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Chapter 105 The Case That Can't Be Broken

treasure bowl?

A trace of doubt flashed across Wang Zhuo's face. He looked back and looked around. After the deaths of Qian Ning and Tie Hongwen, the black mist that enveloped the whole place had begun to disperse. It seemed that this was not a place to study treasures. Wang Zhuo controlled the evil spirit

The corpse picked up the bathtub and took it into the underworld. Then he hung the shrunken bronze bottle around his neck. Wang Zhuo didn't look back, and his body gradually merged with the night.

More than ten minutes later, the black fog completely dissipated, and the abnormality in the office area was discovered. Within three to five minutes, Gao Guoqiang and Yang Liming, led by the chief of the security department, called more than 30 strong men from other departments.

He leaned over cautiously.

"Qiang...Brother Qiang...if it doesn't work, take medicine quickly!"

Yang Liming grabbed the sleeve of Gao Guoqiangjun's coat, his teeth chattering, and whispered, while secretly touching the switch of the high-voltage electric baton.

Gao Guoqiang broke away from Yang Liming's hand and said, "Fuck you, let's check the situation first." Although he said this, his legs were shaking and he couldn't control the urge to urinate.

Not only were he two scared, more than thirty other people also had dull eyes, all staring straight at the office area.

At this time, the entire office building has disappeared. Even if it is a typhoon and earthquake, how can it leave some ruins? But now there is nothing on the ground, not to mention reinforced concrete, not even a piece of wood. The black earth is full of gullies,

It was as if a war had just happened. In the middle of the land, there was a deep pit with a diameter of about three meters. Everyone held hands one by one and carefully approached it. More than thirty flashlights shone on the large pit at the same time.

Even the security department's high-brightness portable searchlight could not find the bottom of the cave. When all the lights were swallowed up by the darkness in the pit, everyone looked at each other and saw the panic in their eyes.

This must have been moved by the fucking Martian demolition team!

"What are you still doing? Call the police!"

Security Section Chief Sun Bo took a deep breath and said to everyone: "Who has seen Mr. Zheng and the others?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment and shook their heads. Only Yang Liming said tremblingly: "It seems...Mr. Zheng has the habit of practicing calligraphy. He has to sit in the office until seven o'clock every night before going to the restaurant to eat."

At this moment, Gao Guoqiang screamed in terror, with a decibel comparable to that of a large Boeing plane taking off. Everyone was already highly nervous. When Gao Guoqiang shouted down, they all scattered like frightened quails, screaming and shouting at others.

Yang Liming, who was even more cruel to himself, had his pupils dilated. He smiled slightly and said, "Run away. The faster you run, the sooner you will die." He pulled out the electric baton and pressed it hard on his chest!

Sun Bo retired from the Sharp Knife Reconnaissance Company of the field force. Although he looked skinny, he was much braver than the average person. When he saw the team was in chaos, he couldn't help but shouted: "Don't run around blindly, you will die if the ground collapses."

." Then he saw Yang Liming falling to the ground with blue electric sparks flashing on his body, and he immediately couldn't laugh or cry.

This kid is scared crazy!

The thirty or so people didn't run very far. When they turned around and saw that there was no danger, Sun Bo was still stamping his feet on the spot, so he turned back embarrassedly.

Sun Bo was looking for Gao Guoqiang with the searchlight in his hand, and saw Gao Guoqiang slumped on the ground, kicking a black plastic bag with both feet, and using his hands and feet to move back while kicking, Sun Bo rushed over and kicked Gao Guoqiang with a flying kick.

Half a meter away, "I'm crying!"

Gao Guoqiang sat up and pointed at the plastic bag, speechless.

Sun Bo, an expert in art, was brave enough to step forward and lift up the plastic bag, and the searchlight shone into it.

In the plastic bag, Hou Yanjia, who had long hair and sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, had her eyes closed by Wang Zhuo, but maybe she was too anxious to die. When Wang Zhuo, Qian Ning, and Tie Hongwen were fighting, any of them that were touched were not necrotic.

Nervous, he opened his eyes again.

Sun Bo held Hou Yanjia's head and looked at each other. Sun Bo looked at Hou Yanjia's frightened and confused eyes. He didn't take a breath and fell straight to the ground and fainted.

When he fell to the ground, Hou Yanjia's head rolled out of the plastic bag like a football.

More than thirty strong men were stunned for a few seconds, then howled and dispersed.

After another five or six minutes of tossing, the men dared to come back until the siren of the police car immediately entered the gate. They pinched people and stimulated them with cold water, trying to wake up Yang Liming and Sun Bo.

Yang Liming woke up faster than Sun Bo. He opened his eyes and asked weakly: "What time is it? It's not dawn yet?"

A man who burned the boiler in the logistics department said with a simple smile: "Are you crazy about electricity? I just called the police and they will be here soon."

When Yang Liming heard this, he didn't react at first. He nodded and was about to stand up. Suddenly he remembered something and said tremblingly: "Called... the police?"

"Nonsense, how could you not call the police when such a big thing happened?"

Damn it! Yang Liming cried loudly: "**Your ancestor! If you want to die, don't hold me back!" After saying that, he cried and fumbled in his pocket with both hands, "Where is my medicine, where is my medicine!"

The man was stunned for a long time, then pointed at Gao Guoqiang, who couldn't wake up no matter how he screamed, "Gao Qiang just took your medicine and took it himself. I think you are both sick, right?"

Yang Liming immediately burst into tears. He stood up and shouted to kill Gao Guoqiang, but was stopped by everyone. When chaos broke out, the police arrived at the scene.

Seeing that the office building that originally covered an area of ​​1,000 square meters had been reduced to flat ground, and there was also the head of an employee of Lingfeng Company at the scene, the policeman who responded to the 110 call was numb on the spot. First, he slapped Yang Liming awake, who was still shouting about beating and killing.

Then he asked everyone to retreat and protect the scene, while calling for support and reporting the situation to Liu Ren, the deputy director in charge of criminal investigation.

Liu Ren was the person in charge of the last case of Chongshan County Party Secretary Li Rui being smashed to death by a hotel chandelier. Hearing that something big had happened to Lingfeng Company, he couldn't help but cursed, put on his clothes and drove to the resort.

When he arrived, the chief of the police station in the area came over with sweat on his face and said to Liu Ren: "Bureau Liu, it's a big deal!"

"Tsk, straighten your tongue first before you speak."

At this point, you still care about Mandarin? I’m not a damn announcer! Director Pan Anyi straightened his legs and said, “Yes!”

Liu Ren glanced at the employees and people watching the excitement inside and outside, frowned and said, "What's going on?"

Pan Anyi said in horror: "The office building here suddenly disappeared, and the entire company's leadership disappeared. In addition, some new employees and some old employees recruited by Lingfeng Company this year also disappeared at the same time. Including the leadership, there were a total of 132 people.

Only the secretary of Lingfeng Company was found at the scene..."

The more Liu Ren listened, the more surprised he became. Before Pan Anyi could finish speaking, his eyes blurred and he almost fainted. Thanks to Pan Anyi's quick eyesight, he quickly helped Liu Ren.

After closing his eyes and shaking for a few moments, Liu Rencai waved his hand to indicate that he was fine, "Go and bring that secretary over."

Pan Anyi said softly: "Director Liu, I see that you are not in good health. I was anxious to help you so I didn't finish talking. The secretary only has one head left, and the forensic doctor is analyzing her time of death."

Damn it! This is the rhythm of skinning!

Liu Ren felt something sweet and fishy in his mouth. He took a few deep breaths and managed to control his panic. He asked in a deep voice, "Have you seen the surveillance? Where is Tie Lingfeng?"

Pan Anyi smiled bitterly and said: "There are no surveillance cameras in the office area. I asked the security section chief and he said that their company is preparing to install them this month. As for Tie Lingfeng, I just contacted him and he said he was having dinner with Mayor Shi Wei."

Damn it, when did the guy named Tie hang out with Shi Wei?

Liu Ren had nothing to say, so he and Pan Renyi pushed aside the people who were trying to make excuses and arrived at the scene.

It was already eight o'clock in the evening, and the police had already brought several large searchlights, illuminating the scene as if it were daylight.

Under the searchlight, the deep pit was naturally very conspicuous. Liu Ren pointed at the pit and asked: "What is that?"

"I heard that this pit was there when internal employees of Lingfeng Company discovered something strange here. We looked inside, tied a fifty-meter rope to a stone and lowered it down. We don't know how deep it is."

Liu Renzheng wanted to ask if there was a sudden subsidence, causing the missing people to collectively fall into the pit? But according to visual inspection, the depth of the pit was only about three meters. These more than 100 people must be mentally retarded to dive in like dumplings.

Jump? If he really asks, he will be despised by his subordinates. Although you are here, why didn't you bring your IQ with you?

After coughing, Liu Rendao said: "Contact the fire officers and soldiers to see if they can detect the hole. In addition, we will try our best to find the missing person. The forensic doctor will get the identification results of the victim as soon as possible. I will stay here today. Whoever finds a missing person,

I will personally reward him with five thousand yuan!"

Pan Anyi asked in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Director Liu, if you can't find it..."

Liu Ren covered his aching head and said in a low voice: "We can't find it. Let's just wait and report it to the Discipline Inspection Commission. This is a big event that can shock the world!"

It is indeed a big event. This case of Lingfeng Company is not like natural disasters such as earthquakes and mudslides. Good people disappeared as soon as they said they would disappear. It seemed that they had made an appointment. About a hundred people disappeared collectively. If Liu Ren didn't give

If the higher-ups give an explanation, the higher-ups will not hesitate to send him to prison.

It didn't take long for the firefighters to arrive. When Liu Ren heard that they were exploring the bottomless pit, the captain of the fire brigade looked at the depth of the pit and said to Liu Ren on the spot, "This job is too big. My life is too big."

The soldiers can't do it.

Seeing that his words were useless, Liu Ren reported directly to Jin Junbai. So Jin Junbai, the chief of the Chongshan Police Station who was inspecting the fire prevention and theft prevention work after the Spring Festival in a town a hundred miles away, also rushed back to Chongshan as soon as possible and came to Lingfeng Company


After Jin Junbai arrived, the fire brigade captain also said to Jin Junbai with a cold face: "You can let my soldiers go down, but according to my judgment, this pit looks to be at least nearly a hundred meters deep. You are not sure yet what is inside."

No one, if anything happens to my soldiers, will it be yours or mine?"

When Jin Junbai heard this, he didn't let people go down. Instead, he bought a rope of more than 200 meters, put a portable searchlight with a large milliampere on it, added a stone, and let it go.

Go down. When the stone was at the bottom, I checked the rope and found that it was really 100 meters deep. Just as the policeman was about to pull the rope back, he felt his hand sinking, and a huge force almost pulled him down. Fortunately, there were many companions around him, a few people

He stopped the police with his hands.

At this moment, a faint voice was heard from under the pit, "Help...life, help!"

**! There is someone under the pit!

Several leaders have never thought that sound will attenuate when propagating in the medium. When someone shouts in a deep pit of nearly 100 meters, can it be heard? And why can this person still shout after falling into a pit of 100 meters?

, now that human lives are at stake, they have no intention of paying attention to this. Jin Junbai turned to the fire brigade chief and said: "If you don't send people, then I will send my people."

Since he heard people's voices, he must be there. The fire brigade captain didn't say anything and assigned the soldier under him who had the best physical ability and experience.

The soldier's name was Chen Tian. After taking a few deep breaths to adjust his mentality, he put on a helmet and a searchlight on his head, and tied seven or eight ropes around his body. Ten people were separated to hold on tightly, and the other twenty people around him were also ready at any time depending on the situation.

Standing by to pull the rope, several leaders told Chen Tian that as long as you find there is danger or something in the middle that prevents you from going down normally, just pull the rope as hard as you can and we will pull you up.

Chen Tian nodded, and after saluting, he grabbed the ground with both hands and jumped down with his feet. Everyone watched slightly nervously, and the peripheral searchlights continued to shine on the soldiers until the searchlight effect could no longer reach the distance.

The searchlights were also turned on, and several leaders stood at the edge of the pit, watching Chen Tian go further into the pit. The light from the searchlight on the helmet was as small and dim as a firefly.

The rope soon reached about 80 meters, and it would reach the bottom in another ten meters. Everyone again heard someone shouting for help from the bottom of the pit. Jin Junbai couldn't help but took out a loudspeaker and shouted into the pit: "Hold on first."

Stay! We have sent people down and will take you out!"

Putting down the loudspeaker, everyone listened attentively to see if the people inside had seen the fire fighters. At this moment, a huge scream came from the pit, "It's me! I'm Chen Tian, ​​hurry up!"

Pull me up!"

At the same time, the rope held by the ten people trembled violently, and the huge force almost brought them all down. More than twenty people on standby came to help, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, he pulled the rope up bit by bit.

But even the combined efforts of more than thirty people seemed to be unable to pull the rope. Jin Junbai and Liu Ren looked at each other and wondered at the same time, could it be that those more than a hundred people were holding Chen Tian under the pit and came up together?

After more than ten minutes, more than 30 people who were almost exhausted finally pulled Chen Tian out. However, Chen Tian showed his helmet, and the police and three leaders who were watching came to help him out. Liu Rengang was about to stretch out his hand, and suddenly he screamed.

He shouted out. Jin Junbai had a heart disease, which almost made Liu Ren cry out. He glared at Liu Ren and followed his eyes. At that time, the corners of his mouth were closed and his pupils were dilated. He was having a heart attack!

I saw that Chen Tian, ​​who was still very lively when he was on the ground just now, now had no trace of flesh and blood on his body, and his snow-white skull still had his mouth wide open, as if he was screaming silently!

Time flies, and an hour passes in the blink of an eye. Jin Junbai and Liu Ren, who have taken Suxiao Jiuxin Pills, are waiting for further investigation in a small meeting at Samsung Hotel.

At this time, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and the forensic doctor handed Hou Yanjia's test result report to Jin Junbai, and introduced at the same time: "Jin Bureau, Liu Bureau, because the victim's body has not been found, we can only temporarily examine his head. According to

Based on the analysis of the wounds on the head, we believe that the victim may have been bitten off by some kind of canine."

Bite it off in one bite?

Jin Junbai and Liu Ren looked at each other. In nature, lions and tigers can bite off people's heads in one bite. Bears are almost the same. The most awesome one is the hippopotamus, but the bears are still hibernating at this time. There are no hippopotamuses or lions in the mountains. Northeast

Tigers have indeed been found in Chongshan, but are they all canines?

In domestic official circles, authority and professionalism are meant to be questioned. Jin Junbai frowned and said, "Are you sure?"

Chongshan is located in a remote area, so it is good to have a forensic doctor. This forensic doctor, who is in his forties, was actually transferred from Chongshan First People's Hospital a few years ago. Jin Junbai naturally had reason to doubt his professionalism.

After hearing this, the forensic doctor's face immediately turned red. He was a bit scholarly, and he cared about face most. Seeing the doubt in Jin Junbai's eyes, he was so angry that he wanted to walk away. But in official circles, he had to lower his head. He crossed his hands on his lower abdomen.

He lowered his head and said softly: "I'm sure, and I think the victim's neck was bitten off by a wolf."

If you are sure it can't be done, you need to have evidence.

Jin Junbai waved his hand and motioned for the forensic doctor to go down and examine Chen Tian who had turned into a skeleton as soon as possible. He took the autopsy report from Liu Ren and looked at it twice, then put it on the table and sighed deeply, "Old Liu, I'm afraid this time

There is no escape.”

Liu Ren smiled bitterly. During this hour, he and Jin Junbai mobilized the police, enthusiastic people, and all employees working at Lingfeng Company to search for the missing persons. Naturally, they found nothing. What's more, despite the confidentiality notice,

Chen Tian's tragic situation frightened the police and fire fighters. Everyone was terrified for fear of becoming the second one. As for the deep pit, it had long been covered by a large cement lid, and no one was allowed within a radius of fifty meters.

People approach.

"Jin Bureau, there's something I don't know how to say."

If you have anything to say, say it quickly, and if you have any farts, hurry up! It’s now at this critical moment. Seeing that the county magistrate is waiting at the Yamen for the main leaders of the provincial department and Lunan to come here, if we don’t have any clues, I’m afraid our official positions will stop here. So.

Jin Junbai frowned and said, "What?"

Liu Ren glanced at the female policeman who was taking notes next to him. The female policeman did not raise her head the whole time, but her consciousness was sharper than Wang Zhuo's. She stood up directly and said: "Jin Bureau, Liu Bureau, I'm going to the bathroom.


After the female police officer left, Liu Rencai said softly: "Jin Bureau, when I was watching the surveillance camera in the security department, two security guards in the security department told me something. I recorded it on the surveillance camera. You can take a look."

Then I took out my mobile phone from my pocket. It is the new Nokia model with the best camera and camera functions.

Pulling up the video, Liu Ren turned away and didn't look at it. This video was the weird video of a group hanging. Calculating the time in his mind, Liu Ren put down the phone and threw it on the table. Seeing that Jin Junbai was sweating profusely with fear, he asked

He said: "This is?"

"The video from the night before yesterday, the exact time, is what happened at one o'clock at midnight last night. Two security guards were also attacked by something that cannot be explained by science for the time being, and they almost died. Wang Zhuo is also the one who knows about this.


"Wang Zhuo?"

Liu Ren nodded, "It's Wang Zhuo who was there when Secretary Li was killed by a chandelier but didn't come to the police station!" (To be continued. Please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!)

This chapter has been completed!
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