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Chapter 50 The Conflict of Believers

On a whim, Kira Manshomaru decided to drive around Tsushima Town in a simple car. Yamaoka Zenjiro and Isshiki Shiro hurriedly stopped his impulse. Finally, after Kira Manshomaru's sincere persuasion, they reluctantly agreed to travel with only fifteen people in civilian clothes. In fact, they

He is too timid, and with the guerrillas formed by Hattori Masakii, there is no one who can sneak attack him.

Tsushima first arose in the Monzen Town of the Udo Tenno Shrine, and later gradually formed five densely populated residential areas, including Mizaza, Tsushita, Market, Raft Farm, and Shimomura. They were also called Tsushima Five Villages. In the past hundred years, Tsushima has

Gradually taking on the important tasks of taxation and annual tribute transfer for the Ise Kuwana County court, it also further promoted the commercial development of the area.

The Minotaur Tenno Festival is very famous. According to the townspeople, Oda Nobunaga would wear a shrine maiden costume every time he held the Minotaur Festival in the past few years. While beating the small drum, he would dance to pray to the gods. Many people said that Oda

Nobunaga's dress in women's clothing is very attractive, and this legend has been widely spread. It is basically as famous in Owari country as the Owari Big Red Deer.

Walking outside a bar, I heard some townspeople whispering: "...Speaking of which, the young master of the Oda family is really a good person! He comes to participate in Tsushima's Gyudu Tenno Festival every year. He is really a very pious person.


"Yes! The dancing of the gods is so beautiful. My two daughters can't dance. They are so stupid!" Another person came over to talk, causing several companions to burst into laughter.

"Listen? There seems to be something going on. Let's go over and have a look!" Several townspeople heard the news and ran out to watch the excitement. As expected, the end of the street was already crowded with people, as if they were having a heated argument.

"It's starting to fight! Look! That man is a samurai! He's drawing his sword!" But after a while, there was a scream, and then the crowd was in chaos. After a while, twenty or thirty monk soldiers carrying naginata rushed over, looking fierce.

They drove away the townspeople who blocked the road, and the murderous samurai was hacked to death by the naginata monks without even a chance to resist. Then the monk soldiers dispersed the crowd watching the excitement and cleaned the battlefield.

The townspeople saw that the excitement was gone and were about to disperse. At this time, another group of people rushed over. The leader seemed to have seen it before. Fifty or sixty people wearing colorful clothes and holding swords and guns surrounded the group of monks. The townspeople surrounded the group of monks.

As soon as they saw something was wrong, they immediately ran away. Some people were still shouting: "The Hattori family is coming! The Ichigo Sect is going to war with the Lotus Sect! Everyone, run away!"

"The Hattori family? Four families, four surnames, and the Hattori Party among the seven names? I seem to have seen him at the banquet a few days ago. His name is Hattori Tomosada!" Kira Manshomaru has a good memory, and he quickly remembered the name of this familiar man.

, he seems to live in Quimpu, west of Tsushima, and is a member of the 15th Party of Tsushima who controls water transportation.

Kira Mansomaru looked at whether the confrontation in front of him would dissipate for a while. He shook his head and walked to a bar to sit down. He ignored the humble smile of the bar owner and said: "Masakiyoshi! What does Hattori Tomosada have to do with your family?"


"Master, Hattori Tomosada is the governor of the lower Hattori family. The lower family is the middle Hattori family. My elder brother, the chief security officer, is a member of the Chigaji clan." Hattori Masakiyoshi appeared from nowhere and knelt down beside him.

Said sideways in a low voice.

"I see, then Hattori Tomosada is also accessible?"

"You can contact him, but I can't guarantee whether he will obey the orders of a subordinate." Hattori Masakiyoshi replied with some anxiety.

Kira Manshomaru nodded with understanding, and said: "It doesn't matter, I don't want you to give any orders, so I will tell Hattori Tomosada on behalf of my family that people outside the country should regard peace as the most important thing, and don't commit murder in the streets due to sectarian disputes.

Those who commit unnecessary killings in the town will go to hell!"

"Yes!" Hattori Masakiyoshi withdrew and disappeared for some reason. The bartender who was talking to him just now also regained consciousness and found that he was lying in front of the guests. He quickly got up and asked enthusiastically: "Your Majesty,

What do you want to order?"

"If you have any specialties, bring them over!" A faint smile appeared on Kira Mansomaru's lips.

Not long after, there was another round of discussion from the townspeople who were peeping in the street: "Huh? It looked like there was going to be a fight just now, why did it disperse now? When did the Hattori family become so easy to talk to?"

"I clearly saw the Hattori family samurai looking puzzled. It looked really strange!"

"I can't understand! I can't understand! It seems that my old man is getting older and can't keep up with the ideas of young people."

"You're obviously only forty years old, why are you rushing in front of me? You bastard!"

"Speaking of which, it's time to go back!" Kira Mansomaru tasted a river fish feast, then clapped his hands and left Yamaoka Zenjiro to pay the bill, and walked out of the bar leisurely with everyone around him.

As expected, the pedestrians on the street returned to order. Except for the hawkers who had been smashed and smashed their stalls, crying and cleaning up the mess, it was impossible to tell that a killing field with blood splattered five steps had just been created here. The blood stains on the ground were covered with fine sand, and the people on the street were covered with blood.

The hawker continued to hawk his wares, and it was not long before all was forgotten.

"Is the essence of this era that human lives are worthless? The Yixiang Sect and the Hokke Sect are really arrogant!" Kira Manshomaru sighed and turned to leave.

Because of the prosperity of the five villages in Tsushima Shocho Town, commerce was most developed in the town, and all the shopping malls were among the five villages. The gaps between the five villages later became major temples and more civilian residential areas. Due to the lack of

According to the planning, this area is similar to the slums of later generations. It is full of privately constructed buildings, the streets are narrow and dark, and the ground is full of sewage. It is like a different world from the prosperous Tsushima.

Kira Mansatsumaru had no interest in hanging around here, but he just met an interesting little boy who changed his mind. The little boy's age was hard to tell, but he was about the same height as him, and his messy clothes were just like Oda's.

Nobunaga was similar. He had already tied a tea spoon on his head even before he entered the Yuan Dynasty. His face was covered with flour from nowhere. He carried a bamboo gun and shot five people one against five on the street.

The boy who was a few years older than him was so scared that he was running away. His name was Keijiro.

During the Warring States Period, there were only eight hundred or so people named Keijiro. However, Keijiro, who had been playing Qinqi since he was a child, seemed to have only one person. Kira Manshomaru was still not sure whether it was the Keijiro he was looking for, so he could only

Follow the little boy named Keijiro into this slum-like residential area.

The little boy didn't know how to be on guard yet, so he didn't notice anything strange as he was being followed all the way. It wasn't until he came to a low house that he looked around. Kira Mansomaru avoided the little boy's hasty glances after briefly dodging.

He ran to the well to wash off the flour on his face, took off the rope on his head and spread out the tea spoon. After a while, he turned into a lovely child with a lovable appearance. The little boy took a deep breath and seemed to encourage himself.

, and then got into the dilapidated house without saying a word.

"What an interesting guy. Whether he is that person or not, it is worth taking a look!" Kira Manshomaru walked to the dilapidated house gate with great interest.

Before I even entered the door, I heard scoldings coming from inside: "Keijiro! You ran out to have fun again! Why is there less flour in the house again! Tell me! Did you use it to wipe your face again? Our family doesn't even have food.

It’s almost too much to eat, how can you still use that flour to wipe your face! Don’t you know that these flours are gifts for noble people? You must admit your mistake when uncle comes back later!”

"Brother! That's my new outfit. That's how Owari Shita Oda's young master dresses up! I also want to be his samurai. With Keijiro's spear skills and bravery, I will definitely succeed!" Keijiro was dissatisfied.

's retorted.

"Shut up!" A majestic voice of a strong man came out, and the man scolded: "Look what you are talking about! Why don't you go back to the house and reflect! If you talk back to your brother again, don't eat dinner!"

Kira Mansomaru stood outside the house and paused for a moment. The smile on his lips became a little thicker. He raised his hand and knocked lightly on the wooden door.

"Dong dong dong!"

This chapter has been completed!
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