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Chapter 429: Allies Sell It

After his death, Kaga entered the era of Honganji Temple. The Togashi clan was reduced to a puppet and had no power. After Honganji Rennyu's death, it became the era of Kaga Sanji Temple's control of power. In this era, Kaga Sanji Temple violently conquered the east and west.

Expanding the territory, he finally tried to usurp the position of the Buddhist master. In the end, he was destroyed by the Chaoshoji family sent by Yamashina Honganji Temple in the Great Ichiku. From then on, he entered the era of the Chaoshoji family.

Chaoshengji Miyō was able to secure the position of the general of the Kaga Ichigo clan and quickly build an extremely powerful military force. The only thing that depends on the word "money" is money. If you have money, you can make a fool of yourself, seize the Yoshizaki palace, and destroy the three Kaga temples.

In the process, Chaoshengji Temple took away a large amount of temple property and gold that originally belonged to the Kagasanji Temple. The large amount of wealth made the Chaoshengji family become more powerful than the Kagasanji Temple in just a dozen years.

The orders given to Honganji Temple were often obeyed and disobeyed.

So much so that in order to suppress him, Honganji Temple had to establish Kanazawa Gobo and ordered Chaoshoji Temple to settle in it, which was subject to various restrictions. From then on, the Chaoshoji clan began to gradually put away their ostentatious posture, but they were often still because of their own

His interests conflicted with the Ishiyama Honganji Temple and he killed the envoy. At the same time, it was also during this period that Chaosheng Temple took Honganji into its own possession, and its financial and taxation autonomy was guaranteed.

During the Miteru era of Choshoji Temple, while bowing his head to Ishiyama Honganji Temple, he also strengthened his penetration and wooing of Kanazawa Gobo. In recent years, he has gradually controlled some of Kanazawa Gobo's temple temples under his control. He must ensure that he is careful enough not to

Honganji Xianru felt that he had evil intentions and wanted to suppress the Echizen Choshoji Temple. The powerful Ichishou of Wada Choshoji Temple would gradually transfer the finances of the two temples and the resources in his hands to Kanazawa.

Gobo, he originally planned to complete the complete subordinate control of Kanazawa Gobo within ten years.

But all this came to an end with the arrival of the Kira Army. In the Genpei era, the Togashi Yasu family made great contributions in the Kurigara War and was appointed as the guardian of Kaga. This has lasted more than 360 years.

Over time, the wealth accumulated by the Togashi clan, the Kaga Sanji clan, and the Choshoji clan changed hands several times, all falling into the hands of the Kira family.

"I roughly estimate that there are no less than 100,000 coins of various types of copper coins, as well as gold and silver of almost the same value. As for some books, antiques and valuable utensils, I really don't know the value. Only I can enter these warehouses and make a rough inspection.

Come out, then seal the warehouse and send heavy troops to guard it. I will write to you and wait until it is shipped back for inspection again."

Uesugi Masatora gave a brief explanation and took Hosokawa Fujitaka to several warehouses in Obo. He was not very interested in this huge amount of wealth. If it hadn't been for the disputes at home caused by the apportionment of the expenses of going to Luo, he would not have

Echigo now has no shortage of money to gain profits from the Qinglan franchise to support foreign wars. More extravagant wealth is just the icing on the cake.

Hosokawa Fujitaka just went in for a quick inspection and then pushed it out. Then he called in the monks and monks to start the transportation and preliminary inspection. This transportation took three days to get them all on the ship and transport them back to Echigo.

Hosokawa Fujitaka did not tell Uesugi Masatora the specific figure, but he only estimated that the various copper coins were worth around 150,000 Yongle coins, and the converted value of gold and silver would be even more. The remaining antiques, calligraphy and paintings cannot be appraised at the moment.

In addition, several secret doors were found and some of the battle plans of the Choshoji family to annex Kaga were found, as well as valuable tea sets, gems, ivory and other crafts from the Ming Dynasty, and even a top-quality Duan inkstone. This kind of good thing has been inherited by the Kira family for three hundred years.

None of them have been obtained. Only the Ashikaga Shogun family received a gift from the Ming Dynasty during the Ashikaga Yoshimitsu period. It is said that Taira Kiyomori once had a Duan Inkstone, but it was only with the Battle of Danoura that it spread to where it was spread. But I don’t know where it was.

Is the Duan Inkstone the Duan Inkstone that was passed down in the Qing Dynasty?

Another half month later, Kira Yoshi issued a letter of appointment, ordering Masatora Uesugi to be fully responsible for reaching an agreement on peace with the Ichikoku clan and the Asakura family, and asked him to resolve the war in Hokuriku as soon as possible and lead the main army back to Kasugayama Castle. In fact, he did not

If you don't summon him, return to Echigo and take charge of Kasugayama Castle, because there is no war happening around Echigo. It's better to try your best to suppress the Ichikui forces among the three counties when you go back. Anyway, neither the Ichigo clan nor the Honganji Temple can afford to hold him back, and he is the least needed.

Feeling anxious.

Fortunately, Uesugi Masatora was not kept waiting. Not long after the letter of appointment was issued, the envoys sent by Ishiyama Honganji Temple hurried to Kaga Kanazawa Gobo. The envoys sent this time were Yoriteru Shimoma and Yorisu Nanari.

People, these two are the most trusted confidants of Honganji Yongru, and neither of them are direct descendants of the Hokuriku Ichika sect.

Shimoma Yoriteru's father, Shimoma Yorikiyo, was once one of the several major military leaders in Echizen. He also made great achievements in the major and minor divisions and was awarded. However, he was later squeezed out by the superintendent of Choshoji Temple and returned to Ishiyama Honganji Temple where he died in depression.

.He came back this time with an order to seize the military power of the Echizen Ichiko clan. Naturally, it was inevitable that he would have to compete with Chaoshengji Kyoho for power. This was in line with his original intention of avenging the past.

Nanari Yorishu's background is even lower. He was born as a young green servant in the Sanshina Honganji era. The so-called green servant is a relatively young and promising man among the low-level samurai of the earth servant level. He himself does not even have a common surname of Miao. He is just a commoner.

An ordinary rich farmer turned into a servant class. Because of his loyalty, bravery and ability in doing things, he was gradually promoted to one of the most trusted generals in Ishiyama Honganji Temple in the past twenty years. This time he was sent to Kaga to obtain Kaga's usual secret.

of military and political power.

Yoriteru Shimoma is a middle-aged monk in his forties, and Yorisu Nanari who is traveling with him is almost the same age as him, but their performance and aura are really comparable. Yoriteru Shimoma looks more like him in terms of appearance and conversation.

He was a scholarly monk with rich knowledge, but despite his unimpressive appearance, Qili Laizhou was short, thin, and slightly hunched, and he really didn't look like a general.

Nanari Yorishu and Shimoma Yoriteru looked at each other, and then took the lead in saying: "The poor monk came to reach peace with the Kira family on the order of the Master. I wonder if Uesugi Danzhen can make the decision. If he can't make the decision, where will the poor monk and others go?

Let’s talk about peace matters.”

"I can make the decision, so you two don't have to worry about that. If you have anything to say, just say it directly!" Masatora Uesugi stretched out his hand, making a gesture of asking.

Yori Teru said with a smile: "That's good! The purpose of this poor monk's coming here is to reach peace with the Kira family. The Master's original words are that you can wipe out all the previous grudges and use this opportunity to bridge the war between the two families.

The chaos caused is based on the current actual control area. From now on, the two sides have ceased fighting and will not engage in war. I wonder what Uesugi Tanshengdong wants?"

Uesugi Masatora also smiled when he heard their proposal. He knew that hanging the head of Choshoji Miteru outside Kanazawa Imperial Palace for nearly a month was not in vain. After many days of public opinion fermentation, Ishiyama Honganji Temple must have fallen into a fearful mood. During this period, 127,000 troops were captured and annihilated. In more than ten days before and after the invasion of Kaga, the two northern counties were captured, and then they were defeated in the joint battle of Xianshengzhai. Zong fell into an embarrassing situation that even Nomi County could hardly defend.

The territory was occupied and the believers were taken captive. As a result, the Kaga and Echizen clan faced the dilemma of having no troops to recruit and no food to raise. The only source of money expenditure was also cut off with the capture of Motoki Minato. The last chance for a comeback was ruined. It is very difficult to maintain the current situation from collapse, not to mention the powerful Kira family's counterattack to regain the lost territory.

It was precisely because he knew that he was facing a huge and irresistible threat that the head of Ishiyama Honganji Temple, Honganji Kianru, immediately made concessions and compromises in exchange for the basic requirement of reaching peace without war with the Kira family, because they knew what Kaga and Echizen had always done. The Zong forces absolutely do not have the ability to insist on fighting on two fronts at the same time. The only way out is to choose one as the direction of attack.

The current situation is that the power of the Echichu Ichiku clan has been completely wiped out, and several officials of the Noto Ichiku clan are also trapped in the civil strife of the Noto Hatakeyama family and cannot extricate themselves. The main force of the Ichiku clan in the two northern counties of Kaga has already invaded Echichu. They were emptied in the process. After Kira's army entered Kaga, they carried out massacres and human huntings again and again. All those who had firm faith in the sect, whether they were samurai, monks or farmers, regardless of gender and age, were all captured and sent to Echigo for disposal.

During this series of bloody suppressions, the losses to the believers who were the foundation of the Yixiang Sect were extremely serious. The remaining population in each village and township was no more than 50,000, and among these 50,000 people were either members of the Yixiang Sect. Their beliefs are not deep. Either they hate the Yixiang Sect themselves or belong to the hostile forces of the Yixiang Sect.

There are as many as 40,000 elite Kira family troops stationed in the two northern counties. In addition, the Kira Navy can be reinforced at any time with no less than 3,000 troops. This gives Ichigo Sect no chance to instigate a new Ikui rebellion in the two northern counties. It is even worse. What's more, the Kira family is still transporting farmers from central Vietnam to move to the two northern counties. This is nominally to coordinate the autumn harvest issue, but in fact it is to completely implement the two counties.

The situation in the eastern part of Nomi County is similar. Hundreds of villages, large and small, have been captured. Even the areas in the western part of Nomi County that have not been affected by the war are also affected by small-scale human hunting. These well-trained cavalry can be hunted overnight. They attacked several villages in succession. With the cooperation of Ashigaru, they captured all the believers in these villages from top to bottom in one day.

If the men among the believers united and actively resisted, they would be ruthlessly killed by Kira's army. These samurai, who had no mercy, could kill the Ichigo sect believers more easily than killing a chicken. The believers who were afraid of being killed had to make a decision. The choice was either to trample on the flag of the Ichigo clan and swear an oath to gods and Buddhas to break away from the Ichiko clan, or to be forcibly abducted and sent to Echigo or Sado to work as miners. Those who resisted, regardless of their gender, would be executed on the spot regardless of their rank.

Such a cruel system has really shocked the always arrogant Xiang Yikui. They have never seen such terrible means, using such drastic methods to uproot the lifeline that Xiang Yikui relies on for survival. Without believers, they are nothing but rootless duckweeds. If it fails, it will collapse instantly, which is something Ishiyama Honganji will never allow to happen.

In fact, the Ishiyama Honganji family does not understand the reasons why the Kira family used such drastic measures to deal with the Ichikai clan, because the Honganji family and the Kira family have no grudges in the past and have no enmity in the recent past, and there is no serious interest between the two parties.

The dispute is nothing more than some religious differences, which is not as good as one-tenth of the deadly feud between the Echizen Asakura family and the Honganji Temple.

Although Kaga and the Echichu Ichikai clan had been allowed to attack Echigo over the years, they had not thought of taking the initiative to bridge the relationship. However, Echigo's prohibition order against the Ichiko clan just touched the bottom line of the Ichiko clan and made Honganji appear as if

After many hesitations, he still gave up his intention to initiate peace talks. As long as he proposed peace talks, Honganji Kenjo would definitely reach out to accept this good offer.

Because in Honganji Kenji's heart, he always felt that in the end, the Kira family would take the initiative to propose peace with him. At that time, Echigo would relax the restrictions on the sect, even if it was just to open a gap, just like Takeda Shingen's strict management in Kai Country.

It doesn't matter, he only needs to go down one step, and then he can restrain Kaga generously. Ezhong has always said that if the monks and officials in Hokuriku don't listen to orders, he will be happy to invite Kira Yoshitoki.

Together, there will be another "big and small" purge of Hokuriku.

It’s just that this encounter was beyond the expectations of Honganji. The battle between the two sides to compete for territory in Vietnam would be so fierce. Uesugi Masatora, who had once met in Kyoto, turned out to be so powerful.

The dishonest Choshoji Miteru also annexed the two central and northern counties of Kaga Province and half of Nomi County, making it too late for him to make more adjustments.

This time, Yoriteru Shimoma and Yorishu Nanari were appointed as envoys, firstly to fight for power, and secondly, to test the specific reaction of Echigo, whether they really intend to join forces with the Asakura family to annex the Kaga country and completely eliminate Hokuriku.

Zong, there is still room for maneuver. We can sit down and discuss how to divide the sphere of influence.

Uesugi Masatora obviously understood this truth. He smiled at the two monks and said: "I came here under the order of His Highness Kōkata Satoshi to reach an agreement with the Echizen Asakura clan. The Kaga Kingdom was divided into two and the northern part returned to Kira.

The Asakura family returned to the former Etsutsu clan in the south. Now our army has captured the two northern counties, and the sweep of Nomi County has also come to an end. The only enemy now is the 30,000 troops in Wadayama Castle, which makes the family very unhappy. This

It is also the only challenge for me, the Ashikaga clan, to completely dominate the Tetori River."

"Kaga two points? That's it! Is Danshoden's invasion of Nomi County to ensure that the control of the Tetori River is not disturbed? The only challenge is the 30,000 defenders of Wadayama Castle! The poor monk understands!" Yoriteru Shimoma!

He is also an extremely smart person, and he can understand the joints of his words without having to read them thoroughly.

Nanali Yorishu reacted a little slower than him. He just hesitated for a moment and immediately understood that Uesugi Masatora was clearly planning to sell out the Echizen Asakura clan as an ally. He could even pretend to say it indifferently about the secret alliance.

, one can imagine how unstable the agreement between the two families to divide Kaga is. Maybe there is a conflict between the two parties. Or maybe the Kira family is not satisfied with the Asakura family. In short, there is an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Masatora Uesugi didn't seem to see their expressions of sudden realization, and continued: "What I want to say is very simple. The 30,000 troops in Wadayama Castle should be withdrawn from the Imperial Army. The Imperial Guards are not allowed to cross the Ashikaga family in any form or name.

By constructing a defense network along the Tetori River, we can ensure that our opponents will not use troops on the south bank of the Tetori River, and at the same time, we can allow the Ichigo clan to retain some of their original properties in Motoki Minato. However, armed ships and ships prohibited by our side are prohibited from entering Motoki Minato.


"That's great!" Nanari Yorishu couldn't help but hold the rosary in excitement. He was about to take over the military and political power of the Kaga Ichikou clan. As the new general of Kaga Ichikou, he had no soldiers, no money and no food.

No one would listen to them. The two newly appointed generals could not become mere commanders, so they had to get money and food for the soldiers before they could sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

The attitude of the Kira family expresses their willingness to provide care in this regard. First of all, the 30,000 troops withdrawing from Hotayama Castle will definitely fall into his hands. Secondly, the safety of the western part of Nomi County and Enuma County can be guaranteed, and the land, food and population will be protected.

There is no need to worry about being plundered again. In the end, Motoki Minato's temple property has been partially restored. This is the temple property that has been managed by the Choshoji family for generations. Even if he is only given a tenth of it, it is a lot of wealth. Most of the army's pay is

It can be sustained.

The two of them can also see the attitude of the Kira family. They want to use strong force to cripple Kaga Ichiki so that they dare not have any dissent. However, they are not willing to beat Kaga to death with a stick. In the end, they are completely separated from Ishiyama Honganji Temple.

The breakup was like a snipe and a clam fighting, but it only benefited the Echizen Asakura family who hid behind.

In fact, Honganji Kenjo didn't want to offend the Kira family. Kira Yoshitoki was able to create Sakamoto's miracle in just four years in Kinai, and Shimomo Echigo spent another six years to conquer four territories. It's just because of his skill.

And the ability is by no means comparable to that of the noble son Asakura Yoshikage, and the Kira family and the Ichiko clan have not had decades of hatred like the Asakura family. The Hino-ryu lineage of the Otani family of Honganji,

He has always maintained a good relationship with Kira Yoshitoki, and is considered one of the representative ministers in the court who is pro-shogunate and favors the Kira faction.

The Ishiyama Honganji Temple has always been extremely deferential to the imperial court and the shogunate. More than twenty years ago, it was taken care of by the administrators Hosokawa Harumoto and Rokkaku Sadeyori. Over the years, they have been careful to behave in the Kinai with their tail between their legs, and the Kira family just maintains the position of the shogunate.

He has great influence and should not break up with the Kira family for any reason.

Although Honganji Kenjo once tested the attitude of the Kira family with rumors of "enemies of Buddha", playing political tricks is the only way for every mature daimyo, after the Kaji Rebellion, the Onin Rebellion, and the Meite Coup.

Baptism, today's Kinai daimyo are all extremely shrewd. It is because Kira Yoshi gained such a great reputation in Kinai, and there are a lot of samurai who are betting on both sides. It is not a big deal for Ishiyama Honganji Temple to use some tricks, even if the Kira family

Knowing this will not lead to a complete break with the Yixiang Sect.

The state of Kaga in Hokuriku was so bad. After Masatora Uesugi broke the so-called covenant of equal division of Kaga between the north and the south, the two of them discovered that the situation faced by Kaga Ichimumu was particularly fragmented. The Echigo Kira clan and Echizen

The Asakura clan is a well-known martial artist, and they have chosen to attack simultaneously from the north and the south. If they do not deal with such a dangerous environment, they will only perish.

But the reality is so cruel. The options before Ishiyama Honganji Temple are very limited. The best way is to defeat both sides at the same time through war. However, there has never been a military wizard like Masatora Uesugi in the entire Kaga Kingdom, let alone one.

During Kira Yoshi's time, there were all-around generals like Takeda Shingen and Hojo Ujiyasu.

Their nature of involving all the people also destined them to be unable to fight on both sides at the same time, because the poor quality of their soldiers destined them to need several times the enemy's strength to gain an advantage. Of course, this advantage would usually be lost in the face of elite soldiers and strong generals.

For example, 300,000 vs. 18,000 in the Battle of Kuzuryukawa, and another 100,000 vs. 23,000 in the Battle of Echuchu Shogawa, and Kaga does not have as strong a national power as Echigo.

If the war cannot start at the same time, the only way is to strive for a truce at the same time, but Xiang Zong cannot afford the price of a truce at the same time. The current situation is obviously extremely unfavorable to Yi Xiang Zong. No matter which side is seeking it, they have to pay a certain price in exchange for peace, but the North

Lu Yixiangzong still has half of Kaga country left. Echizen has less than half of the country's wealth. How much territory can be used as trading goods in exchange for peace is still a question.

There are actually only two choices before Honganji Kenjo. The first is to take the initiative to make peace with the Echizen Asakura clan and fight the Kira army with all their strength. The second is to take the initiative to make peace with the Echigo Kira clan and fight the Asakura army with all their strength. The meaning of choosing the former

It is still a question whether they can defeat Masatora Uesugi's 40,000 troops and the most terrifying cavalry team of 7,000.

Even if we really want to go to war with the Kira family, we will need to mobilize a large number of troops from Echizen to return reinforcements. In the process, it is hard to say whether the Asakura army will suddenly tear up the treaty and take action against Echizen. The crisis of double attack cannot be eliminated.

From this point, we can see that the actual point of occurrence of this crisis is the 40,000 elite members of the Echigo Kira clan. If they cannot be stopped, there will be no strategy to break the two-sided attack.

"One more thing! His Highness Kōkata means to support Honganji's invasion of Echizen. He can provide a certain amount of military support. The amount is no less than 10,000 guanwen of Yongle money every year. If the two of you are about to take up the post of Kaga, Echizen has always

The generals of Yikui, that is, the two eminent monks each received 5,000 guanwen. Although this amount of money is not much, it is used to make up for the material supplies of Yixiang Zong. It is still enough for the manufacture of ordnance.

In addition, the purpose of this money is also obvious, that is, it must not be developed in Nomi County, Kaga Province. As long as we find out that there are military or military changes in Nomi County, this contract will be torn up immediately. In addition, this contract

It is a secret contract that is only a verbal promise and will not be put on paper. If you two feel that you can challenge my Kira family by getting this money, you can give it a try."

At the same time that Uesugi Masatora finished speaking, Saito Asanobu also cooperated with the action of sharpening the knife, which was quite funny. The two monks exchanged a few words in a low voice and then said together: "I will wait until the Master agrees."

On this condition of peace, I will return to Ishiyama Honganji Temple to draw up the documents, and I will send them to Kasugayama Castle in person when the Lord of the Town returns to Echigo."

The two monks bowed together and left Kanazawa Gobo in a hurry. They did not ask where the captured believers were sent, nor did they ask for the prisoners captured in a series of battles in Echu and Kaga, because they knew very well that the Kira family would not

The price required to easily fulfill their wishes is definitely something Ishiyama Honganji cannot afford. It would be better to just keep silent and pretend not to know.

Masatora Uesugi was still a little unaccustomed to participating in such an evil agreement for the first time. If Kira Yoshi had not sent a secret letter asking him, the general, to be responsible for handling the beginning and end, he would never have participated in such a conspiracy due to his temperament.

, he has been indoctrinated by Kira Yoshitoki intentionally or unintentionally over the years, and he has been exposed to some unethical tricks. In private, he has expressed strong opposition and dissatisfaction many times, but Kira Yoshitoki can always defend himself.

There are sufficient reasons to justify the behavior.

More than ten years of military service have allowed him to gradually understand that war involves resorting to all possible means, and sometimes one cannot talk too much about benevolence, justice, and morality. As long as one sticks to the bottom line on major matters, it doesn't matter if he relaxes a little on minor matters, such as

This is the case when it comes to the handling of the Kaga Ichibuki clan. It is far more appropriate for the Kaga Ichibuki clan, which is half-disabled and fearful due to political considerations, to become a remnant party wandering around the Kaga border and threatening the stability of the territory.

As long as Kaga Ichikui does not fall, these extremists of the Ichibuki sect will be strongly restrained by Shimomo Yoriteru and Shichiri Yorishu. The grassroots officials and Jishi can still restrain the Ichibuki sect believers through their influence.

, there is no need to worry about the stability of the two northern counties being impacted by geographical factors. There is nothing more important than annexing territory and quickly digesting it without leaving any hidden dangers.

In contrast, killing Kaga in one go will not only offend the Ishiyama Honganji Temple, but also provoke the strong hostility of the Echizen Asakura clan. Failure to act in accordance with the covenant will automatically break the alliance and tear up the face. Kaga has always been a remnant of the party.

After losing their leader, they will turn into a group of lawless and violent thugs, and they may even get support from the Asakura family in turn.

Mori does not even need the Asakura family to come forward in person. As long as they are indulged appropriately or given a certain amount of protection, the remnants of Kaga, who have always been cautious, can cause trouble everywhere like wild horses. They will take advantage of the geographical advantages to roam the mountains of Kaga country.

Playing hide-and-seek with the Kira Army, with the Asakura family's intentional connivance and protection on the inside, and the strong support of Ishiyama Honganji Temple on the outside, it is like the remnants of the Southern Dynasties in the Northern and Southern Dynasties era. They can rely on external support and the advantage of local snakes to fight with the Muromachi shogunate for nearly a hundred years.

Even if the Kira Yoshitoki family has a great business and is not afraid of attrition, they are not willing to waste it on such a small area. The Kira Legion entered Kaga to grab territory and not to fight evil. They cannot fight for the sake of the two counties.

If they fall into the crisis of the Great Demon King, who fought an intermittent war for ten years and eight years, even if they finally defeat all these families, it won't make much sense.

To advance into Kaga Country, we must work hard to stabilize the local situation. We cannot let Kaga Country turn into a quagmire and swamp tens of thousands of troops without being able to pull it out. We must defeat Kaga Country as quickly as possible and seize the opportunity to attack.

Capture the city, win another battle, and quickly promote a peace agreement. This has achieved the established strategic goal. If you are greedy and insufficient, you will inevitably find resentment. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come.

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ps: For daimyo, integrity is a luxury.

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