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Chapter 500

Facing Hojo Genan's negotiation, Uesugi Terutora pointed directly in the direction of Edo Castle and told the kind-hearted old monk where to find the rightful owner. He sent the Hojo family envoy away and was busy sending troops to sweep away Musashi's disobedience and rebellion.

The Hojo family has been operating in the Musashi Kingdom for more than 20 years, and has accumulated a lot of popularity. The annual tribute system of four public and six citizens was the first of its kind in the Warring States Period. Relying on this kind of self-sacrifice to benefit the people

This move made a large number of farmers still willing to work for the Hojo family.

These Socun groups are local forces based on Su Laojishi. They are not very powerful but are very down-to-earth and very difficult to deal with. The failure of the Kanto Astronomical Rebellion more than ten years ago was related to this group of Socun groups.

There were many factors at play in the failure of the Kanto Astronomical Rebellion, and there are many reasons upon careful analysis.

For example, the people of the Kanto country are divided and have different orders. For example, they are plotting against each other to compete for the command authority of the alliance leader. For example, the Yuuki clan and the Oda clan are having civil strife and scattering the coalition forces in the southern Kanto. Another example is that the Kanto samurai families have experienced internal chaos one after another, and there are also

There were disagreements over the division of newly acquired territories, etc. These factors greatly affected the confidence of the coalition forces. One of the more inconspicuous ones was the fierce resistance of the Musashi Kunisun group.

In fact, the Kanto Tenbun Rebellion was not a legal action, because the Kanto Allied Forces did not receive the endorsement of Kantō Kōgata and the Kantō Governor's guarantee. Furukawa Ashikaga fell into a period of temporary decline because of Kōgata's murder, and the Kantō Governor Uesugi Kensei

They were abandoned by their own generational retainers, and neither of the two nominal lords took the lead in this action.

As a group of invaders gathered from all over the country, this group of Kwantung allied forces came here to gain profits. If they could not gain profits, no one would be willing to live and die for a word, so as soon as they entered the Musashi country, they were busy arresting and killing people.

I am afraid that if I step too late, others will snatch away these immediate benefits.

Although they had their own reasons for doing this, it dealt a huge blow to the wealthy local lords and the Somura Group in Musashi Country. Originally, Musashi Country was not the territory of outsiders like the Sagami Hojo Clan, and the Ogigiya Uesugi Clan was the largest local one.

Among the indigenous leaders, when the Kwantung Allied Forces came back after a few years, there were many local nobles who were willing to lead the way.

When these local aristocrats realized that this group of Kanto people were not doing human affairs, they immediately changed their faces and became staunch resisters and began to support Hojo Ujiyasu. This group of short-sighted Kanto coalition forces were still unaware of all this and had no idea what they were doing.

To offend the local forces of the Musashi Kingdom by seeking extravagant wealth, the first step in this war is about to be wrong. No matter how fast or hasty this step is, there is no point.

The same situation also occurred in the Hojo Territory of the Xiahui Kingdom. This group of people from the Kanto Kingdom rushed to grab money, food, and women. This was entirely the work of the Mountain King who came down from the mountain. This made the local indigenous Socun group hate these Kanto people.

Later, when I saw that Hojo Ujiyasu's public, four civil, and six strategies and flood control strategies were really good, I simply became a die-hard supporter of the Sagami Hojo family.

This means that this group of so-called Kwantung Allied Forces is nothing more than an unorganized and undisciplined military plunder under the banner of a banner. Without a general who is prestigious enough to convince the public as a constraint, this Kwantung Allied Forces will inevitably fall into stupidity.

And short-sightedness, it's like a group of bandits gathering in the mountains and forests. One day they suddenly remembered that they wanted to do something big, so they went around grabbing territory, killing people and setting fires in the name of "doing justice for heaven." In the blink of an eye, the bandits turned into rebels.

It always seems a bit absurd and nonsense.

The deeds of this group of bandits look so glorious and amazing. But in fact, they are just a group of stupid and short-sighted warriors. Their chaotic command and more ingenuity are put into intrigues, making this group of people destined to reap the bitter fruits of failure. , the Kwantung Allied Forces are much more legitimate in name than that kind of person, and in fact the results obtained are slightly better than that kind of person.

It's just using the head of the Kwantung Allied Forces to give Hojo Ujiyasu's bad reputation back to a great wise and powerful lord. The so-called sending a head from a thousand miles away is less about courtesy than friendship. Tell me how deeply I love you. Look at me giving you my head to send you to the Super God. My head will fulfill your supreme prestige. This is such a sincere emotion.

In the nearly ten years since the ridiculous Kanto Astronomical Rebellion, Hojo Ujiyasu has painstakingly managed the territories of Musashi Country and Shimosu Province and established extraordinary influence in the area. It seems that the Sagami Hojo clan wants to use these new territories as a Demonstration or benchmark, the worse the people of Kanto treat you, the better I will treat you, and if they steal your money and food, I will give you money and food. The more obvious the contrast, the greater the contrast. Gradually, the grassroots people of Musashi Country He was bribed by the Hojo family.

So when Kira's army suddenly invaded Musashi Country and captured the entire Musashi Country in just a few months, the powerful and terrifying attack power shocked the people of Musashi Country, just like a little goat being surprised. In an instant, he would fall down and pretend to be dead. When faced with something scary, his first reaction was to disguise himself and hide. The people of Musashi Country were so frightened that they cowered and did not dare to resist.

But when they realized that this terrifying monster didn't seem to have any intention of dealing with them, many noble families began to become restless. They felt that the Kira family was not as scary as they thought. They could rely on the favorable terrain to fight against this dragon crossing the river. As the saying goes, a strong dragon will not suppress a local coward, this group of Socun groups want to express the idea of ​​​​a local coward.

"I am a local and you must respect my autonomy privileges. The Hojo family's public four and six citizens, and a series of policies to benefit the people, you must continue to implement, otherwise I will use a knife to compete with you to see who is more powerful." Probably. What I mean is to tell you that I want to protect the privilege of being inaccessible, and I also want all the privileges that the Sagami Hojo clan has given us. If you don't give it to me, I will continue to make trouble to see who is more powerful.

Logically speaking, this method is still feasible. At least this matter is a big deal in the eyes of the Kanto Allied Forces, but it is not a big deal in the eyes of the Kira family. They were wrong and they were very wrong. Kira Yoshitoki didn't give them a chance to negotiate at all, and he never asked three ministers to meet with a group of country samurai who didn't even have a rank. The Ashikaga family of Kamizushi would not discuss anything with these country samurai. He was not in decline. The shogunate, they are not just unscrupulous people.

The interest demands of this group of servants from wealthy families and more mud-legged people are essentially the same as those in Shancheng Kingdom. If you give one, they will want two. If you give two, they will want three, four, or even five, six, or seven. , always want to get more benefits by kicking the nose and face, this is how rice rises and rice grudges fight. Kira Ninja immediately wrote down all the troublesome Somura Group in a small book and presented it to Kira Yoshi. This list was And a detailed roster would be easy to get.

Kira Yoshitoshi immediately unloaded a piece of paper and issued it to Terutora Uesugi, ordering him to detach 20,000 troops as the Musashi counterinsurgency army. Yukitaka Sanada served as the general of this counterinsurgency army, and ordered him to destroy Musashi before the autumn harvest. All the thorns on the list in the middle school have been cleared away. If there is resistance, they will be killed on the spot without mercy. One person will kill another person and one village will destroy the whole village until they give up resistance and bow their heads and surrender.

Sanada Yukitaka successfully completed the mission entrusted to him by Kira Yoshitsune. In the following more than a month, he successively conquered dozens of mountain strongholds in Musashi Province, and repeatedly used unpredictable tactics to provoke the powerful Somura Allied Forces into civil strife. , rampaging through the Musashi Kingdom and killing all directions, the local snakes finally realized that their strength was so weak. Under the strong suppression of the Kira Legion, they could only scream and be defeated one by one.

A full month and a half of sweeping was carried out, like passing through a sieve through the villages in Musashi. All villages on the list and villages suspected of being anti-Kirara family were given special attention. However, during the execution process, Sanada Yukitaka still made some adjustments. He felt that the killing method proposed by Kira Yoshitsune might have been an act of anger, so he changed the killing strategy to a strategy in which the chief culprit was executed and the remaining party members were exiled, further reducing the willpower of these local snakes to resist.

When Kira Yoshi learned about his countermeasures, not only was he not angry, but he gave him a very high evaluation of his flexible use. He became a great general. Only the yin and yang of military strength can ensure the peace and happiness of a city and a country. Historically, generals have always had to adapt to the situation and adapt to the situation. Only mediocre generals can implement the original plan step by step regardless of the situation.

After dealing with these Japanese lords, Kira Yoshitomo moved all the villagers on this list to Echigo Country, where he dispersed and reorganized them to completely destroy the unity of this group of resisters. After the first step is completed, there will be more All the disobedient Musashi residents were moved to Echigo one after another, and they were all moved away regardless of whether there were 50,000 or 100,000. With Echigo's complete devotional system and strong control power, it was impossible for these Musashi people to have any Any chance to turn around.

The Musashi people who migrated north will be dispersed and migrated to Echichu, Kaga, Shinano and other places according to the situation. After that, no matter how many people moved from Musashi Province, they would immediately be replenished from Echigo Province and returned to Musashi Province, because in successive years The impact of natural disasters has caused the population to decline. The total population of Musashi Province is only more than 300,000. Even if all this population moves to Echigo, it will not affect Echigo's control.

This is exactly what Kira Yoshitoki decided, but his method was not to change places, but to move some of them around to break up their cohesion, and then planned to move 300,000 farmers into Musashi in batches To settle the country, this is a way of dealing with the situation under the hood. Even if you, Hojo Ujiyasu, are powerful, you will not be able to influence the Echigo people who are loyal to the Ashikaga family.

This move is also to completely change the customs and habits of the residents of Musashi Country in various fields such as culture, customs, dialects, etc. This is Kira Yoshitoki's first surgical operation on Musashi Country, and it is also a bold attempt to use this method to gradually Change the old problem of scattered behavior and lack of cohesion among the people of Guandong.

On July 12, a rational evaluation meeting was held in the Edo Castle of Musashi Province. The national lords from all over the Musashi Province came from Katsunuma Castle, the lord of Katsunuma Castle, Mita Masashio, Tsunahide, the lord of Ninja Castle, Narita Shimosu, the guardian of Choyasu, and the lord of Matsuyama Castle, Ueda Noto. Nao, Takiyama Castle Oishi Harima Morisinaka, Iwatsuki Castle Lord Ohta Shimasa, Edo Castle Lord Ohta Yasushi attended the meeting.

Together with the Habagata Castle, Kawagoe Castle, and Koji Castle that Kira Yoshitoki directly controlled, he has completely controlled all the important cities in the entire Musashi Country. The people in the Musashi Country here are more or less shocked by the Kira family's powerful combat power.

, in front of Kira Yoshitoki, he was submissive and did not dare to raise his head at all.

At the meeting, Honda Tokimasa reported on the recent military operations of Musashi Province. Uesugi Teruhora, who was stationed in the small machine city, led a force of 30,000 troops to defeat several counterattacks by the Hojo Army, and assisted Yukitaka Sanada in pacifying several resistance forces from Minami Musashi.

Honjo Shigenaga performed very well in several battles. If the Hojo Army hadn't broken the rules and caused chaos in the duel, he would have successfully killed the vanguard general of the Hojo Army, Hojo Ujishige.

"Ghost King" Saito Asanobu led his 3,000 "Ghost Army" cavalry into Sagami Country and rampaged. Killing several Hojo troops who tried to resist, they abandoned their helmets and armor and fled in panic. There were also reports of five self-reliant bravery and strength.

The Hojo samurai attacked him at the same time, but he easily defused them and killed two of them with a combination of swords and guns.

The remaining three people were frightened by his momentum and turned around to run away. Saito Chao Nobu quickly threw a gun and impaled one of the fleeing samurai to death on the spot. He quickly caught up with the second fleeing samurai and dragged him to the ground.

On his own horse, he smashed his throat chakra with his fist and crushed his Adam's apple. The last samurai who escaped realized that he was running very fast and looked back. Saito who was chasing him was directly hit by a lasso and tied to the horse.

The horse queen kept dragging him along until he was trampled to pieces by the horses in the chaotic formation.

With Saito Nobunobu taking the lead, samurai who relied on their extraordinary strength came to Uesugi Teruhora one by one to ask for a fight. They led their own gangs to invade Sagami Country again and again, which was seen as a trap for the local lords of Sagami Country.

Its territory is narrow and lacks strategic depth. The total number of large and small cities in the country is less than thirty. Compared with Tangoguo, which has a similar territory but has more than 300 large and small cities, it is really far behind.

Since the second-generation governor of the Sagami Hojo clan, Hojo Uzuna, Sagami Kingdom has not been harassed by large-scale invasions for decades. The two most severe losses during Hojo Ujiyasu's reign also occurred in Musashi Kingdom. In this relatively peaceful environment,

Under such an atmosphere, the people of Sagami Province lacked the necessary defensive psychology and thought that they were relatively safe in the hinterland.

This illusion caused the twenty-one Sagami clan under the Hojo family to be completely defeated in the confrontation with the Kira family's invading force. In less than half a month, dozens of collisions resulted in a disastrous defeat.

In the end, a few samurai organized a major counterattack, but they only managed to repel the Kira army who arrived in a hurry and did not know what was going on.

Even though I worked hard to repel the small invading army, the Kira Army that was cruising nearby appeared at any time and did not dare to pursue it. In other words, most of the time, I was unilaterally crushed and purged by the Kira Army.

Winning small competitions but not being able to expand the results and obtain actual benefits. In this one-sided war of attrition, the people of the Hojo family in Higashi-Sagami have no power to resist the invasion of Kira's army.

Honda Tokimasa's long speech lasted for nearly a quarter of an hour, systematically summarizing the huge advantages that the Kira family has achieved so far, and intentionally or unintentionally pointed to the vulnerability of the Hojo Army in front of the Kamizuki Ashikaga family. Finally, he made a concluding speech: "

The performance of the samurai is outstanding, and I believe that we will completely solve the Hojo problem that has plagued Kanto for decades within this year, and return Kanto to a peaceful and peaceful world."

No matter how much content there is in what Honda Tokimasa said, at least it frightened the people of the Musashi Country present. When the samurai here heard their admiration, they quickly echoed a few words and stretched their heads to inquire about the incredible things of the Kira family.

What terrible power lies behind military victory.

This is a naked military showoff. To put it bluntly, it is like a male lion patrolling its territory, roaring from time to time to spread its scent to show its unquestionable ownership of this territory. It is also like a gorilla.

Beating the chest in front of similar people to show off one's strong figure, human beings use showing off in every aspect, and using another word with a similar meaning to describe it is a display of self-worth.

The territory of the Musashi Country is not small but very large. Its status in the Eight Kanto Kingdoms is roughly equivalent to that of Omi Country in Kinki. It is also located in the center of a large plain. It also has rich water resources and considerable food production. Mastering this place is equivalent to

Mastering this region is equivalent to mastering the best stepping stone, which can further control the core interests of the entire region.

When Kira Yoshitoki chose Omi Province, he valued the core interests of being close to Goki, and it also had abundant water resources and excellent location advantages. With convenient transportation by water and land, he could establish a huge domination network. To a certain extent, Musashi Province

They also have similar functions. The Tone River, Arakawa, Tama River and other rivers have rich water resources, and they also have high strategic value as the heart of the Kanto Plains.

To some extent, the strategic significance of Musashi Province is even greater than that of Omi Province. Probably only Sakai Town in Osaka Bay can compete with Musashi. The river transportation advantage of Omi Province's Sakamoto area relying on Lake Biwa and the Uji River is not as good as imagined.

Excellent, at least not as good as the river network extending in all directions around Edo Castle.

The great monk of diplomacy, Asayama Hijo, said with a smile: "His Royal Highness Genan, the diplomatic envoy of the Sagami Hojo clan, requested a truce. On behalf of the Hojo clan, His Highness Genan paid high respect to His Highness Kamikata and said that there would never be any resistance to His Highness Kamikata.

He expresses his disappointment with everything that happened in the Musashi Kingdom. The Hojo family sincerely hopes to live in harmony with the Ashikaga family of the Kamizushi family, and urges His Highness to give him the opportunity to meet and express his thoughts."

In the same pursuit of diplomacy, Hojo Genan is a genuine gentle and elegant literary monk, while Asayama Hijo, a monk who became a monk on the way, is more like a bandit. Although his words and sentences are much more elegant than a few years ago, his fat and slightly vicious face

The cheeks and the burly and heavy body really make it difficult to see the appearance of a virtuous monk. (To be continued, please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

This chapter has been completed!
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