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Chapter 469 Another two children?

The sudden collapse of the once prosperous Kiso clan had a huge impact on Minami Shinano. All the remnants of the Kiso clan were captured and sent to Kasugayama Castle for punishment. As a formality, all these samurai were sent to Sado Island for exile.

, all the territories belonging to the Kiso clan near the Kiso Valley were confiscated, and the few Kiso clan retainers who had rendered meritorious services provided guarantees of security measures, but these people were no longer able to form a climate.

Most of the territory in the Kiso Valley was taken over by Kira Yoshitoki, which greatly increased the influence of the Kira family on Minami Shinano, further causing huge changes in the structure of Ina County. The people in Ina County, whether intentionally or unintentionally, wanted to support the Kira family.

As they got closer, they deeply realized that this master was not only of noble status, but also a cruel and ruthless person who seemed to be even more terrifying than Takeda Shingen.

Harvesting a piece of territory should have been a happy thing, but Kira Yoshitoki couldn't be happy no matter what. He never thought of wanting such a small territory in Kiso Valley, and the disposal of the Kiso clan was also a temporary move out of necessity.

After passing through the Kiso Yoshihashi clan, they hurriedly sent out a new round of appeasement work to the people in Ina County. They were afraid that the death of the Kiso clan would leave a deep shadow on these people, and it would be extremely difficult to reverse it in the future.


This is the saying that when things go to extremes, they will inevitably reverse. Often, the greater the pressure you put, the stronger the force of rebound will be. Even if he does things like robbing families and exterminating families, he will do it cleanly and never sloppily. In fact, you have to think carefully before doing all this.

After planning, a lot of comfort and a series of preferential treatment must be given after the operation. The local people cannot be allowed to develop a mentality of despair. It would be a disaster for him to let them unconsciously stick together. After all, they do not always have a reason to be cruel.

There are many ways to appease. The simplest one is to throw away the stick and give it to the carrot. The Kira family's executive officer sent carrots to the people in Ina County. Also receiving carrots were the people of Hida country, who evacuated the mountain villages and demolished the city.

Villages were built, new fields were built, streets were built, embankments were built, and Minami-Shinano and Hida Province were comprehensively renovated from four aspects: food, clothing, housing, and transportation.

The preliminary plan will take five years, and a total of 100,000 guan will be invested in the two places in batches to improve road traffic, rectify river embankments, innovate agriculture, and build larger and wider villages and towns. The concentration of the population can create both scale and scale.

It can reduce management costs and demolish redundant fortresses, leaving only a small number of branch cities controlled by the Kira family. This can effectively increase the power of domination over the two places and ensure that the people in the two places do not dare to have thoughts of trouble.

As for the development of new agriculture, it needs to be postponed. The terrain of Minami Shinano and Hida Province is very similar. Mainly because there are more mountains and hills and relatively few plains. The two places mainly cultivate barley, and the situation in Echigo, Ueno, and Northern Shinano

Completely different, so practitioners must make appropriate adjustments. Wheat is characterized by short plants with short awns, long ears and high yield, while barley is just the opposite. Plants are tall with long awns, short ears and relatively low yield. The planting of the two crops

The scope and methods of application are not much different.

Therefore, the first thing to do when entering the two places is to change the relatively low-yield barley to the relatively higher-yield wheat cultivation, and then encourage local farmers to plant soybeans in winter as a rotation method. The most important compost establishment point also requires a lot of manpower.

and time, the promotion of these application technologies cannot be completed at the beginning. It will take one or two years or even more to accumulate.

At that time, Kiragi was not so worried about his governance skills, but worried about leaving huge psychological trauma to the people of Hida Province and Minami Shinano. His response was to send a small number of ninjas to sneak into the two places to win over and control some of the more powerful places.

The influential samurai asked them to spread the word that the Miki and Kiso clan had pretended to be famous and had colluded with Kinai to rebel against the Miyoshi clan. They relied on this method to slowly bring about the negative impact of the killing of the two families on the local area.

Twist back.

He had just finished a lot of work and hadn't rested for a few days when the unusual changes in Furukawa's office reached his ears. He knew a few months ago that Ashikaga Fujimasa was very unstable in his activities, but he didn't expect that this guy would turn out to be crazy.

He made a move that was detrimental to the Ashikaga family, and the relevant information that came later also proved the crazy behavior of Lord Furukawa Ashikaga Fujimasa.

He took a thick stack of information and casually threw it on the desk, and sneered in a low voice: "He actually colluded with Miyoshi Changqing in Kinai to plan against Yu Xing. In the past few months, he has really allowed him to control Kanto and Yuao.

Several Chinese people have persuaded me, but I really don’t understand how much influence this group of Chinese people with inconsistent orders and different ideas can have on me? This matter is getting more and more interesting!"

Honda Tokimasa said with a smile: "It's really a sleepy pillow. Isn't this a good opportunity to invade Kanto? If you defeat the Kanto Lord, you can invade Kanto."

"I'm afraid it's not that easy." Hosokawa Fujitaka frowned and said: "The Furukawa family is collaborating with the Kanto samurai family to fight against the Ashikaga family, but how to fight is still a problem. According to the current situation, let's look at the situation between Umo noguni and Mutsu country.

The war initiated by the people of our country is probably a huge trap that will lure us into an extremely dangerous quagmire."

The reactions of the family members present here are also different. Some people think it is better to fight, while others think it is better to be more cautious and not to use force rashly. The main war faction is mostly generals who have served in the army, while the peace faction is composed of executive officers who sit in the rear.

It is not appropriate to call them Lord and Harmony, but these adherents prefer to use diplomacy to resolve conflicts instead of war.

Probably the main battle leaders from ancient times to the present have been similar. The warriors on the front line all think about fighting to gain merit, while the followers in the rear think that more things are worse than less things, and they can use strategy and political means to solve the problem. Don't start a war, why bother spending countless amounts of money and food every time you fight.

Just as a group of samurai were tangled, the flag-bearer Terutora Uesugi suddenly interjected: "What the Hyobu-dono said makes sense. Shimono Country and Minami Mutsu are both places where wars have been fought for a long time. The people of the country are tough and unruly, although they are not as good as me.

The tyrannical Echigo samurai are not so easy to deal with. Although the Ashikaga clan is famous in East China and Hokurikudo, they have no influence at all in these two places. It is hard to say whether we will fall into the fire of war if we rush into them hastily.

, if we fight intermittently for five or seven years like the Battle of Kawanakajima, the gains will outweigh the losses."

However, Honda Tokimasa said calmly: "Danzhengden's concerns are very good. But I still insist that this is a good opportunity, but it needs good guidance to implement it. The node of this guidance lies in the Sagami Hojo clan.

Is it possible to make it easier? For example, it would be much better to adopt a strategic defense stance against the disputes between Shimono and Mutsu, and use all our strength to deal with the Sagami Hojo clan!"

Honjo Minoru, who had been silent for a long time, said: "Defend Higashi Ueno, defend Shimono, do you want Deyu to defend? If so, how many troops are needed for defense and how should they be deployed? How many troops are more suitable for the expedition to Musashi? And Kinai?"

"This..." Honda Tokimasa suddenly got stuck. Such a complex strategic deduction cannot be figured out in a short while. Usually a key node cannot be figured out, or a misjudgment may lead to disaster.

No one dares to make a fuss about this kind of issue.

Sanada Yukitaka said: "Honda-den provides a very good idea. If used well, it will have a miraculous effect on the southward march to Kanto. The gathering of more than 60,000 troops around Kasugayama Castle today is a huge deterrent. As long as this force is used properly,

It will bring great convenience to my family."

After several days of discussion, there is no clear answer. The reason is that we still want to wait for the changes in Kinai. If there is no action within the Kinai Three Kingdoms Alliance, no one dares to mention the move south to Kanto. I think Miyoshi Changqing also understands this truth and is competing for patience.

.Depends on whether the Kira family moves south to Kanto first or the Kinai Three Kingdoms Alliance encounters problems first. As long as there is a change in one of the parties, this fragile balance will be broken instantly.

Kira Yoshitsune was not too worried about encountering a sudden change. Now, the Kira family has a great advantage. Whether it is the Kinai Three Kingdoms Alliance created by Miyoshi Nagakei or the Anti-Echigo Alliance formed by colluding with Furukawa Duke Ashikaga Fujimasa, it is against Echigo.

The influence of the Kira family and the local Echigo family was minimal.

In the four directions of Echigo Kingdom, the three kingdoms of Echigo, Shinano, Ueno, etc. fell into his hands. The only place that could be invaded was the Ashina Mori clan in Aizu, and it was necessary to climb mountains to enter Echigo. Yonezawa's Date family theory

You can also climb over mountains and ridges to enter Echigo, but the mountains are even more exaggerated than those from Aizu to Echigo. You have to be mentally prepared for half of the people to die if you go over there. If you force the mountain to be climbed due to heavy snow, that's how many people will die.

How much rhythm? This is basically equivalent to no way out.

As long as Echigo is not threatened, the other countries will act as a strategic buffer zone. With Echigo's strong strength, tens of thousands of troops can be quickly mobilized, and the situation can be forcibly restored with the help of generals who are good at fighting. At the beginning,

Takeda Shingen teamed up with Hojo Ujiyasu, Kaga Ichikui and Yu'ou's national army failed to capture Echigo. Now it is even more difficult to pose a fatal threat to Echigo.

In the blink of an eye, August has come again, and the arrival of the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival means that the autumn harvest is around the corner. Torahime's body is getting heavier and heavier, so Kira Yoshiki puts aside his official duties and is busy with his wife. The midwife tells him that the fetus is developing very well and it will be four months later.

The delivery period was about ten days, and Kiragi nervously counted several times before he finally figured out that forty days would be a day at the end of September. Having had the experience of having his first child, it stands to reason that as a husband, he should be calmer, but seeing that

My wife was struggling with her bulging belly, and she couldn't calm down in her heart.

It would be better if it was just a lady who was about to give birth, but the most troublesome thing is that Zhihu and Sandalwood are also seven months pregnant, which makes him so busy that he can hardly stand on his feet, running back and forth to serve, not to worry about this

If he doesn't eat well, he is worried about not being able to wear warm clothes, or not sleeping well, which is bad for the fetus, etc., which makes him very busy.

On the other hand, Saito Asanobu was laughing and joking all day long as if nothing was wrong. It was not like his daughter-in-law, Aju, who was due to give birth in the near future. He still had time to invite friends to drink and have fun before returning home until midnight. Kiragi was very angry.

In a rage, he ordered him to go home and serve his wife, and not to go out to play until the child was born. This made Saito Asanobu, a fierce general, very depressed.

One day, Saito Asanobu complained again to Ishikawa who came to visit: "Why don't my wife let me go out to play when she has a baby? There are maids always waiting at home and a midwife lives at home, so why do you still let me?"

It’s so unpleasant for me to squat at home and serve my wife, watching her in pain and discomfort all day long!”

Unfortunately, his words reached Kira Yoshitoki's ears in an instant, so he issued an edict to Echigo Zhongkui. He must learn to wash diapers with his own hands and serve his wife Akiku after her confinement. He was still not allowed to leave the house even half a step.

Any violation will be severely punished, so Saito Asanobu was unlucky enough to be shot.

A horse farm has long been opened up in the hills behind Kasugayama Castle. Every day, a group of Hime samurai practice riding, shooting, spear skills, and naginata skills here. The young samurai girls take off their beautiful robes and put on gorgeous armor, with long and beautiful hair.

His hair is tied up in a bowl and he wears a black hat. He holds the reins in his left hand and runs back and forth with his naginata in his right hand. He looks very handsome.

In the pavilion in the corner of the racecourse, several women were sitting and chatting. Hu Ji walked a few steps with her round belly and sat back on the embroidered pier. She said in annoyance: "I obviously gave birth to Zhenwang Wan, why is this

It’s still so hard to be pregnant for the first time! It seems like my belly has gotten a lot bigger.”

"Sister Hu Ji is not pregnant..." Sandalwood swallowed her words again, but attracted several women to look at her. Sandalwood suddenly regretted her recklessness. She knew she shouldn't have said such words.

One sentence. But now that the words have been spoken, what should I do?

Hu Ji looked at Tanxiang who was hesitant to speak strangely, feeling that her behavior today was a bit abnormal, so she asked curiously: "Sister Tanxiang, just say what you want to say, there is no need to worry if we are all sisters here, even if

It doesn’t matter if you say anything wrong.”

"What I mean is, are you pregnant with two children?" Sandalwood whispered: "If I say something wrong, sisters, please don't laugh at Sandalwood!"

Several women suddenly lost their voices. Having two children was a very reluctant solution. In fact, all the women here knew that it meant twins. The legend that it is unlucky to have twins has lasted for more than a thousand years. In Echigo

It was also a taboo thing, and it wasn't until Ah Ju gave birth to twin girls that things came around.

Hu Ji's beautiful eyebrows slightly wrinkled and she didn't say a word for a long time. Her complicated mood could be understood by these women. Earlier, no one noticed the abnormality of Hu Ji's pregnancy, but since she was five or six months pregnant, some people

She was sensitive enough to find that Hu Ji's belly was unusually big. The belly of the almost nine-month-old was actually several times bigger than that of Sandalwood, who was more than seven months old. All the women here had guessed the possibility of twins.


As the royal wife of the Ashikaga family, Torahime's every move represents Kira Yoshitoki's huge influence. Every child she carries is an eye-catching star. If she is really pregnant with twins, it will bring

It's hard to say how much of an impact it had. Several women suddenly became confused and didn't know how to comfort them.

Smoke and dust were everywhere on the racecourse. Princess Aya drove Kinima to gallop around the racecourse for several times, and then she shot a pot of arrows at the target before she stopped. She woke up Ao who was dozing in the corner and walked slowly away.

Back at the pavilion, Nagao Ao is the legitimate daughter of the Sanjo Nagao family and the younger sister of Princess Aya and Torahime. Although Ao married Honjo Noganaga for the purpose of a political marriage, she did not suffer much.

Since Honjo Shigenaga came to the rescue at the wedding, her status within the Hatabushiki family has steadily increased, and as a direct minister, she does not need to live in the countryside to manage farm real estate, so she has been living in Kasugayama Castle's Hakudaishikiya.

Before leaving, I ran to Honmaru to find some sisters to play with when I had nothing to do. This young couple did not plan to have children for the time being, so they lived a very comfortable life. Princess Aya was also very close to this sister, although Nagao Ao

Although she is slightly younger, it does not affect the close relationship between the sisters.

Princess Aya was born in October of the first year of Hiroki (1528). She is one and a half years older than her younger brother Uesugi Teruhora, and will only turn thirty-three in two months. A woman of this age

It is the most splendid time in life, which represents a woman's gradual transition from youth to maturity and into the golden age. This is the time when the so-called wife is born.

Her mature temperament and charming femininity often scare her brother-in-law away. Princess Aya seems to like to tease her brother-in-law very much. When she teases Kiragi with some half-truths and half-false words, she knows very well what is happening.

There are people who are domineering and cruel in the outside world, but they are always cautious and timid when it comes to women and do not dare to go too far.

As soon as she walked into the pavilion, she noticed that the atmosphere in the pavilion was a bit abnormal. Several women looked sad. She was puzzled and said with a smile: "The rain on our face a few days ago made us hide in the house and we didn't know what to do."

It happened that the sun was shining brightly today and the temperature was moderate, so I thought of inviting a few pregnant sisters to come out and bask in the sun. This made all the wonderful people frown deeply.

Could it be that the good husband of our sisters has taken in someone else’s daughter to be his concubine, or has taken some woman’s body? Don’t the sisters often say that their husbands are so hard at work that they always want to have three or five times a night?

Can I rest until I get back? I guess I don’t have the help of my sisters to be such a sneaky tabby cat!"

Princess Aya's words made several women blush. Hu Ji blushed and said coquettishly: "Sister, I'm teasing Hu Ji again. Your Highness is very gentle to Hu Ji and the younger sisters! That's what he does."

He didn't force us when we were talking about it. Don't talk nonsense three or five times. If word spreads, Hu Ji will be embarrassed to see others."

Married women talk more casually. Ling Gong sat up on the embroidered pier, inadvertently revealing his slender calves and a pair of snowy feet, and asked strangely: "Then what's going on with you little sisters?"

?The food is well-fed, the clothes are warm, and no one cares about you. The good husband has not found a woman, so why do you always look so worried?"

"It's not the baby in Hu Ji's belly that's causing trouble!" Hu Ji said distressedly: "Sister, what do you think if Hu Ji is pregnant with two children?"

This chapter has been completed!
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