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Chapter 165 Fox Fake Miaowei

One of the two policemen was named Liu, and the other was from the same family as Wang Zhuo five hundred years ago and was also named Wang.

After showing his police officer ID, the policeman named Liu said, "Do you live in this room by yourself?"

Wang Zhuo shook his head and said: "And my classmates, what's the matter?"

Policeman surnamed Liu said to Wang Zhuo: "Call your classmates out, can we go in?"

Wang Zhuo turned sideways to let them in. At this time, Xiang Yang also got dressed and walked out of the bedroom.

After the two policemen entered the house, they took a few casual glances. One of them, the policeman surnamed Wang, looked along the crack of the bedroom door and saw the marks on the bed and the quilt, which proved that only one person had slept there before. However, they still asked in a routine manner: "You two last night at midnight

Where is it around twelve o'clock?"

The last thing Xiangyang fears in his life is the police. Hearing this, he sneered and said, "What's wrong? Did the police find someone in the ravine?"

Why don't you speak? The policeman surnamed Wang was about to speak, but was stopped by his companions.

The policeman surnamed Liu said solemnly: "We received a report that two bodies of a man and a woman appeared beside the reservoir. The woman is headless, but according to the ID card and mobile phone she carried, she is your classmate, and her name is


Xiang Yang was stunned for a moment, and then said to Wang Zhuo: "Look, I knew that sooner or later she would be tricked into death by me."

The two policemen looked at each other and knew that the relationship between the two men and Wormwood was definitely not good. But Xiangyang's reaction was normal, but Wang Zhuo was always calm. Both of them are veteran policemen with many years of experience, so they are naturally trained.

With a pair of piercing eyes, he asked the question again with suspicion in his heart.

Xiang Yang curled his lips and said: "Where else can we go so late? To sleep of course." Then he took out his mobile phone, looked at it, and muttered to himself: "Strange, why is there no signal?"

Policeman surnamed Liu said: "There is no signal. There is probably something wrong with the signal base station here."

"Then how did you receive the alarm? The lion's roar brought you here? Has the road been repaired?"

Xiang Yang's series of questions made the two policemen extremely depressed. The policeman named Liu smiled bitterly and said: "Sister, which one of us is the policeman?"

Then they briefly explained why they were able to call the police.

Both of them are criminal policemen from the Shangxing Criminal Investigation Detachment. Together with their four criminal policemen and six policemen, they are handling the case. They arrived at Tianmang Mountain the day before yesterday for the purpose of registering a person's information in this hotel.

The man on the run is wanted nationwide for the murder.

The wanted suspect was not caught. This morning, a policeman went out for a run and saw a crowd of people gathered in front of the reservoir. This policeman also liked to join in the fun. He ran over and heard the onlookers saying that there was no signal now and there was nothing they could do before he got closer.

Call the police, let's watch and watch, but don't get too close together to avoid damaging the scene.

When the policeman heard this, his first thought was that the murderer had committed another crime! So while proving his identity, he found an obedient onlooker and asked him to go to the hotel room to call someone.

After all the police arrived, they used red ropes to separate the crowd from the scene. However, there were no forensic doctors among them and it was difficult for them to do collection work, and their mobile phones had no signal. So the second-level police inspector leading the team said to contact two hotels and hotels now.

No one is allowed to go out, we are investigating one by one! I feel that it is a bit different from the suspect we are chasing. The modus operandi and information are different from before. It is very likely that it is a sudden accidental murder case.

After the explanation, policeman surnamed Liu looked directly at Wang Zhuo and said, "You said you were sleeping in the room, who can prove it?"

Wang Zhuo smiled and said: "Actually, I think this is the most unnecessary nonsense to ask. Who can watch the door at the door when everyone is asleep?"

The policeman surnamed Wang couldn't help but said: "Tsk, why don't you two sleep together? Each one's mouth is smellier than the other. Show me your ID cards and let me see."

The two of them took out their ID cards. The policeman surnamed Wang looked at Wang Zhuo's temporary ID card and then at him, "The ID card is about to expire. Hurry up and get a new one. Someone among your classmates said that at midnight last night

He saw a man named Cao Ge leaving the room, have you seen him?"

Wang Zhuo and Xiang Yang nodded at the same time. Wang Zhuo smiled and said, "He came to my place and chatted with me for a while."

"What happened after that? Do you know where he went?"

Wang Zhuo said without hesitation: "Of course he went back to his room to sleep."

Policeman surnamed Liu looked directly into Wang Zhuo's eyes, "How did you know?"

Wang Zhuo sighed, waved his hands weakly and said, "What bothers me the most is that your eyes give people a sense of oppression, and you look at everyone like a criminal." Before the two policemen could get angry, Wang Zhuo took out his ID from his coat and said, "We can barely count ourselves as traveling companions.

, just don’t go too far, right?”

When receiving the national security certificate, Xiang Yang also came over to look at it, then put his arm around Wang Zhuo and said, "You lied to me and said you sell insurance?"

When the police heard this, they opened the previously closed ID page and looked at it carefully for a long time, rubbing it with their hands while looking at it.

"If you rub it again, the skin will break!" Wang Zhuo put his hand into his down jacket again. The policeman surnamed Liu was the most alert. Seeing that Wang Zhuo had gotten something that looked like a pistol, he put his hand on his waist without saying anything.

It is indeed a gun!

Wang Zhuo handed the pistol and gun license to the two of them and said, "I said, I look like the murderer?"

You're cute, but the cuter you are, the crueler your heart becomes. I don't want to capsize in the gutter. Seeing the pistol, holster, and gun license handed to them, the two policemen finally relaxed their vigilance. One of them checked the gun license.

Whether the gun number matches the pistol, and the other specifically checks whether the gun license is genuine.

"Oh no, brother, you are awesome!" When he opened the gun license, policeman surnamed Liu saw that the issuing department was not the National Security Department of a certain province, but was engraved with the stamp of the Ministry of National Security and the General Staff Department! Policeman surnamed Liu was trembling in his heart.

, immediately remembered the mysterious legend about the National Dragon Group. He didn’t even dare to ask what Wang Zhuo was doing in Tianmang Mountain. He nodded to Wang Zhuo embarrassedly and said, "Hello, leader."

Wang Zhuo put away his ID and pistol, and smiled under Xiang Yang's admiring eyes: "I can testify that Cao Ge went back to his room to sleep last night, and he is the secretary of Mayor Xia Fengxia of Yangcheng, so he cannot kill people casually."

Damn it! Are all these people so awesome?

Shangxing is just below Yangcheng. Ordinary civil servants who are familiar with the hero's book can know who is who, let alone the discerning police. If Cao Ge is an official, the first intervention should not be the police, but the disciplinary inspection department. But Wang

The policeman still said: "Leader, although you are the witness, many classmates have already testified that Cao Ge left the hotel in the middle of the night yesterday."

Fart! My brother’s spiritual consciousness is always attached to Lao Cao.

Wang Zhuo sneered: "Who said that? Call them over."

After the two policemen looked at each other again, the policeman surnamed Liu said with a smile: "Boss, our division of labor is different. You can just testify. We will handle the rest of the professional matters."

Wang Zhuo thought for a while and then said coldly: "Okay, but let me make it clear first that I usually have a good temper. Generally, people who offend me will just smile and let go as long as they don't go too far. But what if my brother and family suffer?

It’s unfair, I still have three murder targets this year that I haven’t completed yet.”

If you can say this in front of the police, it must be true! The policeman named Liu trembled with fright when he saw Wang Zhuo's gloomy face. Damn, your eyes are like cannibalism!

After the police retreated, Wang Zhuo put on his clothes and said to Xiang Yang, "I'll go out and take a look. You and I can go."

Xiang Yang nodded vigorously, his face full of happiness.

The two of them left the hotel and went directly to the edge of the reservoir. There was only one policeman wrapped in a cotton coat guarding the place. When the police came up, Wang Zhuo handed him his ID, and then asked: "Have you contacted Shang Xing?"

This policeman was a policeman from the police station. When he saw the words "National Security", he softened. Hearing this, he smiled and replied: "There is no signal on the mobile phone. A colleague has already driven to see if the road has been repaired. If there is someone on the other side of the road who can hear it, we will let him know." They asked the bureau to send a helicopter over."

Wang Zhuo nodded, "Where is your leader now?"

The little policeman raised his hand and pointed at the hotel and said: "We are checking each floor, you have to go back and look for it."

Before Wang Zhuo left, he glanced at the body that had not yet covered its face with a covering. The dagger that killed two people was still stuck in mugwort's chest. There was also a manager in the reservoir who was sailing a boat to fish out mugwort's head.

When walking back, Xiang Yang sighed and said: "Human life is so fragile. Yesterday I came here with Ai Cao in the same car. Although she was disgusting, I didn't expect that I would never see her again in one night. I felt sad in my heart." It’s an indescribable feeling.”

This is also the reason why I can't promise you.

It's the end of the Dharma, and I have no foundation. Even if you follow me, life and death will be reincarnated a hundred years later, and what should I do if you leave?

Wang Zhuo didn't know if it was selfish of him to think so, but he just smiled reluctantly and said nothing.

After returning to the hotel, under the guidance of the boss, the two went to the warehouse to find the second-level police inspector Chen Qi who was leading the team.

Chen Qi is a middle-aged man who is slightly bloated, very strong and appears to be extremely energetic. He was stunned after seeing Wang Zhuo's ID, but he has better eyes and can tell whether the ID is genuine or fake at a glance.

"Wang Gong, what's the matter with you?"

Wang Zhuo said without hesitation: "I want to intervene in this case."

Chen Qi smiled bitterly, took Wang Zhuo's arm to a quiet place and whispered: "Wang Gong, don't blame me for speaking out. Although we are both from the An family, our division of labor is obviously different."

"You mean it's not possible?" Wang Zhuo said: "I suspect that the murderer in this case is obstructing national security. Is this a good enough reason? If you don't agree, Captain Chen, I will think that you and the murderer are also accomplices."

What the fuck, can we stop being so shameless?

Chen Qi also had a temper. He spread his hands and said: "Wang Gong, I think you are not old enough. Can you be sensible? Don't be too naive. If you do this, I think you have a motive to protect the murderer..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Qi shut his mouth tightly because there was a muzzle of a pistol on his forehead.

"It's useless to talk too much. Now your team is under my control." Wang Zhuo opened the insurance with his thumb and said: "Captain Chen, can you listen to what I have to say?"

Don't tell me! I'll remember you, little brat. When the communication is connected, I don't care whether you are a deputy or a senior, I will definitely fight you to the death!

"I have a killing target. Well, you don't have to believe it. If I shoot and destroy this whole house, everyone will be fine." Wang Zhuo laughed, and then said: "Actually, I just want the right to observe. The deceased is our classmate. And I know everyone who has a grudge against her."

Seeing that Chen Qi still shut up tightly, his eyes were full of anger. Wang Zhuo nodded and said: "Okay, I will give you first-class merit when the time comes. Goodbye, Team Chen!" Chen Qi's eyes widened when he saw Wang Zhuo.

Slowly pulled the trigger!

Damn! How dare you shoot!

Although Chen Qi looked a little fat, he was very agile. He turned sideways and rolled out, making standard ballistic evasion movements. He hid behind the rice bag and was about to call for support when he suddenly felt the wind blowing around him and turned his head stiffly.

He saw Wang Zhuo's gun still pointed at him.

Wang Zhuo smiled and said: "Isn't it because the phone has no signal? Otherwise, a phone call can resolve our misunderstanding. I have communicated with Mayor Bai Yubai before I came here. You can ask after the communication is repaired."

Chen Qi had no temper at all when Wang Zhuo was tormented by his words and actions. He stood up with a wry smile, patted the dust on his body and said, "Mr. Wang, if you had said this earlier, there would be no need to waste the killing quota."

Since the conversation went "smoothly", Wang Zhuo and Xiang Yang followed Chen Qi to watch them investigate the case.

The people living in the warehouse were all classmates. When they saw Wang Zhuo and Chen Qi going out to talk for a while, Chen Qi was obviously afraid and respectful of Wang Zhuo when they came back, and she suddenly felt sad again.

After watching for a while, Wang Zhuo approached Chen Qi and said, "Team Chen, after my classmates finish asking, how about letting them all go to the farmhouse hall?"

Not so good! It’s just nonsense. If the murderer is your classmate, and there are two or more people, and they get together to confess or something, are you responsible?

But Chen Qi was really afraid of what Wang Zhuo said about Mayor Bai and the murder target. After hesitating for a moment, his mind came back. Since he had told me to do it well, I would not be able to solve the case and put the blame on him. Well, but his age

At such a young age, he has the title of deputy high-ranking official. If he opens his mouth, he will kill people and if he shuts up, he will be the mayor. If you think about it later, I will be the unlucky one!

No matter how entangled Chen Qi is, Wang Zhuo must let Lu Hao reveal his true form in public. All his consciousness is now focused on Lu Hao and Chen Hao. They already "know" that Ai Cao is dead, so they are just pretending to be there.

Having breakfast in the small private room of the farmhouse, I guessed who the "murderer" was.

But the mugwort head in the suitcase is still opening its eyes silently.

"In this way, after putting the students in, we will check their rooms. If anything happens, I will take care of it. Don't worry!"

Because the head of Mugwort has not been found so far, Chen Qi was also very upset. Hearing this, his heart was moved. Seeing Wang Zhuo's calm temperament, he couldn't help but nodded slowly and said: "We will shoulder the burden together and share the merit. I am a person like this.

Don’t tell lies, as long as you are honest enough.”

You have such a temperament to be a police officer. You will definitely be better than you are now if you become a soldier or a gangster. Wang Zhuo smiled and nodded. The two of them didn't hide their words. They were all sent to the farmhouse by a policeman under the resentful expressions of the classmates.

Hotel lobby.

But when they got there, these classmates were moved again.

Naturally, the price of farmhouses has also increased due to the collapse of the road. A bowl of porridge can be sold for fifty yuan. But when Wang Zhuo and Chen Qi entered the kitchen, they heard a soft sound of "biu", and then Wang Zhuo looked relaxed and had a big head.

Chen Qi came out sweating.

After a while, the waiter at the farmhouse began to place steamed buns, millet porridge and various side dishes on the table. While placing them, he said with a cry: "The students of Shangxing No. 1 Middle School can take a seat. Mr. Wang Zhuowang invites everyone to taste it for free."

Breakfast and lunch at the farmhouse, as well as drinks, are all free.”

Lu Hao, Su Ran and others in the box heard someone's voice in the hall. Chen Hao went out to inquire and came back to tell Lu Hao and others about it.

Lu Hao's face was calm and calm, "Wang Zhuo is trying to win people's hearts. It's okay. Let's talk about the bad relationship between Cao Ge and Ai Cao when we go back later. Su Ran, have you taught Han Yi how to speak?"

Su Ran smiled and said: "Old Han already knew what to say. Let's just watch the show when the time comes. But Lao Lu, was it really Cao Wanwan who killed Ai Cao? Let's play such a prank so that the real murderer can't escape."

Chen Hao rolled his eyes at the door when he heard this, and then heard Lu Hao laugh and say: "Don't worry, we will tell the police that we were joking until the road is repaired, and then the murderer will still be unable to escape. We can make Cao Ge suffer, even if we suffer

A couple of words of instruction are worth it.”

Lu Hao set the tone with a few words. Chen Hao, who was at the door, suddenly said: "Wang Zhuo led the police here."

While talking, Chen Hao was pushed in by a policeman named Liu, and Wang Zhuo and Chen Qi walked in one after the other.

Before Chen Qi could speak, Lu Hao stood up and said, "Hello, police officer, I am Lu Hong's son."

Police officer surnamed Liu was shocked again. He didn't expect classmates like Wang Zhuo to be so awesome.

Lu Hong was suppressed and beaten by the Xiangyang family a few years ago, but now the Xiang family has avoided Jin Guohua's influence and is moving towards the goal of being second on Tianya Road. People with a high vision can naturally tolerate some small fights. Lu Hongzheng

It is the best among small businesses. It runs a high-end club and has a real estate business. It has good relations with major banks and has good relationships with local bank bosses who are very useful. Among them is the police station.


"It's useless even if you are my son." Wang Zhuo said solemnly: "Now that the case has not been solved, anyone could be the murderer."

Lu Hao and others were also impressed by Chen Hao's quick talk, and said with disdain: "Old Wang, is it fun to take advantage of others? Lu Hao and you are classmates, why don't you learn how to handle cases as a policeman without even showing the most basic respect? Let's get back to it first.

When you go to school, don't act like a primary school student and make people laugh."

Wang Zhuo glanced at Chen Hao and then said: "The IQ of a primary school student is beyond your reach." Then he said to the policeman named Liu: "Obstructing law enforcement, handcuff him."

Policeman surnamed Liu immediately looked at Chen Qi with a wry smile.

Chen Qi was immediately furious! MLGBD, you can't offend Lu Hong or Wang Zhuo, but I can offend them? What does your look mean, do you want me to jump into the fire pit with you?

He wanted to drag Wang Zhuo out and tell him that Lu Hong was considered the number one person in Shangxing. As soon as his pupils froze, he saw Wang Zhuo's short gun muzzle coming out from under his ribs and hitting Chen Qi's kidney opening.

In ancient times, there was a saying of drawing swords against each other after a disagreement, and today I finally saw it!

Chen Qi's mind flashed back to the owner of a farmhouse who was still howling in the kitchen and was about to be covered by Wang Zhuo after being dumped by Wang Zhuo. Then he raised his fat face at the policeman surnamed Liu and said, "Handcuff him."

Chen Hao suddenly panicked and looked at Lu Hao for help.

Lu Hao shouted coldly: "Stop! Do you still want to be a policeman in Shangxing? Do you believe that I will tell you all to get out and go home?"

Wang Zhuo was stunned for a moment, then he laughed and patted Chen Qi on the shoulder and said, "All the policemen in your Shangxing are condoms, right? Why do you just let people stretch and shrink?" Then he suddenly stopped laughing and looked directly at Lu Hao.

Said: "If you keep pushing, the Shangxing Lu family will be destroyed because of your words, do you believe it or not?" (To be continued. Please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!)

This chapter has been completed!
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