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Eight hundred and fiftieth chapters artificial genius

(Full text novel ¤○) (Novel ▽▽) Seeing the flying crystal core, Ling Tian couldn't help but feel stunned. There was a loud sound in the sky, and the eyes' quick reading book appeared.

Of course, she wasn't scared, but she felt incredible. That's not what Zixia said just now. She explained the danger of this matter to Ling Tian very seriously.

Because it is very likely that Ling Tian's temptation will not be successful. Maybe he will have to fight with the God of Hatred in this state. Once he accidentally encounters a trauma, the result will be direct damage to the soul, and the injury needs to be restored.

Very troublesome.

But I didn't expect that things would be so simple.

Ling Tian didn't do anything at all. He didn't even use any of the techniques he and Zixia discussed to pretend to be injured and lure the enemy deeper. That meant that the crystal core where the God of Hatred's body was was already eagerly moving towards it.

Ling Tian bumped into him.

"Go back to your body, and then save Mr. Duo. Leave the rest to me. Just step away!" Ling Tian did not come back to his senses, but Zixia had already moved on this side.

In an instant, streaks of pink mist rose up from his body, directly surrounding the crystal core.

"Damn it, what is this!" Zixia is the will of Zixia Star, and this God of Hatred is just a ray of divine thought. The battle between the two is a pure struggle of spiritual power, and there is no

Any move is possible.

Ling Tian only saw two clouds of smoke, one black and one pink, coming into contact and immediately stirred together. Sometimes the black smoke would overwhelm the pink smoke, but the next moment the pink smoke suddenly rose, swallowing up the black smoke.


There was not even a sound in the battle, but Ling Tian could feel the cruelty in it. He could also sense that it was impossible for Zixia to subdue the God of Hatred as easily as she said.

It can even be said without exaggeration.

She and that hater were basically in a 50-50 situation.

But it is precisely because of this that the benefits that can be obtained from Yiyi Gong are the greatest. But I don’t know what will happen to Zixiaxing’s will if he swallows a ray of God’s spiritual thoughts.


I am afraid that even Heavenly Dao cannot predict the changes in this. This means that it is very likely that this time, Zixiaxing's will will directly enter a new level, and even be able to compete with the creation that transcends Heavenly Dao.

Something comparable.

However, this was not what Ling Tian needed to care about for the time being. Just when Zixia and the God of Hatred were entangled in their spiritual thoughts, Ling Tian had already returned directly to his own body.

The strategy of luring the enemy deep was very successful, so that he did not suffer any losses at all. On the other hand, Duo Lao's body fell to the side after losing the support of the God of Hatred. Ling Tian immediately found the air and grabbed it with his big hand.

, and caught him directly.

Immediately, Ling Tian jumped off the Shen Destruction Boat without any hesitation and went to look for Shi Yuyan and the others.

Just as Ling Tian had thought, Wei Luo and the guards of the Vitos family all prostrated themselves on the ground, not daring to take a breath, let alone what was happening in front of them.

Just waiting for God's departure or revelation.

But the more than one hundred guards brought by Ling Tian all looked up at the sky. Although from their angle they could only see the bottom of a huge ship, they were enjoying it endlessly.

At this time, Ling Tian fell to the ground, and the group of people immediately looked at Ling Tian with respect.

Worshiping the strong is a common characteristic of all living beings. This is especially true among monster tribes. For example, if someone in the tribe wants to challenge their patriarch, it would be considered a crime of disrespect in human society.

But among the monster tribes, it is very common and normal. On the contrary, they are more concerned about who will win. The winner will gain status and the female beast. The loser will be forgotten and can only hide in the corner.

Licking the wounds.

At this time, not only did they see Ling Tian boarding the Shenzhou, but he also brought a person from China intact. What does this mean? It means that Ling Tian and the gods of the Eternal Divine Realm can actually be equal.

Now they finally understood why Wayne asked them to follow Ling Tian. This was simply a great honor given to them.

Of course, what they didn't know was that when Wayne handed them over to Ling Tian, ​​he never thought that they would come back alive, let alone receive glory.

If Nawen wanted to know that this matter would be so simple, Ling Tianqian was 100% sure that he would definitely drag his entire family along with him.

But now, he doesn't have such a good opportunity. If we want to reward based on merit, the first project is his younger brothers.

Of course, even if it is sealed, it will not be Ling Tian's turn to seal it. According to the agreement, this eternal divine realm will belong to Zixia. This is also the prerequisite for her to help Ling Tian.

Ling Tian didn't feel too disadvantaged, although if the ancient ruins could integrate this eternal divine realm into it, the benefits would be unimaginable.

But Ling Tian is even more greedy than he can chew. With Ling Tian and Lao Shu presiding over the sacrifice and refining, it would take at least a thousand years for this divine realm to be refined.

At that time, the entire Zixia Star was about to be destroyed by the Immortal Clan for an unknown number of times. Even if Ling Tian swallowed up the Eternal Divine Realm, it would have no meaning at all.

It's not a big deal to leave it to Zixia.

As soon as Ling Tian landed on the ground, he immediately made a gesture. The guards immediately understood and took the initiative to form a circle to protect Ling Tian.

Ling Tian placed Mr. Duo not far from Shi Yuyan and immediately began to check his injuries.


Duo Lao shot Shi Yuyan differently. Before, Shi Yuyan's consciousness and body were completely sealed. Although the seal is now lifted, the various functions of the body still need some time to wake up.

Ling Tian has also confirmed this with Zixia, so Shi Yuyan is currently in a deep sleep state and is not in any danger. She will wake up on her own after a period of time.

On the contrary, it was Mr. Duo! Ling Tian looked up and down, not to mention how much consciousness he still had left, the trauma on his body alone made people feel frightened.

There are two types of trauma, one is from outside to inside, and the other is from inside to outside. Now all the injuries Duo Lao suffered are injuries from the inside out.

There were no signs of bleeding on the surface of his body, but under the skin, there were black marks, crisscrossing like spider webs, probably because the muscles in his body could not withstand the energy of the God of Hatred and were directly strained.

caused by.

Ling Tian did not hesitate immediately, and a ray of pure spiritual power penetrated into it, and began to slowly simulate the spiritual power suitable for Duo Lao's body. This is also the ability that Ling Tian possesses after being inspired by Zixia.

By slightly modifying your own spiritual power, you can simulate the spiritual power in most people. A person's spiritual power can be said to be an innate password, just like a fingerprint on the earth. Everyone is different.


However, the tree of power in Lingtian's body, combined with the power of the five elements, can easily simulate the power of most people.

After a little trial, Ling Tian had successfully simulated the spiritual attributes of Duo Lao. Immediately, Ling Tian directly increased the input of energy and began to swim among the tendons and veins in Duo Lao's body, repairing them.

, warming the wounds in his body.

This process is very boring, just like asking a strong man two or three meters tall to do embroidery. This process is not the least bit painful.

It took a full ten minutes for Ling Tian to complete one-third of Duo Lao's body without repairing it. This process was really surprising, especially because the power contained in Ling Tian's body was dozens of times that of Duo Lao.

It's useless, only a small amount can be entered.

Otherwise, Ling Tian might become the second God of Hatred and tear Elder Duo's body apart directly.

The second point is that Mr. Duo suffered too many injuries, which were numerous and densely packed, and each one needed to be repaired slowly by Ling Tian.

Fortunately, under Ling Tian's constant stimulation, Duo Lao's body functions began to slowly recover, and he actually began to actively cooperate with Ling Tian to repair the wounds in his body.

This discovery made Ling Tian excited. Such a reaction at least meant that there was no problem with Mr. Duo's body and was still full of vitality. Next, Ling Tian only needed to awaken his consciousness. Mr. Duo

Then you can truly wake up.

Moreover, a blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise. If Mr. Duo could wake up from such a hardship, the benefits he would gain would be immeasurable.

In order to be able to use Duo Lao's body, the God of Hatred actually re-refined Duo Lao's body. Moreover, the God of Hatred just left in such a hurry, and there was still a part of the pure source of divine power in Duo Lao's body.

These powers are very weak, but they are divine powers after all. At this time, with the help of Ling Tian, ​​they were completely integrated into Mr. Duo's divine power, making Mr. Duo actually contain a touch of divinity.

I am afraid that Mr. Duo is now the most expensive man-made genius on the entire Zixia Star. You must know that the original divine power is an extremely rare thing for gods, and it is impossible to give it to others at will.

The origin is the foundation of power. The origin of divine power is like the foundation of divine power. Now that Duo Lao has it, he has it. In the future, Duo Lao's divine power will also be integrated into a kind of divine power.

Even after becoming an immortal, they will definitely crush existences of the same level.

After thinking about it, Ling Tian activated his spiritual power again and began the long repair work. On the other side, the battle on the Shenzhou was also continuing, but the battle was silent and gave people the feeling that

It was as if God suddenly fell silent.

However, the Shenzhou was still suspended there, and the monsters of the Vitos family had no choice but to lie there quietly, waiting for the God to leave or speak.

Time passed quietly, and Ling Tian's repairs could not be completed until the next day. Just as the God of Hatred said, although the three-day period had passed, Ling Tian and others were not able to leave.

This chapter has been completed!
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