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Chapter 277: Will Imprisonment

After a while, a bonfire was lit in the open space in the middle of the tribe. The women prepared ingredients one after another into fragrant food.

The child stood aside drooling, sucking his fingers until they were smooth and shiny, but he did not dare to step forward to ask for food.

They also knew that a great person came to the tribe today. He is the savior of the tribe and the person who can lead the tribe out of despair.

"Come, Lord Savior!" The old man pointed to the most distinguished seat next to the bonfire and made an invitation gesture: "Please come, Lord Savior, and take a seat. The banquet will begin soon!"

"That's probably the position of the leader of the tribe!" Although Ling Tian didn't know the rules, he wasn't stupid either. Only the leader of the tribe could sit in that position, and Ling Tian didn't want to usurp the position.

After Ling Tian sat down, the old man immediately said, "Congratulations, young man. You have sat on this position according to the rules of our clan. You will be the leader of our clan from now on."

I will have two fat daughters to marry you later. You will work hard with them to produce offspring and contribute to the prosperity of our tribe.

If you want to refuse, that's fine. Your head will be hung in front of the gate of our tribe as a punishment for teasing us and as a warning to those who come after us.

In fact, it is not surprising that Ling Tian has such a "magical" idea. When Ling Tian was a killer in the past, he also received part-time security and rescue work.

He once rescued a wealthy jeweler who was kidnapped by a tribe in the virgin forest.

The jewelry tycoon originally went to the undeveloped virgin forest with a group of international traveling friends to find excitement, but ended up accidentally trapped in a primitive tribe.

Fortunately, that tribe was not some barbaric cannibals. In the end, all the travel companions were released, except for the rich man who stayed there.

For no other reason than because he was stubborn enough to suffer from an occupational disease, he actually secretly took a piece of rough ruby ​​on the tribal altar to appreciate it.

Things will become much simpler in the future. In that tribe, rubies are a symbol of evil and devil, and they must not come into contact with the skin, otherwise they will suffer disaster.

And this rich man is actually "courageous enough" to take on the challenge, and is able to survive tenaciously? This is enough to prove that this rich man is the God of War sent by God, and is the leader who guides their tribe to prosperity.

By the time Ling Tian found the rich jeweler, the rich jeweler had become so thin that he could hardly walk. He was forced back to the city by Ling Tian.

The reason was that in order to give birth to more sons of the God of War among the tribe, the tribe kept giving the rich man food mixed with aphrodisiacs, and then sent the women from the tribe to have sex with him.

In their view, the God of War should naturally be a tireless being, and being constantly seeking pleasure is not a problem at all.

The rich man was naturally enjoying it at first, but gradually things went wrong.

Regardless of beauty or ugliness in the tribe, all adult women without children lined up to come over, and among them there were even old women in their fifties and sixties.

As a result, the gentle village became a nightmare village, but the rich man who was drugged could not stop his shaking body.

It is said that after the rich man came back, he had mental problems. In some aspects, he never stood up again.

He died in depression within a few years, and his property caused a series of disputes among his children.

Although this incident sounds funny, it is actually a true story of Ling Tian's career as a killer. This also makes Ling Tian instinctively fearful of these tribes.

Because all the principles and laws of the human world are completely useless to them. They are forgotten existences with their own independent systems and institutions.

If you want to measure them based on human thoughts, I'm afraid you will end up miserable.

Especially the tribe in front of him has nearly two hundred people, and there are nearly a hundred adult Nascent Soul stage people. Ling Tian knows that if he really falls here, even if the entire Yu Tu Sect is dispatched, it will be impossible.

Rescue him.

What's more, Yutu Zong will not pay attention to him at all.

"No, no, no!" After hearing Ling Tian's refusal, the old man said quickly: "Sir, please don't be afraid. This position is prepared for you, sir!"

After saying this, the old man paused, took a breath, and then continued: "I know that your heart must be full of doubts, sir. But when I tell you about it later, you will be able to understand everything. Sir, after traveling across mountains and rivers, I must have already

I am very tired, please enjoy the food first before talking!"

Ling Tian heard that the old man's words were quite open-minded, and he felt a little more at ease.

Moreover, there is no one in the Yuan Shen stage in this tribe. If something goes wrong, it shouldn't be difficult for him to escape with the help of a foodie.

Thinking of this, Ling Tian simply gritted his teeth and sat directly in the most distinguished position beside the bonfire.

As soon as they sat down, everyone in the tribe immediately let out a cheer, as if they had witnessed something extraordinary.

Even the wrinkled brows on the old man's face relaxed.

Ling Tian's heart suddenly trembled, and he thought to himself that it was not good. Could it be that he had taken all precautions, but he was finally fooled?

Fortunately, Ling Tian's idea was a bit redundant. After everyone cheered, there was no other expression.

The women immersed themselves in making food, and the men put on decent clothes and sat around the campfire, chatting in low voices in their native dialect.

But from time to time, he would raise his head and glance at Ling Tian secretly, which made Ling Tian feel numb all over. Could it be that the rules in this tribe are more tragic than the village where the jewel rich man fell. The rich man was at least served by a group of women, although his appearance was weird.

But she is a woman after all.

Looking at the situation before us, could it be that this group of men is making their own plans?

Thinking of this, Ling Tian couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. At this time, the old man brought a bowl of scarlet wine to Ling Tian: "Lord Savior, I'd like to propose a toast to you first!"

"Easy to say, easy to say!" Ling Tian's divine mind swept over it vaguely, and noticed that there was nothing unusual about the wine. The alcohol content was not too high, and it should be a kind of fruit wine, similar to wine on earth.

Ling Tian took the wine glass and clinked it slightly with the old man, and they both drank at the same time.

"Okay!" The men sitting around the bonfire immediately cheered. Without being polite, they immediately filled their bowls with wine and raised their bowls to toast Ling Tian.

It was the first time that Ling Tian drank this kind of wine. He only felt that the taste was sweet, without any pungent smell of alcohol. Instead, it had a light fruity aroma, and he immediately liked this kind of wine very much.

When he sees someone toasting to him, he naturally refuses anyone who comes. With his level of cultivation, he will probably be choked to death by the drink without feeling even the slightest bit drunk.

However, the rest of the people were obviously much worse. After some drank a few bowls, their faces were already red and their tongues were enlarged. They were even more hesitant in speaking and shouting something.

"I hope the savior will not laugh!" The old man said quickly: "I think when you drink this red fruit wine, you feel like drinking nectar, without the slightest hint of drunkenness!"

"That's right!" Ling Tian smiled: "I guess it's because my physique is different from yours!"

"Best greetings, savior!" The old man smiled: "If I guessed correctly, the savior should have come to a brand new world, and we are the remnants of the ancient world."

Now that the two of them had spoken, Ling Tian naturally didn't bother to hide it, and immediately nodded: "The area you are in is called the ancient ruins. To us, this is a strange world.

.Because the whole world is developing rapidly, but your area seems to have been forgotten by time!"

"We are also aware of this matter!" The old man said lightly: "Many years ago, we already knew that we were trapped here. There is no way to leave anyway, and the outside world has entered a new era.

, but here we are, forgotten in the corner of time!”

"Many years ago?" Ling Tian was stunned: "Did you try to leave before?"

"That's right!" The old man was still smiling: "This place is very small, isn't it? As long as you have the intention, it will be difficult not to notice it in the long years."

Before Ling Tian came to his senses, the old man continued: "I can't remember how long we have lived here. My father, my grandfather, and my ancestors all lived here. If you follow our tribe map

According to historical records, we have lived here for 30 million years!"

When Ling Tian heard this, he was very surprised.

Thirty million years is really a number that is too long to be imagined. Fortunately, cultivators have long lifespans, extremely strong reproductive capabilities, and sufficient self-preservation capabilities.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for any ordinary tribe to inherit it for such a long time.

"A long time ago, there was a huge change in the world. It was at that time that my ancestors had already noticed that we were isolated."

The old man continued: "Originally, our area was connected to the will of the entire planet. But after the change, the will of the planet was completely destroyed. Our area, as a piece of the will of the planet in ancient times,

The fragments have been preserved! After the new planetary will was born, our area was completely isolated."

If it were replaced by what the old man said before, Ling Tian felt that he was confused.

But during the day, Ling Tian had just discussed with the foodie about becoming a realm king.

Coupled with the story the old man just told, an idea immediately emerged in Ling Tian's mind. Could it be that the change that ended the ancient era actually originated from the struggle for will on the planet. Someone wanted to impact

The result of the King of the Realm completely ruling this planet?

If so, then all this would be much easier to explain.

It's nothing more than that at the end of the ancient times, someone wanted to replace Zixiaxing's will with his own will, and then act as the King of the Realm himself.

Unfortunately, the final result seemed to be a lose-lose situation. Although the attacker failed to become the King of the Realm, Zixia Star's planetary will was directly broken into pieces by him.

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