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Chapter 68

Kira Mansomaru appeared in the island family as Saijo Saburo, a noble relative of Kyoto. Although it aroused a certain degree of wariness among the island family, his pure Kyoto accent, a pair of elite and powerful horseback samurai, and a special nickname to serve... It looked like he was a well-connected person, at least not one that a wealthy island family from Pingqun Township could mess with.

The Shima family members are indeed very enthusiastic towards their guests. In other words, seeing the twenty-odd people in Kira Mansomaru's group dressed up in extraordinary ways and riding horses, they looked like rich and handsome men from medieval Japan, which made the Shima friends in the small place even more enthusiastic. He immediately asked people to catch fresh fish from the Pingqun River to make soup, steamed fresh rice from carefully stored rice, and made roasted venison from wild deer caught by his youngest son Zuonei.

"I didn't expect all the guests from Kyoto to come to our island city. I can only treat them to some rough country food. I'm sorry!" One of the island friends didn't show any shame at all. He seemed to be very proud. According to Shima Zuonai's confusion along the way He also roughly knows the special situation of the Shima family. In Kofukuji Temple and even in Yamato, their Shima family’s food is the most exquisite.

"It's nothing. Thank you for the warm hospitality of Toyozen Mamoru. It would be too abrupt for us to visit rashly." Kira Saburo said with a smile: "I feel sorry for disturbing Toyozen Mamoru's life, Zenjiro."

"Yes!" Zenjiro took out a well-made short knife, held it in both hands and handed it over.

"This is……"

"This is a short sword made by a famous craftsman in Sakai Town. Although it is not as good as Ribashi, it is better for family members to use for self-defense. I happened to buy an extra one in Sakai Town and gave it to Bunzen Shoden."

"How can you be so embarrassed...Okay! My friend is disrespectful!" Shima Tomozuki accepted it calmly under the pretense of refusal. A short sword made by a well-known swordsman is worth at least twenty ken. As a samurai, he can still see the good of weapons. bad.

Kira Manshomaru didn't care about Shima Yuzhi's little habit of taking advantage of others. Shima Yuzhi couldn't figure out this distinguished guest from Kyoto of unknown origin. Kira Manshou Maru was thinking about how to lure the future Shima Sakon away. After a while of polite words, Kira Manshomaru suddenly changed the topic: "My son, Sauchi, and I are very close to each other. I wonder if I can take him to Kyoto?"

"This... I'm afraid it's not very convenient." Shima Tomoyuki's face suddenly dropped. He just brought a son to Kyoto for you. What will our Shima family do? Besides, we still haven't figured out where you are from. Well, this thing is a swindler or even a liar sent by the Chunjing family. Wouldn’t the Dao family be tricked to death?

"Don't refuse in a hurry. What if I want you to be my servant?"

Tomoyuki Shima couldn't figure out his identity and intentions, and he didn't dare to offend him to the death. He could only ask in a low voice: "May I ask which noble family in Kyoto your Highness Saijo is?"

The meaning of this is very simple. If you want the legitimate son of the Dao family to be a valet, you have to reveal your identity. Don't fool me, a countryman, by using private visits in private. Countryside people are not that easy to deceive. I am a retainer of the Dao family. He also stood up with bad intentions, as if he was waiting for the governor to tie up the group of people as soon as he said something, and the atmosphere suddenly became weird.

Kira Mansomaru knew something bad was going on with just a glance from the corner of his eye, so he suddenly stood up decisively and said: "It seems that my family's first trip incognito is going to be exposed! Okay! Zenjiro!"

"Yes!" Zenjiro quickly took out his clothes and put on his hunting coat with the help of Xiao Xing. The beige vertical coat with the Ashikaga Nibiki family's crest printed on it immediately made everyone in the Shima family take a breath of cold air, "This...

Is this His Highness Gongfang from Kyoto? That’s not right! Why would His Highness Gongfang come to a small place like ours? Could it be that..."

"Hatakeyama... Oyakata-sama!" Shima Tomoyuki said with a trembling voice and quickly knelt down on the ground. All the Shima family members in the simple Ohiro room knelt down, including Shima who was playing with Takikawa Keijiro and Honda Miya.

Left inside.

"Wrong! It's not Hatakeyama, it's Kira Oyakata-sama!" Yamaoka Zenjiro immediately corrected him.

"Yes! Yes! Kira Oyakata-sama is here! It's really... It's really..." How could a small tycoon like Shima Tomomi have ever seen an Ashikaga clan like Oyakata? Whether it was Hatakeyama or Kira, he couldn't even think of it.

"But why did the nobles from Kyoto come to their home? Is it just for Zuouchi?"

The island friend glanced at Zuouchi with a questioning look on his face. Seeing that he was still in a daze, he sighed and made a decision secretly: "I heard that there is a big chaos in Kyoto, and it is still too dangerous to go there, so no matter what

You can’t let it go inside!”

"Everyone, please get up." He waved his hands and everyone stood up. All the island family members, including Shima Tomo, were silent. The people of the Shima family didn't know how to deal with this uninvited guest. Shima Tomo was thinking about how to prevent the nobleman from feeling guilty.

I refused this thing with shame.

Kira Mansomaru also had concerns, worried that being too tough would mess things up, so when everyone present was distracted, he walked over and asked Shima Sauchi: "I, Saburo Kira, want you to be my valet.

, are you willing?"

"..." Shima Sauchi glanced at his father, but saw that his father was blocked by a well-dressed young man. He still remembered the appearance of this young man, and it seemed that he had stepped over his archery skills and could not see it.

His father reminded that all he could see was that the young man smiled and nodded at him, and Shima Sauchi nodded at him involuntarily.

"Okay! From today on! Shimazanauchi will be my samurai, Kira Saburo!" Kira Mansomaru announced happily, and then the Kira family's samurai and samurai cheered loudly in celebration. Takikawa Kei

Jiro and Honda Miya hugged each other excitedly, celebrating that their duo had once again become a trio.

"My promise is still valid. I will give you a fine horse, a famous sword, and a strong bow. As long as you swear to the gods and Buddhas to be loyal to our family forever, all of these will be yours! Now I ask you, are you willing?"

?" Kira Mansomaru's voice was very gentle, but in everyone's ears it shocked everyone like a bell.

Everyone, including the Dao family, once again focused their attention on his young body. The island friend whose sight was blocked wanted to speak, but he was held down by two horse warriors on the shoulders and did not dare to move.

He almost jumped up in anxiety, "Should I shout to stop them? But will there be any bad effects of doing so? What if..."

Before Shima Tomo could weigh the pros and cons, Shima Sauchi broke the silence: "I, Shima Sauchi, swear an oath to Sakyamuni Tathagata to serve Kira Oyakata-sama!"

"Asshole! How could you agree!" Shima Tomo almost fell over when he heard this. Several retainers also shook. The young prince, who had been silent since he was a child, didn't think anything of it. Who knew that this would happen?

At that time, a blockbuster move suddenly occurred.

"If you want to serve the public, serve the public. You have to swear to the gods and Buddhas! You have to swear by Sakyamuni Tathagata. Don't you know that our Dao family is the official of Xingfuku Temple? Xingfuku Temple enshrines Sakyamuni Tathagata. How can I

I was so angry for having such a stupid child!" Shima Tomoyuki was so angry that he almost carried him away, but fortunately several Kira family samurai helped him in time to avoid making a fool of himself.

In the eyes of outsiders, the governor was too excited, and he really couldn't say anything. Since the oath had been made, it could not be changed, and Kira Mansomaru was still unwilling to give up and asked Zenjiro to stand beside him.

Hidetaka Nakajo, who had been silent, helped him draft the affidavit.

They also know that Lord Kira Oyakata is a ruthless person, and he will do everything right once so that the Shima family will have no chance to go back on their word in the future.

This chapter has been completed!
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