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Chapter 480: The Threat of War

Asakura Keiki's anger was both unexpected and reasonable, but Asakura Yoshikage would never be able to get justice for his uncle, not to mention that Asakura Keiki, who he had worked so hard to promote, was reluctant to kill him, even if he was willing

We also have to ask the thousands of soldiers in the field whether they agree. In the eyes of the field people and many members of the same name, Asakura Jingjing is responsible but not guilty, because the death of Asakura Jingjing is punishable.

Even killing Asakura Keijing is foolish.

As a family governor, his views are different from those of his father, Asakura Keiki. In his view, Asakura Keiki is a special case of death due to words. According to multiple testimonies of the same name and family members, it can be known that,

Asakura Jingjing did not say any particularly explicit and bad words at that time, but only deliberately used some words and sentences at the military meeting to deliberately stimulate Asakura Jingjing's nerves. Subjectively, there should be no inducement or forcing Asakura Jingjing.

The possibility of suicide means that this is an accidental event with a very low probability of happening.

Therefore, Asakura Yoshikage felt that Asakura Keijing had a responsibility, but it was not a major responsibility. However, he did not dare to discuss this with his angry uncle, so he could only use some vague and random promises to get rid of his uncle Asakura Keiki first.

He comforted him, hinting that he should not cause trouble at this time that would affect the unity of the family, and said that he would deal with Asakura Jingjing and give his family an explanation.

Asakura Kageki also knew that his excessive demands were probably unlikely to be approved. Now that he had seen through his eldest nephew's thoughts, he took action to seize some power from Tsuruga and established the authority of the family governor. This time he appointed the general.

It can be said that Asakura Yoshikage single-handedly contributed to it. Half of the responsibility for the death of Asakura Kage's legitimate son came from Asakura Yoshikage.

After sending away his uncle Kageki Asakura, Yoshikage Asakura went to the front line to personally appease the rioting people and tried to put an end to this farce. At this time, the Asakura Army camp in Ono County was in chaos.

The impact of Cang Jing'an's death is still slowly fermenting, and his body gradually rotted and smelled in the midsummer heat.

However, the Tsuruga clan resolutely refused to allow the burial in the ground, and strongly demanded that the retainers seek justice for the deceased. This request for the Asakura army's namesake clan and the Hodai clan were in a dilemma. Fortunately, Asakura Yoshikage arrived quickly at this time.

After the angry Tsuruga people gradually calmed down, these samurai also understood that they did not dare to cause trouble in front of the governor.

When Asakura Yoshikage arrived at the camp, he quickly held a pre-battle evaluation meeting. From what he learned from many parties, he realized that the real problem was far more difficult than he imagined. He thought that the temporary conflict would dissipate soon. But when he

When he arrived at the front line, he realized how serious the situation would develop. He could only stand up and repeatedly emphasize that the death of Asakura Jingyu was a huge human tragedy, and express the grief of the deceased and the living. Then he quickly

He cremated Asakura Keiki and collected the ashes and sent them to Tsuruga to his father Asakura Keiki.

All these actions were done very quickly. It only took one morning to complete them neatly. The person was cremated, so what reason did Tsuruga people have to continue making trouble? They could only dare to suffer the consequences of being dumb and had nowhere to express their anger. On the surface,

The matter has been perfectly resolved, but secretly the antagonism between the two people has become more and more serious.

Asakura Yoshikage also knew that this was unfair. But he could not be cruel to Asakura Kageki, whom he promoted. After thinking about it, he felt that he had to appease the resentment of Tsuruga people. So he ordered Asakura Kageki's second son

Asakura Kagehisa served as the new Tsuruga County Sheriff and ordered him to rush to the Ono County camp to appease the restless Tsuruga people.

Asakura Kagekage, whom he promoted and appointed, had to give him a few warnings for his reckless behavior that violated his bottom line, so when Asakura Yoshikage announced that he would personally serve as the general of the expeditionary army, Asakura Kagekage was easily

The general was wiped out and instead continued to serve as the general of the large wild people. This is equivalent to not punishing Asakura Jingjing at all, because he was the military leader of the large wild people before he became the general. This caused another controversy.

Various speculations about genealogy.

After spending a few days in meetings to summarize experiences and lessons, the problem of internal unity was successfully resolved, and then he regained his composure and went out to attack Ichikui in Ono County. However, he found that Shimoma Yoriteru and Chaoshengji Kyoyoshi were already ready, and the three people in the county were ready.

Wan Yu has always ordered the crowd to guard all the passages in Ono County, putting on a tight defensive posture to prevent the Asakura family from entering.

This made Asakura Yoshikage very embarrassed. This was the first time he had served as the general as the governor of the family. This first good start had to be more brilliant than the capture of Yoshizaki Gobo in order to be justified. However, Echizen had always been indifferent at all.

He had no intention of cooperating with Asakura Yoshikage's actions, especially since Echizen, who had the backing of the Kira family, became increasingly tough.

The Nanbukuro Nanchiyama family in Ono County had always reacted very fiercely. They gathered in the newly built Muraokayama Castle on the upper reaches of the Kuzuryu River to block the Asakura Army's main advance route. When Asakura Yoshikage led an army of 20,000

When they followed the Kuzuryu River to Ono County, four thousand troops were already stationed in this new city, which made the Asakura army even more embarrassed.

Asakura Keitaka suggested abandoning this mountain castle that was easy to defend but difficult to attack, and go directly up the river into the hinterland of Ono County to attack the old enemy of Haizan Castle, Ninomiya Sakon Shogun. As long as the Ninomiya family's Haiyama Castle was captured, Echizen would be defeated.

The attack caused a huge blow, and Asakura Yoshikage thought it made sense and accepted his suggestion.

This Ninomiya Sakon Shogun is a hereditary title. The Ninomiya clan was originally the Echizen East Guardian Dai clan appointed by the Shiba clan. During the Onin Rebellion, in order to fight against Asakura Toshikage sent by the shogunate, they joined forces with another Echizen Guardian Dai Kai clan.

Fighting against the Asakura family, but their level was really poor, and they were badly repaired by Asakura Toshikage.

They could not defeat the wolf-like Asakura brothers in a joint battle, and they were no match for Asakura Toshikage and his alliance in strategy. As a result, the Onin Rebellion was tricked before the Onin Rebellion was over.

The guardian Ninomiya clan was forced to join Kaga Ichikui, and became a powerful official of Honganji Rennyu, and later served as the vanguard against Asakura.

For almost a hundred years now, the Ninomiya family has always been a resolute anti-Asakura faction. It can be said that this family has regarded anti-Asakura as a philosophy throughout their lives. As long as Asakura is not defeated, they will be unhappy. Asakura

Keitaka's proposal to attack this family is also based on this point. After all, the Ninomiya clan's defection to Ichikui is a relatively famous story in Hokuriku and even Kinai. It can bring substantial benefits to the Asakura family and satisfy Asakura Yoshikage's fame needs.


Asakura's army bypassed the Minamibukuro Nanbukuro Nanbukuro Castle at Muraokayama Castle and attacked Kaiyama Castle, the most important town in the plains, by virtue of the convenient waterway. Under the personal supervision of Asakura Yoshikage, the Asakura army's offensive was fierce and continued all the way.

The people who broke Xiaozhai always abandoned their helmets and armor, and soon came to the foot of Haishan City to surround this Pingcheng guarded by 1,200 people.

Although the name is Haishan Castle, it seems to be built on the top of a mountain, but it is actually an authentic flat castle. Several tributaries of the Kuzuryu River flow through the plains. The location of Haishan Castle is very good, with no natural obstructions around it. Not only the mountains and hills, but also several woods have been developed into castle towns through several generations of development.

What's even better is that the city defense of Haishan Castle can be described as inferior. This kind of construction method that is completely unfavorable for military operations reflects the brainlessness of the governor of the Ninomiya family. No wonder he was beaten by the Asakura family and took refuge. Of course, in some way To a certain extent, it also shows that Echizen has always been relatively confident about this hinterland, so he has not strengthened the city defense of Haishan Castle.

The flat and unobstructed terrain meant a wide field of vision. The poor city defense and the large castle town provided the Asakura army with a powerful offensive environment. The Asakura army immediately cheered up and launched wave after wave of attacks. Ninomiya Sakon, the general, was once very confident. He expressed that he could withstand the main force of Asakura's army and gain favorable time and space for Kaga's advance.

As a result, after resisting for two days, he felt that something was not right. He found that the city defense of Haishan City seemed to be made of paper. The Asakura army dared to stare at the rain of arrows falling from the oars and forcefully climb the soil. The Asakura soldiers were either killed by arrows or hacked to death by the defenders in the city. But this could not contain the increasingly fanatical Asakura army.

One or two can block ten or eight with no problem, but a hundred or so would be a bit difficult, not to mention nearly a thousand people coming in at once. Gradually, the Ninomiya family samurai found that it was getting harder and harder to kill the enemy, and the casualties among their companions became more and more serious. More and more came, and on the first day of the battle, more than 200 people were killed or wounded in the city's defenders, who were beaten so hard that they were unable to fight back.

This was not the worst result. In the evening of the next day, Otemon was attacked by the Asakura army, which frightened him so much that he almost fainted. In desperation, he wrote a letter to Ichiko asking for reinforcements that night. Early the next morning A total of 5,000 troops from Kono Castle, the Lord of Ryumenji Castle, and Kozhi Castle rushed to the rescue, but were quickly pushed back by the well-prepared Asakura Army.

Yoriteru Shimama also realized that five thousand men were too large to deal with the twenty thousand elites of the Asakura Army, so he ordered Chaoshengjijiao Yoshiuchi to lead an army of twenty-five thousand from Ono County to attack the Asakura Army. A fierce battle broke out near the Mana River, a tributary of the Kuzuryu River, and the Asakura army took advantage of the strong terrain to launch a surprise attack on Ichigo Ichiku.

The Tsuruga clan and the Ono clan attacked from both directions from the north and the south. The Choshoji Temple Kyoto Kinki ordered the current lord of Kono Castle, Wakabayashi Kozaburo, the son of the late Wakabayashi Nagatomomo, and the lord of Ryumonji Castle, Miyake Gonmorimei, to provide emergency reinforcements. On both wings, the main force of the unified army was inevitably directed to the two wings, leaving the formation's military strength temporarily empty.

The cunning Asakura Kagetaka saw the opportunity and immediately advised the formation to launch a surprise attack. Asakura Yoshikage refused the proposal without hesitation because he was worried that his safety would be harmed. Although the military strategy was pitiful, he still knew As the son of a rich man could not sit down in court, Asakura Kagetaka had no choice but to say that the Ashyu clan would serve as the raiding force, and only then did Asakura Yoshikage give permission for the raid.

The Ashyu clan only had a total of 4,000 troops. Facing Echizen Ichikei who still had 7,000 troops, they were very weak. They could not defeat or even annihilate Echizen Ichikei with all their troops. Even under such difficult circumstances, they faced the enemy. Kurake Takashi still exerted his excellent leadership and cut a gap in Echizen's 7,000-strong main formation, which had always been suppressed. As a result, Chaoshengji Kyoyoshi had to order the two wings to shrink their troops and return to support the main formation.

This was a big deal. The Tsuruga troops, who had already had the upper hand, and the Ono troops quickly bit Echizen's tail, causing the normal retreat to gradually turn into a disorderly retreat. The two wings gradually collapsed and triggered the main formation. There was a wavering, and the absolute gap in the quality of the military strength exposed Echizen's biggest weakness. Chaoshengji Kyoyoshi retreated with the main formation without saying a word.

The actual losses in this battle of Managawa were not great. Asakura's army killed more than 600 people, and Echizen Ichikui lost nearly a thousand people. The generals on both sides did not suffer any damage. However, this battle put Echizen Ichikui's control The attempt in the western part of Ono County was completely cut off. The day after the battle ended, General Ninomiya Sakon packed up his troops and fled to the eastern part of Ono County with his family. The main building of Kaiyama Castle was completely burned. It was announced that Echizen had always been a slave. The area dominated to the west of the Kuzuryu River was completely divided into two parts.

Then the emergency reinforcements of Kaga's 50,000-strong army became too much. Asakura Yoshikage took advantage of the situation and captured Ono Castle, Suzan Castle, Oyama Castle, and Chasuyama Castle, sweeping all the forces in the western part of Ono County. Shichiri Laizhou and his subordinates Ma Yoriteruichi thought that it was not safe to fight head-on, so it would be better to use the Kuzuryu River as the boundary to defend.

After experiencing a series of glorious victories, Asakura Yoshikage's self-confidence has been significantly improved. He feels that fighting a joint war is not a troublesome matter, as long as he has a brave clan and loyal retainers to rely on. If you follow the strategic advice of the veteran in a timely manner, you can achieve a series of victories. For example, in the Battle of Managawa, he listened to the advice of raiding the Chaoshengji Kyouyoshi main formation at the critical moment, which became an important turning point in changing the direction of the battlefield.

Faced with Kaga's embarrassing strategy of being unable to move forward even when the army gathered, Asakura Yoshikage felt proud beyond words. He kept showing off to his retainers that the Asakura family was getting stronger and stronger in his hands, and he successfully solved the problem. Over the past century, more than half of the Echizen Kingdom had been wiped out, and the remaining remnants of Ono County and the remnants of Ashuba County, which had been divided and surrounded, were not a problem at all.

Just as he was immersed in the joy of victory, he suddenly received a shocking news. Yamamoto Tokiyuki led an army of 19,000 troops to attack Tsuruga County with lightning speed, easily defeating 5,000 unsuspecting troops. The Tsuruga people burned down the newly built customs in Tsuruga County. Then they withdrew from Tsuruga County with some harsh words.

The Tsuruga people were once again shaken, and this time it wasn't just the new Tsuruga Governor, Asakura Kage, who jumped in hastily. Some family members who were close to Tsuruga County, and the people of the country couldn't help but request to retreat, and Asakura Kage took the opportunity. He said that he was capable of stabilizing the situation for the Asakura family, and asked the lord to return to Ichijo Valley City to handle military and state affairs with confidence.

Asakura Yoshikage felt that it made sense. After spending half a day in the wilderness of Ono County on a hot day, he was already dying of discomfort, so he simply handed over the newly acquired cities in Ono County to the Ono people as city lords, leaving them behind. The Ono clan, the Ashuba clan, and some of the Katsudai retainers continued to maintain a confrontational situation, and returned to Ichijodani Castle with the remaining military forces. As for the collegial issues that Echizen had always asked about, they were completely left to the Katsudai retainers to handle.

As the messenger between the two parties, he is an old acquaintance of the Asakura family. He is also the uncle of Kanshi Konoe's predecessor. He is the gatekeeper of Daikakuji Temple of the Shingon sect and the Shitennoji Beitouji Temple. The famous singer and cultural figure Daikakuji Yoshitoshi. When visiting, this eminent monk, who is fifty-seven years old this year, looks like a middle-aged man in his early forties. At the age of thirty-six, he was promoted to the top of the monk's rank, and received the top treatment announced by the quasi-third empress.

Daikakuji Yoshitoshi did not rush to deliver the message like an ordinary messenger. Instead, he held a small tea party with Asakura Yoshikage, chatting about Buddhism and recent rumors in Kyoto. From his mouth, he learned that Kira Jun was there.

These huge actions in just a few months, captured half of Asai County and half of Ika County with fierce wind and fire, and defeated Asai Nagamasa in the Battle of Shidake to gain the absolute advantage of Omi Junior High School.

A tea party lasted for two hours, and was followed by a grand dinner. It was not until the next morning that Daikakuji Yoshitoshi got down to business: "Sado Sado Yamamoto said that the mayor hates being threatened the most, no matter what.

Both the Miyoshi family and the Takeda family were defeated by the Duke of Jinfu. The names of the Asai family and the Asakura family were added to the list of defeats this time.

I hope that the two families will correct their mentality and not try to challenge the bottom line of the town government. This time it is just burning the customs to teach the Asakura family a lesson. Next time, the Asakura family will lose Tsuruga County forever. The town government will do what it says.

Don’t break your promise, I believe Asakura Kingoden is a smart man and should know the consequences of offending the Kira family.”

Asakura Yoshikage had just won a battle, and at this moment when his confidence was bursting at the seams, how could he withstand the threat of this red fruit? He immediately became furious and said: "Yoshikage Kira is really bullying! This is*

*Naked humiliation to my Asakura family! I, Asakura Yoshikage, must be with him..."

Asakura Kage coughed quickly: "My lord, what I mean is that the Asakura family is very dissatisfied with the tyranny of the Kira family! Such a statement by the town master is too much! My Asakura family is the Echizen guardian of the shogunate, in Tsuruga County

Setting up a checkpoint is an act allowed by the shogunate. How could the Kira family invade our Tsuruga County so barbarically and kill and injure hundreds of our Asakura family's soldiers? Our Asakura family will report the Kira family's barbaric behavior.

The shogunate, please make a ruling from His Highness."

"This..." Daikakuji Yoshitoshi smiled bitterly, shook his head and said: "The poor monk thinks it is better not to report to the shogunate for adjudication. Sado Mamoru told the poor monk the news that the lord of the town has decided to remove all the idlers on the Hokuriku Road.

The navy is conducting a comprehensive clean-up. The focus of this operation will be on the various navy bandits near Wakasa Bay, aiming to completely eliminate the bad behavior of various navy exploiting merchants in Hokurikudo..."

"This is humiliation, this is Hong Guoguo's humiliation!" Asakura Yoshikage still tried hard to maintain his noble demeanor, but his face as black as the bottom of a pot revealed his angry mood at the moment. The reason why he was so angry was very simple.

I am showing that I not only have the ability to threaten the security of Tsuruga County with harsh words, but also have the ability to seize Tsuruga Port, the economic lifeline of the Asakura family. (To be continued...)

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