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Chapter 531 Kamakura Inauguration Ceremony

Just after 9 o'clock, the quiet Kamakura suddenly became noisy. Samurai families from all over half of Honshu Island rushed outside Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine in an attempt to see the inauguration ceremony of the Kanto Lord. Unfortunately, the Ashikaga family of Kamisui was fully prepared, and tens of thousands of

The army entered the Kamakura Five Gates to guard important passes. If you want to fish in troubled waters, you must first get past these samurai wearing helmets and carrying armor.

Not long after, a cavalry regiment with strict policies slowly entered Kamakura. The vanguard was the two thousand red armor cavalry, followed by the two thousand black armor cavalry, the two thousand yellow armor cavalry, and the two thousand blue armor cavalry.

Two thousand white-armored cavalry, and tens of thousands of elite knights in total, wearing special breastplates, strutted into Kamakura with neat steps, giving a great mental shock to the nearly 100,000 people who came to watch.

Among the dark crowd there were many ronin who came to watch. When they saw this uniform mounted warrior, they immediately exclaimed: "Ten thousand cavalry! Is this also a five-color weapon? It's really powerful!"

The Hojo family has a total of 10,000 people with five colors, and the Ashikaga family has a total of 10,000 riders. Previously, the Hojo family had a total of more than 3,000 horseback riding teams, which was considered the strongest in Kanto. And the horseback warriors of all the samurai families in the entire eight countries of Kanto together may be able to compete with

When the Ashikaga family competes with each other to see who has more horse teams, the gap is still very large.

"I didn't expect the Ashikaga family to be so powerful! It's unbelievable!" Some businessmen sent by large merchants were also thinking about whether they should set up a semicolon in Edo Castle, and spies from all over the place secretly recorded what they saw.

Each fragment may be presented in the form of documents in the near future on the desks of famous names all over the world.

This enthronement ceremony was more like Ashikaga Yoshitoki's personal show of force, with 10,000 horse-riding samurai showing off their might, and 2,000 iron artillery troops strutting in with new flintlock muskets without match ropes. Heavy armored regiments holding shields and hammers.

The regular three gun regiments filed in. The number of armed forces entering Kamakura alone was as many as 30,000. The entire Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine was tightly surrounded inside and outside. It was really like even an insect.

It is difficult to leap over.

The ceremony for taking office as Lord of Kanto was complicated and lengthy. Ashikaga Yoshitoki, who was wearing black court robes, was guided by the ceremony officials into the Taiko Bridge. The bridge was painted with vermilion lacquer to symbolize it and was also called Aka Bridge. In the Kamakura period, the Hojo clan was

The branch of the Kokurakuji-ryu clan has a house next to this Akabashi bridge, so this branch of the Hojo clan is also called the Akabashi clan.

The Akabashi-ryu Hojo clan has had two generations of Kamakura rulers: the first ancestor of the Akahashi-ryu family, the sixth generation of the Kamakura shogunate, Hojo Nagatoki, and the last generation of the Kamakura shogunate, Hojo Toki.

The political status is second only to the Hojo Tokuso family, and it is the highest-status family in the entire Hojo family. Ashikaga Takauji's wife Akabashi Nobiko is Hojo Toki's biological sister. She only followed Ashikaga Takauji to destroy the Kamakura shogunate and avoided taboo and changed her name to the Akabashi clan.

That's all.

Under the Taiko Bridge is a large lotus pond. This lotus pond also has a nice name called Genpeirachi. The so-called Genpeirachi refers to the two huge lotus ponds excavated during the period when Hojo Masako was the "Niyudai". They are called Genjichi and Taira.

There are three artificial islands in the Minamoto clan and four artificial islands in the Taira clan. It is said that they symbolize all the processes of human beings from birth to death.

Pass through the Taiko Bridge and enter the core area of ​​Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine. In front of it is a large stone section with 61 steps. The dance hall under the steps is said to be where Minamoto Yoritomo captured Shizugozen and asked her to dance the white beat dance in front of the dance hall.

, there are still people singing that sad song.

"I am deeply attached to the person who left my footprints with me on the white snow of Mount Yoshino, and then drifted away to Oshu! Ah Shizu, Shizu, you are like the twine ball used for weaving, spinning around like twine

When it comes to life, how wonderful it would be if it were the same now..."

Ashikaga Yoshitoki stood in front of the dance hall, paused for a moment, then shook his head and smiled. Although his heart was as hard as stone, he still felt deeply about the legendary stories of the past four hundred years. At this time, people inside and outside Tsuruoka Hachimangu Shrine were being attacked.

The samurai wearing vertical robes were tightly surrounded, and there were three posts and five posts, which lacked the most important tourist atmosphere.

After passing through the Sakuramon Gate and entering the Imperial Palace, there is a leafy ginkgo tree in the small square. This ginkgo tree is the same one that used to be used by Minamoto no Koko to ambush and kill Minamoto Minato in Hachimangu Palace. It is under this big tree.

A farce in which a nephew assassinated his uncle directly led to the complete severance of the direct line of the Genji family in Kawachi. It is still unknown what role Hojo Masako played in it.

The enthronement ceremony was held in this palace. Hundreds of warriors in gorgeous attire poured into the small square. They opened their eyes wide and were eager to see the Kwantung Duke's enthronement ceremony. Outside the square, 500 of the tallest and bravest warriors gathered.

The samurai stood on both sides of the shrine as royal guards, but after a moment the bells and drums were sounded and the ceremony began.

Ashikaga Yoshitoki slowly walked into the main hall of Hachimangu Shrine under the guidance of the courtesy officer. Everywhere he passed, the samurai bowed down and bowed down. From time to time, the crowd heard the honorifics of "Konghoden-like", "Gosho-like", and Kagura

It was also played quietly at this moment. Konoe Maekatsu, wearing black court uniform and holding a wat tablet, stood in the corridor waiting for his arrival. Konoe Maekyu was a minister of Guan Shizuo. He was the highest messenger coming on behalf of the imperial court, which fully demonstrated that

The imperial court highly supported Ashikaga Yoshitoki's ascension to the throne, and this time he personally hosted the enthronement ceremony for the Duke of Kanto.

This is against the rules. Tsuruoka Hachimangubetsu should have presided over the enthronement ceremony of Ashikaga Yoshitoki. Tsuruoka Hachimangubetsu has always been held by the direct descendants of the Kanto clan. Several generations of Kamakura lords have served as Tsuruoka.

Oka Hachimangu Betsucho, the previous Betsucho was Ashikaga Yoshiaki, Komumi Lord, and after he was defeated and quickly died in the Kokufudai battle at Fusui Peninsula, the Betsubu position has been vacant and has no one to replace him.

Hojo Utsuna once wanted to serve as a high-ranking official, but unfortunately before this plan could be realized, the Hanakura Rebellion of the Imagawa family hit the Hojo family, and the Hojo family was depressed.

Based on this score, the current lord is supposed to be a member of the shrine family of Tsuruoka Hachimangu Shrine. His status is not high and he has no prestige in the Kanto samurai family. He is not qualified to preside over the enthronement ceremony of the Kanto Duke.

The entire enthronement ceremony was complicated and lengthy. In the accompaniment of Kagura, several priests recited the family lineage of the Genji Doryang family in Kawachi, starting from Genpei to Kamakura and finally to the Ashikaga family and Ashikaga Yoshitoki himself, who were regarded as his.

This is a complete birth name change. This ceremony is also mixed with many inexplicable small rituals that purely honor ancient rituals.

Ashikaga Yoshitoki followed the rules strictly. He recited the words according to the fixed requirements and could not say a single unnecessary word. It was not until noon that Ashikaga Yoshitoki was able to pay homage to Hachiman Daibodhisattva and swore to the ancestors of Kawachi Genji to protect the land of Kanto, and then sent

The lengthy inauguration ceremony was complete, and the lengthy inauguration ceremony was complete, including taking the oath of entry and presenting the sword and armor as a prayer. By this time, Ashikaga Yoshitoki was already exhausted from the torment.

The next step is not over yet. Ashikaga Yoshito also wants to pay homage to the sacred relics passed down by Kawachi Genji. When he walked to the back hall and looked up, he saw a slightly shabby white flag with the words "Namu Hachiman Bodhisattva" written on it.

He introduced in a low voice: "This is the white flag used by the Right General Palace when raising troops. This flag is one of the three sacred objects of our Tsuruoka Hachiman Palace."

"The royal white flag used by the Right Shogun Palace?" Ashikaga Yoshitoki stared at the slightly exaggerated strokes, each stroke as thick as a mountain. Although the font is not beautiful, it contains the roughness and courage of a samurai.

This is the first white flag written by Minamoto Yoritomo, the first general who conquered the barbarians.

The white flag of the Genji is of great significance to the Genji in Hanoi. The white flag symbolizes the highest spiritual sustenance of the warriors and the highest respect for the ancestors. Ordinary samurai use a white flag and write the same words. If it is not called a white flag, it is transgression. In

When the shogunate is strong, those caught will be beheaded. The only ones who can use the white flag are a few direct descendants of the samurai family since Kamakura Muromachi. These families have either extinct or are in a desperate struggle before extermination. For example, Oto Sadakuni, Chiba Yin

This is true for all sects.

As the Warring States Period progressed, more and more famous martial arts families disappeared. They were replaced by low-level samurai from small, penniless families. They had the drive to disregard the rules and were more unscrupulous than anyone else. They naturally despised the rules and tried to override them with force.

, but they don’t know that the behavior they think is extremely clever is just repeating what Minamoto Yoritomo did hundreds of years ago.

Minamoto Yoritomo used his own force to establish a new regime to break the original monopoly system of public ministers. If compared to innovation, maybe they might as well bring greater significance to Minamoto Yoritomo who created a new aristocratic class. Some people may think that the Demon King is the greatest

The world's people, but in Ashikaga Yoshitoki's eyes, his ability is only this, far worse than Yuanyoritomo.

At first glance, Minamoto Yoritomo's short reign did not seem to have many surprising actions, but if you look closely, you will find that the Jokyu Rebellion broke out more than 20 years after his death, and Kamakura was angered by Emperor Gotoba's overthrow of the war.

The shogunate ordered Kanto to march out, and a total of 190,000 cavalry entered Kyoto, frightening Emperor Gotoba to death.

The result is self-evident. The Kamakura samurai slaughtered all over Kyoto with ruthless butcher knives, slaughtering all the northern samurai who were loyal to the imperial court. Then they arrested Emperor Gotoba's party, and the leader of the party, Emperor Gotoba, was exiled to Oki Island.

Emperor Shuntoku was exiled to Sado Island, and Emperor Tsuchimikado, who opposed the fall of the throne, was lenient with Faluo. He was first exiled to Tosa Kingdom and then to Awa Kingdom. Emperor Nakagyou was deposed after only two months on the throne.

Then came the more ruthless means of confiscating all the three thousand shogunas owned by the imperial court, thereby establishing the path for the Kamakura shogunate to transform from a local government in a quiet corner of Kanto to a national government. Hojo Demune relied on sharing

It was the territory of the Imperial family that established the status of the ruler of the Kamakura shogunate.

The so-called 燇sho is a village. Before the Warring States Period, it was a manor system. A village controlled a large territory and had many soldiers. Each manor owner was a powerful local warrior. Their position in the court and the shogunate was "land", which was roughly equivalent to

The knight class in medieval Europe, only those born as owners of small estates were able to wear the attire of a knight.

Sanqianqishuo means 3,000 villages. That is really an astonishing number. When Miyoshi Changqing and Miyoshi Sozo failed to compete for the 17th place in Hanoi, they became completely hostile to Miyoshi Sozo and laid the hidden danger of the Jiangkou war.

Seventeen wealthy villages can turn a clan of the Sanhao family into enemies. Three thousand villages owned by the royal family must be a huge amount of wealth.

Ashikaga Yoshitoki controlled a territory as large as the Kanto Continent, and all the villages added together were not necessarily as many as 3,000 shōsho. It can be seen that even if the imperial court was so corrupt before the Kamakura period, it was actually owned by the emperor and ministers.

The resources are still very scary. The samurai from various places were originally just "fields" assigned by the emperor's ministers to guard the estates, such as Shimono Ashikaga-so and Ueno Shingamaso. Then the samurai order was formed with the manor as the name. Many Lang parties evolved in this way.


In the hands of Minamoto Yoritomo, he founded the Kamakura shogunate and established a political regime under the rule of the Kamakura samurai. In the subsequent Jokyu Rebellion, he deposed and exiled several emperors. He also single-handedly created the Jimei-in system and the Daikaku-ji system.

The situation caused the imperial court to be divided into two factions, always fighting among themselves. The Kamakura shogunate could easily control the imperial court to complete the comprehensive penetration of Kinki, Saigoku, and Kyushu.

It was during this period that a large number of Kamakura samurai came to serve in these places, thus laying a solid foundation for more than a hundred years later, when Ashikaga Takauji was defeated in Kyushu. It can be said that without Minamoto Yoritomo and the Kamakura shogunate, there would be no subsequent ones.

In the century-old samurai social system, compared to the "great" Minamoto Yoritomo, the actions of the Great Demon King do not seem to be that amazing.

It was nothing more than a power reshuffle in which the new samurai aristocrats defeated the old samurai aristocrats, because the sudden death of the Demon King also triggered a collapse situation. Only then did the monkey and turtle appear one after another, causing countless farces. Of course, the shogunate created by the turtle was better than the previous two generations of shogunate.

It was definitely quiet and peaceful, but it was also his descendants who made a lot of stupid things, which directly caused the samurai shogunate to lose the opportunity to change itself, and was completely abandoned by the times and swept into the heap of old memories.

The enthronement ceremony is full of sacredness. The greater significance lies in the samurai's high recognition of the traditions left by their ancestors. Etiquette is a yardstick to measure whether civilization is developed or barbaric. Ashikaga Yoshitoki's requirement is to be perfect without any mistakes and to show

The most powerful force shocked the Kanto samurai and strengthened their sense of identification with the new emperor.

By the time the ceremony was over, it was not yet time. Ashikagagi's people brought out plates of delicacies, from tits and wild geese to chicken, duck, and goose meat. Everything from crucian carp, tuna, and puffer fish was available. In ancient Japan, there was also the custom of eating puffer fish.

, there are still some people who dare to try it even though they know it is highly poisonous. Only the most skilled chefs dare to challenge the preparation of puffer fish. Being able to make delicious puffer fish meat is regarded as a sign of superb cooking skills.

After dinner and wine, the banquet began in the evening. Ashikaga Yoshitoki gave a speech before the banquet began, encouraging the Kanto samurai to uphold the righteousness of the samurai family with loyalty and bravery, and commending them for their contribution to protecting the common people in Kanto.

At the same time, he put forward higher requirements and hoped that every samurai would set an example and strictly abide by the laws of the shogunate and the laws of the Kanto family. The Kanto samurai all abide by the promise.

Ashikaga Yoshitoki's imperial palace was located in Edo Castle, so he was also called the Edo Duke. Not long after his speech, he left the table to let the samurai below him perform freely. He himself went to the apse of Hachimangu Shrine and quietly came to the place where the weapons of the Genji were enshrined.

At the shrine, I stared at the white flag left by Minamoto Yoritomo without saying a word for a long time. It seemed that through this flag I could see the bloody storm four hundred years ago. Countless Genji warriors fought bloody battles and left behind legendary epics.

Konoe walked over quietly and saw that he was still in a daze, so he said softly: "General Right has been dead for many years, and Kamakura has already left us. This is a new era!"

"What a pity! I suddenly feel extremely sad. The first right general has passed away and Kamakura Takefeng is not here. It is really disappointing!" Ashikaga Yoshitoki finished his sentence and fell silent until the first update.

After the bell rang, he said calmly: "If I'm lucky enough, I really want to see the true face of the right general. I really want to see the style of the Kamakura samurai!"

Konoe's eyebrows furrowed tightly. He didn't understand why his sworn brother remembered these words, and said calmly: "Do you pity the Kamakura shogunate? Those lawless Kamakura samurai are too much. Some samurai are

He did not hesitate to cut off the direct descendants of the generals who conquered the barbarians for their own selfish interests. If we consider the most heinous of crimes, there is probably no one worse than the Kamakura samurai!"

The smart Konoe didn't name him or even use the specific title of the Kamakura samurai, because the Ashikaga family was one of the Kamakura samurai back then. Not only was he one of them during the Jokyu Rebellion, the Ashikaga Kamisuzaburo Yoshi clan was the first to lead the army.

A samurai who crossed the Uji River and raided Kyoto can be said to be the most determined samurai who opposed the imperial court at the time. Without this achievement and the in-law relationship with the Hojo Tokuso family, the Ashikaga family would not have been able to survive the turmoil in the Kamakura shogunate.

, successfully persisted until Kamakura collapsed in the late years.

The term "downfall" is not new. The Jokyu Rebellion was caused by the fall of Emperor Go-Toba. In the late Kamakura years, Emperor Go-Daigo launched another massive war to bring down the curtain. This successful fall created a short-lived return to the glory of the Kenbu New Deal court.

Ashikaga Takauji's betrayal ended in an anticlimax. The only person who succeeded in using samurai to overthrow the samurai shogunate was probably a group of weirdos from the turtle family. In the two previous experiences, they both ended with the samurai defeating the imperial court and winning.

From Konoe Maekyu's point of view, of course I don't like the Kamakura samurai. The direct line of the Konoe family once suffered setbacks because the Konoe Sutra, a tributary of the Konoe family, betrayed the Northern Dynasty and joined Emperor Go-Daigo for his own selfish reasons.

Tadashi and his son Konoe Keke were doing very well in the Southern Dynasties, and Minister Guan Baizuo was in control all year round. But it was of little significance if the decrees of the Yoshino court could not be transmitted to the outside world.

The Konoe family, which suffered heavy losses, began to decline from the time when the Konoe family descended. From the establishment of the "Kenbu Shime" in the third year of the Kenbu era (1336) and the establishment of the Muromachi shogunate in the first year of the Kenbu era (1338), until the Daiyaga entered the Warring States Period.

In the fifth year (1525), the Konoe family served as Kanbahi for only a short period of sixteen years in the nearly 190 years of history.

What a shame it is to only have sixteen years! As a direct descendant of the Fujiwara clan, the time spent as a true guanbai is less than one-tenth. This means that the Wushe family has been controlled by a minister of the Kujo family for a long time.

The five generations from Kanoe Katsuji to Konoe Fusushi only served as guanbai for a total of six years. The longest served as guanbai for two years and the shortest one year. Konoe Kaneji, a dignified family governor, did not even get to be guanbai. It is conceivable that back then

How miserable the Konoe family was in the Muromachi Shogunate.

Knowing that their experiences were very tragic, the Konoe family repented of their past and determined to stay close to the shogunate. As expected, Konoe Shōdō's voice in the court greatly increased and he served as Kanbai twice. Konoe Shōdō married his daughter.

Ashikaga Yoshiharu opened the door for the Konoe family to follow the shogunate, and the Konoe family married their daughter to Ashikaga Yoshiteru. Until his legitimate son Konoe, he has restored the prosperity of the Konoe family to this day.

Konoe Maekyu was loyal to the court but even more loyal to the shogunate. All the emperor could give him was the official position of Minister of Kanbakuzuo, and his sworn brother was the General Zhengyi, who could give him a long-term position as Minister of Kanbakuzuo. Konoe Maekyu had already served as Minister of Kanbakuzu

For nine years, no one has been able to shake his position, not even former Sekishi Shiro Nijo Haruyō.

This is what power can bring to him. Without power, he would have to abdicate voluntarily as a three- to five-year official as usual. Konoe Maekaku has already had enough of the oppression and humiliation of the Kujo family, so he has the heart and mind of any other minister.

They all have to get closer to the shogunate, and they have to get closer to the Ashikaga Yoshitoki in front of them. The authority of the shogunate Ashikaga Yoshiteru relies on the strong strength of Ashikaga Yoshitoki. Without the support of Ashikaga Yoshiki, perhaps Ashikaga Yoshiteru should stay in Sakamoto Castle and curse his fate.

of injustice.

Ashikaga Yoshitoki smiled noncommittally: "The Kamakura samurai may have committed a lot of crimes, but maybe they are not as bad as they imagined. The imperial family is like a fierce dog under the general's command. As long as the emperor is in charge, the phenomenon of eating the master will not happen. I admire Kamakura very much."

The Yu family is so ferocious and fearless, I hope to train a group of fierce dogs like that in Kanto that are brave and good at fighting."

"It's still too dangerous. You must have seen clearly what the Kanto samurai are like. They are unfaithful and ignorant of loyalty, filial piety, shamelessness and selfishness. If they weren't afraid of the powerful military power of the Ashikaga clan, they might raise a rebellion tomorrow.

I will drive you, the trustworthy Kantō Lord, back to Echigo." Konoe's worry fully reflects the bad perception many people have of the Kantō samurai.

In the more than a hundred years since the Jiaji Rebellion, there have been many ministers who have gone down to Kanto. Many ministers have recorded what they saw and heard in Kanto in diaries and passed them around to each other when they returned to Kyoto. This group of ministers is very proud at heart.

Using his fault-finding skills, he almost dismissed the warmly received Kanto warriors as worthless. Gradually, fewer and fewer ministers were willing to go to Kanto. Even if some ministers had no choice but to go to Kanto, they were forced to do so or their status was insufficient.

Of no importance.

The group of Kanto samurai didn't know why they served the minister a meal with pickled radish and rice, but the next day they saw that they had left without saying goodbye. Many Kanto samurai didn't know why they offended these big men in Kyoto, and the result was that the Kanto samurai

The number of official appointments is getting less and less, but they are not as good as the Mutsu country bumpkins that I despise. The unknown members of the Date family can get through the imperial court for several generations, such as the Ukyo doctor, and the Kanto Hachiya kata gang who call themselves

The superintendent of a certain family wanted to knock him down with his head on the ground. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

ps: The promised outbreak is tomorrow, please be prepared.

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