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Chapter 270 Must be sold within three hours

Among the four people, only Feng Cheng was facing the computer at this time.

The rest of the people are behind the computer.

Hu Kaidi was the first to see Feng Cheng's expression.

He asked in confusion at that time: "Feng Cheng, what's wrong with you?"

From his perspective, Feng Cheng looked like a gorilla.

Extremely funny.

Under Hu Kaidi's question, everyone looked up at Feng Cheng.


Feng Cheng swallowed the longan meat in his mouth in one gulp.

The other three people's throats tightened as they watched.

Isn't this a joke?

Did you swallow the longan meat in one bite without even biting it?

Won't it be indigestible?

Some of them were even thinking about whether Feng Cheng would go to the toilet tomorrow.

The poop that comes out is full of longan meat.

But Feng Cheng's words quickly made everyone lose the idea of ​​making fun of Feng Cheng.

"Ahem, cough, cough. Come and see, the Ugly Country is making some moves!"

Feng Cheng swallowed too quickly, so his throat started to cough violently.

He pointed at the computer and said with some surprise.


Immediately several people rushed over.

They gathered at Hu Kaidi's house today, wasn't it because Su Ming said that Chou Country would take military action today?

Now hearing Feng Cheng's words, everyone instantly felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured over their heads.

Wake up, wake up instantly.

They all rushed over from the other end.

Come to the computer.

Take a look.


A sudden gasp of air rang out.

Several people were already stunned.

In front of them, a piece of news was displayed on the computer screen.

The title really caught the attention of several of them.

"The top leader of the United States has announced an all-out attack. The United States has united with many countries to form a coalition. The United States' aircraft carrier formation has also assembled and is preparing for an all-out attack."

Everyone was shocked when they saw this title.

This meow, Su Ming's mouth is simply too terrifying.

That’s right!

If he says gold rises, gold will really rise.

He said three days ago that there was something unusual happening on the U.S. aircraft carrier, and there was indeed something unusual happening today.

Everything in the world is under Su Ming's control.

This made several people think about the scenario where they and others were harvested in the stock market, making a little bit, losing a little bit in the long run, and finally losing money in the end.

Even the domestic stock market can only be regarded as a small leek, while others feel like they have everything under control when it comes to such large-scale international events.

The gap is not that big.

"Huh? Should we take a look at the price of gold?" At this time, Li Chengping suddenly said.

After being reminded by Li Chengping, everyone suddenly woke up.

"Yes! Quick, let's take a look at the price of gold. Has it dropped? Why does Su Ming want us to sell it?"

Hu Kaidi urged anxiously.

Feng Cheng reacted and hurriedly put the bowl in his hand on the table.

Perhaps because of nervousness or excitement, the bowl was not leveled and almost fell to the floor, and a piece of it was poured on the table.

However, no one had the time to care about these details. Even if he dropped the bowl directly on the ground, everyone would definitely have to look at the price of gold first and then ask Feng Cheng why he dropped the bowl on the ground.

Feng Cheng didn't care that his hands were all sticky with longan gravy. He directly clicked on the computer and brought up the gold price interface.

The price of gold has risen directly from around 420 just now to 500.

There was a huge rise.

Everyone looked at this price, you looked at me, I looked at you, but they all didn't understand what was going on.

Is Su Ming crazy?

The price is still rising like this, and Su Ming actually said he wanted to sell it?

In their minds, as long as the price is still rising, they should not sell.

Just like in the stock market, you are chasing the rise and killing the fall. When it rises, you always think about whether it will rise again tomorrow. If you bury yourself in it, you will definitely get a piece of the pie.

"Quickly, call Su Ming and ask."

Seeing that everyone on his side was confused, Hu Kaidi took out his cell phone and called Su Ming, intending to ask Su Ming what was going on.

Su Ming is at home at this time. Today is the first day of Su Xue's final exam.

He wasn't going to let Su Xue eat yesterday's leftovers.

Because if I bring her food to eat in the morning, it will basically just be yesterday’s leftovers.

Today Su Ming plans to personally deliver lunch to Su Xue.

At this time he received a call from Hu Kaidi.

When Su Ming saw it was Hu Kaidi, he guessed it.

He picked up the phone and said: "Kaidi, is the aircraft carrier of the ugly country dispatched?"

Hu Kaidi was stunned.

A feeling emerged that everything was in Su Ming's hands.

"Yes, we just can't figure it out. You said you asked us to sell gold. The price of gold is basically the highest price now. Do you think?..."

Hu Kaidi did not finish his words completely, because he knew that Su Ming could definitely think of what he meant.

Sure enough, Su Ming took over what he said.

He continued: "Since the Ugly Country's aircraft carrier has already launched, you have less than 3 hours to sell all our gold. If you don't have time, or don't want to sell, my part, I

I have to sell it first."

This is the time track of the previous life.

At that time, Su Ming was also paying attention to the movements of Ugly Country's aircraft carrier. After all, in the era of globalization, any war may have a global economic impact.

The butterfly effect can even set off a hurricane.

Not to mention this is a war.

In the previous life, only three hours after the Ugly Country's aircraft carrier was dispatched, the small oil country announced a compromise, immediately canceled Ugly Coin transactions with other countries, and promised that it would only take over Ugly Coin transactions in the future.

The price of gold plummeted immediately after the small oil country announced its compromise.

Now that there is no war, who would go to high places to hoard gold?

Some people who bought at the price of 400-500 will immediately start selling at that time.

If you sell it for 450, I will sell it for 4450; if you sell it for 445, I will sell it for 440.

The moment the balance between supply and demand is broken, prices continue to fall.

Su Ming didn't know how long the small oil country could sustain itself in this life. He had to get rid of it immediately to ensure his profits.

Seeing Su Ming speak so decisively, Hu Kaidi couldn't help but think of the terrifying accuracy of Su Ming's words before.

He immediately responded: "I'll go to the bank right away and sell mine and yours together!"

Although he didn't understand it, it didn't stop him from being obedient.

"Okay! The sooner, the better!" Su Ming once again told Hu Kaidi to do it as soon as possible, and then hung up the phone.

Feng Cheng and others saw Hu Kaidi hang up the phone.

He came up hurriedly and asked.

"How about it? Did Su Ming say sell it? Did he say the reason?"

Several people couldn't wait to get Hu Kaidi to tell them what Su Ming meant.

"Su Ming said, sell all the gold within three hours, and the sooner the better, the later the better."

Hu Kaidi scratched his head and then roughly conveyed what Su Ming meant.

"What!? Three hours? How could Su Ming estimate the time so accurately?"

Several people were instantly petrified.

It feels like Su Ming is like a driving force behind this world, promoting the development of this world according to Su Ming's wishes.

"Tell me, is Su Ming the god of our world?"

This chapter has been completed!
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