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Questions about Naokora Ii, the adopted daughter of the Imagawa family's marriage.

I didn't expect that this matter could cause such an uproar. I even had a quarrel in the group for half the night yesterday.

Because I talked about it very thoroughly in the group yesterday, and today I saw someone posting some very strange posts, I think it is necessary to open a separate post today to talk about it.

There are always people who can't keep up with me, which makes me very embarrassed. Every time I think I've explained it clearly enough in the book, there are still people who can't understand and even quarrel...

Enough chatter and get to the point.

First of all, what everyone needs to understand is that the Imagawa clan is a branch of the Kira clan, not a branch with no status at all, but the powerful Imagawa clan of Suruga. They are members of the Ashikaga clan, and their status is second only to Hosokawa, the third leader.


Secondly, Imagawa Yoshimoto must marry Yoshitoki Kira. Strengthening the bond of marriage was the foreign policy planned by the Imagawa family as early as 1550 after the Battle of Fukakusa.

The reason is very simple, the entire Mikawa Kingdom is the territory of the Kira family, the west four counties belong to the upper Kira family, and the east four counties belong to the lower Kira family.

Nowadays, the Imagawa family has failed to create a Mikawa Kira family. Imagawa Yoshimoto married his daughter Tsuruhime to Kira Yoshian, and brought the son-in-law of the "Mikawa Kira family" to Suruga to be raised as a canary. The purpose is to strengthen the

The control of the Three Rivers Kingdom.

Then it became a contradiction for the Kami-Kira family to retain self-control over the four western counties and at the same time have the Kyoto Kira family as an aid. Imagawa Yoshimoto originally appeased Kami-Kira and wooed Kira Yoshi to consolidate his rule. Now Mikawa's rule is impregnable.

It's time to reduce power.

This is also the inherent thinking of kings since ancient times.

But how to reduce power? When there is good reason, there will be no weakening at all. Otherwise, it may end up causing trouble.

On the other hand, Yoshitoki Kira is also worried that Yoshimoto Imagawa will play tricks, such as making a fuss about his brother Yoshihiro Kira, who has been imprisoned, and using his name to create something in Mikawa. Yoshitoki Kira will be unable to sit still.


Because the retainers of the Kira family in Kyoto are mainly composed of Mikawa samurai, if there is a problem on the home front, the samurai will cause trouble, especially now that the Kira family has just arrived in Kinai a few years ago and has not yet completely escaped the influence of Mikawa.

Then this becomes another situation, that is, the hemp stalks fight against the wolf in fear of both sides, and neither party dares to act rashly, so the only option is to marry to strengthen the bond.

But Imagawa Yoshimoto has no daughter! It’s definitely too late to rush to have a daughter now, so the only option is to adopt a daughter.

But who should he adopt? Imagawa Yoshimoto chose Sekiguchi Chi-Naga's daughter, Sekiguchi Sena, also known as the famous Tsukuyama-den, Tokugawa Ieyasu's wife. Everyone knew who this woman was and what she had done.

You said that although the protagonist is not well versed in the history of Japan's Warring States Period, he has played several games of Dark Shame. How could he not know who Sena Sekiguchi is?

Not to mention that it is impossible for her to be the first wife, even the concubine may not be willing. Regardless of whether she has been wronged in history, in Kira Yoshitoki's eyes, this is not a good woman.

So what should we do if we can't? Sekiguchi Chienaga was ordered to submit the covenant. The so-called covenant is similar to the European Middle Ages, which relies on marriage to maintain the covenant. How can he submit the covenant without a marriage contract? How can he go back and explain if the covenant fails?

Even if he lingers in Kira's house and refuses to leave, Sekiguchi Chinaga will never go back with his head down, especially if his daughter is rejected by such an embarrassing thing, he will not have the shame to hang out in the Imagawa house in the future.

And here, Kira Yoshitoki does not really want to refuse the alliance. An alliance with the Imagawa family is necessary to ensure the stability of the Mikawa rear area and the inviolability of interests, but he does not want that Sekiguchi Sena, so he can only change it. People.

So who should be replaced? Still the same question, why choose Naotora Ii? There are reasons for Naomasa Ii, but there are also other reasons.

First of all, there is no problem that the Sekiguchi clan comes from the common people of the Imagawa clan, but to what extent does it mean that they are common people? I can describe it to you.

A branch of the Imagawa clan, a branch of the Horikoshi Imagawa clan, a branch of the Sena clan, and the governor of the Sekiguchi clan, Sekiguchi Chikinaga.

In other words, it is a branch of the Imagawa Yoshimoto clan, a branch of the concubine family. But no matter how you say it, it is also a branch of the Imagawa family. In any case, it is also the [Imagawa Punishment Department Shaofu] family.

Then Sekiguchi Chinaga served as an envoy to the Kira family. It was not news in the Imagawa family. It was not surprising that he went on envoys again and again. However, not many people knew that he was responsible for forming alliances and even married his daughter. Only a few people.

If Sekiguchi Chinaga's marriage failed in the end and his daughter did not get married, it would be a slap in the face if she was replaced by another family, such as the daughter of the Sena clan of the Soke family or the Horikoshi clan of the higher Soke family.

The Sekiguchi family can commit seppuku, and as the host, Imagawa Yoshimoto will also be disgraced.

One school cannot be used by the public, so it is appropriate to have a public school. Then the problem arises. Sooner or later, the public will know the inside story, and in the future, it will lead to rampant internal fighting.

Secondly, is Imagawa Yoshimoto really assured that he will have a powerful son-in-law in his family? This will have a great impact on the stability of the Imagawa family system, and even affect the future of him and his legitimate son, the Imagawa clan. Governing authority.

For example, during the Hanacang Rebellion, Fukushima Masashige, a relative, could rely on his nephew Xuanguang Hui to investigate, and he dared to compete with Taiyuan Xuezhai and Imagawa Jugini of the Meiyue Chengfang sect. Once a powerful retainer rises, he will bring great power to the country. The Lord brings a lot of pressure.

If you are not good at genealogy, you can only look at the outside. Mikawa’s will definitely not work, and the Kira family will not be willing to do it. Choose from the people from Toge Suruga!

There are many suitable ones, as long as they are Chinese people who have always been suppressed miserably by the Imagawa family, but the prerequisite is that the Chinese people cannot be small. If they are small, people will think that the Imagawa family is not sincere and look down on the Kira family. more suitable?

Yes, it’s the Ii family!

Why is this family? I wrote it very clearly in the book. The Jingyi family is a powerful countryman of the Yuanjiang Kingdom, the lord of the Jingyi Valley, and a large countryman who ranks at the forefront of the Yuanjiang Kingdom.

In 1515, during the Ii Naohei era, the Ii family joined forces with the Shiba clan and the Kira clan to fight against the invasion of the Imagawa clan, the lord of Suruga.

In the end, the Shiba family who cheated his teammates collapsed, and the Kira family lost their pants and lost all the territory of the Toe Kingdom. The Ii family was also affected by the attack, and became the key target of the Imagawa family.

Why is this happening? The Shiba clan and the Kira clan are members of the famous Minamoto family. One is the Owari Ashikaga family and the other is the Kamizuki Ashikaga family. Moreover, the latter is the clan of the Imagawa clan. What can the Imagawa clan do? Even if they capture each other alive, they have to Accepting the mediation of the shogunate, he let go secretly.

But the Ii family is different. This family is clearly at odds with the Jinchan family. How can this be tolerated? If the Imagawa family gets angry, they will definitely destroy this family.

Then the Ii family suffered a tragedy. The three brothers Ii Naomune, Ii Naomi and Ii Naoyoshi were all unlucky. The second and third brothers were called to Sunfu and secretly executed for treason. The eldest brother died in battle in order to regain the trust of the Imagawa family.

At the foot of Mikawa Kuni Tahara Castle.

In the Ii Naomori era, marginalized people were still discriminated against and suppressed, but this family was similar to the Matsudaira family. They were all weaklings who could not be beaten to death. In an environment far worse than that of the Matsudaira family, they still managed to pull it back and regain their independence.

Even if the list of important ministers of the Imagawa family is added to the end, it is still better than before.

So, what are the benefits of Imagawa Yoshimoto choosing him? First of all, Ii's family will definitely be very well-behaved when they are hit one after another.

The family was facing extinction before he took refuge with the Mikawa Matsudaira family).

Secondly, this family has been severely suppressed, so there is no need to worry about the envy or jealousy of Gene Generation, or worry that he will rise up to threaten himself. Who cares about the attitude of a small strong man?

Finally, since Kira Yoshitoki did not object to this candidate, Imagawa Yoshimoto was also happy to give him a favor.

As for whether the Ii family will defect to the Kira family, they don't care at all. They can just surrender the Ii Valley's large territory directly, and the Imagawa family can confiscate it openly. Where can I find such a good thing?

Imagawa Yoshimoto has no foresight, and it is impossible to know what kind of famous general Ii Naomasa will be in which time and space. All he can calculate is that the Kira family wants to use the people of the Toe country to set up a plan, and it is hard to say what the specific plan is.

But he has the confidence to deal with all this, because he still has a caged bird in his hand! Kira Yoshiki is the Achilles heel of the Kira family. As long as he holds this card, Kira Yoshiki will not dare to make small moves against Mikawa.

As for the Ii family from the Toe country? They have been conquered by his father for forty years, and the Ii family was almost destroyed. What is Imagawa Yoshimoto afraid of? Is it difficult for someone to tell him to be careful of Matsudaira Takechiyo, whom he despises?

Then let me talk about the attitudes of both parties towards marriage. For Imagawa Yoshimoto, alliance is the most important. A successful alliance is a diplomatic victory in itself. Stabilizing Mikawa's dominance system is more important than anything else. This involves the Imagawa family's grand strategy.

Issues such as paving the way for the future attack on Owari must be completed under the stable Mikawa dominance system, so this must not be compromised. As long as the construction of this system is completed, the Imagawa family's dominance over Mikawa will be greatly enhanced, even far away.

This is beyond the control of Mikawa by the Imagawa family in history, which is where the political wisdom of Taiyuan Xuezai and Imagawa Yoshimoto lies.

As for the adopted daughter of the marriage, it doesn't mean much. If Kiragi is dissatisfied, just change her to another one. The premise cannot be to guard against possible conspiracy.

For Yoshitoki Kira, forming an alliance is also very important. Mikawa is his rear base and the hometown of all Mikawa samurai. The stability of the rear area is more important than anything else. Only by stabilizing the rear area can the people be reassured and the samurai have no worries.

In the future, there will be time to slowly solve the problem of Mikawa's ties to the Kira family, and try to minimize the impact of Mikawa's country on the Kira family, etc.

What needs to be said is that Kira Yoshitoki didn't care much about the candidates. The Ii family was an unexpected surprise. Before that, he had never thought about marrying the Imagawa family, let alone any prior planning to replace the Ii family.

The Imagawa family has done a good job of keeping it secret, and Imagawa Yoshimoto is also very confident that no outsider will know.

So what I am analyzing here is the necessity of the alliance between the two parties, as well as the marriage that is a by-product of the alliance, and how the marriage was replaced by Ii Naotora. This is not a decision made on the head, there are many pros and cons in it.

Maybe Wu Mei didn’t write these things out and people thought, “Oh, this paragraph is too naive.”

Wu Mei feels that if she writes it all out, some people will definitely say, "Look, you are writing too slowly, you need to speed up!"

If Wu Mei doesn't write, someone will immediately ask, why are you doing this...

So Wu Mei is very embarrassed, and I don’t know what to say. At the end, I emphasize the group number: 7813273

Wu Mei will not be in the book review section often, but she is in the group every day. If you say something in the group, Wu Mei will see it immediately, including updates on catching bugs. I can see it...

In addition, I would like to thank several book friends in the group for helping Wu Mei catch insects. There are no girls to help check, and Wu Mei is very lazy, so she will leave it alone after finishing writing, so I am so sad!

This chapter has been completed!
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