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Chapter 457

Ah Shi, who had been excited for a long time, also noticed Ah Quan who was sobbing softly. She also knew that her magical experience must have caused her sister's sadness. It would be too wrong for her sister to look back at the legitimate son of the Saji family, so she gently pulled her

A Quan whispered with his hand: "Sister, won't you cry? Let's go together and ask my brother to change his decision. A beautiful woman like my sister must marry an excellent samurai. His Highness, the Saji family, must marry a girl from another family."


"Sister, stop crying. Ah Shi, don't say stupid things. How can our daughter of the Wu family resist the marriage arrangement of the family governor? My elder brother has his own ideas in making such arrangements..." A Quan said with tears falling down.

, even though he said he would not cry, the grievances in his heart always poured out uncontrollably.

The weak girl never thought of being jealous of her sister's fortune. She just blamed her misfortune on the arrangement of gods and Buddhas. Maybe her life was not good but she encountered such a thing. A few thoughts even made her think

The ancient Seiden Buddha spent this remaining life, just like her mother Tsuchida Gozen, who begged Oda Nobunaga for forgiveness for the sins of her second brother Oda Nobuyuki. Although she was pardoned for a time, she was eventually killed. From then on, Tsuchida Gozen

He hides in the Buddhist hall all day long, chanting sutras and worshiping Buddha, without caring about worldly affairs.

"But doesn't my elder brother love my sister and Ah Shi the most? You can definitely ask for it!" Ah Shi couldn't feel happy at all, pouting and said: "If my elder brother doesn't agree, Ah Shi will go and ask for the future."

Your Highness, your husband, can you please let him persuade your elder brother to change his ways?"

A Quan cried for a while and felt better. He picked up a handkerchief and wiped away his tears. He took A Shi's little hand and whispered softly: "A Shi, don't make trouble. This will cause trouble to your future husband. It will not be good for your future life either."

That’s a good thing!”

"But..." Ah Shi also knew that his power was too weak to change the established engagement, so he could only complain with an unhappy look on his face: "How can you do this, brother! Ah Shi is very unhappy."

Seeing that the two sisters still maintain a pure sisterhood in one joy and one in sorrow, I secretly nodded for the performance of these two little sisters. Putting aside the temperament and methods of Oda Nobunaga, at least the daughters of the Oda family do not have bad conduct.

To my little sisters, they are kind-hearted women with good conduct. Women in troubled times shoulder a heavier courage and bear the important mission of marrying the family. It is really very important to love a husband whom you have never met without regrets.


Gui Die is also a lonely woman in troubled times. Only a woman can better understand the difficulties of women. When she got married, she carried a short sword with her and went to meet her husband with the heroic belief that if she didn't succeed, she would be successful. Only then did she realize that Oda

Nobunaga is a strange man with extraordinary magnanimity and talent, and he finally got a relatively happy ending.

I was stunned for a moment before I realized that I had been in a trance for so long. The two little sisters hugged each other and cried bitterly. It seemed that Ah Shi was crying for Ah Quan's tragic situation in the future. The girl's sentimental temperament suddenly showed up and she cried loudly without caring about it.

This makes Gui Die really don't know how to evaluate these two little sisters.

Now she regretted that she had been distracted for too long just now, and she did not dare to let the two little sisters continue to speculate randomly, so she said softly: "A Quan's husband is also coming to pick you up! I can tell A Quan something.

Good news, A Quan's husband is not the legitimate son of the Saji family. He is the same person as His Highness A Shi!"

"Huh?" The two sisters stopped crying at the same time and stared blankly at Gui Die with an incredible look. Seeing that the two little sisters were acting stupid again, Gui Die said softly: "In other words, A Quan and A Shi are going to do it at the same time.

You are married to a husband! From now on, you can be sisters for life! Even I am envious of your good luck!"

"Huh?" The girl's screams rang out in the castle tower, startling a few crows who were sleeping on the castle tower. The angry crows were squawking and hovering over the castle tower. They couldn't find the one who woke them up.

The culprit can only focus on the underlings and launch bird droppings attacks.

The ignorant young people didn't know what interesting things the two princesses had discovered. They could only dodge the sudden attack of bird droppings in embarrassment, huddled in the corridor and said tremblingly: "What's wrong with the two princesses? It seems that they have discovered something surprising.

, maybe you’ve discovered something interesting!”

At the top of the moon, the lights in the assessment room of Qingzhou City had just been extinguished. This meeting lasted from noon to the time when the lights were turned on and ended in a hurry. The members of the Oda family expressed strong dissatisfaction with the request made by Yoshitoki Kira. The two women were to marry in pairs.

This kind of thing would never occur to them, and it would easily put the samurai of the Oda family in a position of being weak or dominated.

Shibata Katsuie was very angry and expressed his firm opposition to the unreasonable demands of the Kira family. He himself once had an unfortunate marriage. His wife was the woman he loved, but her life that should have been happy ended with a plague that took her life.

And it ended, and from then on Shibata Katsuie became a widower without a wife, concubines, or children.

There is a secret thought in his heart that he dare not say out loud, that is, he covets the princess of the Oda family. It would be great if either Aquan or Aichi can find someone to be his wife, but Oda Nobu

The elder seemed to have never considered the marriage issue of this family member who had been bachelor for decades. He would rather marry Princess Oda Inu to the bean sprout-like heir of the family governor of the Saji family than consider the possibility of him, the chief general of the Oda family.

, which made him very depressed and annoyed.

Matsunagahide can marry Miyoshi Nagakei's daughter, but why can't Shibata Katsuie marry Oda Nobunaga's sister? He doesn't understand, of course he won't be happy. This time he encountered such an unbelievable request from the Kira family, which made him even more angry.

, in his opinion, the Kira family would have taken advantage of the Oda family's princess by marrying off one of them as a concubine, and it was simply unreasonable for the two princesses to marry twice, so he firmly opposed it on the spot.

More than half of the clan members of the Oda family objected. They also felt that the dignity of the Oda family had been violated. The humiliation of the Oda family was equivalent to the income of these clan members. Although it would not lead to the death of the main humiliation minister, it would not be much worse, even if Kira

With the name of the Ashikaga family, we can never make such excessive demands.

The Oda family members also have their own reasons. No matter how strong the Kira family is, it is because the distant daimyo is far away from Owari. No matter how weak the Oda family is, it is not a daimyo who is directly controlled by the Kira family. Why should it be sold to

The Kira family is proud of their reputation. Why do they have to compromise and marry off their two daughters, let alone marry them off as concubines? This is simply incredible arrogance and rudeness.

In the view of some retainers of the Oda family, the only influence of the entire Tokaido is the territory of Nishi Mikawa and two counties. The Nishi Mikawa territory has been in a state of self-governance for more than ten years, and at this time Mikawa Kingdom is in the process of war.

The enthusiasm of the Owari family has no ability to affect the Owari Oda family, and the Oda family is now the most powerful daimyo in Tokaido, and there is no need to fear the Kira family.

The powerful enemy of the Tokaido, the Imagawa family, has too much time to take care of itself. The Imagawa family is really busy calming down the turmoil of the people under it. The Mino country is in turmoil because of Saito Yoshiryu's physical problem. As for the Ise country in the southwest, it is a big melee among the heroes.

The surroundings were simply unable to cope with the pace of expansion of the Oda family.

This is a rare opportunity for the Oda family, and it is also the reason why Oda Nobunaga chose to marry the Kira family. As long as he can unite with the Kira family, the overlord of Hokuriku, he can easily involve the offensive pressure from the direction of Koshinobu. Oda Nobunaga can free up his hands to deal with it.

Mino and Ise, and then easily led the army to expand and then marched towards Kinai. This is the core of the Oda family's strategy to the west, which has not changed from the beginning to the end.

However, the Kira family's statement once again deeply hurt their self-esteem, and they actually put forward such harsh requirements to treat them. This is not an equal alliance relationship at all, but a dominance relationship similar to that between master and slave. This is the genealogy of the Oda family.

What is unacceptable is that marriage is a means rather than an end. If the means and ends are reversed, it will become less pleasant.

Oda Nobunaga knew very well where the anger of the public came from. In fact, he himself was very angry and annoyed. Although he played some tricks in this marriage alliance, he did not think that these tricks would affect his relationship with others.

Kira Yoshitoki's cooperative relationship. But he never expected that Kira Yoshitoki would turn around and give him an unacceptable multiple-choice question, forcing him to make a formal surrender, which he would never allow. But what if he didn't allow it?

Should he and Kira Yoshitoki break up and start a war?

He turned back to attack Mikawa and occupied the Kira family's old territory. At the same time, he angered the surviving Imagawa family and linked up with the Kaso Shun Three Kingdoms Alliance to counterattack madly. Then he offended the Kira family severely. Kira Yoshitsune will also support the Kaso Shun Three Kingdoms Alliance in their fight.

For the Oda family's attack, Minami-Shinano Ina County is very close to Mino, Mikawa, and Toe River. Even if the mountain road is rugged and the plank road is difficult to travel, it cannot prevent the Kira family's intimidation from spreading.

What's more, a long letter sent by Niwa Nagahide also mentioned an important piece of information: Kira family general Yasuda Nagahide sent troops to Hida country when the snow water first melted a month ago, and Ina County was ceded to Kira family by Takeda Shingen.

At that moment, the people of the Hida Kingdom, who had lost the support of the Takeda family, could not and did not dare to resist the Kira family's attack. It was only a matter of time before the entire Hida Kingdom surrendered.

Hida is equivalent to opening up a channel connecting Mino. The important waterway in Hida Province is called Hida River. This river is the main tributary of the Kiso River, the main river artery that runs through Mino Owari. The entire Hida Province except

The only important passage into Mino country along the Hida River and the Kiso River is the other passage along the Shogawa and Miyagawa rivers to Etsuchugawa. Other than that, the only other road that can be called a road is the connection to Minami-Shinano Kiso Valley.

It is a rugged mountain road, and other places are blocked by high mountains, preventing frequent traffic.

The Shogawa in Echichu is the river where Uesugi Teruhora won the always-famous Shokawa battle. With the support of the navy of this big river, the powerful power of the Kira navy can be exerted. If the ship cannot be shut down, just go to Kozawa.

It is much easier to transport the packhorses to the mountains little by little. Once Kira takes control of Hida Country, it will pinch the main artery of Mino Country and even Owari Country. But do the Oda family have the ability to stop the Kira family's actions? They can't!

Saito Yoshiryu was too ill to react. The people of Mino had never thought of offending the behemoth Kira family. Oda Nobunaga himself had never thought of offending the Kira family, so how could he force others to offend the Kira family? Hida country was very worried.

The imminent victory means that the Oda family has no chance to resist the Kira family. Otherwise, Mino will definitely not have to consider it once they break out. Moreover, they have to face the powerful power of the Kira navy to control the Hida River and threaten the Kiso River. They cannot hope to bribe it.

Kawabi and others went to fight against the powerful Kira navy.

If we agree to the Kira family's unreasonable demands, our self-esteem will be greatly affected, and our people's hearts will be greatly affected. It may even cast a lingering shadow in the minds of the retainers. It may not necessarily affect the future development of the Oda family.

It's a good thing, but if you don't agree, the alliance will not be possible. The "friendship" that I and Kira Yoshi have worked so hard to build will completely come to naught and may even offend others.

It is said that the situation is stronger than the people, and people have to bow their heads under the eaves. Everyone knows that the Kira family is so powerful. He, Oda Nobunaga, only has the Owari Ikoku Stone, but only 400,000 stones. Even if it takes three to five years to open a new land now,

It is impossible to increase it to a million stones, so what can he use to fight with the Kira family? What good will it do to him to offend the Kira family?

After struggling for an entire afternoon and half an evening, Oda Nobunaga decided to follow Kira Yoshitoki's request. If he wanted it, just give it to him. Not only were there two daughters of the Oda family, but there were many relatives of the Oda family.

Yes, there is not only Iwakura, but there is also a sect of three monks in Qingzhou. His father, Oda Nobuhide, has given birth to a lot of children. The most important thing is a daughter. At worst, if he has more children in the future, he can still get married.

He had to maintain his alliance and marriage plan with the Kira family even if he had to sacrifice his face. As for the interests of Saji Nobukata, almost no one cares about it. If you want to blame him, it’s his unlucky chance to run into Huang Hataxing when he went out. What happened in this life?

He is destined to be a powerful opponent that cannot be provoked. No one sympathizes with him when his engaged wife is robbed.

Fortunately, this guy is not the only one who is unlucky. Kira Yoshitoki's arrogant and domineering temper is well known to everyone. In Dewa Country, he tyrannically robbed Date Terubune's wife. He is simply a legendary villain. According to the legend,

According to the rhythm of myths and legends, Momotaro and Kintaro should appear at this time, beat him until he cried for his father and mother, and then obediently rescued the two "people's girls" who were "robbed" from the tiger's mouth.

It's a pity that real life is not acting and there are not so many dramatic things. Date Terumune was kidnapped and his wife did not even dare to fart. The dignified Date family was once the "famous family" of Oshu.

Kira Yoshishi Hongguoguo slapped him in the face, and he grabbed his hair and kicked him until his face was completely unrecognizable. His facial features were almost dislocated.

And Saji Nobukata is only a small Owari rich man, the little-known Lord of Ono Castle. How many people notice him is still a question, and who will care about his wife being snatched away. Maybe someone will pay attention in a few years.

At this point, the story will be compiled into an anecdote and become a topic of conversation after dinner. It revolves around the town's young and romantic young man doing some deviant behavior and so on. Is the miserable supporting actor named Saji Nobukata, or is he?

No one cares about Yoshiaki Satake at all.

Oda Nobunaga is not stupid enough not to comfort the injured Saji family. His method is quite simple, that is, marry another daughter. If the legitimate daughter is not good, the concubine will be replaced by a daughter of the Oda family for the Saji family.

, anyway, Oda Nobunaga has many sisters, and there are also a lot of unnamed cousins ​​who can be called at any time.

Quietly smooth over the whole story and ensure that except for the people involved in Owari and Echigo and the insiders, no one will notice that this unlucky guy's wife has been snatched away, and the Saji family's

At least, the face can be saved. This routine is actually the rhythm used by Shigetaka Iwaki to comfort Yuki Harutsuna. If these two people could meet, they would hug each other and cry in pain, telling them that they had encountered such a sad fate.

Oda Nobunaga was a man of his word. Since he wanted to send two sisters to get married, he would take action immediately and would not waste time by procrastinating. In three days, he packed the two sisters together and sent out a team.

A wedding party of five hundred people, including a large group of samurai warriors including the maid Hime Samurai, plus some dowry were sent to Echigo Kasugayama Castle.

At the same time, the envoy of the Oda family notified the Kira army in Shinano along the way to receive him. He could be sure that the generals of the Oda family in Shinano would never dare to be careless. In fact, Oda Nobunaga did not know that all of this was under the close supervision of the Kira ninjas.

The day after the wedding party from Kiyoshu Castle left, Ogasawara Nagatoki of Minami-Shinano Takato Castle had already received the exact information.

Two hours later, Tsurujun Miyabe, who was stationed at Shenshi Castle, also received the same information, and quickly made arrangements to protect the escorting team along the way and safely arrive at Kasugayama Castle. The fleet including the Chikuma River was also quickly in place until another day.

Hankasugayama Castle only received the information about Oda Nobunaga's decision. At this time, the envoy Oda Nobunaga sent to Shinano to deliver the information and rushed to Echigo had just entered the territory of Minami Shinano.

Kira Yoshishi gently shook the intelligence document, smiled softly and said: "Oda Tansho Shaotada's choice is correct. The saying that a man who knows the current affairs is a hero is an eternal saying. What I want is the formal surrender of the Oda family.

If I don't leave a deep impression on him, he might unscrupulously make small moves against me, the Ashikaga family. I hate allies who are constantly making small moves, and I need allies who are obedient and obedient... Of course, it can also be interpreted as an appearance."

"His majesty, His Highness Oda Danmasa, Shaotada Oda made the right decision. Congratulations to His Highness, His Highness, for getting a side wife!" Hosokawa Fujitaka's reaction was very quick, which made the samurai who reacted later annoyed that he was half a beat too slow.

Many people echoed without hesitation, but Honda Toki was hesitant and still did not choose to do so. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian.com to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my greatest support.

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