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Chapter 598 Changes and Lizhong Palace

Perhaps it was Oda Nobunaga's plea before his death that Minamoto no Yoshitoki gave up his intention to execute the male members of the Oda family. Even Oda Nobunaga's other two sons, Chasakimaru and Sanchimaru, were not executed.

On the afternoon of the Yuanfu ceremony, the two children were sent to Yamato Kokofukuji Temple to become novice monks, and they would spend their entire lives under the supervision of the monks in the temple.

For Oda Nobunaga, Minamoto no Yoshiki still had some pity. This child was one year older than his legitimate son Ashikaga Yoshiyasu, and he was only thirteen years old now. Considering that Oda Nobunaga had been with him for many years,

They have a very close relationship, and even if this Owari trend-setter dies like a lamp, there is no deep hatred. There is no need to worry about his son causing trouble, after all, he is still his son-in-law.

In the early years, Oda Nobunaga raised the hope of marriage. Initially, he hoped to establish a marriage relationship with the legitimate daughters of the Ashikaga family. However, the legitimate daughters of the Minamoto no Yoshi period were very valuable, and it was not the turn of his legitimate sons to marry, so he had to

The next best thing was to have A-Inu's eldest daughter Ashikaga Yukihime marry his cousin Kiyomaru as his wife.

Oda Nobunaga's funeral was held hastily. Akechi Mitsuhide had already passed through the Kanto Shogun's Palace and led troops into the Nijo Imperial Palace that night, so he would definitely not come. Hashiba Hideyoshi and Shibata Katsuie had just surrendered and did not dare to

Come on, Niwa Nagahide, Ikeda Tsuneki didn't dare to come because he was in confinement, and Takigawa Kazumasuki was recommended by his brother Takigawa Masushige to escape the confinement, so naturally he didn't dare to come, so the funeral was very crowded, only a bunch of Oda family members

The old and young came to shed a handful of sad tears.

As a widow, Nohime brought Oda Nobutada in Gogen uniform to thank her relatives and friends. Suddenly, hundreds of Ryujo knights wearing heavy armor broke into the venue, and Minamoto no Yoshitoki, who was wearing black court uniform, walked into the venue. It really affected Orihime.

The old people of the Tian family were very frightened. Yuan Yishi ignored the expressions of these people. He walked up to the soul and burned a stick of incense, then stepped back a few steps and clasped his hands to pray for the deceased.

Saito Guidi hurriedly pulled Oda Nobutada to kneel down and thank Minamoto no Yoshitsune: "I was so frightened that I didn't expect the right general to come..."

Yuan Yishi smiled and said: "Mrs. Saito is exempt from the gift, and it is fate that Yu and Nobunaga meet. Although the camp is limited to two points for the enemy and us, Yu still admires his talent and ability very much. He just walked on a path that he shouldn't have walked."

I don't hate him at all, so I think it's the duty of a friend to see him off before he leaves!"

Saito Guiche was very moved. The current situation of the Oda family was almost like a rat crossing the street and everyone was shouting to beat him. Minamoto no Yoshi was able to make a fair comment on Oda Nobunaga so generously. This was not a show but a tribute to Nobunaga.

A kind of protection of the Oda family, the right general Jinchou Tamagon will be of great help to the future survival of the Oda family.

Minamoto no Yoshi smiled and nodded, then turned to the timid Oda Nobutada and said, "Kankuro, do you know why your father died?"

"Because..." Oda Nobutada nervously replied: "Rebellion."

Minamoto Yoshitoki said seriously: "You are wrong to think so. He is because his heart is too big. Although he is a talented and capable warrior, his ambition is too big. It is beyond everyone's imagination.

, so big that even Yu wanted to oppose him, and everyone in the world wanted to oppose him, so he died! Remember, don’t hate your father, he was just one step further than this era.

Of course, don't hate Yu. Even if Yu doesn't kill him, someone will kill him sooner or later. People who transcend the times will be obliterated. If you really want to hate, just hate this troubled era! If it is a peaceful time, then

There would be no such disasters in the world, countless families would not be separated from wives and children, and your father would not die a tragic death."

Oda Nobutada nodded ignorantly. The young man could not understand such complicated words, so he just kept it in his mind silently. Subconsciously, he felt that his father-in-law was an outstanding warrior who was upright and upright, and his father also thought he was wise and very capable.

Enlightened samurai, perhaps it is not they who are wrong, but this era.

The Battle of Ujigawa, which involved as many as 420,000 troops, ended with the Eastern Army's complete victory over the Western Army. The Eastern Army took advantage of the victory to pursue and sweep away the Western and Shikoku countries. In mid-September, the troops had crossed Nagato Province and landed on Kyushu.

The people from all walks of life in Kyushu who were making a pot of porridge were frightened and hurriedly surrendered to the Eastern Army.

The envoys of the Otomo family thought they could come the fastest, taking advantage of the geographical advantage, but when they arrived at Chikuzen Province, they discovered that Shimazu had been sitting in the Eastern Army camp and laughing at them for a long time. As early as the beginning of the year, when the emperor issued the decree of Darun,

The Shimazu family had already started preparing a plan to communicate with the Eastern Army. The reason for opposing the Western Army was very simple. First, the Shimazu family believed that the Eastern Army would win. Secondly, a handwritten letter from Minamoto Yoshitoki came to Shimazu Yoshihisa's desk, asking him what he wanted to do.

Still not a Kamakura royal family.

These words were embedded in Shimazu Yoshihisa's heart. The imperial family is the most boastful story of the Shimadzu family. Back then, Kyushu's 200,000-strong army helped the old and young to follow Ashikaga Takauji.

He was naturally obedient, but later Imagawa Ryoujun appeared and stirred up troubles in Kyushu, almost severing the relationship between the Kyushu people and the shogunate. This time, when the mainstay of the Minamoto family was Minamoto no Yoshi, he was a samurai with a very good reputation.

The same letter was sent to the Otomo family as early as the beginning of the year, but Otomo, who was baptized as Francisco, didn't care at all. The Kamakura family was too far away for him. He even dared to kill his own father, let alone the eight-pole fight.

As a result, the ancestors who could not reach Chikuzen were slower when they arrived at Chikuzen. The Ryuzoji clan, the Sagara clan, the Ito clan and other samurai clans who came after them could only watch in stunned silence as the Shimazu family succeeded first.

The news of the pacification of Kyushu came just in time for the news of the pacification of the Shikoku. It was not until November that the army returned in triumph, escorting the Western samurai from all over the country back to Kyoto. Minamoto no Yoshi issued a reform order on a large scale to the Kinki, Saikoku, and Shikoku samurai families.

, Miyoshi, Ikeda, Matsunaga, Hatano, Akamatsu, Urakami, Yamana, Chosogabu, Kono, and other daimyo and their accompanying retainers' territories were all changed.

Regarding the transfer of the Western Kingdom Maori family, Minamoto no Yoshi listened to the opinions of the Yuren judges and believed that the two countries An Yun and Ishimi were shielding the Yin and Yang, which was detrimental to the country, so he decided to adjust it to Izumo and Iwami two three hundred thousand koku.

, the Uki family received a territory of 100,000 koku from the Bizen half country, the Nizi family was transferred to the two counties of Bizen for 50,000 koku, the Inaba Takeda clan received 30,000 koku from the Hoqi Kingdom, and the Bichō Mimura clan received a territory of 100,000 koku from the Midori Kingdom. The other small countrymen received Anzu or transfer

To name a few.

Otomo Yoshijin, Ryuzoji Takanobu, Sagara Yoshihiro, Ito Yoshisuke and other Kyushu warriors often ignored Minamoto Yoshitoki's orders. Although they withdrew from the Western Army in time, they had no intention of surrendering. Therefore, the crime of belonging to the Western Army was unavoidable.

It is also necessary to order the reduction and transfer of seals. Among them, Ryuzoji Takanobu transferred the seal to the latter half of the country, Sagara Yoshihiro transferred the seal to the Mizukuni 50,000 koku, and Ito Yoshisuke transferred the seal to the Hokugoku 50,000 koku. This reduction measure is very harsh.


Otomo Yoshizhen transferred the title of Tosa Ikoku and told him that despite Tosa Ikoku's apparent height being less than 100,000 koku, in fact, it only takes three generations of development to develop new fields and it can increase to more than 300,000 koku. Haosheng persuaded him not to be discouraged.

, how can Otomo Yoshizhen believe in Gentoki's nonsense? Even if Tosa Country is really that magical, so what?

He has the title of guardian of the six kingdoms of Kyushu: Bunzen, Bungo, Chikuzen, Chikugo, Hizen and Higo. He has 60,000 elite soldiers overlooking the vast land of Kitakyushu. He can be said to be a warrior who will enter the clouds like rain.

How could Minamoto no Yoshitoki be allowed to reduce his seal to that poor place in a corner with just one word? The height of this Tosa country is only 90,000 koku, which is not enough to fill the gap between his teeth.

Otomo Yoshijin was very angry and felt that the right general was just being ridiculous. He immediately joined forces with Ryuzoji Takanobu, Sagara Yoshihiro, and Ito Yoshisuke in Kyoto to discuss returning to Kyushu to launch an attack. As a result, the conspiracy that night was discovered by the Ninja Army, and Hattori Masakiyoshi took him with him.

The prosecutors led by Nagao Yoshikage broke in and caught them while they were writing their oaths.

When Minamoto no Yoshi learned about this, he was furious. He immediately captured all the Kyushu samurai who participated in the rebellion, and exiled their families, old and young, to Oshu to open mountains and mine, and punished them with the confiscation and conversion of their territory. Otomo, Ryuzoji Temple,

Former ministers of the four clans of Sagara and Ito were selected into the Eastern Army system, such as Tachibana Michyuki, Takahashi Shoun, Nabeshima Naoshige and others were directly promoted to the imperial family, while hardliners such as Kai Soun were exiled together.

To Oshu.

The next step was to transfer the title of one's own general. At this time, a problem was encountered. Should the opening be held in the name of the general who conquered the barbarians? Emperor Masachachi who returned to Ouchi also urged Minamoto no Yoshi to open the opening, but the court encountered a

It's a big trouble. Today's emperor is a puppet supported by Ashikaga Yoshiaki and Oda Nobunaga. Logically, this pseudo-emperor should be deposed and exiled. For example, Emperor Andoku, who was once supported by Taira Kiyomori, belongs to this kind of pseudo-emperor. Once the Taira clan

The collapse of the regime caused Emperor Anto to commit suicide by jumping into the sea along with the Hegemony.

Now Ashikaga Yoshiaki and Oda Nobunaga are imprisoned and killed. According to the rules, the false emperor must at least be deposed and exiled. However, exiled the emperor will bring another trouble. The emperor of the town will only be the legitimate son of the emperor. Exiling him

Therefore, it is necessary to support a prince from the family of Prince Fushimi to become the emperor, which is something that Emperor Masachimachi and the ministers of the imperial court cannot allow.

Minamoto no Yoshi had to solve this problem before it opened. From the time after the Battle of Ujigawa in the summer until the winter, he stayed in Kyoto to figure out how to deal with this huge trouble. Reason told him that he should take the opportunity to support the family of Prince Fushiminomiya.

The children of the Prince of Fushimi Palace were the heirs, and Emperor Masashichi happened to have a few sons who were the legitimate sons of Prince Fushimi's family.

But considering the relationship between the imperial court and the shogunate, he should take such an obvious action, which is easily reminiscent of the domineering Hojo family and the equally arrogant Ashikaga Takauji. This may create certain hidden dangers for the shogunate and the imperial court.

, will also give his descendants a very bad start, making them think that bullying the imperial court is an easy task.

When a general does not know how to respect the authority of the court, it is the beginning of contempt for the martial law and trampling on the system. If he changes his own laws day by day and tramples on them arbitrarily, he is not qualified to be convinced, let alone win the trust of the world. The flower of evil blooms quietly in the domineering, just like

The Tokugawa shogunate's arrogant attitude towards the imperial court for more than two hundred years was finally destroyed.

Just when he was worried about how to deal with the difficult troubles, Nagao Torahime came to Kyoto with his wife and children, along with his sister-in-law Konoe Kenko and Minamoto no Yoshitoki's two adopted daughters Ashikaga Teru. Hime, Ashikaga Junhime, when he saw Ashikaga Kaguhime becoming an increasingly humble girl, a light flashed in his heart.

"In the Forbidden Incident, Harutoyo Osamuji and Nijo Haruyoshi acted as sycophants. Although he is now under house arrest and cannot leave the house, his sister Fujiwara Haruko is safe and sound. The sister of the culprit who participated in the rebellion is not You should continue to be a female imperial concubine..."

As soon as the thoughts popped up in his head, he couldn't stop them. Minamoto Yoshi couldn't help but put his hands on his hands and laughed: "It doesn't matter even if Fujiwara Haruko continues to be a female imperial concubine. The child she will give birth to will become a concubine and lose the qualification to become the emperor, so I decided to respectfully ask the emperor to establish the palace as soon as possible! Kaguhime was born in the first year of Hongji (1555), and is slightly three years younger than the emperor. They are a good couple, so it’s decided!" (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels Better updates faster!

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