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Chapter 555 is really crazy

The late Middle Ages was an era of feudal ignorance. People worshiped ghosts, gods, ancestors, mountains, rivers, and all things. There was a complex social system in the Eastern social system. At first, the Japanese classical era was a typical legal system modeled on the Tang Dynasty. The only difference was that the court lacked *

*Strength of dictatorship.

Not to mention that the Ezo who are running all over the East Kingdom are difficult to deal with. As a new conqueror, balancing the various hills in the Kinai and East China Sea areas of the Western Kingdom consumes all the power of the imperial court. The emperor is only the nominal leader of the aristocratic group, more like a king leading the nobles than

The emperor of China has absolute control over the territory of his ministers.

From the Asuka period to the Nara period, the system of laws and regulations stumbled to the era of the Shoseki administration with the emergence of powerful ministers. During the Heian period, the Fujiwara family once dominated the imperial court for hundreds of years. They relied on conspiracy and tricks to eliminate political opponents and control the emperor's dethronement. This nominal "king" has been reduced to a mere

The scepter on the throne, the puppet on strings that serves as a front when the ministers hold meetings.

Yuanzheng was a strongman's political resistance to the suppression of the Guan and Bai Regents for hundreds of years. In just two hundred years, several powerful emperors and emperors emerged, causing heavy damage to the relatively stable political system of the imperial court and destroying the ecosystem on which they depended for survival.

The result was that both parties were hurt, leading to the rise of the Wu family who acted as thugs.

In the early days of samurai society, it was the Minamoto family and the Heike family, or it could be concentrated on the pillars of the two families, Minamoto Sueki and Taira Sadamori. Both families were driven by the hawks and dogs of the Emperor Guanbai's family to do some dirty things that the respectable nobles were not willing to do.

We work hard and live a life where the people in the upper dynasty were like dogs and the summer dynasties are worse than pigs and dogs.

They longed to be respected, understood, and loved, but they could only receive endless ridicule and insults. The warriors who claimed to be of royal blood gradually became insensitive and mentally distorted, and the violent law enforcers who hunted and killed bandits and roamed the countryside for many years gradually grew rebellious.

Therefore, the grievances between Taira Kiyomori and Minamoto Yoshitomo emerged in the Genpei era. When Minamoto Yoritomo opened the shogunate, his successor Hojo Masako instigated the Nagahisu Rebellion to establish a new political system. The samurai shogunate.

In the beginning, samurai did not understand what loyalty was. The sword-carrying samurai from all over the country consciously united under the most noble and powerful samurai. This is not a vague loyalty, but an animal instinct hidden in the body for thousands of years.

The invisible line that has continued in the process of evolving from the clan tribal system to the feudal manor system is that the strong people who rely on the tribe protect their own interests and obtain more benefits. It is as simple as that.

The lack of understanding of loyalty and the lack of a system means that samurai can unscrupulously exude the evil side of human nature. They are greedy, ruthless and do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. Such dramas as father and son becoming enemies, brothers fighting against each other, husband and wife turning against each other, mother and son turning against each other, monarch and ministers antagonizing each other are constantly being updated every day.

The performances continued until the late Kamakura period when the samurai's legal and ethical systems were established.

With the advent of the Muromachi era, samurai society has become more and more diversified. The splendid traditional culture of Kyoto has had a great impact on the still new samurai society. The Muromachi shogunate in Kyoto has more advantages than the puppeted Kamakura shogunate.

A more mature and developed governing system, and the splendor of the Ashikaga Yoshimitsu era are unforgettable, but these have little to do with Kanto.

The shortcomings of the system created an era in which the shogunate in Kyoto and the Kanto government in Kamakura coexisted. The Kamakura period that just passed left the Kanto samurai with too much spiritual wealth. They have a glorious history and shining achievements.

, they were eager to recreate the glory of Kamakura and were beaten so hard in the Eternal Rebellion that their heads were no longer clear. One hundred and thirty years have passed since this severe beating, which left extremely painful consequences for the Kanto samurai.

There are so many things and words that they dare not do or say.

The precedent of the Kamakura Duke's fight for the general who conquered the barbarians is still heard. From the Ashikaga Clan Satsuki, Ashikaga Mitsukane and then to the Ashikaga Mochi clan, three generations of attempts failed, especially when the Kanto samurai thought they wanted the Ashikaga Mochi clan to die tragically.

It triggered the Kanto samurai's strong resistance to the shogunate, and at the same time deeply shocked the hearts of the Kanto samurai. Such a powerful force could not defeat the shogunate, and there was probably no hope.

This is not the idea of ​​a few samurai, but is prevalent in the hearts of all classes in Kanto. It can be called empiricism. They have a high sense of cognition based on their felt experience and hundreds of years of induction, summary and deduction. This is

Just like in the early Kamakura period, when there were no laws and regulations, ancient rules and principles were often used to make judgments.

This can also be called the anchoring effect. When the samurai make judgments on major events that affect the course of Kanto's derailment, they always involuntarily think of the painful experiences of more than a hundred years ago, and they are easily overwhelmed by the first impression.

Domination is like an anchor that sinks to the bottom of the sea and fixes the samurai's mind somewhere.

Every time I think of Ashikaga Yoshi's ambition, I can't help but put my thoughts into the Ekyo Rebellion more than 120 years ago. Countless samurai elites died tragically under the butcher knives of the shogunate's crusade, and their bloody heads were piled up.

On both sides of the streets in Guandong, children lost their fathers, wives lost their husbands, countless families collapsed, and many martial arts families were wiped out.

This deep-rooted thought lingers in the mind of every Kanto samurai like a nightmare. The scar is so painful that people will be afraid of well ropes for ten years once they are bitten by a snake. When they think of Ashikaga Yoshi, their ambitions will be activated involuntarily.

They were mentally warned and subconsciously avoided it. Therefore, even if Ashikaga Yoshitoki did not explicitly state that this was a taboo topic over the years, the Kanto samurai had consciously sealed this topic deep in their minds and did not dare to touch it.

The illusion was exposed, and the samurai realized that they were in an ostrich mentality. They were embarrassed, frightened, and frightened. However, Date Terumune, the daimyo of Oshu who was in charge of the Yushu clan, did not have such thoughts. His eyes flashed and he asked: "So it turns out that

His Highness Gongfang really has the ambition to stabilize the world, but isn’t this about defeating the superior?”

Beibei Tiaofang seemed to have expected something. He looked at it with a half-smile and said with a smile: "No! The so-called subordinates overcome the superiors. When the master is in power, but the sycophants usurp power, this is the subordinates overcoming the superiors! His Highness Gongfang has a hundred thousand warriors from Guandong.

However, he is willing to serve as a royal teacher to His Highness the Shogun, but he has not dared to act rashly for several years. This kind of loyalty can set an example for the samurai family, and is definitely not comparable to that of a sycophant minister who has caused chaos in the country!"

"A hundred years of chaos in the world began in Kyoto, and now the crisis of the shogunate has also begun in Kyoto. Since the turmoil in Kyoto, the Miyoshi family has tried to abolish it several times. What does it have to do with my Kanto Ashikaga family? How can the laws of heaven allow Xiao Xiao to do this?

Are you trying to trap us at will? If His Highness Gongfang intends to usurp the throne, why have you been trapped in Kanto for many years without daring to make any moves? Have you forgotten that His Highness the Shogun’s royal teachings predate the riots in Kyoto!”

Hojo Tokimasa excitedly clenched his fists more excitedly than anyone else. His family was not a pure Kanto samurai. His ancestors were still serving as officials in the shogunate during the Eiko Rebellion. The so-called ostrich mentality had nothing to do with him. What he was thinking

All you want is to revitalize your ancestral business and regain the prestige of the Hojo clan. Since you cannot defeat the Kanto Lord and lose the qualification to become an independent daimyo, then you should work hard to fulfill your responsibilities as a powerful successor to the family elders and strive to obtain more rewards and improve your status.

Every samurai has different ideas. Each samurai family has different family origins, interest orientations, and even the family governor's preferences and judgments. Some are loyal, brave and ambitious, such as Hojo Tokimasa and Satake Yoshige, and some are transferred to Mutsu.

The frustrated Utsunomiya Hirotsuna, Nasu Ziyin, and many other small country lords who were just having soy sauce mentality.

Ashikaga Yoshitoki never thought of forcing everyone, everyone can get what they want according to their hobbies. The general trend of the world is like a rolling tide, carrying unrivaled power, and there are many samurai deep in this wave.

There is not much room for choice. Either go with the trend and accept the baptism of the waves, or go against the trend and resist the beating of the waves. The former may not necessarily be able to leap over the dragon's gate, but the latter will definitely end up with no burial place.

Everyone's circumstances are different. Don't force your predestined relationships. No one will try to persuade stubborn people how to live a better life. The ups and downs of your circumstances all depend on your own understanding and destiny. Ashikagagi often talks about it.

One sentence: "Those who cannot keep up with the times will eventually be abandoned by the times."

The Kanto samurai were so entangled that it didn't matter. These new members had less than half of the voting rights at most, and they were torn apart by Ashikaga Yoshitoki's tricks. Datou followed him from Echigo and even Kyoto to Mikawa.

Looking at the attitude of the ministers, it seems that they are all very supportive of competing for the world.

But there are always exceptions. Hosokawa Fujitaka, who was born in the shogunate, is not very happy. Although he has followed Ashikaga Yoshitoki for more than ten years, the blood of loyalty of the Kyoto samurai still flows in his bones.

Publicly speaking, his uncle and adoptive father Hosokawa Motonori was over seventy years old, but he still died for the sake of loyalty to the shogunate. He was not willing to see violent turmoil in the Ashikaga family.

Hosokawa Fujitaka tried his best to say: "His Majesty Kimakata must have a way to rescue His Highness the General! After all, His Highness the Shogun is kind to our Kanto Ashikaga family. As long as His Highness Kimakata sends troops from Sakamoto to Kyoto to defeat the rebels, then he can

I personally proposed that the army enter Luo to calm down the evil spirits and sweep away the world. I believe His Highness the General can understand His Highness Gongfang’s difficulties!"

Honda Tokimasa said with dissatisfaction: "Why did Hosokawa Military Headquarters say this? Not to mention that the changes in the Kinai have little to do with His Highness Komikata, and His Highness the Shogun's behavior is not something that His Highness Kakata can control. Only the soldiers in this corner of Sakamoto

With a small number of generals surrounded by enemies, it is very hard to defend Chengdu and it is even more difficult to make progress. Not to mention that the channels to enter the capital of Luo where to fight have been blocked. What can Nakajo Deha defend the palace and enter the capital of Luo?

After entering the capital and then losing Sakamoto, the morale of the army was shaken and another defeat resulted in the loss of both men and money? As for the absurd conclusion of bringing the army into Luo, let’s forget about it! The imperial teachings of His Highness the General are still there. Going to Luo under any banner is against the imperial edict.

, does the Ministry of War want to trap His Highness Gongfang into being unkind and unjust?"

Hosokawa Fujitaka clearly knew that what he said was completely wrong, but out of loyalty he still forcefully defended: "But if His Highness the General loses his position, will His Highness Kōkō's reputation be damaged in the same way?"

"How could it be damaged? His Highness was ordered to stand still and let hundreds of thousands of tigers, ferocious eagles and lackeys roam around. He would rather put swords and guns into Kuma and let them go to Nanshan than do anything. Why would his reputation be damaged? Why?

Does this mean your reputation will be damaged? Forcibly violating the edict and going to Luo to revolt, and then being punished by the Shogun and sentenced to seclusion and becoming a monk, can you call it a perfect name for loyalty? Don’t you see why Minamoto Yoshitsune died? Why do you have such pedantic thoughts?

Can we call him a martial artist?" Honda Toshiba flicked his sleeves and turned his face away from him in disgust.

Hosokawa Fujitaka lowered his head in frustration and lamented: "I, Fujitaka, also know that this is not the path for my Kanto Ashikaga family, but His Highness the Shogun is so kind to us! From the Kira family, to the Kamizuki Ashikaga family, and then to the Kanto Ashikaga family

, every step of the way is inseparable from the strong support of His Highness the General. Even if His Highness the General has changed his mind over the years, he is still the benefactor of my Kanto Ashikaga family! Letting His Highness the General be in danger is really a loss of loyalty."

The situation reversed and Hato Toki was speechless. Loyalty and kindness are always a threshold that cannot be bypassed. Ashikaga Yoshiteru was very kind to Ashikaga Yoshitoki. This is a difficulty that cannot be bypassed no matter what. There is no Ashikaga Yoshiki.

Teruna would not be the Ashikaga Yoshitoki he is today. Even if he claims to have repaid all his kindness, it cannot change the world's stubborn view of this judgment.

The kindness given by Ashikaga Yoshiteru is status. The power of status is sometimes worthless to the samurai who were born as wealthy local servants. At most, it only serves as the icing on the cake, such as the Echizen Asakura family, the Owari Oda family and others.

, and other special circumstances will bring extraordinary influence.

If he had not been recognized by Ashikaga Yoshiteru and had just changed the word Miao to Ashikaga without authorization, then the value of his Kanto Ashikaga family would have been reduced by 70 to 80%. As long as the shogunate did not recognize his claim in a piece of imperial teaching, he would accuse him again.

Once an enemy is attacked or a crusade order is issued, a large number of careerists will jump out from every corner to instigate rebellion.

These careerists may come from among the dozens of samurai here, maybe some or maybe most of them. In short, they cause great turmoil and cause great turmoil within the family, forcing him to spend a lot of time on putting out the fire internally.

, if something unexpected happens in the middle of the next ten or eight years, maybe what will happen to the future of the Ashikaga family?

The power of fame is so wonderful. Just like the three artifacts are of little significance in the hands of an old man, a child, or a samurai, the best choice is to go to Beijing and offer them to the Imperial Family. Then get an irrelevant

The most important thing is to give rewards to five people. They can't become the emperor with the three artifacts. They can't order all the officials to obey them, because the three artifacts are nothing if they leave the royal family.

Therefore, the Akamatsu family, which was wiped out in the Kaji Rebellion, created a remnant of the Akamatsu clan and voluntarily joined the remaining Southern Dynasty, sneaked into Yoshino Palace and stole the three artifacts of the Southern Dynasty from the palace of the false emperor, and escaped and returned them to the Northern Dynasty in Kyoto.

The emperor, for this meritorious service, received permission from the shogunate to revive the Harima Akamatsu family.

Another example is that there are only three white flags of the Genji family, namely, one for Hachiman Taro Minamoto no Yori, one for Right General Minamoto Yoritomo, and one for Ashikaga Takauji, Tomochiin. These three sides are the seals of the four-meter high banner, and the remaining white flags are awarded to each samurai family.

None of them are Genji white flags. Many samurai families use a few feet long white silk with a line "Namo Hachiman Dabodhisattva" written on it. It can only be called the white Hachiman Dabodhisattva flag. It can be simply called the white flag, but it does not have any appeal or influence.

At most, it looks good and highlights a person with a strong sense of justice.

In the same way, one can be a member of any dynasty. Not everyone who wears the Tudor Rose flag belongs to the royal family of England. Not everyone with the surname Zhu can enjoy the treatment of sons and grandsons. Without the support of birth and blood, no matter how great his status is,

It's useless. What's fake can't be real after all. If you don't have a name, no matter how you pretend to be famous, it won't work. At least until the Muromachi shogunate is destroyed, this iron law still exists.

The pressure of status given by the general is very weak for ordinary samurai, but it is very powerful for Ashikaga Yoshitoki, the Kanto prince who has been promoted to a direct line member. If he had not been given a status but had been given money, food, land, etc.

Or the reward of guardianship, the effect will be immediately reduced by several levels.

No amount of money, food, or land would give him a valuable title to compete for the world's righteousness. Ashikaga Yoshiteru was very clear about this. The reason why he dared to give him this title even though he knew this was because of the restricted activities of the Imperial Education Book.

The magic weapon of scope gives you status and limits your behavior. If you violate it without authorization, you will be punished.

If Ashikaga Yoshitoki was a thick-skinned samurai with dark tricks, he might not be afraid of Ashikaga Yoshiteru's little tricks, but not Ashikaga Yoshiki. This morally obsessive samurai who is unwilling to usurp the throne must bow his head and accept this trick.

No one would be stupid enough to believe that he would abide by this imperial teaching forever, just like Ashikaga Yoshiteru could not safely be a Taiping general in the crisis-ridden Kyoto.

The shogun is middle-aged and has no heir. Sooner or later he will face the pressure of establishing an heir and there is not much time left for him. Even if there is no crisis in Kyoto, he will still have to face the urging of his ministers. Being in his thirties is already the health warning line for many middle-aged generals.

, the heirless shogun must establish the political heir as his adopted son when his status is relatively safe. As long as it evolves into a shogun struggle for heirs, it is no longer a simple matter of subordinates overcoming superiors. This issue of heirs within the Ashikaga family is not discussed by the Ashikaga family.

No qualifications.

The atmosphere in the hall was stagnant. The senior ministers raised their heads and looked nervously at Ashikaga Yoshitoki's expression. Looking back carefully, they will always notice the embarrassing position of the Kanto Ashikaga family. It is indeed not enough to be promoted by Ashikaga Yoshiteru and pay equal rewards and loyalty.

Fake, one's status as a minister cannot be wiped out quietly.

We can't really think that the Kanto Shogunate is the shogunate of the general who conquered barbarians. In fact, it is just a mouthful. Just like when Ashikaga Yoshi liked to call himself the Ashikaga family, it was the same thing. A small overstep of the rules can be regarded as the shogunate.

Even if you know, you can't do anything to him, anyway, what you don't get is always the best. This harmless claim will not change the status of Lord Kanto as lower than the shogun. There is still an invisible ceiling between the two.

Ashikaga Yoshiki clasped his palms and sighed: "Fujitaka's words awakened my soul. This is really my secret!"

"Your Highness, Mr. Fujitaka, did not dare to compare himself to Duke Wenzada of Wei." Hosokawa Fujitaka did not dare to compare himself to Wei Zheng. Comparing himself to Wei Zheng was tantamount to implying that Ashikaga Yoshishi was comparing himself to Li Shimin. A casual sentence from the master may not have a deeper meaning. But when a minister

You must not pretend to be stupid. Next, when it is rumored that no one in the outside world will praise Ashikaga without saying anything, they will only scold Hosokawa Fujitakagu for his reputation and not being a loyal minister and good man.

Ashikaga Yoshitoki didn't think about the twists and turns at all. After he praised him, he continued: "What Fujitaka said is true! If I didn't know that the crisis in Kyoto was coming, it was nothing more than that. I knew that there was a danger but didn't warn me. That was not the fault of my ministers.

So I sent an envoy to inform His Highness the General as early as last month.

Yu said in the letter that there have been frequent riots and chaos in Kyoto recently. This chaos is actually a warning sign of evildoers running rampant. Therefore, Kyoto is no longer a place where His Highness the Shogun will live for a long time. I would like to invite His Highness the Shogun to Higashikari Saka for a restful vacation.

Times have changed and it is not too late for Shangluo to regain his rights.

In addition, I also took an extra layer of precautions. In order to prevent the letter from being intercepted and obstructed, I specially made three copies of the letter and sent them to Nijo Imperial Palace, Konoe Sekihakufu, and Jiaoou Gokokuji Temple respectively, and asked me to sign for the letter.

The following records shall be made by my servants, so that no one will accuse me in the future of not fulfilling my duties as a minister.”

Satakeyoshi smacked his lips again, looked up and saw that all the ministers in the hall were either in a state of trance, or lowered their heads in deep thought. After thinking about it, he decided to swallow the words that were on his lips. He instinctively felt that he would jump out and say that the master was petty, hypocritical, and pretentious.

There was a huge and unpredictable danger, and he muttered in a low voice: "I don't want to go to Sado Island..."

"Hmm? If you have any opinions, can you tell me what you think?" Ashikaga Yoshitoki turned his head and looked over.

"Ah! Your Majesty, I think His Highness Kōkata's defense is very good. Now our Kanto Ashikaga family is in a sensitive and delicate position. His every word and deed will be paid special attention to. At this time, the chaos in Kyoto requires special attention.

This is a method to solve the embarrassing dilemma, so... I think it is very good! Well! Very good!" Satake Yishige clenched his fists hard to express his full support.

It wasn't until Ashikaga Yoshishi removed his gaze with a satisfied smile that he realized that the clothes on his back were soaked with sweat. Satake Yoshige covered his forehead and quietly wiped away the sweat, secretly saying: "These ten breaths feel like a lifetime."

, The look in his eyes just now was not murderous, but it was more frightening than the knife on his neck. It was so scary that I almost thought I had stopped breathing! This is really not a place for people to stay. If you do it a few more times, you will definitely be scared to death, right?"

Satake Yoshige's attempt to commit suicide was only a brief interlude. Few people even noticed that he was quietly walking past the gate of hell just now. The attention of the ministers turned to Hosokawa Fujitaka, and they saw him let out a long breath and said:

"This is the best thing. This method can put an end to the world's criticism of our Kanto Ashikaga family. In the future, future generations will not make irresponsible remarks about His Highness Kōkata! The actions of Tochiin-don should be taken as a warning, especially

It can serve as a great reference for ambitious warriors like His Highness Gongfang."

Tapping on the case table attracted the attention of the important minister. Ashikaga Yoshitoki coughed and said: "In addition, I also arranged for Kamizumi Isemomo and several swordsmen to hide in the Nijo Imperial Palace at the critical moment.

To protect the safety of His Highness the Shogun, Kyoto samurai are generally very weak in martial arts and cannot serve as His Highness the Shogun's personal police. With Kamizumi Ise on guard, he can always cope with ordinary crises. I believe that there will be no bigger trouble in Kyoto.

Is it dangerous?”

Hosokawa Fujitaka said with a smile: "What His Highness Kōkata said is absolutely true! You can't do anything to His Highness Kōkōta, right? Even the half-general didn't dare to do this, and the group of foreign ministers from the Miyoshi family must have no reason.

!Unless they’re crazy!”

"Haha...yeah! Unless they're crazy!"

The relaxed ministers laughed loudly, but Ashikaga Gitoki held a bat fan in his hand and laughed without saying a word. When he looked up to the sky and realized that the moon was already at the zenith outside the window, he sighed quietly: "They are indeed crazy!"

(To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

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