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Chapter 307 Actually, it doesn't cost money to build this road

Dayuan Village, Zhu Guiying’s home.

Qian Gang was tossing and turning at home and couldn't sleep.

Su Ming's words during the day were like stimulants, making Qian Gang extremely excited.

Originally, he was planning to go work elsewhere.

I even regretted why I didn’t follow their advice and accept the job assigned by the state. At least I still have work to do now.

It's good now. Su Jiang has done all the preliminary work for a quarry and asked himself to help manage and operate it.

This is simply to arrange a platform for yourself to realize your ideals.

Must work hard!

Qian Gang told himself secretly in his heart.

He basically didn't sleep all night, thinking about countless methods and rules for managing and operating the quarry. The next morning, with a tired face, he came to the village committee of Dayuan Village and found Zhu Decai


When Zhu Decai learned that Su Ming wanted Qian Gang to help manage the quarry, he also agreed in his heart.

It is much better to have people from your own village manage it than to ask people from outside to manage it.

It’s easier to communicate if anything happens.

After the two people went to Yuqingshan for an on-site inspection, they unanimously decided to start mining from the east side of Yuqingshan.

Because there are fewer houses in the mountain pass here, not many people will be affected by mining.

But there is a problem before us, and that is the road.

If you want to open the stones from here, there must be a road so that heavy dump trucks can come in and pull the stones out.

If it were still this kind of dirt road or gravel road, it wouldn't be able to support the weight of the cart at all.

"Gangzi, I think we still need to tell Su Ming what his plans are for this road. Otherwise, without the road, our quarry will be like a chicken without a butt, and it can't lay eggs even if it has eggs.

Zhu Decai said with a sigh.

Building such a road costs at least more than 500,000 yuan, which is not far, but it must be able to carry the weight of a truck weighing more than ten tons, so the quality must be good.

However, after looking at it for a long time, Qian Gang straightened up and said.

"In fact, to build this road, only this land can be used, and the cost does not cost a penny."

"Huh?" Zhu Decai almost went back to make a phone call to contact Su Ming.

Who would have thought that money just came?

"What should I say?" Zhu Decai turned around and asked.

"It's very simple." Qian Gang looked back and forth and said, "Actually, the rocks at the foot of Yuqing Mountain are quite easy to open."

"Now Su Ming said that the equipment is still being contacted, which means that the equipment cannot come in yet, but we can encourage the villagers to use the old-fashioned method to carve out the stones at the foot of the mountain, and then use these stones to pave them out directly."

"If it doesn't work, we can buy explosives and blow them up first."

"If you think about it, we can't use a cement road on this road, because the cement road can't bear the heavy weight and will crack quickly. It's better to just use a gravel road, with big rocks underneath and small stones on top."

"At that time, it will be good if the big cars can drive in smoothly. If there are big potholes in the road, we can just use some stones to fill them. There is no need to build a cement road at all. The cost is high and it does not last long."

After listening to Qian Gang's words, Zhu Decai fell into deep thought.

Indeed, the gravel road is sufficient for their development needs.

"That's not bad, it's just a matter of how we pave the gravel road now.

Qian Gang nodded: "You need to ask Su Ming about this. If explosives can be used, the speed will be much faster."

He thought for a while and then continued: "Village chief, how about you help gather the young men in the village who are free? I'll ask Su Ming and see if we can use explosives directly and start digging manually."

"Okay!" Zhu Decai responded immediately.

The look in his eyes towards Qian Gang also changed.

It feels like this young man, after being a soldier for so long, comes back as a different person.

Very capable and with a great overall perspective.

Zhu Decai had only experienced this feeling with Su Ming.

"Gangzi, if you need anything, our village will support you, but don't forget that you are from our Dayuan Village!"

Zhu Decai turned around and stepped on his cigarette that had been smoked up to the butt into the soil.

Then he blew out a long line of white smoke and said to Qian Gang.

"Village Chief, don't worry. I did not accept the country's arrangements this time. I came back directly to build Dayuan Village. This is my root and I will never forget it."

Qian Gang was a little choked by the cigarette.

My throat felt like something was blocked, so I resisted the urge to cough and said.

"Well, the future of Dayuan Village still lies in the hands of you young people. I am old and have no ability anymore."

Zhu Decai sighed, turned and left.

Only the smell of smoke blown by the wind was left.

Zhu Decai is a very transparent village chief.

He knew that he was old and that the economy of Dayuan Village was not good.

Therefore, the key to the development of Dayuan Village is not to occupy the manhole but to give the platform to young people in a timely manner.

Su Ming in the past, Qian Gang and Zhu Decai now are all willing to help.

It's just that Su Ming's footsteps were too big, and Zhu Decai knew that Dayuan Village couldn't keep up with him. So Zhu Decai put his hope in Qian Gang, a former soldier.

In comparison, Qian Gang was also watched by everyone in the village and grew up, and he felt that he was not as evil as Su Ming, so he might stay in the village more.

When Qian Gang used the village phone to call Su Ming.

Su Ming was just about to go to his factory with Lin Tongtong to take a look.

"Hello, Gangzi. What's the matter?" After Su Ming answered the phone, he realized it was Qian Gang's voice and asked directly.

Qian Gang simply told Su Ming what he had just discussed with Zhu Decai.

"Well, you guys are moving very quickly." Su Ming didn't expect that he just told Qian Gang yesterday that he would already be moving today.

"Your idea is very good. As for whether explosives can be approved now, I'll ask."

After Su Ming finished speaking, he hung up the phone and called Hu Kaidi.

Hu Kaidi knows these things better.

After Hu Kaidi learned about this, he immediately said that he would use explosives and manpower to open it, and he would open it as long as he wanted.

"I'm here to take you to approve it today. You have to go to the police station to approve this."

"Also, I have already contacted you about your equipment. The price of this equipment is not high now. If you want it, I will help you get a batch."

Hu Kaidi was still very concerned about Su Ming's matter.

He had already been paying attention to Su Ming.

It's just that some people's equipment is old and obsolete, while others are either too expensive or too remote and too troublesome to get them.

There are very few that are truly suitable.

If Su Ming really wanted it, he could still help get it first.

"Kaidi, you know better. Just help us decide. After I blow up the mountain here, it should take more than ten days before the equipment can be brought into the site."

Su Ming made a rough estimate.

"Okay, it's settled." Hu Kaidi hung up the phone happily.

Wait until Su Ming and Hu Kaidi get to know each other.

In the laboratory here.

Wei Jin once again waited for his new round of test results.

This chapter has been completed!
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