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Chapter 82: The situation at the end of winter (click)

A not-so-pleasant winter spread from Kyoto to the entire Kinki, and everyone fell into strange thoughts. Sanzuki was different from Yoshihiro Ouchi decades ago. He had a naval force that dominated Osaka Bay, and Shikoku, which faced each other across the sea.

Everyone has greater ambitions than Ouchi Yoshiki. Both the Hosokawa family and the Hatakeyama family will become puppets in his hands.

People in Kinai don’t know whether Miyoshi Nagakei will exile this general like the previous governors and then re-establish a new general. At least there is a rule to follow. Ashikaga Yoshii in Hirashima is more than ten years old.

Years ago, Hosokawa Harumoto took him out to establish the Sakai Palace. Although he was abandoned after Hosokawa Harumoto reconciled with Ashikaga Yoshiharu, this person is still in the hands of the Miyoshi family. With this secret

If the time bomb is there, the ministers in Kyoto and the shogunate's ministers will have to worry.

Interior Minister Konoe Haritsugu went to Omi Sakamoto to visit his uncle Ashikaga Yoshiharu, and brought the intention of the court. The court hoped that the shogunate would send people to contact Sanzhu to see if a peace could be reached first. At least there would be no fighting for the time being. Everyone is safe.

Have a peaceful New Year. Of course, it would be better if we can achieve long-term peace. Konoe Haritsugu is trying hard to try this possibility.

Before he arrived, he had reached a tacit agreement with the shogunate Ashikaga Yoshitō, so coming here was just a formality. What else could he think of the Imperial Palace as he was recuperating from illness? Of course, everything was agreed to, and even the Imperial Palace's monogram was given to Konoe.

Haritsugu's aunt Qingyudai keeps it, which means that I have to recuperate now, and you can decide these things yourself.

So before the first day of the year, the shogunate formed a mission with extremely high efficiency. The leader was the shogunate's diplomatic expert Odate Harimitsu. He inherited the interpersonal network accumulated from his father Odate Changhei, and he had been doing it for more than thirty years.

He worked conscientiously in diplomatic work for the shogunate. It can be said that he had connections all over Kinki. When he went out to buy vegetables, he would meet ten or eight people who said hello. He was definitely one of the best messengers of the shogunate.

But they would soon be disappointed. Sanzhu treated the envoys composed of Konoe Haritsugu from the imperial court and Odate Harumi from the shogunate very politely, and entertained them with good wine, good food, and good songs and dances.

They performed a lot of performances, chatting about ancient and modern customs, but in short, they didn't talk about the main topic, and they had no interest in talking about harmonious matters at all.

In the end, Konoe Haritsugu couldn't help but raise the issue of harmony. Mitsuki's younger brother Miyoshi Yoshiken put forward very harsh conditions, asking the shogunate to recognize the leadership of Hosokawa Ujitsuna and Miyoshi Nagakei's leadership and hold corresponding meetings.

In the replacement ceremony, Miyoshi Nagakei, Miyoshi Yixian, Shihe Icun, and Anzhai Fuyangyasu all requested to serve as imperial ministers. The public and shogunate's financial rights must be transferred to Sanzhu. Miyoshi Sunjiro, the legitimate son of Miyoshi Nagakei

Entered into a marriage agreement with the daughter of Ashikaga Yoshiharu.

It is said that as soon as these words were uttered, the situation immediately went cold. The stalemate lasted for a quarter of an hour before it was hastily ended after Konoe Haritsugu awkwardly dropped two sentences. When Ashikaga Yoshito received such harsh conditions for peace, he immediately

He was furious and cursed Sanzhu as a thief who was causing trouble to the country. He ordered the martial arts in the world to attack him and vowed to expel Sanzhu and revitalize the shogunate.

Then the negotiation collapsed. As these harsh conditions were secretly circulated, the new shogunate's vow to "expel Sanzhu and revitalize the shogunate" became a new topic in Kyoto. Sanzhu didn't seem to care about Jishuji Temple outside Kyoto.

Why is that little general so angry? He is so proud of himself at this moment. The Miyoshi family has transformed from a local tycoon to become the head of the family who dominates Kinki. He has accomplished a great feat by himself that generations of the Miyoshi family have not dared to imagine. How could he not?

feel proud?

He adopted Matsunagahide's suggestion, gradually slowed down the pace of the invasion of Iyo by the Shikoku headquarters, gradually reduced the power within the Shikoku, and prepared for a suitable opportunity next year to officially go to Luo and move his residence to Kyoto as his domination of Kinki.

To establish the authority, everyone in the Sanhao family is busy working towards this goal.

This winter has been very unpleasant in Kinki, but the people of Kanto are also very happy. It can be seen that the people of Kanto have fully learned the lessons of the failure of the Kawagoe Night Battle, and learned very smartly this time. As the leader of the Minami Musashi people, he is also the most determined anti-Hojo

The opinions put forward by Ota Shimasa were fully respected. The Kanto Allied Forces no longer had the idiot Kenmasa Uesugi to point their fingers at, and the overall strategy was carried out in an orderly manner.

Speaking of the Kanto leader Kensei Uesugi who is unable to hold up the wall, he originally planned to be the leader of the Kwantung coalition. Unfortunately, the people of Kanto have nothing to say about this good-for-nothing leader. Now he is a disaster star that everyone avoids.

The night battle in Kawagoe was fought like that. The Ogitani Uesugi family was directly killed, and the Musashi country was completely lost. The Kanto people almost pawned their pants because of the loss. The Kanto leader hid in Hirai Castle and shamelessly expressed his feelings to his retainers.

Claim to have won the battle.

The next year, he was killed by Takeda Harunobu in Odaihara, and blood flowed like a river. He left more than 3,000 corpses of Nishi Ueno people and ran back to Hirai Castle. This Kanto leader was hated by the people of Ueno country from the bottom of his heart, and they even wished for him.

Go die now. If Hojo Ujiyasu hadn't suddenly killed two generations of Lord Furukawa and triggered the Astronomical Rebellion, some people would have been thinking about how to kidnap this good-for-nothing and send him to the Hojo family to change his name.

Although Uesugi Kenmasa was running around there to communicate with everyone, neither the Nishijono people nor the Musashi people looked down upon him. Those people who had never looked down upon him in the Kanto area now ignored him even more. Even Uesugi Kenmasa's relatives, Chang

Riku Satake ignored him, and Kensei Uesugi, who had gone around in circles without getting any benefits, had to give up.

The coalition forces of Imagawa and Takeda only made a brief appearance in Kanto in late autumn in October and then disappeared. They only said that they came to Kanto simply to cheer for the Sagami Hojo family. At that time, the Kanto coalition forces laughed. Aren't you three families so arrogant?

Why are they all wilting now?

Compared with the hiding of Shun Kabuto, the momentum of the Kwantung Allied Forces can be said to be strong. Since the beginning of autumn, more and more people from the Kwantung people have gathered, and before they knew it, 115,000 troops had gathered in Musashi Country, and the troops were pressing down on the border.

It was terrifying, especially after the Kanto people learned their lesson and became even more difficult to deal with. Soon, about 50,000 Kwantung Allied Forces in the north surrounded Kawagoe Castle, which had once suffered a huge loss for them, and attacked fiercely.

After holding on for more than a month, this stronghold of the Hojo family finally failed to withstand the siege of the army at the end of November and declared its fall. The nearly 60-year-old Jodai Daidaiji Mingshou personally piled firewood and lit the Kawagoe Castle.

Thirty-five of the castle guards, including the Daidaiji clan, killed themselves during this period. His son, Daidaiji Shisuke, left the city on the eve of the city's fall and fled back to Odawara Castle overnight under the escort of die-hard samurai.

Unfavorable news came one after another. Edo Castle Toyama Tsunakage was stormed by a large army composed of Ota, Satomi, Chiba, Satake, Oda, Yuki, etc., and people from the southern Kanto region. Edo Castle was finally conquered.

Toyama Tsunakage was not as prosperous as his hometown governor Daidaiji Temple. He had no guts to abandon the city and fled. Before leaving, he ordered his brother Toyama Yasumitsu to set fire to this famous Kanto city built by Ota Dogan himself, and then fled back with his relatives.

Odawara Castle.

As Kawagoe Castle in the north of Musashi Country and Edo Castle in the south fell successively, the gate to the entire Musashi Country was opened, and the entire Musashi Country was exposed to the eyes of the Kanto people. Although the Hojo family also sent a large army to help, there were helpless people along the way.

The rebellious Musashi country delayed their attack and was easily blocked by the fully prepared Kanto coalition forces, unable to move forward. Once the Musashi country was exposed to the sight of the entire Kanto region, it was unknown how many people planned to destroy the Hojo family and carve up this sacred land.

Then the first snow fell in Kanto, and the war came to a standstill. The Kanto people dispersed their troops and returned to their territories. This time, the Kanto Allied Forces invaded Hojo and gained a lot of benefits. They needed the autumn harvest food and Musashi's population. The Kanto Alliance

Just after the earthquake, a large number of farmers abandoned their land and fled in various places, which brought huge difficulties to the entire Kanto. Fortunately, this war gave them an excuse to plunder the population.

The Hojo family also tried to take advantage of the snowstorm to attack unexpectedly, but unfortunately Ota Shimasa of Minamimusashi and Nagano Yamasa of Nishi Ueno took precautions at the same time. Therefore, the Hojo family's massive counterattack in winter only captured a few branch cities. It can be said that the gain outweighed the loss. Kanto

The Chinese also carried out random arrests against the wealthy families who stubbornly resisted the army in the city. The population of these wealthy families was completely robbed. It can be said that the losses were heavy.

Although the Kwantung Allied Forces made a huge fortune, all this is far from over. The heavy snow in winter just put an end to the Kanto chaos. Both the Kwantung Allied Forces and the Hojo side understand that the next year will be the highlight.



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Alright! The third update is at 8pm.

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