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Chapter 596 Western Army Collapse

The Fire Bull Formation, which was supposed to be a surprise victory, led to an unexpected defeat. Akamatsu Gisuke and Bessho Anji were captured. Akamatsu Masahide was killed, which led to the total collapse of the Akamatsu Army. The chain reaction affected the Urakami Army and forced Urakami Munekage to retreat.

, a small flaw appeared in the Western Army's formation, and it was precisely this small flaw that gave the Eastern Army a precious opportunity.

Oda Nobunaga, who was in charge of the central army, also found that his situation was not good, but the situation of the main formation was not very good at this time. Shibata Katsuie's troops were still resisting Takigawa Tokimasu on the north wing, and Takigawa Kazumasu

On the south wing, Shima Tokikatsu's violent attack was carried. The generals in the front line were the eight thousand elite ashigaru led by Mori Katsunari, but they were still unable to withstand Saito Asanobu's attack. Sakuma Nobumori and Mizuno Nobumoto each

It took four thousand troops to rush to the rescue to stabilize the occupation.

Oda Nobunaga only had 15,000 reserve troops left in his hands that could be put into the battlefield. The only generals around him were Ikeda Tsuneaki, Niwa Nagahide, Hashiba Hideyoshi and Akechi Mitsuhide, as well as another senior member of the Shodai family, Hayashi Hidesada.

Because Oda Nobunaga was displeased with it, he abandoned it. Other military commanders such as Sasaka Narimasa, Kawajiri Hidetaka, Naomasa Naomasa, and Maeda Toshiie were somewhat famous, but they could not serve as generals.

As the sun turned westward, Oda Nobunaga's worries gradually increased. The soldiers fighting fiercely in front of the battle gradually became tired. Although they were full after the morning meal, they were already empty after fighting for half a day. They were fighting under the scorching sun.

It was a very painful thing. The entire Western Army was thirsty, hungry, tired and exhausted. When this pain accumulated to a critical point, it was the beginning of collapse.

He can be sure that the Eastern Army's front line should be like this. The unified black armor is indeed majestic, but this color is usually not worn in summer. It is also a try. Not understanding the principles of sunlight does not affect people's understanding that black easily absorbs light.

.Under the same conditions, the Western army wearing colorful armor should have an advantage.

Oda Nobunaga stared at the battlefield coldly. He thought to himself: "But there are many soldiers in the East! They can take turns to fight, eat and drink, bandage the wounded, and hide in the shade of trees to rest, but we can't! We want to kill them.

If one person from the Eastern Army is killed, the Western Army will have to pay twice or even three times the price. Sooner or later, the military disadvantage will become larger and larger, and this war will definitely fail!"

Perhaps the world thinks Oda Nobunaga is a crazy and arrogant samurai. But his excellent strategy and accurate judgment, as well as his outstanding military and political talents, are all amazing talents that make others envious. More importantly, he has good fortune. Several times

Gambling has always been successful, and no matter how difficult the war is, it can always be turned around in the end. This is the most convincing point for generations of the Oda family tree.

After a brief thought, Oda Nobunaga immediately ordered: "Bashu, Katsu Saburo, you and I will lead an army of 10,000 to assist Shibata Katsuie. We must repel Takikawa Tokiyoshi to open up the situation. Once Takigawa Tokiyoshi leads his troops,

Retreat. Immediately contact the Mori Dianma Temple for support. I understand the war at Fushimi Mountain. Several envoys sent by our family have not returned. I need you to send people to see how far the fighting has gone."

"I will fulfill my mission!" Hideyoshi Hashiba and Tsuneaki Ikeda bowed and retreated. Mitsuhide Akechi quietly glanced at Niwa Nagahide's hesitant expression, then turned to look at Murai Sadakatsu's busy statistics of losses, and simply lowered his head.

The head pretends not to know.

Oda Nobunaga looked at the battlefield and said in his heart: "This is the last chance. The Mori family must hold on!"

At this moment, a burst of cheers suddenly came from the front line. Soon an envoy came and said excitedly: "Saito Chonobu and his army have retreated! The Eastern Army has retreated!"

"What? Saito Asanobu retreated?" Oda Nobunaga asked urgently: "Did Takigawa Tokimasu, Shima Tokikatsu retreat?"

Shiban shook his head in confusion, indicating that he had not heard the relevant information. Then he saw Oda Nobunaga's expression suddenly changed, and shouted: "The Eastern Army is trying to cheat! Give the order not to pursue, organize the formation and cut in."


The response of the Oda Army's main formation was not unsatisfactory. It took only a moment for the formation to reorganize and return to a prepared posture. No matter how many tricks the Eastern Army played, don't worry about it. Just don't rush over and be fooled. But this time the Eastern Army did not

There was no deceit, Saito Asanobu did withdraw, but instead of replacing a new general, he replaced it with a powerful weapon, an artillery piece.

Kato Kyouaki directed the gunners to load gunpowder shells. When the thirty artillery pieces were ready, he drew his sword and shouted: "Artillery preparations! Fire!"

Thunderous artillery fire spurted out, followed by billowing smoke. The huge inference generated by the explosion of gunpowder threw the solid iron ball at extremely high speed, carrying huge kinetic energy across the vast battlefield and drawing a beautiful arc.

After sinking into the leading position of the Oda army, a fast-moving cannonball penetrated the head of a samurai on the spot. The moment his head exploded, it quickly passed through the body of the samurai behind him and shattered the latter's body.


Until the shell hit the ground and caused a huge impact, causing splashing sand and gravel to scatter in all directions. Each stone was like a bullet from an iron cannon, carrying a huge force and hitting the body of Sergeant Oda, causing serious damage on the spot.

More than 20 people died, and dozens of others were directly injured. Thirty artillery shells hit the front lines of the Oda Army, causing more than 1,000 casualties, which was a head-on blow to the Oda Army's newly boosted morale.

The destructive power caused by the artillery was second to none. The most important thing was the loud noise instantly blasted by the thirty half-snake cannons. Even in the distant Kyoto city, it could be heard clearly. The loud thunder deeply shocked the Western warriors.

Many ashigaru were so frightened that they fell down and collapsed on the ground. They didn't care about going into battle to kill the enemy. They quickly clasped their hands and prayed devoutly, muttering prayers such as blessings from gods and Buddhas.

The soldiers of the Western Army were wavering. Among the more than 100,000 soldiers present, no one had seen the power of artillery. There was no way to know the battle for maritime supremacy in Osaka Bay. The Otomo Army, the only one with artillery, withdrew to the mainland early. The two kingdoms of the Otomo family collapsed.

In order to obtain trade rights, Portuguese merchants reluctantly sent away the three-pound eagle cannons on armed merchant ships. Compared with the nine-and-a-half-pound snake cannons deployed in front of the Eastern Army's formation, their prestige and lethality were far inferior.

Oda Nobunaga was also stunned by this blast of artillery fire. He watched dozens of corpses being thrown to the ground by the shock wave of the artillery shells. This shock was definitely more exaggerated than hearing a hundred fables told by Frois. As early as

Many years ago, he had heard that there was a magical firearm in the Southern Barbarians that could make sounds that could only be made by gods, and could punish sinners far away. Today, he finally saw the true face of this firearm.

Staring at the dark thing visiting the Eastern Army, Oda Nobunaga clenched his fists and said angrily: "The country is collapsing! It must be the country's collapse that the Otomo family once said! One cannon exploded and the enemy's country collapsed.

The collapse of the country! He took out thirty of the precious firearms that the Southern Barbarians had not exchanged for thousands of dollars at a time! No... it was more than thirty, maybe fifty. The remnants of the Awaji Navy once mentioned that the Eastern Army had

The Nanman galleons and the collapse of the country, he actually has so many secret firearms, what a good intention!"

After a while, a young man in brocade clothes came over with a royal book in his hand and said: "Continue to command at the Oda Council Hall, and the officers and men of the Western Army must not violate the rules..."

"Wait a minute!" Oda Nobunaga waved his hand to interrupt the messenger's declaration, and said impatiently: "Just tell me, where has His Highness gone?"

The messenger said nervously: "His Royal Highness Gongkata said that he is not feeling well and will return to Nijo Imperial Palace first."

"Hmph! Did you really run away first? Let him go!" Oda Nobunaga waved his hand to repel the messenger, took a deep breath and said loudly: "The whole army listens to the order! The target Eastern Army's main formation launches a general attack, and it must be destroyed

The artillery in front of the Eastern Army's formation! As long as the Eastern Army's firearms are destroyed, there is still a chance of victory! I believe Nobunaga will never be wrong!"

Oda Nobunaga was still trying to hold on, but unfortunately he didn't know that the morale of the Western Army had hit rock bottom with the appearance of artillery. The generals of the army had already been frightened by the Eastern Army. When the second round of artillery roared like thunder,

, the moment they continued to wreak havoc on the Oda Army's leading positions, the generals of each army turned around and retreated at almost the same moment.

The seemingly stalemate situation is just an illusion. The Eastern Army still has at least 100,000 elite troops who have not entered the battlefield. Perhaps they are waiting for the moment when the artillery fire is concentrated to use all their strength to defeat their group of tired soldiers like autumn wind.

Clean it up like fallen leaves, and then look back and see that your persistence and sacrifice are meaningless. Instead of dying meaninglessly on this land, it is better to run as far as you can to find a chance of life, and go straight to your hometown if you have a home to return to.

Let's go. If you don't have a home to go back to, go to Kyoto.

Mouri Terumoto reacted faster than them. The moment the artillery boomed, he knew deeply that the Eastern Army would win without a doubt, so he immediately announced that he would change his banner to the Eastern Army's flag, and met with Honjo Nobunaga who came after him.

More than 10,000 people, as well as more than 10,000 people under Hojo Takahiro, Kurokawa Kiyomizu, and Yasuda Keimoto who were ambushing in the Yamashina Basin, gathered together to form a 50,000-strong army and rush towards Yodo City, trying to seal the Western Army while it had not yet retreated.

Their retreat to Kyoto.

The battle was stalemate until mid-afternoon, when the Western Army collapsed. The generals of each army dragged their own troops and fled westward desperately. If they grabbed the ferry earlier, they could only grab the ferry of the friendly forces if they were too late. It was really crowded.

If you can't get up, flee southwest along the Yodogawa River. In short, the faster you run, the better. You don't care that Kawachi Province, Izumi Province and Sakai Town on the south bank of the Yodogawa River have long been controlled by the Eastern Army.

Perhaps the total collapse came too suddenly. The battle that was neatly organized a moment ago suddenly collapsed into chaos. In an instant, the battlefield between the two rivers turned into a scene of chaos. Only the black-armored knights were seen chasing the soldiers of the Western Army.

To escape, some brave Eastern Army warriors took out the lasso, trapped the fleeing general like a horse, and dragged him around.

The cries and wailings were endless, and the originally evenly matched war turned into a one-sided massacre. Surrounded by hundreds of horsemen, Oda Nobunaga slowly left this sad place. Before leaving, he had a livid face and was filled with hatred.

He glanced at the battlefield with hatred, and saw the golden-armored warrior in the distance walking slowly through the turbulence, escorted by the white-armored cavalry.

"Saburo Kira, you treacherous and despicable villain! I, Nobunaga, will always remember this hatred and shame!" (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

This chapter has been completed!
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