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Chapter 517

Yuuki Haruka shook his head and smiled bitterly: "That's inappropriate! If you really do this, you will definitely be ridiculed by the town government! We have been loyal ministers of the Furukawa family for hundreds of years, and offering it like this will cause great harm to the statement.

! From now on, it will be difficult to get ahead among the retainers of the Duke of Zhenfu."

He had thought about Xiaoshan Hidetsuna's proposal many times, but he still didn't dare to do it because of various concerns. If there was a chance for him to join the town government, it would be absolutely necessary, but now he was worried that he wouldn't be able to do it.

This thick thigh will be regretted for the rest of his life, but the Wu family always needs something like face, dignity, and reputation to support them. If they don't have a decent step down, it means that they will probably not be able to get along in the new system in the future.

It is precisely because of this concern that many samurai warriors in Furukawa's retainer group have been hesitant, including Yuki Harutomo, Koyama Hidetsuna and Utsunomiya Hirotsuna. This is also true for powerful samurai such as Nasu Shiin. In this ancient battle,

The Battle of Kawai made the entire Kanto samurai see one truth clearly, that is, the Kira family really cannot be messed with. Even Satake Yoshiaki and Date Terumune did not dare to raise objections against the Kira Alliance. Countless Kanto samurai have spent their lives to understand one truth, that is, this

The family is many times scarier than the Hojo family.

He doesn't dare to offend but is willing to hug his thighs, but he hugs his thighs and wants to make a fuss about it, and wants the Kira family to take the initiative to give him a decent step down. For example, some of the top priorities of the people of Kanto are: "That's it."

Will surrendering simply be looked down upon by the new master's family? Should I behave with more integrity and be more upright and stand out? My family has defended the country for generations and surrendered to Mr. Furukawa. You really shouldn't have surrendered. It's not as good as you.

Pass me a ladder and let me get down first and join you?"

This idea seemed okay. But they never considered whether the Kira family would cooperate with their actions. The Yuuki Battle used cruel facts to tell all the Kanto samurai a truth. The so-called "summary" on the basis of dignity is not at all

Perhaps, Kira Yoshi was not considerate enough to hand them a ladder. The Yuki family, who failed to seek peace, completely lost the entire territory of Shimosu and Hitachi Kingdom.

The Yuki clan also fell from the powerful daimyo of Kanto into the abyss, and became a second-rate small and medium-sized national lord, probably worse than Sano Masatsuna. The bloody lessons taught the Kanto samurai a cruel truth, this is

The law of the jungle is that the jungle prevails. If you want to take refuge, you must act as soon as possible. You may not wait until the day you die of old age when you get down the stairs.

Sure enough, within a few days, the Kira Legion's 30,000-strong army reunited at the foot of Oyama Castle. Oyama Hidetsuna hurriedly summoned troops to defend the city. It was September and the land of Kanto turned into a golden and festive color. Lords from all over the country led the troops.

The people in the area were busy preparing for the autumn harvest, and they resisted Oyama Hidetsuna's request for an increase in military duties, not to mention how dangerous it was to defend an isolated city against the pressure of Kira's army.

Koyama Hidetsuna found that after waiting for several days, he could not wait for the reinforcements from the samurai from all over the country. Then he realized that the situation he encountered had become so bad that the retainers and samurai had to abandon Koyama. The people in Koyama City were crying like bereaved dogs and were in panic all day long.

, Xiaoshan Gaochao finally couldn't help but speak.

"Qilang! Send His Highness Gongfang out immediately. I can't afford this His Highness in this small mountain city!"

"But father..." Yuki Haruto said awkwardly: "That's His Highness Koga Furukawa!"

"Li Ling is stupid!" Seeing that his son was still stubborn, Xiaoshan Gaochao was angry and beat his chest and yelled: "You are even more stupid than an old man like me! In the current turbulent and corrupt war situation in Kanto, which samurai family can survive?

Your Highness Mr. Koga Furukawa! You protected the Yuki family once and the family fortune declined, and now you want to let my Koyama family become a lost dog as well?"

"Father, please calm down." Koyama Hidetsuna pulled Yuki Haruto, who was still trying to argue, and said with a smile: "Father, you are right. Now the town master's momentum is at its peak. In half a year, Musashi and Sagami were captured again.

He robbed the land of Hatsuuriku and Shimono Kingdom, and invaded it as if entering an uninhabited land, so that we Kanto samurai did not dare to take advantage of him, but he is not a Kanto samurai after all! After all, His Highness Koga Furukawa is the co-owner of my Kanto samurai.


"Xiao Shiro... you actually listened to Shichiro's words! Are you going to make me angry to death? Bastard!" Xiao Shan Gao was trembling with anger, pointing at his son and yelling: "You bastard has not yet become a member of the Xiao Shan family.

The governor is so rebellious! Are you trying to destroy my Xiaoshan family's fortune?"

"Lord, please calm down. What you said makes sense, but you just didn't take into account the actual plight of my family, the Koyama family!" Lao Iwagami, the chief family member, turned to Koyama Hidetsuna and persuaded him: "Young Master's idea is admirable.

point, but we should also think more about the actual difficulties of our Oyama family. The Yuuki family’s family wealth is much richer than that of our Oyama family. Even so, it still cannot stop the thunderous blow of the town government. Our Oyama family can do it alone.

If a forced confrontation results in defeat, death, and annihilation of the entire family, is Young Palace worthy of the ancestors of the Xiaoshan family?"

Koyama Hidetsuna was speechless when questioned. After all, his political experience was not as good as that of his younger brother Yuuki Haruto. Over the years, his father had always looked at him as a quail, and he never thought about the pressure on the Koyama family.

Many times, the Utsunomiya clan's subordinate Minagawa Toshimune, and Utsunomiya Hirotsuna himself all advocated launching territorial invasions against the Oyama family. In just a few years, the Oyama family lost a large piece of territory.

As a result, the Oyama family of the majestic Kanto Hachiya-shaped family is actually not as powerful as Sano Masatsuna of Karasawa Mountain Castle, and its territory in Shimono Province can only be ranked fifth. If it were not for the Yuuki clan of Shimosu Province and the distant relatives,

The Shirakawa Yuki clan of Minami Mutsu can be brought in as support, but the small size of the Koyama family is not something that can be swallowed up just by taking a few bites. It is because of this that the governor of the family, Koyama Takato, is walking on thin ice.

Koyama Hidetsuna didn't understand the root cause of this, but that didn't mean that the family's family retainers didn't understand this truth. As soon as Iwagami Tokate finished speaking, the clan's retainers also stood up to support the decision of the family governor Koyama Takato. The Koyama family

The genealogy of the family used their own actions to tell Koyama Hidetsuna and Yuki Haruto that we agree with the loyalty of the monarch and the minister that you two brothers played, but we want to live a good life and pass on the legacy, and are not willing to sacrifice for this status.

Just put your own life and family business into it.

It is worthy of praise to die for the loyalty of the monarch, but not every monarch is worthy of his retainers to die for him. Mencius once said: "The ruler regards his ministers as his hands and feet, and his ministers regard him as his heart. If the king regards his ministers as dogs and horses, then

The ministers regard the king as a fellow countryman, and the king views the ministers as dirt and mustard, and the ministers regard the king as a bandit."

This is the principle of honoring one's favor and obeying the public. Only with kindness can there be loyalty and courage, and only with rewards can there be loyalty. Loyalty and bravery are not obtained for no reason. Not many people are willing to be loyal and willing to sacrifice themselves for a foolish king who treats them like a dog, horse, and horse.

It is hopelessly stupid to protect one's own family property from a foolish king. Xiaoshan Gaochao is not that stupid, nor is the family clan group that stupid. In their opinion, it is these two brothers who are stupid.

Yuki Haruto has long been aware of this critical situation, but he always has some lucky thoughts in his heart, thinking that maybe his father will support him and encourage him at the critical moment, maybe Utsunomiya Hirotsuna will send love reinforcements to rescue them at the critical moment, maybe at the critical moment

... As soon as the idea of ​​luck comes up, chaotic thoughts like addiction fly out in a mess.

Fantasy is always as colorful as wonderful honey, which makes people intoxicated, but reality is like the cold mountain wind blowing on the peak above ten thousand people, which makes people shiver. Samurai are an extremely realistic group, they can do whatever they want for their own benefit when conditions permit.

Oppose the invasion of a powerful force. But when they find that they cannot withstand this powerful force, they will give up the resistance, surrender and become one of them.

There is a proverb in England to the effect of "If you can't beat it, then join it." Under the system of feudal society, people did not think it was a shameful act to worship the strong. The law of the jungle of the weak and the strong has long been embedded in human genes.

It is the law of nature that the weak should be respected and the weak should remain subordinate. Forcing people to be comfortable with etiquette goes against the competitive instinct of human beings and goes against the laws of natural evolution.

The genealogy of the Oyama family looks at the powerful Kira family from a realistic perspective. They don't think there is anything wrong with Kira Yoshitoki's actions. If the Ashikaga family of the Kamizushi family becomes the Ashikaga family of Kanto, it is also a family matter of the shogunate. His Highness the shogunate

The fact that he did not rebuke Kiragi meant that the shogunate acquiesced to this action. What was the point of them, the Kanto samurai, trying their best? The first was that they could not fight, and the second was that Koga Furukawa was not a lord worth fighting for.

Under the joint pressure of the house governor and the family governor, Oyama Hidetsuna and Yuki Haruto had no choice but to surrender. If they did not yield, they would most likely be confiscated by the house governor or even expelled from Oyama Castle. By then, let alone Ashikaga Fuji.

The life and safety of the government is at stake, and their own future survival is also a question mark.

At midnight that day, the Oyama family sent a team of mounted samurai to escort a carriage and hurriedly left the Oyama Castle. Naturally, the carriage contained the idiot Ashikaga Fujimasa. He also had a letter written by Yuuki Haruto addressed to Utsunomiya.

Hirotsuna's autographed letter expresses his sincere sympathy for Furukawa Kōkō's misfortune. However, he is unable to protect Furukawa Kōkō, so he asks Utsunomiya Hirotsuna to protect him on his behalf.

After confirming that the guard team left the Oyama Territory safely, Oyama Takato took Oyama Hidetsuna and Yuki Haruto to surrender to Kaicheng in the morning. The four gates were opened wide to welcome the army led by Kira Yoshitoki.

Xiaoshan Gaochao, an old man in his fifties, straightened his back to welcome Kira's army into the city. His two sons lowered their heads and did not dare to raise their heads and scan around for fear of being spotted and scolded by their father again.

After a while, I saw thousands of proud Chibei warriors galloping towards me, waving their whips. The leading Chibei generals gave orders to slow down, walked slowly to the Otemon gate, bent over and stared at the hill, looking at Gaochao.

Yes, he said: "This must be Koyama Shimonoden! My royal highness values ​​you very much! I hope Shimomoden can seize the opportunity to serve!"

"Yes, yes!" A flower bloomed on Xiaoshan Gaochao's excited face. Not to mention how funny it was to have his pleats squeezed together, he quickly asked: "Dare you ask for the name of His Highness? I, Gao Chao, dare not forget your suggestion.


"My name is Sakon, and from now on I will be the same as the Shimono Wardian." After saying this, the cavalry commander rode his horse into the city first. It is a common practice in battle formations to ensure the internal and external security when entering the city, not to mention Kiragi.

Shi's status is so noble that it would not be surprising to add a few more layers of defense measures.

After a while, groups of horse-riding warriors appeared near the small mountain city. What was strange was that they did not enter the city, but spread out and wandered around as if they had nothing to do. Gradually, they surrounded the entire small mountain city.

The entire village was enveloped, and after a while, the masked warrior in black without any armor rode his horse into the small mountain castle without saying a word.

At the end of the queue of Koyama Takano, a group of young Koyama family samurai gathered together to look at the actions of the Kira army. One of the samurai whispered: "Hey. That seems to be the ninjas of the Kira family. I heard that these people have

My miraculous ability can detect all conspiracies!"

Another young samurai curled his lips and said: "Tch! Isn't it just the common Luanbo among Chinese people? And he changed it to a name that makes people confused... Ninja. What kind of person is this?"

The samurai who spoke in front shook his head and said: "The chaos in our Shimono Country is incomparable to others. It is said that the Kira ninjas have as many as a thousand samurai! A thousand samurai! It is also an astonishing number for my Shimono Country.


The pouting samurai opened his mouth and thought for a long time before he felt it made sense and stopped struggling. During the Warring States Period, there was no standard name for ninja. Most samurai still called them Ranbo or Ranpo. For example, Koga Ninja and Iga Ninja were not

You humble servants, these ninjas are natives of the country who were born as authentic samurai.

It is just a special type of arms evolved in the samurai class, and it does not affect their identity and status as samurai themselves. For example, Mochizuki Izumo Moriyoshidou is a powerful sect of the Shino clan Mochizuki clan. There is a branch city and territory.

After hundreds of years of development, the people could dance with swords, ride on war horses, and their skills of bow and horse might even be better than those of many samurai.

The ninja who follow the army like the Kira Army are responsible for wartime intelligence reconnaissance, interception and killing of enemy envoys and sentries, and special tasks such as sneaking into enemy cities to carry out sabotage, incitement and assassination. Since the Hongji period, the ninjas of the Kira Army have been officially organized.

Not long after joining the special number of the legion, Yoshinaga Mochizuki and Masaki Hattori jointly designed a new ninja training method. With this training method, the training efficiency of Kira ninja was greatly accelerated.

As a special unit of the army, the Kira Ninjas no longer need to sneak around like thieves in dark corners. They can follow the Kira Army's cavalry in an upright manner. As scouts, they have completed small-scale intelligence collection and analysis.

Completely embedded in the main force of the Kira Legion. Complete the transformation from a despicable villain hiding in the corner to an upright and open battle.

What the young samurai of the Oyama family noticed were the ninjas in Kira's army, but Yuki Haruto observed another important discovery and wondered: "At least I can see no less than four thousand cavalry in this moment, how come there are so many?"

War horses... what about four thousand warriors?"

"Isn't the Kira Legion known as the Master of Ten Thousand Riders? Do they really have ten thousand warriors?" Hidetsuna Koyama opened his mouth in surprise, shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I really can't imagine what it would be like to have ten thousand warriors.


Koyama Takato suddenly turned his head and said: "Not all of them are samurai. The Kira Army's military service law is completely different from that of our Kanto samurai. It is said that the Kira Army's military service implements a method called the separation of soldiers and peasants. Selected

The good men who are good at fighting will be trained and taught the riding and spear skills, and then they will be compiled into a cavalry team that will go through the baptism and polishing in battle, and then they will become a brave and good cavalry team. Probably only half of them are warriors!"

"Half is also an astonishing number! Lord Zhenfu is really powerful... Five thousand warriors are almost equal to the male heirs of all the samurai families in my Shimono Kingdom, right? Maybe it's not enough... I should add Shimosuo Kingdom." Xiaoshan Hidetsuna said to him.

Kira Jun's attitude changed from indifferent and contemptuous to admiring. The family members of the clan also showed similar expressions of admiration. They didn't think it was a shame to worship the strong, just like Koyama Takato didn't think there was anything wrong with hugging someone's thigh. Instead, he wanted to

Thanks to Shima Tokisheng for reminding him to hug his thighs tightly.

Another half an hour passed, and it was not until the sun was high that I saw the Kira Army's main formation flag slowly approaching. Kira Yoshitoki was riding a Trakena war horse brought from Echigo, and was wearing a uniform in full accordance with the "Thin Gold Armor"

The large gold-inlaid armor made with traditional craftsmanship shimmered like a large golden man under the sunlight, almost blinding the eyes of the three fathers and sons of the Xiaoshan family.

"Am I turning into a golden sparkle at this moment?" Kira Yoshihi waved his riding whip helplessly and rode forward listlessly. Yesterday, the group of family members had a bad idea and tricked him into taking advantage of this opportunity to show off during the city's entry ceremony.

With the financial resources of the Ashikaga family, they used a high imitation of the thin gold armor, one of the eight Genji clan leaders, to scare people.

The large armor inlaid with gold and silver is not too heavy to wear on the body, but the shining golden shape made a few money-grubbing bastards laugh out loud on the spot. Kira Yoshitoki is so tall that this imitation needs to be several times larger.

Regarding the size, when he first made it, he felt that the traditional shape was not very handsome, so he put forward some suggestions for modification to increase the amount of materials used on the armor.

The final set of inlaid "hanging ornaments" consumed seven or eight kilograms of gold and four or five kilograms of silver. If an arrow fell on the body, half a tael of gold would be wiped off. This ridiculous armor is definitely not for protection. It is purely for protection.

It's just to show off how talented I am and how I can get a golden holy robe to scare you bunch of rubes.

Kira Yoshitoki attracted the attention of countless people while riding his horse. Even if he was surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside, his appearance was very blinking. When he entered the castle town of the small mountain city, he still attracted a burst of exclamation. This made

He felt even more uncomfortable, as if he was being treated like a monkey, and thought to himself: "The aesthetics of the Genpei era are really unacceptable!"

After walking for a while, I realized that it didn't seem to be the case. The eyes of the townspeople changed when they looked at Kiragi. They were surprised, envious, fearful, and worshiped that he couldn't understand. The family members seemed to be as happy as arrogant ones.

A peacock. He wished he could raise his chin higher than his head.

Kira Yoshishi was slightly puzzled and asked: "What is going on? Could it be that because I wear the golden holy clothes, these samurai and the townspeople think that I am more powerful?"

With this question in mind, he came to the outside of Koyama Castle and once again successfully shocked Koyama Takayama and his son. Without saying a word, the old man knelt down and propped himself on the ground and saluted: "A descendant of the general of the town guard Fujiwara Hidego.

I pay my respects to His Highness Gongfang! I wish His Highness good health and long-lasting military fortune!"

"Please get up without any courtesy!" Kira Yoshi's lips slightly raised, and he secretly said: "This armor seems to have a good effect!"

Yoshiki Kira had no intention of blaming the Oyama family. Even if Yuki Haruto violated his taboo, he was very polite. In fact, he knew very well in his heart that Yuki Haruto would not pose a threat to him, and he could give up his family for this stupid Furukawa.

More than half of the territory. It is enough to show that this young warrior, who is only 28 years old, has not grown up to the level of being as cunning and calculating as a fox.

What's more, he has completely lost his territory. In terms of reputation, he may not be criticized and ridiculed by his family members and the people of Kanto. However, the sharp decline in strength has reduced the Yuuki family from the level of a powerful person in Kanto.

In the blink of an eye, he was reduced to the level of a dispensable soy sauce countryman in Kanto, and the remnant leader of the wild country with less than 10,000 koku could no longer pose any threat to the Kira family.

The territory in Kira Yoshitoki's pocket will never be spat out, so Yuki Haruto has only one way to resurrect himself, hug Kira Yoshitoki's lap tightly and become a loyal minister, and rely on his merits to accumulate rewards and become a famous actor again.

This is Hong Guoguo's powerful name. If he doesn't grasp this reality, he will really be doomed in this life.

It is rare for the three fathers and sons of the Oyama family to maintain the same submissive posture, which is actually enough to represent the mentality of most samurai in Kanto. The Ashikaga family of Kamisuke is a member of the Ashikaga shogun family, and the Furukawa Ashikaga family is also a member of the Ashikaga shogun family. The two families work hard to survive.

That is a matter for the master's family. If a retainer cares too much, he may end his life prematurely.

In the eyes of many Kanto people, isn't this the same reason that more than 100 years ago, the eighth-generation Lord Jihoinden (Ashikaga Yoshimasa) ordered his half-brother Ashikaga Masaichi to return to secular life, and went to Horikoshi, Izu Province to establish the Horikoshi Imperial Palace?

For more than ten years, Lord Horikoshi and Ashikaga Masatomo have been trying to kill the Ashikaga Sari clan so that they can replace him as the Kanto Lord.

At the beginning, there were still many Kanto samurai standing in Horikoshi's camp against Furukawa, so with such a lesson learned from the past, the Kanto samurai were not so repulsive to Kira Yoshitomo, but they were only half a step away from becoming Ashikaga's Rianjishou.

That can no longer be regarded as the leader of this "retainer" class, but is equivalent to the imperial palace of the "king". As long as they have fought for Ashikaga Fujimasa, it cannot be regarded as a shame when they join Kiragi. After all, they should do

have already been done.

The news that Kira's army had entered Oyama Castle flew all over Kanto as if it had wings. In just a few days, news spread that Kira Yoshito appeared in Oyama Castle wearing golden armor, a tall and strong man sitting high above Kiso.

The Trakna war horse, which was nearly a head taller, looked particularly majestic. Wearing the "golden holy garment" that was a few sizes too big, it was so majestic that it was like a god descending to earth. It was blinding.

Nothing more than Koyama Takato, a long-tested old samurai, was also frightened and panicked. There are many native Kanto samurai who have never left their own territory in their lives. How have you ever seen such a person who does not follow the routine?

Method, but there is another explanation for this look during Kiragi's reign.

It’s no secret that the Ashikaga family worships thin gold armor. If he wears an imitation of it, there’s really no way to say he’s a shaobao or a nouveau riche. If you want to scold him, you’d have to blame Genwei Yoshi, the fifth generation pillar.

This man originally thought of wearing this suit of armor to guard the emperor's gate in Kyoto.

The people of Kanto country don't care how cool the golden glitter is. They are worried about which direction Kira Yoshitoki will aim his next march plan. Ashikaga Fujimasa has already made the Yuuki family collapse and the Koyama family has surrendered. In the blink of an eye, the Kanto eight-house shape

The second one has been eliminated, and the remaining six families are so frightened that they can't even sleep peacefully.

It happened that at this time, Utsunomiya Hirotsuna received a "gift" from Yuki Haruto. When he took the letter written by Yuki Haruto, his face was as black as the bottom of a pot and he stared at Ashikaga Fujimasa as if he saw a ghost.

, secretly cursing in his heart: "This bastard Yuki Haruto is trying to kill my family! I, the Utsunomiya family, have no grudges against you in the past and have no grudges in recent times. Why do you want to send this disaster into my hands... If you insist on saying that there is hatred

, does occupying the Xiaoshan family’s territory count? Even so, you can’t send this idiot over!”

Utsunomiya Hirotsuna was extremely embarrassed. He couldn't get angry in front of Ashikaga Fujimasa. He could only hold the letter and pretend to read it hard, but in fact he kept gesturing to the family members with his eyes to speak. Yoshiga calmly understood.

He stood up and said: "His Majesty, Kurama, is tired. Originally, I should leave His Highness to recuperate for a few days before setting off, but my Utsunomiya family's home is also in chaos. I really feel embarrassed to force His Highness to go hunting in the north, so why don't we leave now?

Let’s set off and rush to Nasu’s house!”

In Hōga Couture's words, this hot potato turned into a "hunting in the north", as if Ashikaga Fujimasa was just going on a hunting trip. As for what Yuuki Haruka mentioned in the letter, he was referring to the protection of one or two.

The categories were completely filtered. Of course His Highness Gongfang focused on the major event of "Northern Hunting", and other trivial matters were automatically filtered out.

As soon as he finished speaking, without waiting for Ashikaga Fujimasa's reaction, Hoga Couture summoned several samurai to "invite" Ashikaga Fujimasa into a carriage and continued to flee north. The Furukawa Lord just escaped one after another.

In Nasu Suin's territory, at this time, Nasu Suin was busy fighting with his uncles Ozeki Kozo, Ohtawara Tsunakiyoshi, and Fukuhara Suitaka, so he had no time to serve Ashikaga Fujimasa, the "North Hunter".

After reading Utsunomiya Hiratsuna's copy of Yuki Haruto's letter for a long time, Nasu Ziyin sneered and said: "The Utsunomiya family's idiots are talking nonsense. I, Ziyin, have already switched to the martial arts family under the town government. Take this

The idiot father-in-law sent him here and expects me, Ziyin, to send him to the Mutsu Kingdom? This is to treat me, Ziyin, as a fool! Instead of sending him to the Mutsu Kingdom, it would be more appropriate to send him to the Jinfu public camp!"

(To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

ps: Thanks to Hattori Masashige for the reward, and special thanks to book friend Xiao Zimu for the reward. Another helmsman has been added. Next month, Wu Mei will consider adding as many codes as possible at a certain point in time as a thank you!

This chapter has been completed!
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