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Chapter 467

The Shinano-Kiso clan is different from the Echizen Asakura clan. The Asakura clan relied on wise family governors and a united family to establish a strong military exploit, and gradually conquered the territory of Echizen and became a new generation of famous samurai families. However, Shinano-Kiso clan

The clan has no glorious record at all. Even if they followed Ashikaga Takauji and raised an army two hundred years ago, they were just trying to keep their abilities in check.

This clan has done almost nothing in the more than two hundred years since the early days of Muromachi. They participated in the Onin Rebellion just to make trouble. They basically watched the civil strife at Shinano Junior High School and never intervened. This is Takato of the Suwa clan in Ina County.

The Fujisawa clan and the Matsuo Ogasawara clan of the Ogasawara clan also basically chose a neutral and hands-off attitude in their internal conflicts.

For so many years, it was nothing more than playing house safely in Kiso Valley. When he was in the mood, the lord might take a group of retainers to go eagle hunting, or take samurai to drive away the mountain people running around in the mountains, or resell the people in the mountains.

The wood was exchanged for a small amount of money, and the occasional disputes with the Hida Kingdom and the Ogasawara Clan were calculated based on ten years.

Every ten or eight years, there are small conflicts involving dozens or hundreds of people. The biggest one is to take more than a thousand people to fight a light-intensity battle that damages dozens of people. The one with the greatest impact may be the first one.

Kiso Yoshimoto, who changed his official name to "Yi", was seriously injured and died while resisting the attack of Miki Shigeyori, who had not yet unified Minami Hida. The rest of the time, fighting in joint battles was at most a fun way to change his life.

Takigawa Tokimasu, who was attending the meeting of ministers for the first time, had not dared to speak. Now seeing that all the samurai were deep in thought and had no intention of speaking, he raised his right hand high and asked in a very exaggerated tone: "My lord,

I have a question, why didn’t any countrymen realize that the Kiso family was falsely claimed before? And are the people in the territory so stupid that they didn’t realize that the lord had changed his name to Miao when he woke up?"

Nangokang Tōfō smiled and shook his head. He secretly thought that this question was a bit amateurish. However, he still answered patiently: "Presumably, a person who pretends to be a famous family must make a series of preliminary preparations! It is impossible for someone to pretend to be a famous person today and be exposed tomorrow, like Miki.

During the time of Yoshiyori's father, Naoyori Miki, the Koji family of Hida Province's sister had completely declined.

When Naoyori Miki was the governor of the family, he began to plan the plan to impersonate the Anokōji family. After two generations and decades of planning, he gradually completed the control of Minami Hida, and logically inherited the Anekokōji family, which has no heirs.

The Kiso family must have made preparations for a long time before taking over!"

Since the people of Shinano are neither stupid nor stupid, and not only have sound IQs but are also very smart, how could they allow a family with unknown origins to suddenly assume the name of the Kiso family? This must have taken one generation or even several generations.

To lay the foundation for this, perhaps as early as not long after the death of Kiso Yoshimune in the Kamakura period, when Numata Iyomori's family moved to Kiso Valley as the lord, he might have been secretly making preliminary preparations to usurp the family name.

After waves of chaos in the Kamakura period, the samurai family who knew about it either withered or died out and could not pose a threat to their family. The only impact may be on the Numata clan far away in Ueno country. As long as this family can be settled, the whole world will be

No one else will know that such an imposter exists.

It is a pity that after years of planning, it has encountered the embarrassment of a hundred secrets and a few gaps. The calligraphy left in the Kiso Valley over the past few hundred years has been covered up. Even if Kiso Yoshimasa could come up with something to fool the shogunate, the Shinano guardian and the local lords and people.

That theory says that this is a cover-up done by their ancestors to deceive others.

But the document left by Numata Sota's family was irrefutable evidence. He could not explain why his ancestor gave such a strange letter to the Numata family. Even if he could still deny that it was a forged document, but that

The free supply of money and food for more than 40 years will never be false.

The long journey from Minami Shinano to Nishi Ueno requires many customs offices to notify the Shinano Guardian Ogasawara family in advance. No matter what name their family uses to send it to the Ueno Numata family, they must leave a lot of relevant documents, and for such a year

If it continues for more than forty years year after year, and then suddenly finds a reason to interrupt, it will leave many traces. These traces may be spread over most of Shinano and half of Ueno country, and it is definitely not something that the Kiso family has the ability to erase.

Sanada Yukitaka listened quietly to the speeches of the samurai, and then thought for a while and said: "His Royal Highness Kōkata's judgment is very accurate. Kiso Yoshimasa is indeed bound to rebel, but I feel that Kiso Yoshimasa or his reclusive father Kiso

Yoshiyasu will take action, and may even do very bad things to my family, the Ashikaga family."

Kira Yoshitoki also vaguely realized that it was not that simple, but he didn't think clearly about the reason for a while. He happened to touch a glimmer of light and heard Sanada Yukitaka's speech. He immediately sat up straight and said solemnly: "Please tell me about the main hall.


"Yes! I believe that the Kiso family will never simply rebel. Not only will they rebel, but they will also take a tough stance towards the Ashikaga clan. They must act like a weakling who has been ruthlessly violated by the Ashikaga clan, so that the world will mistakenly think that

It is my superior, the Ashikaga family, who is trying to trap the Kiso clan. The original intention is that His Highness Kōkata wants to exterminate their clan and seize their land.

By that time, His Highness Minakata will definitely be unable to escape the suspicion. Whether it is the mountains of irrefutable evidence from Numata Uenosuke Soyasu or the verbal records of Ogasawara Dosukisai, they will all be described by those who are interested as His Majesty's means of preparing to deal with the Kiso family in advance.

, since it is a means, it does not matter whether it is true or false. Even if it is true, it can be treated as false.

All His Highness Kimikata needs to do is to punish the Kiso family, and he will be regarded as the cruel Ashikaga family once again ruthlessly persecuting the Togoku samurai family in the name of the shogunate's laws, but this time the target of the persecution is changed to Kawachi Genji.

The Kiso clan of the clan, combined with the behavior of punishing the Miki clan, it is likely to lead to many very bad conclusions."

Yukitaka Sanada's voice was deep, powerful, and spoke slowly and firmly. When it fell into Kiragi's ears, it was like a sledgehammer ringing a bell next to his ears. The rumble of the sound filled his ears and shook his face, which kept changing.

, the bat fan he was holding tightly in his hand came out without even realizing that his deep voice was roaring like a beast. At this moment, he was really angry.

"I must kill this thief! If this thief does not die, I will not feel at ease!" Kira Yoshihide angrily ordered: "Order Ogasawara Shinano to lead three thousand troops to set off from Takato Castle, and then order Yasuda Administrative Department Shaofu to lead the troops.

Three thousand people set out from Sakuradou Castle. The two prefectures attacked Kiso Valley Fukushima Castle from east and west directions. They ordered the local people in Kiso Valley to leave the Kiso clan and join the crusade to fight together. They also ordered the Kiso clan to pass down the genealogy, but some regretted that they wanted to be pioneers.

You can use your skills to secure it."

"Sometimes it is the right choice to give up comfort. Since we are going to send troops, we have to consider an issue." Uesugi Teruhora, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly let go of the rosary in his hand and said slowly: "If the name is not right, the words will not be right, so please

Your Highness, please tell me, under what name should our army send troops?"

"It doesn't seem appropriate to pretend to be the Kiso family..." Kira Yoshi also realized that he had not thought about this problem. He couldn't find a good name to attack a foreigner who was already subordinate to him. It was really unreasonable, and he couldn't

He is not good at concocting such high-end crimes and has no moral integrity. For a while, he was a little stuck and didn't know how to figure out the name for sending troops.

Honda Tokimasa suddenly had an idea and said: "Aren't the Miyoshi family planning to contact the Kanto samurai family to deal with our Kira family? Why not install the Miyoshi Chokei in the Kiso family who colluded with the anti-Echigo family, and teamed up with Furukawa to plan the anti-Kira family?

What about treason? Once the Kiso family rebels, they will definitely join this alliance, so this can’t be considered a frame-up!"

"Then let's attack Kiso Yoshimasa in this name! Fight quickly and don't delay it until the autumn harvest! The direct descendants of the Kiso clan must be exterminated, and those who resist will be captured and exiled as usual!" Yoshitoki Kira

With a wave of his hand, he immediately made the decision and settled the matter.

Under the strict orders of Kira Yoshitoki, the entire Kira family was like a huge machine running at high speed. Within a few days, the edict was conveyed through multiple channels. Ogasawara Nagatoki, who was in charge of Takato Castle, responded appropriately after receiving the news.

He placed two thousand defenders, and personally led three thousand troops out of Takato Castle and headed straight for Kiso Valley. Along the way, people from Kamishita Ina County came to join the formation after hearing the news. This army quickly swelled to more than five thousand.

On the other side, Yasuda Nagahide's action speed was not slow at all, and he received the information from the Kira navy upstream through the Miyagawa River. He obtained this edict slightly earlier than Ogasawara Nagatoki, leaving behind a thousand Etsuchu

The military force was guarded by the veteran Yoshie Munenobu, who personally led a thousand troops and recruited two thousand Hida troops to join the battle, and attacked Minamishinano Kiso Valley with Ajizaka Nagami as the vanguard.

The total strength of the two groups of attacking troops reached more than 8,000 men and they came fiercely. When these two groups of troops poured into Kiso Valley with frightening power, the Minami Shinano people near Kiso Valley were stunned.

, they completely didn’t understand how the Duke of Kasugayama Castle could turn against the Kiso family and attack the Kiso family. They still remembered that half a year ago, their lord, Kiso Yoshimasa, went to Kasugayama Castle in person to get the commendation of the mayor. Why did everything change overnight?

It mutated into this look.

The people of Kiso Valley were confused and angry, but they really couldn't muster the courage to resist in the face of the mighty Kira Army. The caged city resisted the city's surrender and fell into captivity in such a confused way. In the process, Kiso Yi

Chang's reaction was slow and he failed to take any better countermeasures, so he was so easily surrounded by Kiso Fukushima Castle.

Ogasawara Nagatoki and Yasuda Nagahide did not waste time after joining forces. The two sides divided their labors and cooperated to encircle the city and suppress the remnants of the Kiso clan. Even the two of them did not expect that the crusade against Kiso Valley would be unexpectedly smooth. In other words, Kiso Yoshimasa did not expect it at all.

I didn't expect the Kira family to be so quick and ruthless, and they were surrounded by six thousand troops swarming from two sides before they were even ready to rebel.

It only took half a month from the dispatch of troops to the siege of Kiso Fukushima Castle. Many branch castles in Kiso Valley also opened the city one after another within half a month of siege. Even a few retainers who held on were quickly captured and their families were harmed. The Ashikaga family announced a series of incriminating evidence about Kiso Yoshimasa's collusion with the Miyoshi Nagakei gang, and the Kiso family's last chance of resistance was completely wiped out.

This series of evidence is like ringing the death knell for the destruction of the Kiso family. Many members of the Kiso family are in panic and shaken. These family members have no idea why the governor wants to resist the Kira family, let alone Miyoshi. How many benefits did Changqing give to the governor, so much so that he made a desperate choice that was almost crazy and rebellious?

Before the arrival of the Kamizushi Ashikaga Clan's crusade, Kiso Yoshimasa's various military deployments in Kiso Fukushima Castle and even the entire Kiso Valley could not hide the vigilance of those who were interested, not to mention that the Kiso family's lineage retainers were all powerful locals. The Wu family is well aware of the extraordinary behavior that the family governor has done under their noses.

Even if Kiso Yoshimasa found various reasons and explanations, he could not hide the meaning behind this unusual military adjustment. What was even worse was that not long after the military deployment was made, the aggressive crusade came to the door. Let Kiso The family members of the clan have every reason to believe that their lord is making some treacherous secret plans.

Otherwise, why didn't the Ashikaga clan attack other samurai families? Instead, they focused on the Kiso clan who had just had military changes. And the difference was only a few days. Many samurai couldn't help but think about it. Maybe Kiso Yoshimasa found out that the matter was exposed and hurriedly prepared. He planned a rebellion, but was still a step too late and was blocked by the crusade at the door of his house.

Most of the lords in the Kiso Valley are retainers who have followed the Kiso clan for nearly a hundred years. They consider themselves to be the descendants of the Kiso clan. But now that they have encountered such a big thing as rebellion, the family governor Kiso Yoshimasa even shouted They came to discuss it without even thinking about it, which made them feel that the governor did not trust them at all.

Having been a vassal for a lifetime and still not being trusted, this was a huge blow to many samurai who regarded themselves as loyal ministers and good generals. The loss of self-confidence caused them to have complex emotions of resentment and disgust, and the younger and more radical gendai rebelled against Kiso without hesitation. clan, switched to the camp of the Kira Crusade Army and instead fought against their former masters. Although the older samurai did not abandon their masters, they also gave up their plans to continue to be close to Kiso Yoshimasa.

However, Kiso Yoshimasa was still unable to argue. He didn't know how to explain to the clan retainer in order to clear himself of suspicion. He couldn't tell the clan retainer that he wanted to rebel because his family background was exposed. He was worried that things would be exposed, so He would rather strike first to raise a flag of rebellion and throw dirty water on the Ashikaga family.

This kind of behavior is so despicable and completely different from the image of a famous family that the Kiso family has advertised for many years. Moreover, the family members who inherited the family did not know that the Kiso Yoshimasa family was a fake Kawachi Genji family. After his explanation, they exposed themselves. His ugliness lets everyone know that he is a fake. On the contrary, it will make the family members even more reluctant to fight for this fake family, and they will die faster and more miserably.

Without explanation, he couldn't explain why Kiso Yoshimasa was punished. He couldn't even explain the difference between making so many military deployments and preparing for rebellion. Kiso Yoshimasa originally planned to wait for the Ashikaga family sent by the Kamizi to investigate the matter of pretending to be the leader. , and then he caused another quarrel, which aroused the hatred of the retainers. First, he established his identity as a victim from the moral high ground, so that he would be able to rebel again in the future without having to bear the infamy.

But now things have turned out to be something else. Kira Yoshitsune had clearly promised to send a group of followers to investigate, but suddenly there was no news. After waiting for half a month, eight thousand crusade troops came to the door.

There was no mention of the drama of exposing the false leader in Kasugayama Castle. Kiso Yoshimasa couldn't be stupid enough to tell the family retainer at this time that his family was actually exposed at the assessment meeting of Kasugayama Castle half a month ago.

Kiso Yoshimasa soon discovered that he had been tricked by him. He never expected that the Kira family would change their name and attack him directly. The speed and cruelty of the attack completely exceeded his imagination. He and his father Kiso Yoshiyasu planned for many days to come up with it.

The tragic drama of rebellion was messed up before it even had time to start.

Regardless of how the people of Minami-Shinano view Kiso Yoshimasa's rebellion, and there is no need to delve into the details of why Kiso Yoshimasa offended His Highness Kōkata of Kasugayama Castle, the people of Minami-Shinano now understand that the Kiso family is completely hopeless.

Whether in compliance with the general trend or to add insult to injury, more and more people from Minami Shinano joined the crusade, and more than 10,000 troops had gathered outside Kiso Fukushima Castle.

Among these tens of thousands of troops are the former relatives and friends of Kiso Yoshimasa, close friends, family retainers who have been his confidants for many years, and young samurai seedlings that he is optimistic about. Now they are all standing on the opposite side of the Kiso clan and clamoring for Kiso Yoshimasa.

Chang quickly opened the city and surrendered. The so-called wall fell, everyone broke the drum, and thousands of people beat it. Thousands of people died without illness. This is probably the situation.

Kiso Valley is a long and narrow valley surrounded by mountains. To the west is Mount Ontake, which stands among the clouds and mist. To the southwest is the Tamataki River, which connects to Lake Ontake, the largest lake in the territory. To the southeast, the Komagatake Mountains are also towering into the clouds.

The mountain roads were completely blocked and cut off by the expeditionary army, and there was almost no possibility of the Kiso family escaping due to the wall between east and west.

In the castle tower of Kiso Fukushima Castle, the young governor Kiso Yoshimasa was roaring angrily. Ever since he learned that the Kira army had invaded Kiso Valley with all its strength, he had never been in a good mood. His eyes were red and swollen.

Two red lanterns, with a dull face and obvious dark circles at the corners of the eyes, it was obvious that they had not slept for several days.

At this time, not many of the Kisodai retainers in Kiso Fukushima Castle were left. No matter how hard the Kiso family tried, they could no longer conceal the critical situation of overall disadvantage. Today, there are less than 2,000 troops remaining in the Kiso Valley, with 90% of them concentrated.

In the battle between trapped beasts in Kiso Fukushima Castle, the remaining retainers were so worried that they could not hide their pessimism.

As one of the few staunch supporters of the Kiso family, Mikawa Moriyoshi Yamamura said worriedly: "The town master would actually attack us! This is completely inconsistent with the usual rules! According to common sense, we should also question him.

Let's make a decision again, why did you take such sudden action without giving me a chance to argue?"

Uematsu Yoshitoyo, who had just returned home from Kasugayama Castle, obviously had more hatred and anger to vent, and said angrily: "My child, I clearly remember that the mayor of the town comforted my Kiso family, saying that he must get back the money for us.

It's fair, but I don't want to take action against my Kiso family before the lingering news is over! This town official... No! This Yoshitoki Kira is also a capricious villain!"

Chimura's housekeeper said: "How on earth did Yoshitoki Kira notice the actions of our Kiso family? Our actions are so secretive that most of the members of the clan are unaware of it. It is really hard to believe that Kira ninjas can keep such secrets

If the news is found out, it would be really terrible if that happens!"

Baba Shoji of the Kiso clan shouted: "We can't just sit back and wait, we must take action! There may be a way to contact the Miyoshi family, the Takeda family, and the Hojo family!"

"Kiso Valley is located in a remote area with vast mountains on both sides. The Kira Army's blockade has reached its extreme. At this time, I am afraid that even the information cannot be transmitted!" Kiso Yoshiyasu could only smile bitterly at the young man and said: "This is

This situation makes me really don’t know what to do! How could our Kiso family be like this?"

The so-called misfortune at home comes from the sky is probably what it means. In Kiso Yoshiyasu's view, this is completely an unnecessary misunderstanding. If there was no trouble like Ogasawara Dongxuesai, many things would not have happened, let alone

It got to the point where I had to fight back for my own reputation. To this day, I have nothing but regrets.

Yamamura Ryōri's legitimate son, Yamamura Ryōri, who was only fourteen years old, said nervously: "If we surrender now, can we get Andu's promise in exchange?"

"Impossible! The Kira family will not let us go so easily. Otherwise, they will not try their best to give us a name of rebellion. We probably won't have a chance." Kiso Yoshimasa said with a gloomy face:

"No matter what, my Kiso family will never give in! Absolutely not!"

No matter how much Kiso Yoshimasa persists, he cannot change the situation that has no way out. The Kiso Valley, surrounded by mountains deep in the mountains, is besieged from all sides. The defenders in the city are limited and cannot surrender in exchange for a chance of survival. This forces the Kiso family to

The only choice is to abandon Cage City and cling to one path.

However, Kiso Yoshimasa still tentatively sent envoys to try to surrender, but how could Ogasawara Nagatoki give him a chance to survive? His third brother Ogasawara Tosukisai started this war at the cost of ending his personal career, but the result was

Stealing the chicken but losing the rice made him hate the Kiso family to the point of irritation, not to mention that Kira Yoshihiro's order was to eradicate the weeds and not allow surrender.

In despair, Kiso Yoshimasa gritted his teeth and insisted on not opening the city and surrendering, because he knew very well that Kira Yoshitoki was going to kill him. Kiso Yoshimasa couldn't figure out why his secret plan was discovered. Logically speaking,

He shouldn't have acted so quickly, but the facts easily defeated his self-confidence, and he was destined to be a shameful loser.

Thousands of people besieged Kiso Fukushima Castle. This absurd and bizarre scene lasted for a whole month. Until late July, not far from the autumn harvest, Kiso Fukushima Castle, which had been without food for more than half a year, was forced to surrender. The current governor, Kiso Yoshi,

Masaru and his reclusive father Yoshiyasu Kiso, and his younger brother Yoshitoyo Uematsu committed seppuku.

The Kiso clan's common clan members such as the Sajikawa clan, the Chimura clan, the Makino clan, the Atagawa clan, the Furuhata clan and the Kamimatsu clan sacrificed more than 200 men with the family governor. A few die-hard family retainers such as Yamamura Saburo Kuro and Narai Rokuro

Zaemon also followed his master's family and died. The large square of Fukushima Castle was filled with the corpses of the martyrs. The scene could really be described as a river of blood and a smell of stench rising to the sky. Kiso Yoshimasa had just gotten married and had no heirs. He had been glorious for hundreds of years.

The Shinano Kiso family became extinct. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

This chapter has been completed!
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