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Chapter 541 Date's Situation

It is September, the autumn air is crisp and the blue sky is clear, the vast forest sea in Oshu is dyed with a brilliant golden color, the endless golden waves on the Ishinomaki Plains are gently swaying with the gentle sea breeze, and the heavy ears of rice indicate that this year's harvest is worth looking forward to.

, the farmers working in the fields looked at the rice that was about to mature and showed happy smiles.

A long team appeared on the field, led by a samurai with a sword on his waist and a bamboo hat on his head. Some were riding horses and some were walking. The total number of people was no less than two thousand. In the team, dozens of bamboo bird pattern flags were fluttering in the wind.

Apparently these were the men of Oshu's powerful daimyo Date, and the leading samurai was Date Terumune.

The Date family samurai glanced at the rich scene of the Ishinomaki plains without saying a word. Minami Mutsu had made great progress only two years after entering the Kanto Shogun's rule. For many samurai, the pressure was very heavy.

Supported by the village system surrounded by self-cultivating farmers, the name-lord system that relied on affiliations to exempt tax burdens was shaken to pieces in the hands of the executive officers appointed by Yulian Panzhong, whether they were affiliated with the temple leaders or the ministers.

A wisp of your name cancels your privileges.

The traditional self-governing system that combines Somura and Meilord is gradually collapsing and dying. The people of Oshu welcome the new era with hesitation and confusion, while the Date retainers have to face more changes. The losses in the Shirasaka War

Not only did several powerful people in Minami Mutsu collapse and surrender, but the sudden death of Date Aizong caused huge mental damage to the Date family and their relatives. Even the sudden death of the nominally indifferent general had a big impact.

What's more, the Ida Yi Sect has extraordinary prestige and influence.

Watching his grandfather die of illness in Maruyama Castle, Souma Moriin realized that there was no need for him to stand in the Date family's camp either emotionally or rationally. The betrayal without hesitation happened in an instant, and more than a dozen powerful people from Minamimutsu were involved.

Either Rikichi rebelled or the Cage City fought stubbornly. Their chaotic actions could not hide the fact that the situation was over. In the Battle of Oshu, the Date family was defeated and everything was lost.

Stubbornly holding on to Yonezawa Castle did not change the outcome. Aizu was surrounded by Uesugi Kenshin's 30,000-strong army and attacked fiercely for two months. The overlord of the Oshu side of the attack, Ashina Moriji, collapsed in confidence and almost committed suicide. The Ashina clan's pigs, Naagero Moriukuni, abandoned their leader.

I was willing to lead the way and actively attacked the master's house and made great contributions to the Ashikaga family, but it was a pity that Ashikaga Yoshitoki didn't like Rikiri's samurai very much.

Although it would not create a discriminatory attitude towards Inaedai Mori, at least it would not allow them to make the wishful thinking of replacing the master's family and becoming the direct heir. After the diplomatic monk Asayama Hichijo's painstaking persuasion, Ashina Mori finally made up his mind to open Kurokawa Castle and surrender as a

The punishment for resisting the generals of Kanto is to have their seal reduced. This is how the seal of Kanto was reduced all the way. If you are not convinced, you can rebel again.

There are indeed people who feel dissatisfied and want to rebel, but it is not Ashina Mori who was warned by Uesugi Kenshin. It is Inaashiro Morikuni, who was willing to lead the party and made great achievements but only received the title of 10,000 koku Chikyo. He feels that his father is Ashina

Sheng Quan's youngest son, Inaashiro Morikiyo, was still the uncle of the Ashina Mori family in terms of seniority, so he was very qualified to compete for the position of family governor.

It's a pity that samurai in the Warring States Period were not popular in terms of seniority and merit. He, a traitor who only led the way but was not responsible for fighting, could receive a reward of 10,000 koku, which is considered a very generous reward. Many generals who captured Aizu only received a few hundred thousand koku.

.It is definitely not a bad treatment to give Zhumiao Dai Sheng Guoan's blockade skills and an additional 10,000 dan.

A samurai who is greedy and always wants to become a fat man in one bite will not live long. Inaodaishi contacted the dissatisfied Oshu people and launched another rebellion. Kenshin Uesugi dispatched a thousand troops and mercilessly annihilated it.

Starting a rebellion in front of the Dragon of Echigo would definitely mean that the old man was seeking death by hanging himself. This rebellion ended with the defeat and self-inflicted defeat of the Inomia generation Shengguo.

The Ashina retainers were so frightened that they didn't dare to think about it. Ashina Mori was also too frightened to eat and couldn't sleep. He quickly sent his legitimate son Ashina Morihō to Edo Castle to show his loyalty, and sent his only son to Edo Castle as a hostage.

It's still very uncomfortable, but the situation is stronger than the person, and if he doesn't want to do it, the clan will force him to do it.

The fall of the Inadai clan sounded the alarm to the people of Aizu. The powerful Inadai clan of the Ashina clan collapsed instantly. Not only was the reward of 10,000 koku Tomoyuki confiscated, but the territory was also changed and deconfessed, showing the Kanto general's zero tolerance for the rebels.

In terms of mentality, as long as you dare to rebel, you will never be frivolous no matter how many achievements you have made in the past.

The members of the Inaedai family tree were either miscarried or dispersed and reorganized into the Oshu Army. It was very embarrassing that only orphans and widows were left in the Inanadai Mingoku lineage. Kenshin Uesugi couldn't stand it anymore, so he decided to keep Inadai Mingoku.

The orphaned and widowed mother was sent to the Ashina family for foster care, and was allowed to revive the Inadai clan when her son became an adult.

The surrender of the Ashina Mori clan marked the shift from a stalemate in the Oshu War to a situation in which the Ashikaga Army was superior. During the entire year of the seventh year of Eiroku, the Date clan was in the awkward position of guarding the Yonezawa gate and not daring to go out.

It was extremely painful to watch Oshu's territory being swept through by Uesugi Kenshin, and a bunch of relatives were either defeated and killed or surrendered.

After enduring eight years of hard work in Eiroku, Ashikaga Yoshitoki led an army of 30,000 to attack Oshu. The first target he aimed at was Date Terumune of Yonezawa Castle. At the same time, Mogami Yoshimitsu also launched an attack from Dewa Province, as well as Uesugi Teru.

Tiger's 20,000 main formation and Satake, Utsunomiya, Nasu and other 10,000 troops from Northern Kanto were threatening them from the side. Under the influence of the large army, there was no need for messengers to mobilize, and the people in the Chichi County rebelled one after another.

This was not the most embarrassing experience for Date Terubong. What hit the Date family was that they successively served three generations of veterans, including Date Harumune, Date Harumune, and Date Terubong.

A rebellion was set off, Makino Hisaka was raised in Yonezawa Castle and once invaded Honmaru, threatening the safety of Date Terumune.

Fortunately, Date Terumune's trusted general Oniba Yoshinao showed up, led his troops to attack Makino Hisaka's rebels from behind, and successfully obtained his head. Seeing that his son was defeated and killed, Nakano Munashi fled back to Yashiki and committed seppuku.

, although this rebellion ended in an anticlimactic manner, its negative impact quickly spread to all levels of the Date family.

Various rumors gradually spread in Yonezawa Castle, such as the absurd rumors that Date Terumune was kidnapped by his family members, and that during the Nakano clan, Makino Hisaka and his son failed to lead the army to rescue the family governor and died. Even though Date Terumune was

Even leaving the castle tower and appearing in public could not stop this suspicion, and the townspeople insisted that Date Terumune was acting unnaturally under coercion.

The popular turmoil caused instability in the military morale. Many samurai began to doubt whether there was such a mastermind behind the control of the Date Terubong clan among the senior members of the Shodai family. The young samurai thought that the Date family's confrontation with the Kanto family was the manipulation of powerful ministers, and the Oshu samurai family had wishful thinking.

There has always been a tradition of submission to the Kwantung Gongfang. The dishonorable act of betraying the Kwantung and fighting against the Gongfang will ultimately bring a bad reputation. It is more appropriate to blame the sin on the powerful officials.

Date Terumune also had troubles that he could not tell. He could not tell the townspeople that he resisted the Kanto government because of the hatred of seizing his wife. This kind of scandal was quietly spread as a taboo among the middle and high-level samurai, and spread to the ears of the lower class townspeople.

It will be embarrassing after all. This will cause huge damage to the reputation of Date Terumune himself and the Date family.

It is stupid to insist on a result that will eventually fail. Date Terumune knew that this was stupid but still persisted stubbornly. The family members knew the stubbornness of the family governor and could not raise objections even if they did not agree in their hearts. Yonezawa

The situation in the castle was getting worse little by little with such an embarrassing stalemate. Public opinion in the castle town became worse and worse, and there were small-scale riots. The physical conflicts between the samurai and the townspeople became increasingly fierce. It was quite a bit of a fight.

It wasn't until his father Date Harumune couldn't bear it anymore that he stood up and yelled loudly to wake up the paranoid Date Terumune. The two fathers and sons talked for a whole day and restored the scene of fatherly father and son filial piety many years ago. Date Harumune

He told him many things about how to deal with being a governor and a general, including the experience of the late Yuki Harutsuna, the late governor of the Shirakawa Yuki clan.

He solemnly told him that he must learn to understand the current affairs and not blindly go against the trend. If he should give in, he should bow his head and submit. Back then, Yuki Harutsuna was robbed of his wife by Date Harumune, but Date Harumune wanted to get her back and was kidnapped by Date again.

Relatives at home caught Fatty and beat him up until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. Not only did he lose his wife, but also lost his army and had to cede territory and surrender, which was really painful.

But Yuuki Harutsuna got better and better after giving in. He survived all the way and gradually found the opportunity to revitalize his family, becoming a powerful national lord who united the Ashina clan to dominate Minamimutsu. This went from being beaten to being beaten.

Don't change other people's identities too quickly. If it weren't for the dragon crossing the river, Higashikata, who suddenly came out to fight for his head in Shirasaka, Yuki Harutsuna's life would definitely be regarded as the benchmark for a successful family governor.

Date Terumune accurately understood what his father meant, and persuaded him to imitate Yuuki Harutsuna and be a coward in exchange for the continuation of the family business. Back then, if Yuuki Harutsuna had bitten the bullet and attacked a large group of Date's Oshu relatives.

, maybe at this time he had lost his territory and fled to another samurai family to become a ronin samurai. If he was almost unlucky, he would commit seppuku and the Shirakawa Yuki clan would be extinct.

After thinking about it, I still feel that I can't act like a hero and become the last governor of the Date family. He is not married yet and has no children to inherit the Date family lineage. There are so many relatives who theoretically have the opportunity to inherit the Date family lineage. He can't let the direct descendants

The name was given to an unknown martial arts family in vain, so the only way was to surrender in Kaicheng.

Date Huizong looked at the majestic and familiar Oshu Governor's Palace with a complicated expression, took a deep breath and sighed: "My family's choice seems to be right. Now I have a wife, a daughter, a happy family, and my wife is pregnant with the first child."

A child is about to be born, and I no longer have to worry about revitalizing the family business, expanding the territory, or coordinating a family, and I am countless times happier than before!"

What he said was a bit self-deceiving. The feeling of being a subordinate without expansion is not as good as the pleasure of making one's own decisions. However, at best, it was just a feeling of discomfort. The territory was reduced to only 150,000 shi near Yonezawa, Zichi County.

It's barely acceptable. The only dissatisfaction is probably that the person above me is the wife-stealer.

The wife of Date Terumune was personally appointed by Ashikaga Yoshitoki. The background of this woman was more deceptive than her previous engagement, Mogami Yoshihime. She was the legitimate daughter of Imagawa Yoshimoto and the widow of Takeda Yoshinobu.

Imagawa Rei Shoin, who is remarrying a little girl to Date Terumune, is not an inexperienced girl. The key is that she has a strong background and has a deep influence, which is good news for the Date family.

The samurai in the Warring States Period did not have a virginity complex. On the contrary, Date Terumune was very grateful to Ashikaga Yoshitoki for his arrangements. In the eyes of the Oshu people, this was a sign that the Kanto public respected Date Terumune. The Imagawa clan fled to Edo Castle immediately.

He was promoted to the title of imperial accomplice, and his two widowed sisters were Takeda Yoshinobu's widow, Reimatsuin, and Kira Yoshian's widow, Mrs. Imagawa Tsuruhime.

Mrs. Imagawa Tsuruhime was the sister-in-law of the Kanto Lord. She had her hair cut off as Nifa in the early years. She lived in seclusion in the Edo Imperial Palace with Manzhumaru, an orphan from the Mikawa Kira family. Her status was so noble that Ashikaga was so aloof.

During the period of justice, she would be served by her eldest sister. When she was in charge of Edo Castle, she would be invited to some tea parties and singing parties.

With the influence of Imagawa Tsuruhime entering the Nishiki-in Temple, the status of her compatriot Imagawa Rei Shoin became even more different. When the Imagawa clan came to Edo Castle with the remnants of the Imagawa family, Ashikaga Yoshitoki planned to take the Imagawa family to Edo Castle.

Reishoin was used as a means of marriage to strengthen the bond between the people of Oshu, so there was a situation where Reishoin was recognized as a adopted sister and married to Date Terumune.

This is the fourth time that Date Terumune has come to the tutelage for an audience. In the past two years, he has come to the tutelary fort many times to perform military service. This has formed a rule. All Oshu people must serve in the military according to the rule of two hundred people per thousand stones.

The Tahui Sect was lucky enough to be included in the imperial clan. It was specially allowed to leave a thousand soldiers to guard Yonezawa Castle, and only needed to bring two thousand troops to join the formation.

The burning incense lingering like smoke and mist in the quiet room makes people relax unconsciously. From an unknown place at the end of the corridor, the gentle and quiet sound of the flute is faintly heard, which further highlights the tranquility and elegance of this tutelage. However, after a while, someone wearing a white hunting coat can be seen.

Lord Kanto slowly walked into the quiet room and sat down. Date Huizong quickly greeted him respectfully.

Ashikaga Yoshitoki was very satisfied with the courtesy of his cheap brother-in-law. After chatting for a while, he joked: "Terumune has been living a smooth life recently. He has become much wider and fatter without realizing it. It seems that the two years since marrying Tokuhime have been very good.

Not bad!”

Date Huizong said humbly: "It is all thanks to the care of His Highness Gongfang that my burden on the family business has been greatly reduced in the past two years. Things in the territory are taken care of by the family genealogy generation and the officials sent by His Highness Gongfang."

, allowing me to have more time to run my spare time. The food I have eaten recently has been too refined, which has made my body a little out of shape. I am planning to take advantage of my time to do more activities to maintain my body shape, and at the same time, I can stretch my muscles.


"How is De Ji doing recently? How many months are you pregnant?"

"I'm eight months pregnant, and the baby will be born at the end of the year. The medical officer said it's likely to be a legitimate son, but I'm still wondering what to name the baby." Date Terumune looked at Ashikaga Yoshitomo expectantly.


"Well, if it's a boy, let's call him Brahma Tenmaru!"

Imagawa Rei Shoin regained her common name Imagawa Tokki. Before marrying Date Terumune, she also lived in the imperial palace for a while. Ashikaga Yoshitoki had some contact with this adopted sister, and knew that this woman had a gentle temperament and no temper, and because she was a widow,

He arranged his identity to be the wife of Date Terumune, a powerful daimyo of Oshu, so he was very grateful to Ashikaga Yoshitoki.

After all, Imagawa Tokuhime was a woman and it was not convenient for her to have contact with Ashikaga Yoshitoki, her sworn brother, so she often wrote letters to his wife Toranodai and sent some small gifts to strengthen the relationship. Women always get close to each other in a wonderful way.

Well, this was something Ashikaga Yoshitoki didn't expect at first.

Since it is inevitable to ask a few questions when meeting, Ashikaga Yoshitoki will not make Date Terumune feel embarrassed when he asks this. He still makes it clear that the Kanto Lord does not mean to tease him, otherwise Imagawa Tokuhime can stay in his palace.

There is no need to stay by Ruyi-in's side until she is sent to Oshu Date's house to be the first wife.

Ashikaga Yoshitoki said: "The task of defeating the remnants of the Oshu war this time is left to Terumune."

"I will do my best." Date Huizong bowed respectfully and stood up to retreat.

The core of the Oshu War was expansion, and the reshuffling of the Mutsu Kingdom's dominant power was a naked invasion of "ciluo". It was originally unreasonable. It swept the people of Minami Mutsu and the country two years ago, and Ashikaga Yoshitoki

He continued to expand the scope of the Oshu War with great success, and that time he targeted the unlucky Kasai clan.

Kasai Harunobu was a peripheral member of the Date clan. Before the Tenbun Rebellion, he was once the adopted heir of the Date family. However, fortunately, when the Tenbun Rebellion broke out, Kasai Harunobu stood beside Date Harumune and replaced the subordinates.

Kasai Sekiyoshi, the adopted heir of the Date family, was expelled back to the Date family, so this family did not hate and force the adopted son of the Date family to death like Yosaki Osaki did.

The relationship between Kasai Harunobu and Date Terumune is quite good. The reason is because of the fundamental conflict between the Kasai clan and the Osaki clan. Before the outbreak of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the Rikuzen area was dominated by the Kasai family. Later, Kira Oshu Kira emerged.

The Sada family then attracted the two Honmatsu Hatakeyama clan, the Ishibashi clan, the Ishita clan, the Oshu Shiba clan, and the Osaki clan to join Oshu, so Oshu was turned into a pot of porridge by the Ashikaga clan.

Although the Kasai family is big in size, their status cannot be compared with those of the above families. However, they were harmed by these relatives who fought each other to death. Later, these families gradually declined and extinct or simply left Oshu. The Kasai family then embarked on a long journey.

The road to regaining power. During this period, the Osaki clan took root in Rikuzen, the Oshu Shiba clan took root in Rikuzen, and the Mogami clan took root in Hazen, forming a network of connections of the Shiba clan in Uno. This not only posed a huge threat to the Kasai clan, but also to the entire Uyo.

It has adverse effects on people from all walks of life.

The outbreak of the Onin Rebellion gave the people of Yuou great confidence. In order to consolidate the hegemony of the exclusive jurisdiction, Hosokawa Katsumoto did not hesitate to support Asakura Toshikage in driving away Yoshitoshi Shiba. This opened the door for the Hosokawa clan to comprehensively suppress the Shiba clan.

The prelude to the Hatakeyama Clan, the Meigen Coup, was the coup launched by Masamoto Hosokawa in order to suppress the Chief Minister of Hatakeyama. As a result, the Hatakeyama Clan in Kawachi has not had a leader for decades.

This is true for the Hatakeyama clan, not to mention the Shiba clan who was the third leader of the "Explanation of the Yukoji Takee family". Ever since Yoshitoshi Shiba joined the Owari clan and completely declined, the Shiba clan has been unlucky for many years and his teeth are choked even when he drinks water.

The guardianship was blatantly taken away by the Imagawa clan. Even when the Owari Kingdom was ostracized by the retainer Oda clan, there was a hint of secret support from the Hosokawa family.

The Shiba clan was comprehensively suppressed. Of course, Oshu's poor relatives also had the fate of being targeted for their immorality. The Oshu Shiba clan, the Osaki clan, and the Mogami clan had problems one after another. Among them, the Oshu clan, the strongest Oshu clan, the Osaki clan, faced a strong challenge from the Kasai clan.

, the history of grudges between these two families is as smelly and long as an old lady’s foot-binding cloth. The general situation is that the Osaki family relied on the support of two relatives and the protection of a group of retainers and officials to fight against a large group of relatives who were close to the Date family.


This farce continued until Ashikaga Yoshitoki came with his army. Kasai Harunobu was recorded in the notebook because he was close to Date Terumune and participated in the Oshu Allied Forces. So Ashikaga Yoshitoki appeared and held down Kasai Harunobu's face and slapped him hard.

The cannon blasted through the Ishinomaki Castle gate frightened Kasai Harunobu, and the Kasai clan was reduced to 50,000 koku in the original territory of Teraike Castle. He accepted the large plains near Ishinomaki Castle without hesitation.

A few days after the Kasai clan was cleared out, Osaki Yoshinao rushed over to recognize his relatives. This guy was as thick-skinned as the corner of the city wall. It was obvious that their clan was a clan that was separated from Shibako during the Northern and Southern Dynasties. For more than two hundred years,

He is not related to the Owari Shiba clan of the clan, but he insists on comparing the genetic relationship between the Owari Shiba clan and the Mikawa Kira clan through generations of marriage, and claims to be an in-law relationship between Ashikaga Yoshitoki.

Ashikaga Yoshitoki's expression at that time was one of helplessness. There were so many poor relatives in Oshu that he had to admit that the Mutsu-Osaki clan was hereditary Oshu Tentai, and the Mogami clan was the hereditary Deha Tentai clan. Osaki Yoshi's direct daughter was Mogami Yoshitoki.

Hikari's wife, this young couple has just gotten married and is very close to each other. Ashikaga Yoshi can never attack his relatives carelessly.

If you can't touch it, then you have to install a blocking skill. Rikuzen Kingdom's about 100,000 koku skill is blocked. As a result, Osaki Yoshinao was treated as the royal gate of the Kanto Lord, and then he was given famous things such as tea utensils, swords, and armor to win people's hearts. As a member of the Shiba clan

The treatment given to him by the disciples is quite good.

As soon as this precedent was set, he realized that something was not right. Shiba Senao of the Oshu Shiba family also ran over. It seemed that he also learned something from his relative Osaki Yoshinao. This family is related to the direct descendants of the Shiba family.

Even more recently, at the Shiwa Imperial Palace in Kosuidera Castle, I was able to frighten many people from Oshu country by showing off as if I were the imperial palace.

In fact, how can he call himself a royal family of that type? There are only a few imperial palaces in the world, including Ashikaga Yoshiki of the Nijo Imperial Palace in Kyoto, Ashikaga Yoshiki of the Heirashima Imperial Palace in Awa Province, and Ashikaga Yoshitoki of the Edo Imperial Palace in Kanto.

Three, including the now-completed Furukawa Imperial Palace and the former Kamakura Imperial Palace before its relocation.

In addition, the extinct Koyumi Imperial Palace, the Horikoshi Imperial Palace, and the two Oshu Imperial Palaces built by the Kamakura Crown Prince more than a hundred years ago have all been destroyed one after another. The remaining sects are all full of different identities, including those who have not raised their family status.

The Kira clan, Shiba clan, and Hatakeyama clan before him were all in the shape of a house rather than a palace. Yoshigan Shiba of Owari Shiba never called himself a palace. When Oda Nobunaga saw him before, he also addressed him as "Bue-den", and to the public he was just "Bue-gong".

Shiba Kannao still knew some sense of propriety, and understood that his little foundation was not enough to show off in front of Ashikaga Yoshitoki, so he took the initiative to adopt a low profile to cater to the Kanto Lord, and said a lot of flattery just to get him.

I got some benefits, but how could Ashikaga Yoshitoki give him benefits for no reason? He was not Mogami Yoshimitsu's old father-in-law, so there was no need to give him much face.

These distant relatives who have not been related to each other for two hundred years cannot be said to be close at all. His clan is a clan of the Owari Shiba clan, not a clan of the Kira clan. There is absolutely no need to benefit such a family, and it will take most of the day to chat.

It only gave Spo Chuanzhi a permission to play back with his security skills.

The next four Matsushibashi clans and the two Matsuhatayama clans also heard the news and came over to take advantage of it, but they were all sent away by Ashikaga Yoshitoki. The Kanto Shogunate is not a patron of the Zendo porridge shop. It has no obligation to give to relatives when they see them.

Reward, if he really gives a reward, it would be contempt for the laws he himself established, and it would even be an insult to the family members who have fought for the Kanto Ashikaga family for more than ten years.

These four Matsuri-Ishibashi clan are actually a branch of the Nasuba clan in the Kamakura period. The Saba clan split into many branches based on the opportunity to compete for the Ashikaga clan in the Kamakura period. This family has a man named Ishibashi.

Dongyi's family governor went to Oshu to fight for the leadership of the fourth house, but this family obviously couldn't get along well. Even the family governor Ishibashi Hisayoshi was locked up because he had a different temperament with Ichijo Kaneshiro. Ishibashi Keiyoshi who supported him was still fifteen years old.

Such a little brat, he doesn't even have any weight in Ashikaga Gishi's eyes.

The Nihonmatsu Hatakeyama clan is a sect of the Hatakeyama clan in Kawachi. The reason why the Hatakeyama clan changed its direct lineage was because Hatakeyama Takakuni, father and son of the Hatakeyama Kuni clan, were attacked and killed by the Kirarasada family, the head of the Oshu Kira clan. This lineage was also because of

Oshu was completely destroyed due to the war, and the Hatakeyama Sadakuni lineage, which was originally a separate clan, emerged as a new clan.

But this has nothing to do with Ashikaga Yoshitoki. He is a relative of Hatakeyama Takamasa, the governor of the Hatakeyama clan in Kawachi. Just like the relatives of the Shiba clan, he has nothing to do with him. It cannot be said that they were the same family three hundred years ago. You have to look at this.

I’d like to give you a little favor to save face. There are so many poor relatives in the Ashikaga clan, either the Kamakura branch or the Southern and Northern Dynasties branch. The Mibuchi clan that is a branch of the fourth generation general of the Muromachi shogunate, Ashikaga Yoshimochi, is also a relative, but this is so

There are many relatives and it is still a question of who is willing to take care of whom.

Among these Shiba sects, Mogami Yoshimitsu is the best, with a nominal territory of 300,000 koku, and the actual direct leader under his control is about 100,000 koku, followed by the commander-in-chief of Osaki Yoshihiro, who has less than 100,000 koku.

The number of direct leaders actually controlled is about 40,000 koku. The Oshu Shiba clan has about 60,000 koku. The actual number of direct leaders under control is about 10,000 koku. The Nihonmatsu Hatakeyama family is almost at the same level. The weakest Ishibashi clan is a small countryman.


Ashikaga Yoshitoki gave them a good look because he only valued his not-so-valuable title, and it could also play a role in winning over the people of Oshu. Otherwise, he would not have been so kind to give him a complete security certificate. He was here.

Attack Oshu rather than seize Oshu. If you need to seize Oshu, you don’t need to go to Oshu. It is enough to issue a series of seclusion orders in Edo Castle. However, the control of Oshu this way is really miserable. The existence of a local overlord like the Date family,

Unless his system network is broken down, it will always be a disaster.

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