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Chapter 571 Secret talk in Xiangguo Temple

Matsunaga Hide was very smart and well-behaved. He took the blame and did not come forward to clarify the truth of the matter. Instead, he took the opportunity to fight back against the Miyoshi trio, creating the "truth" that the Miyoshi trio murdered the general and framed him, and "exposed" Miyoshi.

The crime of three people kidnapping the general and threatening Miyoshi Yoshitsugu.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki was very grateful for Matsunagahide's cooperation. He found Nijo Haruyoshi to jointly put pressure on the imperial court and removed both the imperial decree and the shogunate's expedition order against Matsunagahide. The reason was that multiple parties were responsible and it was not the fault of one family.

, inside and outside, they were helping Matsu Nagahide to divert firepower, with such a general helping him inside, and Miyoshi Yoshitsugu, Miyoshi Yasunaga and others muddying the waters with ulterior motives, making the chaos in Kyoto even more muddy.

The Miyoshi Trio and Matsunaga Hide went back and forth to throw dirty water at each other. In the end, the Miyoshi Trio felt that their side had a greater advantage, so they led their troops south to Yamato Country to seek a chance to show off with Matsunaga Hide. The main force of the Miyoshi Army

The gradual departure from Kyoto became a turning point, and most of the main forces in Kyoto evacuated, forming a short vacuum period.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki went to Sokokuji Temple on the pretext of sweeping the tomb, because he received a letter from a mysterious woman asking him to go to Sokokuji Temple to meet him. So in the hottest season in early July, Ashikaga Yoshiaki came to Sokokuji Temple.

He was waiting in the quiet room designated by Lin Guangyuan at the head of the temple, where he wanted to meet a woman who should not have appeared in the temple.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki was restless in the quiet room, sometimes walking back and forth, sometimes sitting in silence, and said worriedly: "Izumo Aguo... How could this woman think of meeting Yu, and use such weird means."

Out of worry and fear of mysterious things, he always avoided meeting Izumo Aguo, who was known as the "witch" in Kyoto. She disappeared and reappeared in Kyoto. Every action she took would bring death. She died in Kyoto for more than ten years.

She had no fewer than dozens of people in her hands. Her killing efficiency was far better than that of a samurai who was not allowed to kill without reason. Even Ashikaga Yoshitoki, who did not like killing, killed no fewer than twenty people with his own hands.

The most famous people who died at her hands were two important members of the Ashikaga Shogun family. One was Ashikaga Teruwamaru, the legitimate son of the shogun who once caused a lot of trouble in the city, and the other was Ashikaga Yoshikata, Hirashima Lord who died mysteriously a few months ago.

Dear, the rumors in the market describe this woman as a vicious woman with a face as sweet as a snake and a heart like a snake.

According to several rumors, she is accused of being the escaped incarnation of the evil spirits suppressed by Kamo Shrine. Another theory is that her real name is not Izumo Okuno, but that her real name is Guo Xin, who has repeatedly hidden herself in Kinai and committed shocking crimes.

Layman, this name passed down from the Northern and Southern Dynasties represents a mysterious and terrifying force.

It is said that the Muromachi shogunate in its heyday a hundred years ago, when it dispatched its imperial guards several times to clear out the bandits entrenched in the territory, it once listed the elusive thief Koshin Koji as a priority target. Unfortunately, this man was too cunning and could not be caught.

The tail, and the incarnation of Guoxin layman was a woman. She changed the dress of the nihilistic monk for many years, disguised herself as a witch and walked around the territory to commit crimes. She gradually gave up the traditional route of thieves and embarked on the evil path of killing people and stealing goods.

This rumor has completely escaped the category of "rumor". It is obviously the fact that the forces familiar with Guoxin lay deliberately released it. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that in order to restore the precarious reputation, layman Guoxin released some of the people in exchange for the people giving up their attempts to demonize.

.No matter which one it is, it is enough to show that this woman is very difficult.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki was very taboo about this woman, especially when he learned about the mysterious death of Ashikaga Yoshiaki. His enthusiastic mood suddenly cooled down. During the few months he was stationed at Toji Temple, the target he was wary of day and night was that Koshin layman would do to him.

He launched an attack and set up heavy guards inside and outside the Toji Temple to protect his own safety, almost to the extent of three steps, one post, five steps and one sentry part of the day and night. Sori Zetsu was always visible on the streets of Kyoto.

After achieving this step, he still failed to stop the mysterious appearance of Master Guo Xin. However, he still received the short letter hidden in his sleeve. The small letter appeared quietly on his desk and still had the unique characteristics of a woman.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki immediately realized that there was no point in hiding. It was easy for Guo Xin to kill him, and he could still kill him no matter where he was hiding, so he came over.

"So Your Highness came as promised, and you did not disappoint me!" A soft whisper-like voice reached his ears. Ashikaga Yoshiaki suddenly became excited. He looked up and saw the woman dressed in a red and white miko costume with a bow on her head.

Standing in the quiet room, this woman appeared in front of him silently. How could he not be surprised?

He took a deep breath and told himself not to be nervous. He kept repeating the hint that this woman was just an ordinary person and that she dared to ask him out because she had her own agenda. Then she raised her head and felt much calmer.

After carefully observing the woman's appearance, which was completely bare-faced and without makeup, Ashikaga Yoshiaki, who had regained his composure, could not help but frown in disgust: "You are Izumo Aguo? It is said that you are a rare beauty. Why don't you put on any makeup when you meet me?"

A woman who doesn’t wear pink and white is like a woman who doesn’t wear clothes?”

According to the traditional aesthetics of this era, a woman who does not apply makeup and powder is a failure. As long as she is not a peasant girl in the countryside, a woman who is a little bit more classy or has a little bit of love for beauty must wear powder when traveling.

, without makeup is like a woman walking naked on the street. It is a very unsightly and disrespectful behavior, especially when meeting a general in a formal occasion.

But how can layman Guoxin be compared to ordinary women? He smiled and said: "Izumo Aguo is just a nickname for me to walk in the world. If Your Highness is willing, you can call me a cat or a dog. It's the same. I am not a real person."

A wandering girl who betrays her appearance is wandering in Kyoto with nothing to rely on, and she doesn’t need to tease Fendai in front of you."

Ashikaga Yoshiaki seemed to hate the sharp tongue of the Koshin layman, and sneered: "What a sharp tongue, he is not only ruthless and ruthless in killing people, but he is also proficient in the art of clever words and persuasion, killing Yu Na

You must be the culprit behind my nephew Teruwamaru and my younger brother Ashikaga Yoshiki!"

A flash of light flashed through Guoxin's eyes, and he said with an innocent face: "It's true that I killed the person, but I cannot bear the responsibility of the culprit. If you want to find the culprit, Your Highness should find Matsunaga Hide, and

This is not a woman like me."

"A clever sophistry! You must have created the reputation of Matsunaga Danmasa by yourself. I wouldn't be stupid enough to believe those rumors!" Ashikaga Yoshiaki said with a gloomy face, not believing what Koshin said at all.

The fact that she was able to bypass all layers of defense and leave a message for an appointment further proves that this woman is incomparable to ordinary mortals.

From the time he came to Xiangokuji Temple until now, he has always endured the disgust in his heart without breaking out. It was because he was afraid of the unpredictable killing skills of Koshin layman. Ashikaga Yiqin's mad death was really shocking. To offend such a woman must be done

He has great courage, at least Ashikaga Yoshiaki does not have such courage.

"No matter what I say, I won't win your Highness's trust, right? In that case, why bother to say more?" The layman Guo Xin realized Ashikaga Yoshiaki's stern and ruthless nature, and said with a contemptuous smile: "Your Highness is here to rebuke me.

Are the ruined Ashikaga clan still seeking a way to end the chaos in Kyoto?"

The contemptuous look on Xu Shiguoshin's face was so conspicuous that Ashikaga Yoshiaki got so angry that he almost called the guard outside the door. Fortunately, he was alert enough and reacted in time to avoid causing a catastrophe. He silently thought in his heart: "Patience is a virtue."

. Being irritable is a mistake. I paid the price for my irritability once and cannot fall twice in the same place."

As he thought and reflected on himself, Ashikaga Yoshiaki's face gradually returned to normal, and he pretended to be reserved and coughed and said, "I would like to hear your advice."

Guoxin once again ignored Ashikaga Yoshiaki's majesty and chuckled: "In my shallow knowledge, I believe that His Highness's core interest is to ascend the throne as a general to conquer the barbarians, and nothing else is important, including supporting His Highness.

The same goes for the Mihaoshi family, I wonder if His Highness thinks so?"

Ashikaga Yoshiaki nodded calmly and said: "My brother died unexpectedly at the Nijo Imperial Palace. It completely disrupted Yu's overall plan. All the ministers who had been loyal to the shogunate for generations died. There was no one close to Yu, including the guards outside the door.

Same, maybe it’s because this allows you to easily sneak into Toji Temple!”

At this time, he was no longer the domineering Ashikaga Yoshiaki. He seemed to have returned to the young monk in Kofukuji Ichijoin a few months ago, taking on the posture he had when he was practicing meditation in the temple, observing with eyes and nose.

Xin didn't care at all about Guo Xin's intentional or unintentional provocation, and made up his mind to see what kind of medicine she was selling in her gourd.

The layman Guo Xin did not disappoint him. He paused for a moment and then said softly: "I am just a messenger, bringing their greetings to some samurai families who are still loyal to the shogunate. They specially invited His Highness to leave Kyoto temporarily and go hunting in distant countries.

Maybe you can get everything your Highness needs there."

Ashikaga Yoshiaki perked up, then calmed down and stared at Guoxin, carefully looking at him and saying, "Who is he who is still loyal to the shogunate? Why did that person choose you as his liaison?"

"If I answer Your Highness, I am the only one in Kyoto who can enter and leave the forbidden places at will. Would you be surprised?" Layman Guoxin spread his hands and said proudly: "The answer is that simple."

"You are very confident..." A look of disgust flashed through Ashikaga Yoshiaki's eyes: "I don't like such a confident person, especially a woman."

The layman Guoxin said sarcastically: "I don't really appreciate His Highness's arrogance, especially His behavior of usurping the throne at the wrong time, in the wrong place, and in the wrong way... none of this is important, what's important is that I

As a very reputable businessman, I will definitely bring you what you need."

"A businessman? Maybe Imai Munehisa, but you are definitely not!"

"I am different from the merchants of Sakai Town. Their main job is merchants, and their side jobs are tea people and cultural people. My main job is assassins and thieves, and their side jobs are merchants."

Ashikaga Yoshiaki's brows furrowed tightly, he stared at Guoxin for a moment, and said, "Who is the person who brought the message? I am very interested in him."

"His name is..." The corner of Guo Xin's mouth raised slightly: "Akechi Hinata Mamoru, who was born in the Mino Toki clan, Akechi Mitsuhide, representative of Asai Bizen Shrine, Asakura Kingo Palace, and your sworn brother

Takeda Jibu-dono sends his regards to His Highness."

On the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, there was a storm in Kamakura. Sanskrit sounds were heard in Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine and sandalwood was curled up. The Nikko Mountain Bedoudo Daishi Shonan Kobo Tenkai was worshiped. The temple followed the Tora Sect Yi, the diplomacy followed Asayama Nichijo, Hojo Genan, and Ban.

Monks such as Bunokae Sekssai, Okamoto Zenzhe and other monks gathered together to perform rituals for the deceased Ashikaga Yoshiteru.

This performance will start on June 16 and will last until the end of September. During the one hundred days of the ceremony, the three great ministers, Ashikaga Yoshitomo and the garrison general, will take a bath in Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine.

Fast, pray for Ashikaga Yoshiki, who died in vain, the heroic spirits of Keijuin and the Shogunate, and pray that they will ascend to Takatenhara and become gods. Then they will ascend to the Western Paradise and attain the fruit of Arahant, Bodhisattva, and Buddha.

Hundreds of Kanto warriors were kneeling in the solemn worship hall. Everyone was reciting the scriptures with a respectful and pious attitude. They repeated the scriptures over and over again without feeling tired. Satake Yoshitsune's knees were numb and hung low.

He quietly walked out of the queue with his head bent and his waist down. He looked up and saw a dozen warriors sitting cross-legged on the corridor and stretching their legs. From their expressions, you could tell that they were comrades suffering from the same disease.

These warriors raised their heads and glanced at Satake Yoshige, and seemed to realize that the person was not someone they knew well, so they turned their heads and whispered: "His Royal Highness Kōkata has made a great wish to chant sutras a thousand times in Tsuruoka Hachimangu Shrine to save the souls of the dead. One hundred.

A thousand times a day, ten times a day, it’s really a long process.”

"That's the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's Original Vow Sutra. It takes more than half an hour to recite it once. Ten times a day takes more than six hours. It doesn't seem like much, but it's actually a lot. I heard that His Highness has to read official documents every day.

, it’s very hard to deal with government affairs!”

"In comparison, waiting a hundred days to recite it a thousand times doesn't seem so harsh."

"That's not necessarily true. Didn't you find that it was very difficult for the elderly warriors to recite sutras? A thousand times is a difficult number for them, right?"

Satake Yishige curled his lips and ignored their laughter and noise. Just as he was about to turn around, he bumped into Hojo Tokimasa who was walking out. The two looked at each other and subconsciously avoided each other's eyes. The Hojo family and the Satake family were not showing signs of divergence every day or two.

Every time he saw Hojo Shimai, he would take the initiative to avoid it. It was not because of any hatred, but because the young governor was still not used to this strange relationship where enemies turned into colleagues.

Satake Yoshige felt it was time to go back and continue to complete the remaining six hundred times of chanting. When he passed by Hojo Tokimasa, he heard: "The air in the house is stuffy and not as fresh as the air in the corridor. Hitachi Kaiden is going back in such a hurry, why not stay here?"

Take a rest."

"Being respectful is worse than obeying orders." Satake Yi turned around again and sat down cross-legged. The two looked at each other awkwardly for a while, and then invariably turned their eyes to the distant mountains and forests.

At this time, strong winds and heavy rains were blowing outside Tsuruoka Hachimangu Shrine. At the end of the corridor, you can see the big ginkgo trees under the large stone steps being blown by the storm, as if they were helpless children swaying from side to side. The guards inside Hachimangu Shrine were wearing raincoats.

The samurai who was struggling to move forward in the storm but sitting in the corridor was really lucky.

"Have you seen the three enshrined swords in Hitachisuke-den?"

"I saw it, Doji Kiri Yasutsuna, Onimaru Kunitsuna, and Mikazuki Munechika. They are family treasures passed down from generation to generation in the shogun's family."

Hojo Tokimasa said: "Not only that, the boy Kiri Yasuna also has a name: Kikikirimaru."

Satake Yoshi nodded and said: "His Royal Highness Gongfang is a devout warrior. He has great regrets about the death of His Highness the General. These days, he has never forgotten the kindness of His Highness the General. That's why His Highness the General gave these three gifts before his death.

A sword, and the royal teaching book."

Hojo Tokimasa recited: "Since the destruction of Kamakura by our ancestors and the shogunate palace, and the pacification of the world with an army of 500,000 men, my Ashikaga family has gained popularity and popularity and has been powerful throughout the country. There have been more than 200 defeats. The destiny of the shogunate has passed away, and the shogunate has ended.

When the time comes, I often lament in my heart that there are no ambitious people to inherit the ancestral legacy and revitalize the Wu family.

My late father, Manshoinden, once said: There are thousands of my Ashikaga family members, and there are more than a hundred members in each family. Some are brave and resourceful, but some are resourceful and resourceful. However, in more than a hundred years, bravery and wisdom have not been achieved. I don't think so, and I often compare myself to Lu Yuan.

I thought that the prosperity of the shogunate could only be achieved in one thought. It was not until I arrived in Kyoto that I could understand my father's painstaking worries before his death!

In the past, the decline of the shogunate resulted in the overlapping of the two dynasties of Jiangzhou and Sakai. Now I am the shogunate, and you are the Kanto shogun. It is also the case that the two dynasties are superimposed. I often read the books of saints and I also heard that the "Book of Rites" said:

There are no two days in the sky, there are no two kings in the land, there are no two masters in the family, there are no two superiors, and the main pillar of my family is only one person. You have a hundred thousand strong soldiers, horses, and tigers, and you are invincible in the sea where you command your troops. This general position can only be achieved by you.

have to!

There are two things I have to worry about. Firstly, where can I sacrifice my ancestral property? Secondly, can the imperial palace of the shogunate be in Kyoto? If both of them can fulfill my wish, the position of general can only be made by you! I am afraid to say it with caution, I will be honored forever.

One year, May 19th, Ashikaga Yoshiki monogram, Ashikaga Shoden."

Satake Yishige said with a surprised look on his face: "I didn't expect Sagami Morden to be able to recite it."

"His Majesty the General's splendid works must be remembered."

"Yes! I just don't know how His Highness plans to act. Should he immediately send troops to sweep the world, or?" Satake Yoshige's eyes were full of doubts.

Hojo Tokimasa shook his head and said: "I Tokimasa thinks it's probably because the situation in Kinai is unclear. The second-term general who was supported has not gained a reputation and is difficult to act rashly. Moreover, there are riots in Yuao and other places in Kanto. The remnants of the evil-minded remnants sometimes cause chaos.

You have to be on guard. So we have to wait and see before we talk..."

Satake Yoshige nodded in agreement. He also knew that there was a time lag in the transmission of information from Kinai to Kanto. If it were normal times, the information would be transmitted in ten days and a half. Now, there is chaos in Kinai and Kyoto is uneasy.

, the efficiency of messy intelligence collection, sorting and transmission will be greatly reduced. This time it took nearly a month to learn about Yonglu's rebellion.

At this moment, it is too late to cry out that the general is dead and that we should avenge the general's blood and hatred. It is better to take advantage of this uncertain opportunity to pretend to be a loyal minister to avoid the evil people's slander. The reason for this frame-up is also

It's easy to find. Ashikaga Yoshitoki, a dignified guardian of the shogunate and a man of great kindness, acted foolishly when the general needed him most. It's understandable that there is a time difference between Kanto Fudo and Kinuchi Sakamoto Fudo, which is totally unjustifiable.

Assuming that Ashikaga Yoshiaki's act of killing his brother and mother and plotting to usurp the government is true, then Ashikaga Yoshitoki will inevitably be notorious for seeking power at the expense of framing his benefactor. Ashikaga Yoshiteru did not escape until his death. There must be Ashikaga Yoshitoki.

The factor of failure to fulfill his responsibilities can even be maliciously speculated as to whether he was fanning the flames and secretly supporting Ashikaga Yoshiaki to do evil things. If he took the opportunity to launch an army to conquer the world, wouldn't it be a fool's errand?

Make outsiders laugh.

The Kanto Shogunate had long guessed that something would happen to Kyoto sooner or later, but they could not guess whether the general would be exiled or imprisoned. Based on this foreseeable judgment, Ashikaga Yoshitoki's judgment on Kyoto was to stay put and send out ninjas.

It doesn't matter whether the rescue was effective or not, but it can't be said that he didn't exert any strength at all when he rescued Mrs. Konoe.

At dinner time in the evening, the newly built buildings on both sides of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine were opened up into new guest rooms and dining halls. The vegetarian dishes carefully prepared by chefs from the Gozan Daiji Temple in Kyoto made the samurai who had worked hard all day and were thirsty relax.

It is said that this chef learned the vegetarian cuisine from the ancient temples in the south of the Yangtze River in the Ming Dynasty.

As soon as this vegetarian vegetarian dish with rich Huaiyang, Fujian and Zhejiang flavors came to Kyoto, it became a forbidden favorite of the Wushan Sect. There are so many temples in Kyoto, and ordinary temple masters have no chance to invite them to cook a few vegetarian meals. This is also because

The recent chaos in Kyoto has spread widely, and the brand of the Kanto Shogunate is strong enough, so they invited this master who has been staying in Kyoto all year round to serve in Kanto, so that they can have a feast.

Ashikaga Yoshitoki held the Tremella and Lotus Seed Soup and drank it slowly. He caught a glimpse of the helpless faces of Yamaoka Tokichō and Isshiki Tokinobu, and said with a smile: "I just want you to spend a hundred days to get rid of the impatience on your body. Why are you upset and irritable?"

Doing the color of trouble?”

Yamaoka Shichang bowed his head and said: "I don't dare. It's just news from home. Several children in the family got into trouble again. They illegally carried riding whips in the polo match and whipped the opponent's horse, almost killing someone. I thought about it.

I think it would be better if we bring the children here to clean up for some time."

Ashikaga Yoshitoki smiled bitterly and said: "Every family has its own sutras that are difficult to recite! I have a Tora Chiyo in my family who is also very difficult to deal with. He likes to stretch his legs when playing ball games. I know of three people who have been kicked and injured.

There are ten or more than twenty, and we don’t know how many there are. Zhenohmaru is a horse racing mystery. Not only does he have to bet on horses, but he also participates in the competition himself, which makes Tora no less worried."

"I thought that His Highness..."

Ashikaga Yoshitoki smiled and said, "You think I can't hear anything outside the window and just focus on reciting the Ksitigarbha Sutra?"

"Uh, exactly..." Isshiki Tokishin quickly lowered his head in fear.

Ashikaga Yoshitoki was not a sentimental person. Seeing that his close confidants also guessed his thoughts wrongly, he couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "I do have a lot of sadness, indignation, and pity in my heart, but after all, I am Kanto Lord, not that teenager."

"You are a young and sentimental young man who will eventually go where you need to go. Birth, old age, illness and death are like the changing of the sun and the moon. They are unchangeable. Your Majesty, the general, seeks benevolence and will die benevolently. You will not be particularly sad for the remainder of your life."


Ashikaga Yoshitoki added: "I just feel sorry for the shogunate. Even though the thirteen generations of shoguns were as paranoid as Ashikaga Yoshitaka and as greedy as Ashikaga Yoshimasa, they did not break their trust in the world. Only the shogun who is widely respected today died suddenly and was ruined."

The shogunate has a two-hundred-year foundation, so I don’t know how much turmoil this news will cause.”

Yamaoka Tokichō and Isshiki Tokinobu bowed and exited the quiet room. When they came out, they realized that they were already sweating and their clothes were soaked. Yamaoka Tokichō said with a wry smile: "The majesty of His Highness Kōkata grows deeper, and every word and action is like suffocation under the weight of a mountain."

I am so grateful that even veterans like us, who have been with us for many years, must have a sense of awe!"

Isshiki Tokishin said: "If this is not the case, how can we suppress the heroes of Kanto? However, it is really annoying that there are still people gathering to cause chaos!"

Mr. Yamaoka frowned and said: "Are there any remnants of the Satomi clan on the Fusui Peninsula? It is indeed a trouble. The remnants of this family will cause chaos every one or two years. At first, they relied on the favorable location and the people who fought with the same people to gain the upper hand.

He hid in the mountains and disguised himself as a mountain fishermen and was nowhere to be found. The trick was discovered by Mochizuki An Yun, the guardian of the temple. It was no longer popular. In recent years, the noise of the incident has become smaller and smaller. The local residents have gradually become accustomed to the Kanto General Palace.

Governance, the remnants of the outdated Satomi family will soon disappear."

Isshiki Tokishin shook his head and said: "No, I'm talking about the rebellion in Oshu. The Shirakawa Yuki clan and the Komine clan are making trouble. It seems that the Nikaido clan, the Tamura clan and some other Oshu people are involved behind the scenes. It is said that from

The situation from Minami Mutsu to Northern Mutsu is not stable, and His Highness Kōkō has sealed the news. Only a few important ministers of the Imperial Guardsmen and the Imperial Guards know the news, and His Highness Kōkō has not yet decided how to deal with it."

Yamaoka Tokinaga was a little unhappy: "Where did you hear the news? Why didn't I know about it?"

Isshiki Tokishin curled his lips and said: "Aren't you busy these days with how your Zenjiro is causing trouble? You are not busy chanting sutras, or you are busy writing letters to the school superintendent to plead for mercy. How can you pay attention to this secret?

Information! If I hadn’t seen Honda-dono happen to be there and asked in vain for a long time, I might not have known it.” (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

This chapter has been completed!
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