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Chapter 2311 never be the enemy

 "No matter how many thousands of miles I have to dive, I have to get out from here."

Lu Chen stood on the edge of the pool, staring at the water in the pool. It was dark and bottomless underneath.

"Master Lu, you have reached this point, I hope you can fulfill your promise."

The soul of the Super True King of the Underworld was trembling, and there was a hint of fear in his eyes as he looked at Lu Chen.

Yes, he betrayed all the secrets of the Underworld and led Lu Chen to the end of the water cave. The value has been used up.

If Lu Chen didn't keep his promise and gave him a cross-bridge plank, he would be wiped out and there would be no place to cry.

"Let him go!"

Lu Chen turned around and ordered Xiaodie like this.


Xiaodie's face changed slightly, and she held the soul tightly and refused to let go, obviously not wanting to let go of the soul.

"I hate swearing!"

Lu Chen sighed and reiterated his order to Xiaodie, "Without him leading the way, I don't know how long I would have to go around the water cave maze. He has done a great job for me. His merit is worth redeeming his soul. Let him go."

Let’s go.”

"Let's go."

Xiaodie gritted her teeth, opened her hands, and released the soul.

"Thank you, Mr. Lu."

The soul was relieved and flew into the air. He quickly bowed to Lu Chen and thanked him, "I quietly went back and reshaped my body. I will not let other people know about it, nor will I tell the Lord of the Underworld about it. From now on, I will remain anonymous and will no longer participate in the underworld."

Any business."

After saying that, the soul quickly flew outside and disappeared into the passage.

"Boss, if you kill him, no one will know, so why let him go?"

Xiaodie added, "That guy is an enemy, and you don't need to keep your promises when dealing with enemies."

"So, I hate swearing the most, even though I don't believe in humans and gods!"

Lu Chen shook his head, stopped talking about this topic, and jumped directly into the pool.

Yes, he likes to make others swear, but he doesn't like to swear himself.

However, the oath has been taken, so try to abide by it.

What's more, the disembodied soul is completely non-threatening, so what if we let it go?

Anyway, he was about to leave the Underworld Cave, and he was not afraid of the Yuan Shen going back to report the news.

Three thousand feet down into the pool, there is indeed a huge underwater passage, going straight forward to who knows where?

Lu Chen led Xiaodie into the underwater passage, turned on the imperial light, and rushed away.

After running for about a hundred thousand miles, the end of the underwater passage was indeed connected to the boundless forbidden sea.

Jumping onto the sea surface, flying high into the sky, looking in all directions, you can barely see a coastline in the distance.

On the other side of the coastline, white snow is falling, and it is a world of ice and snow.

"The land of bitter cold is the Beiyuan Territory."

Lu Chen's eyes moved back, glanced at the calm sea, and said, "This is the northern sea. The sea beasts are not strong and there is no threat."

"Boss, let's go back to the Beiyuan Territory. There is a spaceship over there to return to Central Continent."

Xiaodie suggested.

"I don't have a ghost weapon in my hand, and you have nowhere to stay. If I take you on a spaceship like this, I won't scare others to death."

Lu Chen shook his head and said, "What's more, I am currently in a state of suspended animation, and no one except my brothers in the legion knows that I am still alive.

Especially Wing Emperor, I don’t want him to know that I’m still alive and kicking!”

"Boss, you can kill three Hades Emperors now, so why are you afraid of the Wing Emperor?"

Xiaodie said.

"Of course I'm not afraid of the Winged Emperor, I just want to strike with the Yinyi Emperor's sword."

Lu Chen said.

"Boss, can't you kill the Wing Emperor head-on?"

Xiaodie asked.


Lu Chen glanced at Xiaodie and then said, "But the Winged Emperor is much stronger than the Three Sealed Underworld Emperors. If he cuts him head-on, he might not be able to kill him with one sword."

"So, the boss wants to kill the Winged Emperor with one knife!"

Xiaodie suddenly realized.

"You guessed it right, 100 points, there is a reward!"

Lu Chen smiled and said, "To kill the Wing Emperor, it's best to be unexpected and kill him with one strike. The most fearful thing is that the white tiger under the Wing Emperor's seat will come out to block the sword, and then even Yin won't have a chance to strike."

"The boss is smart and witty. As long as he lurks properly, he will definitely kill the Winged Emperor!"

Xiaodie looked at Lu Chen eagerly and said, "Boss, you have a reward for Xiaodie, what kind of reward is it?"

"You go to the Underworld Cave to spy on the news and find out that the Underworld people are colluding with the sea beasts, and you will make a great contribution!"

"However, during the time you went to the Underworld Cave, you neglected your cultivation, and your cultivation level can no longer keep up with the brothers in the legion."

"So, go back and seize the time to practice. It is estimated that there is only one month left before the Emperor is shipped out."

Lu Chen took out two boxes, handed them to Xiaodie, and said, "Here are three thousand Nine Gorgeous True King Pills and one thousand Nine Marks Emperor Pills. You can take them and use them first."

In the future, if the Emperor's Pill is not enough, I will give you another batch to ensure that you can use it."

"Boss, won't Xiaodie come with you?"

Xiaodie put away the two boxes and asked.

"I have a lot of things to do, and I don't have a ghost weapon in hand. It's not convenient for me to take you around. You can go back and practice by yourself!"

Lu Chen thought for a while and then said, "The spiritual energy has revived. There is much more spiritual energy underground than on the ground. Is there a place in the underworld with particularly abundant spiritual energy?"

"Yes, it is at the source of the Ghost River, but that side is the territory guarded by the River King, and no one is allowed to enter."

Xiaodie said.

"Here are 10,000 Jiuhua True King Pills. After you return to the underworld, you can hand them over to the River King for me."

Lu Chen thought for a while, then took out another bucket of elixirs and handed it to Xiaodie, "Tell the River King that this is a favor that I, Lu Chen, repay to him, and ask him to accept it with tears!"

During the battle with Shura, River King responded to Xiaoqian's request and led the strong men of the ghost race to help, reversed the situation, and joined forces with other races to destroy those Shura.

However, before leaving, the River King attributed the reason for sending troops to Lu Chen, making Lu Chen owe a favor.

Now that he had this opportunity, Lu Chen returned River King's favor and bribed River King to let Xiaodie go to the source of Ghost River to practice.

"The boss's Jiuhua True King Pill is the best among the best for the ghost clan, and the best among the treasures!"

Xiaodie was very happy and said, "River King must be very happy to receive your favor."

"Then, tell the River King that I, Lu Chen, owe him another favor."

Lu Chen said.

"What favor?"

Xiaodie asked.

"A favor that allows you to practice at the source of the Ghost River!"

Lu Chen glanced at Xiaodie and said, "Tell him about my plan to kill the Underworld Emperor, and he will be happy to accept my favor!"

"Thank you, boss!"

Xiaodie was overjoyed.

"After you become the emperor, don't be the kind of ghost emperor who doesn't care, otherwise it will be meaningless for me to let you stay."

Lu Chen said.

"Although Xiaodie has the support of the boss's huge resources, becoming emperor requires luck, so I don't know what year or month it will take place."

Xiaodie frowned and said, "But once Xiaodie is crowned emperor, she will definitely lead the ghost race and the human race to reconcile and never be enemies!"

This chapter has been completed!
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