in their blood. That period can never be

Destroyed memory.

Gradually, Kakizaki Keike drew his sword and roared loudly, Saito raised his sword at Nobu and roared, even the chief priest raised his sword and roared loudly, and the 20,000 troops behind him unconsciously followed suit.

Get up. Over and over again, it seems like it will never stop. Many warriors shouted until their throats were hoarse, their eyes filled with tears, and they even burst into tears.

The war suddenly and strangely came to a standstill. Kaga, who was surrounded from all sides, was like a mouse blocked by a large group of civet cats. He huddled in the center of the encirclement and did not dare to move at all. It was not that they did not want to move but that the officials collectively fell into despair.

The wavering can be suppressed. Boguan is also a samurai. Even if he is a samurai who is refused recognition by the shogunate, they still have ancestors who have followed the white flag of "Namu Hachiman Bodhisattva" and fought hard.

This Buddhist name carries not only the honor and disgrace of an individual family governor, but also symbolizes the glory of all martial arts families in the world. They can be insensitive or cold-blooded, but they cannot deny that they are warriors and cannot completely betray their class just because of geographical factors.

Protected by the samurai's skin, at best they were just ordinary peasant soldiers holding bamboo spears and shivering beside them, or perhaps an unknown corpse lying with broken limbs.

Suddenly a strong wind blew down from the mountain from a completely different direction. The howling mountain wind blew many ashigaru back a few steps, but Uesugi Masatora suddenly shouted enthusiastically: "Listen! That is the voice of Hachiman Bodhisattva.

! Hearing our voices! The Great Bodhisattva Hachiman is responding to us! The Great Bodhisattva Hachiman is protecting us! Blessing us that we will win this battle!"

Uesugi Masatora's words instantly raised morale from full to over the top. The samurai vented their fanatical emotions by yelling. Many young samurai were restless like crazed gorillas, grinning and screaming, wanting to rush over with their knives.

, as the restlessness of Kira's army became more and more intense, the morale of Kaga's army, which had always been suppressed, also dropped to the bottom.

Kira's troops from all directions roared crazily, roaring like mountains and tsunamis: "This battle must be won! Must be won! Must be won..."

"...Master Monk City! Master Monk City! You should say something! Let's surrender! This battle really cannot be fought!" A group of frightened monks surrounded Chaosheng Temple Mizhao, all talking.

He was nagging, completely ignoring the lack of blood on his face.

"The whole army obeys the order! The front line is always suppressed, but anyone who resists will be killed without mercy!" Following Masatora Uesugi's order, tens of thousands of troops with overwhelming morale launched an attack at the same moment, and the warriors like wolves and tigers scrambled for more information.

From a favorable position, it is as if the enemy in front of them is their life and death enemy, and they want to eat their flesh and swallow their bones.

Chaoshengji Miteru desperately wanted to give up at that moment, but Hannyain Zhenru who relied on him made him very reluctant to give up. Finally, he gritted his teeth and ordered the entire army to form a formation to resist, and he led fifty cavalry and his confidants to

Beibu fled desperately. The monks and the officials never expected that Chaoshengji Miteru would abandon them at the critical moment. He was torn into pieces by the Kira army's stormy attack without even making any movement due to his mental breakdown.

A dozen Kagabo officials hurriedly knelt down and surrendered before the sword fell on their heads. They would rather surrender than die in vain here. They were abandoned by Choshoji Miteru and died meaninglessly between two rivers and rivers.

The commander of the army, Kaga, who was present, knew very well that he had lost everything from his defeat. Even the general could only escape with fifty cavalry. It is conceivable that the hundreds of thousands of troops were eventually wiped out and turned into nothing.

Either die or surrender, even if they were exchanged for prisoners by the Ichigo clan afterwards, no one would blame them for their final choice to surrender back to Kaga Country. Six thousand of their 18,000 troops were killed on the spot, and 12,000 were captured, including over 100,000.

The more than 400 monk soldiers abandoned by Katsuji Miteru and all the monks were killed in the battle. The former died because of benevolence and loyalty, while the latter wanted to surrender but Kira's army did not give him a chance.

Fifty cavalry monks guarding the Choshoji Temple Miteru moved left and right erratically, using the cover of nearby groves to head toward the Yamada River, then toward the Koyabe River, and finally circled toward the Koyabe River in an attempt to cross the river from there and go straight to Echuchu.

We went to Anyoji Castle, the gateway to the west, but when we got to the Koyabe River, we discovered that there was no suitable ferry nearby. Just ahead was the confluence point of the Koyabe River and the Yamada River. There were many tributaries nearby, making the Koyabe River flow very fast, making it impossible to cross without it.

Cross the river without boats.

Choshoji Mitaru took Hannyain and stood in front of the Koyabe River in a daze. It would definitely be too late to turn back and go south to find the ferry. The sound of iron hooves behind him gradually approached and rumbled like thunder. Fifty knights and monks surrounded him tightly.

Not moving a step from left to right, they are all monks and soldiers of Chaosheng Temple, and they are impeccable in terms of reliability, loyalty and bravery.

Awakened by the rapid sound of iron hoofs, Chaoshengji Mitaru suddenly realized that he was fleeing. He turned around and saw anxious faces. He sighed, got off his horse and walked to the river bank. He drew out the sword from his waist and looked at Mei Mei.

The flower-like Prajna Courtyard Zhenru whispered: "This poor monk will definitely not be able to save his life. Rather than being killed by them, it is better to end it yourself. After I die, you take my head and offer it to me. For my sake,

For the sake of this head, they will definitely spare your life.” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian.com to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone

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