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Chapter 538

The school inside the outer palace of the Edo Imperial Palace is in orderly order. Dozens of students of various sizes are sitting and reciting articles meticulously. The oldest among them is eight or nine years old, and the youngest is only four or five years old. These children are from the Ashikaga family.

Several brothers and a group of their friends were also included.

The internal school and companion reading system are very interesting. A teacher comes to give lectures to the students every day. It is somewhat similar to the elementary school system of the royal family in ancient China. Ashikaga Yoshitoki took great pains to educate his son. The family elders not only arranged for several

I work as an assistant to several children, and I still have to take time out of my busy schedule to teach them.

"Don't expect Master Nanguangfang Tianhai to arrive in Sunlight Mountain!" The students in the school paused for a moment, hurriedly packed up their books and sat down.

After a while, I saw a handsome young monk walking in with a faint smile. This monk was very young and had a very kind smile. There was no smell of fireworks at all, but none of the dozens of students in the school dared to do so.

Underestimate him, because he has the right to evaluate the year-end evaluation. Without one outstanding child, these children will not know how many times they will be beaten, and it may even affect their future.

Nankobo Tenkai is Ryuokeji Suifeng. The monk who made a huge splash in front of Ashikaga Gitoki has grown into a famous monk. In fact, he is only thirty-two years old this year. Two years ago, he served as the bedding director of Nikkosan Rinnoji Temple, a famous temple of the Tendai sect.

, but in fact, he was stationed in Edo Castle all year round and participated in the political affairs. With his strong grasp of politics and far-sighted opinions, he was quickly promoted by Ashikaga Yoshitoki. In just a few years, he rose to a high position.

I am an important minister who is the elder of my family.

In the public opinion of the Kanto region, the Edo Imperial Palace is called the Kanto Shogun's Palace, and the Ashikaga Yoshitomo is naturally called the Kanto Shogun-like or the Kanto Imperial Palace. The deputy shogunate is called the Shogun-like, etc., while Nanguangbo Tenkai is called the prime minister in black.

This shows that Nanguangfang Tianhai's influence in Kanto is very important.

The so-called prime minister does not refer to ministers. The prime minister here refers to the four counselors in the imperial court. The conditions for counselors to be classified as officials are from the fourth to the top. Literally, it means participating in political affairs and court discussions. The Chinese name is prime minister.

Xianggong, responsible for regulating affairs and advising officials, his status is equivalent to that of a counselor in the Song Dynasty. The so-called black robe refers to the robes worn by monks. This name means that he is a counselor among monks.

As a senior staff officer of Ashikaga Yoshitoki, Nankobo Tenkai was very busy as a member of the Edo left-behind army during the military expedition to Mutsu. It was not easy to find time to answer questions for the children in his busy schedule, so he did not

It is not the responsibility of teaching students the basics of literacy, hyphenation, words, words, and sentences. The intellectuals of the shogunate will do those minor details.

His mission is to gradually guide students to form a correct outlook on life and values ​​through his rich knowledge and experience. He gives the students the impression of being both majestic and kind, and every time he tells stories about scenery as far away as the Ming Dynasty and as close as Kinei

It is always fascinating and intoxicating, and every story has a profound meaning.

During this time, he was lecturing on "Hogen Monogatari". In order for children who are like a blank piece of paper to understand the system of samurai society from the roots, it is necessary to gradually analyze the formation process of the samurai group. From the initial Eastern Expedition of Emperor Ejin

When we talk about the middle period of the Heian period, we focus on the process from the rise of the samurai family to the Genpei era. It took nearly a year intermittently from King Keiki to the death of the Minamoto no Yoshi family.

A course like this requires an hour-long lecture every morning. After the lecture, students are required to make a summary so that they can freely express their views on historical events. As long as they don't plagiarize and make mistakes, they will not be punished.

In Nanguangfang Tianhai's view, the top priority in educating these children is to help them form a basic sense of integrity as soon as possible.

As the legitimate son of the Ashikaga family in Kanto, Ashikaga Jinohmaru has been favored by thousands of people since he was born. He is indeed a smart and sensitive son of heaven. But smart people always have a little pride in their hearts. At a young age, Ashikaga Jinohamaru

The same was true for Ou Maru. When he found that many of his friends were afraid of talking to Nanguangfang Tianhai, he decided to test the abilities of this great monk.

Taking the initiative to catch up with the kind but not easy to get close to the great monk, he asked for special guidance. Nanguangfang Tianhai was surprised and said: "The warriors who assist the young hall are the best group of people in the entire Eastern Kingdom. I believe that with the talents of your highnesses,

I can definitely answer the young palace’s questions. I wonder if there is anything else that I need special guidance from?"

Ashikaga Jinohmaru seemed to have expected this question, and he put on an expression that was neither humble nor arrogant and said without stopping: "Yes, I admire the culture of the Ming Dynasty very much. I heard that there is a very powerful school in the Ming Dynasty called Zhu Xixue. I want to learn from Master Tenkai


"I see..." Nanguangfang Tianhai nodded thoughtfully: "The Young Master probably knows that His Highness Gongfang dislikes Zhu Xi's theory, right?"

Ashikaga Jinohmaru curled his lips and said: "My father hopes that I will read historical materials to clarify my mind, and practice the art of bow and horse to strengthen my body. I hope to learn more things and become a wise and brave samurai like my father."

Nankobo Tenkai did not blindly reject the young man's proposal, but thought for a while and said solemnly: "Although this theory is good, it is not suitable for the Japanese system. This is the reason why Zhu Zixue has been frequently shelved since it was introduced to Japan in the early Kamakura period.

Articles that are not adapted to the local environment and cannot be used in the world must be discarded no matter how reasonable they are.

Young Master should know that the laws and customs of our shogunate are very different from those of the Ming Dynasty. We warriors shoulder the arduous mission of revitalizing the martial arts name. The generals of the Wu family who conquered barbarians are the actual supreme rulers in the world, but many of Zhu Zixue's views are inconsistent with those of our shogunate.

Departure, this is also the reason why His Highness Gongfang hates Zhu Zixue..."

Noticing Ashikaga Shinohmaru's disapproval, Nankobo Tenkai shook his head and said with a smile: "The most important thing is that Zhuxue is very difficult to learn, and there are very few people who are proficient in it without the customs and habits of our samurai family. There are no Confucian scholars in Kanto to teach Shaodian to learn Zhuxue.

Presumably His Highness will not allow such a person to remain, so please think carefully... It is getting late, so the poor monk will leave first."

Seeing the great monk leaving as soon as he said so, the proud Ashikaga Shinohmaru turned his head and said with disdain, "What's the matter? He's just a monk with a weird temper."

After Ashikaga Jinohmaru turned around and left, Nankobo Tenkai turned back to look at the young figure and said thoughtfully: "It seems that it is necessary to adjust the training courses of the young master."

The afternoon course is about Kyoto culture taught by Imagawa clan. This art master’s course is very popular because he can teach "The Tale of Genji" and "Pillow". These two books were very famous in medieval Japan, and there may not be many samurai.

Although they are willing to read books like "The Story of Hogen" that are full of bloody killings, there are very few people who don't like to read classics that are full of peaceful and extravagant charm.

Listening to the various gossips and anecdotes between the former high-ranking imperial family and the Fujiwara family, and the bizarre stories staged, it will be very exciting. Children who follow the rules are more yearning for an exciting life. Of course, the Imagawa family is not that stupid.

Those inappropriate intrigues or various affairs between men and women were vaguely mentioned, but the class still ended on time, and the children did not realize that time passed so quickly in the blink of an eye.

"It's getting late, let's stop talking today!" Mr. Imagawa packed up his teaching tools and left slowly. He was thinking about something delicious to eat at night. Looking at his relaxed and relaxed look, he really

Unlike the governor of the Imagawa family who lost his country and lost his family, he had already become accustomed to everything here in the four years since he came to Edo Castle. Just like the empress Liu Chan said to Sima Zhao, "I am happy here but I don't miss Shu."

Five years have changed too many people and things, and the unlucky Imagawa clan is just one of them. During the Ene attack launched by Takeda Shingen in the sixth year of Eiroku, most of the people of Toe country turned against the Takeda family, forcing Kakegawa

The lord of the castle, Asahina Taitomo, faced a huge crisis, and the castles around Kakegawa Castle suffered a devastating blow. Most of the castles could not hold on and Kaicheng surrendered, and a small number of them held on until the last moment and their entire clan died in battle.

Asahina Taichao surrendered to the death of all the people in the country. When he turned around, he found that not even a single minister in the Toe Country could be found. In desperation, he had no choice but to take the Imagawa clan and escape from the sad place of Toe Country by boat. This escape was for four people.

Years passed in the blink of an eye. From the initial ambitious attempt to regain power, to the decadent inaction after the refusal, to the moment of acceptance of the facts and contentment, the Imagawa clan staged a bizarre history of the famous samurai family breaking through.

Imagawa really walked leisurely through the lush woods. Thinking that there was a wife and children waiting for him to come back for dinner on the other side of the woods, a faint smile appeared on his face: "The prosperity is like clouds and smoke.

It’s a dream, maybe this kind of life is more suitable for me.”

Some people are dead when they are alive, and they are still alive after some people are dead. The seemingly contradictory words can be applied to a declining famous family like Imagawa Shima. Imagawa Shima is indeed still alive, but his life has no direction and his life is worse than life.

Death is slightly better than the walking dead, like banishing immortals to the mortal world, without any dignity at all.

The era belonging to the Imagawa clan has gradually faded away. The Toe Kingdom was swallowed up by Takeda Shingen without leaving a single bone. The Mikawa Kingdom became the arena for the two major forces of Takeda Shingen and Oda Nobunaga, occupying Saijo Castle.

Nishio Yoshitsugu was close to the Oda family, and Arakawa Yoshitsugu, who controlled Tojo Castle, was close to the Takeda family. These two people represented the ideology of East and West Mikawa. They were in conflict with each other and made the Mikawa country chaotic like Kitai Sengoku.

Matsudaira Ieyasu, who once ruled the entire Mikawa Kingdom and went in and out of the Toe Kingdom, was completely reduced. In the seventh year of Eiroku, as the leader of the Mikawa flag appointed by the Oda family, he returned to his homeland and stationed in Okazaki Castle to help the Oda family invade Mikawa Kingdom. He used the Matsudaira family's influence in the Mikawa Kingdom.

The contacts accumulated over the years in Mikawa Kingdom have been used to coordinate the people in Nakata County and gradually eliminate the influence exerted by Takeda Shingen in Mikawa Kingdom.

This is not the biggest change. In recent years, Tokaido has been turbulent and has been trying to achieve its majesty for a while. Today's Tokaido has long changed. The big fool Owari, who was looked down upon by the world in the past, has risen at an alarming rate. During the Ashikaga Goshi era

At the moment when Kamakura Tsuruoka Hachimangu Shrine proudly announced the birth of a new generation of Kanto Kōfō, Oda Nobunaga also launched the Central Mino Campaign.

Takenaka Shigeharu led the sixteen cavalry to raid Inabayama Castle, which frustrated Saito Ryuuki's already low prestige again. Oda Nobunaga saw the opportunity and sent various generals to launch a large-scale attack on Nakamino. Niwa Nagahide persuaded Kajida

Zhongkaicheng surrendered, and Mori Katsunari was responsible for the capture of Karasumine Castle, which had no defensive general. Kinoshita Hideyoshi also took the opportunity to persuade Unuma Castle to surrender, and then massively attacked Sarutaki Castle, and Dodō Castle swept Chumino.

A series of victories made Oda Nobunaga go to his head. At the beginning of the sixth year of Eiroku, Oda Nobunaga led an army into Nishi Mino and attacked Inabayama Castle. He underestimated the young Saito Ryuuki too much and paid a heavy price for it.

The cost of the Battle of Inoguchi was almost as high as that of the Battle of Kanaguchi fifteen years ago, with more than 3,000 people killed and drowned. Oda Nobunaga was beaten to the head with a stick and was unable to recover.

Oda Nobunaga learned a lesson by escaping to Qingshu City. He held closed-door meetings for more than ten days to summarize his gains and losses. He gave up his ambition to conquer Mino Country in the short term and set his sights on seizing the long-term.

Yoshikawa then pressed hard to capture Inabayama Castle, thus creating the legend of Kinoshita Hideyoshi liaising with Kawawa and building Sumamata Castle together.

The Nagara River was named Sumamata River in ancient times. A Battle of Sumamagawa broke out here during the Genpei era. The Taira general Taira Shigehei led 30,000 cavalry here. When they encountered the 6,000 cavalry of the Genji general Shingu Juro Minamoto no Shoke, Minamoto no nohoke's troops

The small number of soldiers could not defeat the Taike army head-on, so they planned to use a surprise attack to defeat the main force of the Taike.

Unexpectedly, Ping Shigeheng had already expected this, and pretended to fall into the trap, but actually set up a pocket formation for him to get in. After this battle, Minamoto Master abandoned his helmet and armor and fled in defeat. Yoritomo Minamoto's ambition to enter Kyoto was temporarily put aside to concentrate on business.

In Kanto, the two Minamoto clans once formed a tacit understanding. It seemed that the two families wanted to divide Japan into two parts, east and west, and each had their own way. It wasn't until Minamoto Yoshinaka and Hokuriku raised troops and defeated the Taira family in the Battle of Kurigara Pass and entered Luo that the world was completely changed.


There was originally Sumamata Castle on the Nagara River that belonged to the Saito family. Saito Ryuuki's few soldiers and generals were distraught. They wanted to defend but couldn't hold on, so they simply burned the city. Kinoshita Hideyoshi shouldered the responsibility.

There was a reason why he was appointed as Sumamata Castle's general construction commander due to the important task of building Sumamata Castle. Earlier, Kinoshita Hideyoshi served as the second commander of Kawami Chutori, and the friendship between the two sides was what Oda Nobunaga valued.

Kinoshita Hideyoshi lived up to Oda Nobunaga's expectations. With the help of Kawabizhong, he took advantage of the water transportation of the Nagara River to cut wood in the upper reaches of the Nagara River and secretly transported it to the vicinity of Sumama Castle at night. The transported wood gradually piled up.

This increased the risk of city building. Kinoshita Hideyoshi built the city in advance to prevent long nights and sleepy nights. Building the city required carpenters, masons, and laborers. Kinoshita Hideyoshi did not dare to let these craftsmen work slow and detailed, so he ordered them to be divided into two groups to build the city day and night.

He also deliberately divided the 300 garrison troops entrusted to him by Oda Nobunaga into two teams. One team stood guard and shouldered the heavy burden of resisting Saito's army. The other team worked hard to build the city, so the so-called "One Night of Sumamata"

"The castle" was built in such a secretive way. In fact, it took him not one night but seven whole days and seven nights. Fortunately, the Saito family had a fierce internal conflict and did not notice Nagara River's small actions, so it gave Kinoshita Hideyoshi a chance to display his talents.

The construction of Sumamata Castle meant that Oda Nobunaga established a foothold in Nishi Mino. The seventh year of Eiroku was also the second year after Takeda Shingen swallowed Etsu River. Oda Nobunaga appointed Matsudaira Ieyasu to sit in Mikawa Province as the flag-bearer to resist the Takeda family.

At that moment, the three people of Mino could not withstand the military force used by the Oda family, so they coordinated their methods and took the initiative to surrender as the leading party for the Oda family.

The rebellion of the three Mino clan members happened quietly. Saito Ryuuki thought that the three clan elders were "loyal and reliable", but he didn't know that these three families quietly introduced the main force of the Oda Army into the vicinity of Inabayama Castle.

When he noticed the papaya pattern flag of the Oda family appeared outside the castle, he wanted to curse, but it was too late.

Having learned their lesson, the Oda army set fire to the obstructive Inoguchi town. The three men from Mino deceived the Otate gate and swarmed in under the banner of "reinforcements." Seeing that the situation was over, Saito Ryuuki abandoned his home and business, taking several people with him.

A confidant fled from Inabayama Castle and took refuge in the Ise Nagashima Ichika clan. The Mino Saito family, which was prosperous for three generations, perished in just twenty years.

In August of the seventh year of Eiroku (1564), Oda Nobunaga moved his residence away from Owari and built a more magnificent and powerful new city among the ruins of Inoguchi Town. On the day of the completion of the new city, Oda Nobunaga was moved from Owari to Owari.

Myoshinji Temple in Kyoto invited the eminent monk Sawahiko Soen, who was responsible for teaching Oda Nobunaga, to come and congratulate him.

The proud Oda Nobunaga said to Sawahiko Soen: "This city has been built for a short time and has no name. Please ask Zen Master Soen to give this city a new name!"

A man who was once called a fool in Owari could become a famous figure in both Mino and Owari countries. Sawahiko Soen guessed that the thirty-year-old young man in front of him was definitely not a thing in the pool. Maybe he was the one who didn't.

Ming Ze is a peerless talent who has become a blockbuster. He may have ambitions to conquer the world in the future, so he suggested: "In the past, there was a sage king in the Tang Dynasty in the Central Plains, King Zhou Wen, who was born in Qishan. Only when the phoenix came to Ming did he have an eight-hundred-year foundation of peace. He might as well follow Zhou Wen's example.

Let the king's affairs be named after Qishan."

"My master is so kind to you who knows me!" Oda Nobunaga laughed and said, "But my family believes that peace is not enough in this world. The prosperity of Tokaido is not enough for Kinai, but what we lack is the gap in cultural heritage.

Therefore, the blessing of the God of Learning is very much needed. A prosperous and peaceful culture in the world will be the best medicine for governing the world. Why not take the name of Qufu, the place where Confucius was born, and change its name to Gifu?"

Three years later, in April of the 10th year of Eiroku (1567), Oda Nobunaga had already taken Ise Province into his hands. According to rumors in Edo Castle, it seemed that he was besieging the Kitahata family and Kitahata Guoji of Ise Province in Okouchi Castle.

He asked Shogun Ashikaga Yoshiteru to mediate in an attempt to avoid disaster.

It is a pity that he underestimated Oda Nobunaga's means of breaking through the lower limit. Oda Nobunaga took advantage of the opportunity of his second son Chashinamaru to become the adopted son of Kitahata Gujiao, instigating a sect in Okouchi City to launch a rebellion and seize the Ise Kingdom.

The last stronghold of the Kitahata family, Kitahata Tomato and his son Kitahata Tomabusa committed hara-kiri, and the Kitahata family, a famous Southern Dynasty clan that had stood in Ise for more than two hundred years, perished.

The pacification of Ise Province meant that most of Tokaido fell into the hands of Oda Nobunaga. As an important transportation hub connecting Kinai and Kanto, it carries the essence of connecting the two centers. Although the Imagawa family of Shunen San combination is famous

Ranked at the forefront of all the great names in the world, but compared to the powerful combination of the Three Kingdoms, the Oda family at this time can be regarded as the larger Imagawa family.

The great idiot of Owari Province in the past has become the overlord of Tokaido who plays a powerful role in the Three Kingdoms. It took him more than ten years to accomplish the glorious achievements that several generations of the Imagawa family could not achieve. His great success once convinced Oda Nobu.

Inflated and self-absorbed before Changkong, he really couldn't find any reason not to be proud.

Oda Nobunaga was prosperous and full of ambitions. He had endless hopes for revenge. He stood on the castle tower of Gifu Castle and looked at the lush green mountains in the distance. The surging pride and ambition in his heart became increasingly uncontrollable. He sat out and watched the turbulent events.

The troubled times of the Warring States Period may best reflect his mood at the moment.

In his hand he held a seal written by Sawahiko Soen himself and cast by craftsmen. What was engraved on it was not the common one-word monogram, but the four characters "Tenka Bubu". This was Owari Fengyun'er's message to the world.

The silent challenge he issued represented that he had high aspirations and was unwilling to be lonely.

Holding the seal and thinking for a long time, he suddenly laughed and said: "The general trend of the world is just like this. When I, Oda Nobunaga, rule the roost, the world will change in the hands of Nobunaga! I want to thank you for your help and support.

But I, Nobunaga, am by no means a samurai who surrenders and is willing to be a dependent. Even if you make Dongguo the first samurai in the world, it will not change my ambition... We are destined to be rivals!"

PS: Bow and thank the book friend for the reward of the dog wearing pants.

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