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Chapter 183 Require the school to invite Su Xue

"Huh?" Su Ming was stunned.

Seeing Zhu Decai who was hesitant to speak, he felt itchy in his heart.

If you have anything to say, just say it.

Zhu Decai felt a little embarrassed when Su Ming looked at him.

"It's like this. After all, this mountain belongs to the collective. Then you can see if the village can take some part in it."

After he finished speaking, he was afraid that Su Ming would refuse, so he continued:

"After all, you see, this village can't be decided by just one word. If I can make the decision alone, I will help you to the end without any hesitation."

"But, you know I'm getting older now, and I won't be able to hold this position for a few more years. If I turn around to the next one and refuse to help you, wouldn't it be a problem?"

"So if you let some people in the village, everyone will shut up. If you get some benefits, no one will speak up."

Zhu Decai spoke quickly, fearing that if he explained slowly, Su Ming would be angry or unwilling later.

But he was indeed in a difficult situation, and he was indeed thinking about Su Ming.

But what he didn't expect was.

In fact, Su Ming himself planned to give some shares to the village.

After all, you said that you are occupying the village's resources, and if you build a mountain, it will inevitably affect the lives and interests of the villagers within a certain period of time.

Such as dust, noise, and large cars coming and going.

Therefore, after he heard what Zhu Decai said, he immediately smiled.

"Uncle, there is no problem with this. I will allocate part of the shares to the village as you said, but as I said in the future, there won't be many shares. After all, the villagers have not invested. I will tell everyone that it is you.

I earned it." Su Ming understood very well that for such incumbents, gaining fame is also one of their major aspirations.

Especially for people like Zhu Decai who have been in the industry for a short time, they are naturally more concerned about their future reputation.

Sure enough, when Su Ming said these words, Zhu Decai did not refuse, let alone give in.

Instead, he smiled meaningfully.

"It's just that I also have a request." Su Ming changed the topic.

"you say."

Zhu Decai was about to light a cigarette for himself, but when he heard Su Ming's words, his hand shook and he stuck the cigarette in his ear.

"I need that piece of land to open up."

In fact, this was Su Ming's true intention.

It is impossible for him to be a money-splitting boy and give free benefits to the people in the village.

If you put in the effort, you must naturally seek some rewards for yourself. When the mountains are opened, a large open space will be created. This open space has a solid foundation and will be very suitable for building factories and industrial areas in the future.

"That's no problem!" Zhu Decai slapped the table: "You have already made concessions. This matter can be fought for. When the time comes, we will directly contract to death."

In this matter, Zhu Decai really had the best of both worlds and did not seek any benefits for himself or his son.

It was all for the benefit of his village and the villagers, which made Su Ming think highly of him.

The next thing is that the village needs to report such things to the town.

Whether the town will report it in time is another matter.

So they both worked together, Zhu Decai went to the town to review and approve it, and Su Ming went to the higher authorities to build relationships.

After leaving the village office.

Su Ming received a strange landline phone call.

Judging from the area code in front, it should be Qinghe County.

"Hey, are you Mr. Su Ming, Su Xue's parent?"

A familiar voice came from the other end of the phone.

Su Ming immediately recognized that it was the teacher he had met when he went to Qinghe Experimental Primary School to apply for Su Xue's admission.

"Yes, I am." Su Ming responded.

"Hello, Mr. Su, it's like this. Our school has re-examined your daughter's qualifications. We think your daughter is qualified to enroll in Qinghe Experimental Primary School. I wonder if you are willing to continue to study in our school?"

Su Ming knew clearly in his heart.

Isn't this because he took down their principal?

But his hesitation made the teacher opposite him become nervous again.

"Mr. Su, I know that you have dealt with it many times last time you came to our school. We also deeply apologize for some misunderstandings in the past. The relevant personnel have been severely punished, so we hope that you will not treat us Qinghe because of this."

Experimental primary school disappointed.”

Su Ming hung up the phone immediately.

Neither agreed nor disagreed.

In fact, it's not that he didn't want to say it, it was mainly because he was interrupted by Hu Kaidi and others who came to his home.

I originally wanted to cover my phone, but accidentally hung up the phone.

And Su Ming's behavior of hanging up the phone.

But the person on the other end of the phone became anxious.

Qinghe Experimental Primary School.

In the Admissions Office.

The teacher at the Admissions Office stared blankly at the receiver in his hand, hearing the beeping sound.

After a while.

He looked up at the man standing next to him.

"Principal, this, he died..."

This man was Zhao Zhong, the former vice principal of Qinghe Experimental Primary School, and now Lou Jiande has been imprisoned.

The school is not leaderless.

Therefore, the Education Bureau immediately promoted Vice Principal Zhao Zhong to be the acting principal of Qinghe Experimental Primary School.

As usual, it is a very happy thing to change from vice to chief.

However, Zhao Zhong was a little worried.

There is no other reason than that it was the first task he was given.

It was distributed directly from the Municipal Education Bureau.

The task is very simple, that is, ask Zhao Zhong to invite Su Ming's daughter back.

How did Lou Jiande turn Su Xue away at the beginning, and today he asked Zhao Zhong how to invite Su Xue back.

As long as Su Ming is willing to let Su Xue come back and continue studying at Qinghe Experimental Primary School, then Zhao Zhong can continue to be the acting principal, and it will only be a matter of time before he becomes a regular principal.

But if Su Xue is not invited back, then Zhao Zhong will continue to be his vice principal.

So today, on Zhao Zhong's first day after taking office, he did nothing but go to the admissions office teacher and contact Su Ming.

He also left himself a backup plan.

If the teacher's phone number works, I don't need to call myself.

But if it's the teacher's phone number, it doesn't work.

Then he would have to adjust according to the situation, and look at Su Ming's attitude to decide how to invite this great god.

Of course, it is a pity that Su Ming's behavior of hanging up the phone made Zhao Zhong realize.

Su Ming may be very angry.

It is not an easy matter for him to invite his daughter to school.

So how can he show his sincerity and make Su Ming willing to send his daughter?

Zhao Zhong fell into deep thought, thinking of a good way.


Got it!

This chapter has been completed!
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