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Chapter 495

Hoga Couture, who originally supported the Sagami Hojo clan, Minagawa Toshimune and Minagawa Hiroshi and his son also changed their attitudes and supported Utsunomiya Hirotsuna's sending troops. The Oyama clan of Shimono country and the Yuki Harutomo brothers of Shimonosu country, as well as the Nasu family's ten

The proactive Ohtawara Tsunakiyo, Ozeki Takamasu, and Fukuhara Shitaka's three brothers also changed their camps and joined the Kira Army faction. Sano Masatsuna's reaction was even faster, leading 500 troops to his relative Kiryu Suketsuna's side.

At one stop, he looked like a die-hard supporter of the Kira family.

There are still some people from the Kanto Kingdom who are a little slow to react, such as Nasu Shiin from Shimono Province, one of the Eight Houses in Kanto, Chiba Yintomi from Shimosu Province, Oda Ujiji from Hitachi Province, and another powerful national from Hitachi Province.

Edo Shigetsu's reaction was not so positive. They were all die-hard supporters of the Hojo family. It would have been a bit disrespectful not to help the Hojo family when their life and death were at stake. It would be a shame to turn back the enemy and add insult to injury.

Of course, most of the time, face is just a stepping stone for them to surrender decently. Their choice is not out of loyalty to their allies, the Hojo family, but to wait until everyone decides to fight the Hojo family by slowly making a statement.

Opportunity to vote in favor, and try to avoid the possibility that the Hojo clan will settle accounts with them in the future if they survive the Kira army's invasion.

The so-called "don't put all your eggs in one basket" principle is not new. Lords, kings and even emperors from all over the world in ancient and modern times have used their own actions to interpret this truth. It's just that the ancients lacked an inductive summary and did not understand this complex concept.

political decisions into simple and concise sentences.

There is only chaos and killing in the bones of these Kanto people. The so-called loyalty and bravery have been completely washed out in the more than a hundred years of war in Kanto. The so-called brave and strong warrior genes have died one after another in the war, and those who survived are all hidden.

With the chaotic samurai gene of conspiracy, treachery, betrayal, etc., the public moral integrity of these people in the Kanto country has dropped very quickly in recent years, and they can do things like crossing rivers and burning bridges without any psychological burden at all.

The people of Kanto had a good idea. It would be nice to stand under the big tree of Kiragi Toki and enjoy the shade. It would be wonderful to eat meat and drink soup while fighting Hojo. However, they did not know Kiragi Toki's temperament in advance, so they sent

The envoy was so disgraced that he could not even lift his head when he was reprimanded at the main camp of Kiragi in Kawagoe Castle.

Kira Yoshitoki's cold eyes swept over the faces of Okamoto Zenzhe, Hōga Gaoding, Ozeki Takazo and others, and sneered: "Everyone in the world says that the grass on the wall in Kanto will fall on both sides when the wind blows. At first, I thought this

It is a slander against the Kanto samurai. Think about how majestic and powerful the Kamakura samurai were three hundred years ago. All members of my Ashikaga family are members of the Kamakura shogunate. In the past, I was the right general of the seventh generation of the Genji family.

He has made great contributions through life and death. The Chengjiu Rebellion swept across the imperial court, and the rebellious soldiers swept away the country in one fell swoop and established the world of our Wu family for hundreds of years!

But look at you group of Kanto samurai. You are ignorant of loyalty and do not know right from wrong. You are like the wheat straw in the countryside. Yesterday, you were Ashikaga. Today, the ministers of Uesugi can be the ministers of Hojo. Tomorrow, you may have to be the country mud-legs and bumpkins.

Retainers of the country, where is your loyalty? Where is the dignity of your warriors? Why don't you live your whole life holding on to the land when you only have eyes for the land? Why don't you still be a warrior or a martial artist, wear what armor and kill whom with a sword?

Your ancestors fought hard for me, the Genji of Kawachi, and after their death they became heroic spirits and were worshiped in the world in Gaotian Plains. If they knew that you had committed such acts of ignorance of loyalty and disregard of integrity, they would definitely be ashamed of your actions! You should never think of it.

Go to Takamagahara. There is no place for you in the Paradise. You have to pay the price for your shameful behavior. After death, you can only go to the underworld and Hirazan to suffer the punishment of karma!"

Kira Yoshitoshi's rebuke made the Kanto warriors present feel ashamed and speechless. Who would have thought that this man would accuse them of being unfaithful and unjust in front of their faces, just like how Takeda Shingen fainted after being scolded.

The old samurai was so embarrassed and angry that he fainted on the spot, causing a chaotic scene that highlighted the desolate and uneasy scene of the Kanto samurai.

The young samurai couldn't bear the humiliation and pulled out his ribs and committed seppuku. He was kicked by Takigawa Tokimasu, Shima Tokikatsu, Nagasaka Nobumasa, Watanabe Moritsuna and others, and took away their tachi ribs and cursed them.

: "Do you bastards think that you can atone for your sins by committing seppuku? Only cowards think of dying. Samurai who dare not face the cruel reality are not qualified to inherit the inheritance passed down by their ancestors, let alone shoulder the responsibility given by your Miao characters.

Fame and glory!"

A few young people relied on their murderous intent and the fierce power of many years of fighting to regain control of the somewhat out-of-control situation. However, their words could not calm a few old foxes. Hoga Couture and Ozeki Takasou were both in their own ways.

Okamoto Zenzhe, the chief adviser to the people of the country, does not need to be tabooed as an outsider. Although the envoys of the other people of the country are not of sufficient weight to be suppressed, there is no need to worry about affecting them precisely because of their lack of weight.

Main house.

Fanghe Gaoding suddenly smiled and said: "The thought-provoking speech of the Zhenfu Duke has shocked our ears and eyes. We are raising troops this time in response to the Zhenfu Duke's order. If there is any offense in our words or actions,

Please forgive me for the vulgar behavior of the country people like us."

"The Lord Zhenfu loves and hates the actions of our Kanto warriors deeply! We, the Kanto warriors, do have all kinds of unsatisfactory qualities, some of which are due to historical reasons and some to our own faults. In short, we are still very satisfied.

I am grateful for Duke Zhenfu’s teachings. The original intention of going to Kanto this time is also to comply with Duke Zhenfu’s general order. The reason why I neglected it is really a last resort! My master, Nasu, hesitated to repair the doctor’s hall, so..."

Ozeki Takazo also did not forget to offer the slanderous words of his lord Nasu Suin to Kira Yoshitsune at the end. Such a disrespectful act with no regard for moral integrity made everyone in Kira's family shake their heads. Honda Tokimasa said displeasedly: "

What Ozeki Mitsusuru said is wrong. Even if you make a mistake in repairing the temple, you are still the governor of the Nasu family. Slandering the master's family is a taboo of our samurai family. It is best not to mention this in the future!


"Haha, what Honda-don taught me is..." Ozeki Gaozeng lowered his head in silence and apologized, taking this opportunity to quietly suppress the anger and dissatisfaction in his eyes.

Although his movements were extremely clever, they could not deceive Hōga Couture who was sitting next to him. He knew very well the domineering and vicious character of Ozeki Takazo. He looked back at the unsuspecting expressions of Kira's retainers.

It seemed that he was thinking about how to make some use of Ozeki Gaozeng's anger.

When these diplomatic envoys from various Kanto countries retreated one by one, Kira Yoshitsune said angrily: "These cunning people are evil-minded people! As expected, they fell into the hands of the Ashikaga family, but who gave it to you?"

Whose courage was it to seize territory under Yu's eyes? When Yu issued the order to conquer Kantō, everyone pretended to be deaf and dumb, but when he saw Yu defeating the Hojo army, they jumped out of the tiger's mouth to seize food. How audacious!"

Nangokang Toutou shook his feather fan and said: "Although these people in the Kanto country have their own evil intentions, they should still choose the best, trust and reuse them! However, I still noticed something unusual from the performance just now. The various people in the Kanto country

The attitudes of the people of Lu State towards His Highness Gongfang are different. For example, the Satomi clan and the Chiba clan only sent an unknown retainer as an envoy.

Although the Hitachi Satake clan sent Okamoto Zentetsu, a diplomatic monk who was well-known in Kanto, this eminent monk maintained a perfunctory attitude of few words from beginning to end. In contrast, the Utsunomiya clan and Nasu clan of Shimono country

I have paid more attention to it. I sent Hōga Gaoding and Ozeki Gaozou to be the ones in charge of the family, but the attitude of these two people is very ambiguous, which is probably a difficult problem to deal with."

Hosokawa Fujitaka, who was in charge of the commissioning, accompanied the military formation and asked his brother-in-law: "Does Soufang-den mean that the people of the Kanto Kingdom did not take His Highness Kōkata's rebuke seriously at all?"

"That's right! It's an attitude of complete disapproval!" Honda nodded very firmly, squinting his eyes and smiling as if he were a harmless good man, but in fact he tried his best to hide the cold light in his eyes: "I have long heard that

Ozeki Misaku was very domineering in the Nasu household, which aroused strong dissatisfaction with the family governor, Nasu Shuimou, so he had the vicious idea of ​​deposing the family governor, so he deliberately used words to test Ozeki Misaku, and sure enough,

Testing out the narrow-mindedness of Ozeki Misakushu."

Takigawa Shiyi curled his lips and said: "Is he the smiling tiger just now? That guy kept his head down for a long time and didn't get up. I almost mistakenly thought that there was something wrong with his body!"

"Keijiro is still so unreasonable and unforgiving!" Shima Tokikatsu smiled and shrugged. "Didn't you notice that guy just deliberately concealed the anger in his eyes? I, Tokikatsu, saw him using his fist.

They’re all clenched tightly! And the eyes of the Hōga Iga Shouden keep turning, he must be thinking about how to take advantage of this little conflict to make a profit from it!”

Takigawa Tokimasu suddenly coughed in a funny way, and said with a very sad look: "Hey! Playing tricks in front of the most eye-catching samurai of the Ashikaga clan... is indeed a way to seek death! I

Shi Yi can only mourn for the two of them. I wonder if His Highness Gongfang will deal with these two martial arts families?"

Kira Yoshishi covered his face with a folding fan, and said with cold eyes: "This is not urgent for now. I have never been afraid of the Chinese people who have ulterior motives. If these Kanto people want to play tricks, let them do it. When I arrive,

We have to see if they can expose this to the sky, there is always a chance to deal with them slowly!"

Kira Yoshitoki's first meeting with the people of the Kanto Kingdom ended in a hurry when they were completely seen through. Not to mention the other envoys from the country who left in panic and embarrassment, Hōga Kosada and Ozeki Kozo thought they had a plan.

His little tricks have long been seen through, and playing tricks in front of a group of conspirators is as ignorant and ridiculous as Lu Ban playing with a big ax in front of the door. On the contrary, Okamoto Zenzhe's silent and ambiguous attitude aroused the vigilance of some retainers.

The Chinese warriors who continued to emerge from all over the Kanto region soon swelled the Chinese coalition army to more than 80,000 people. Just like the Kanto Astronomical Rebellion ten years ago or the Kagotsu Night Battle fifteen years ago, these 80,000 coalition forces

Divided into hundreds of forces, large and small, and formed into various names, the national people were like the "Lang Party" in the Genpei era. This kind of national people represented the overall strength of the Kanto samurai group.

Different eras and backgrounds are different. The powerful Ashikaga family does not need to call on the people of the Kanto country to unite and fight under his command. Of course, Kira Yoshitoki does not have the name to call them. These people of the Kanto country spontaneously formed a coalition and "responded"

His call had nothing to do with Kira Yoshitomo. They were here to grab territory, food, and women, not to serve the Ashikaga clan. They never said they wanted to be loyal to him from the beginning to the end.

The so-called people of the Kanto Kingdom are more like the wild people of organized mountain bandits. The "Three Lights Policy" implemented in the Musashi Kingdom is still hated by the people of Musashi and Xiasu. These cruel people are murderous.

It doesn't matter whether you are a submissive samurai or a poor person, as long as you are discovered by them, you are their property. If you dare to resist, even if you are a submissive samurai, you will be killed without mercy.

Just because of their bad behavior of plucking hair without leaving any room, how many young samurai family members were kidnapped by these brutal bandits, and how many families were broken up by their invasion, so when they gathered again to confront Hojo of the Haosu Kingdom

When the leader launched the attack, he encountered strong resistance from the Hojo family. The people of the country, including the Chiba clan, the Yuki clan, the Hara clan, and the Takagi clan, who were already subordinate to the Kira family, also secretly provided intelligence and food for the rebellious people of the Shimonu clan.

Ordnance support.

If there are traitors inside, the offensive of the Kanto Allied Forces will be doomed. In addition, Ashikaga Fujimasa of the Furukawa Imperial Palace, with the help of Matsunaga Michi, successfully blackmailed Harusuke Kada and asked him to order the Kanto people to immediately stop the attack and resist the Kanto people.

The allied forces of the Chinese people have shaken the people of the kingdoms of Xiahui, Changlu, Xiaye and other countries. Most of the small country lords still very much recognize the Kwantung Gongfang. At this moment, they dare to take action against the Xiahui Kingdom even if the Kwantung has orders.

The Satomi family of Kamisu Province also encountered strong resistance from the Hojo army who stayed in Kururi Castle. Kururi Castle, guarded by 5,000 defenders, became the first line of defense for the Hojo family to resist the counterattack of the Hosui Peninsula people. After more than a month of strong attack, they still could not win.

The well-equipped Kururi Castle has high fortifications and deep fortifications. Yoshihiro Satomi tried to raid Kururi Castle through the secret passages buried in the castle. In the end, dozens of elite samurai were killed in vain before they realized that the Fuma ninjas of the Hojo family had already invaded the castle.

It's clear to everyone who investigates.

Apart from the fact that the Hojo Army holding on to Kururi Castle was a strong backbone, the Satomi family successively took back several branch cities in the Kingdom of Kamui, and finally reversed the strategic defense posture and took advantage of the situation to bring the morale of the Satomi Army back to normal levels.

The focus of the Hojo Army shifted from Musashi Province to the Odawara Castle defense network. The Hosui Peninsula across the sea once again became the support point of the Hojo family. Two thousand Hojo Army departed from Sagami Province and rushed to the Kamisui Peninsula on large and small ships of the Sagami Navy.

Once, the Satomi family, which had just started to improve, was pushed back.

It is not surprising that the people of Kanto country suffered from intermittent weakness caused by the lack of organization and disunity. If they could unite as one to fight against the Hojo family, they would not have been severely beaten in the night battle of Kagotsu fifteen years ago and suffered heavy casualties in ten years.

As mentioned earlier, the people of Kanto, who had no regard for food and health, once again fell into the hands of Hojo Ujiyasu, which proved to be a counterexample that they fall down wherever they get up.

Kira Yoshitoki did not give them any support or preferential treatment, and he did not intend to let them participate in the upcoming siege of Odawara. In another time and space, Uesugi Kenshin invited the Kanto people to go out to Odawara because of insufficient troops. As a result, he was insufficient in strength.

The shortcomings of the Uesugi family were exposed. Soon after a siege that was destined to be fruitless, the old fox Hojo Ujiyasu calmly and boldly mobilized the people of Kanto to fight against the Uesugi family, thus successfully defeating the Uesugi family again and again on the land of Kanto.

One trip.

During the long tug-of-war, we unknowingly entered the early summer season. The hot weather made the samurai accustomed to the cooler climate of Echigo uncomfortable, and the pace of the war gradually slowed down. Fortunately, the Kira family soldiers had enough food and high morale.

He is not afraid of a war of attrition. There are signs that Hojo Ujiyao in the small machine city cannot hold on any longer.

Uesugi Terutora, who had more than 50,000 troops, was not in a hurry to attack the city at all costs. The low-intensity harassment war that lasted for more than two months gradually showed a trend of day and night. In desperation, Hojo Ujiyao asked his nephew Hojo Ujimasa to help him.

Asking for help, Odawara Castle immediately sent an army of 8,000 troops in an attempt to rescue Hojo Ujiyao, but was easily defeated by Uesugi Teruhora with 5,000 cavalry. If it were not for the interference and obstruction of the Fuma Ninja and the Sagami Navy on the Tama River, this army would have become a

Kira Jun has a plate of Chinese food.

Kyoto is cool in the early summer. This war-torn ancient capital is quickly rejuvenating with the support and reconstruction of famous names all over the world. Many dilapidated monuments in Ukyo are still being repaired, and displaced people can always be seen on the streets.

The monks sat cross-legged in front of the ruins and chanted sutras.

The razed temples can be rebuilt, but the trauma of the war deeply rooted in the heart cannot be erased. Looking at a few young monks in shabby clothes standing beside the master in a daze, the passers-by and businessmen can only

He put his hands together and saluted respectfully to these outsiders, then lamented that the world is difficult and people's hearts are not the same, and left in a hurry.

There are no monks in the monasteries in Kyoto who are not allowed to eat meat and wine. The three refuges and five precepts must be strictly observed without any carelessness. Some monasteries with strict rules only have a dozen monks practicing in them, and the rules are so strict that only a few

During the month, he received visits from pilgrims and only relied on growing vegetables in the temple's fields in exchange for some food.

For example, this is the case with Saihoji Temple, which was revived under the hands of Ashikaga Yoshiteru. It is said that this temple was an ancient temple built in the Tenhei Period of the Nara Period (729 AD). It was originally the Sanmon inheritance of the Hosō Sect, but it was abandoned several times due to wars.

.In the early Southern and Northern Dynasties, the eminent monk of the Rinzai Sect, Meng Xiaoshi, who was known as the "Emperor Master of the Seven Dynasties", was revived. Although it is not as famous as the Five Mountains, it is still a rare and quiet place.

Xifang Temple is a purely spiritual temple. It only opens its doors to welcome pilgrims every year in spring and summer when money is tight. And only those who are well-informed believers or familiar believers can be admitted. If they are not clear about the basics,

Pilgrims came to the temple rashly, fearing that they would be persuaded to come back without even approaching the mountain gate.

The rules for entering the temple are also very strict. You must enter the temple in the morning and listen to the monks' morning lectures. You must copy the "Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra" before entering the temple to pay homage to the statues of Buddha, Bodhisattva and Arhat. You must have a fast meal at noon and listen to the monks' sermons and answer questions in the afternoon.

.Relying on **'s knowledge and wisdom to resolve the uneasiness and confusion in the hearts of believers, it is somewhat similar to the meaning of a Western religious confessional.

On this day, Konoe Kenko came to the Saiho Temple with a group of attendants and maids. Her face was pale and her eyes were red and swollen, as if she had just cried. She listened to the explanations of several eminent monks in the temple without moving for a long time. Several eminent monks sighed.

He put his hands together and saluted and said: "Nv Tan Yue's face is dull and dull, her heart is depressed, she must be suffering from a severe cold syndrome, her eyes are red with sadness, and she has a heart disease that cannot be cured. I forgive the old monk for not being able to do anything for Nv Tan Yue's request!"

The attendant serving outside the temple took out a bag of gold and handed it to the monk who knew the guest. He gently knocked on the door to remind the interlocutor inside. Konoe Kenko put on his curtain hat and returned to the posture of Gujing Wubo. After a long time, he sighed quietly: "

I have heard for a long time that Xifang Temple can solve doubts. I just barged in regardless of etiquette, but I didn't expect that several eminent monks could not do anything. I am really disappointed!"

The head of Xifang Temple was an old monk with white eyebrows. He clasped his hands and said apologetically: "The old monk really can't cure this heart disease of Nv Tan Yue. We monks who are born to practice never tell lies, causing the prince to die prematurely within a hundred days and the symptoms are extremely severe."

It’s so dangerous and treacherous that an outsider like the old monk can’t really do anything about it!”

Konoe Kenko nodded noncommittally and then titheed and left. When the group of people left far away, he heard the white-browed old monk sighing: "Kyoto is about to fall into a dispute between right and wrong again! Please close the temple door quickly.

, the strict monks go in and out of the mountain gate, and the pilgrims and believers who are scheduled to visit should give handwritten copies of the "Diamond Sutra" to express their apology!"

The skinny old monk sitting next to the white-browed old monk clasped his hands and sighed: "Your Highness Gongfang is really ill-fated! His legitimate son died mysteriously less than a hundred days after his birth. There was also an unfathomable conspiracy involved. We and others outside of Fangfang

It is indeed inappropriate for people to get involved, but how can we repay His Highness Gongfang for taking in us homeless monks and revitalizing the mountain gate?"

The white-browed old monk was silent for a while and said: "I can only light an ever-burning lamp for His Highness Gongfang to bless this noble man with peace and health."

Not long after Konoe Maekyu returned to Kyoto, Ashikaga Yoshiteru's legitimate son, Teruwakamaru, who was less than a hundred days old, died mysteriously. It is said that Teruwakamaru's body was terribly bruised when he died. Konoe Kenko learned that his legitimate son died.

He passed out on the spot, and Ashikaga Yoshiteru was also so excited that he whipped out Onimaru Kunizuna and killed several maids with minor surnames.

The shogunate samurai who came after hearing the news were forced by the superb swordsman general to be unable to fight back. If not for the tacit cooperation of more than a dozen people, they would not seek merit but seek no fault, and Ashikaga Yoshiki fell into a state of madness completely relying on instinct.

He was afraid that these shogunate warriors would be killed one by one by him.

It was a big deal for the general to go crazy. The samurai who came after hearing the news surrounded Ashikaga Yoshiki. They were worried that if the general really went crazy like this, it would be really over. As Michizan Konaose anxiously urged the samurai

When he restrained His Highness the Shogun, Ashikaga Yoshiteru's legitimate daughter was so frightened that she cried out and finally brought the mad General back to his senses.

Although the person regained consciousness, how could the psychological trauma be easily erased? Ashikaga Yoshiki's usually aggressive aura suddenly weakened a lot, like an ordinary father losing his legitimate son who had worked hard to raise him for many years, sitting in the Buddha all day long

The people in the hall didn't know whether they were in a trance or in a daze.

The result of Michizan Nause's diagnosis was that the shogun Prince Teruwamaru was poisoned. Afterwards, the shogunate samurai inspected the Nijo Imperial Palace and found the medicine bag and some scattered tools used in the crime, and determined that the perpetrator was the shrine maiden who called herself Izumo Akun. In order to capture the criminal

The shogunate immediately blocked the seven entrances to Kyoto for a large search, but with such a huge crowd of people, it was like looking for a needle in a haystack, how could they catch the Guoxin layman who was good at changing his voice and appearance?

The search lasted less than half a month and was forced to be suspended due to protests from all walks of life in Kyoto. Although businessmen and townspeople were shocked and saddened by the mysterious murder of the Shogun Crown Prince, the normal operation of Kyoto as a commercial center cannot be delayed by the search for a long time.

, not to mention that the shogunate only had a few hundred people invested in the search. It would be a drop in the bucket to find one person in Kyoto, which has a permanent population of more than 200,000 and nearly twice the floating population.

As the shogun's imperial office, Konoe Kenko was under great pressure. Even her aunt, Keishuin, who had become a nun, blamed her for not taking good care of the child, but she still couldn't explain or argue.

The maid had been chopped in two by her crazed husband. The dead person could not be held accountable, so only the biological mother of the child would bear the blame of her aunt and mother-in-law.

Under such tremendous pressure, Konoe Kenko became so ill that she went to Saihoji Temple to find a way to save her husband's predicament. However, it was completely unreliable to rely on the ability of these foreign monks to help her.

It was ridiculous, even if she knew the result subconsciously, she still tried it without looking back. This was the only thing she could do as the mother of a child and the wife of a general.

The news that the general had gone mad and recovered had spread throughout Kyoto in just half a day. After learning that the general had been stimulated and seriously injured, the emperor, who was living in Ouchi, was also very worried. He quickly issued an order to the Kinai monks and the monks from Nandu Beiling to take turns to help him.

The prince held a water and land ritual ceremony, and several priests from Kamo Shrine diagnosed and treated His Highness Kōkata. It was confirmed that His Highness Kōkata was possessed by the evil spirits in hell and that it would take ninety-nine and eighty-one days of rituals to expel the evil spirits.

For a time, the city of Kyoto was in a commotion, and people were discussing how to treat His Highness Gonggata's illness. Some enlightened businessmen and intellectuals were also holding banquets day and night to discuss the negative impact of His Highness's illness on the resurgence of the shogunate.

The idle cultural people are compiling their new jokes again. It is quietly spread in Kyoto that the evil accumulated under Kyoto for thousands of years has set up Abe Seimei to destroy the seal in Kyoto, releasing Naraku, the ultimate demon king in hell.

This chapter has been completed!
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