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Chapter 55

New news came from the Hattori family, and the new changes in Kanto finally reached Kinki after a delay of half a month, because Takasuke in Adoma supported his grandson Ashikaga Fuji as the new prince of Kanto and issued an order

Crusade against Hojo Uyasu who killed Lord Kanto. After learning the news, Hojo Uyasu was furious and immediately sent Hojo Tsunari to lead an army to surround the Furukawa Imperial Palace. Kanto, which had just calmed down, was once again plunged into a huge storm, but not long ago.

I know where it will go this time.

Because of this series of changes, the people of Kanto who had been shaken by the night battle in Kawagoe cheered up again. In addition, the Hojo family had committed an irreparable crime by killing Lord Kantō. At this time, they surrounded Furukawa Imperial Palace and threatened to kill Kada Takasuke.

The arrogance was simply shocking. The Kanto samurai family all took up the banner of revenge for the Ashikaga Haru clan and called on the Kanto samurai family to rise up against the tyranny of the Hojo family. For a time, the Kanto wealthy family was turbulent.

"Has the Hojo family surrounded the Furukawa Imperial Palace?" Kira Manshomaru was greatly surprised. The death of Ashikaga Haruji also caused quite a stir in the Kinai. Many people lamented the unclear world and the loss of morals, such as Miyoshi, Hojo and other traitors.

It seems that the Wu family's regime is really about to collapse.

The monks of the Hokke Sect took the opportunity to promote the theory of the end of Dharma and attracted a large number of believers. For a time, the Hokke Sect, known as the Nichiren Sect, returned to the Kinai to gain a foothold. Hieizan Enryakuji Temple was very dissatisfied with this, and of course it was not.

I am also very satisfied with the Ishiyama Honganji Temple. The two monks are operating in Kyoto in the hope of squeezing out the Hokke Sect. Unfortunately, Kyoto is in chaos. The Imperial Palace and the Crown Prince went to Omi for vacation.

Running around, I can only wait with trepidation for the Miyoshi family's next move.

Sakamoto Imperial Palace is also the final destination of the Kira family's Kamikawa army. The shogunate learned the news about the Kira family's Kamikawa army early, so they sent the ministers Zhongzawa Sabu Sukemitsu to wait in Otsu early. After entering Sakamoto Imperial Palace, they met Odate who was staying here.

Zaemon Saharimitsu and Kuchiki Palace Young Assistant Harutsuna finally learned that neither the Grand Imperial Palace nor His Highness Kōkata was in the Sakamoto Imperial Palace.

It turned out that the father and son Ashikaga Yoshiharu and Ashikaga Yoshito were unwilling to be driven out of Kyoto again, so they ran to activities near Jishoji Temple outside Kyoto City, preparing to build a Nakao Castle on the Nakao Peak in the back mountain of Jishoji Temple.

And use it as an offensive base to further seize control of Kyoto.

Jishoji Temple is the Ginkakuji Temple. The temple built by Higashiyamaden Ashikaga Yoshimasa was originally intended to be comparable to the Kinkakuji Temple of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu in Luen Yuan. Unfortunately, this shogun was actually somewhat ineffective. Not only did he destroy the hearts and minds accumulated by the shogunate for hundreds of years, but also

During his reign, the Onin Rebellion broke out, which can be said to have lost the last bit of luck for the shogunate. The following generals all became the puppets of a powerful minister, such as the current Grand Imperial Palace, Ashikaga Yoshiharu, who has official business between Kyoto and Sakamoto.

It was so frequent that it created a miracle for the shogunate.

Of course, Ogosho's adoptive father Ashikaga Yoshimoto is also a good runner, and he is also the type of large-scale strategic transfer. The first time he was claustrophobic in Shodoshima is not included. The following Echichu, Echizen, and Zhou Fang ran around and finally got it back.

General, and after a few good years, he broke up with Hosokawa Takakuni again, and then he continued to run in Awa, Settsu, Sakai Town, and Awaji. Finally, he could no longer run and died of illness in Awaji.

The shogun's family has been a tragedy in recent decades. The beginning of the tragedy can be traced back to the Kagichi Rebellion more than a hundred years ago. After Ashikaga Yoshitaka was assassinated by Akamatsu Mitsuke, the Muromachi shogunate began to decline unstoppably. Ashikaga Yoshitsune was just All this was accelerated, and after Ashikaga Yoshinaga's defeat, Ashikaga Yoshisai was exiled in the Akita coup, and Ashikaga Yosumi's family was supported and completely destroyed the remaining power. From then on, running became a compulsory course for the shogun.

Odatezaemon Monsa Harumitsu and Kuchiki Palace Shaosuke Harutsuna serve as guards at the Sakamoto Imperial Palace. The former is the most trusted confidant of the Ashikaga Shogun family, and the latter controls the Kuchiki Valley in Takashima County adjacent to Sakamoto and is also the most supportive of the shogunate. Omi people, if these two people stay here to guard the Sakamoto Imperial Palace, they can rest assured and take care of their current situation, because they were both very unlucky to encounter the same thing, and their father died.

The father of Odate Harimitsu was the famous shogunate diplomat Odate Shoji. This man was a real longevity man. He had just celebrated his ninety-sixth birthday a few months ago, but he died within a few months. The old man had a long life. Even though he was heading west, it was considered a joyous occasion, so Harmitsu Odate, who was over fifty years old, was not very sad and even talked to Kira Manshomaru about the history of his father, Odate Tsuneki.

The Odate clan comes from the Nitta clan of the Genji family in Kawachi. It can be said that the Nitta clan has a strong and powerful family. This is a famous martial arts family that appears in "Taipingki". Compared with the one who calls himself the Nitta clan and is not famous, The counterfeiters from the Liangtian branch of the family have a higher standard than anyone else.

Because it is a powerful branch of the Nitta clan, the ancestor of the Odate clan, Akira, once followed Nitta Yoshisada and opposed Ashikaga Takauji. However, with the continuous victory of the Ashikaga family, the Nitta clan perished and turned to the embrace of the shogunate. The era became a public service, and later it was passed to the Odate Midwinter era. His daughter Konsenburo was fortunate enough to become Ashikaga Yoshimasa's wet nurse, and especially the Odate family was also promoted.

Perhaps because of the benefits of being a relative of the shogunate, the Odate family decided to become a relative. Odate Tsuneki's aunt Sako Odate married Ashikaga Yoshimasa as his concubine. During the time of Odate Tsuneki, he also considered himself a concubine. His daughter married Ashikaga Yoshiharu, the twelfth generation prince, and became his concubine.

It is precisely because of this that their family has been able to serve as the shogunate's nobility all the year round, and served as the fifth division of the public service during the Ashikaga Yoshinaga era, and as the imperial public service during the Choroku era. It can also be regarded as one of the many public service members beside the shogun. Get out of the way.

The recently deceased Odate Tsuneki was a senior figure in the six dynasties of Ashikaga Yoshimasa, Ashikaga Yoshinaga, Ashikaga Yoshinaga, Ashikaga Yosumi, Ashikaga Yoshiharu, and Ashikaga Yoshito. He experienced nearly a century of turmoil in Kinki. A few years ago After the battle at the Shrine Temple, the Grand Imperial Palace Ashikaga Yoshiharu fled in haste. Due to his old age, he followed the general and retreated to the Omi Sakamoto Imperial Palace. From then on, he stayed in a residence near the imperial palace. This old man always hoped to see the revival of the shogunate in his lifetime.

It was a pity that until he closed his eyes, he still received disappointing news. Ashikaga Yoshiharu was defeated and retreated to Omi Sakamoto. It was unclear when he would be able to return to Kyoto, let alone revive the great cause of the shogunate. I can pass away with endless regrets.

In comparison, Harutsuna Kuchiki was also unlucky. His father, Inetsuna Kuchiki, also died of illness unexpectedly at this time. Compared to the elderly man in Tai Kwun who passed away long ago, Inetsuna Kuchiki died of illness at the age of only fifty-one. , the Kuchiki family, like the Odate family, has a large number of children, and he himself was vigorously promoted as one of the first batch of compatriots to join the clan after Ashikaga Yoshitomoto took over.

Several younger brothers of the same clan, Kuchiki Fujitsuna, are the back house members, and Kuchiki Naritsuna is the suidu fanmen. Two younger brothers, Kuchiki Naotsuna, and Kuchiki Fujitaka also serve in the back house with Fujitsuna. They are the youngest sons of Kuchiki Harutsuna. Just born this year, the main wife is Asukai Masatsuna's daughter.

Kira Manshomaru can be sure that his son should be Kuchiki Motsuna, who was active in Omi in the future. His son will also marry the granddaughter of Asukai Masatsuna, a senior monk of the Takada sect of Jodo Shinshu, and a resident of Ise Kuni Ichiden Muryōjuji Temple. Yao Hui's legitimate daughter, this family has a very close relationship with the Asukai family.

Note: These two people are the two representatives of the Ashikaga Shogunate, the internal and external ministers, the Odate clan and the Kuchiki clan.

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