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Chapter 461

Although she has learned some ways to serve a man from her sister-in-law Gui Die, the eldest girl is always a little confused when she gets on the sedan chair. Before she can figure out which step to take, she realizes that her chest is missing and a pair of beautiful girls are missing.

Her breasts were easily pinched and caressed in his hands, and the confused and infatuated girl fell into his arms. Gradually, her clothes were taken off easily one by one, and the spring scenery was sultry.

But after a while the lights went out, and a painful groan came from the room. After a while, a cat meowed, and it didn't stop slowly until midnight. Maybe Mochizuki Yoshino hadn't touched it for a long time since she was pregnant.

Because of the woman, Kira Yoshi's lust was particularly strong, and the sky was about to light up and he started a new battle.

There was no way that the bride could stand up to such an attack. She was defeated soon after and begged for mercy. Kirangoshi's lust could not be released, so he had to resort to other methods. It would be too much for the newlywed woman.

, the two fought intermittently for a day, so that the Oda dog could not leave the room for three consecutive days.

The Kasuga Imperial Palace is such a big place, and Kira Yoshitomo's every move will be heard in every woman's ears in no time. Fortunately, the inner defense zone is a Hime warrior who is not afraid of being leaked, but Kira Yoshie's actions are so impatient.

Still causing ridicule from several ladies, Torahime took pity on the bride's body and specially sent her a carefully prepared ointment, which Kira Yoshitoki applied with his own hands as an apology for his reckless behavior.

Kira Yoshi was also a bachelor at that time, and felt that the pleasures in the boudoir were not enough to be compared to outsiders, but it was quite interesting. In addition to the fixed government affairs every morning, he would spend the afternoons in the imperial palace with a few women to have fun, and take him with him when he had nothing to do.

Several sons and adopted daughters were wandering around the garden of the Imperial Palace. Bamboo dragonflies, windmills, paper airplanes and other gadgets were all made by Kira Yoshiki himself. Several ladies were surprised to find that Kira Yoshiki was so strong.

Hands-on ability.

Hearing his wife's continuous praise, he proudly said that when he was a child, he used materials to make his own toys, and he also made Aju and Shengji's small gifts. However, the ladies were not happy when they heard this.

, and strongly asked him to make up some of the same handmade gifts. Kira Yoshi once again shot himself in the foot and got busy with the great cause of handmade gifts with a grimace.

He had no time to relax while making toys in the room, because there were always little followers coming over to play with him. One day, Kira Yoshitoki was resting when he felt something itchy on the tip of his nose. When he opened his eyes, he saw Kira Yoshiki's adopted daughters Mitsuhime and Akihime.

The little girl was three years old this year and was at a lively and active age. When she saw Kiragi, she woke up, screamed and ran outside, but was caught before she could even take two steps.

"Giggle... Dad, please stop tickling me!" The two little lolita laughed and squirmed in his arms. Not only did the two sisters look exactly the same, they also had exactly the same preferences. They liked to wear the same twin ponytails.

The same bows, standing together, can only be distinguished by their biological mother Aju. Others, including Hu Ji who takes care of them, can't tell who is the elder sister and who is the younger sister.

Kira Yoshichi knew that both of them were ticklish, so he scratched his armpits twice and said with a smile: "Why did you little naughty boy come to play with your father again? Is your brother awake?"

"Wake up! Torachiyo is bullying Matsuchiyo! Jinou Maru asked us to come to our father to complain, and we saw that our father's sleeping posture was very interesting. Then he giggled..." These two little lolita are only three years old.

He seems to have inherited Saito Asanobu's carefree personality. He is usually lively and cheerful, and lovable, but when he is naughty, he can be very troublesome.

"Being bullied again? Is it on Matsuchiyo this time, or what?" Kira Yoshi asked with some disbelief: "Did you two little naughty guys do something inside again? The past few times

But it’s all the trouble caused by you two little naughties!”

The two little lolita looked at him with their big eyes flickering, and giggled when they saw Kiragi's unbelieving look: "No! Guangji and Mingji didn't do anything! They just said they wanted to see which of the brothers was stronger.

Big, and then Tora Chiyo suppressed Matsu Chiyo until she couldn’t get up, it was so interesting!”

Kira Yoshitoshi couldn't do anything with these two precious daughters. He shook his head and said with a smile: "I know it's you two who are causing trouble, but you can't bully your brother like this anymore! Otherwise, your mother will be angry. Don't forget you."

Mother is not as easy to talk to as Yu!"

The three eldest sons are not yet two years old. They are just ignorant children. If they are not taught, they will not know how to bully others. In recent days, the three children have also learned to hold each other and fight, although not much.

The strength was definitely not taught by the maids. Later, one time, Matsuchiyo was pressed down by Torachiyo for a long time and she started crying. Only then did she realize that the two children had been fighting for so long. Then she followed the clues and caught the two little girls behind the scenes.

Sandalwood and Naohu couldn't do anything to them. Only Hu Ji, the adoptive mother, could control them. But Hu Ji was very lethargic now that she was pregnant, and she didn't care about ordinary things in the imperial palace, so they just let these two

The little girl ran around in the courtyard like crazy and stupidly all day long without anyone checking her. No matter how much the maids tried to persuade her, it was of no use. Even when Kira Yoshi encountered her several times, she just ignored her. Only the biological mother of these two little sisters

Aju came personally to make the two little girls behave.

In the past six months, Aju's visits have become much less frequent. Taking advantage of the rest period when he went home for the New Year at the end of last year, Saito Asanobu was busy calling Aju home and lingering over her to continue having children. The whole winter, Aju was

I didn't go out much, and when I occasionally came to the Kasuga Imperial Palace, my face was rosy and looked like it had been nourished by the rain and dew. It was only half a year ago that I was pregnant with a big belly, and I calculated that the time was earlier than when Torahime was pregnant.

A few days ago, Hu Ji mentioned the weaning of Jinwang Maru in Huazhong. She mentioned that it was the time for weaning when the legitimate son was growing up. It happened that Aju, the wet nurse, and her biological mother were both pregnant with their children at this time. How about we just do it?

Let Aku continue to be the wet nurse for the child in her belly. The eldest daughter-in-law of the Eemon family in Nagao City has also been contacted to be the wet nurse for Aku's child. It just so happens that this woman's first child will be born in two months.

She is just right to be the Saito family's wet nurse.

The eldest son, Jinohmaru, is almost two years old. The little guy can walk earlier than he can talk. He can walk up and down the corridor when he is less than a year old. At the beginning of the year, he can call him "father" skillfully.

It made Kira Yoshitomo happy for a while. Before he was two years old, he learned some simple kana under the guidance of Torahime.

Kira Yoshitoki's original intention was that it was too early to educate him in this way. It would be better to let the children play for a few years before learning. However, Torahime firmly disagreed and came up with a lot of reasons to refute his doting. One of them was that Kira Yoshitoki

The old practice of receiving education at the age of two made it difficult for him as a father to continue to say anything.

Torahime had a bad temper after she got pregnant. Kiragi had a lot of experience and knew not to mess with her at this time, so he simply watched the performance of Torahime's godson every day. Jinoumaru's talent is that he can memorize unfamiliar names in two or three days.

Live, this is much faster than when he first studied. Kira Yoshi praised him casually, but unexpectedly, he was proud of Hu Ji. When his son was born, he had an achievement that surpassed his father's wisdom and martial arts. This was regarded as

A sign of prosperity in the family business.

The situation of Torachiyo and Matsuchiyo is similar. With Torahime's example, they followed the example and provided advanced learning for their own children. However, the two children were taught like this by two mothers when they were just one year old.

Like a little adult, he bowed obediently when he saw Kiragi. Although he fell down every time he saluted because he was too young, which made several women laugh, but the persistence of these little guys was so annoying.


Just when Kira Yoshitsune was enjoying the good days of Japan's warm tent, Kanto was already covered with clouds, and the Hojo clan's suppression of the Kamui Kingdom continued, with 20,000 troops encircling the Kamui Peninsula without leaving a single crack. Sagami Water

The military completely closed off the west coast of the Hosu Peninsula, and the maritime trade channels leading to the Tokaido were completely closed. As a result, the entire Satomi family castle town became increasingly depressed. The shortage of supplies caused prices to skyrocket, and the lives of both samurai and farmers became increasingly miserable.


Since the defeat in the Battle of Mifuneyama, Hojo Ushimasa has quickly matured into a qualified commander as if he suddenly had an enlightenment. He actively listened to the suggestions of several frontline generals and made a series of adjustments to the invasion of Fusui Peninsula. The first was

Change the quick battle to a long-term siege, gradually accumulate overwhelming advantages through small victories in positional battles, and achieve the strategic goal of suppressing Satomi Yoshihiro from the overall battle situation.

Anyway, the three years of great disasters in Kanto have been plagued by frequent epidemics, and the life of the Kanto samurai family is almost the same. The Kanto samurai have always swept the snow in front of their own homes and ignored the frost on other people's tiles. After a difficult winter, no one has any money.

There was so much food in stock, but the only relatively wealthy big man was the Sagami Hojo clan. The Kanto samurai didn't have much energy to send troops to support them, so they all thought about how to save some rations until the autumn harvest.

So when this family planned to attack Satomi Yoshihiro, no Kanto samurai family was willing to stand up and support the Satomi family. On the one hand, they did not dare to act rashly because they had no food in hand due to continuous disasters.

What's the point of being trapped in a war on the Hosui Peninsula for half a year without being able to escape? Half a year's consumption of military rations is enough to kill most of the Kanto people. Moreover, even if the Hojo Army is defeated, it will probably be more gain than the loss. We can't occupy the Hojo family in the lower Sui Kingdom from a hundred miles away.

's territory.

On the other hand, most of the Kanto samurai families don't like the Satomi family's character very much. Satomi Yoshiyao's character is not an exaggeration to describe as sinister and cunning. When taking advantage, he is more active than any samurai family. Once the war goes wrong,

Even when facing a crisis, he is the first to jump out and run away. No matter whether the battle can continue or not, he will always run away with his own military strength first.

This kind of behavior of betraying teammates to protect oneself is extremely disgusting. Ever since Ashikaga Yoshiaki, the young Yumikata in his early years, was ruthlessly betrayed by him, he sold out most of the people in southern Kanto during the Kanto Astronomical Rebellion, and then in the second war that followed,

In the sub-national Futai battle, he showed outstanding ability to sell his teammates and successfully deceived Yasushi Ota, Shimasa Ota and Yuuki and his son, a powerful countryman named Yuki.

Relying on his excellent tricking skills, there was no ally in the entire Kanto who was willing to hand over his back to the Satomi family. The only one who could be considered as a supporter was the Hitachi Satake family, who also sent some food and grass to express their feelings.

The original intention is to hope that Satomi Yoshihiro can grit his teeth and hold on instead of surrendering to the Hojo family at the critical moment. The longer the Satomi family can support it, the safer it will be for other Kanto people. The Hojo family is busy conquering the Fusui Peninsula. Can they be unsafe?

So when the Hojo clan made up its mind to kill Yoshihiro Satomi, not only the members of the Hojo family lineage had no objections, but also the Yuki clan, the Satake clan, the Oyama clan and other people who were hostile to the Hojo clan.

As long as Satomi Yoshihiro refused to give in, they would have a way to support the Satomi family from collapse.

Anyway, the worst case scenario is to abandon the territory and hide in the territory of the above-mentioned daimyo. Maybe it won’t be long before you can sneak back to the Fangsui Peninsula, reunite the old troops and raise the beacon again to capture the victory. The samurai in Kanto, whether they belong to the Hojo family or are hostile to the Hojo family.

I have a similar idea. That is, what I want to see the most is for the Hojo family to be caught in the war on the Fusui Peninsula, and no one will object for three to five years, preferably ten or eight years.

Ever since Utsunomiya Hiratsuna, the governor of the Utsunomiya family, returned to Utsunomiya Castle with the help of Yoshiga Couture, he immediately started fighting with the Nasu family because he was eager to get rewarded. Over the years, wars of all sizes have continued without much lull.

, the current head of the opposing Nasu family, Nasu Shiin, is supported by the Oyama clan and the Yuki clan.

Because the blood of the Nasu clan was inherited from the Shirakawa Yuki clan, the family naturally belongs to the Yuki lineage, and naturally becomes a natural ally with the Shimono Koyama clan and the Shimosu Yuki clan. This creates a situation where more people fight against less.

The situation forced Utsunomiya Hiratsuna to join forces with Hitachi's Satake Yoshiaki and Aizu's Ashina Mori to fight against the Nasu clan's alliance.

Hoga Couture's diplomatic skills are very clever. He even brought the actual head of the Nasu family and the current governor of the Shirakawa Yuki clan, Yuki Harutsuna, as an ally. One of the Yuki clan's members made a fuss about Shirakawa Yuki.

This traitor made the situation in the quagmire of Xianye Country become more and more complicated and confusing.

Perhaps Yuki Harutsuna is too useless as the head of the family. Not only was his wife Kubohime taken away by the Date family’s landowner bullies, but a lot of the territory was also occupied by a large group of relatives of the Date family. Yuuki Haretsuna also felt this way.

Going down was not an option. If Oshu could not survive, he could only turn his attention to the neighboring Shimono country. It happened that the Nasu clan of Shimono country was the descendant of their adoptive son of the Shirakawa Yuki clan, so Yuki Harutsuna gave birth to a child who coveted Nasu.

The mentality of a clan’s territory.

But this opportunity is really not easy to find. You can't attack the Nasu family for no reason, so I have kept this matter buried in my heart for more than ten years without speaking out. I don't know how Faga Couture found its home in Minamimutsu.

Yuuki Harutsuna, after some words to persuade him, actually persuaded him, and took the initiative to stand on the opposite side of the Nasu family, trying to use war to seize the Nasu family's territory to expand the territory of the declining family business.

The conflict between the two sides centered on the deep hatred between Utsunomiya Hirotsuna and Nasu Suin, and a series of battles began around dozens of local lords around Minamimutsu, Shimono Province, Shimosu Province, and Hitachi Province.

The war lasted until this year. For three years, there were constant small and large battles. The Nasu family also inexplicably formed a grudge against the Ashina Mori clan and Yuuki Harutsuna.

Before the first month of this year passed, the armies of both sides started fighting at Odakura on the Mutsu side. I don’t know if Nasu Ziyin was crazy this time. Maybe he thought that the Nasu family was far north of Shimono Country.

Because Aizu was more advanced, he actually brought Otawara Tsunakiyo and Ozeki Takamasu with him to rush into the main force of Mutsu and Yuuki Harutsuna, and the allies of both sides gathered in the small field of Odakura to fight to the death.

The Nasu family came all the way and were obviously not in the best condition, and Yuuki Harutsuna, who was fighting on his home field, was in high morale. Yuuki Harutsuna's allies were the three thousand Ashina army formations led by Ashina Morihei. Ashina

Shengxing was just a general who came to enjoy his military exploits without asking anything about matters. The actual military representative was Yamato Sase Yamato, one of the Ashina Four Heavenly Kings.

The senior member of the Gokudai family was an outstanding military strategist and extremely resourceful. He could see at a glance that the poor condition of the Nasu Army at this time was a good opportunity, so he decisively seized the gap while the Nasu Army's spirit was somewhat relaxed.

At that time, a surprise attack was launched. Three thousand troops attacked the four thousand Nasu troops who had come from afar. Nasu Ziyin was caught off guard and had no power to fight back.

The war that was supposed to be evenly matched turned into a one-sided crushing battle because of this raid. The cunning Tsuneko Sase actually led the Chinese army to raid Nasu Ziyin's main formation, and Nasu Ziyin, who had just emerged from the chaos of the family governor, successfully emerged.

He was still a young samurai who had just turned twenty. He had never seen such a fierce fighting method before. He was stunned for a moment and didn't know how to deal with it.

The Ashina Army broke through the Nasu Army's main formation with overwhelming force. The third son of Sase Tsunehide, Sase Tsunehide, was a brave general. He led dozens of cavalry to clash with the Nasu Army's main formation and almost killed the family governor Nasu Ziyin. If not

Fukuhara Shitaka, one of the Seven Knights of Nasu, tried his best to protect the young family governor. He was about to die in this battle.

Even though he survived with the protection of his family members, he was stabbed by Tsunehide Sase's big spear and was slightly injured. The young and energetic Nasu Ziyin looked at the gradually defeated posture of the army and couldn't think about it for a moment.

He wanted to commit seppuku to preserve his reputation as a samurai, but was finally stopped by the Nasu Seven Riders. At this time, Senmoto Shitoshi led a thousand troops into the battlefield, and the chaotic situation of the Nasu Army was restored.

Although Yuuki Harutsuna did not expect it to go so smoothly, he still followed up in time to launch the assault. At this time, Satake Yoshiaki's senior minister, Aramaki Tomohide, who served as the general of the reinforcements, quickly reacted and led his army to stop Shirakawa Yuuki.

In the attack of the Nasu clan, the army led by Utsunomiya Hirozuna only had more than 3,000 troops. They were blocked by the brothers Hidetsuna Oyama and Haruaki Yuki. The battle between the two sides ended with a minor defeat of the Nasu army.

But the seeds of hatred have been planted and taken root. Nasu Ziyin was also beaten by Otawara Tsunayoshi, the second of the Nasu Seven Riders, because of his poor performance. The two Ozeki Takamasu brothers had conflicts. Ohtawara Tsunayoshi was not only the Nasu Seven.

The elder of the riding family is Nasu Ziyin's biological uncle, and Nasu Ziyin's mother is Ohtawara Tsunayoshi's biological sister.

Not only was Ohtawara Tsusakiyoshi his uncle, but the family's chief wise general, Ozeki Takamasu, and the chief warrior, Fukuhara Shitaka, were also his biological uncles. The Ohtawara clan was run by the former governor, Nasu Shiin's maternal grandfather, Ohtawara Shikiyo.

He has successfully occupied three of the seats in the Nasu Seven Knights, and is the actual leader of the Nasu family's housekeeping.

Ota Hara Shikiyo is the most famous samurai in Shimono Province. It is said that his strategy is comparable to that of Date Inizune in his prime. His bravery and bravery will not let the Echigo tiger grow its tail. His army command strategy was considered by the top figures of the Warring States Period decades ago. He is roughly similar to Yukitaka Sanada, the undisputed hero of the Shinano Kingdom. He was an excellent samurai who excelled in both military and political strategies.

This person's fame can be traced back to the Eisho period fifty years ago. At that time, the Nasu clan was still divided into two families, the upper Nasu clan and the lower Nasu clan. The two families fought for the title of a leading family. His head was broken and he was bleeding. He also had to face attacks from the ambitious Utsunomiya family. You can imagine how difficult those days were.

It was the head of the Kaminasu clan during the Eisho era. He was actually the adopted son of the Shirakawa Yuki clan, Nasu Shikunaga, who was taken over by Ota Hara Shikiyo. The Kaminasu clan was facing the crisis of disintegration, so Otahara Shikiyo supported his lord. , Nasu Shifu, the governor of the lower Nasu clan, inherited the title of the upper Nasu clan, and actually achieved the great cause of merging the two Nasu clans into one. As a result, the Ohtawara clan became the well-deserved chief patriarch of the Nasu clan.

Ota Hara's rapid rise to fame has put tremendous pressure on the other members of the Nasu family. Among them, the previous governor of the Ozeki family, Ozeki Somasaru, felt very annoyed. He believed that his strategies were not much worse than those of Ota Hara, but it was just Nasu, the governor of the family. Zibo obviously trusted Otahara Ziqing more, so he took advantage of the dispute between the master's family and the Utsunomiya family to become independent.

Facts have proved that Ozeki Somaso was bragging. His strategy was much worse than that of his Ota Hara Seki, and his military strategy could be described as clumsy. Less than three months after independence, he was defeated by Ota Hara Sei. His legitimate son Ozeki Masuji was defeated by Ota Hara Ziqing asked for it without hesitation, and Ozeki Somaso died in depression, completing another triple jump in his life.

Therefore, Otahara Ziqing adopted his eldest son to the Ozeki family and changed his name to Ozeki Takazen. Later, Otahara Ziqing felt that it was not enough, so he gave his youngest son to the Fukuhara family, one of the Seven Knights of Nasu, and married Fukuhara Ziqing. The heir to the household governor whose daughter was the adopted son-in-law was renamed Fukuhara Shitaka.

For such a powerful family, there are three powerful clans who occupy three of the seven Nasu knights. It is conceivable how arrogant Ohtawara Tsunakiyo is at home. Relying on his status as an elder, he joins forces with his eldest brother, Ozeki Kozo. He angrily scolded his nephew Nasu Ziyin for being ignorant, and his poor performance on the battlefield almost led to the defeat of the Nasu family.

When the family business encountered the greatest difficulty, he did not want to fight hard in the hope of turning defeat into victory. Instead, he thought of committing seppuku, a cowardly act, while he was slightly injured. If not for the joint efforts of their Nasu Qiqi to stop it, He almost let his reckless family governor ruin the war, and bluntly said that he, the family governor, was unqualified.

Fukuhara Shitaka was relatively young and had no qualifications to speak. However, he also felt that his hard work in rescuing the family governor was the result of having to commit seppuku. He was somewhat unhappy with this nephew in his heart, but he felt that his two brothers were still a little too much. , especially Ozeki Gaozeng, who always glared at Nasu Ziyin with a straight face and a stern expression, just like a father scolding his own child, which made the family members somewhat unhappy.

Facts have proved that not only the family ministers are unhappy, but Nasu Ziyin, the family governor, is also very unhappy. He feels that his two uncles really don't know how to respect the authority of his family governor, and then think of the fact that since his half-brother Nasugao Zi, died in a murder jointly planned by Ozeki Takamasu and Faga Couture.

Before he was a house supervisor, he always felt that Nasu's high qualifications were too annoying. He never realized that Ozeki Takamasu would be a cruel and ruthless character. However, as his two uncles became more and more domineering, he felt that he was being scolded in public this time.

In fact, it was a conspiracy, and its purpose was nothing more than to destroy his majesty as the family governor, in order to achieve the ultimate goal of completely puppeting him.

Normally, Nasu Ziyin would consider that these two were his uncles, and they were the great heroes who recommended him to be the governor, so he would always hold back. But this time, because of the bad behavior of the family chief who rebuked the governor, he was completely angry.

, so the two sides got into a heated argument at the military meeting, and the governor of the family, Nasu Shiin, was in opposition to Ozeki Gaozou and Ohtawara Tsunakiyoshi.

As soon as Ozeki Takazo saw that the situation was not good, he immediately contacted Aramaki Nohide through the relationship he had accumulated over the years, and established contact with Satake Yoshiaki through his intermediary, hoping that Satake Yoshiaki would adopt a child to replace this nephew who disrespected him.

It has to be said that his move greatly stung Nasu Ziyin's self-esteem, and the relationship between uncle and nephew was completely strained.

Just when the Nasu family was having a quarrel with the family governor and the Hodai, and Utsunomiya Hirotsuna was distressed that his alliance in the lower field could not gain an advantage, the two heroes of the lower field, Utsunomiya Hirotsuna, and his opponent Nasu Suin simultaneously took over.

A letter from Mr. Furukawa added another unpredictable variable to the chaotic Shimono Country.

At the Karasuyama Castle Castle, the envoy of Ashikaga Fujimasa held a letter and said loudly: "The reason for the chaos in Shimono Kingdom for hundreds of years is that the Kanto samurai lost the command of His Highness Kakata and were unable to unite as one. His Highness Kakata also has the same responsibility as the Kanto Imperial Palace."

He has a certain responsibility. If His Highness Kōgata was as strong as he was before the Eternal Rebellion, there would be no disputes and disputes in Shimono Kingdom. Therefore, His Highness Kōgata is determined to cheer up and make a name for Furukawa Kōkō's house.

The letter invites Nasu-don to go to the Furukawa Imperial Palace for a meeting, and His Highness Kokata wants to discuss something."

Nasu Ziyin was very wary of this inexplicable envoy from Koga Koga. He thought to himself why this puppet of the Hojo family thought of touching the Nasu family and asked him to talk about something important. Maybe it was because of something wrong with his head. Could it be that there was something wrong with his head?

Ashikaga Fujimasa is really so stupid that he has no idea that the Nasu family is the Satake family, the Yuki family, the Oyama family and other allies who are against Hojo.

After thinking about it carefully, I really couldn't figure out the reason, so I asked tentatively: "What's the point of bothering the angel to tell me?" (To be continued...)

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