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Chapter 292 First Line Gorge

The location of this canyon is undoubtedly very hidden.

At first glance, it looks like the sky and the earth have collapsed, and an entire mountain has been torn in half from the inside by external forces, thus creating this canyon.

There are cliffs thousands of feet high on both sides of the canyon. Looking from the ground to the sky, only a faint white line can be seen.

As soon as the nine people arrived at the mouth of the canyon, a group of people and horses came up to them. This group of people and horses were all wearing leather armor made of animal skins, and there was an ostrich-like demonic beast astride their feet.

Each ostrich demon beast is in the early stage of spiritual fetus cultivation. Although it has no ability, it seems that it can run and sprint very fast. Compared with the full-strength running of the early stage of Yuanying, it is even worse.

Ling Tian glanced at it and found that this team was obviously one level higher than the team he met just now. There were ten people in the team, but each one was at the peak level of Nascent Soul.

Especially on their leather armor and necks, the aura of magic weapons seeped out.

"What on earth is going on!" The leader of the Ostrich Monster Beast team saw the nine people who were in such a mess that they almost crawled back: "What on earth is going on with you? We just left for a long time, and the team has already lost eleven people.

Individuals and even the captain have fallen, what happened to you!"

"Devil, it's the devil!" one of the nine people wailed with difficulty.

"No, it's not the devil. It's the savior. The savior has appeared!" Another person quickly corrected him.

"The savior is the devil!" Another person said.

Then these nine people were like ducks, chattering and telling everything they saw.

It's a pity that they have already gone insane, and a very simple thing becomes messy when they hear it.

The person from the Ostrich Monster Team who heard this frowned and couldn't figure out what happened.

Their team was temporarily sent out by the Baiyu tribe.

Today can be said to be the Baiyu tribe's heaviest loss in recent years.

First, the future clan leader Bai Fei died suddenly, and then half of the team of twenty people who were trying to find out the cause of Bai Fei's death died in an instant.

This change completely shocked the entire Baiyu tribe.

That's why the clan leader issued a temporary order for them to quickly catch up and see what happened.

"Okay, let me talk about this matter!" Ling Tian, ​​who was following a few people, walked out at this time, glanced at everyone and said: "After all, this matter has something to do with me, I want to explain it to me.

It should be the most suitable!”

"Devil!" The moment Ling Tian came out, the nine people who were exhausted all wailed in unison. They ignored the ten tribesmen riding ostrich monsters in front of them and rolled and crawled towards the depths of the canyon again.

Run everywhere.

Although Ling Tian and their clansmen appeared one after another, Ling Tian's robes were clean and tidy, which was in sharp contrast to the ragged and blood-stained appearance of his clansmen.

Suddenly, the ten White Feather clansmen who were riding on the ostrich monster showed a hint of wariness on their faces.

Finally, a man who looked like a leader came out: "I am Bai Qi, the captain of the 20th team of the White Feather Tribe Guards. Who are you?"

Bai Qi looked Ling Tian up and down. Although his expression was calm, his body was already tense, and his hand was resting on the hilt of the knife on his left shoulder. I am afraid that as long as Ling Tian shows a little bit of hostility, he will immediately bear it.

He attacks like a storm.

Ling Tian could also see that this man's cultivation level was obviously higher than that of the captain he encountered before.

Although the two people are at the peak of the Nascent Soul of the Baiyu Tribe, their cultivation levels are more than a hair apart. Even the rest of the team members next to this captain have much higher cultivation bases than the captain they just saw.

It seems that this so-called White Feather Tribe Guards Group should be the core force of the White Feather Tribe.

"My name is Ling Tian. As for my origin, I'm afraid you don't know. However, the people of the Manji tribe call me the savior. In this way, you can probably understand my identity!"

"The savior?" Bai Qi was stunned, and then screamed: "Are you the successor of Tianhun who appeared recently?"

"That's right!" Ling Tian nodded: "As for what happened, if you want to know, it's okay for me to tell you. First, Bai Fei wanted to kill me while I was in seclusion, but I killed him in return.

.And on the way to your tribe, there was a group of soldiers who wanted to avenge Bai Fei, but I killed half of them. The nine people you just saw are the survivors!"

After saying all this, Ling Tian was ready to start killing again. Although Bai Qi and his nine team members were tyrannical, Ling Tian absolutely did not need to use a second move to kill any of them.


But what Ling Tian didn't expect was that Bai Qi raised his hand and said, "Well done, Bai Fei deserves this retribution!"

After saying that, Bai Qi turned over and jumped off the ostrich monster. When he came not far from Ling Tian, ​​he suddenly knelt down on one knee and said: "Bai Qi leads the 20th squad of the Guards Regiment to welcome the savior!"

Bai Qi knelt down on one knee, and the rest of the team also knelt down on one knee and saluted.

Ling Tian noticed that these people's eyes were clear, their faces showed excitement, and there was no conspiracy at all.

This made Ling Tian feel a little confused, and asked curiously: "I killed your future clan leader Bai Fei, and then killed eleven of your warriors. Not only are you not angry, but you salute me?"

"Kill that kind of trash!" Bai Qi showed a trace of disdain on his face: "This Bai Fei is the scum of our Baiyu tribe. Relying on his father's power, he does almost all evil. This time, it's true

It was he who took the lead in contacting the Rebirth Tribe, accepted benefits from others, and then went to the clan leader to make nonsense, trying to promote an alliance between the White Feather Tribe and the Rebirth Tribe!"

"Oh?" Ling Tian immediately heard something strange and asked immediately: "You are talking about facilitating. Are the Rebirth Tribe and the White Feather Tribe not already in an alliance?"

"Of course not!" Bai Qi said quickly: "Most of the people in our tribe follow the instructions of our ancestors and welcome the arrival of you, the savior. It was Bai Fei and his father Bai Yu who received the invitation from the reborn tribe.

Bewitched. Contribute your soul to the devil, so you can make such a foolish decision!"

"So?" Ling Tian sneered: "So after Bai Fei knew that I appeared, he single-handedly attacked the Manji tribe and wanted to kill me directly. Then you had to join forces with the Rebirth tribe to deal with


When Bai Qi heard this, there was a trace of embarrassment on his face: "He is indeed such a savior. Although we want to oppose this matter, our status is too underground and we have no right to interfere with the decisions made by the patriarch and the three elders.


"Then you are really cowardly!" Ling Tian struck mercilessly: "This matter has clearly touched your most fundamental interests, but you still don't resist. Do you have to wait until you are about to die?

At that moment, did you know how to cry and regret?"

After Ling Tian finished speaking, Bai Qi wanted to argue something, but Ling Tian raised his hand and interrupted him directly: "I have no interest in getting entangled in this matter. I came here this time to get one of the three keys."

The last key to open the plane of will. Later I will go to the Rebirth Tribe to find the Book of Prophecy. I don’t have time to waste here. Now take me to the place where the key is in your tribe!”

"Yes, yes!" Bai Qi said quickly: "But the key is in the hands of our clan leader. And the clan leader is now guarded by the Yuan Shen stage monster from the reborn tribe. I think it is better for the savior to sneak into the tribe with me now.

How about you wait until you find an opportunity and then take action?"

"I don't need to worry about this matter. You just need to take me to see the clan leader!" After saying this, Ling Tian looked impatient: "I don't have much time, and I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. You can choose now.

Lead the way, or get out of the way, or be killed by me!"

"No, no!" Bai Qi shook his head quickly: "I will lead the way, I will lead the way now!"

After speaking, Bai Qi scolded his men: "You all wait here for me. This matter has nothing to do with you. No matter what happens in the clan later, you are not allowed to go back. Remember to wait until the matter calms down before returning.

In the clan, if I die, you can pass all the responsibilities on me."

"No!" His team members immediately shouted: "We must follow the captain and the savior!"

"Someone else said, Team Qi, just as the Savior said. This matter is related to the survival of our tribe and the life and death of our people. If we don't dare to stand up now, do we really have to wait for the rebirth of the tribe and the white people?"

Yu dragged us all to die!"

"That's right!" Someone immediately responded: "Whether it is success or failure, we should not regret it!"

After saying that, everyone turned over and sat on the monster beast, leading the charge. Together with Ling Tian, ​​they walked towards their tribe's station.

The gate of the tribe was open, and a group of people gathered around it. The nine soldiers who had narrowly escaped death were telling the rest of the people what they had encountered.

The next moment, Ling Tian was actually escorted by ten guards, walking towards the direction of the tribe. Suddenly someone shouted loudly: "Bai Qi, what do you mean, instead of killing him, you actually want to kill him?"

Did he bring it into the tribe?"

At Ling Tian's signal, Bai Qi immediately said: "He has already been captured. As for bringing him back, it is the clan leader's wish. If you are not convinced, just ask the clan leader!"

After saying that, he clamped his legs together and took the lead in charging towards the crowd gathered in front of the door.

Although this ostrich monster looks like an ostrich, its body is the size of an adult wild elephant. When it runs, the ground trembles, and its power is astonishing.

When the people in front of the door saw this, they immediately stepped aside in fear. Fortunately, just as Bai Qi said, Ling Tian did not show any resistance at all, but followed Bai Qi and others obediently towards the clan leader's house.

As a result, the rest of the people really had no reason to take action. They had no choice but to follow around and check the situation.

Walking into the Baiyu Tribe, Ling Tian's first reaction was that this place could no longer be considered a tribe, but a town.

I saw stone houses standing everywhere all around, some of which were as high as two or three stories, showing the dignity of the owners of the houses.

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