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Chapter 439: Strategic Coherence

Rather than saying this is a request for peace, it is better to say that this is a detailed code of conduct given by Miyoshi Chokei to the shogunate. This code almost stipulates the etiquette of Miyoshi Chokei's clothing, food, housing and transportation in Kyoto in extreme detail, and it must be demonstrated everywhere.

His influence on Kyoto as a leader may seem extremely rude and arrogant at first glance, but in fact it just shows Miyoshi Changqing's panicked and short-breathed mentality.

A rebellion, a commotion, and the news of the defeat of a distant country scared the extremely powerful Kinki overlord to the point of losing its bottom line. In fact, it is not important to mention a bunch of miscellaneous and unreasonable demands throughout the article. The core part is hidden

Between the lines, it is nothing more than that both parties are jointly in charge of the defense of Kyoto. The Miyoshi family wants to set up a garrison in Kyoto, and requires the shogunate army to retain only the same number as his garrison, and the remaining troops are moved to Ciji outside the city.

Zhao Temple.

As for Ashikaga Yoshiteru's most important financial and taxation power, he did not mention it at all. In addition, the shogunate's security and punishment power over Kyoto was also annexed to the shogunate. Compared with the previous request to show off his power and power, all financial, taxation and military power should be handed over to the Miyoshi family. Kyoto as a whole will be favored by the Miyoshi family.

The overbearing demand for takeover and the request for peace have been lowered to an unknown number of levels.

In addition, he also asked the shogunate to prohibit Kira Yoshitomo from entering the capital and destroying the "peace" that was finally achieved. As long as the shogunate is willing to agree to this request, the Miyoshi family is willing to cooperate with the shogunate to rebuild Ukyo, which was more than half burned, and repair the damaged Kōkyo Manor and the severely damaged Ukyo.

The temple Garan and Funaokayama Castle can also be returned to the control of the shogunate.

This request for peace probably means saving face rather than arrogance. He launched a war and invaded Kyoto and burned down a large number of houses. Finally, he spent his own money to rebuild these burned houses in order to expel the Kira family, who were regarded as a serious nuisance. This requirement fits perfectly.

Ashikaga Yoshiteru's appetite.

Kira Yoshitoki's increasingly strong performance has always made Ashikaga Yoshiteru worried. Although on the surface, Miyoshi Chokei's number one enemy is more terrifying. In order to save the shogunate, the shogunate had to make an expedient move to encourage Kira Yoshitoki to go to Luo, but if it was Kyoto's

After the foreign invaders were expelled and peace was restored, Ashikaga Yoshiteru still felt that Kira Yoshihiro's return to Kyoto would be very troublesome and even dangerous.

It is said that small things make a big difference. If you carefully observe that Nakajo Tokihide repeatedly resisted the shogunate's orders, and even dared to kidnap the shogunate's angel to sneak attack the Hexagon Army, you can see that most of the retainers under the Kira family are also those who are against the shogunate.

For this evil warrior who has no respect and loyalty for the general who conquered the barbarians, how much the governor of the family will change during the Kiragi era is a question worth thinking about.

He could not guarantee that this "loyal minister and good general" who had been beaten by him would still maintain some loyalty. Today's chaotic world would disappear in the blink of an eye like a long stream of water. He really couldn't explain the changes in the past few years.

Kira Yoshitoshi still retains some feelings of monarch and minister towards his master. What if he wants to imitate the semi-general Hosokawa Masamoto? This is a worrying thing.

Even if Ashikaga Yoshiteru is not an ordinary military strategist, it is undeniable that after more than ten years of aristocratic elite-style learning and education, Ashikaga Yoshiteru has the power and tactics that a general should have. After experiencing the anger of knowing that he wanted to invite peace,

After the roar, he calmed down and used his smart brain to quickly weigh the choices he should make. He decided to accept Mihaoshi Changqing's request for peace.

On a sunny morning on September 26th, Settsu Haruto, the deacon of the shogunate government, reached a peace agreement with Miyoshi Chokei on behalf of the shogunate. Both sides disbanded their armies and returned to a peaceful state. The clouds of war that have pervaded Kyoto for nearly half a year are still there.

The moment passed, and the people of Kyoto stood in front of the ruined Kyoto, rejoicing that they had survived in the end, and they breathed the air of peace and tranquility again.

Miyoshi Nagakei then led his army to Hanoi to suppress the rebellious Hatakeyama Takamasa. Miyoshi Yoshihide led his army to Settsu to suppress Higashi-Harima's rebellion, and supported Naito Munekatsu's suppressive actions from the side. As for the Tango Isshiki clan

They are purely a soy sauce force. As long as the civil unrest is suppressed, there is no need to worry about these clowns.

If the Miyoshi family has worked hard to achieve a result that is barely visible, Nakajo Tokihide and Rokkaku Yoshihide really lost money and even had to pawn their underwear. In this battle of Rakuchu that affected many places in Kyoto,

Kira's army killed more than 5,000 men and took the life of a general, Suganuma Sadao. In the end, they only received some symbolic greetings from the shogunate and a pension of 5,000 kan Yongle money. Carefully count everyone who died.

Your life is only worth a thousand dollars.

Rokkaku Yoshihide was even worse. Eight thousand people were killed in the battle, but in the end they were given five thousand Kanbun Yoraku money. Each person who died was less than Ikwanbun Yoraku money. Although the shogunate gave a high-sounding reason, they were still responsible for rebuilding Ukyo's hands.

There was not much money for compensation, but such indifferent behavior still hurt the hearts of the two generals. They worked hard to conquer Kyoto for the shogunate and were given this small amount of compensation. This is unjustifiable in any case.

Nakajo Tokihide endured his anger and did not fall out on the spot. The slave accepted the money and then returned to Sakamoto with a resentful army of five thousand people. Rokkaku Yoshihide did not have Nakajo Tokihide's self-cultivation.

They got into a fuss and went to the Nijo Imperial Palace to force an explanation from the shogunate. As a result, Ashikaga Yoshiki gave him a stern scolding, leaving him speechless and depressed, and led his troops away.

Ashikaga Yoshiteru knew that by doing so, he would definitely discourage the two families who had contributed so much, so he invited Ichito from the shogunate and promoted Rokkakaku Yoshihide to the rank of the four lower Sakyo doctors, and Nakajo Tokihide to the position of Shosho.

The top five were rewarded by Ideha Mamoru, but the two of them did not care about the small promotion in official positions. Instead, they saw the true face of the shabby and poor shogunate.

The so-called resurgence of the shogunate is just a lie that deceives itself. The resurgence of the shogunate, which cannot hold any land in its hands, is just a castle in the air supported by strong power. When a strong wind blows, this castle in the sky is in danger of crumbling, but the group of people with lofty ideals in the shogunate are in danger.

Not seeing this, and still enjoying the prosperity of Kyoto, as long as they reached a compromise with Miyoshi Changqing, they would not hesitate to drive their saviors out of Kyoto.

Ashikaga Yoshiteru is not good at fighting and has never led an army to fight against Miyoshi Chokei. Apart from issuing security orders to the people of the Bush Country, he has never actually governed any territorial country. Yamashiro Country has always been an autonomous body, and the countries he controls

It's nothing more than a small circle like Kyoto. They collect some taxes to maintain public order and mediate territorial disputes between samurai families in various places to collect mediation fees.

In fact, his understanding of military and political affairs is superficial. Otherwise, he would not have come up with such a crooked method of assassinating Miyoshi Nagakei. There are also various conspiracies and selfish thoughts added to Kira Yoshitoki's attitude.

In fact, this has something to do with the environment in which he grew up. His wandering life since childhood made his character more radical and paranoid.

When he was still young, through the tactics he learned from his father Ashikaga Yoshiharu, he carefully balanced the various daimyo, including suppressing Hosokawa Harumoto when promoting Kira Yoshi, but then

After that, he successfully captured Kyoto and was promoted to a noble rank. He held Kyoto and Kira Yoshiki left for a foreign country. The only power that could affect him gradually disappeared, making Ashikaga Yoshiki's character more and more arbitrary.

The disrespect for the Kira family is reflected in this. He forced the Kira family to apologize and surrender under the attack of Rokkaku Yoshihide's army. He hoped to use this method to establish himself, the general who conquered barbarians, as an undisputed voice in the Kinai. He could also take advantage of the opportunity.

It was a good deal for the Rokkaku family, which had great military power and influence, but the result was a strong backlash from the Kira family members.

Not only did he expose the paper tiger of Rokkaku Yoshihide, but he also turned around and seized control of Ritai County. Although Ashikaga Yoshiteru didn't say much on the surface, he was inevitably annoyed at the Kira family's ignorance of current affairs. As for Rokkaku Yoshihide, he

Xian has been positioned by the world as a typical figure of a tiger father and a dog son, and there is no need for him, the noble Gongfang, to condescend to add more gimmicks.

Although the Miyoshi Army left in a swaggering manner, not a single cent of the territory occupied by the Miyoshi Army was given up. It is certain that most of the Yamashiro Kingdom will fall into the hands of the Miyoshi family, including Katsuryuji Castle on the south bank of the Katsura River and the castle outside Kyoto City.

Koizumi City is firmly in the hands of the Miyoshi family, and the Miyoshi family does not need to garrison too many troops. One thousand people in each of the two branch cities is enough to pin down the shogunate army in Kyoto and dare not move. A major turmoil spread to the capital.

This brings it to an end, but I don’t know where the next paragraph will begin.

Kira Yoshitoki held the detailed information sent by Nakajo Tokihide and said coldly: "His temperament has not changed as expected...No! It should have gotten worse! In the end, the Kyoto that I worked so hard to conquer was defeated.

Give up half, but don’t know when to give up the other half again? But that’s fine, the Crying Wolf trick can only be repeated again and again. You have teased the Kira family twice and want to do it a third time? That’s impossible

That’s it! The safety of Kyoto depends entirely on His Majesty’s divine power. I hope you can guard Nijo Imperial Palace firmly and don’t be that hypocrite who gets rich after breaking your promise!”

He casually approved Nakajo Tokihide's plan to increase the number of troops by five thousand, mentally planning to send Blood Spear Kuro's father Nagasaka Nobushige, Barbarian Bull Okuhira Sadayuki's brother Okuhei Jiro Zaemon Sadakata, and Hatama Ogasawara.

The clan split, and Hidemasa Ehara, the legitimate son of Tanba Morimasa Hide, was sent to Omi to serve as reserve general and ashigaru general respectively.

The origins of these three people are all from authentic Mikawa samurai. The only exception is Nagasaka Nobushige who can only be regarded as half a Mikawa samurai after wandering around Kyoto for many years. In addition, the Nagasaka clan comes from the Hatama Ogasawara clan, which happens to be the same clan as Ehara Hidetoshi.

, and the operator Okuhira is also a powerful member of Higashi Mikawa. Letting these three people go to Kyoto can ensure that the power to command the army is always in the hands of the Mikawa faction. At the same time, with the Ashigaru generals of Takashima County and Ritai County as the backbone, they can effectively

Ensure that both parties work hard to serve justice while maintaining conflicts.

Nakajo Tokihide's letter also asked whether it was a critical moment rescue operation arranged by Kira Yoshitoki. The letter mentioned that if it hadn't been for the sudden disturbance caused by Hatakeyama Takamasa, Nakajo Tokihide's five thousand troops might have been destroyed.

He really had no chance to leave Kyoto. When he said this in the letter, he still thought it was very strange. The perfect timing card coincided with the Hatano clan of Tanba Province, the Higashi-Harima Bessho clan and the Tango Isshiki clan teaming up to start a commotion against the Three Goods.

It is even more obvious that there is action under the guidance of an expert behind this.

Kira Yoshitoki said with a smile: "It seems that it was right to let Tokimasa do this. After more than a year of operation, he successfully mobilized Hatakeyama Takamasa, Hatano Haremichi, Bessho Anji, who were dissatisfied with the Miyoshi family, and even brought in a

Isshiki Yoshitoshi really put a lot of thought into the soy sauce, and the timing of the activation was also clever. It happened to be stuck at the point where the Miyoshi family suffered heavy losses and was unable to advance, but was unable to retreat. It was indeed very careful!"

As early as a few years ago, Kira Yoshitoki had talked with Uesugi Terutora, Yamamoto Tokiyuki and a group of advisers about the possibility of drastic changes in Kyoto at any time. The first change came from the Miyoshi family's desire to dominate Kinki.

As the family governor, Miyoshi Changqing's repeated suppression would surely prompt him to finally go to Luo.

It was only a matter of time to go to Luo. How to go to Luo was a matter of careful consideration. Unfortunately, Kiragi was not an omniscient and omnipotent god. It is impossible to guess what will happen when Miyoshi Changqing went to Luo a few years later. We can only roughly estimate that the military strength of Shangluo will not be the same.

It will be less than 40,000, and the preparation must be completely thorough. It will be very difficult to use the naval assault that Kiragi used during the time, or a head-on battle. Miyoshi Chokei will definitely use the advantage of military strength to continuously pull Kyoto.

The defense circle gradually wore away the shogunate's vitality.

This seemingly stupid method is the most unsolvable method. No matter how powerful Omi's Kira army is, it cannot change the situation of absolute inferiority in its own strength. It is so difficult to defend Kyoto in such a large city. If it is a point-to-point attack in multiple places at the same time, it is rare.

The defenders simply couldn't take advantage of their superior weapons and powerful combat capabilities. Even if Kira Yoshiki was to lead the army, they could only take the opportunity to look for a surprise attack to reverse the defeat. If he were to defend Kyoto, he would definitely be eaten alive.

Since it is impossible to stick to Kyoto, and we cannot expect Nakajo Tokihide's military strategy to be as outstanding as Kiragi's or Uesugi Teruhora's, it is obviously impossible to predict and guide Miyoshi Chokei's situation when he goes to Luo.

. Then the only way to change the situation of the battle is to use off-board moves, which is the method of strategy.

Kira Yoshitoki listed the deployment of the Miyoshi family's Japanese people, as well as the Japanese people bordering the Miyoshi family's territory, as the first line of strategic coordination. The person responsible for carrying out this task was Honda Tokimasa. Not long after the task was given to him, he was

Kira Yoshi forgot about it for a while. The series of battles in Echigo required most of his energy, so he didn't pay much attention to the development of the situation.

It wasn't until today that I discovered that Tokimasa Honda was able to do this beautifully despite his busy schedule. The timing of launching this strategy is very important. If it is launched too early, the Miyoshi family will be let go and it can be stopped calmly.

With the plan to go to Luo, the Miyoshi family, which suffered little or no losses, only needs to return to suppress the people in various places. Maybe it will come back in two years and return to Kyoto. By then, the Miyoshi family, who are more vigilant, will be prepared for this off-board move.

Be careful, it won't be that simple if you want to take advantage of it.

It was only after he was summoned by Honda that he inquired specifically about the situation. The envoy he was responsible for contacting Hatakeyama Takamasa had almost reached an agreement on cooperation. Hatakeyama Takamasa proposed that military support of 30,000 kan Yongle money would be needed every year, plus all the support given by the Kira family to him.

The support of ordnance and equipment required includes support such as iron cannons and supporting ammunition.

What Hatakeyama Takamasa meant was that as long as Kira Yoshitoki was willing to give him the money, he would definitely be sure to nail him in Takaya Castle and hold back the Miyoshi family, so that the Miyoshi family would never have the chance to gather so many troops to invade Kyoto.

, of course he also admitted that he is definitely not the opponent of Sanhaojun, but it is undeniable that he has a brave and strong heart.

Xiaoqiang's tenacious vitality, extraordinary brains, and fearless spirit that is not afraid of the power of the Sanhao family and is determined to continue the challenge really moved Ji Liangyi, so he immediately made a decision: "If he wants 30,000 Guan Wen Yongle money, give it to him.

He also wants ordnance equipment and iron cannons! Yu’s arsenal is full of captured equipment. Five thousand sets are picked and transported to Dajin Port. The rest are left to them to find a way to cash out! Yu has only one request, which must be kept in mind at all times.

His promise will not allow the Miyoshi family to go to Kyoto to kill another person."

After sending Honda Tokimasa away, he left Honmaru early and returned to Kasuga Imperial Palace. It was the twelfth lunar month of winter and the weather was very cold. The entire Echigo was covered with thick ice and snow. No matter where he went, there was a vast white snow scene.

, looking at it for a long time will cause great damage to your eyesight.

The three fat boys in his family are very strong. Even the thinnest Matsuchiyo is much stronger than Princess Aya's second son Uomatsu. As a result, Princess Aya has to carry Uosu over with the three of them almost every day.

The little ones play together, and sometimes they envy the children of the Kira family for their ridiculously strong bodies, and there is always a hint of envy in their words.

The eldest son Jinoumaru can already stand up and walk a few steps. When he sees Kiragi, he will stretch out his hands and call "Father". The other two boys can only practice crawling on the tatami. They are excited every time they see their father.

It was so scary that several women knelt down respectfully to greet his arrival. Seeing the happy expressions of their children being picked up by their husbands and spinning around for several times, the happy smiles on their faces seemed to flow out.

After dinner, it was usual for husband and wife to live together. In ancient times, there were no entertainment facilities, especially when the sky was dark in the winter. All he could do was hide in bed and hug his wife to sleep. Kira Yoshitoki had not touched a woman for more than a year, and it was the first time in a year that he touched her again.

Looking at Hu Ji's firm and plump breasts, the anger that had been suppressed for a long time suddenly emerged.

Torahime is no longer a young girl in love. She is a married woman who has given birth to a fat boy. Her face will not turn red when her breasts are held as before, and she reaches out her hands to gently hold Kiragi.

On her neck, she opened her delicate red lips and pressed them on her mouth, and the two began to engage in a trendy deep kiss.

This was a little trick Kira Yoshi taught her. When they had nothing to do, the two of them would hug each other and play kissing games. They would barely break apart after a quarter of an hour of kissing, and sometimes they would have to rub their foreheads against each other for a long time when the relationship got serious.

, Hu Ji is very aware that her husband is very angry, and she has been tortured during the abstinence period for more than a year.

Before Hu Ji could react, she felt a dexterous and powerful snake head gently pushing against the shell's teeth. It found her directional uvula and became entangled inextricably. For a moment, Hu Ji's body felt as soft as if her bones had been removed.

Falling into his arms, the man's hot breath was like a ball of fire, making her head dizzy and her heart swaying.

Originally, she wanted to give him a surprise, but before she could take the initiative, she was involuntarily controlled. Confused and fascinated, she allowed Kira Yoshitoki to roll wantonly in her mouth and suck greedily, and the two bodies gradually began to interact.

Stacked together to fight to the death, in the fierce battle, sometimes the female knight was heroic and fierce, and sometimes it was the male knight galloping and charging, until the moon came to an end slowly.

After a love affair, Hu Ji lay in the man's arms and made circles. Her whole body seemed to be watered by rain and dew, and the beautiful flowers exuded an alluring fragrance. Her spring-like face was tinged with redness, and her shy and charming eyes were

The inside was full of water. The two talked privately for a while and then talked about what happened in Kasugayama Castle in the past six months.

Torahime said enthusiastically: "Your Highness, Kunimatsu has returned from Yuzawa Imperial Palace. He has turned into a tall young man after not seeing each other for a few years. My sister said that this is all thanks to Mr. Nagata Tokumoto's wonderful rejuvenation, which has troubled Kunimatsu for many years."

My illness has been cured, and my thin body has become healthier in recent years. I have also gone to take a look at it a few times, and I am indeed much more energetic than before!"

Kunimatsu is the eldest son of Princess Aya. He was sent to Yuzawa Imperial Palace to recuperate for several years due to poor health. As Kunimatsu's aunt, Torahime is only three years older than her eldest nephew. At first glance, she was happy to see the children of the younger generation come back.

Very, just like when he gave birth to Zhenwangwan, he held her in his arms all day without letting go. Even Aju, the wet nurse, had to discuss with her for a long time before she came over.

"Oh? Kunimatsu is back? This child must be fifteen years old this year!" Kira Yoshi also liked this child very much, so he said: "I plan to host the Yuanfu for him. I have already thought of a name, and I will call him Nagao Yoshi."

How’s the view?”

Torahime was so happy that she giggled like a happy bird: "Nagao Yoshikage? His Highness is going to give the last word to Kunimatsu! That's great! If onee-sama knows this news, she will definitely

You will be very happy!"

Kira Yoshitoki understood Torahime's cheers very well. In fact, he had been paying attention to Kunimatsu's condition. Every three months, a diagnosis and treatment report would be sent from Yuzawa Imperial Palace to Kasugayama Castle. Kunimatsu needed to receive medical treatment during his recuperation at Yuzawa Imperial Palace.

Nagata Tokumoto's medical team provides comprehensive treatment. Nagata Tokumoto also takes the treatment of Kunimatsu seriously as a case of curing congenital diseases, and goes to Yuzawa Imperial Palace for personal consultation every month except winter.

Kira Yoshitoki said with a smile: "My brother will be the governor of the Yamauchi Uesugi family in the future and inherit the title of governor of Kanto, so I decided to let my brother adopt Yoshikage as Yuko, and transfer the Nagao family's ancestral line to him.

, this can be considered as arranging a suitable and reliable leader for the Nagao family."

"Is that so? Let Kunimatsu be the household supervisor! I'm sure my brother won't object! But..." Torahime frowned and hesitated to speak. Kira Yoshi pretended not to notice and gently brought up the topic.

The two of them somehow ended up talking about the child. As soon as the child was mentioned, Hu Ji suddenly became energetic and said: "Your Highness! Sheng Yutai's letter said that a girl was born, which made the whole family happy.

, she also said that she didn’t know if she gave birth to a girl because she didn’t like eating sour foods during pregnancy. She also complained that His Highness did not tell her about the allusion of sour children and spicy women earlier, and she would have eaten more sour foods if she had known this.


Kira Yishi shaved the bridge of her nose and joked: "Hey! My husband just made a nonsense sentence in the letter. Unexpectedly, Sheng Ji took it seriously. Tomorrow, my husband will write to her to tell her not to think too much. I'm sorry.

It is natural for children to think so much and it will be a psychological burden. Besides, didn’t the three of you eat any strange things when you were pregnant, so you gave birth to three precious sons for your husband? "

"That's right! I don't seem to have eaten anything strange... That's not right! It seems that I have eaten all kinds of strange things, including a lot of vegetables, fruits, fish and meat, and a lot of eggs and duck eggs. Is that okay?

Could it be because of this?" Hu Ji looked at him with wide eyes, like a curious baby who wanted to know more about Zichou Yinmao.

Kira Yoshishi said a little speechlessly: "...If you think so, then just think of him as such!"

"Well! I understand, I will also write a letter to Katsuyudai tomorrow to tell her! This way Katsuyudai won't have to sulk about the child!" Hu Ji was very excited. In ancient times, giving birth to a son was always a problem.

The most important thing is that one is that legitimate sons are needed to inherit the family business, and the second is also based on the ancient tradition that men are strong laborers and the backbone of the family. The more men there are, the more prosperous the family will be.

But when he reached Kiragi's level, he was already out of touch with such low-level needs. He and his wives were in good health and had no illness or disaster. They could have a son and a daughter as long as they had time, so he smiled nonchalantly and said, "It's good to have a daughter."

Ah! As a husband, I hope to have a large group of daughters. Having too many sons will still be a problem. The eldest daughter born to Katsuki can be the wife of Jinoumaru. Wouldn’t it be wonderful for the two families to be together forever? "

Torahime's eyes lit up, she nodded excitedly and echoed: "This is indeed a good idea! Why didn't I think of such a wonderful idea? Your Highness is indeed more powerful! If I, the legitimate son of the Ashikaga family, can compete with Kon

The marriage of the legitimate daughter of the Wei family is a very good thing for Zhenwangwan! But...will His Highness agree to it?"

Her Highness Kakata is the swordsman general Ashikaga Yoshiteru whom Torahime is referring to. He has long expressed the hope of marrying Kira Yoshinori, but his eldest daughter is three years older than Jinoumaru. In addition, no new daughter has been born, so

It is very inappropriate for the eldest daughter to be Jinoumaru's main wife, especially now that the Kira family is so powerful that they do not need to maintain a particularly submissive attitude towards the shogunate, so they will not agree to this marriage.

Kira Yoshishi said disapprovingly: "His Royal Highness Gongfang is in a very bad situation now. Whether he can support his daughter until she is born and grows up is still a question. If he flees Kyoto again like the previous generations of Gongfang did, wouldn't it mean that the in-laws of Yu have lost their lives?"

The most important support? The Konoe family is safer, as it is noble and can provide important support for the child in the court."

"Well! Since His Highness said so, I will go and talk to Sheng Yutai and try to finalize this marriage as soon as possible." As soon as her thoughts left, Hu Ji found herself tired and slowly leaned against his arms.

He fell asleep soon after.

This chapter has been completed!
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